• Published 4th May 2014
  • 6,555 Views, 166 Comments

That's Not Quite How He Told It... - Calm Wind

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance tell hilariously conflicting versions of how their first date went.

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Chapter 2

That’s Not Quite How He Told It…
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 2:

(Shining Armor)

The walk to the restaurant was slow and romantic. I strode with pride, Cadance planted firmly to my side. I couldn’t help but smile as ponies admired us.

Was I lucky? Yes. Not every stallion is blessed with a beautiful princess that watches over their little sister. But at the same time it was my spirit and urge to succeed that would win Cadance’s heart.

It wasn’t a very long walk, but I offered my body for her to lean on. Ladies love a stallion who can support them Spike. No matter how tough a mare may appear, deep down there is a delicate flower. Hell, even if there isn’t, you treat them like there is one. A stallion with a manly presence and gentle touch will make any mare swoon.


We had to rush to make the restaurant on time. It was a long walk away and we only had fifteen-twenty minutes to get there. Shining was already walking too fast because of how nervous he was. He was practically tugging me along.

I tripped over my dress once or twice but he was so jittery that even a slight sudden movement from me made him stop, turn, and ask if I was okay. I assured him I was fine at least ten times during that little jog.

He was killing himself. It became obvious that he was worried about annoying me too. That wasn’t the case of course, but he was already extremely nervous. He had this terrible look of dread on his face after the tenth time he asked. I had to do something about it. When we reached the restaurant I stopped him before we went in.

“Shining.” I suddenly spoke up before he could open the door. He yelped and shook his head before turning to me, holding his breath. I giggled at him and used my magic to clamp his nose shut so he would be forced to take a breath. “It was very sweet of you to keep checking on me.” I assured him.

It was truly how I felt. Shining wouldn’t be so over protective if he didn’t hold me in such high regard. Your brother’s nervous mannerisms always appeared more as sweet gestures than they did annoyances. He was really worried about making this night special, but just being himself was already making it just that.

“Thank you.” I smiled at him

“Heh, sure, no problem.” He replied while blushing out of his ears.

(Shining Armor)

I’ll tell ya Spike, I really outdid myself with the restaurant selection. Chateau de Chariot, one of the most popular fancy restaurants in Canterlot. I had to pull a few strings to get a reservation, but it would be worth every bit spent for Cadance.

The place had an atmosphere like the Canterlot royal palace itself, with dim lighting, medium to high ceilings, and spectacular glass chandeliers.

I led Cadance to our table and helped her into her seat before taking mine across from her and gazing into her eyes. Eye contact is important Spike. If you are always looking into a lady’s eyes you don’t even have to tell her you are interested. Cadance was a lot of fine mare to look at, but EYE CONTACT. REMEMBER THAT.

The restaurant was known for quick, but excellent service. We were still too young at the time, but oh how I wish we could’ve shared a nice glass of wine. Not like I needed any liquid confidence, but it would have added to the moment.

Another thing is to know your mare up and down. Know her likes and dislikes and such. I knew they served one of her favorite foods there. Alfalfa kissed with a dash of Clysdalian dressing and sprinkled with diced strawberries. I picked it out for her when the waiter took our orders, and even made sure to explain the special way she likes it done.

I earned about a million coltfriend points there. I knew she loved it.


I will admit. I was amazed Shining had gotten a reservation at Chateau de Chariot. When I asked he confessed that Aunty Celestia had found out about our date while talking to your parents and offered to get us a reservation. He seemed a little embarrassed about it, but who would turn down a chance to dine at one of the finest restaurants in Canterlot?

We were led to our table and it took Shining a moment to let my arm down. I think he was either really enjoying having me close or he was afraid he wouldn’t get another chance. He was about halfway around the table as I went for my chair before,

“Oh!” He quickly turned and scampered back around to pull my chair out for me, but I was already sitting down. He accidentally pulled my chair out from under me and I fell on my flank.

I thought his head was going to explode, he looked absolutely mortified.

“I—, SORRY! I didn’t mean…” He of course tried to explain himself. It’s a good thing I started giggling at him. I was more than certain he was seconds from making a break for the exit. I reached my hoof towards him and smiled. He stared at it dumbly for a second before realization hit and he helped me up.

“You were just trying to pull my chair out for me,” I said while rubbing my hoof gently on the bottom of his chin, “no harm done.”

“Aye yai yai…” he let his head hang despite my reassurance. Twilight, your brother is so darn cute when he’s flustered. This may sound devilish of me, but I was actually enjoying it.

“Here,” I pulled the chair back over and pushed it in, “go ahead.” I pointed to it. I felt obliged to let him be a gentleman. He had clearly been coached on what to do. I didn’t want to deny him the chance. He pulled the chair out, keeping his eyes averted the whole time, and gently pushed it in as I sat down. “Thank you.”

“Yeah, I mean, you’re welcome.” His voice was full of shame. He sat down and didn’t look at me, but I kept looking at him. Your brother was a charmer in his own special way. He looked and sounded so depressed, like he had completely screwed up everything already. Little did he know, it was just the opposite.

(Shining Armor)

It was definitely by far one of the finest dinners I had ever eaten. Cadance had enjoyed it immensely as well. Part one of our date was a rousing success. I was out of the gate strong and well on my way to a first place finish.

While the meal was a highlight, I made sure to spend more time focusing on her.

“You look really good in that dress,” I told her, but mind you, kept looking into her eyes.

“I’m glad you like it, it’s my favorite.” She said back to me while sighing contently.

“I think you’re your giving your Aunt a run for her bits. Celestia better watch out, you’re even prettier than her.” I kept it going. A mare can never get enough compliments.

“Oh stop.” She waved her hoof at me while giggling. “I’m nothing compared to Aunty Celestia.” Also, never let them get away with modesty. You want a mare to like you? You make her feel like the most beautiful mare in Equestria.

“I wholly disagree. They should put you on those stain glass windows in the palace.” I fired back. Oh how that made her blush. I was on a roll. I would do anything to make her smile.

We sat for a little while longer, but it was time to get to our movie. The bill was a little steep, but like I said, it was worth every bit for her. That’s another thing Spike. No matter what she says, never let a mare pay for anything on a date. Cadance fought me on it, but I insisted. The night was for her, and for me to treat her.

Once we were all paid, I made sure to offer her my arm again before we made our way out.


The food was incredible, but it wasn’t the smoothest dinner. It took Shining a little while to just look at me again. I didn’t mind, I wanted him to get as comfortable as possible. He was clearly trying his hardest to be the best stallion he could be for me. It may not have been going very well, but it was the effort that counted.

“You… um…” he suddenly spoke up as we were eating. I was surprised he had spoken at all, but don’t get me wrong, I was happy he did. “You look…” He was trying to find the right words. “You like, beautiful… in that dress.” He finally said. I’ll be honest. It made my heart flutter when he said that.

“Why thank you, it’s my favorite dress.” I said back, admittedly blushing a little.

“You, uh…” He continued. There was more? Oh how I loved to hear him compliment me. “You’re definitely related to… Celestia. You’re very hot—, D’AH I MEAN, pretty.” I caught the clear slip up, but I knew what he meant. Plus he was a stallion. I know how stallion’s minds work.

“You look very handsome yourself.” I made sure to compliment back. “That’s a very nice suit.” He was definitely distracted by my compliment, because as soon as I said it, his fork knocked over his bottle of tartar sauce and it spilled all over his suit.

“Aw MAN!!!!” He just sat and stared at it before frantically hovering a napkin over and trying to wipe it off. “My dad is going to KILL me!” I just looked away and tried to hold in fits of laughter. Oh Shining… so sincere, but so clumsy.

We finished out meals in silence. Shining was clearly very embarrassed. The first part of our date wasn’t going very smoothly for him, but there was plenty time left for him to pick himself back up. Either way, I still was enjoying myself and him.

“Thanks.” Shining said unenthusiastically as a waiter handed him the bill. I didn’t even try offering to help pay, because I knew he would turn me down. I didn’t have any bits on me already because I knew he’d want to pay. He read it over and set it down before reaching into his suit pockets. Then his eyes grew three sizes. That wasn’t a good sign.

He pulled at his pockets until they were inside out, then groaned.

“Oh noooooooo…” He whined and let his face fall against the table.

“Forgot your bits?” I asked with a sigh.

“Yes…” He mumbled against the tablecloth. I was legitimately feeling bad for him now. Sure I was enjoying the date regardless, but I had a feeling that at the end of this, I’d be persuading him not to jump off a cliff.

“Don’t worry about it.” I assured him and called over one of the waiters. As I said, I didn’t have any bits on me, so I told them to send a tab to Aunty Celestia along with an explanation.

“I’ll pay you back, I promise.” Shining said as he sighed, lifted his head, and rested his chin on the edge of the table.

“It’s fine.” I shook my head.

“No, it’s not. Please, let me pay you back.” He pleaded. I couldn’t say no to those eyes or those sincere words.

“Okay.” I smiled at him, “but no rush, I’m not going to be a tax collector on you.” I looked over at the clock on the wall. “What time does our movie start anyway?”

“Huh?” Shining looked to the clock then jumped up from his seat. “Ah! It starts in ten minutes! C’mon!” He quickly came around the table, but stopped dead in his tracks when I got up. “Uh actually, no, let’s not rush.” He suggested, not wanting to drag me along again.

“It’s alright Shining,” I realized I’d be reassuring him a lot throughout this date, “I don’t care if we miss a little bit of the movie. Tonight is about us spending time together right?” He blinked and smiled sheepishly.

“Y—yes, it is.” He agreed.

“Then let’s take it at whatever pace we like.” I got up and the two of us walked towards the exit. Halfway he flinched and quickly held his arm out. I giggled and took it as we left.

“This is rich.” Twilight giggled as she finished her tea.

“That’s twice now.” Cadance set her tea down and eyed Twilight quizzically. “I get the feeling you’ve heard a different version.”

“Just keep telling it. I’m loving this.” Twilight smiled as she rubbed her hooves together and leaned towards Cadance. Cadance rolled her eyes, wondering what Shining had told Twilight.


---To be Continued---

Author's Note:

Was originally a oneshot, but quick easy chapters is allowing both more ease of writing on me and more exposure for the story :D

This is gonna be short, so probably two more small chapters :)