• Published 29th May 2014
  • 4,386 Views, 47 Comments

Project Accelerator - Wildcard25

A teen boy after spending three years experimented on, breaks free and using the gift the scientists bestowed upon him broke through the barrier and into a world of magic and equines. Will he find peace after living a nightmare for three years?

  • ...

I Ran too Fast

Inside a research facility, scientists were gathered inside a lab, while studying a sixteen year old albino with short snow white messy hair and red eyes. He was dressed in a white body suit. He was strapped onto a construction table that was propped upward so he could see everyone. The boy struggled, until he saw a scientist approach, "Jake, you'll be happy to know the tests are all over." he began pleasantly.

"Great, it only took you assholes three years of my life!" the boy spat.

The scientist ignoring his mock, continued, "However, we still need you around for research purposes."

"WHAT?!" he shouted, "That wasn't the deal! You promised me as soon as it was all over you'd let me go and return me to my family!"

"Well sorry Jake, but we still need your DNA to perfect the experiment for future subjects. The experiment you are now known as. Project Accelerator." he smirked smugly.

Jake frowned, "NO! I WON'T LET YOU EXPLOIT ME ANYMORE!" He shouted as a force started surrounding him, as his whole body was vibrating rapidly.

"He's trying to break free, administer the drugs!" the scientist ordered.

Some scientists came over with injections, and upon seeing them Jake shouted, "KEEP THOSE AWAY FROM ME!" the vibrations from his body broke him free from the binds of the table and he jumped off it. Suddenly he dashed out of the lab like lightning.

"Seal off all exits!" the head scientist ordered, as they activated security.

As Jake started running through the entire lab compound, he was dodging lasers cannons on the walls, doors sealing shut, and guards trying to shoot him. He zipped right past them before making it outside. He ran straight for a tall barbed wire fence. He was going so fast he ran up the fence and over it before heading off down a road.

In the lab, a guard watching a monitor spoke, "Sir, he hopped the fence and is now heading for the city!"

The scientist growled, as he spoke to the guards, "We're going after him! I won't let my bird escape from his cage this easily!" Soon the guards were off on advanced flying vehicles heading off in the path Jake was running.

Jake after escaping the lab, had ran all the way into the city of Los Angeles. He was moving so fast the force emitting off him caused papers to fly and clothes to blow around, which confused the tourists. As he ran, he thought to himself, 'I won't let them take me back there! I just gotta keep running, and get as far away from them as possible. I need to go faster, faster, FASTER!' he ran right into the street and was on a collision course with a truck.

"Jesus!" the trucker gasped as he tried to turn, but wouldn't make it in time.

Jake kept running faster while not bothering to turn or anything. Right when he was about to collide with the truck, he suddenly zipped out of sight leaving behind flaming skid marks in the street, which caught everyone's attention.

The trucker got out and looked at the front of his truck and the skid marks, "Where'd he go?"

Suddenly the police started taping the scene off, as the guards and scientist from the lab arrived to study what happened. One of the guards spoke to the head scientist, who was using a device to track the readings coming from the skid marks left by Jake, "Sir, what happened?"

After analyzing the trace, the scientist turned to the guard and answered, "He finally did it. He broke through the barrier of time and space itself."

"So what now?"

"We have to track where his signature and get him back, somehow!" the scientist growled, as he clutched his tracking device.

Elsewhere, Jake who was no longer running through the streets of Los Angeles, was now running through a bright void, and still didn't want to stop for fear he could be stuck there. As he continued running he thought to himself, 'I can't go back there. Those sons of bitches took me away from my family, experimented on me, ruined my complexion. No! I'll run till the end of time if it means escaping them!" he shouted, as he was running straight into a bright light.

Meanwhile in the land of Equestria, in the town of Ponyville the six ponies officially recognized as the Mane six, and their dragon friend Spike were walking through town, with just about everypony there greeting them as they passed by, "Wow, we can't even go outside casually after saving Equestria this time." an earth pony named Applejack noted.

"I don't really like all this attention." The shy pegasus Fluttershy said, feeling uncomfortable.

"Well I for one have no problem with it." the elegant unicorn Rarity said, as she held her chin up high.

"Me neither." The elusive and awesome pegasus Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Hi! Good morning! Good to see you!" the pink and boundless energy known as Pinkie Pie greeted every pony they passed with a bright smile.

"Come on, girls, I'm starving." the Princess of Friendship known as Twilight Sparkle said, as they continued to walk through town.

Suddenly Spike looked up ahead and stopped, "Uh, Twilight. What's that?"

They looked ahead and saw the street of Ponyville up ahead was giving off pulsating energy waves, "Some kind of pulsating waves." Twilight deduced.

"Where are they coming from?" Applejack inquired.

"I don't know," she admitted, until she saw a bright light suddenly appearing in the center of the pulsating waves, "But it looks like something's coming." she gasped, as Twilight hid behind Rainbow and Rarity.

Suddenly something zipped through the light and right past the girls causing Applejack's hat to fly off, only to grab it with her mouth, while Rarity's hair was blown back uncurling it, "Oh, not again!" Rarity sighed seeing her hair once again on ends like when Greedy Spike roared at her.

"What in sam hill was that?" Applejack asked, as they looked in the direction of whatever went past them.

Twilight looked on the ground seeing flaming skid marks, "Whatever it was, it's fast."

"Oh, yeah? Well I'm faster!" Rainbow called, as she zipped off after whatever passed them.

"Come on!" Twilight called, as the others chased after their friend.

Rainbow was flying as fast as she could to catch up to whatever it was that left the skid marks. Finally she caught up to what was running and saw the most surprising creature she'd probably has seen yet. It stood on two legs like an ape, looked pale as a ghost with hair on his head to match, and red eyes. As she flew beside him it looked as if the two were in perfect sync with their speed, "Hey you!" the pegasus called.

Jake looked over and gawked seeing the pegasus at his side keeping up at his pace, "What are you?!" Jake asked in shock, but kept on running.

"That's what I want to know about you!" Rainbow answered.

"And how're you keeping up with me?!" Jake once again asked in confusion.

"That's also what I want to know about you," she replied, until she looked ahead and gasped, "Look out!"

Jake looked ahead and saw he was about to collide with a pony who was carrying a box. The pony gasped as he dropped the box and jumped aside. Before Jake could turn and avoid the bump in front of him, he ended up tripping over it and was sent flying forward before rolling across the ground crashing, before stopping on his back. He groaned before speaking, "Crash!" he passed out from exhaustion.

Rainbow flew over and hovered above him, "How can this thing move about as fast as me? There's just no way."

"Rainbow Dash!" the girls called, as they galloped over.

"Are you ok?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I'm fine, but I don't know about that?" she motioned to what she was hovering over.

"Oh, my goodness!" Rarity gasped.

"It's a... What is it?" Applejack asked them, who looked confused.

Twilight and Spike however looked down at the being, "It's a human." they gasped.

"A human?" Pinkie asked.

"What's a human?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight looked determined, "We'll tell you all later. He looks like he needs medical treatment."

"Twilight, you think the doctors in Ponyville are gonna look at something like this?" Applejack asked.

"They have to." Twilight answered sternly.

"Hey, I think he's got something written on his suit or something." Rainbow noticed.

They looked and saw a name tag embedded on the suit reading Project Accelerator, "Project Accelerator?" Spike asked.

"What's that mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"We'll find out when he wakes up," Twilight said as she used her magic to levitate Jake up, and they started heading for the direction of the hospital hoping to find out more about what this new species in Equestria was, and how he was able to run at the speed of sound.