• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,413 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 3: Got in trouble but it's ok, Because God Said hi Today

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tndpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen

Chapter 3 - Got in trouble today but it’s ok, God said hi today

Before I could even get to sleep, Holly Heart had to cast a spell to make my room fireproof, but since the Crystal Castle is actually made of crystals it couldn’t be burned down. The only thing that would burn would be the things in my new room. Now if that did happened, then string me up by my legs and feed me to a Gyarados, because this bed was SO COMFORTABLE! My body just melted into it.

As I lay there I couldn’t help but think about what happened today. From all the crazy, to all the insane. I was a Pokémon now, and living in another world. Who could say that? However, my day was not over. I wanted to take a bath, after a long day such as this, I needed something to relax. The bed helped, but it did not help me relax in the way of a hot bath would.

That’s why I started to fill the bathtub with water. Warm steamy water. I didn’t know what would happen to me if I stepped into the water, being a fire type and all. Would it just hurt? I placed my hand in the water. Nope, no pain. Just a slow numbing sting. The kind you would get from sitting on your hand or foot.

I stepped into the water, and started to relax. My body went numb, and while normally this would be a bad thing, right now it was not. Oh it felt so good. My back, which started to get stiff as the day progressed, started to loosen up. My army dangled out the sides of the tub. My new tail laid curled under the water. I couldn’t help but feel relaxed. I couldn’t help but feel… happy.

Then my mind started to wander, and that was a never good thing. Normally I had to keep it in check, otherwise I start to think about things that I don't want to. Dark moments in my past that need to stay buried in the back of my mind, but today I was lucky. I started to think about my Pokémon. Over the years I have lived I had made many friends. Most I gave away. Asked them to protect others. Live along side a child, or help the police force in some odd town. Then there are the ones that have passed on. For they will always be in my mind. Then… my eyes closed, and I fell asleep in the tub.


Meanwhile, in a lake outside of the Crystal Castle. A Feraligatr lay in the middle of a large lake. The sun started to rise into the sky, and as she opened her eyes she saw something amazing. Something that made her way too happy. She saw a Blastoise. Her eyes popped wide as his large shell, and her tail popped up at the sight of his cannons. She imagined him being a male of little words. Heroically standing there at the edge of the lake.

She needed to make him hers, she had to make him hers. After the whole Ponyta incident she needed something good in her life, and she had found it. Wasting no time she started to swim to the manly Blastoise. She had no idea what she would say to him but she did not care! Hello would do. No… he would be better. She started to slow as she hesitated, wondering what to say. The Blastoise looked over at her, and she could not help but blush. He looked so amazing, it was her time after all. But then the Blastoise did something she did not expect. He walked into the water and towards her!

“Why hello there,” He asked, his voice something between an old jazz singer and a talk show host. “Tell me have you seen any other Pokémon around here? Like a Absol, or a Luxray. How about a Ditto, or a Sawk?” It was then that her wet-dreams crashed and burned as the Blastoise didn’t try to hit on her. No! All he wanted was information!

She let out a low groan. “Well there goes that idea…”

“Excuse me?” He asked.

“Nothing, nothing, just lamenting my crushed dreams,” She laid back and started to drift away. “And for your question, the only Pokémon on that list that I know of is a Luxray and Absol,” She growled. “The former of the two hit me with Thunder!”

“May you tell me what direction they are?”

“Yeah,” She pointed a claw at a tall tower in the distance. “Over there, but watch out. The Ponyta’s there attack on sight, bunch of jerks.”

“Thank you, Miss Feraligatr. May we meet again in the future.”


I covered my face as I gave a hard sneeze. Apparently sleeping in a bathtub all night was bad for you, and since I was a fire type it was a lot worse. “Aaaahhhhh….” I growned.

“For the tenth time, stop groaning.” Snow told me.

“But I hate being sick,” I countered. “I can’t help it.”

“Don’t worry John,” Holly Heart reassured me. “I had the maid run off to the Castle Clinic to get you something for you cold, but for now,” She gave me a stern look. “Please stop groaning, and drink your soup.”

It was at that moment when a group of stallions stepped into the cafeteria. They had the look of ‘royalty’ to them. Upper class if you will. Since we sat in the corner of the room they did not see us at this time.

“Tell me, Green Horn. Do you know if that situation yesterday got resolved? I haven’t heard any news on the subject.” A gray Earth Pony asked a Unicorn.

“From what I heard from the guards,” The green Unicorn started. “A group of strange creatures showed up and took the rampaging monster down.”

“I heard that too, only after words they let the monster go free. Near the lakes outside of here!” A white Pegasus added in.

“Let it go? What in heavens name was that Shining Armor thinking?” The gray stallion started.

I watched as the group babbled on before Holly Hearts leaned over to me and whispered. “Those ponies are a part of the Council that runs the Crystal Empire. The Earth Pony is Clay, the Pegasus is named Winter Breeze, and the Unicorn is named Green Horn. I really hope they don’t see us… I can’t stand how they act. They are the worst ponies I’ve ever met.”

“Why is that?” I asked her.

“Oh, well, they don’t really like me too much. When I started living in the castle I lit Clay on fire, and turned Winter into a frog.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Said laugh turned into a choking cough. Then the cough turned into spitting up phlegm into a tissue.

“Aaaahhhhhh…” I groaned. It was at that moment that the three stallions looked over at us, and fear slapped itself on all their faces.

“...” Clay opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. “Um,” His eyes laid appone Holly Heart. “Holly Heart, who and what are they?”

“Well Mr.Clay,” Holly Heart took a professional tone. Similar to the way she spoke to the Princess. “There are the strange creatures that showed up to help yesterday,” She gestured to me. “This is John, Sir Clay. He and his friends where the ones that fought off the monster yesterday.”

I changed my demeanor before saying. “Good morning, Sirs!” In a slightly deeper voice. I raised my my cup of soup to them, before taking a drink. “Do not mind us, we shall be out of here soon enough. Please, don’t let our presence disturb you in any way.” The stallion started to relax. He looked at me curiously. I glanced at Holly and she also looked at me curiously.

“Well then… Nice to meet you, John. I suppose it would be best if I thanked you for what you did. Thank you.” He then turned to his friends and they went on their way. Grabbing some food then sitting as far away from us as possible.

“I love it when he does that!” Snow whispered to Lex.

“Um,” Holly Heart started. She was rather baffled at how I just acted. “What just happened?”

“I hate dealing with anyone that acts upper classed,” I started in a low voice. So that the ponies in the other side of the room could not hear us. “So I learned of a way to make my conversations with them short.”

“Oh, well, um,” She smiled. “I don't really know what to say to that.”

"You should hear about the time he had to go undercover, and infiltrate the leader of Team-Rocket’s birthday party. He almost burned the place down out of sheer frustration,” Snow then chuckled to herself.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Holly looked at me puzzled. “Were you a detective?”

“Yes,” I tapped my fingers on my cup. “Didn’t I tell you that yesterday?”

“I don’t think so.”

“In that case let me introduce myself fully,” I stood up and gave a salute. “John Mercy, International Police. Kanto division.” Holly’s face just turned red, Lex started to chuckle, and Snow game me a look. “What?”

“You look like an Idiot when you do that,” Snow commented. “Now sit down before those royals look over here.” I then sneezed.

“Dear Celestia, what is he doing now?”

“Too late.” Snow paw-palmed.

I looked over to see Winter Breeze staring at me in disgust. Same for Clay and Green horn. Wiping the snot from my face with a cloth, I turned to them.

“My apologies. I am a bit sick after falling asleep in the bathtub.”

“Well isn’t that just a sad thing to do,” Clay commented. What ever tolerance he had from me evaporated. “Don’t tell me you plan to see the Princess in your state?”

“I am, why do you ask?”

He scoffed. “You plan to see Princess Mi Amore Cadenza while sick? What kind of Gentlestallion sees Royalty sick?”

I started ignored him. Turning to Holly Heart I asked. “How long till that medicine get’s here?”

“Don’t ignore me, you, you brute!” He started.

“So Holly, what do you think today is going to be like?” I asked, not giving Clay any thought.

She looked at me. Then at Clay. Then at me. Then she gave a small smile. “Well John, Shining Armor wants you to show his troops how most Pokémon fight, so that if one of them goes rampaging through the streets again, they can take it down and move it out of the city.”

“Now you’re doing it too, Holly Heart?!” Clay’s face was turning red with anger. “You do know I can get your fired with just a word!”

Alright. That crossed a line. I gave Clay a stern look. “Clay, I do not like you. I do not care for you. I do not care if you died. Holly Heart on the other hand, I like her. I care for her. I barely know her, but I consider her a friend. Threatening her is the same as threatening me. I may not have the right to arrest you in this world, but I can and will throw you out the window.” Everyone went mute. Holly Heart’s face was red. Lex and Snow could not help but smile, and as for Clay. He just got angrier.

“You dare threaten me? One of the head ponies in the Council? I’ll have you bucked out of this city!”


Shining stood in front a row of new recruits sent in from Canterlot. It was time to introduce them to their new life of pain. And what better way to do that then by yelling? “Welcome to the Crystal Empire Recruits! Today you will learn that we run things around here a bit different then Canterlot. Security is tight, and everything is on time! You will eat when we tell you! You will sleep when we tell you! You will do what we tell you! Because by the end of your leave here, you will know the meaning of pain by heart, and you will learn to expect the unexpected!”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Shining turned to see a gray stallion fly out the second floor of the castle, and a familiar looking flaming monkey in said window. Luckily for the stallion, he landed in a passing cabbage cart.

There was then another scream, one from the owner of the cabbage stand. “My cabbages! Nowhere I go is safe! Nowhere!”


I stood at attention. Several Crystal Guards standing at my sides. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor stared at me. Holly Heart just to their side. Snow was off in the distance, still laughing. Lex was with her.

“So… you threw him out of the window,” Shining started. “Why in Celestia’s name, would you throw him out of the window?”

“He threatened Holly Heart, sir.” I replied. Addressing him in the most professional of ways.

“Holly Heart,” Princess Cadance turned to her. “Is this true?” She did not answer, only nodded. “Please, Holly Heart. Use your words.”

“Yes, Princess. I mean, eh, yes he did threaten me, Princess Cadance.”

“And you threw him out of a window for it?” Princess Cadance turned to me.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Shining took a deep breath. “You do know you made our lives much more difficult?”

“I am aware that my actions may cause negative repercussions, but I will stand by what I have done. Never regret your actions, if it is to protect those around you, but always take responsibility for them. That is one of the many self rules that I have learned to live by.”

“Poetic, but doesn't help. The two stallions with Clay are petitioning to get you kicked out of the city, but we still need you to help train my stallions to deal with this ‘Pokémon’ incident.”

“That is ‘if’ more Pokémon show up. For all we know this may be an isolated case.” Princess Cadance added in.

“Yes, and thus, Cadance and I have decided to place you under arrest... for the most part,” Shinning started. “You shall be accompanied by my highest ranking stallion for as long as you remain in the Crystal Empire. You shall stay in his sight, and he is to never leave your side. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Shining Armor. I understand fully. Who is this stallion, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Flash Sentry,” Shining spoke, and the orange Pegasus from the other day stepped forward. “John, this is Flash Sentry. As part of his punishment, as well as being my right hoof stallion, he shall be the one appointed at your side.”

It was then that another stallion bursted into the room. His eyes were wide, and he panting. “Sir,” He started. “Sir, there is, there’s another...” He took a deep breath. “There is another Pokémon spotted near the city entrance, or at least we think it’s a Pokémon. It’s keeping its distance, but it’s still just outside the road.”

“What? Darn,” Shining gave me a tired look. “Looks like we need your help again.”

I turned to the stallion that charged in. “What did it look like?”

“Um, a large blue turtle. With two cannons sticking out its back.” My eyes opened wide. I knew what the Pokémon was. A Blastoise, but what would be the chances that this Blastoise was my life long friend?


It didn’t take us long to get to the edge of the city. The Crystal Empire was not as large as most of the cities back on earth. I’d say it was about a half the size of Saffron City all in all. Though it was a pain walking the whole way sick. Oh, and a side note, I noticed it was easier for this body to walk on all fours rather than just standing on two legs. Like I’ve been doing. A bit odd walking on four legs, but hey. I still got my hands. I’m just glad I didn’t transform into something with stubs for legs.

“Sir,” A Crystal Guard spoke, giving Shining armor a salute. “Glad you could make it,” He then pointed out in the distance. “The Pokémon is in that direction. Just to the side of the road.”

“Good. Now,” Shining looked over at me. “Alright John. Go deal with this Pokémon. As for you Flash Sentry, provide assistance to John, but let him handle the Pokémon.”

“Sir, yes sir!” Flash Sentry replied.

“Lex and Snow,” The two of them stepped forward. “With me.”


The four of us began to walk in the direction of the Pokémon. I had high hopes that this one was my Blastoise, but I had to consider it not being the one I knew most of my life. If he was hostile or friend, or if he was really a ‘she’ like the Feraligatr. Then we saw the Blastoise, and all of these thoughts were blasted away when Snow dashed forward.

The Blastoise braced itself, seeing the Absol dash at it with unknown intent. Then Snow jumped up and tackled the Blastoise square on the chest. The Blastoise rolled back with the impact, and wrapping his arms around her…

“What is she doing?!” Flash Sentry asked.

“Giving him a hug,” I replied. A smile grew on my face, while a confused look grew on Flash Sentry’s. Yep. This was my Blastoise.

“Snow, please, it’s good to see you too, but come on. We have to find John,” Blastoise said in a rather deep voice that took me by surprise. He then looked over at us as Snow jumped off of him. “I see that you found Lex, but who is this Infernape.”

“Oh him,” Snow waved her paw at Blastoise. “Naaah, don't worry about him. You know, just one of those days where John transforms into a Pokémon.” His eyes widened.

“Hey Eclipse,” I called out. “How you doing?”

He slowly walked over to me. “John?”

“Yep. It’s me Eclipse,” I shook my head. “I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I am now an Infernape,” I gave him a smile. “I bet your day has been better than mine.”

He then grabbed me into a hug. A massive Ursa hug that popped my back. “Ah! It’s good to see you! So tell me, what have you been doing for the past two days?”

“Ahhhh, can’t breath, ah, put me down boy, down.” I gasped.

He chuckled. “Sorry about that, John.” Eclipse apologised.

“I’m confused,” Flash Sentry started. “What is going on exactly?”

“Flash Sentry, this is Eclipse. He is a Blastoise, and will be accompanying us back to the Crystal Empire.”

“Wait, what? But I thought we were going to send it on it’s way?” He asked confused.

“His way,” I corrected. “And Shining said that I was to handle this situation, now come on. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are waiting for us.” I smiled. Somehow today just seemed to start looking up.

As we started to walk back something strange happened. “Greetings citizens of Equus, both old and new.” A voice boomed from out of nowhere. We all stopped and started to look around in worry.

“What in the world?” Lex asked.

”I am Lord Arceus, creator of the Pokémon realm.”

“What?!” Lex sounded, before bowing his head at no one in particular. I looked over at Eclipse and Snow. They were just as confused.

“You have no reason to fear me, I come in peace.” I bit my lip. Something told me that this was going to be bad.

“I have revealed myself to inform you that I am the one responsible for the Pokémon’s presence in this world, for the citizens of Equus, the Pokémon are the beings who have appeared over the past few days.”

“What is going on?” Flash Sentry asked.

“Ssshhh!” I shooshed him.

“I have my reasons for bringing them here, and to the leaders I will reveal them in time, but for now a warning, the Pokémon, while some may not seem it, are just as intelligent as any race who calls Equus home, and, seeing as how they are my subjects, I will not tolerate them being treated any differently than you would treat your fellow Pony, Griffin, Minotaur, Diamond Dog, Changeling, Deer, Hippocampi, Zebra, Horse, Buffalo, Cow, Donkey, or Dragon depending on whichever race you belong to.” There was a short pause before he continued. “To my Pokémon, I say this, I brought you, all of you, here so that you could live in peace, do not seek to harm the natives of this world, for I am the one responsible for your displacement. And to the Pokémon who went through changes when I brought you here I say this. You are the ones who proved themselves worthy, those who were fair, kind and good in the old world, consider this your reward. And to all of you, as sapients the laws of Equus, and the varying countries, now apply to you, and only the laws of Equus. That is all for now, but just to be clear, the Pokémon are not to be harmed simply out of spite, if you have a problem with what I’ve done, feel free to contact me, I currently reside in an ancient temple deep in the Everfree Forest, or a pocket dimension outside of the space time continuum, so if any of you wish to face the sheer power of a god, feel free to come by. Goodbye for now, though I doubt this will be the last you hear of me, and peace to you all.”

“Um, was that, was that the really Arceus?” Lex asked.

“I don’t know…” Snow replied. “Well… considering it was a voice in the sky, I’d say it was…”

“That was Lord Arceus alright,” Eclipse commented. “I just know it was,” He then looked over at me. “What do you think, John?” I did not hear him. My mind was wandering...again.

‘So Lord Arceus is real? A god who made everything. Real… But what does he mean by all this? And how does he exactly take every single Pokémon alive and take them to another world? Well I guess he is god after all, he can do things like that. And those he had chose as worthy?’ I thought, looking at my hand. ‘To be kind to Pokémon, I was selected to come to this new world? But changed into a Pokémon? Meaning… Meaning back on earth there are probably still hundreds...no, thousands, maybe millions of humans who were left behind and have no idea what’s going on…’

“John,” Snow waved her paw in front of me. “John, hello? Anyone home? Do I have to knock you on your butt again? John?”

I blinked. Then smiled. “Sorry, Snow. Just thinking about...” I trailed off. Not wanting to finish. “Look, I bet Princess Cadance and Shining Armor have a few questions. Come on. We have to get over there before a riot occurs or something.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long to come out. Being sick made it hard to write, and my editor going on a vacation didn't help. But it's here now, so enjoy.

I’ve quite enjoyed watching this fic grow from it’s original version, and I can’t wait to see Shining and Cadence’s reaction to Arceus. Keep up the good work Bubba.

There isn't really much to say, except that this fic went from one that I honestly thought was going to become a joke, and possibly the worst fic on the group, to one that I think can now become one of the best.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed my story. It really helps me get more readers and that is always a good thing.