• Published 21st May 2014
  • 4,466 Views, 608 Comments

The Monster Below: Nightfall - Greenback

When Chrysalis begin a campaign to destroy Equestria from within, an Earth pony struggles to protect his family by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences

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The Big Question

Wanting a distraction, I hurry up to the Monolith's security office. Even at this late hour ponies are hard at work ensuring that everything's running smoothly. As I hoped, Onyx Shield is here, and he immediately notices my unease.

“Mr. Silverspeak? Is something wrong?”

“Yes. My parents just became very ill and had to leave.”

“Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. If it's any comfort, 'con crud' is very common at these conventions. They should get over it within the next few days.”

“I hope so... Onyx, I have a hypothetical question: If an invading force somehow got into Genesis and attacked us, would there be a way to fight back?”

“Are you saying they are invading?”

“No. I just want to know.”

“Well, we have non-lethal weaponry that we keep for riots. That would take care of any attacker, changeling or otherwise.”

This presents a golden opportunity, one that I'd be foolish to pass up. I turn on the charm. “And what about lethal weaponry? Is anything of that class here?”

Onyx blinks and rubs his eyes. He shakes his head, as if trying to clear it. Anyone watching would think he had a headache, but not me. While my talent can affect anyone, those who have high willpower are among the few who can resist my talent. Onyx seems to be one of them.

“No. We haven't seen the need.”

“But what if the city was attacked by flying monsters? Or by a private army trying to steal TechInc's technology?”

“We have other means of defending ourselves: Magic, defenses built into the city itself, things like that. Rest assured, Silverspeak, that if changelings do launch an attack on Genesis, we can defeat them. Glasseye spared no expense in ensuring his city would be safe.”

Should I press my charm harder? If I antagonize Onyx Shield too much, I could lose a valuable ally in hunting for hidden weapons or – Celestia help me – if changelings are in fact in the city. Having the head of security on my side would be a huge asset.

“Very well. Let's hope that never happens.”

Onyx nods. “Indeed." He snaps his hooves together. “Oh, before I forget, I'll deactivate your parent's security clearance. We also need your bio-readings for Genesis' scanning system. I was going to call you in an hour to schedule an appointment, but we can do it right now if you want.”

“This is for the brainstorming room?”

Onyx nods. “We should have done it sooner, but we've had our hooves full with the convention." He starts down a hall. “Follow me, please.”

I almost start after him before realizing something: What if the officer is a changeling? Or, for that matter, anyone on security detail? They could easily use my data to create a doppelganger and use it to create havoc without me knowing about it.

“Glasseye said that these scanners were the only way into that room. Was he correct?”

“Yes,” Onyx says without hesitation. “It was specially designed for that purpose. Now, this way, please.”

Should I follow him? It seems like this is the only way I'm going to get into that room, even if any secret weapons have already been moved out by now. But if I can confirm that at a later time, it would provide the evidence I need to get royal intervention.

I follow Onyx.

The scanning process itself is quite simple, mostly consisting of pressing myself against various scanners and trying not to move as lasers and flashes of light move about me, take readings, and get shot into my eyeballs. In less than ten minutes my brainwave patterns, iris, chest, and hoofprint data are recorded and entered into Genesis' system.

“There, all done. You're good to go,” Onyx says as he looks at a printout. “Now, I know it's late, but I can take you to the brainstorming room right now, if you want.”

It's tempting to accept the offer; a part of me still wants to use the element of surprise to sneak in later. Going down to that room with the head of Genesis' security trailing me will only mean more eyes watching me. But if I were to wait and sneak in on my own in the dead of night, I would probably find nothing and only aggravate and annoy Glasseye, making further investigations even more difficult.

“Yes,” I say. “I would like that.”


In less than ten minutes Onyx and I are flying over glowing streetlights and office buildings full of ponies hard at work. Once the security craft reaches the main research facility, we waste no time in going through security and descending to the bottom floor.

There‘s nobody waiting for us as I press myself against the scanners beside the door to the brainstorming room. Sensors come to life, and one by one, red lights turn green.

Locks click, and the door slides open with a near-silent hiss.

Pulling away from the sensors, I step into the most heavily guarded and valuable room in all of Genesis. And within its shining walls I find… nothing that I expected.

There are no prototypes, no mechanical monstrosities or military weapons waiting for me. In fact, it looks like any other brainstorming room you’d find in a typical corporate office. The walls are shiny, there's a metal table in the center with all manner of comfy, expensive chairs, but there's nothing to justify the paranoia and secrecy about the place.

Well, not entirely. There’s an entire wall of file cabinets in the back.

Onyx takes his key and unlocks the cabinets, allowing me to browse the documents filed away within.

“I trust you’ll keep these in the strictest confidence.”

“With exception to the Princesses if they ask to see them.“

Closing one cabinet, I slide another open. All of these are blueprints, schematics, and brainstorming ideas for devices TechInc has already made. It’s only when I reach the last row of cabinets that I find ideas for things that haven’t been developed yet. I check them carefully; TechInc has a lot of plans for the coming years, with lists outlining market strategies and product development, along with tentative plans to expand operations throughout Equestria.

It all sounds like something an evil corporation would do in a horror film... only there's nothing here to suggest malevolent intentions. I can't find a single file or paper about weapons or devices that could be used to harm others. Indeed, it all looks legitimate. Everything is either medical in nature, or benign, everyday-technology. While it’s surprising to see development already underway on mechanical organs, there are other things I can’t make heads or tails of, things like ‘cars’ and ‘helicopters’. They seem to be transportation-related, but I can’t tell for sure.

“Are you satisfied?”

Reaching the end of the cabinet, I slide it closed. “I think so.”

“Find what you were looking for?”

“I’m not sure." I glance around the room. There aren’t any other nearly-invisible walls that I can see, nor are there any signs of… wait.

What’s that?

“If you don’t mind me asking, what did you hope to find?”

The floor… there’s barely visible scuff marks on the tile.

“I’m… not sure, to be exact,” I say. “It’s my job to search Genesis for anything that might be considered dangerous.”

“Well, you won’t find any of that here. I can promise you that.”

“I hope you’re right." It’s difficult to keep up a conversation without looking suspicious, but I try my hardest, looking like I’m curiously looking the room over while really trying to get a better glimpse of the scuff mark. And from what I can tell, it’s new, not faded and smoothed over like something that’s been there a long time.

“If you want to keep looking around, I can call for another officer to accompany you.”

“No, that’s alright. I’ve seen everything I need.”

We leave, the door quietly sliding into place behind us. I’m calm and assured as we take the elevator back up, but I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right here. A perfectly clean, high-tech room with a single scuff mark in the floor would only concern someone who's obsessive-compulsive. But for a room that was spotlessly clean, shouldn't a mark like that have been cleaned up immediately?

And perhaps more importantly, when was it made?


It’s a quick ride back to the Monolith. After bidding Onyx good night, I head back to my penthouse, hoping for a quiet night. But even as I try to relax by taking a long, hot bath, peace is nowhere to be found. When was the last time my parents got sick? What are they doing right now? They're probably still en-route to Saddle Lanka, but what if they take a turn for the worse while in flight? What if Gusty decides to land at a nearby community for medical treatment? Could his radio reach out this far? What if something happens to them before I could get there? How would I get there?

The night drags on. It feels like years go by before the first cracks of the sun's rays finally creep into the room. But the new day brings no relief. I struggle to get out of bed, wanting to do nothing more than to collapse and sleep for the rest of the day. But I still have a job to do, one that can't wait.

Glasseye is already awake and finishing up breakfast as I enter his chambers and trudge up the stairs. He's surprised to see me. So too is Stonehoof; neither expected me to come by this early.

“Silverspeak? What are you doing here so early?" Glasseye asks as he looks me over. "Good gracious, you look like the walking dead. Did you not sleep well?”

I rub my bloodshot eyes. “I had a rough night.”

“My boy, you can't go on the tour like this. You need sleep. Go back to your room and we'll pick this up tomorrow.”

Oh, I want to say yes... but I can't. I've already delayed this long enough. Get it over with, and I can finally get my answers.

“I went into the brainstorming room last night,” I say. “I didn't see anything that could be considered suspicious. But I'm still not convinced that things are as they seem.”

Glasseye's much calmer than I would have imagined him to be. He doesn't even seem concerned. “Whatever do you mean?”

Oh, to Tartarus with it. I turn on the charm. “Glasseye, are there any lethal weapons in this city?”

“Excuse me?”

“I saw scuff marks in the floor in the research room, ones that looked new. The only thing that could have made them was something heavy being dragged across the floor. Did you have anything removed before I entered?”

“Silverspeak, you're tired. You need to-”

“Answer my question.”

Annoyed, Stonehoof heads towards me. But Glasseye holds out a hoof and stops her. He takes a deep breath. “Silverspeak, there are no lethal weapons in Genesis. There have never been any, and there never will be, not as long as I'm in charge.”

Something in his voice conveys that he's not being completely honest.

"I don't believe you.”

Stonehoof's eyes narrow.

“Silverspeak, I understand it is your job to ask questions," Glasseye says, "but I will not be interrogated like an accused criminal.”

“I'm not accusing you of being one, but I think you're hiding something. Either that, or one of your employees is acting up.”

“Are you accusing my employees of trying to sabotage me? Because if you do, I will have you know that we do rigorous background checks on everyone we hire. And in the two years since I've started this company, we have yet to have a single theft or crime committed within these walls.”

“Then what was moved out of that room?”

“Probably just old files, the very first things we ever developed. We only have so much room in there, you know”

“Then I'd like to see those files as soon as possible.”

“Of course. I can arrange them to be brought to your room, if you wish.”

“How can I be sure they're the ones that were removed?”

Glasseye frowns. “I can only give you my word of honor that they're one and the same.”

I should keep pressing him. He's hiding something, I know it! With just the right amount of pressure I could make him spill everything and tell me all his secrets... but I... I can't. One of the things I learned when practicing my talent while growing up was knowing when to stop. If I use it peacefully and without aggression, I can almost always get the results I want. Using it aggressively, however, can cause individuals to close up and refuse to have anything to do with me. And judging by how irritated Glasseye is, he's almost to that point.


Glasseye nods, then turns to Stonehoof. “Have those cabinets moved to Silverspeak's penthouse as soon as possible." As she leaves, Glasseye puts his tea down. His hooves shake slightly. “I believe we both need some time to calm down, Silverspeak. Perhaps it's best to move the tour to tomorrow.”

He leaves without waiting for my answer.

With no reason to stay, I show myself out and head down to my penthouse, fighting to keep my eyelids open every step of the way. I should have waited until I had gotten enough sleep before pressing Glasseye for answers. Going in while tired and grumpy accomplished little. I'm fortunate Glasseye didn't try to throw me out of Genesis right then and there; I went to hard and pushed too fast, and I'm going to have to do a lot of work to make up for it and earn his trust again.

But even with fatigue clouding my mind, I know what I saw, and I know that Glasseye was keeping something from me.

At last, I reach the bedroom, and stagger towards my bed. I really should get in touch with Princess Luna and inform her what happened... but it'll have to wait. I need sleep, and I need it now.

I slip under the sheets, set the alarm for six, and collapse on the pil-


The alarm rings.

Urg... already?

Cracking my eyes open, I squint at the alarm. It's six in the evening. Eleven hours gone in just a few seconds. My eyes are still heavy, and I'm groggy, but I feel so much better. Still, it's tempting to hit the snooze button. No harm in catching just a few more minutes of-

Wait... Beakbreaker. I was going to see the closing ceremony with her!

Sliding out of bed, I rush to the bathroom and take a shower, frantically drying my afterwords to try and make myself presentable. A few quick brushes of my comb, and my hair no longer looks like I haven't showered in days. I pull on a coat, and then a tie, and I'm ready to attend the closing ceremony. But before I go, there's one thing I have to do; sleep has brought me a clearer mind, but there's still one last issue nagging at me that I need to attend to.

Going to the gilded phone in the living room, I take hold and dial a number. The line rings.

Come on, come on... please pick up. Please...


She may be tired, but there's no mistaking Mom's voice. “Mom? It's me, Silverspeak! Are you alright?”


“I'm sorry if I woke you up, but I had to know that you made it back okay.”

We did. No need to worry. Your father and I are just trying to get some sleep.

“Okay, I'll leave you to it." I almost hang up. “Oh, what's the password?”

Password? Oh yes, the password. It's Quiverquill.

Good, she remembers the password. Still, that pause worries me. Being exhausted and sick would slow anyone's train of thought, but I have to be absolutely sure I'm talking to my real mother. “What was my favorite dish I got every year on my birthday?”

Oh, that? Creamy tomato soup.

I chuckle; it's Mom I'm talking to, not an impostor. “I'll be sure to make you some when I come to visit. You two get better.”

Mom yawns. “We will, don't you worry. Talk to you later.

A click, and the line goes dead.


A filing cabinet waits outside my door. Not wanting to deal with it now, I shove it into the penthouse and lock the door behind me and hurry to one of the building's airships. In moments, I'm flying towards the convention center, thanking Celestia that my parents made it back safe. Hopefully some rest in familiar settings will help them recover from whatever bug they caught.

It isn't long before the ship reaches the convention center, which is just as packed as it was on opening night. If anything, it's even more crowded; Glasseye teased that something big would be revealed tonight, and it seems no one wants to miss it.

The ship comes to a stop in the designated landing area, and I quickly disembark, making my towards the front of the convention hall. Thanks to my pass, I'm able to take the VIP line, which bypasses all the poor guests who are jammed together near the main entrance. Beakbreaker's in there somewhere, and I keep looking for her. Blast it, I should have suggested we meet up somewhere else; finding her in this swarm is going to be difficult, if not impossible. I'll-


I spin at Beakbreaker's voice, and spot her near the entrance.

"Beakbreaker! Over here!"

She hurries through the crowds. Guards see her coming and ready themselves to politely turn her back, but they see me and my badge, and stand aside, letting her come to me.

"Thank goodness!" Beakbreaker gasps. "I was wondering if I would be able to find you in time!"

"I was thinking the same thing," I say, lifting up the cordon for her to come through.

"Thanks... Hey, you didn’t bribe these guys, did you?” Beakbreaker whispers.

I shake my head. “Being an ambassador of the Princesses does have its privileges.”

Beakbreaker eyes my badge. “You think I can get one of those?”

I chuckle.

"Well, let's head inside," Beakbreaker says. She looks around. "Hey, where are your parents? Are they already inside?"

"No... They got sick and headed home last night.”

“Sick? What with?”

“I’m not sure," I say. "But they were exhausted; they could barely stand or walk around.”

It’s fascinating to see Beakbreaker mentally go over all her medical training from school. “Sounds like a bad case of the flu. But it’s not uncommon; I’ve gotten them at conventions myself. You’re wiped out, but back on your feet within a day or two. Or three, in bad cases.”

“Are there any other diseases similar to the flu that they could have gotten?”

Another moment of thinking. “Not that I can recall, no."

A loud bell chimes. Looks like the ceremony's going to begin soon.

I signal two of the guards and ask if they can escort us to the closing ceremony. Nodding, he leads the way, Beakbreaker and I following. And as we go, I push aside all worries about my parents. Beakbreaker, a trained doctor and medical professional, doesn't think anything's seriously wrong with them. I trust her judgment.

If she thinks they'll be fine, then they'll be fine.

Author's Note:

I'd like to take a moment to thank reader Night_Shade for being one of my editors on this story, as well as for the first one and My Little Sharknado for his invaluable insights and uncanny knack at spotting things that kept slipping through the cracks. In fact, I just realized that the people who so generously donate their time don't get enough recognition, so here they are again:


A big thanks to you all!