• Published 7th Jul 2014
  • 11,628 Views, 140 Comments

Princess Trixie Sparkle - Magpiepony

This epic adventure details the trials the mane 6 must face when their bodies have been switched! This story is also a mini-series musical on YouTube!

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Luckily for Applejack, Zecora was able to effectively treat her wound with a special mixture of herbs, ointments, and tonics. She carefully wrapped her side and instructed her to take it easy for a few hours; she should be fully healed in no time. She then agreed to keep an eye on the forest and the unfriendly creatures that might be lurking nearby. Every pony was so focused on Applejack’s wellbeing that they didn’t have time to question Trixie at Zecora’s hut. However, as soon as Applejack was well enough to travel, Twilight wanted to head straight back to her library on yet another search. No pony, especially Rainbow Dash, was too pleased about that.

“I thought we already looked in every book for answers already.” Rainbow Dash said, trying her best to negotiate her way out of book-searching duty.

“Yes, but that time I was looking for something to do with that gem. This time I’m hoping to find a cause to the animals’ strange behavior.” Twilight said, combing through her books on the shelf. “Maybe you and the others can try to get as much information from Trixie as possible.”

“Yeah, if she still wants our protection.” Spike added.

“Oh so it’s blackmail now is it? And here I thought I was the only unreasonable one.” Trixie said angrily.

“What he means is it’d be mighty helpful if you’d come clean and tell us what you know.” Applejack said. She had a slight soft-spot for Trixie ever since her act of selfless bravery in the forest. Trixie could deny and rationalize it all she wanted the truth was still clear, she’d done something selfless and kind for once in her life.

“And how am I supposed to know if you ponies won’t turn on me the minute you get all your precious information, huh?” Trixie said defensively. Her limited knowledge on the matter was one of the only pieces of leverage she had left.

“Trixie, I give you my word as the spirit of the element of honesty that we will not abandon you if you help us now.” Applejack promised. The others grumbled a little but muttered their agreement; all except Twilight who was too preoccupied to pay much attention. Perhaps she was deliberately blocking Trixie out; she had endured a lot when she was in that prison.

“Alright, fine. It went something like this…” Trixie started.


A short time ago…

Trixie was eager to begin anew in Canterlot. In all her travels she had never performed there. In the past, she had been too nervous to perform in front of the Canterlot ponies. It was easy to fool ponies from places like Hoofington and Ponyville, but Canterlot was certainly no place for beginners. That, and it was a little difficult to return to the place that had rejected her in the first place. She’d applied for Celestia’s school for the magically gifted but failed to pass the entrance exam. However, after seeing the magic she could wield with the alicorn amulet she believed some of that power might still be hers. This time she could brag about the things she had actually done rather than those she made up.

Trixie set up her stage near the town square where all the best ponies would see her. She began her show like any other, fireworks and great light shows that would draw attention to herself. When she came out on stage she felt as confident as ever, looking over the faces in the crowd that had gathered. She was a little disappointed to see how many ponies had actually stopped to see her amazing show; and the ones who had looked skeptical and uninterested.

“Is that all you can do?” One pony asked her after she performed a simple trick by making a bouquet of roses appear.

“Certainly not!” Trixie protested. “I’m only warming up; there is nothing that the Great and Powerful Trixie cannot do!”

“Prove it.” Another pony said.

Trixie performed all of her usual tricks; a rope that could be controlled like a serpent from a basket that would fly on its own to lasso various odd objects lying about. When that failed to impress, Trixie summoned a rain cloud and had lightning ignite a fire that seemed to sustain itself while floating in mid-air. She was impressed by this trick and looked to see the adoring faces of the ponies watching but still saw nothing but disinterested glares. Some ponies were even yawning are her amazing tricks!

“What is wrong with you ponies? Don’t you know the truly awesome magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie? I have controlled magic unlike you have ever seen.”

“Lame.” A pony called out.

“Who said that? Trixie demands to know!” Trixie screamed, looking for the culprit.

“If you’re so ‘great and powerful’ why don’t you show us something better than light shows and foal’s play magic?” the same pony said. Trixie glared at her, snarling under her breath. She was tired of being humiliated and would give anything to have the respect she believed that she deserved.

“Behold, the Great and Powerful Trixie will impress you all with her amazing ability to turn this mare into a foal!” Trixie exclaimed. She’d performed this age spell against Twilight, and although she didn’t have the amulet she believed she could remember how to do it.

“An age spell?” the crowd murmured, their interest finally piqued.

Passing by the crowd, a hooded figure paused. She’d heard Trixie’s claim and had stayed in the back of the ponies gathered there to watch.

Trixie lifted the mare from where she stood with her magic and began to concentrate on the spell.

“Hey! What are you doing? Put me down!” the mare insisted angrily. Trixie squeezed her eyes shut and fought as hard as she could to maintain the spell. Much to her dismay, the spell had failed and the mare remained unchanged. Having to think of something on the spot, Trixie instead turned the mare’s mane a sickly brown and green with red polka-dotted fur. The mare screamed when she held up her hooves. Some of the ponies in the crowd chuckled.

“That wasn’t an age spell.” One of the unbelievers pointed out.

“Of course it wasn’t an age spell. The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t need to show off her best tricks to you neigh-sayers. She can impress you with far better magic than an age spell.”

The pony watching from the back of the crowd turned to walk away.

“I bet she’s never even done an age spell.” One mare whispered to her friend.


The pony paused and snapped her head back to look at Trixie, her eyes widening at first; then narrowing while she made a soft growl.

“Boo! Get off the stage!” The crowd taunted. Trixie bit back her rage and embarrassment and stamped her hooves on the stage, setting off a large cloud of pink smoke. When the smoked cleared Trixie was gone. The ponies in her crowd muttered to themselves and laughed as they walked away. The hooded mare remained, watching the other ponies leave. Once she was left alone, she approached Trixie’s wagon.

“They’ll see. They’ll all see. I’ll do something amazing and they’ll have to notice me!” Trixie said, kicking a stool to the ground bitterly. She let out a soft sob, then noticed a set of dark grey hooves approach her.

“What do you want?” She snapped at the unwelcomed stranger.

“Do you possess the alicorn amulet?” The pony asked. Her voice was enchanting, deep but smooth as velvet. Trixie looked up at the pony confused. The pony was hidden under her cloak but she could still see her horn, fiery red mane, and deep red eyes staring down at her. Trixie leaned in closer to get a better look at her but the pony backed away.

“I used to; but it was stolen away from me.” Trixie hissed, using her magic to start packing up her things.

“Where is the amulet now?” the unicorn asked, a little more forcefully this time.

“I have no idea. Weren’t you listening? That good-for-nothing Twilight Sparkle took it from me; just like she takes everything else from me.” Trixie said, once again her emotions betraying her as her eyes watered. The mare softened at the sight of Trixie’s pain.

“I believe I may be able to help you.” She said, putting a hoof on Trixie’s shoulder.

“Oh yeah? What could you possibly do to help me?” Trixie asked.

“I can show you great magic, Trixie, the likes of which thou… I mean… you have ever seen.” The mare said.

At her little mistake Trixie finally recognized where she had heard a voice like this before: Princess Luna. The crazy mare in the moon who had been stripped of her great power by, you guessed it, Twilight Sparkle. Surely this was not Luna, although her coat might have been as dark, this mare’s coat was deep grey, and their manes were completely different. Who was this mare anyway?

The mare noted Trixie’s hesitation and decided to give her a little taste of the magic she could do. She turned her head towards a unicorn wandering by. Her horn lit up with red sparks and the unicorn’s horn vanished from atop her brow. The pony that had been walking with her gasped in horror and alerted her friend what had happened. The pair of them screamed and panicked. Trixie lifted an eyebrow: that was certainly impressive. The mare didn’t stop there, she gave the other pony, who was an earth pony, wings. The pair of ponies cried out again, drawing attention to themselves. When others began to take notice, the mysterious mare returned them to normal in a blink of an eye.

“Are you saying you’re going to teach me magic, that kind of magic?” Trixie asked excitedly.

“Yes. If you are willing to make a trade.” The mare said.

“What kind of trade?” Trixie asked skeptically.

“Perhaps there is somewhere a little more private where we can continue this conversation?” the mare asked.

“Who are you?” Trixie insisted.

“My name is Astelle, and that is all you need to know.” Astelle said calmly.

“Alright, Astelle, we can talk in my wagon.” Trixie said, opening the door to her wagon and walking inside. At first, Astelle turned up her nose, but she bit back her distain for the tiny ugly wagon and followed Trixie inside.


“Woah woah woah, wait a minute, you expect us to believe this mare just happened to show up and offer you some kind of magical lesson?” Rainbow Dash said. She and the others had all gathered around to hear Trixie’s tale. With the obvious exception of Twilight, who was going through a pile of books upstairs.

“Is it so hard to believe that somepony would be impressed by my amazing magical feats?” Trixie snapped.

“Yes.” All of the others answered.

“Ugh. You ponies are so rude.” Trixie said, folding her hooves and turning up her nose.

“It is a little unusual…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yeah, I mean, I’ve never even heard of magic like that except with Twilight and she went POOF when she finished Starswirl’s spell and then BOOM there was this BIIIIG flash of light in the sky and Twilight was suddenly on the ground and BAM she had wings!” Pinkie said, very animated in her account of that night.

“Pinkie’s right. It took a lot of magic to give Twilight wings; she had to go through a whole bunch of magical training.” Applejack said.

“Look, I’m telling the truth but if you can’t accept that maybe I shouldn’t even tell you the story at all!” Trixie said bitterly.

“Alright, fine, just… keep talking.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Right, so like I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted…” Trixie started again.


Astelle settled into the little seat across from Trixie and turned down Trixie’s offer for some tea.

“Alright so… what’s this trade you wanted to make?” Trixie asked.

“First, I’d like to know a little bit more about this Twilight Sparkle. You say she bested the alicorn amulet?” Astelle asked warily.

“No, she tricked me! She made me take it off and then she had one of her pesky little friends swoop in and grab it before I even had a chance! That unicorn has been nothing but trouble since I met her. All she cares about is her precious reputation as Celestia’s prized student. Yeah, okay, maybe she defeated a few bad ponies now and then but if I had been Celestia’s pet pupil I could have done all that stuff too. Then I would be the princess, not her!” Trixie said, slamming her cup down on her table.

“Princess?” Astelle asked, surprised.

“Yeah, she did some kind of magical something or other and she sprouted wings. La-de-fricken-da. You know, that pony isn’t anything special. All she does is--“ Trixie started but Astelle held up a hoof to stop her.

“This Twilight Sparkle knows where the amulet is, correct?” Astelle asked.

“Yeah, but she’s probably the only pony who can get near it now; her and Princess Celestia.” Trixie mumbled. “Trust me, I’ve looked everywhere for it. The only place it could be is in the castle treasury.”

“Alright, child, I will make a trade with thee.” Astelle said, wincing again when she caught herself speaking that way.

“Whatever you want it’s yours; just teach me some of that awesome magic!” Trixie said.

Astelle took out a small parcel from under her cloak. She gently set it down in front of Trixie. Trixie immediately snatched it up and began to unwrap it. Astelle looked away when Trixie pulled a mysterious green gem from its binding.

“It’s… just a gem. I don’t get it.” Trixie said, disappointed.

“Are you saying you doubt me?” Astelle asked. “If that be the case I’m sure I can find another pony worthy of the magic I can give.”

“No no no, I’m definitely your pony but… what’s a gem gonna do for me?” Trixie asked.

“This is no ordinary gem. With it you will be able to do the one thing you have desired most in all the world.” Astelle said. Still not looking, she used her magic to take the gem from Trixie and wrapped it back up.

“What I most desire? How would you know what I most desire?” Trixie asked.

“I know because I have felt the same pain thou… you… have felt. I too know what it is like to have everything taken from her by those less than worthy. I am offering you a change at revenge against this Twilight Sparkle.” Astelle said.

“Revenge?” Trixie exclaimed with glee; she really liked this pony now.

“Yes. But now we must discuss the trade.” Astelle said. “This gem has been formed with a deep magic unlike anything any pony has seen. With it, you are able to trade bodies with a pony of your choice.”

“Trade bodies? I could be an alicorn? I could be a PRINCESS?” Trixie said in awe.

“Yes. All thou-“ Astelle growled and corrected herself again. “YOU need to do is look upon the gem at the same moment as the other pony. On its own the gem is harmless, but if two ponies have locked their gaze upon it the spell will take hold.”

“Is it really that easy?” Trixie asked.

“It is.” Astelle answered.

“And Twilight can’t change us back, right? I mean I’ll just have to look away afterwards or something.” Trixie said.

“The magic contained in the gem can only change; it cannot undue the change that has been done. Any pony who has already seen the gem would not be affected by its magic a second time.” Astelle said. “Now pay close attention, I need you to make me a promise. Once you have obtained the body of the princess, I need you to retrieve the alicorn amulet for me.” Astelle said.

“The alicorn amulet? Seriously? You already have a lot of power why would you need…” Trixie started.

“A deal is a deal.” Astelle interrupted.

“Okay okay, yeah sure. I can get you the amulet no problem. I won’t need it anyway, I’ll already have what I want.” Trixie said with a shrug. “How will I find you once I get it?”

“I will know.” Astelle said.

“What do you mean ‘you will know’? That’s a bit creepy.” Trixie said.

“Do not test my patience, child. Do we have an agreement or not?” Astelle asked.

“Yes. Yes we do. I’ll get your amulet and you give me the gem.” Trixie said with a nod.

“Good. Fare thee well Trixie, I will be in touch.” Astelle said. She calmly left Trixie’s wagon and disappeared so quickly Trixie began to wonder if she had imagined it. She looked around outside but the unicorn was nowhere to be found. Still, when she returned to her wagon the parcel with the gem was still there. She unwrapped it again and studied it intensely. She could feel the dark power it contained and it excited her.

“Looks like I have a bit of traveling to do.” Trixie said with a smug grin.


“Then I came here to find Twilight and--“ Trixie started.

“Yeah yeah yeah, we know the rest.” Spike said.

“So that’s it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes, that’s it. I haven’t seen her since.” Trixie shrugged.

“How are you going to lead us to this pony if you don’t even know where to find her?” Rarity asked angrily. “You have another promise to keep, you know. Your promise to switch us all back!”

“I can’t believe you’d even make a deal like that. You have no idea who this pony is. Didn’t it bother you that she just gave up that kind of magic all willy-nilly?” Applejack said.

“So I didn’t question things like I should have, so what? She gave me what I needed; who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth?” Trixie said.

“HAH! ‘look a gift horse in the mouth’!” Pinkie laughed.

“What about the amulet?” Twilight asked, finally joining the conversation. She looked cross and worried.

“She doesn’t have it yet if that’s what you’re asking. I asked Princess Luna about it but she got all cryptic and I guess I forgot after that. I had to plan the Grand Galloping Gala, I didn’t have time to understand her riddles.” Trixie said.

“Do you know where the amulet is, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. The others looked to Twilight, hopeful.

“Trixie was right about one thing; it should have been in the castle.” Twilight answered.

“I KNEW IT!” Trixie yelled.

“I gave it to Princess Celestia and she promised she would keep it with her and keep it safe. I just assumed it would be in the castle.” Twilight clarified. “What exactly did Princess Luna tell you?”

Trixie sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Again with the story telling? This is getting really annoying, you know. I’m not a book Twilight, you can’t just expect me to recite stuff like I’m your personal parrot.”

“Trixie wanna cracker? Bawk bawk!” Pinkie said with a giggle.

“Just tell us, Trixie.” Spike said.

“Yes, and do try to make it quick. We don’t have all day, darling.” Rarity said impatiently.


Princess Luna returned to her tower one morning after setting the moon. The sun rose in its place and she watched the sunrise alone. Even with Celestia gone from Canterlot the sun would rise and set. Clearly wherever Celestia went she was still performing her duties as the sun princess. This was Luna's only indication that Celestia was alright. However, Luna felt a pang of resentment and confusion when she thought of her sister. Despite everything she had been through and the torments she had to endure, Celestia was still not openly honest with her. Luna saw Celestia's efforts to include her in much more now that she had returned and yet she still kept her secrets. This was exactly how Luna's bitterness began all those years ago. She tried to keep her emotions and worries in check this time; the last thing Equestria needed was another attack of Nightmare Moon. Besides, she couldn't bear another thousand years on the moon.

When Celestia had come to speak with Luna almost a week prior she did not explain what was happening, only that she needed to leave for a little while. Luna tried to demand to know what was wrong, but Celestia refused to say another word. Luna knew her sister was distressed about something, but because Celestia would not confide in her she could not think of how to comfort her sister. They parted on less than happy terms; Luna was still hurt by her sister's lack of trust.

When she watched the sun rise that morning part of her bitterness melted away. She would have to learn to live with these feelings of inadequacy or else spend eternity forever resentful. That was not the kind of life Luna wanted.

"Princess Luna?" Trixie asked, knocking at the princess's door. Luna turned and used her magic to let her in.

"Twilight Sparkle. To what do we owe this visit?" Luna asked stoically.

"There is something I've been meaning to ask you about." Trixie said, taking a look around the princess's room. She was impressed by the grandeur of it and envied the detail that was absent from her own room.

"If it is an answer we can provide we will certainly do so." Luna said. She looked at who she believed to be Twilight Sparkle and felt a little bit better. No matter who else became a princess in Equestria Luna would always be the second in command. Knowing this eased her pain.

"I was wondering if you knew where the alicorn amulet is?" Trixie asked.

Luna looked shocked and confused by Trixie's question. Trixie quickly added:

"I just want to make sure it's safe." Trixie said with a nervous laugh.

"We assure thee the amulet is quite secure." Luna answered.

"Yes but… where exactly?" Trixie prodded.

"What interest doth thou have in this matter Twilight Sparkle? We hope thy curiosity has not robbed thee of thy common sense. Magic contained within that amulet is forbidden to any pony, even a princess." Luna said.

"Yeah, I know. I just uh… I had a dream about it. I dreamt that I would need to be ready to protect it." Trixie lied. She was becoming frustrated by Luna's doubt and mistrust. "Don't you trust me?"

Trixie's question caught Luna off guard. She had said those very words to her sister before her departure. Here she was playing the role that she resented in Celestia. Still, she promised Celestia discretion in regards to the amulet's whereabouts.

"The amulet is protected by the hearts of the ponies who hold it. As long as there is light and love in Equestria the amulet will be safe." Luna said.

"Where is that?" Trixie asked.

"Some matters are best left to mystery Twilight Sparkle. Thou hast no reason to fear thy dream. The princess will guard it until her last days." Luna replied. "Hast thou begun preparations for the gala?"

"Oh yeah! Of course I have. I've already picked out the theme and the color scheme…"

"The hearts of the ponies who hold it… light and love in Equestria" Twilight recited, interrupting Trixie's story.

"Hello, rude much?" Trixie said.

"Was there anything else?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, no…. but still!" Trixie said with a huff.

"I know where it is! I know where it is!" Pinkie Pie chimed happily bouncing up and down.

"Me too!" Spike said.

"Yeah, makes sense to me, mmhmm." The others replied.

"Mind sharing that with the rest of us?" Trixie asked.

"I dunno… I don't think we can trust her." Rainbow said skeptically.

"I'm sitting right here you know!" Trixie snapped.

"Rainbow, we made a promise to protect her. If she's gonna come with us she might as well know where she's goin'." Applejack said.

"The Crystal Empire, okay? It's in the Crystal Empire." Spike announced.

"Oh… so the princess she was referring to was…" Trixie started.

"Cadance!" Twilight said in shock and fear. "We need to get to the Crystal Empire at once!"

"What's the hurry, darling?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"I have a theory…" Twilight started. "If a unicorn could perform the kind of magic that Trixie indicated that would mean she could have certainly been powerful enough to be behind all the strange occurrences that we've encountered. The forest, the animals, and…"

"The shadow alicorn!" Rarity finished.

"Exactly. If I'm right, that shadowy beast could have attacked Cadance in pursuit of the amulet." Twilight finished.

"Then why would it attack Luna and me?" Trixie demanded.

"Obviously this Astelle found out you weren't going to keep your end of your foolish deal. She probably took Luna to get the information from her and you… you were probably just going to be taken as punishment." Twilight said.

"That is it!" Trixie said angrily. "That is the last time I let anypony make deals with me."

"I hope Cadance is okay!" Fluttershy said with a whimper.

"I hope I'm wrong." Twilight added.

"Doesn't sound like it, Twi. It surely does explain a lot." Applejack noted.

"But what could she want with that amulet in the first place?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, she's so super powerful on her own. At least, that's what Trixie says." Pinkie Pie said.

"I'm so done trying to convince you ponies that I'm telling the truth." Trixie snapped again.

"Okay wait a minute, my head hurts. Let me see if I've got this straight… this mysterious unicorn shows up, gives Trixie that gem in return for the amulet and she's supposedly the one who sent that shadow alicorn after the princess?" Rainbow said.

"It's just a theory." Twilight said.

"Well what are we waiting for? We need to get to the Crystal Empire We haven't a moment to lose!" Rarity said.

"Wait a minute! You ponies said you were going to protect me, and now you're going TOWARDS the place you think that monster is? That's not our deal." Trixie said.

"Well, we're all going. If you want our protection that's up to you. I'd sure hate to find out that Twilight was wrong and that alicorn beast is just stalking you, waiting for the right moment when you're all alone…" Rainbow Dash said.

"Fine." Trixie mumbled. "You win. But I expect an apology for your rude behavior. After all, I told you everything I knew and you have all acted so terribly to me."

"You first." Rainbow replied.

"I have nothing to be sorry for!" Trixie said. The other ponies stood in silence and stared at her with raised eyebrows. "Oh right… well, forget the apologies we'll just call it even. Now let's go."

Twilight watched Trixie as she haughtily left the library and fought back that urge to hate.

"I know this is tough for you Twi." Applejack said.

"Yeah, I couldn't be nice to her if she did that to me, whether she saved AJ's life or not!" Rainbow added.

"I don't even have time to think about it. I have to worry about everypony else and everything else like I always do." Twilight mumbled sadly. Her friends frowned; they were worried about Twilight. They'd never seen her so tormented before.

"Let's hope this whole fiasco resolves itself quickly, I don't think Twilight can take much more." Rarity said. The others quietly agreed.