• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,331 Views, 194 Comments

Sleipnir's Big Adventure - BlackRoseRaven

A hero makes an unlikely alliance with a stubborn prince, and they adventure across Equestria together.

  • ...

Old Oak

Chapter Fourteen: Old Oak

Prince Blueblood was still deep in thought by the time they reached the small town of Greenwood. He barely paid any attention as Sleipnir made some glib remark, Invidia immediately snapping at the earth pony... but as they began to walk down what looked like the single dirt road that dominated the town, the unicorn shook himself out of his reverie before asking: “What was it that you said? I... suppose I lost track of things for a moment. Princely concerns.”

It was a small joke, but at least it was a joke now: when Blueblood reflected on how he had been acting even a week ago, he felt like a tremendous idiot. And Sleipnir laughed, at least, although the unicorn wasn't able to take too much pride in that: Sleipnir was the kind of pony who would giggle if a pony farted loudly enough.

“Oh, fear not. I was just saying that this town bears an odd name. Generally everything I have seen in this Equestria – and from what I know of many others, too! – is that every name is another damned pun about ponies.” Sleipnir remarked easily, and Invidia gave him a wry look as Blueblood opened his mouth to argue... then halted and went over the names of several cities he knew in his head. “'Tis no wonder, really, that the gods thought so little of the All Father's project! Oh, but the most gaudy sheath can hide the sturdiest blade!”

Blueblood stopped and looked moodily over his shoulder at Sleipnir, waiting for a moment... and then the earth pony grinned and leaned forwards as he waggled his eyebrows, but the unicorn cut him off with a flat: “No. Do not use this as an opportunity to talk about your... 'blade.'”

Sleipnir huffed loudly, and then Invidia gestured pointedly to what looked like a rickety general store, where several foals were staring at them with awe from the safety of the porch. “Shall we check here for what we need to resupply? I think it would be prudent to exchange our goods as soon as possible: I doubt we will want to stay for long.”

The earth pony looked thoughtful, then he glanced over at Blueblood, asking curiously: “Would thou like to leave town by nightfall? Or shall we spend tonight at an inn?”

Blueblood opened his mouth... and he was surprised when instead of saying that he wanted to stay at the inn, he asked: “Where's our next destination?”

The earth pony tilted his head upwards as he dug a hoof into the ground, closing one eye and looking meditative before he said thoughtfully: “'Tis... 'tis not too far... aye, Mother Nature tells me it is only another day's march. We will be there by the end of tomorrow, although I cannot say that I know precisely what part of the portal awaits us there. 'Twill be... in a grove, though, with a pool. A pool, clear as day, visited often by worshipers of nature.”

Instead of arguing with Sleipnir about how he couldn't possibly know everything he claimed he did, Blueblood only shrugged before saying finally, when both ponies looked at him: “Why don't we ask around about it, then? And... then we'll decide what to do after that.”

Sleipnir smiled and nodded firmly as Invidia bowed her head respectfully, saying kindly: “Of course, Lord Blueblood. Whatever you desire, you know it is our fondest pleasure to do.”

Blueblood smiled awkwardly, and then he shifted a little before clearing his throat and turning towards the general store. He strode quickly past the foals without looking at them, pushing inside... and grimacing a little at the fact they walked into what was essentially nothing but a crowded mess of shelves, stacked in no discernible order Blueblood could make out.

He stepped forwards... and flinched as he banged his head into a bag that was hanging from the ceiling, blinking in surprise before a cheerful voice shouted: “Careful now! Hey there, can't say that I've seen you in these parts before! Who are you?”

“Polite.” Blueblood muttered, and then he sighed and strode towards the counter, grimacing a bit as he began: “I am Prince Blueblood, and these are-”

The big, chubby stallion behind the counter roared laughter at this, slapping his knee before he said cheerfully: “Oh, Prince Blueblood, is it? You must think I done just rolled off the wagon this morning! Everypony knows Prince Blueblood ain't nothin' but a lazy layabout who lives in the castle under his aunt's teat!”

One of Blueblood's eyes twitched, but then Sleipnir quickly clapped him on the shoulder, the enormous earth pony stepping forwards and saying pleasantly: “Well, perhaps friend, 'tis not our place to judge the likes of royalty. Treat us, then, as three journeyers, on our way to... well, I am not entirely sure, to be honest.”

The stallion behind the counter was now staring up at Sleipnir with amazement, whistling slowly before he said finally: “You done be the biggest pony I ever did see.”

“'Tis not the first time I have heard that!” Sleipnir exclaimed, and then both he and the chubby stallion laughed as Blueblood rolled his eyes and began to turn down the aisle... except Invidia darted quickly to his side, and the stallion winced before hurrying back to Sleipnir's side. “But truly, friend. We seek to resupply our necessities and information. Friends, could thou find what we need amongst the shelves whilst I chat with this handsome colt about what lies ahead?”

The shopkeeper looked pleased, and Blueblood hesitated before nodding with a grumble. At the same time, though, he couldn't help but be impressed by the way Sleipnir handled himself: the earth pony really could charm just about anyone off their hooves, he thought.

He turned... and sighed as Invidia smiled eagerly at him before she half-lidded her eyes, leaning in to whisper in his ear: “Give me a word, young prince... and I'll punish him for you. I'll make him scream and beg you for mercy... a mercy you will not need to give him, my most cherished friend, for he laughs and chortles like nothing more than a drunken pig, resplendent in the muck of his home... but only ask, ask, and I'll turn this whole hovel into an oven to cook our porcine friend...”

The stallion couldn't help but shiver a little at this, and then he said uneasily: “No. No, that... that's not right, Invidia. Let's... let's concentrate on getting our supplies together. I think that would be the best thing for now, Sleipnir is busy with him anyway.”

“Yes. Sleipnir, always making friends, always putting his nose in where it's not wanted... he shouldn't interfere so much with what you want, Blueblood. He should be encouraging you more... not treating you like a pack mule.” Invidia murmured, and Blueblood shivered a little before the demon smiled at him, then thankfully slipped away down the aisle.

Blueblood hurried his way awkwardly through the maze of shelves, grimacing a little as he heard the chubby pony guffawing at some other likely-dirty joke of Sleipnir's. The prince scowled a little towards these sounds... but then shifted a bit, looking away silently as he felt a burst of shame.

Sure, Invidia's little invitation had been... appealing, much as he didn't want to admit that. But it had appealed most to the old Blueblood, the Blueblood he was trying his hardest not to be anymore. He'd thought he'd already started to leave those parts behind, but all it had taken was one taunt from that stupid fat peasant, and here he was, thinking things like... like that he's a stupid fat peasant. Even if that's precisely what he is.

The unicorn sighed tiredly, lowering his head and rubbing slowly at his face. Oh, the old him would have just loved Invidia, wouldn't've he? She did nothing but idolize and flatter him and she wanted to hurt people who annoyed him and... and she had those creepy, horrible golden eyes. Those evil, terrible eyes that scared him even more than the stupid fire demon in Horsia had.

Blueblood shivered and hugged himself for a moment, then he took a steadying breath before he looked hesitantly in the direction of the laughter as it echoed through the air again. And then there was Sleipnir: kindhearted, courageous, and strong. A mentor, and someone who didn't coddle him: yes, he was kinder to him than any other pony had ever been in his entire life, but he was also firm when he needed to be, and gave him responsibilities and made sure he lived up to them.

The two sat at opposite ends of the spectrum, really: Invidia was ego, Sleipnir was altruism. And Blueblood wasn't even sure anymore where he wanted to fit on that scale. The old him had always believed that he deserved absolutely everything in the world as a prince, after all... the new him wasn't even sure that he really was a prince.

Blueblood rubbed slowly at his face with one hoof, then he glanced at the shelf beside him before sighing and reaching up to moodily grab a can of beans out of the random assortment. Well, either way there was no point in wasting his time thinking about it. It was better to just do what was asked of him, and then they could continue on their journey. After all, it wasn't like he was going to be able to get rid of either of them or head back home to Canterlot anytime soon...

The prince frowned a bit at this, realizing with surprise that in spite of all this walking, in spite of the horrors of Horsia and the fact that he missed Auntie Celestia and at least wanted to write a letter to her – which reminded him to wander down the aisle in search of ink and paper – he really didn't want to go back home. Well, sure, he wanted the comforts of home, to see all those familiar faces again... but he also wanted to finish this journey.

The unicorn absently swept up a packet of paper he spotted on the shelves as he wandered along them, feeling more than a little surprised at himself. These adventures had ended up being far more frightening and difficult than he'd ever expected them to, and yet here he was. Wanting to continue... even feeling good about where he was right now. It was honestly hard for him to process.

Blueblood eventually made his way back towards the front of the store once he'd managed to gather up all the supplies he could carry with telekinesis, and Sleipnir gave him a warm smile as he said cheerfully: “Good news, my young friend! This shopkeep has told me that aye, this fountain is quite well known. 'Tis called the Fount of Reflection, and it is said that those who drink its waters have the most wondrous of dreams. He has always told me that there grow rare and beautiful plants in great bounty all around this sacred place.”

The unicorn nodded awkwardly as he dropped the pile of things on the table... then flinched a bit when Invidia almost appeared out of nowhere beside him, neatly stacking a few cans and trinkets she had found alongside Blueblood's gathered gear. “Oh, I know of this place myself... I have never visited, but I know that it has drawn more than one of my brethren in the past, when they sought clarity of mind. Perhaps we may see others there...”

“Brethren? You mean like, your cousins? Well, shucks. Maybe they're helpin' out at the shrine 'round them parts!” said the chubby pony enthusiastically, and Invidia only favored him with a curdling look that the shopkeeper seemed to completely miss, as he instead turned a bright smile back to Sleipnir. “Y'all are some of the most interesting ponies I ever done met.”

“I am very glad to hear it, friend.” Sleipnir said easily, and then he gestured towards the objects on the counter. “We require this. And does thou know the location of a forge?”

“You just give me a minute to ring this up. And uh...” As the chubby pony started to slowly poke prices into his cash register, he mumbled: “Ain't that a funny question? But uh... well, Old Ed makes saddles and them shiny metal shoes, but he lives way off down near the gorge. Take you at least a few hours to walk down there, and he's a crusty old coot.”

“Well, it seems that we shall have to take a short side trip. What does thou think?” Sleipnir glanced curiously over at Blueblood, and the unicorn was surprised that the stallion was actually referring to him before he gave an awkward smile and shrugged slowly.

Sleipnir seemed to be waiting for an actual answer, however, and Blueblood could feel Invidia smoldering, likely eager for an excuse to lash out at the earth pony. Not wanting a scene, Blueblood said quickly: “I think that... we should see about repairs to our armor, I agree. And then we can return to this village for the night to rest.”

“Oh, well, if y'all want some restin', Jackie's is the only hotel in town! You all just tell him I sent you, he'll give you a real nice discount on account of me.” the chubby pony said cheerfully, looking up from the pile of merchandise he was still sorting through before he chuckled. “Y'all don't look like them rich folk types, after all... even if you try and talk a big game there, Prince Blueblood!”

The pony laughed loudly at his own joke, and Blueblood scowled despite himself as Invidia glared angrily at the earth pony. But thankfully, they made it through the rest of the transaction without any event, Sleipnir paying with a few jewels he combed out of his mane in front of the amazed eyes of the shopkeeper. It at least shut the stallion up for long enough for the trio to head back outside.

Then, without warning, Invidia suddenly picked up a rock from the road before spinning around and flinging it sharply towards the window of the store... except there was no crash of glass, no sound of anything breaking. And it took Blueblood a moment before he gaped in shock as he realized that Sleipnir had actually caught the stone before it could go more than a few feet, still gently smiling even as he chastised softly: “That is not the way we do things, Invidia.”

The demon trembled a bit, staring up at him before she dropped her head humbly, whispering: “Of course not. You have my heartfelt apology, most gracious of angels... I... did not think.”

Sleipnir smiled slightly, shrugging and tossing the rock aside before he patted Invidia gently on the shoulder. “'Tis alright. But do not lash out so fiercely in the future: thou must resist thy urges, learn and grow, as our friend Blueblood has. We are thy friends, are we not? Well, to truly be friends, at times we must push each other to do better, and we must scold each other when we are foolish.”

“I... I understand why you would do that.” Blueblood said quietly after a moment, and Invidia looked up with surprise as the unicorn shifted slowly on his hooves. He felt Sleipnir's encouraging eyes settle on him, though, and in spite of how much Invidia scared him, at the same time Blueblood felt like... he felt a sudden familiarity, almost a kinship with the demon as he mumbled: “But... we can't give in to those urges, Invidia. It's not... I don't want to be that kind of pony anymore. And I don't think that you... have to be, either.”

Invidia studied him for a few moments, and for once, it wasn't with her usual enraptured gaze: it was something more... more honest, and maybe more appraising than usual. But it scared Blueblood a lot less than her usual horrible golden stare, as he looked back at her uncomfortably but steadily, until Invidia finally gave a small smile and murmured: “Very well, Lord Blueblood. For you, I... I shall try.”

Blueblood smiled awkwardly at this, nodding hesitantly, and there was silence for a few moments as the two simply studied each other with newfound interest. And then, finally, Sleipnir leaned forwards and said easily: “See? We have much in common after all. Now come, whilst we still have the warmth of daylight and full saddlebags. Let us be on our way.”

By the end of the day, Blueblood was honestly surprised at how much they'd done and how... good he still felt. They had walked the two hours out to see the cranky old pony, who had eventually let him use their forge after much bargaining and arguing, and then returned to town in the early evening to get a room at the little 'hotel.'

It was a horrible little place: more of a big house than anything else, where a few bedrooms had been sloppily converted into 'private' guest rooms, but Blueblood at least got the bed, while Sleipnir was busily trying to put a foal's puzzle together on the floor and Invidia was just lounging against the wall. And the owner had served them a nice dinner, too: that had admittedly been a bit of a perk, after another long day with little food.

Blueblood had already sent a letter out to his Aunt after realizing he hadn't checked his correspondence book for the last while: she had indeed sent him a few worried letters, almost begging for a response. He felt guilty about taking so long to reply, but then again, Horsia had definitely left him... distracted, for lack of a better word.

But now he was just resting, laying back in bed and rubbing absently at his stomach, feeling... good about himself. Well, mostly: he was looking forwards to having a shower in the morning, but he honestly couldn't be bothered at the moment to get out of bed. It felt too good.

And the only thing that really annoyed him, anyway, was the fact that his mane was getting so shaggy. He reached up and absently rubbed at what was no longer a perfect coif of curls, but a flaxen forest... and then he tilted his head in surprise as Invidia suggested almost hesitantly: “I... I would be delighted to tend to your mane for you, Lord Blueblood. It seems to be irritating you.”

The stallion shifted lamely, and then Sleipnir grinned as he looked up, teasing cheerfully: “Aye, but thou looks so roguish with thy shaggy head of hair! Look at thee, thou art becoming a stallion's stallion! 'Tis a true pleasure to see!”

Blueblood smiled awkwardly at this... at least, until Sleipnir added: “Besides, 'tis not as if thou shall ever match the gloriousness that is mine own mane. Oh, sure, thy curls were pretty as a bow upon a mare, but 'twas still nothing compared to my handsome locks.”

Sleipnir reached up and flicked one of the vines growing out of his head lightly, looking proud of himself, and Blueblood rolled his eyes before sitting up. He hesitated for a moment, but Invidia was looking at him... well... like she honestly wanted to help this time, not like she had some secret agenda or anything else, so... “I... I suppose that would be acceptable. Let me wash it, first.”

“Would thou like some help in the shower? I should be more than glad to join thee! And I promise I shan't let my hooves wander overmuch, pretty young stallion!” Sleipnir said roguishly, and Blueblood gave him a flat look as he slipped out of bed.

“No, I see that you're... hard at work.” Blueblood regarded the foal's puzzle for a moment, feeling wry amusement at the fact Sleipnir hadn't even managed to get the outer edge of it together... and it was only sixteen large, very simple pieces. Except somehow he had clearly jammed several of the wrong pieces together... “You know, Sleipnir, if you're having so much trouble with it, I'm sure that we can take it back and find you something more your level. Perhaps a coloring book.”

“Nay, I am no good at coloring. I crush the accursed crayons.” Sleipnir said absently, poking at the puzzle a few times, and Blueblood couldn't help but smile a bit before he turned and let himself out of the room to head towards the shared second floor bathroom.

Thankfully, with no other guests here, he was able to take as long as he liked in the shower... and oh, the hot water felt so good, and to be clean again was a wonderful sensation, one he'd almost forgotten. He hurried up the drying process with a simple spell, then headed calmly back to the room to find Invidia sitting on the bed, smiling hesitantly as she levitated a small pair of scissors and a hoof mirror she had gotten from... well, Blueblood wasn't quite sure where.

He reached up and brushed awkwardly at his mane, then decided... well, what was the worst that could happen? He forced a smile as he approached, then said finally: “Be careful, uh... please, Invidia, and... well, I would appreciate it if you just... neatened my mane. Don't trim too much, just... well... I mean, please.”

Invidia only nodded almost shyly, and then Blueblood took a slow breath before sitting down in front of her and turning around. And then he scowled when Sleipnir looked up with fascination from his half-completed puzzle, but the earth pony only grinned before saying cheerfully: “What? 'Tis very exciting! Why, I remember when my sisters tried to prune my mane. How hard we fought that night... although, sadly, I remember mine head ended up aflame and 'twas all very uncomfortable after that.”

Blueblood winced, and Invidia sighed tiredly before she murmured: “I... I will take care of you, do not fear, young prince. Relax.”

Blueblood did his best to do so... but forty minutes later, as Invidia hesitantly guided the mirror around for him, the stallion couldn't help but feel a little impressed. She had done a great job of trimming down his mane and making him look... well, better, he thought. It was still a little shaggy, but he thought he had a rather... charming look to him. Something that said he was a tough, adventuring stallion, even if he knew he wasn't that quite yet.

“Thank you.” he finally said, looking over his shoulder at the demon, and Invidia smiled before she only flicked her horn, and Blueblood looked down in surprise as he felt a sizzling over his body before the itchy feeling of loose hairs vanished: he recognized that as a cleansing spell, but much more powerful than he was used to.

She bowed her head to him, and Blueblood smiled hesitantly before Sleipnir stood and said warmly: “Well, it has been a good night. We have done much, and we should take great pride in that! But perhaps for now, friends, we should all retire.”

Blueblood opened his mouth to argue... and then he yawned loudly, which he guessed was his body's way of agreeing with the earth pony. So instead, he grumbled under his breath before nodding and saying finally: “Fine. Then let's aim to leave early to make sure we can reach this... fountain or garden or whatever it is that interests you so much, Sleipnir.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly in agreement, and Invidia bowed her head politely before the demon murmured: “Then please allow me to scout ahead for you: I will return come morning, after I've ensured that the pool has not recently attracted... visitors.”

Blueblood nodded hesitantly, and a moment later, with a smile and a bow, Invidia vanished in a burst of black smoke. Blueblood shivered a bit, thinking that he'd never get used to that, before he glanced up as Sleipnir said kindly: “'Tis good to see both of thee getting along. But well, 'tis a nice night, and I am not one for being cooped up indoors. Besides, I know thou likes thy privacy, so I shall gladly head outside.”

“No, I... you can stay here, Sleipnir. That's... that's no problem.” Blueblood said finally, and then he cleared his throat as he gestured to the floor, saying awkwardly: “As long as you stay down there, of course.”

Sleipnir looked at Blueblood with amusement, and then he said wryly: “Well, as kind as thy offer is, young Blue, I fear I shall have to pass. Nay, I shall find a pleasant place to rest in the woodland... I wish to chart the stars, in any event. 'Twill help with navigation in the future, when I have no doubt we end up lost and miserable in some less-friendly wilderness.”

Blueblood grimaced at this thought... then looked up in surprise as Sleipnir asked softly: “How art thou? I remember when we spoke some days ago, thou wanted to return to Canterlot...”

The unicorn shifted a bit, not sure how to put his feelings into words... and then he finally gave a brief smile before he looked up and replied quietly: “Well, I used to think a lot of things, Sleipnir. But I feel as if... this journey has already made a better stallion of me.”

“Nay, it has not.” Sleipnir said easily, and Blueblood blinked in surprise before the earth pony said gently: “This good stallion was always inside of thee, Blue. Thou merely had to throw away the chaff to see the value of the grain. Thou art a fine pony: thy aunt could always see it, and I am sure others have seen it in thee as well... 'twas just all covered up by... by princeliness.”

Blueblood smiled wryly at this, but he felt absurdly touched even as he mumbled: “No, Sleipnir. I think the problem was really that I never acted princely in the first place.”

“Well, as thou likes, it does not change that once thou wert very silly and now thou art a little less in some ways, and a little more in others. 'Tis good to see.” Sleipnir reached up and mussed up the prince's mane, making him scowl horribly before the earth pony added kindly: “Now we need merely train thee to stop introducing thyself as Prince Blueblood. Simply be Blue, or Blueblood. Let ponies judge thee of thy own merit, not because of thy princeing past.”

The unicorn nodded a little, and then Sleipnir said kindly: “Well, 'twas wonderful to speak with thou, Blue. Sleep now. I shall see thee come the morn.”

Blueblood smiled awkwardly, then mumbled a goodnight as he dropped his head bashfully. Sleipnir gave him a warm look in response, then turned and easily strode away, making his way quickly and surprisingly-quietly through the hotel for such an enormous stallion.

He emerged into the night air and took a slow breath, closing his eyes for a moment and simply... taking it all in. Yes, nature was vibrant here, relaxing him, soothing him... easing his heartache, as he turned and headed down the road until he reached the edge of town.

He found a quiet little field where he was able to drop on his back and stare up at the sky above, putting his forehooves behind his head as he wondered silently where his phoenix was. Oh, how he missed her: he missed her blue eyes, and he missed the sensation of her mane tickling his face when they kissed, and he missed the strength of her embrace, and the feel of her skin, and the caress of her hooves and... everything about her.

Sleipnir sighed softly, then he shifted a little: he still felt a bit sore after their misadventure through Horsia, but... the worst of the physical pain had subsided, and a night of peaceful rest here would probably heal the last of his aches and pains. He was fortunate that being an 'angel,' as Invidia kept calling him, at least had a few benefits... but then again, he'd always healed fast.

He flexed one foreleg slowly as he rose the hoof in front of his face, studying it silently before he sighed a little and shifted a bit, turning his eyes back up towards the starry sky before he murmured: “At least 'tis truly beautiful here. And I have found a good friend and a good purpose, and yet...”

Sleipnir bit his lip, looking down uneasily. He had a terrible feeling in his gut that something awful was happening back home. That his family was in trouble, that something had gone wrong. He didn't know why he felt this way, but he had learned long ago to trust in his instincts and his premonitions, and that his bonds of honor and love to his family were more than powerful enough to let him know when something was... terribly wrong.

He shook his head briefly, then returned his eyes to the stars above. He wondered how his little sister was doing... forceful little Luna, who had grown into such a strong, proud warrior. Perhaps not noble, but with honor all the same... who understood the true meaning of mercy, and who would go to any lengths to protect the world. All the worlds, as a matter of fact.

The earth pony smiled a bit at this, then closed his eyes: yes, he knew that no matter what happened, as long as his family stuck together, they would make it through any of the evils that turned their way. Sure, he knew that his sisters didn't always get along, that Celestia could be too cunning and cruel for her own good, and Luna could be brash and reckless... but their flaws only meant that when they did work together, it made them all the more unstoppable.

He just hoped that right now, they were putting aside their differences and putting all their strength into defending Midgard... and he hoped, too, that his phoenix had found her way back home. Even if something was terribly wrong back home, he knew that she'd want to be there, and he trusted in his family to take care of her. To make sure nothing happened to her.

Sleipnir smiled a bit, murmuring: “Not that thou hast ever needed any help to take care of thyself, my love... nor would thou ever accept it! And I know... thou art most at home in the fray and the fight. Never would I be so cruel to wish thee to be in a place completely safe, my phoenix...”

The earth pony sighed a little again, then he reached up and absently rubbed at his features before closing his eyes. Here he was, wasting his time being sad, letting the heavy thoughts bother him... what nonsense! It would make his sisters frown to see him like this, and Sleipnir gave another small smile before he shook himself roughly, then murmured: “Aye. 'Tis fine and well to be sad, but there is no point in wallowing in it. Besides, there are always reasons for joy, even in the darkest of times. Why, just look at Blue and Invidia!”

Sleipnir nodded to himself, feeling encouraged by his own thoughts as he returned his eyes to the stars above. He studied the strange constellations that were not completely unwelcoming, not completely without an essence that he recognized, even if the shapes were different. Just as nature was so strong and strange in this world, and yet more docile, too, than the wilds of Looking Glass World... and yet still, it was Mother Nature, whom he loved and who loved him back.

Once he managed to settle himself, it was a good night: he spent it relaxing, studying the stars and the moon as they danced slowly through the firmament above, and just before sunrise he made his way back to the hotel. He found Invidia already waiting in the little kitchen of sorts, sipping quietly at some tea and talking calmly to the owner, and he greeted them both warmly before heading upstairs, feeling a little worried as he almost always did about Blueblood.

He gently knocked on the bedroom door before carefully pushing it open, and he was unsurprised to find Blueblood was seated in bed, breathing a little hard and looking miserable, shivering despite the sweat streaming down his body. Sleipnir hesitated for a moment, but then Blueblood looked at him with those big, sad blue eyes of his, and the earth pony slipped into the room as he murmured: “Sometimes thou reminds me of my wife, I shall have thee know. She too burdens herself overmuch... and prefers to speak with her gaze instead of her words.”

Blueblood laughed faintly, looking down and chewing on his lower lip before he finally closed his eyes and said quietly: “I... I just... I'm not ready to talk about my nightmares, Sleipnir. Only that... only that they've changed. I'm seeing... remembering...”

Sleipnir studied Blueblood silently: the earth pony knew he was a fool when it came to many things, but the young prince he had begun to understand, and he'd had many suspicions about the source of his nightmares from the start. There was no need for him to say it out loud: he was having nightmares about his real family, whoever they had been. And from the question that he had asked before, Sleipnir had the awful feeling that the colt's family hadn't treated him well.

But he would let Blueblood come to him in his own time: forcing it out of him would just shove this whole process backwards, as the earth pony instead asked: “Would thou like to tarry here for today? We can put off our journey to the fountain for more than long enough for thine aunt to send thee the sleeping charm.”

“I don't... I don't think it will work anymore. I don't know why, I just...” Blueblood reached up, rubbing slowly at the side of his face as he breathed slowly in and out, and then he looked hesitantly up at Sleipnir before half-asking, half-stating finally: “Why... why do the nightmares... they always seem worse whenever we stop in a place like this.”

Sleipnir shrugged slowly, then he said softly: “I will be honest, Blueblood. I do not believe thy nightmares are... completely the fault of whatever it is that thou experienced to birth such horrors in thy mind. Nay, there are signs about thee, Blue, that something is preying upon thy mind. Perhaps thou art haunted by a demon, or by some other fiend.”

Blueblood stared up at Sleipnir, and Sleipnir only looked placidly back before the unicorn said weakly: “You... you sound rather... calm about that, friend.”

“Oh, I am. Because if thou art haunted, then the dream eater must be following us, or keeping track of us by some other means, sneaking close enough every night to claw at thy mind.” Sleipnir said easily, and Blueblood winced at this, paling a little, but the earth pony hurriedly rose a hoof. “Nay, nay, 'tis not so terrible as it sounds! Aye, 'tis frightening to think thou may be caught in a spider's web, but first hear me out.”

Sleipnir looked imploringly at the unicorn, and Blueblood shifted back and forth before he sighed and lowered his head, mumbling: “I suppose I don't really have a choice in the matter, do I?”

“We always have a choice, Blue. Do not ever think that.” Sleipnir almost chastised, and then he shook his head quickly before continuing softly: “Now listen. The grip of the nightmares weakened over thee for a time, aye? And now thou hast said they have changed... well, 'tis because thou hast challenged thy foe thyself. Because thou wert overcoming thy nightmares, it had to strike from a different angle. To evade the new defenses and strength thou wert bringing against it.

“I know these nightmares are terrible for thee. I see it, writ upon thy face, etched into thy eyes. But thou art strong, and can push through their grip on thee. And with every nightmare thou conquers, Blue, this foe will be forced to further change its tactics, and to take more and more risks in attempting to feed upon thee. And one day, it will either be forced to release thee, or appear before thee.”

“And... and what then?” Blueblood asked disbelievingly, and then he glared at Sleipnir when the stallion only smiled at him cheerfully. “What? What exactly am I supposed to do if some kind of... of demon appears to try and run away with me?”

“'Tis simple. Thou will yell and I will pummel it.” Sleipnir shrugged, and Blueblood stared at him before the earth pony said reasonably: “Well, I am sure thou could pummel it as well, but methinks 'twould be safer for me to pummel it first. I am better at pummeling than thou art.”

Blueblood slowly closed his eyes, and then he dropped his face in his hooves before asking in a mumble: “Is this honestly your solution? Are you serious, Sleipnir, you simply want me to... to push through this until you can... punch it in the face?”

“Aye.” Sleipnir reached forwards and squeezed one of the prince's shoulders reassuringly, saying softly: “But if it will help, I shall have Invidia aid me in setting up what wards I can. And we shall find thee a nice trinket to carry with thee. A stone to put thy worries in, a dreamcatcher to halter thy nightmares. Fair?”

Blueblood looked moodily up at Sleipnir, saying irritably: “Do you honestly expect me to believe that a silly dreamcatcher is going to help at all when even Aunt Luna's dream charm often isn't enough to stifle the nightmares?”

“Well, it will if thou believes it will.” Sleipnir said simply, and Blueblood looked stumped at this response before the earth pony said softly: “Do not give the demon more power over thee than it already has. That is why I kept these worries close to mine own breast: thy haunt will feed off thy fear and sorrow and pain. If thou fears it, then it will win, Blueblood. But thou does not have to fear it. Thou art better than this foe. Thou art strong enough to resist it. And thou must never, ever forget the sole reason that we fail in life.”

Blueblood looked silently up at Sleipnir, front hooves falling into his lap, swallowing a bit as the two looked at each other for the longest time, before the earth pony said gently: “The only reason we fail, Blue, is because we do not get back up after we are knocked down. We fail only when we allow ourselves to.”

Blue looked down, and there was quiet for a few minutes before he murmured: “But we're not all as strong as you are, Sleipnir. I... I'm still scared of everything we've faced. I don't know... what to think or what to feel. I could never... walk on a broken leg like you, or fight against-”

“Thou art capable of great things, Blue. Just how great, I know we shall see soon.” Sleipnir said empathetically, and Blueblood grimaced a bit, but then looked down and nodded. “Good. Thou shall see. But fear not, today we shall head towards the fountain, and I am sure once there, everything shall be easier. Come down once thou art ready, we shall eat and then head out.”

Sleipnir reached up and mussed up Blueblood's mane, and the unicorn groaned before nodding moodily as the earth pony turned to gather his things together, then leave with one last encouraging look over his shoulder to the unicorn.

He headed downstairs, and it was only a few minutes before Blueblood came down: but during that time, Sleipnir studied Invidia and the way she was chatting with him and their host, and realized that the demon was acting far calmer now. And there was a different sense of energy about her: it was less electric, less convoluted and malicious. He was certainly glad to see it... but at the same time, a nervous feeling tickled at his gut, like something about it all wasn't quite right.

Still, when Blueblood came down, he seemed less afraid of Invidia, and Invidia greeted him warmly but not with her usual slavish obsession. And when they set off, instead of chasing Blueblood all over the path or lingering behind them, Invidia walked at his side... she even kept up decent conversation without lapsing into bouts of bitterness or vindictive cruelty, like she thought he was some kind of barrier to tear through to get to Blueblood.

They made their way out of town in full armor and with full saddlebags: the day was pleasant and cool and the trees that lined the path offered plenty of comfortable shade, and it helped with making good time as they strode away from the pioneer village and deeper into the Equestrian wilderness. Sleipnir was able to chat and ramble easily away to the two ponies between listening to what Mother Nature had to tell him, and he felt... good about things. Very good, as a matter of fact.

They took a brief break after crossing a small bridge over a narrow creek, and Sleipnir took the time to gather a few useful herbs and teach Blueblood a little more about field medicine. He had also noted that Blueblood was attempting to quietly master the meditations Sleipnir had given him... although he wasn't having much luck. Still, Sleipnir had plenty of faith in the young stallion: Blue was just trying to learn a lot all at once, and the colt had already grown tremendously since they had left Canterlot.

The sun had only just begun to set when they reached the end of the dirt road, and what seemed almost like a large park: there were even a few tents set up here and there, and some ponies were happily singing around a campfire, which made Sleipnir give a warm smile before his eyes roved towards a large hill in the distance, seated in the center of these gorgeous fields.

The hill was dense with foliage and trees and all sorts of different plants and growth, with one particularly massive old oak towering over them all. Sleipnir chuckled at the sight of this, not needing his connection with nature to know this tree was the guardian of this area... and that at its base sat the fountain they had come to see. “Shall we, friends? I would dearly like to take a look at this before we gather what we came here for.”

“Do you even know what we came here for?” Blueblood asked pessimistically, but he was already moving towards the fountain, clearly as curious as Sleipnir was.

Sleipnir only shrugged amiably, but then he looked thoughtfully up as they approached the hill, studying the plants that grew all along it, seeing vines and tapers and ferns of every shape and size... “I think I am beginning to get some idea now, though... but first let us look at this pool.”

Neither Invidia nor Blueblood argued as they climbed a path that had been trod bare by the countless hooves that had walked this hill... and then Sleipnir chuckled quietly as they finally caught sight of the fountain, murmuring: “Aye. We know each other, do we not?”

It was a gorgeous, crystal-clear pool of water that was snugly nestled inside the embrace of the massive oak's roots, not a ripple passing through the surface of the liquid. Not a single insect nor a single leaf touched the water's surface, even as the trees rumbled and rustled almost with a life of their own all around them.

A single pony was leaning over the edge of one root and staring down into the pool, but he glanced up with a small smile when the ponies approached. He gazed at them warmly, then said quickly: “If you want a drink, you better be quick about it. No one is supposed to drink from the pool after nightfall.”

“Truly? Tell me more of this custom, if thou would. I am curious.” Sleipnir invited cheerfully, and the pony lit up: he seemed even more excited about the thought of talking about this pool than he was at seeing an armored giant, a prince, and a demon approaching. Not that he could possibly know who and what they were, of course... but all the same, Sleipnir knew they cut a strange figure.

“Well, the legend goes that during the day, the sun fills this pool with warmth and wisdom and courage. But during the night, the moonlight fills the pool with hate and bitterness and coldness, thanks to the corruption of Nightmare Moon.” the pony explained, gesturing quickly at the pool. “I don't know how much of it is true, of course, but it does seem that most people seem to benefit from the waters during the day, and not a lot of ponies have been brave enough to drink from it at night...”

“Nonsense.” Blueblood huffed, and the scholar looked surprised before the prince complained: “Nightmare Moon was certainly real, but the moon had little to do with it. Luna is perhaps not the nicest pony in the world, but she is no terrible evil. It is not her fault what happened.”

The pony looked blank now, and Sleipnir slapped Blueblood on the back and nearly knocked him flat, smiling warmly. “I would say 'twas well said, but I did not entirely understand myself precisely what it was thou wert trying to say. All the same, though, I approve heartily of thy passion!”

The prince grumbled under his breath, but then Invidia suddenly rose her head and said softly: “I think what L... our friend means, is that we should not put the blame on easy scapegoats. They make for good legend... but the truth is always much more complex, is it not? For the sun can burn as well as warm; the moon can be our only beacon at night, the only source of light in the deep darkness.”

There was silence for a few moments, and the scholar looked almost embarrassed before he said hurriedly: “Of... of course I didn't mean at all that... there are a lot of perfectly rational explanations for this pool as well, after all such as... such as algae formations and-”

“Hello!” Sleipnir suddenly said brightly, loudly enough that it made the other ponies all stare at him. But the stallion was only looking warmly up at the enormous oak, leaning forwards over the sprawling root-wall of the pool as he asked cheerfully: “And how art thou today?”

No one quite dared to say anything as there was silence, apart from the creaking of the trees and the rustling of the plants... and then Sleipnir laughed loudly before saying exuberantly: “Well, now! 'Tis a true pleasure to hear such a wit in such an old and craggy oak! Usually thy kind are nothing but sage words and caution, so dependable and yet so stuffy!”

Creaks and groans, and... was that rustling actually changing in pitch? The three ponies didn't dare speak as they only stared at Sleipnir, who was looking intently up at the tree... before he suddenly laughed loudly again, almost falling backwards before he pointed at the tree and replied in a jovial shout: “Oh, as if thou art but an acorn thyself! Aye, and do not think I do not see those birch bark scrapings or smell those flowers, I am somehow certain thou art as much the mongrel as I am!”

More creaking. More strange sounds, and... did the enormous oak actually seem to shift? And then Sleipnir fell over, laughing loudly and hugging himself before he held up a hoof, crying out cheerfully: “Oh, mercy! I plead mercy, oh... oh damnation, great wicked cur! I know not whether to cry for my wounded pride or for joy, great, terrible thing... oh, how I wish my sister was here, I know thou would awaken the old tree-lover in her. And why, yes, I do mean that literally!”

The noises of the rustling bushes, the shifting trees almost sounded like... laughter. Laughter, and something else, as Sleipnir slowly picked himself up before rubbing at his face, then giving a loud sigh as his giggles finally subsided, smiling warmly up at the tree. “Aye, we shall be the best of friends... and if thy roots truly extend all throughout this mighty land, then I know we shall speak again, great oak. But for now, aye, I generously accept thy offer, upon the condition that I may share it with my noble friends.”

Sleipnir held out a hoof, and for a moment nothing happened: almost long enough for Blueblood to start doubting in the earth pony... except by now, he knew to expect Sleipnir's strange antics to always go somewhere, somehow. And so he was somehow unsurprised when what looked like a large fruit fell out of the air and landed in Sleipnir's hoof, the earth pony looking up and saying warmly to the tree: “Þakka fyrir, friend.”

“But... but oak trees don't bear fruit, and...” The scholar's mouth worked wordlessly for a moment as he stared disbelievingly at the large, rounded... “No, that's not fruit...”

“Aye, 'tis not.” Sleipnir agreed: what he held in his hoof was an almost perfect, gelatinous sphere: sap that was halfway between liquid and amber. “I am loathe to ruin the fun and games of legend, but this is the source of the pool's power: 'tis the sap of the guardian tree of this place. The water merely dilutes it. Now each of thee, take a piece, 'twill clear our minds and make rest for tonight easy.”

Blueblood shifted uneasily... but before he could argue, Sleipnir calmly reached up and firmly smacked the top of the amber droplet, and it broke neatly into four sections. The stallion passed one of these to each of the ponies present, the scholar looking stupefied before the earth pony said positively: “Well, thou hast made a study of this pool, aye? Taste now the fruit of thy efforts, friend! Thou well deserves it, much as any of us.”

The pony blushed deeply, but smiled at Sleipnir all the same, nodding a little before he bit into the amber: Invidia had already devoured hers, and Blueblood was slowly chewing the sap, surprised at how sweet it tasted. On the one hoof, it had all the texture of peanut butter, but it melted quickly into a liquid that seemed to spread warmth through his entire body, making him feel... good, in a word.

Sleipnir smiled around at each of them, then broke his own piece in half again, tossing one part into the pool before he shoved the other into his mouth and swallowed it in one easy bite. Then he sighed in relief, closing his eyes and murmuring: “Aye, 'tis good. 'Tis very good, and thou shall have my thanks forever and for a day, friend oak. I look forwards to meeting thee again upon our journey.”

The earth pony paused, then looked thoughtfully up at the enormous tree, asking with interest: “If thou hast roots that stretch across Equestria... then perhaps thou can help me, friend. I search for certain precious materials... does thou know where I might find silvered ore, the ingredients for deathgrip or a similar sealant, and gemstones that can contain a powerful magic charge? Baens, art thou familiar with... oh, do not be so cocky, I know thou art more a hen than a rooster! And... aye?”

Sleipnir cocked his head, then smiled warmly and nodded firmly before he turned his eyes towards Blueblood, who looked blank until Sleipnir declared: “Tonight, thou must write a letter to thine aunt. Tell her to send the Royal Guard here to gather sap from Old Oak. He shall be generous enough to allow it, for it will be of great use in the construction of the portal...”

Sleipnir paused, then looked over his shoulder curiously before he rolled his eyes, complaining: “Oh, come now, I am... yes, I know what I am doing, great tree. What? Thou makes no sense, 'tis perfectly logical that I know how to make a portal... oh, oh it makes more sense for a great silly tree to know the ways of building a portal than a mere pony like I? Oh shush. Thou art just being difficult. Thou art acting just like my sister. Both of my sisters, mashed into one terrible creature.”

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments, and then Sleipnir turned back towards the ponies, saying kindly: “Now that I am done arguing with the great stuffy hen-tree, I have great news. Old Oak is stretching out his roots, and he tells me he can touch or feel the presence of much of what I need for a portal. He also claims to be very familiar with how to create such powerful magic, but he is merely a silly guardian tree. What would a tree do with a portal between worlds?”

A pause, and Sleipnir cocked his head... then giggled stupidly, before blurting: “Uproot!”

The ponies only stared at him, and then the earth pony started to laugh loudly in earnest, falling back against the root wall around the pool before he wiped at his face and sighed, saying wryly: “Damnation. Thou hast a wit like a rapier.”

The tree creaked, and Sleipnir clearly tried his hardest to stifle his giggles even as he said in a falsely-outraged voice: “That is inappropriate, 'tis most... most...”

And then Sleipnir went off giggling again, and Blueblood reached up to slowly rub at his face before the unicorn almost pleaded: “Sleipnir. For the love of Heaven. Please focus.”

Sleipnir huffed loudly, and then he finally grumbled and picked himself up, saying finally: “Oh, come now, I am focused. 'Tis great news, is it not? Our journey shall be made that much easier... although...”

Sleipnir frowned a little, turning around, and Blueblood could almost swear that he caught... he didn't know what. A tone in the sound of the branches swaying? A whisper, or... something that made him think that it wasn't the best of news.

Invidia was frowning as well, although the scholar pony had backed away a few steps and was just staring at them like they were completely insane. And then Sleipnir turned around suddenly, saying quietly: “I will have to hold counsel later with Old Oak, but... it seems that of what he knows, a few of these destinations are very distant indeed... and over the years since he first sprouted, his roots have grown not only through Equestria, but even beyond. He fears that some of what we seek may require us to march into foreign and dangerous land.”

“I... well...” Blueblood shifted uncomfortably at this, unsure of what to say, and surprised at how he felt a strange... clenching in his chest at this. And it wasn't just fear of leaving Equestria: it was the thought that he and Sleipnir... well, they were supposed to be a team. And at some point, he'd decided that he was going to be there for the entire journey, one way or another...

“We do not need to make any decisions yet. As it is, we will be crisscrossing back and forth across Equestria for quite some time.” Sleipnir said after a moment, and Blueblood frowned before the earth pony shrugged, saying mildly: “Oh, 'tis very quick and easy to travel a straight route over solid land, my friend. But remember the Mines of Horsia? The labyrinth cost us days... and traveling through the snowy mountains would have cost even more. And now, zigzagging across the wildest parts of Equestria, well... we may end up without roads to lead us and only nature to help us along the way. 'Twill be many days of journeying yet.”

Strangely, Blueblood... wanted to smile. Even as he groaned loudly and swore at Sleipnir, he had to work hard to hide his smile... and didn't quite manage it anyway. And part of him wondered why the hell it felt like such good news, that he was going to be spending weeks tromping all over the country with a demon and an idiot...

But as he looked at Invidia, then at Sleipnir, he thought maybe the answer was all too clear after all.