• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 10,807 Views, 471 Comments

Lost Tales from the Silmareillion: Morgoth in Equestria - Imperius

The Dark Lord is defeated and given a chance at redemption by Ilúvatar

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Darkness, cold and suffocating, pressed in on Morgoth from all sides. It was almost comforting in a way. Why should he leave, he wondered. Why go back into that light when all that awaited him was torment and humiliation? Dark was his hour and there was no dawn to await him. He entertained the thought for a while, floating listlessly as though through the Void, gazing up at the brightly blazing sun that flickered with distortion from his prison.

Yes, just stay right there. It was such a simple solution to all of his problems, just staying within the quiet dark. However the world seemed to have other plans for him. He heard a muffled collision and the image of the sun rippled violently. He felt a pair of hooves wrap around his midsection, followed by a sharp jerk as he was dragged upwards. After a moment sound and sight both returned to him as he broke through the surface of Sky Mirror Lake, coughing and sputtering.

“Don’t scare me like that, Shady!” Rainbow all but yelled. “You were under there for like five minutes, I thought you drowned!”

“Thou hast my sincerest apologies for disappointing thee.” Morgoth wheezed in between hacking coughs. When his fits abated Rainbow helped him to swim back to the shore of the lake. “Look, I get that learning to fly isn’t the easiest thing, but you’ve gotta keep at it. It’s only been a couple of days so don’t worry if you’re not an ace already.”

Morgoth fought back the urge to scream at her, his frustration was mounting and her uncompromising training regimen had his patience close to its breaking point. It was only through his tremendous will power that he hadn’t made an attempt on her life.

“Thou hast made an exemplary effort to deliver a message to the contrary then. These maneuvers thou asketh that I perform are nothing short of impossible!” he snapped.

Reaching the edge of the lake, the two trotted ashore, Rainbow shaking herself off like a dog once they reached dry land. “I know. I don’t actually expect you to succeed at any of these, honestly. These are way too advanced for somepony so new to flying.”

Morgoth clenched his jaw so hard he swore he heard his teeth groaning from the strain. “Then why dost thou insist that I perform them ceaselessly?” he said, nearly growling the words out.

“Because it’s better to aim for the stars and come up short than to hit the ceiling and never go any higher.” she said simply. Seeing that Morgoth wasn’t following her she continued. “The best limits to set for yourself are the ones that are furthest away, set them too close and you’ll get complacent. It’s not enough to just want to succeed, you have to always be exceeding limitations. The second you start making limits for yourself your life effectively ends. And I don’t just mean flying, when you start acknowledging that you have limits it’ll start working its way into every facet of your life whether it’s school, work, relationships, or anything else. That’s why I live the way I do, I never do anything just one hundred percent because if something’s worth doing then it’s worth overdoing. When I buck clouds it’s not enough to just get it done, I clear the skies in ten seconds flat. When the princes invites us to one of her parties I make sure my dress is the coolest one there. And when I fly I make sure anypony watching feels like they’re at a Wonderbolts rally. You get what I’m saying?”

Morgoth was, quite simply, stunned. He hadn’t expected anything approaching that level of insight from this brash, egotistical pony. And though it repulsed him he saw similarities between himself and this creature. She may have seemed arrogant on the surface, but if one were to look deeper they’d see that her pride was not born of simple arrogance, but true knowledge that she really was the best at whatever she set out to do. She did not humble herself before others because she knew it was her right to appear as great as she was. That was something Morgoth could respect, as he knew it all too well.

Slowly he felt his accumulated rage begin to drain away. Her reasoning was sound and he would not allow her to find any fault with him. He was the greatest being to ever exist and if this pony could hold her head so high then he would as well. No other would be permitted to look down upon him, for he was Morgoth and none other was greater than he. Sensing the change that came over her companion, Rainbow smiled.

“But a break every now and again never hurts. Wanna go into town and get some lunch?” Rainbow offered.

For the first time Morgoth noticed the gnawing hunger in his belly. When was the last time he’d eaten? Not since noon yesterday, at the least. He’d forsaken meals and any other distraction save sleep in favor of training with Rainbow and muscling through her idiotic lessons. Though he was slowly growing ever more used to the infirmities his mortal body possessed, so Morgoth agreed that it was perhaps time for a meal. He’d learned the value of a good meal when he’d passed out from hunger in the middle of one of Rainbow’s lessons. “Aye Rainbow,” he agreed, “I believe some food would do me well. From where shall we acquire our midday meal?”

Rainbow hummed to herself thoughtfully, a hoof on her chin. “How about Sugarcube Corner?”

“Have we not partaken of Sugarcube Corner’s stock no less than eleven times in the past week?” Morgoth asked incredulously.

“Hmm, yeah, I think you may be onto something there. Eleven’s an odd number. We should get that up to an even dozen. Come on, Shady! Race you there!” Then before Morgoth had even registered what the rainbow pegasus had said she was gone, the only evidence of her having been there a quickly fading rainbow streak hanging in the air.

After a few moments of making sense of her mile-a-minute exhortation Morgoth unconsciously let out a deep, long suffering sigh. He was amazed at how she could so easily shift from serious and focused to whimsical and impulsive. His growing tolerance to these shifts were also a source to unease for him. It troubled him that the idiocy of these creatures was becoming commonplace to him. With a final growl of irritation he took to the air and began the flight back to Ponyville to join Rainbow Dash. As he flew he idly hoped that the pink pony’s bakery had more than cupcakes this time.

The flight wasn’t very long and took less time than it usually did. He hated to admit it but that blue wretch certainly knew what she was doing when she trained him, he’d progressed by leaps and bounds under her tutelage. A week ago flying all the way from Sky Mirror Lake into town would have been beyond him, now he made the journey in not even five minutes. Though he was certain Rainbow would have likely arrived at their destination within moments of setting out and he would just as likely receive an earful of her boasting when he caught up with her.

As he flew through town he received an unsettling number of greetings from the townsponies. He didn’t know a single one of them, but most of them went out of their way to offer a hello or a wave or a smile. Every day they did this and he could make no sense of it. Certainly he was acquainted with none of them, so why would they go out of their way to welcome him so?

Luckily he hadn’t much time to wonder at the strange actions of the ponies as before he even knew it he’d arrived at Sugarcube Corner. How he hated the abominable place. The very building was made to look like the sweets they served. In his mind it was a monument to the vast differences between Arda and Equestria. Surely there couldn’t be a single place in all the world where such a building might be found, not even within the kingdoms of the elves. Though it seemed like something a hobbit might be fond of.

“Hey, you’re getting faster, this time I only beat you by five minutes!” Rainbow announced as he arrived, drawing a sigh from the white pony.

“Aye, truly thy skill as a teacher is without compare.” Morgoth said. He’d long ago learned that he could say just about anything he desired when it came to sarcastic praise. She generally missed the sarcasm completely and assumed he was just praising her. And when she did notice she laughed at it and thought he was just being funny and flicked his nose with her tail. At least he very sincerely hoped that’s what she thought.

“Darn right!” she said, pushing open the door to the shop, Morgoth following after. A bell chimed as the two walked through the door, and the previously vacant counter instantly became occupied by a figure Morgoth was learning to hate more and more with each passing encounter.

“Hi Rainbow! Hi Shady!” chirped Pinkie Pie, hopping up and down on the spot. “You two here for lunch?”

Rainbow eagerly nodded her assent. “You betcha, Pinks. Give us the regular?”

“Two cupcakes and two sarsaparillas comin’ up!” she announced, bouncing to the kitchen to acquire their order. Rainbow and Morgoth then took their seats at a table and waited for Pinkie.

“So do you have any brothers or sisters back home?” Rainbow asked suddenly. The question startled Morgoth, and for a moment he was unsure of how to respond. How could he possibly answer such a question?

“I... do.” he said, hesitantly. Surely there could be no harm in simply affirming that he did have family.

“Cool! Tell me about them!” Rainbow said.

Morgoth regretted his decision already. “I had but one brother,” he began slowly, “who I name to be Manwë.”

“That’s a weird name.” Rainbow remarked. “Does it mean anything?”

Morgoth nodded. “Aye, it is in a tongue called Sindarin. In this tongue it means Blessed One.”

“Wow, that’s pretty cool. But how come he got a weird name and you got a normal one?” she pressed on, confusing Morgoth with the strangeness of her questions.

“I...” Morgoth wondered if it was wise to tell her of his original name. He thought that it should not be strange that he had a second name, after all it was a common thing in Arda to have many names. But surely no harm could come from simply affirming that he had one. “Our father did give me a name in the language of Quenya, though I shall not tell you it.”

“Aw, that’s no fun!” Rainbow whined. “Can you at least tell me what it means?”

“The meaning of my name translates to He Who Arises in Might in thy tongue.” Morgoth explained.

“Wow!” Rainbow exclaimed. “That’s so awesome! It’s definitely way cooler than your brother’s.”

“We were not gifted with our names simply based on how they sound, our names were our very essence. I was the greatest of we two and he... he was the most beloved by our father.” Morgoth finished lamely.

Rainbow winced. “Aw come on, don’t talk like that! I’m sure he loved you too.”

“Aye, t’is truth thou speaketh, though he held far more love for blessed Manwë than he ever did for me.” Morgoth said bitterly. “Manwë could do no wrong and pleased our father in all things. But I, who sought to be just as great as our father, to follow in his great footsteps, to be as he was, disappointed him at every turn. And when the time came for us to truly prove ourselves to him I sought to put myself apart from my brother and show our father how much greater I was, how deserving of my name I was. But instead of praise and honor he chastised me for my shortcomings. I was a naive fool to think he would truly see my genius for what it was.

“Our father then raised him up and cast me aside. My time upon Arda thenceforth was spent in opposition to my brother, proving to all my greatness and striving against him in all his endeavors. Needless to say there is no love lost between us siblings.” Morgoth then looked up at Rainbow and locked eyes with her. “Dost thou find mine answer to be satisfactory?”

“Uh...” Rainbow really had no idea what to say to that. She’d intended for it to be a friendly discussion and maybe a way to see if perhaps they had anything in common. She had no idea it was such a touchy subject, and her poor luck now had her faced with an incredibly awkward situation. Fortunately for one as tactful as she, a way out was little trouble in securing. “Oh hey, the food’s here! Thanks Pinkie!”

Pinkie deposited the drinks and pastries on the table between the two and scooped up the bits Rainbow tossed down. “No problem at all, Dashie! Enjoy!” she said, hopping out back to do Eru only knew what.

Rainbow Dash wasted no time tucking into her cupcake, demolishing it in mere seconds and then moving onto her sarsaparilla. Morgoth, however, merely stared at his cupcake. All he’d eaten so far in this damnable land were cupcakes. He could no longer stomach the hated things by this point.

Rainbow Dash, finally sucking up the last drops of her soda, looked over at Morgoth’s uneaten cupcake covetously. “Hey, you gonna eat that?” she asked. Morgoth responded by simply pushing the cupcake over the table towards her. “Sweet! Thanks a million, Shady!” Morgoth winced at his unfortunate nickname and watched as Rainbow Dash demolished the second cupcake.

“Cupcakes not really your thing?” a voice behind him asked. Morgoth turned around to find the grey pegasus mare he’d recently assisted standing behind him.

“I believe perhaps I have eaten more than my fill of them.” he said in response, casting a wary eye at the confectionary. Ditzy noticed the look and giggled, removing a bulging paper bag from her saddlebags.

“Mmf mrf mmf!” she said around the bag in her mouth. Morgoth only stared in response, unsure of what to say. Ditzy quickly placed the bag on the table he sat at. “Sorry! I said you’ll probably like these then.” She then opened the bag and pulled out her own baked good and put it on the table in front of Morgoth.

Morgoth stared at it a moment. “It seems to me as a cupcake without its frosting.” he said.

Ditzy cocked her head at the statement. “Have you never had a muffin before?” she asked quizzically. When Morgoth shook his head in the negative she gasped. “Well then you need to try one! If cupcakes aren’t your thing I’m sure you’ll love these! They’re way better than cupcakes anyways.”

An amused snort came from somewhere in the store, and Ditzy turned around to glare at Pinkie standing at the counter. “What?” Pinkie asked, feigning innocence when she noticed Ditzy’s glare. “I didn’t say anything!”

Ignoring the two mares, Morgoth picked up the muffin and, deciding it couldn’t be any worse than a cupcake, bit into it. He loved it instantly. It was light and fluffy and moist and sweet, but not overly so as cupcakes were, and the blueberries in it added the perfect touch. He also enjoyed that it lacked the overly decadent frosting of cupcakes, opting for a more humble appearance. Morgoth let out an unconscious hum of approval as he chewed and Ditzy’s face lit up. While he wasn’t paying attention Ditzy turned around and blew a raspberry at Pinkie who only stuck up her nose and walked back into the kitchen.

“So you like it?” Ditzy asked.

Morgoth nodded in confirmation as he chewed happily. “Aye, t’is a delightful treat. I thank thee for thy most generous gift.” he said, taking another chomp out of the muffin.

Ditzy pushed the paper bag towards him. “You can have the rest then! I never got a chance to thank you for helping me out with those bullies. I don’t know what you did, but they haven’t bothered me at all since you helped me.”

“When the mood strikes me I can be a capable wordsmith. T’was a trivial task, with their misdeeds brought into light they were quick to rescind their ways.” Morgoth said, a grin coming to his face as he remembered the fools he’d terrorized.

“Well you must have said something right, they haven’t come near me all week!” she said in amazement.

“T’was my pleasure to aid thee in thy time of need, fair Ditzy. Shouldst thou ever require mine aid again I shall be happy to render it in any way I might.” Morgoth then clamped his mouth shut, utterly at a loss as to where any of those words had come from or why he’d spoken them at all.

Ditzy threw her forelegs around Morgoth and squeezed. “Thank you so much, Shady, you’re the best!” she gushed. Morgoth froze the second her hooves encircled him, every muscle in his body going taught. What in his own black name was the pony doing? Was she attacking him? It seemed like it with the way she was crushing the air from his lungs. How should he respond? He had to decide quickly as thinking itself was starting to take on some difficulty with the haze of asphyxiation clouding his mind.

“Uh, Ditzy? I think you might be hugging him a little too tight.” he heard Rainbow say. Suddenly the pressure was gone and he slumped over, toppling from his seat, wheezing.

“Oh jeez! I’m so sorry! I guess I got a little carried away there...” she said, smiling sheepishly, her ears pinned down against her head in embarrassment.

Morgoth sucked in a great breath of air and waited for the spots to recede from his vision before responding. Slowly he got to his hooves and retook his seat. “T’is quite alright, Lady Ditzy. Think nothing of it.” he replied, eyeing her warily. He would have to keep that monstrous strength of hers in mind. It was as though she were some wretched spawn of the thrice-damned Tulkas.

“Well my lunch break’s about over so I gotta get back to work. See ya later Shady and Rainbow!” she chirped happily, trotting out of the store.

Morgoth watched her go, regarding her curiously as she went. What a strange creature she was.

“Well it looks like you made a friend then!” Rainbow exclaimed after the grey mare exited the store.

Morgoth turned his attention back to Rainbow, who he noticed with some displeasure was eyeing his newly acquired bag of muffins. “I am not so sure. She was simply expressing her gratitude for the assistance I hath rendered her, I wouldst imagine.” he said, subtly pulling the delicious muffins closer to protect them from the ravenous pegasus.

“Well yeah, but the thing is Ditzy doesn’t really have many friends, and not that many ponies bother themselves with her. Her eyes kinda weird ponies out, ya know? She gets teased about them a lot so she really keeps to herself.” Rainbow explained. “You getting rid of those bullies was a huge thing to her, so I can say pretty confidently that she considers you a close friend by this point.”

“Truly?” Morgoth asked, surprised. “Surely the forging of friendships must be a more complex thing than that. T’was such a trivial task I performed for her.”

“Simple or difficult, you still helped her out, which is what friends do for each other. You didn’t have many friends back in Arda, did you?” Rainbow asked bluntly.

“I... did not.” he said, feeling slightly awkward saying it. But why should he? He had never had any need for friends. Why should it make him feel so out of place? “My life was dedicated to my rivalry with my brother, I had little time or need for friends. In truth I think there is only one who ever could have been said to bear that title.”

Rainbow frowned. “Jeez, that whole sibling rivalry really consumed your life, didn’t it? Oh well, one friend is better than none at all. Why don’t you tell me about him? I bet any friend of yours would have to be pretty awesome.” she suggested, silently hoping this conversation would fare better than the one about his brother.

Morgoth sighed in remembrance. “He is the only one that comes to my mind who could fit the description of the word “friend” as it is known to me, so long as my understanding of it is correct. He went by many names, and it should be a fool’s errand to attempt to name them all, to the world he was Sauron, but to me he was always Mairon. In all things he supported me and always happily, neither opposition nor unfavorable odds would sway him from my side. He saw my greatness, recognized my genius, and with him at my side a great many of my endeavors were made possible.”

Rainbow finished off Morgoth’s sarsaparilla with a sigh of contentment and pointed a hoof at him. “Now that sounds like a real friend. By your side no matter what, through thick and thin. That’s what loyalty’s all about. You’re lucky to be able to call this Sauron guy your friend, those are the kind of friends that stick around forever even when the rest have moved on.” she remarked.

Morgoth then realized that she was right, Mairon had been the epitome of a loyal friend. He was lucky to have been able to count the Maia as his friend. And he realized that he disliked the fact that he was never to be reunited with him, that they were to forever remain a world apart. For the first time in his life, Morgoth felt regret. Regret that such friendship was now forever denied to him, and regret that he had not recognized what he’d had and that he’d always taken it for granted.

Noticing his creeping melancholy, Rainbow felt she should say something. “You seem like you really miss him.”

And it dawned on Morgoth that he did miss Mairon, he had been his right hand since time immemorial. He then found himself nodding at the rainbow pony’s words. “Aye, t’would seem to be the case.”

“Well don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll see him soon enough! And in the meantime we’ll make sure you have plenty of friends here! But you probably don’t need much help with that since you’re already off to a pretty good start with Ditzy.”

“Aye, a single friend is better than none.” Morgoth remarked.

“Dude, one? I think you might be forgetting somepony.” Rainbow said. Seeing the blank look on Morgoth’s face, Rainbow sighed in exasperation. “Seven, dude. You’ve got seven friends.” When the white stallion remained uncomprehending, she pushed on. “The six of us, plus Ditzy, that’s seven.”

That hardly seemed right to Morgoth. “Thou and thy companions are to be counted among my friends? But I have performed no task as of yet to earn thy friendship, to my knowledge. Wouldst thou enlighten me to what I have done that I might better learn how to acquire more friends?” he requested.

Rainbow blinked. Clearly this was going to take more effort than she’d originally thought. “Dude, you don’t have to do anything to make friends.” she said.

“Then how can one know when they have made a friend?” he inquired, feeling more and more lost.

This one actually had Rainbow a little stumped as to how to answer. “Well... you just sort of know, I guess. If you like being around somepony and doing stuff with them and they like you back then you’re friends.”

“But how does one know when another likes them?” he pressed, not comprehending the concept at all. “Is one supposed to ask?”

“No, you don’t need to ask. You’ll just know, trust me on this one! You’re talking to one of the Elements of Harmony, I’m an expert at making friends!” Rainbow boasted.

Morgoth rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I shall hold thy council close to my heart, Rainbow. Celestia spoke very highly of all of thou and I trust her word. I thank thee for thy aid in this matter, Lady Dash. I will not deny that I am... not well versed in this matter and find myself... puzzled at how I might proceed, but with your aid I am sure my endeavors shall meet with success.”

Only catching about half of that, mainly the parts when he complimented her, Rainbow just nodded, smiling. “Yeah, I am pretty great, huh?” she agreed happily.

‘Eru help me, I might just kill her now.’ he thought to himself, his smile becoming strained as he fought the urge to murder.

“Alright, grab your muffins and let’s go. Time to get back to practice. We need to work on pulling out of dive bombs some more, you seemed like you were having trouble at the lake.” Rainbow said. Morgoth didn’t bother hiding his displeasure anymore.

Twilight sighed in content as she closed up her most recent book, placing it back on its shelf and looking out the window. She discovered to her surprise that it was already dark out and the moon had risen, she must have been reading for far longer than she’d thought. “Oh well, no matter,” she muttered cheerily to herself. “Time spent doing something enjoyable is time well spent.” She held her content smile for a few more moments, then her left eye began twitching uncontrollably. “Oh who am I kidding?!” she exclaimed. “I only allotted myself three hours of free time today! I should have been in bed hours ago!”

Fortunately for her, before she could really get into her dramatic monologue there was a knock on her door. Irritation forgotten, she trotted over to see who could possibly be knocking at her door at such an hour. She opened the door to find a familiar white stallion, soaked to the bone, and bearing a rolled up scroll.

“Hey Shadowfax, what brings you around at this hour?” she asked.

Morgoth spat out the scroll so that he might better speak. “During my time in Canterlot, Celestia suggested that I send her reports on how I am progressing with my lessons. I thought I might ask if thy assistant might aid me in this task.” he explained.

Twilight blinked. “Why are you soaking wet?”

“Flying lessons.” he said simply.

“Oh.” Twilight replied, understanding right away. She knew Rainbow could be something of a slave driver when it came to training, especially after the whole tornado thing. She trotted over to the stairs and called up. “Spike? Can you come down here a moment? I need you to send a letter for me.”

The grumpy mumbling of someone rising from bed against their will reached her ears and she knew the dragon was on his way. The pattering of scaled feet descending the stairs heralded his arrival and he walked grumpily into the room carrying his blanket in one claw and rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Alright, what is it?” he grumbled.

Twilight levitated the scroll over to Spike who wasted no time belching a torrent of emerald flame over it and sending it on its way.

Princess Celestia sighed contentedly after finishing a nice warm cup of her favorite tea. Setting the empty teacup down next to her pillow, she stared happily at the roaring fireplace. It was good to get a few quiet moments to herself every once in a while. But suddenly the peace was disturbed as a whisp of smoke and ash traveled in through her window, gathering before her and reforming into a scroll which she grabbed happily in her telekinesis. Letters from Twilight were always the highlight of her day, and receiving one during a quiet moment was an incredible bonus for her.

Unrolling the scroll and for a moment marvelling at how many pages comprised the letter, she began reading and discovered to her delight that it was not Twilight, but her dear brother Melkor that the letter originated from. She levitated over a small set of reading glasses and began reading over the report. It was slow going due to her brother’s archaic speech and ponderous wording, and Celestia herself was rather rusty, not having spoken in anything akin to that dialect for nearly a thousand years. After a few minutes she got through the first page and, quickly refamiliarizing herself with the dialect, progressed onto the next one. She read on for a few more minutes, growing more and more confused as to what her brother was trying to tell her, until she reached the last page, whereupon she burst out into a nearly hysterical fit of laughter, rolling onto her back and clutching at her sides from the force of it.

Her sister Luna stuck her head in through through the door adjoining their rooms and peered quizzically at her sister. She’d not seen Celestia act like that in a very long time. “Dear sister, what, may I ask, is so funny?” Celestia made no response but to hold out a bundle of parchment, her laughter not abating in the least. Curious to find out what had her sister in such straits, she trotted over and took the proffered papers and began to read them herself. Being more familiar with the manner of speaking their brother used, having spoken in it herself up until very recently, she made quicker work of the scrolls. After a few moments she reached the final page and she too collapsed into a fit of laughter along with her sister.

“Oh goodness, can you believe we used to actually speak like that?” Celestia gasped through her giggles.

“I know!” Luna agreed, “I forgot how truly tiresome it was to tell one to go buck themselves!”

And that’s what the letter said. Summed up, it read roughly as “Dear sister, go buck yourself.”

“Luna! Get me... get me some parchment and a quill!” she managed to wheeze out. Luna conjured up and then levitated over the requested items. Celestia then took them and, asserting control over her giggle fit for a moment, began to write out a reply.

“Too long; didn’t read, you adorable hayseed.” Spike read, incredulously.

Morgoth’s frown could not grow any deeper.