• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,830 Views, 99 Comments

And They Call It Puppy Love - kudzuhaiku

Screwloose has been seeing a therapist. She's getting better. The therapist suggests that she tries dating. She does.

  • ...

Chapter 10

“I am so glad you are back.” Screwloose said, hugging Fleagle. “Where did you go?”

“Fleagle go see Hookbill, tell Hookbill good news. Hookbill very happy.” Fleagle said, his eyes wide with delight. He leaned into Screwloose, pressing his nose against her neck, snuffling and sniffing at her mane. He ran a paw under Screwloose’s jawline, causing her to shiver. “Fleagle miss you.”

Screwloose could feel eyes upon her, many eyes. She turned, looking at the ponies around her. Many were just looking. Others… Others had glares of disapproval. The public display of affection had not gone unnoticed.

“Come on Fleagle, let’s go to Sugarcube Corner.” Screwloose said, suddenly uncomfortable. “I want a milkshake.”

Fleagle nodded and followed, allowing Screwloose to lead the way as they walked through town, both of them wagging their tails. This too seemed to be noticed. Screwloose did her best to simply dismiss it.

It wasn’t long before they were settled into Sugarcube Corner, with Fleagle properly introduced to the Cakes. Both of them had embraced him warmly and welcomed him. Pinkie had been a gracious host as always. Pinkie had also introduced Fleagle and Screwloose to Rarity.

All of this kindness seemed somehow poignant when several customers got up and left after Screwloose and Fleagle had been seated together. Fleagle looked worried.

“Don’t mind them dears.” Mrs. Cake said to the couple, hurrying off to the kitchen.

“Some ponies.” Pinkie Pie said, scowling.

“Some ponies need to mind their own business.” Rarity said, her mouth settling into a fashionable moue. “Some ponies have a lot of nerve.”

“Some ponies don’t feel comfortable in their own skins,” said Screwloose, “and seeing others settle into their own skin makes them uncomfortable. We shouldn’t judge them.”

“I suppose you are right darling.” Rarity said, blinking slowly and dramatically. She leaned slightly against Pinkie Pie, looking thoughtful and a little sad.

Pinkie wrapped her foreleg around Rarity’s shoulders and smiled. “You two are adorable together.” She said to Fleagle and Screwloose. “I wish I could be that happy.”

“You two together. Not happy?” Screwloose said.

Rarity squirmed and pulled away from Pinkie, and Pinkie’s smile became one of nervousness.

“Um…” Rarity said, looking down at the table.

“Fleagle say something wrong?” Fleagle said, his jowls drooping in concern. “Fleagle sorry. Fleagle not always understand pony rules.”

“Fleagle, I think they’re just very close friends.” Screwloose said.

Pinkie Pie looked a little sad for a moment, one curl unraveling and dangling down into her face. Her blue eyes shrank.

“Me make mistakes.” Fleagle said, shrugging. “Fleagle thought me sensed something.”

Rarity’s face flared red for a moment, her blush pouring through her while pelt. She brushed her mane out of her eyes with a careless swipe of her hoof. “I’ve had enough of this charade.” She announced. “Pinkie Pie, I can no longer stand to be a hypocrite. Here we are in support of others who dare to be open while hiding ourselves away. No more!” She cried dramatically, waving a hoof in a circular gesture.

Pinkie Pie’s deflated curl coiled and sprang out. “Really?” She said hopefully.

Rarity nodded, putting on a brave face. “The public eye and public expectations shall simply have to deal with it.”

Pinkie Pie threw her forelegs around Rarity and hugged her wildly.

“About time.” Mr. Cake muttered, rolling his eyes.

“Fleagle was right?” Fleagle said, looking confused. “Like or do not like. Why pretend? This why Fleagle no understand pony rules. Say one thing, do other.”

“Because ponies are silly.” Mr. Cake said.

Screwloose nodded. “Some of us are very silly.” She pressed her lips into Fleagle’s ear, kissing him softly, running a foreleg along his back, causing one of Fleagle’s hind legs to twitch. Screwloose took note of his hound dog reflex spot.

Another customer left the store, snorting in disgust. Mr. Cake’s features contorted into anger, but he said nothing.

“No more hiding?” Pinkie Pie said in a low voice.

“No more.” Rarity said.

“Whew.” Pinkie Pie said, slumping into her chair. “It was getting rough for a while.”

Rarity nodded, studying her hoof, looking for imperfections.

“It has been really difficult coming out.” Screwloose said. “Breaking free. I feel good about it, but I am so scared. Both of you need to come out as well.”

“Fleagle with you.” Fleagle said.

“I’ll be with you as well,” replied Screwloose, “I have more friends than I thought and it has been what has pulled me out of this hole that I’ve been in.”

“We shall have to stick together.” Rarity said.

“There is a whole bunch of ponies who stick together.” Screwloose added. “I saw it the other night when Minty took me to a benefit concert for ponies with alternative lifestyles.”

“I heard about that from a client.” Rarity said. “I wish I could have gone. I wish I had the courage to just be my self. I’m so worried that it will cost me customers. Hurt my business. Or be the subject of vicious gossip and all of the damage that can do.”

“So what if it does.” Mr. Cake said from behind the counter. “Once word spreads that you are fair and open minded, business will come back.”

“I suppose you would know.” Rarity said, frowning thoughtfully.

Mr. Cake nodded. “I lost a few customers today. I’ll get a few back. Word will spread that this is a safe, friendly, open business.”

Rarity nodded, pulling Pinkie back to her, holding her close. “Pinkie Pie, do hold still.” Rarity whined.

“I can’t.” Pinkie said, smiling and squirming. “I just feel good.”

Rarity heaved a dramatic sigh. “The trials and tribulations I have to endure.” She moaned, rolling her eyes.

“Pinkie Pie, why don’t you take the day off.” Mr. Cake said. “We’re well stocked and I have the register.”

“Aw, thanks Mr. Cake.” Pinkie said, turning a darker shade of pink.

“Fleagle wants to go bark at butterflies.” Fleagle said. He licked at the froth in the milkshake he shared with Screwloose.

“I think I want to join you.” Screwloose said, licking her lips, cleaning away ice cream.

The three ponies and the dog sharing a table shared a smile among one another. There was a shared feeling of warmth, of a common struggle, a common bond. Fleagle was aware that there was something between him and a number of ponies now, something wonderful, something that was the sum of his hopes and dreams. Acceptance. Screwloose shared a similar feeling, feeling loved for what she was, even though she wasn’t entirely certain what she was yet. Rarity struggled inwardly, worried about her public image, but she rapidly was pushing those painful notions from her mind, her desire to be happy shoving everything else out. Pinkie Pie just felt happy seeing her friends smile, and a sense of relief from no longer having to hide a secret.

Mr. Cake felt a warm sense of satisfaction watching the four, knowing that he was providing a safe haven for a community that existed within the community.

“Pinkie dear, what shall we do together this fine day?” Rarity said, looking at Pinkie, who was draped around her.

“I don’t know Rarity. We spend so much time hiding, planning, and plotting that we don’t actually do much else together.” Pinkie said, her brow furrowed.

“Well then dear, that must change.” Rarity said, sniffing in annoyance.

“Well, you could dress me up and then undress me…” Pinkie said, her voice trailing off. “I like being a pretty Pinkie Pie.”

Rarity tittered but said nothing.


Rarity turned and looked at Mr. Cake, who was addressing her.

“I usually don’t tell ponies how to run their businesses, but I happen to know a few stallions who would absolutely love well made female clothing made and designed for the huskier stallion form.” Mr. Cake said, winking.

“Ooh that sounds exciting.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “I’m a little husky.”

“I’m a little beagle.” Fleagle said, looking at Pinkie Pie, raising an eyebrow.

“Pinkie dear, you are delightfully pudgy and I mean that in the best way. So squeezable.” Rarity tittered coquettishly behind a hoof, blinking shyly.

Screwloose burst out in laughter. “I just got the joke.” She chortled, squeezing her eyes shut and then guffawing once the exchange really settled in.

“Husky!” Rarity said, snickering, also getting the joke.

“Woof!” Pinkie barked, winking a lascivious wink at Rarity.

“Arf?” Fleagle replied.

“Arroo?” Screwloose inquired in a houndish drawl. She allowed her tongue to loll out and she began to pant from excitement, her long withheld natural urges manifesting.

Mrs. Cake stuck her head out of the kitchen door and barked a few times, joining in the fun, and then she went back to work, disappearing back into a kitchen filled with delightful smells.

“Fleagle also needing to pant right now.” Fleagle said breathlessly, looking at Screwloose with wide eyes. “Screwloose look very good right now.” His words caused Screwloose to blush and she cast her eyes downward into the milkshake glass on the table. She did not pull her tongue back in however.

“Love feels better when you can show it.” Pinkie Pie said, causing the table to suddenly go silent for a long moment. “Having to hide it sorta kills the mood.”

“Love?” Rarity said, clutching a hoof to her chest, sucking in her breath sharply.

“I am not sure what love is, but I think I’m starting to experience it.” Screwloose said, glancing at Fleagle.

“Love...” Rarity said again, her breath coming in short gasps.

“Fleagle feeling something. Might be love.” Fleagle said in a low raspy voice.

“Do you love me Pinkie?” Rarity inquired.

Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and nodded, causing her ears to bob. “I think I might. Might be infatuation. I feel like a balloon with too much air, like I am going to pop at any moment.”

“Of all the best possible things that could happen… This is the best possible thing ever.” Rarity said in low breathless gasps, her hoof still clutched to her barrel.

“Must be the baked goods.” Mr. Cake muttered, mostly to himself.

“Fleagle, we’re going to go out and have the best day of our lives and then I’m taking you home for a nice meal with my roommate.” Screwloose announced. “After we eat, we’ll make up the plan for the rest of the night as we go.”

Screwloose turned to Rarity and Pinkie Pie. “As for you two, I’d like to invite you both over for a meal one night soonish. I’ll talk to my roommate. We should all get together and have fun, my roommate Mint Jewelup will love both you. And I mean that. She loves everypony. I think her love made me better.”

“I would be delighted.” Rarity said, pulling Pinkie closer.

“Dinner party!” Pinkie Pie squealed, her mane bobbing and she bounced in place with excitement. Rarity pulled her in even tighter, trying to keep her still.

“Fleagle, are you happy with me?” Screwloose questioned.

Fleagle leaned close to Screwloose, one foreleg around her shoulders, leaning his head against her neck, nuzzling just behind her ear. “Yes.” He whispered, causing Screwloose’s ear to flicker wildly. Fleagle’s sensitive nose caught a faint whiff of arousal, which he savoured, and he began to sniff as he nuzzled, causing Screwloose to shudder and shake.

It had been a wonderful day. Meeting new friends in Sugarcube Corner. Finding acceptance. Chasing butterflies and barking. Lyra had spent over a half an hour throwing a stick with her magic, Bon Bon watching the exchange from a park bench and giggling. And now, as the afternoon transitioned into evening, both of them were sitting, very close together, and Fleagle had his paw around her broad earth pony shoulders, his tail wagging.

Something struck him, startling him out of his reflections. He looked down and saw a dirt clod, as did Screwloose. Both of them looked up and saw a unicorn, his horn still glowing, glowering at them both.

“Disgusting!” The unicorn shouted. “Get out of town dog!”

Another clod of dirt struck Screwloose, this one hard enough to sting, causing her to cry out in pain.

Fleagle moved between them, trying to shield her with his body. “Why?” Fleagle asked.

“Get out!” The unicorn shouted. “What you are doing is repugnant!”

“Come on,” said Screwloose, tears in her eyes, “come home with me Fleagle. Let us be away from here.”

They both turned and left, and, as they did so, one final dirt clod struck Fleagle in his back, causing him to yelp.

“What you’re doing is wrong!” The unicorn shouted. Several bystanders looked on, some of them with looks of disgust on their faces. Others stood confused.

“Dogs and ponies do not belong together!” A bystander shouted. “Sickening! Shame on you both!”

Screwloose whirled on them, snarling. “One more word out of any of you and I’ll make you sorry!” She screamed, her voice hoarse with emotion, one eye twitching. She pawed the earth with her hoof.

Nopony said anything. Eventually, Screwloose turned and left, while the getting was good. There was a painful ache in her chest. Fleagle walked skittishly, close to her, his tail between his legs, down on all fours, his head low. “Stay close Fleagle.” Screwloose said. “We’ll go home and Mint will smooth this over for us.”

Author's Note:

Hang on folks. Going to get bumpy from here on out. The next few chapters will be unpleasant. I'm sorry.