• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,403 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 7: Rest and Recovery

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen

Chapter 7: Rest and Recovery

Beep… Beep… Beep…. Beep… Beep...

I opened my eyes to the sounds of a heart monitor. It was a sound that I knew well, but not through personal experience. In the end, I hated that sound… It was dark, and I suspected that it was late in the night. I took a glance to my right. My heartbeat seemed steady, though I could not exactly remember what placed I was in this state.

My breathing was slow, and it was hard to move anything. I noticed there was an Iv bag going into my arm, and from the looks of it it was filled with water. I could feel something heavy pressed on one of my legs. I slowly pulled my head up and saw Snow asleep. I smiled then noticed Lex sleeping on the floor. I smiled at them, and allowed myself to lay back down.

Beep… Beep… Beep…. Beep… Beep...

I didn’t notice when I had fallen back to sleep, but again the sounds of the heart monitor awoke me. As I opened my eyes this time, the world around me seemed just a bit different. The weight on my leg was no longer apparent, as Snow took refuge in the corner of the room, alongside Lex. There was some light coming through the close window, and it must have been the next day.

I slowly slid my hand to the side of the bed and snapped my fingers. Both Snow’s ears and Lex’s ears shot up. I snapped their eyes popped. A smile formed on their mouth. They both looked to me as I snapped again.

“John!” They said happily, jumping to their paws.

“Good morning… you two,” I started. “So… how long was I out…?”

“Two days,” Lex answered. He then looked worried. “Since the attack everyone has been on edge, but for most, mostly the ponies that don’t understand that is, it’s been hell.”

“Shining Armor doesn't know what to do about Sombra, and ponies think he’s lying when he told them who attacked. They say he’s trying to shift the blame to someone that’s dead, so that the Pokémon don’t get blamed. Princess Cadance is just stressed out, but understands both sides of the situation,” Snow cut in. “Everything just seem to be getting worse because of it…”

“Slow down, Snow. I’ll figure something out like I always do,” I let out a soft cough. “But for now… I just want to lay here,” I smiled at them. “Do you think you can prop me up? I can’t seem to move that well…” Lex nodded, and placed a paw at the side of the bed. There was a ‘Vvvvvv’ nose as the upper half of my body started to lift forward. “Thank you, Lex…”

“Need anything to drink? Water? A soda?” Snow asked, not knowing what to do.

“Water… please,” Snow started to move to the door before I called after her again. “Oh, and Snow?”

“Yes?” She asked. I took notice that her eyes were slightly watery.

“And… something thing… small to eat.” She smiled at me, then opened the door.

Flash Sentry stood on the other side. He glanced at Snow as she walked passed, than over to me. His eyes widened as he stepped into the room. “You’re awake,” He gave me a smile. “How are you holding up?”

“It’s a bit hard to breath, but other then that… just sore,” I told him. “How’s everyone holding up?”

“Holly Heart is emotional,” Lex answered. I turned to him. “Joltik is… sad. He looks up to you apparently. Shining Armor is surprised. Mostly at how you lived…” He stated the last part sounding a bit annoyed. “Eclipse is doing his best. A lot of ponies seem to be watching him closely, as he seems unstable...”

“The Nobles are confused. Both glad that you were able to stop Sombra from killing anymore ponies, but worried because they don’t know if it was Sombra. They think the Pokémon ‘Gengar’ was the one that killed the ponies, and some of them are siding with Green Horn’s original plan to banish Pokémon out of the city.” Flash added. As I watched him, I could tell that he seemed stressed. A lot must have happened in the past two days.

“How are… you and Snow doing?” I asked. Giving Lex sad smile.

“...We thought we lost you…” His eyes started to water.

“Please don’t cry,” I asked. I hated it when Pokémon cry… “You know… it takes a lot more than this to put me down. Remember when we first met?” I chuckled to myself.

“That’s not funny, John…” He said in a low sad voice.

“I’m sorry if this is a touchy subject, but can explain what you mean by that?” Flash asked. “Because it sounds like you went through worse.”

Beep… Beep… Beep…. Beep… Beep...

“It’s alright… It’s a long story… Happened about… six years ago,” I closed my eyes as Lex started to tell Flash Sentry how we met. “Team Rocket had me locked up in a cage. Apparently I was the first shiny Pokémon they were able to their hands on.”

“Um, what is a Shiny Pokémon?” Flash asked. I didn’t have to see Lex to know that he was smiling.

“Shiny Pokémon, such as myself, have a different color pattern then stander Pokémon. A normal Luxray would have a dark blue coat, with a light blue muzzle and what not. As you can see my coat is black, and my muzzle is yellow.”

“I see. Sorry for interrupting.”

“Anyways… Team Rocket wanted to see just strong I was. compared to the average Luxray,” I opened my eyes, and looked at Lex. He was crying… “They had me hooked up to a machine that would pump electricity through me… I was just a tiny Shinx at the time, and what they were doing was painful…” He let out a slow breath. “It was then that John here busted into the room I was in. After knocking out the scientist, he came to my aid. Only… the machine that was used on me was overloading, and would not shut down. I was… I was…” Lex gulped as he eyes started to shake.

“He was going to die,” I started. Letting Lex relax as I took over the telling of the sorry. “Unless I was able to get him out of it. As you can see, I did get him out. How? Well…” I let out a sigh. “By grabbing him and pulling. Just the pain from the voltage going through me almost knocked me out, but I stayed awake. I had to save Lex. No living soul deserves to die in a lab,” I smiled. “Luckily I was able to pull him free, but… My nervous system was nearly overloaded, and by that I mean I am lucky to be alive, because the amount of voltage should have melted my body. Honestly, I have not been able to feel much pain after that day.”

Flash Sentry didn’t know how to respond. He looked concerned... Or was that fear? It was hard to tell with him. He was able to hide his emotions well compared to most other ponies I have seen. He then smiled at me. It was a sad smile.

Beep… Beep… Beep…. Beep… Beep...

“Just get well soon, John. I have a feeling we are going to need you.” Flash Sentry then headed to the door.

As the door closed behind Flash Sentry, I turned to Lex. His eyes were watery, and he looked sad. “Lex,” I stated, in a commanding voice. “Dry up the tears! We got work to do! Once Snow gets back, I want you to go out there and inform Princess Cadance as well as Shining Armor, that I woke up. Furthermore, I need you bring them, along with Holly Heart, Eclipse and Joltik, to me.”

“J-John,” Lex brought a paw and wiped the tears from his eyes. He then smiled at me. “Yes, John. Just… one thing. Eclipse was tasked to watch over the Gengar that Sombra was controlling. Though some of the Royal say we need to execute the Gengar, Shining Armor knows the truth, and has Eclipse there mostly to protect the Gengar from the Ponies. And unlike you, the Gengar has not woken up.”

The door then opened, and Snow stepped in. She held a small tray in her mouth. I smiled as I saw some water and a bowl of oatmeal adorning the top. As she walked over to me, she gently placed the food on my lap.

“Thank you, Snow,” I picked up the glass of water and drank greedily. “That hit the spot… Now,” I placed the glass cup down, and turned to Lex. “Can you please go do as I asked, Lex?”

He smiled at me. “Of course. I’ll be right back.”

Snow watched as he left, while I started to eat, or rather inhale, my food. “Alright,” I stated, as I swallowed a spoonful of oatmeal. “How are you doing?” I asked Snow.

She brought her head down, drowning in her sorrows. “I… I t-thought…” I reached over and placed my hand on her head. She gasped, but let out a purr.

“I’m not going anywhere, Snow. I’m too damn stubborn to die.” She let out a chuckle.

Beep… Beep… Beep…. Beep… Beep...

“I swear to Arceus, I’m about to throw this thing out the window if it doesn't stop beeping…” I suddenly stated. This got Snow to start laughing, and she looked up at me. Her eyes had been watery, and I noticed something different about her. She was wearing a necklace. It seemed to be a small ruby with two chains coming out of it.

“What’s this?” I asked, as I pointed to the necklace.

“Oh, Holly Heart gave it to me,” She smiled, striking a poze. “Doesn't it look great on me,” I laughed at the kissy face she made. “But really, Holly said that it has a translating spell attached to it. So as long as we have these on ponies can understand us,” She pointed at me. “You have one too, as does Eclipse and Lex. Though… since Lex has so much fur it kind of disappears on him.”

I glanced down at my chest. Sure enough there was a blue ruby staring back at me. I smiled. This must have been what Holly Heart was making. I held the gem tight as I turned to Snow. “Mind if I ask some advice, Snow?”

“Go right on ahead.”

“Now… do you think that Holly Heart’s love for me is a simple crush, or something more? I’ve only known her for two days, at most, and you know how this is my first time ever thinking about a relationship.”

“Well John,” Snow started, placing her paw on her chin. “That’s the thing. I ask Princess Cadance about this and,” My eyes widened slightly. I was hoping the Princess did as I asked and stayed out of this… “There is something about the Crystal Empire that helps ponies fall in love. She said it was a ‘Crystal Heart’ or something, My mind flashed back to the statue of that dragon. “I have no idea how she said it works, but apparently if a bond between ponies can be made, it will be made in the Crystal Empire. Well… in this case it’s the bond between a pony and a Pokémon. All I know is that Lex and I have been getting closer, and Holly Heart likes you because of magic or something.”

The door then swung open, and something small and yellow grabbed my face. “JOHN,” Joltik yelled out. “Lex told me you were awake so I came here as fast as I could,” Hopping off my face, the little monster landed at the end of my bed. “Now I have to ask,” He placed two of his legs in front of him, as if explaining a serious topic. “Has anyone told you that you lit one of the hospital rooms on fire?” I blinked. Then my eyes widened.

“No…” I turned to Snow. “What’s this about a fire?”

“It was so funny,” Joltik started. “After they brought you in, the bed you here given lit on fire. Then ponies started screaming, Snow passed out because she thought you were on fire,” Snow gave Joltik a look that said ‘I’m about to kill you with fire.’ “I was able to steal the lollipop jar,” Oh dear lord, I hope they were sugar free! “They were great, and I was bouncing off of the walls,” They weren't…. “That was,” Joltik then gave me a sad look. “Until they told me you were really injured…” I stared at the little fuzz ball. He really did care for me, though we haven't had much time to bond.

“I never gave you a nickname, did I?” I asked him. He shook his head. “How about…” Let’s see… Joltik is an electric bug type. He’s funny, and goes nuts sometimes. If he’s not bouncing off the walls, he’s playing ‘king’ or something.. Shock? No.. Watt? No that doesn't work… I then smiled. “How about, Volt?”

He stayed quiet for a moment, before smiling at me. “That works,” He then stepped forward, and grabbed the spook I used to eat my oatmeal. “I Shall for this point on be known as King Volt,” He stated in that royal accent of his. He proceeded to lick the spoon “Ooooo, apples~”

I reached forward, and scratched Jol- no, his names Volt now… I reached forward, and scratched Volt on the head. He smiled at me. I then noticed that he didn’t have a necklace on. Holly must have never made him one. Too bad. I would love to see the look on Princess Cadance’s face if Volt said he was to be king now.

I let out a yawn. “Alright…” I started, picking up the tray of food in front of me, and setting it down on a table next to my bed. “Snow, could you please help me get out of this bed?”

Her eyes widened, and she placed a paw on my chest. “Slow down, John! You’re not going to get out of this bed!”

“Snow… You know your paw is right where my broken ribs are?” I wheezed, as she applied pressure. Trying to force me to stay in bed. Her eyes widened even more as she pulled away from me.

“I’m sorry,” She said, in a scared apologetical voice. “I’m so sorry, John! Are you alright?”

“Ya…” I wheezed. “Just… hard to breath…” I took a slow deep breath.

“John?!” I turned to the door. Standing before me was Holly Heart. Her eyes widened at me at the sight of me awake. “John!” With a surprising amount of force, she dove to me. Flying across the room. Volt and I both let out a sigh. For Volt, he knew he was about to be squished. For myself, I just knew it was going to hurt when she landed on me.

And… it did. I let out a low groan as she landed on me. The pain was not that bad, but considering all that happened to me, I probably broke another rib or something as she was giving me one hell of a hug. She didn’t squeeze tight though, to my surprise. The pain was just from her laying on top of me. She then started to cry.

“Hello… Holly Heart… I have to… thank you for the necklace… Aaahhh...” I slowly weeded. It was now harder to talk then before. “Do… you mind… getting… off?”

She lifted her head to me, and stared into my eyes. Then down at my bandaged chest. “Oh,” She then leaped off of me. “I am so sorry, John,” She cried. “Are, are you alright? I didn’t mean to hurt you! I’m sorry, I am so sorry!” Déjà vu anyone?

“Right…” I slowly breathed in. I then looked down at Volt. He lay unconscious, his eyes swirling in his head. I smiled. “So, Holly Heart. How have you been?”

She brought a hoof up to her face, to dry away some tears. “I’ve been better. Alost of us though thought that you weren’t going…” She gulped. Though her glasses, I stared into her light green eyes. They had small bags under them. I suspected she was not getting much sleep. Probably with what happened….

She really does care for me doesn't she?

“Holly Heart.”

“Yes, John?” She sniffed.

“Once I get better, we’re going on a date.” I stated bluntly. Everyones eyes shot open in surprise. Snow’s mouth shop open, and Holly Heart was dumb founded.

“I… I thought… I thought you wanted to take things slow,” She stuttered, as she stared at her hooves. Her face glowing brighter than my head. “W-w-why the s-s-sudden change?” Her stuttering was adorable.

I placed my hand on my chest. “This is the second time in my life where I woke up in a hospital like this,” I leaned back, and took a deep breath. “All my life, I had fought to save Pokémon. Fighting to protect them from those who would use them. Fighting to stop groups like Team-Rocket. But I don’t have to worry about those groups anymore… My lifes work came to a close when Arceus brought us here. Was it for nothing? No… I saved many Pokémon in that time, and though I was never able to bring them down, it doesn't matter. They are safe for now… But the thing is… I have never experienced love. Work always was in the way. But here in Equestria, I have the time now,” I moved my hand down to my stomach. There seemed to be a roundish indentation in my flesh. As if the Shadow Ball burned away the skin and muscle. “And before I die, I want to know what love is. I want to be happy. I don’t care what the world throws at me anymore. As long as I am happy, I know I can face it… And I don’t know if something is going to happen to me before then. So Holly Heart, what do you say? Dinner for two?”

Holly Heart’s face was still red, but she was no longer looking at her hooves. She was looking into my blue eyes. A small smile on her face. “Yes, John. I would love to go on a date with you.” Taking a step to me, she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. There was then a flash of light. Pulling awake from me, Holly Heart and I looked down at Volt. He sat there with a camera, and a smile on his face. Where did he get a camera?

“What?” He asked.

“I don’t know how you can stand him,” Holly told me. “He’s so creepy…”

“Creepy?” I started. “Strange, random, and funny are the words I would use.”

“What do you mean?” She gave me a questioning look.

“The other day, Volt here declared himself king of the Crystal Empire. And named a butter knife the legendary sword Excalibur.”

“You’re joking,” She asked. I shook my head, and she looked questionable. “Oh… I see,” The then blinked. “Wait, I thought his name was Joltik.”

“As did I,” We glanced to the door to see Princess Cadance smiling at us. Standing behind her was Lex and Flash Sentry. “So, Joltik is now Volt? I like it.”

“Um… Princess… how long have you been standing there?” Holly asked, as she looked at her hooves.

Princess Cadance smiled mischievously. “Long enough,” She cooed. “Nice work getting a picture of that, Volt,” Volt leaped off of the bed, and scurried over to Princess Cadance. Only to crawl up Cadance’s back. “Anyways, It’s good to see you’re awake John. From what the Doctor said, I was not expecting you to be awake for another week.”

“Well Princess, just get me a wheelchair, and I’ll be ready and able to help the Crystal Kingdom.” I informed her.

She looked at me funny. “Um, I don’t think you should be getting out of bed. I know you want to help and all but-”

“Princess, the last thing I need is someone telling me to relax,” I interrupted. Her eyes widened. As did Flash Sentry’s. “Lex and Snow informed me about what is going on. Tensions are high, and if we don’t make progress I fear that something may happen to the Pokémon. I understand that the Crystal Ponies are now fearful of the Pokémon, and that they want to kick them out of the city.”

She remained quiet for some time before stating. “No matter what I say, you are going to try and help, aren't you?” I nodded to her. “I see… Well John, glad to see you're eager to help, but I really don’t think you would be able to fix what is going on. Some ponies, or at least the ones that survived being attacked by Sombra, saw Sombra’s eyes. They knew it was him. Others are just saying that they are hallucinating, or that they are lying to protect the Pokémon,” She then placed a hoof on her forehead, right under her horn. “It’s just one big mess that is stressing me out.”

“Don’t worry Princess. If there is one thing you can say about John, is that he has a silver tongue, and can worm him way into any situation and come out on top.” Snow stated.

“I kind of already knew that, considering how he talked both Green Horn and Winter Breeze out of their positions on the Council. Though… I don’t see why you can’t try. At the moment I am in session, and there is a depart going on about what we’re doing. Well… not at the moment. I let everypony have an early lunch so I can come and see you.”

“In that case,” I turned to Flash Sentry. “Flash Sentry, may you please find the Doctor I am assigned to, and ask for a Wheelchair. I would like to get to work.”

“Alright, one moment please.” Flash said, as he stepped out of the room.

“Holly Heart,” I turned to the green mare. “Once he get’s back, can you help me into the chair, as well as push me around?”

“Of course, John.”

“Thank you,” I took a deep breath, and turned to Princess Cadance. “Now then, Princess. Before we get going, I have one question for you. One that I need answered before I am able to help in any way, shape, or form.” I announced in a serious tone.

“What is it?” She asked, worried.

“What is the best place to take a mare out for dinner?” At that moment Princess Cadance started to laugh. As did Lex and Snow. As for Holly Heart, she just leaned in close and kissed me again. This time making me blush. It was at that moment that Flash Sentry returned with a wheelchair. Apparently, it didn’t take him long to find my Doctor.

Moving the chair next to my bed, Holly Heart started to help me up. “Careful,” I said, as I slowly moved my way to the wheelchair. “Careful,” I did my best not to move my upper body, as I moved into the chair. “There,” I let out a sight as I sat in the chair. “Thank you, Holly Heart. Alright everyone, there is a Council calling my name, and no time to lose!”

“They’re at lunch, John.” Lex pointed out.

“Oh… Anyone hungry?” I offered.

“I could use something to eat,” Princess Cadance started. “A hay sandwich sounds good right about now.”

“Same here,” Holly said. “Come on, let’s getting moving.”

“Shotgun!” Volt said, as he leaped off of Princess Cadance, only to land on my lap.

“Aren't you forgetting something, John?” Lex then asked.

“Forgetting what?”

“Eclipse,” He pointed out.

“Oh shit.”

Author's Note:

Zeus- Error 404. Note not found.
tndpony- Well, things are certainly starting to heat up. I look forward to what comes next
As do I.
Damn it, Arceus. What did I say about showing up in my Editors notes? That's Zeus' thing not mine!

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