• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 433 Views, 9 Comments

Cursed Book - Sillyponyme

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Cutie Marks

Twilight hadn’t gone back to the party but instead went up to the ground floor of the library. Spike had come in shortly after she appeared. Twilight went to work immediately. “Spike, write a letter for me.” Spike nodded and grabbed a quill and some paper.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you for help. It’s hard to admit but I’m scared right now and I need your help. I have some ponies here from another world and I’m having problems. They don’t wish to return to their home because of zombies or as they call them, walkers. I told them that I don’t believe that but it was said to give me time to think. I fear that with the new ponies’ arrival here will bring the zombies here. I also worry that some of the new ponies will be dangerous. Please come help me, I need you right now.

Your good friend
Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Ok Spike, send the letter.” Twilight walked over to the window and just stared out it wondering what would happen next. “Is it really possible that zombies are real, could I just be paranoid? Was I wrong to take their things away? No, Princess Celestia says to never second guess yourself. If you’re wrong you admit it and move on.” Twilight stretched her wings and then shook her body. “I just don’t know what to do.” Twilight turned back around and walked up to her room. “I’ll worry about it tomorrow and hope that I get a response by then.”

The next morning Twilight woke up hoping to see a letter by her bed but alas, there wasn’t one. Twilight worried until she realized that it’s possible that Celestia could be readying herself to come to Ponyville. “I suppose that it would be the best option.” Twilight got out of bed and went over to Spike. “Spike, get up my number one assistant.” Twilight said nudging the dragon trying to wake him. Spike mumbled frustrated groans as he tried to sleep. “Come on, I know it’s early but I need you to do something for me.”

Spike groaned and lifted his head up to see what Twilight needed. “What is it Twi, it’s really early still.”

“First off Spike, it’s eight and two; I need you to go get our new friends, AJ and the others.” Spike got up, stretched and then took off. “Thanks Spike.” Twilight chuckled seeing the young dragon stumble down the stairs not quite awake yet. Twilight went downstairs and started making breakfast for herself and Spike when a knock came to the door. “Come in, the doors open.” Twilight said loud enough for the pony outside to hear.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, you needed me?” Celestia said walking into the room.

“Princess Celestia, thank you for coming, you don’t know how relieved I am to have you here. I’m eating right now, could you use something to eat?” Twilight asked but Celestia shook her head. “I would like to talk about it right now but Spike should be back soon with the others and our new friends.”

“I would very much like to meet them.” Just then Spike came into the library with worried ponies behind him. “I take it that these are the ponies you spoke of?” Twilight nodded and they quickly went through introductions. “It’s nice to meet each of you but would you mind explaining your cutie marks?” the group looked at each other and shrugged. “I suppose I can help with that.” Celestia went over to Rick first. “What does that star mean in your world?” Celestia pointed to his cutie mark.

Rick looked at his rump and smiled. “I’m in or at least was in law enforcement. The star looks like the badge I wear or wore at one time; it let others know who I am. They see the badge and they either run or smile at the sight. That however disappeared a long time ago. It’s worthless now.”

“So your special talent is being in keeping the law, that’s nice to know though I wouldn’t say that it’s worthless at least not here.” Celestia looked at Judith and Carl, neither of them has a cutie mark yet, Judith for obvious reasons. The next she looked to is Daryl who had a crossbow on his flank. “What about you Daryl?”

“I’m good with a crossbow, that’s really all there is to say.” Daryl said a little disturbed by this.

“I see and you Maggie, you have a horse?” Maggie scratched the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly.

“This is going to sound really odd but I would like to point out now that where we come from, we had two legs not four. I used to ride horses, I am or was an expert equestrian.” Maggie smiled and then blurted out. “Next.”

Celestia chuckled and then turned to Andrea. “I see you have a scroll, were you a writer?”

“Not exactly, I was a Civil rights attorney before the apocalypse happened.” Celestia gave her an odd look when she said apocalypse but quickly went to the next pony.

“What about you Glenn, you have food, rope and other things with a map behind them?” Celestia at first glance would have expected him to be an explorer.

“Since the uh, walkers came to be, I’ve been the scavenger. Look for supplies and I know my way around places pretty well.” Celestia nodded unsure of what to say and then turned to Hershel.

“I see you have a medical sign, you work at a hospital?” Celestia asked.

“I am a veterinarian, so yes.” Celestia smiled at that and so did Rarity as she walked into the room with her friends.

“What about you Carol, you have a cross with a heart on it?” Celestia asked almost a little worried about it but didn’t show it.

“I like to think that there is hope, I suppose I would like to give others hope for something better. I guess you can say that god gave me hope and I want to share it at least I used to. I” Carol sat down and turned away.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you?” Celestia apologized and just got a smile and a shrug from Carol. “What about you Beth? I see you have a musical note?”

“I do a little singing; it helps the group calm down when we’re rowdy.” Beth left it at that.

“I see, well I’ll let Princess Twilight talk to you about what it is she wanted to talk to you about.” Celestia walked away leaving the groups alone.

“Maggie, Andrea, Carol, and Beth, I have a place for you four. Rainbow Dash, I want you to teach them how to clear clouds. They will take your place there until further notice.” Rainbow saluted Twilight and led the four away. “Daryl and Glenn, until further notice, you two will work with my friend Applejack at her farm.”

“Come on ya’ll, we’ve got a lot of work to do.” AJ led the two away.

“Hershel, I want you to go to the hospital and help out around there. I’ve already let the doctors know about you but for the sake of argument, Fluttershy, would you take him there.” Fluttershy nodded and led Hershel away. ‘I got lucky with him.’ Twilight whispered. “Now for you three, Carl, I want you to take care of your sister.” Carl was about to protest when Rick glared at him and he shut his mouth reluctantly. “Rick, I want you to go down into the basement and watch Michonne. All you have to do is bring her food, water and make sure she doesn’t get out.”

Rick in no way thought that would be a good idea but arguing would just make things worse for him and the others if things weren’t bad already. Twilight led Rick downstairs into the prison and left. “So, you’re here to keep an eye on me?” Rick didn’t say anything. “Fine, ignore me but one way or another; I’m going to get out of here.” Michonne sat down and folded her hooves.