• Published 11th May 2014
  • 5,102 Views, 271 Comments

A New World, A New Way - Swarm - Kingofsouls

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way. X is a constructin worker. Nell is a merchant in training. Then Arceus got out of his dimesional prision.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Nasty Plot

Chapter 2
Nasty Plot

Day 0

Nell and Citel arrived home after a good hour of shopping for goods to trade. Both of them clearly showed signs of parental bonding as Hira, Nall, Nalel, and the brood brothers were finishing cleaning up breakfast.

“Sounds like you had a good time.” Nalel announced as the father-daughter duo set their things down.

“Sure did!” Nell then rushed towards the stairs. “Gotta pack! Love ya, bye!”


It was nearing lunchtime, and X was diligently shoveling dirt into holes in a process of turning the pits into flat ground. Naruto, however was simply standing there instead of helping his trainer and friend. “You and Apocalypse sure do make a mess, don’t you?”

“Not in the mood Naruto.” X sighed as he shoveled more dirt into the small pits they came from. His right hand Mon was not letting up though.

I know you don't like to battle, so why did you battle that man?”

X paused. He didn't have a good answer. “He insulted Apocalypse. And Apocalypse is my friend. I'm not going to let anyone, especially muscle bound glory hounds like that guy insult my friends.”


Inti says you could have just said no and still stand up for, as Inti puts it, the brainless Rock.”

X stopped for a moment. “Wow, Inti. That's the nicest thing I ever heard you say about Apocalypse.”

She has a point, X,” Naruto countered, the insult completely ignored by the Dark Fox.

X sighed as he restarted shoveling. “It wouldn't have solved anything, Naruto. He was just like the rest of those trainers who want to battle me. He would have pestered me until I did battle him.”

“Hel-heli-hi-lisk, Heliolisk heli helio heliolisk lisk lisk lisk."

She says 'But that’s exactly what he wanted you to do. He had type advantage because of your lack of thinking it though. That’s why the Rock got hurt that badly.”

“Well, it's not like Apocalypse can take a hit anyway.” X retorted. It was true: despite being a Dragon and Rock dual-type, Tyrunts were roaring rage filled cannons made of unbelievably thin glass.

Naruto had a gleam in his eye as he walked towards his trainer.

You like battling with us.”

X balked as he tried to answer. “That came out of left field."

Admit it.”

“I don't like battling.”

I think Apocalypse disagrees.”

“Apocalypse is a Dragon. He likes battling no matter who he fights with.”

But he likes battling with you.

“I put his life in danger, Naruto. That Rick guy, he wanted blood. His Hitmonchan could have killed Apocalypse with those Ice Punches if he kept it up.” He motioned to Apocalypse's pokèball, currently attached to his belt. Thanks to Naruto's speed (as he was the fastest member of the team and capable of disguising himself as a human, he was the best choice, though Inti liked to disagree about the speed part), Apocalypse was taken to the Pokémon Center via Pokeball. Thankfully, Apocalypse was fine, though he did have a few lasting bruises. “Surely he must know that.”

I don't think he cares.”

“We're done talking about this Naruto. We're behind schedule.” X sighed as he walked to another hole in the ground. “Help Azisa with the walls of the treehouse. That's an order.”

Naruto shook his head as he simply did as he was told.

Nell sighed contently as she levitated her chest, which was far larger than a chest needed to be, down the stairs. She noticed her parents, simply relaxing in the living room, three of her brood brothers relaxing with them.

“Three of my little brood brothers not acting like bouncing balls of chaos? Okay, now I know something happened after I left.”

Her brood brothers simply blew raspberries in synch at their sister as Hira addressed her daughter. “Feeling better?”

“Yea, that walk really helped. I gotta get ready for tomorrow though, no time to talk.”

“It's noon.”

“If I get it done now, then I don't have to rush doing it later.” Nell replied, already heading for the door. With a swift hoof, she opened the door and headed out of the house.

“She gets that behavior from you. I am sure of it.”

“Oh Hira, if she did, I taught her her well.”

An easy way of determining the wealth of a Changeling was not the size of their house, but of their yard. Since space was at a premium in the Hoofrican jungles due to the sheer number of trees, houses with yards were far more expensive than traditional changeling housing.

Merchants tended to be able to afford those kinds of houses.

Nell marched toward the shed, her wagon waiting for her. The wagon, a sturdy one that had a roof similar to those of the pilgrims of Appleloosa, belonged to her, sort of. When she announced that she wanted to try being a merchant like her father, she had pooled some money for the basics a merchant would need (like product to trade). Using what remained of her money, she borrowed the rest of what she needed from her father under that agreement that she would pay it back.

Without looking, she magicked the back door of the wagon, which was a curtain and not a door, then lightly threw the chest into the wagon.

Naturally, she was surprised when she heard an “oof” come out of the wagon. Opening the curtain, she sighed as she noticed her two sisters in her wagon, Nall rubbing the side of her head while Nalel was glaring wide eyed at Nell, whom clearly did not look pleased at her two brood sisters.

“Uh....pay no attention to the changelings behind the curtain?”

“Get out of my wagon.”

“Nell, come on,” her sisters whined in unison. “Don't you want...”

“No. Get out of my wagon. Now.” Her sisters silent agreed, leaping out of the wagon in mock shame.

“Nell, please change your mind.” Nall pleaded. “We just want to spend some time with our brood sister. Think of the fun we could have if we went with you!”

“Yea, smores, campfire stories, possible chances to get eaten and die horribly!” Nalel continued for her brood sister “What more could a trio of terrific triplets want on a terrific and terrifying trip like this one!”

Nell's reply dripped with dull sarcasm as she levitated rope into the wagon. “Peace and quiet for starters.”

'You can't have that. It doesn't start with a T. Pick something else.”

“I know what you are doing. And it's not going to work.” Nel sighed, staring at her sisters with a cold iron piercing stare. “I want to just be on my own, without you. I love you, I really do, but....I don't want to just to do something that doesn't include you.”

“That's not very nice.” Nall countered. “We're family. Brood sisters. We did everything together when we were just fillies.”

“And what if something happens and we never ever ever ever see or hear or smell you ever ever ever again!?” Nalel moaned as she got uncomfortably close to her Nell, hugging her like a bear trap.

“It's just for a week. I'll be fine.”

“Tell that to my innocence. It's fluttering away into the wind, into oblivion's embrace.”

Is she sure she doesn't want to be an actor? Nell thought to herself. Her resolve however, was turned to steel as she forced Nalel out of the bear hug. “My decision stands. I'm going on my own. And that is that.”

“And we're going with you. And that is that.”

“That's it.” Nell sighed. As her horn covered in a light layer of frost. “MOOOOOOOOOOM!”

Nall and Nalel got the drift and ran away to safety. “Geez, isn't pulling the Mom card a little cheap for a 16 year old?” Nall asked her fleeing sister.

“Not really.”

“Just wanted to make sure when we do it to her in the future.”

Emperor Carapace simply sat at his private garden, gazing at the majesty of it as Celestia lowered the sun for the day. The garden seemed more like a large oasis than a garden, as a large pond with a fountain in the middle was the centerpiece of the garden. Flowerbeds of various jungle plants sat delicately in patterns, the space between them the path one would walk. Occasional palm trees hugged the walls of the garden.

Carapace enjoyed nature, especially the art of landscaping. When one lived as long as he did, you needed a hobby, a way to relax after the evils of running a country. For Carapace, it was landscaping. An odd hobby for a royal, but it was his hobby. The garden was his pride and joy, the fruit of many years of labor (and it was his labor: He did most of the heavy lifting if he could help it. He was old but not that old) that helped him relax.

And if you got Celestia, whom has seen more than him by a considerable margin, to note how amazing the garden was during her visits, you were doing something right.

“You visited her again, didn't you?”

“What did I tell you about asking permission to enter my gardens Silver Heart?” Carapace wearily commanded. Behind him was the Silver Heart in question, a tall willowy Changeling stallion who ironically had bronze colorings. His barding was on, the style that of an armored beetle’s shell the color of deep obsidian, and the helmet held in his leg. “And since I am on the subject, what did I tell you about minding your own business?”

“Well Sir, I was just on my rounds, and it looked like you needed a guy to just talk you. You know, like a friend or something like that.”

“You only work for me Silver Heart. You are not my friend.”

“Not yet I'm not Sir.” Silver Heart smirked as the Emperor cracked a half smile of his own. “So, as your most loyal guard, you can entrust a few secrets with me, right?”

Carapace rolled his eyes. “You have yet to earn that position. As far as I can recall from your superior’s reports, you seem to cross the line as many times as you can, seeing what rules you can get away with breaking. Such as entering my private garden. Without permission. Again.”

“Eh, it was just once or twice.”

“I believe the last count was 42 times. “

“Really, that many?”

“This month. It's a wonder I haven't fired you yet.”

“Maybe it's because you like me?”

“Or maybe it's because when you actually do your job, you show your true skill.” Carapace commanded. “That, and I kind of like you. But not by much.”

“Sir, why do you visit the Traitor Queen?”

“Why the sudden shift in topic?” Carapace asked.

“Well, I know you visit her every other Monday” Silver Heart replied. The Emperor adopted a curious look at Silver Heart answered the question, the younger changeling smirking all the while. “I do read the day to day schedules when I can. After all, I am such an amazing guard.”

“That is up for debate.”

“That being said, Sir. Why visit her? She could have ruined our entire country with her little revolt, thinking she could do the job better than you can.” Silver heart's eyes narrowed, a level of seriousness one would not expect such a light hearted Changeling like himself to be capable of. “Why do you care for her so much when it's obvious she does not care that much for you?”

“Let me answer your question with a question: Do you have a family?”

“Well, just my brood family. Mom, dad, two brood brothers and seven brood sisters.”

“No fillyfriend?”

“Isn't dating your colleagues a bad idea sir?”

“Right now, that is not the point.” There was a look in Carapace’s eye, one that showed both great love and wisdom. “Family does not turn it's back on family so easily. Just because your family turns on you, does not mean you should turn on them and respond to their hate with more hate. You must be willing to reach out, and at times be willing to risk yourself for them.”

“You mean that?”

“With all my heart.” Carapace chuckled as he said that. “When you are as old as I am, Silver Heart, you begin to appreciate what you have before it fades away.”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

“Well then, while you do that, take the evening off. Find somechangeling to get close to.”

“Is my boss telling me to find a date?”

“That's an order.”

'You got it, your highness.” Silver Heart rose to leave for his nighttime adventure, and as we walked away, Carapace addressed him again. “Oh, and Silver Heart?”


“Stay out of my garden. I mean it.”

The sun was setting as the team relaxed at home. While the treehouse only had one room, it didn’t matter since X's team preferred to sleep outside anyway, as they were Pokémon and used to sleeping outside. When the team felt like it, or the weather influenced their decision, they were allowed to sleep inside, but only in their Pokèballs, though due to the small space that was the room, it was first come first served.

The only exception to this rule was Azisa, for she was forever banned from sleeping in the tree house due to what is grimly referred to as “The Volcarona Incident”.

It was a beautiful sunset, so the team decided that despite bedtime being a few hours away, sleeping outside was much better than sleeping in a ball.

Apocalypse sat down near the base of the tree, his bruises still there. Due to his Rock typing, Fighting type attacks felt like there was enough force to crack his skin. However, he was also a Dragon, and Ice was one of the types his Dragonic brethren feared above all else.

Being both a Dragon and a Rock meant that one Ice attack hurt him far more than an Fighting attack would. Thus more reason to fear it.

“Feeling better friend?” Apocalypse turned to the voice, the sound soft and kind, which was coming from Azisa.

“Not really.” Apocalypse muttered, his voice childlike though the tone of voice was as wounded as his body. “Ice isn't nice.”

“I know what you mean. I'm part Grass.”

“You didn't get punched three times by a Hitmonchan.”

“Judging from the mess you made, I'd say you gave that Hitmonchan a run for his money. That is something to be proud off.”

“But I still lost. So it doesn't matter.” Apocalypse sighed. “I made a mistake.”

Azisa sighed. Apocalypse was a proud one. “We all make mistakes.”

“Says you. You weren't the one battling. You're better at a lot of stuff than me. So that means you don't make mistakes because if you weren’t better than me then you would make mistakes. But you're better than me so you don't make mistakes.”

“Oh right. You weren’t here for the Volcarona Incident.”

“The what?” Apocalypse asked, the curious side in him beginning to surface. Azisa quickly realized exactly what she had said, and tried to backpedal. “We do not talk about the Volcarona Incident.”

“OH come on, now I'm curious.” Apocalypse whined, leaping to his feet. “Tell me!”

“I will not talk about such a thing.”

“Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

“No, and nothing you do will make me talk!”

In response, Apocalypse simply barred his impressive set of teeth. Azisa got the message and started running as fast as a six legged tree could go as the Dragon Rock ran after it.

Naruto sat hidden in the branches of their home, watching Apocalypse chase Azisa. He sighed, wondering why in Arceus' name did he have to work with someone who could be such a brat at times. As he sat and watched, he smiled.

“Do I want to know what the Rock is doing?” Naruto turned his head towards the voice's owner, which was Inti, a basket of round blue Oran berries and pink heart shaped Pecha berries being held somewhat poorly in her tail. The Electric Reptile traversed through the branches as well as she could towards Naruto.

Heliolisk were native to canyons and other rocky environments. For Inti, traveling through the branches of a tree was a talent she needed to learn. Though she was no expert, in time she was able to traverse the leafy branches of home. Somewhat.

Somehow, Inti completed her trek to Naruto without having the basket fall, a feat that would have impressed any Aipom. “See for yourself.” Naruto replied as he pointed towards the chaser and the chased, whom were currently running in circles around another tree. Inti couldn't help but laugh at Apocalypse's expense.

“Is Apocalypse chanting 'Chase the Tree? Chase the Tree?'”

Naruto grabbed a berry as he replied “That's what is sounds like to me.”

Inti started laughing at that point. “He always is entertaining to watch.” she sighed. “What did he do this time?”

“It's actually what Azisa did this time. She mentioned the Volcarona Incident, and Apocalypse got curious.”

“Oh yea, Apocalypse wasn't with us when that happened.” Inti reminisced. The two continued to watch the chase, which was in Azisa's favor. As the lizard Pokémon closed in on the Ghost Tree, Azisa flicked one of her claws, the roots of the nearby tree rising just enough to trip Apocalypse.

“Stupid Rock.” Inti muttered in between bites of her berry. Naruto growled at his workmate. “Must you stereotype Apocalypse so often?”

“Hey, if the stereotype fits....”

“They never fit. Take it from me. Do you know how bad of a reputation Dark Type pokémon like myself get based on stereotypes? Not every member of my type are cruel as our type suggests.”

“Oh, the stereotypes can't be that bad,”

“Some people in Jhoto call us not Dark Types, but Evil Types.” Inti was silent as Naruto simply continued. “And that is just the tip of the iceberg. True, we Dark types may do things other view as underhanded or unfair, but is it just and fair to assume that every member of a group acts like exactly like the one member you do not like? A stereotype is born not because others don't understand you, but because others do not wish to understand you.” He got to his feet, grabbed a Pecha berry, and tossed it to Inti, whom dropped it but was able to catch it. “Some food for thought.” he said to his friend as he started to leave for the treehouse.

The worst part of any part of any business is actually running the business. X sighed as he started to fight against the incoming headache. Thanks to Apocalypse being more destructive than needed and Azisa's picky lumber preferences, his jobs had been making less profits than expected. Not that X minded that much. He was still making money, just not the numbers he was hoping for.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he barely noticed falling asleep far earlier than he usually did. Then with a whisper of wind, he faded into nothing, the pokèballs his team called home turning to dust.

Inti was silently chewing on her berries as she observed Apocalypse and Azisa, the latter deciding that “Chase the Tree” was no longer fun. She was dwelling on Naruto's parting words.

A stereotype is born not because others don't understand you, but because others do not wish to understand you.”

Inti did like picking on the Tyrunt, but she still considered him an ally while working.


Before Inti could contemplate this more, sleep grabbed her, and she dozed off. Gravity soon claimed her, as she fell out of the tree, fading away just before hitting the ground.

Apocalypse yawned loudly, the sound more like a growl. He felt sleepy for some reason. He stubbornly fought the sleep but failed and crashed to the ground. Azisa fared little better, her one eye closing as a dreamless sleep awaited her team. Then, they two faded away as if they were never there.

Naruto sat cross legged atop his favorite sleeping spot (the roof of the treehouse), meditating on his conversation with Inti. He hopped his friend would let up on her teasing Apocalypse, and as a result, would have him stop wanting to pick on Inti.

Although to be fair, Apocalypse had equal opportunity when it came to picking on others. He on occasion had chased his own trainer.

Before he could think any farther on the subject, sleep had called him, and he too had fallen asleep. And like the illusions his kind could create, he faded away.

Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.”

Day 1

Carapace smiled on the inside. Due to a stroke of pure, random, unbiased luck, there was very little work to be done that Carapace could simply have someone else do for him. With an abundance of free time, that could only mean one thing to the Emperor.

A visit to the local Green house for new plants for his garden.

He almost chuckled like an impatient foal. Almost.

The mood seemed to be both infectious and alarming as he practically skipped on his way to the dining hall. Two of his maids dressed in dark Gothic maid uniforms noticed their Emperor act so childish, and simply stopped and stared.

“I have never seen anychangling so darn happy about buying plants.” one of the maids.

“Must be a royal thing.”

Clinging to a rafter in the roof, Naruto cursed every Dark hating Legendary he could think of. Due to a stroke of pure, calculated, simply evil and biased bad luck, Naruto had awoken in an unfamiliar place, infested with Bugs.

Hundreds of them.

At least they looked like Bugs.

In any case, since Naruto was a Dark Type, Bugs had type advantage against him. And since he was in their hive, getting out was the number one goal for the moment.

Never seen Blitzle Bugs before....those wings sure do look out of place. Maybe they are a new kind of Pokémon? Naruto thought. Doesn't explain how I got here in the first place.

Or where X and the rest of the team are. I need to find them.

Naruto quickly climbed down a nearby pillar, then stiffened. Something was coming. He ducked behind the pillar as two Bugs, one black with a bronze tail, the other one also black but with a white tail. The two were having a conversation as they walked past the pillar.

“So, how did last night go Silver?”

“Well, I did find a cute mare to have a few dances and drinks with.”

“Really? You found a date on the first night of looking for one?”

“Yea. The date loved me. The coltfriend? Not so much.”


“Yea, that's what I said when he punched me.”

“Sounds to me like a fun evening.”

“Yea, gonna go have more fun tonight. Anyways, wanna join me when I sneak into His Highness’s garden.”

“You just don’t know when to quit do you?”

The one called “Silver” and his friend continued n their way, but unbeknownst to them, from out of the pillar waked a changeling whom looked strangely like the white tailed one, only with a large bushy dark red mane coming out of a hole out of his helmet, and a bushy deep red tail. The strange changeling then rushed in the opposite direction, quickly and quietly.

Inti had no idea what the hell was happening. One moment she was observing Apocalypse being Apocalypse, and the next?

She's in a strange room, seemingly made of a green crystal structure, with three beds in it, a large mirror, and a box crammed with sporting equipment, with a mountain of stuffed animals next to that.

What happened?.Inti thought to herself. Lets see. I was watching Apocalypse try to eat Azisa because he wanted to know what the Volcarona Incident was, then Naruto and I talked, then I watched Apocalypse and Azisa some more....guess I fell asleep and wound up here.

Where is here anyway?

Suddenly, she heard a groan, and she turned her heard a groaning sound to her left. Two strange equip bugs were rousing from their slumber. Inti panicked and dove into the pile of stuffed animals, her head head sticking out of the pile.

Befitting a hive of wretched bugs, the palace as Naruto assumed it was, was nothing but winding identical passages that lead nowhere. He ran into the occasional guard, servant, and other bug, but he kept his distance: His Illusions were quite realistic, but he was in the home of his mortal enemy, so any moment he stayed in this hive was a moment too much.

A few more minutes passed, and he found two (hopefully) female Bugs, dress in gorgeous dark gothic dresses, cleaning several vases outside an impressively large door. “Excuse me!” Naruto asked the ladies. They turned their heads to the newcommer, one quickly suppressing a smile. “I'm a little lost.”

“Not surprising. This is the palace of the Empire after all.”d

“Yea....do you know where the main hall is? I am a new recruit.”

“Well, you need to simply go the way you came, until you come across the third left. Follow that until you find a set of stairs next to a tapestry....” the maid's partner droned. Naruto sighed. Bug places tended to have long lists of directions for the simple task of leaving the place.

“Or he could just follow me.” The maids turned around, seeing their Emperor, whom had just exited the dining hall.

“Emperor!” The maids bowed, Naruto staring for a moment, then kneeling as well. Carapace motioned for the three to rise. “New recruit?”

“Yes I am sir.”

“You have a name?”


“Sounds Neighponese.”

“Not to me sir.”

“Well, as your Emperor, I suggest you follow me so you can get your bearings, and so I can get to know you a bit.” The Emperor then marched onward, Naruto quickly following. The maids then turned to each other.

“He's pretty attractive.”

“Must be that gorgeous red mane. So wild.”

Nell grumbled as she lead the caravan towards the first Fort. As the journey was three days each way and it was in the middle of the dangerous Hoofrican Jungle, two forts were constructed to act as safe zones so caravans could rest and be safe for the night. Nell could handle that.

She just wanted to be alone on this journey.

The day of her departure, Nell was shocked to learn that her mother had hired four bodyguards to join her on her journey as an extra precaution. Nell suspected this was her brood sister's way at getting back at her for denying their company.

“Anything on your mind?”

Nell turned to see the apparent leader of the bodyguards.

“Yea, family troubles.”

“Oh boy.” The guard was silent for a moment. “Parent problems?”

“More like my brood sisters.”


“Well, I wanted to go on this journey alone. As in 'On my own.'”

“Now I feel insulted.” the guard feigned being hurt, and Nell chuckled.

“Oh, it's not like that. I love my family but I just needed to get away from my brood sisters.”

Now the guard looked a little disturbed. “Siblings can be like that.”

“I'm not like them. Nall and Nalel are hyper, sporty, loud....Me? I'm skittish around changelings I don't know, present company sort of excluded, I'm soft spoken, I don't like sports. How we're brood sisters still eludes me.”

The Guard thought on this for a moment. “I think I've heard of this. Brood siblings tend to have a lot of the same interests. But for you to be this different is rare but not unheard of.”

“Glad I'm not the only changeling who has this conundrum.”

“I still say you should try and connect with them.”

“But....i don't want to.”

“Why not?”

“Because I want to be my own changeling, not just a member of a trio.”

The Guard remained silent for all but a minute, until that silence was broken by his subordination. “Anteater, we got movement!”

Anteater and Nell turned to the source of the voice, another of the bodyguards. He was pointing towards rustling bushes.

Considering where the five changelings were, that was not a good sign.

“Finally, a reason to earn our paychecks. Line formation boys!” The guard, who's name was apparently Anteater shouted as he drew his sword, forsaking the magic usually used when wielding weapons and favoring the hilt in his mouth. The others rushed into formation, each surprised when Nell also joined them, standing behind . “We can handle this, just...”

“Your job Anteater is to protect me. My job is to protect my goods.” Nell horn then glowed with an icy aura as her favorite ice spell was charging up. “And I am doing just that.”

“Fine by me. Just stay behind us.”

The rustling intensified, Nell beginning to question her judgment: What if it was a beast they couldn't fight, like a manticore, or a chimera, or (gasp) a hydra? She looked at her guards, their weapons drawn and their guard raised.

They could handle anything.

So could Nell.

Then, without warning, a head popped out of the bushes, and Nell awed. It was a lion, it's head a dull light black and a tan coloring on it's face, surrounding it's eyes, nose, and mouth. It's ears were large and round, and it bore a small tuff of fur on it's head, the coloring reddish orange.


And all it took was one look at the five strange creatures for the tiny lion to duck back into the bushes in fear.

“False alarm.” Anteaters confirmation was muffled as he sheathed his weapon. “Lets get going. Back in formation you louts.”

“Hold on.” Nell approached the bush. “It's scared.”

“It's a lion. It could hurt us.”

“Oh, he's so small. I don't think he'll hurt us.”

Anteater simply shrugged as Nell made her way though the bush with little difficulty. Then, she saw the lion in full. Alongside the cute head, the lion's body was mostly the dull black that was the color of it's upper face, and it's paws were the light tan color. It's tail, short but cute, ended in a tan fur that was teardrop shaped, though Nell though it looked vaguely like a fire.

“Hey there little guy. I won't hurt you.”

The lion didn't look convinced. He tried to back away from the changeling, the fear evident in his face. “Lit-li?”

Nell was stunned for a bit. It sounded like the lion could talk. As far as Nell knew, lions did not talk. At least, not any lion she ever heard of.

“Can you talk?”


“Okay, I'm going to assume that is a yes. Can you talk the same way I can?”


“Um...is that a 'yes' Li or a 'no' Li?”

“Li Li.”

Nell face hoofed, the lion smiled, still weary of the strange creature in front of him, but at least she was funny. As Nell removed her hoof from her face, she looked at the lion's front leg. Bruises where on it, hardly noticeable but still there.

“You're hurt!” Nell proclaimed. “How did this happen?”


“I'm uh,” came the interruption “I'm not getting any of that.” Annoyance was the best way to describe the face of the lion and Nell knelled. “Here let me take a look at that.” She reached a hoof, the lion quickly inching away, pain visible on it's face as it tried to escape.

“I don't want to hurt you, Little guy. But if you put any weight on that leg it's going to hurt more. If you let me, I can help you.”

The lion though over this for a moment. Then he nodded and inched towards his hero of the day. Nell hoof a paw in her hoof, taking a look at the wounds of her new friend. “Weird. It feels cold. Almost as if it was frozen or just really really cold. But we're in Hoofrica. It doesn't get cold.”

“Lit Li Li Li”

“Well, I need to go get some bandages. Get on.” Nell motioned towards her back, the lion climbing on it in the most ungraceful way possible. With her new passenger on her backside, Nell rose, and returned to whence she came.

“I see you have a new friend.” Anteater teased his employer. Nell would have shrugged if she wasn't carrying a passenger. “He's cute, at least I think he's a he. That's a plus.” Marching towards the wagon, she addressed her team. “Do we have any medical supplies for frostbite?”

“Uh, frostbite?”

“Little guy's front paw seems to be either frozen or frostbitten. I think. We don't get cold weather here.”

“We know that. We're natives of this jungle too.”

“Right, right. Silly me. Still a little nervous.”

“We have some bandages, but that's it. I think they are in the first aid kit.”

“I'll go get it.” Nell marched towards the wagon's back area, the lion still riding her. “So, do you have a name or do I just call you Little Guy.”

“Litleo Litleo!”

“Okay. Litleo Litleo it is.”

The lion simple rolled it's eyes, As the changeling went to take care of Litleo Litleo, Anteater totted up to the guard. “You ever see a lion like that?”

“No I have not Rolling Iron.” Anteater replied “Which is weird. I've crossed this path many times and have yet to see a lion like that.”

“A rare breed perhaps?”

“I've seen weirder. Keep your eyes open. Just in case.”

“Okay Litleo Litleo, all fixed up.”

In the already cramped wagon, Nell had just finished bandaging the little creature known and Litleo Litleo. True to Anteaters word, they didn't have anything for the frozen aspects of the lion's wound, but the bandages seemed to work. Litleo Litleo looked down at it's now bandaged leg. It did indeed feel better. He smiled, thanking his helper with a “Li! Litleo! Li!”.

“See, I'm not that scary once you get to know me, huh.”


“Is that a yes Li or a no Li?”

Ignoring the question, the lion started to walk, but didn't get far as Nell used her magic to hold the lion in the air (with much effort, as the lion was heavier than he looked) as he attempted to leap of the box that was used as a table. “Where are you going?”

“Li Li lit lit Leo”

“I don't know what you are trying to tell me. “

Both of them looked stumped. The language barrier was a cruel mistress sometimes.

“Okay, why don't I ask you questions and you try to answer them with a yes or a no okay?”


“Okay, then. Are you hungry?”


Nell suddenly realized how bad of an idea that was. “Was that a yes Li or a no Li.”

The lion sighed, his mysterious friend frustrating him. Then Nell's eyes lit up. “I got it. If the answer is yes, you say Li once, and if the answer is No, you say Li two times, for 'maybe' you say Li three times, and for “I don't know' you say it four times, Okay?”

“Li!” The lion happily replied.

Nell chuckled. “Okay, I'll take that as a yes. So, are you hungry?”

“Li Li”

“Good, I wouldn't know what to fed you. Um.....” Nell pondered. “Okay, do you have a family?”


“Great! Do you know where they are?”

The lion then looked quite sad. “Li Li”

“Oh....so..... you're lost?”


“Oh, I'm sorry....” Silence hung in the air as Nell contemplated what to ask next. “Litleo Litleo, do you know where they might be?”

“Li Li Li Li”

He doesn't know....

“Well, I can't take you with me. I mean, my trip is going to be for a few days before I return to the jungle, and if your parents are looking for you, they might think I took you if they find me leaving the jungle with you. I need to take you deeper into the jungle so I can find your family.”

Litleo Litleo looked at the strange creature as she put him down, and watched as she dug through a chest. As quickly as she opened the box, she found what he was looking for.

Rope. Lots of rope.

“I was planning on selling these ropes, but I think any buyers wouldn't mind a rope that was been tested, right?”

“Okay, we need to get moving towards the fort now or we'll get there after sunset. Tell Nell to hurry up.”

“I agree.” Anteater tuned around, Nell standing behind him. On her back was the lion and around her waist was a rope tied to it. A large pile of rope was behind her, and Anteater did not like where this was going. “Dare I ask about the rope.”

“I'm going to find Litleo Litleo's family.” She stated as he used her magic to tie the rope to a nearby tree. “Since I found Litleo Litleo in this general direction, That's where I'm going to look first. The rope is so I can find my way back to to the main path once I do find his family.”

“We're going with you.”

“No. If it's just me, I can look faster. What I need you and your men to do is to get the goods to the fort.”

“You? Alone in the jungle. Not gonna happen.”

“Anteater, I am not taking no for an answer.”

“Neither am I.”

Litleo Litleo looked a little panicked, wishing he could hide in a bush. “Anteater, what I really wanted was to go on my own and discover who I want to be, without my sisters being my sisters. I appreciate why you and your men are here, but I feel that your presence is making my journey a little less personal. Please allow me this one request.”

“Sir, she does have a way back to the main path with that rope.” Rolling Iron piped up as he and his two other comrades prepared to leave.

“You do realize how dumb this idea is, right?”

“I know, and I'm still going through with this.”

“Fine. But if you're not back by nightfall, we're coming back for you.”

“Don't worry, I will.” Then, with a brisk pace, she charged into the wilds of the jungle, “Lets go Litleo Litleo!” her last words before she was out of sight.

Rolling Iron marched towards his boss, hesitation in every step. “You do realize if anything happens to her, we're in serious shit right?”

“Just make the cart go forward.”

Silver Heart and his white tailed friend could not believe their eyes.

The garden was infested with....things. There were several large moths, bearing purple wings, a crested purple head, and a dull brown abdomen, some fluttering about, while the majority were simply on the walls and some of the palm trees. The oasis pond on the other hand had easily three dozen turtles in it. The turtles were all blue skinned, bearing dark brown shells with yellow bottoms. Their tails were short, and ended in a spiral curl curling inward. Some of them were playing with each other, others simply relaxing. Among the turtle shells was a impressively large shell the same color of the tiny turtles, the shell seemingly empty.

“Well, I'm guessing the Emperor has branched out and turned this into a animal sanctuary.”

“And ruin his prized Foxgloves? Not on your life. “ Silver Heart then approached the turtles, seamlessly shifting into a serious guard of the Changeling Empire. “Okay, I don't know how you and your moth friends took over the garden in a single night . But that's not the point. Time for you to go somewhere else turtles!”

The turtles stopped what hey were doing, gazed at the strange creature before them, blinked, blinked again, then promptly ignored him and resumed what they were doing. Silver Heart was not amused. “Hey, I mean it. Scedadle!”

“Squirtle Squirtle Squirt?” One turtle asked another whom was playing with him

“Squirt Squirtle Squirt!” his friend replied. Both of them then started to laugh their heads off.

“Okay, fun time is over, and leaving time has begun. Lets go.” Silver commanded. Then, with his horn glowing bronze, one of the turtles in turn was engulfed by the aura. The creature then struggled to break free, shouting “Squirtle!” repeatedly. The other turtles then turned their attention to the attacker, and began to approach him to save their friend.

“Rizen, I could use some backup!”

“On it!” Which a quick charge of his horn, a burst of magic shot out of his horn. A second, then a third followed suit, the trio of magic bolts striking three of the turtles, stunning them and scaring the rest.

Then, with a splash, two arms and legs, shot out of the large, apparently not empty shell the duo had ignored. The limbs, the same blue color of the turtles, were thick and sturdy, ending with three white claws on each. Then a head followed suit, the ears triangles and the eyes brown. His lower jaw was a cream color that complemented the blue coloring of the head nicely.

The creature then rose to it's full height, the five foot tall tortoise apprising some fear in the Changelings and respect in the turtles. The moths had started distancing themselves from the creature as much as they could.

“Blastoise.” the creatures voice rumbled deeply as it spoke, resonating with a air that commanded power and respect.

“Watch yourself Silver, that's a big turtle.”

“Doesn't mater, I'll just throw him out like the little ones.” Silver replied. “Lets go, buddy.”

Then, two slots on the large turtles back opened, and two gunmetal gray cannons extended out of this back. Needless to say, Silver heart was rendered speechless. “What in Tartarus!? That thing has cannons!?”

As if to answer his rhetorical question, the large turtle took aim, and a powerful torrent of water blasted out of one of the cannons, crashing into Silver Heart and flinging him across the room. He rolled to a stop, groaning as he list is momentum. “Heart! You okay!?”

“I just got launched across the garden by a giant turtle who has bucking water cannons in it's back.” Silver shouted. “Do I really need to answer that?”

Rizen felt silly after realizing how simple the answer was. “Good point.”

The large turtle then marched out of the oasis, the cannon's trained on the two changelings. “Go get reinforcements Rizen.” Silver commanded as he got to his feet. “I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.”

Rizen didn't waste a second and immediately ran for the exit. “You got it buddy. Stay safe!” Then, bronze fire engulfed the soldier, and as the turtles and moths were trying to contemplate what was happening,the fire resided, revealing a different tortoise, this one on all fours and it's shell a dull bronze.

The cannon-wielding turtle was stunned, but only for a moment. He then made a beconing motion several times, taunting his foe.

Silver guessed the large turtle wanted to fight.

Good. He was getting a little rusty anyway.

It had been several minutes since Nell and Anteaters company had parted ways, and so far she had not found anything resembling a lion pride. Considering how dense the jungle was, and the fact that if was a jungle and therefore must have many dangerous beasts in it, it was both unusual and lucky. Litleo Litleo was trying and failing to take a nap, the lion bored from not finding anything.

“Don't worry Litleo Litleo, well find them.”

As if on cue, rustling was heard in the trees to their right just a ways away. Nell sighed in content. The duo had finnaly found something!

“Litleo Litleo, I think we found something!”

Then, the rustler burst out of the foliage, a creature that vaguely looked like a small brown dinosaur. It roared in rage and changed the duo, the foliage in it's path doing absolutely nothing to slow it down.

Nell and Litleo screamed and ran in the opposite direction, praying to anyone listening that the creature would not catch them.