• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 7,525 Views, 340 Comments

Daring Do and the Secret of the Fourth Wall - Ultra-the-HedgeToaster

Thrust into the world of her favorite book-series, Rainbow Dash finds herself dragged along for the ride of Daring Do's latest adventure. However, for Rainbow Dash, breaking the fourth wall may very well prove to be a learning experience.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Instincts and cave-ins

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Okay. Okay, alright.

Just when Dash thought she had gotten the hang of the situation, things had taken a turn for the weird. Again.

Well, this settled it. She definitely was inside a “Daring Do”-book. And she somehow had managed to peak ahead in the story. Rainbow Dash sighed. The situation had reached critical “Pinkie Pie”-levels of insanity, and it was time to just shrug and accept reality without question. This reality, anyway... Aarg!

Okay. She could do that. After all, she had managed to get over that one time when her pink earth-pony friend – somehow – managed to out-compete her while Dash had tried literally everything just to get away from her. Out-competed her! The fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!

A cold drop of water hitting her muzzle brought Dash back from her thoughts.

Dash had not paid much attention to where Daring Do was leading them. The larger room had given way to a series of narrow corridors snaking their way through the earth, it's walls once again fading from brick-architecture into barren stone. Soon, only a number of reinforcing pillars and the occasional torch, hanging useless on walls glittering with water, served as a reminder that this route led deeper into the temple. The ground was a muddy mess that would have given Rarity a fit.

Their own shadows were wavering, dancing across the walls in the uneven light provided by the flickering flames of her torch and Daring's oil-lamp. It gave Dash an eery feeling she could not explain. Even the shining water-droplets seeping in from cracks all around the cave-walls conjured up the mental image of a hundred tiny pairs of eyes scrutinizing their every move.

A cold shiver ran up her spine. The entire area just gave her this strong sense of foreboding...

Wait! Did that mean...?!

Dash instinctively looked up, only for ... a drop of water to hit her spot-on in her left eye. Other than that, there was nothing up there. Blinking the water out of her eye, Dash anxiously examined her surroundings.

Still nothing. A false alarm? Not like she had any idea how this new “sixth sense” of hers actually worked, or if she could trust it blindly. But she just could not shake the feeling she had come to associate with some rather unpleasant occurrence in her immediate future – and the feeling was only getting stronger with every passing second! The strange sensation of seeing danger coming, but not knowing what it was or where it would be coming from was... unsettling. Unconsciously, the cerulean pegasus' wings unfurled, and she took a defensive stance against an unknown threat.

As her eyes kept glancing over the area, she caught a glimpse of Daring Do staring at her.

“Uh, Rainbow Dash, is everything okay?”

Apparently, her sudden change of behavior had not gone unnoticed by the other pegasus. What should she tell her? “Daring! Look out ...for, err, something!” Yeah, sure.

Dash gave a frustrated sigh. She knew something was up, but there were no words to explain the feeling to somepony else without sounding like a complete lunatic!

Eventually, she bit her lower lip and forced out a weak “I'm fine! It's just that I –”


Both Rainbow Dash and Daring Do instantly froze.

Dash looked up – but contrary to her expectations, neither did she see falling rocks, a descending wall, shattered debris, hungry crocodiles nor a cave-in coming her way. Then she looked down. Reflecting the light of her torch, there was something peaking out from under the floor's dirt-cover, right under one of her front-hooves. Without taking her hoof from the ground, careful swipes with her other fore-hoof revealed a floor-tile with the depiction of a crocodile on it.

Oh. Crocodile. Funny, only a second ago she had expected a crocodile to fall on her head... err.

Further effort revealed that, in fact, the entire floor ahead was covered in animal-themed tiles. Leopards, griffons, crocodiles and so on, but also birds, mice and other small forest critters. They just had not seen them below the accumulated smudge of several millennia. And the worst part about it was, that the pattern was mind-numbingly simple to decipher. Predator, predator, predator – prey, predator, prey. It was just like the puzzle in “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone”... Except this one was so simple in it's design that even a school-filly could've figured it out.

But nooo, of course she had to step on the crocodile.

The main question was why it hadn't triggered any traps yet. That was... surprisingly very considerate of whoever had built this place. Death-traps that could kill you instantly everywhere, but this one would give you time to think about what you'd done. Great.

Daring Do seemed to be wondering the same thing, as she kneeled down to examine the image-covered floor-tiles.

“Okay, I've seen something like this before, but... hmm. I guess we're supposed to step on the tiles with the predators?” she pondered out loud. “Seeing that it's the only thing all these have in common, and that nothing happened when you stepped on this one.”


Wait... That... made sense. Why did the idea of simply not having triggered the trap not occur to her earlier?

Reluctantly, the cyan pegasus lifted her right fore-hoof from the floor. The very moment her hoof was up, Dash already knew that it had been a mistake. The next minute or two became a haze, as several events occurred in rapid succession.

First, a rumbling noise from above announced a rapidly descending ceiling. The next thing Dash knew, she was already up and dodging falling rocks and debris from the trap-mechanism that apparently had not stood the test of time and was now fulfilling it's duty of killing them in a slightly different manner as it had been intended – namely by spilling it's spiky, razor-sharp mechanical guts everywhere at bullet-speeds, and destabilizing the underground tunnel they were currently trying to escape from.

The patterned floor-panels forgotten, both pegasi bolted through the near-darkness of the collapsing corridor – Dash's torch having been extinguished somewhere along the way, and Daring's oil-lamp flickering hectically as she ran making it extremely difficult to see anything.

Rock. Dash dodged to the left.

All Dash could discern were shapes flying all around her, yet she found herself barely scraped by any of them. “Guess it's my lucky day,” Dash dodged to the left, avoiding a large chunk of rock impacting right next to her.

The cerulean pegasus ducked. Gear wheel. Cut off a few strands of her rainbow mane.

Dash heard a whirring noise coming up from behind, and the cerulean pegasus ducked just in time to avoid an out-of-control gear wheel zipping right over her head – That was close! Dash could've sworn the gear even had cut off a few strands of her rainbow mane!

...Déjà vu? No time for that.

Halt. ...cutting off her path. Left. ...boulder toppling over.

Dash came to a screeching halt, as a large boulder came down right in front of her, cutting off her path. Her ears perking up to some unheard noise, she almost instantly regained her momentum as she darted to the left – just barely avoiding getting squashed by the boulder toppling over to where she had stood merely a second ago.

Slide. Metal piece soaring right past... Jump. Finding her balance... on only two legs. Hay.

Impossibly, she crouched down and slid right beneath another out-of-control metal piece soaring right past her face. The image of two huge magenta eyes staring down at her with a mixture of shocked disbelief and confusion burned itself into her mind. It had been her reflection.

Dash didn't have any time to really think about what was happening, she was purely acting on instinct now. Muscles tensing, she prepared to jump straight from her crouched position. She landed, hind-legs first, on a slab of rock. For a moment, she had trouble finding her balance – it felt as if the rock was shifting beneath her hooves – but she managed to steady herself on only two legs. The familiar feeling of winds blowing in her face, the sensation of speed was a welcome change, comforting in this otherwise utterly confusing situation.

“Wait, what the...?”

The wide chunk of rock she had landed on was, for whatever reason, shooting sideways through the tunnel, covering a good distance before embedding itself in a wall. Dash's only thoughts in that moment were “What the hay?!” and “What the hay what the hay WHAT THE HAY?!!!”

Despite lacking a light source of her own, Dash practically – for lack of a better term – danced through the rain of stone and metal debris clattering from the ceiling. A sharp turn here, a jump purely on instinct there – she barely received so much as a scratch! For the most part, all she felt were gusts of wind as she passed through the mostly dark, and undoubtably hazardous obstacle course.

Concerns for her life soon turned into an adrenaline-fueled euphoria. In defiance of danger, Dash couldn't help but grin. This was crazy awesome!

Daring Do.

With a start, Dash remembered that she wasn't alone in the collapsing tunnel. She turned, only to see Daring Do having fallen far behind. The other mare was doing her best to work her way around the deadly debris, but it was obvious she lacked Dash's inexplicable “sixth sense” and uncanny brand of supernatural luck. She was making due with the regular five senses quite well, mostly dodging whatever came her way.


Daring Do's oil-lamp gave her a clear indication, where Daring was going. And she was heading right for disaster. She had to help her! But as Dash looked back the way she had come, against the flickering light shining into her general direction, she could see the actual scope of the situation. “Rain of stone and metal debris” wasn't entirely appropriate to describe the sight that lay before her. “Storm” would have been more befitting. Sharp pieces of rubble were flying everywhere, and not just from the ceiling, a significant number of shards – some of them as large as a pony – were bouncing off the walls and ground as well!

“How in the world did I make it through there?” Dash stared at the spectacle in morbid fascination, with Daring Do caught in the middle of it all. She shook her head, and made up her mind. Galloping back into the inferno, she yelled:

“Daring Do! Look out for the –”

...And then the floor gave way beneath her hooves.

Daring Do was in hell.

Well, that's what it felt like.

She generally hated it when ancient catacombs decided that her visit happened to be the best time to come crumbling down, but this was one of the trickier ones. She could barely see anything, and despite years of training and experience with similar situations – although training-sessions on escaping from a collapsing temple had only been the occasional oddity on her schedule – she found herself in quite the sticky situation.

Everything was flying, all around her. And in every direction.

Except for her, she wasn't flying. Her left wing still hurt, it had been hit by some of the flying debris. She couldn't discern the severity of the injury right now, but the pain was bearable as long as she didn't stress the appendage.

Darting to the left side of the tunnel, the adventurer evaded a gaping hole in the ground that just so happened to open up right in front of her – only to nearly get squashed by the wall itself crumbling to the ground, obscuring her path with more wreckage.

Forced to reduce her speed as she carefully made her way over the unstable pile of rubble right next to what might easily have been a fifty meter drop, Daring caught a glimpse of a rainbow blur shooting by over-head.

“Huh? Was that Rainbow Da-AAARGH!!” Daring held back a yelp of agony behind clenched teeth, as she took yet another blow to her back.

The path ahead was dangerous enough on it's own, and while Daring certainly enjoyed a good challenge, she sadly lacked the second pair of eyes on the back of her head that would obviously be required to evade the ricocheting shards and metal bits striking her from behind. She would have to tend to her wounds later, for now, all she could do was to canter onwa- “...aaand there goes my balance.” Daring groaned inwardly as the slab of stone she was currently standing on began sliding away from under her hooves. She just barely managed to jump off to the side, before the stone-plate rushed down the slope and fell into the pit to her right.

Once she was back on stable ground, she picked up her pace back to a quick gallop.

Only moments thereafter, something hit Daring from behind, this time in her right hind-leg. Luckily, it hadn't struck too hard, merely causing the adventurous mare to stumble momentarily, before quickly regaining her balance and resuming her gallop.

Daring had no illusions about her situation. As much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't hold this up for much longer. There was simply too much going on all around her, and she could not dodge these things forever. The light blow to her leg had just put more emphasis on this fact. The moment she injured her leg, got struck down, or maybe even just tripped – the instant she stopped, she'd be as good as dead.

Somewhere up ahead, Daring could make out a pathway that split off from the main tunnel. It had not yet succumbed to the destructive chain-reaction, and she made a dash for it.

A deformed piece of metal scrap that at one point might have been a cog-wheel shot down in front of Daring Do. She dodged, just as another part of the wall to her right burst to bits succeeding the impact of a large boulder. Zigzagging through the resulting chaos over to the other side of the tunnel, she encountered an incredibly fast-spinning metal plate rebounding between both walls near ground-level. This warranted a raised eyebrow from the adventurer, as the odds for a setup like this to fall into place completely by chance seemed somewhat small. Regardless, there was no time to waste, and Daring did not hesitate to risk a jump that could easily end with getting cut clean in half if timed improperly.

Upon landing, a small explosion right overhead caused a shower of rocks to come down right above Daring's position. She managed to evade the larger chunks of stone, but the majority of them were to small to make out in the dim light, and the pelting rubble too widespread to dodge. Daring took the blows to her back, merely protected by her trademark jacket and pith-helmet – the latter of which served her well in preventing any serious head-injuries – and galloped on.

She was almost there!

The sudden outcry of “Daring Do! Look out for the...” took her off-guard.

Daring's ears shot up straight, her pupils shrinking into tiny pinpricks at the realization – amidst all the chaos, she had completely forgotten about Rainbow Dash! Jerking her head to the source of the exclamation, she briefly lost track of where she was going – and her brisk gallop came to an abrupt end as her face reconciled with the dirt on the floor. As fate would have it, this misfortune wouldn't cost, but instead save her life.

There was no forewarning, other than a hissing noise easily lost amidst the cacophony of a cave-in. Specs of mud splattered all over her face, as a large object soared right over her head and then dug its way into solid rock only inches away from her muzzle. Opening her eyes again, the adventurer stared at a wall of metal, a razor-sharp blade sticking out of the ground at an odd angle indicating it had come shooting down from behind where she could not possibly have seen it coming.

Out of reflex, Daring raised a hoof to check on her trusted pith-helmet, but quickly reasserted her priorities as she noticed a stone-pillar hurdling towards her general direction. Swiftly rolling to her side, the bruised pegasus tensed as her body-weight pushed down on her injured wing. Ignoring the unpleasant sensation, she quickly got to her legs and resumed her escape at a brisk pace.

Finally having reached safe territory, Daring Do gave an audible sigh. “Phew, now that was some exercise!” She wiped her left front-leg against her forehead, which didn't really do much to alleviate her sweat-soaked coat from countless stains of mud. Back in the main tunnel, the noise was already dying down, and the endless stream of rubble falling from the ceiling was coming to an end.

“That last one was a close call.” she chuckled to herself, examining her helmet for damage. Relieved to see that it had not sustained anything major beyond a few new scrapes – a surprising feat considering the condition its owner was in – she put her headgear back on with a satisfied smirk.

But really, that was close! If Dash hadn't shouted at her at that very moment, she... might... not...

Daring Do smacked her left hoof across her own face as hard as she could, ignoring the sharp pain and a bleeding nose that followed.

One stupid little brush with death, and she forgot about her companion?! What in Tartarus was wrong with her?!?

But just as Daring was about to come charging back into the tunnel, there was a loud, almost comical “CRACK”-sound, as – oh, now that was just great timing – the entrance through which she had come was sealed shut by the last few chunks of rock that the cave-in had shaken loose coming down right in front of her. No matter how hard the athletic mare pushed, shoved, or slammed the whole weight of her body into the boulders blocking her path at full force, they did not budge.

“Dash! Rainbow Dash!” Daring shouted, her hooves pounding wildly against unmoving rock. “Are you okay in there?!”

There was no response.

“Celestia-darnit, Rainbow Dash! Say something, anything!”

“Just gimme five more minutes...” Dash moaned, stirring in her sleep.

The feeling of something sharp poking her in the back however kept the pegasus from returning to her peaceful slumber. Daring Do was safe. So why couldn't she just keep dozing for a couple more minutes?

However, sweet unconsciousness proved elusive, slipping away ever so slowly. Her blanket turned into a pile of rubble and dirt, and her fluffy cloud-bed felt hard and uncomfortable. Add to that the horrible taste in her mouth, and she just couldn't get back to sleep anymore. Dash slowly opened her eyes, but the darkness didn't budge. “Stupid darkness, go away,” Dash slurred, and tried to find the light-switch on her bed-lamp. As her hooves struck metal, she remembered that her bed-lamp wasn't made of that material, and was inclined to reconsider her surroundings as not being her comfy cloud-home in Ponyville.

Then, the memories of the previous day came back to her. Meeting Daring Do, being chased through the Mareican jungle by predators, discovering an underground cave-system / ancient temple, a cave-in... and the ground suddenly disappearing.

Dash frowned at that last bit. The ground hadn't just been gone, it had dragged her with it. How else would a skilled pegasus like herself be unable to keep level, even with the ground beneath her hooves gone so suddenly? Was it an air-current that had pulled her through the hole in the floor?

That particular detail was missing from her memories. Still, with everything that had happened, this only added to the pegasus' confusion. Especially considering her newfound... abilities, which had decided to stop working in that crucial moment. Granted, all the other moments before it had been crucial too, probably even more so. It was still a miracle she didn't find herself buried below a heap of dirt and rock, and she certainly was glad for –

...What the hay was that taste in her mouth?

Dash realized with a start that she was lying face-down in a clod of dirt. And some of that dirt was also now in her mouth. Jumping to all four hooves, she spat profusely, and then futilely tried scrubbing her tongue with both of her front-hooves. As they, too, were caked in a layer of dirt, her attempts to rid herself of the vile flavor were in vain.

The pegasus' wings flared in agitation, only for a sharp pain in her right wing to instantly distract her from the bitter taste in her mouth. Dash turned her head to examine her injured wing... only to remember that she couldn't see a darn thing in the utter and complete darkness she had found herself in. Exclamations of “Buck!” and “To the moon with this!” were interspersed with Dash wincing in pain, as she folded her wing back into a more comfortable position.

“Great. Just great. My wing hurts, I can't see anything, I have dirt on my tongue and I'm probably stuck down here forever. Great! Just great!” Rainbow Dash grunted in frustration.

As Dash flailed her hooves in a gesture expressing her general dissatisfaction with the current circumstances, she once again heard a quiet “clank”, and then the clattering noise of metal against metal. Apparently, she had toppled some of the metal debris to fall onto another metal surface. The interesting thing however was a tiny red dot that had burned itself on the back of her eyelids. It had been a spark. All she needed were a couple sparks to light up her torch.

Dash had most definitely never been to the filly scouts, and asides from some things she had picked up from Fluttershy's extensive knowledge of animal care-taking, her expertise concerning nature for the most part stopped before reaching ground-level. However, she had learned a useful trick or two from reading... well, heh, a “Daring Do”-book. Who'd have thought she'd ever get hooves-on-experience in that very field?

She placed the torch on the ground, and began banging the two metal pieces together atop it. It turned out to be more difficult than she had anticipated, the first signs of a fire not going past a mere glimmer before dying down again in a matter of seconds. The cerulean pegasus certainly wasn't one to start fires – if anything, as a weather-mare, she had to extinguish them in the rare case there ever was one. Realizing she was missing something, Dash paused. What could help her starting a fire? She didn't have any dry grass or tree-branches. Nor did she have a lightening cloud. Nor a stove. And those were just about the only things she could think of at the moment to start a fire.

Well – how did she extinguish them? Maybe she could... err, do the exact opposite of that? Although, the opposite of a rain cloud... well, that'd be a clear sky. Okay, so that particular train of thought wasn't going anywhere.

...Wait, why a stove? Dry grass, tree-branches, lightening clouds, yes – but why was one of her first ideas to start a fire through natural means to use a stove? Yeah, sure, but...

Oh yeah, that one time Derpy set her kitchen on fire. Something about “muffins with hot sauce” and an exploding stove. And it had been a particularly sunny day, so there hadn't been too many rain clouds to pump for water. Of course there was the well, but that was on the other side of town. Sure, she could've flown there and back in ten seconds flat, but there had been an even faster way. Dashing in at top-speed, and robbing the fire of the air it needed to spread. “Oh yeeaaah, that!” Dash smacked her hoof against her forehead.

Having found the missing key-component to her cunning plan of starting a fire, Dash's next attempt was a success. After finding the torch and the two metal plates again in the dark, Dash carefully blew on the tiny glowing spot, which soon grew into a healthy fire. Dash smiled at her – admittedly relatively minor – accomplishment, and picked up the lower end of the torch with her mouth ... only to spit it back out right afterwards with a startled yelp.

“Yuck! Pew! Ugh, gross!” Dash spat and tried to rid herself of the foul taste of centuries-old wood. “And I thought the dirt 'round here tasted bad, urgh!”

Picking up the torch with a front-hoof, Dash started examining her surroundings, but stopped after only two steps.

...How had she been holding the torch before? When she was up there with Daring Do, she obviously had had other things on her mind. And now, she... she couldn't remember. It was such a minor detail, she hadn't given it any thought at the time.

She most definitely hadn't been using her mouth to hold it. She'd remember that. Hay, she could even recall using one of her fore-hooves to uncover the alligator-themed floor-tile and firmly holding it down with the other – while she had still been holding the burning torch! If it hadn't been for the torch, she might not even have seen the floor-tile!


Wait, where did the torch even come from?! She certainly didn't remember holding it anymore when everything around her had gone haywire. Though she couldn't remember dropping it either. It just ... she just hadn't thought of it anymore up till right now, and now she was holding it in her left front-hoof.

Dash just blinked a couple of times at the jarring inconsistency.

Again, even though she had already dismissed the idea twice, this was like a dream. The moment when you realized “Wait, why does Twilight's pet-owl suddenly have the head of Applejack's pet-dog?” or “Wait, hold on, why would the famous Spitfire be a clown on my birthday party?” was usually the moment when you woke up.

Except she didn't wake up, things were just making less and less sense by the minute.

Dash moaned in resignation, and flopped onto the ground, ears drooping. She had thought she could deal with this kind of stuff. She had dealt with Pinkie's antics for years, even before they had become close friends. Pretty much everypony in Ponyville had dealt with Pinkie Pie breaking the established laws of physics at one point or another. But Pinkie Pie had always been... well, “the exception to the rule”. It would have been so much easier to accept this entire scenario and all it's oddities if Pinkie had been there. Then... well, then she could just dismiss the whole thing as “Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie” and be done with it. She had come to terms with Pinkie being random, the very rare relapse taken aside... But seriously! How did Pinkie manage to stay ahead when she had tried to –

“Okay, okay, chill down Dash, you're over that now.” She took a deep, calming breath.

Now that she thought back to her episode of “crazy insane awesome luck” back in the collapsing tunnel, the idea of “Pinkie Sense” seemed even more appropriate.

Or, in her case, “Rainbow Sense”.

“No, no, no!” Dash shuddered and vigorously shook her head to dispel the thought. There was just something fundamentally ... wrong about the mere concept! She couldn't put her hoof on what it was, but she vehemently refused to believe that “Pinkie Sense” and what she had experienced were anything alike, regardless of any similarities that presented itself.

Now that she recalled the event, a wild jumble of words and sentence-fragments came floating up to the top of her head, but seemingly without any context or structure.

The flustered mare massaged her temples to counter the beginnings of an oncoming headache.

“Urg, now I know how Twilight felt when she tried to make sense of Pinkie Sense,” she mumbled out loud, before burying her face in her free front-hoof, still consciously keeping a firm grasp of the torch she was holding in the other – even if just to make sure it wouldn't spontaneously disappear.

However, the thought of her studious friend sparked a recent memory. The wedding of Twilight's brother, Shining Armor – and all the havoc that had gone down during the wedding-ceremony.

What if the “Daring Do” she had met was actually a disguised changeling?

Dash snorted, and then burst out laughing. Just a few hours ago, this would have made sense. Heavens, it would have made so much sense. Much more sense than any other explanation she had come up with so far could have made.

The Mare in the Moon? An elaborate trick. The Mareican jungle? Another elaborate scheme, being dragged away from pony-civilization after having fallen unconscious, whatever the reasons for doing so may have been. Granted, Daring Do would have been the nicest, and most awesome-est changeling she had ever met, but still, even that would have made sense.

It would have, in fact, definitely been the most reasonable and simple explanation, the perfectly logical conclusion, for everything. But now? By this point, the idea was so far removed from reality that Dash just couldn't help but roll on the ground in a barely controlled fit of laughter.

After Dash had more or less composed herself, she stood back up. She really had needed a good laugh after all of this.

“Okay, Dash... let's figure out where you are first, and solve all the mysteries of the universe later.” She wiped away a few tears of mirth.

Holding her torch high in her left fore-hoof, Dash took a closer look at her surroundings.

In contrast to previous narrow corridors and tunnels, she found herself standing in the center of a wide and open space. Her torch's light reflected off from irregular, yet smooth stone-walls in the distance, sprinkled with the occasional gemstone here and there. The rough terrain gave a clear indication that this part of the cave had grown naturally, and didn't seem to be part of the temple's structure. Small pools of water were scattered all about, and now that she was paying attention to it, she could hear water flowing somewhere in the area, and the faint “pling”-noises of waterdrops falling.

Looking up to see where she had fallen from, Dash was surprised that she couldn't see the ceiling. The cave went up so high that the light of the torch didn't reach far enough to illuminate it. Her body's instinctive reaction to move its wings only served as a painful reminder that she didn't have the option of flying back up the way she had come from.

Without any prominent direction to take, Dash followed the sounds of water splashing. She soon came across a small underground river, stretching into the darkness in both directions. With a shrug, Dash wandered off in the direction of the water-current.

Author's Note:

Thanks to BethanyBubbles for last-minute help with editing. :twilightsmile: