• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 433 Views, 9 Comments

Cursed Book - Sillyponyme

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Prison Break

Rick Grimes, the leader of the group had finally regained his senses after seeing his dead wife. The Governor was dead and Andrea was back in the group. The prison was now infested with walkers no thanks to the Governor and his men. The Governor led a large group of people with guns and a tank. They tore down the fence and destroyed parts of the prison. Rick and everyone inside fought back but only a few made it out alive.

It had been a few months now and Ricks small group couldn’t hold out any longer. They needed to leave and they knew it. Despite all the arguments between them with some of the group that said to stay and fight and others that said that’s insanity; they all knew they can’t hold out any longer. The walkers kept getting further into the prison with each passing day. “We don’t have a choice, we leave now or we die.” Rick got up in Merle’s face but Daryl and Glenn stepped between them.

“What makes you think that we can really get out of here alive?” Merle tried to get around his brother and get up in Ricks face but failed.

“Now is not the time you two, we have come to a decision and that’s to leave. If you want to stay Merle, then be our guest.” Maggie fed the baby as Merle backed off. Maggie couldn’t help but be scared at seeing the walkers bang at the cell doors and reach through the bars, who wouldn’t be at seeing that? “We need to go if for anything the sake of” Maggie didn’t finish her sentence as the bars began to bend from the pressure being put on them by the walkers. “Let’s get out of here.”

The only way out was up the stairs and out the windows. The windows however were blocked by bars to keep prisoners in. Rick and Merle looked at each other for a second and then nodded. The two ran up the stairs followed by the others and found a window closest to the outside ground. “Carl, crowbar.” Rick held out his hand as Carl threw him the crowbar. Rick and Merle then put it between two of the bars and began pulling. The two of them together couldn’t get the bars to bend. Daryl then grabbed onto the crowbar as well and began to pull along with them. With the extra strength, the bars began to slowly bend.

“Hurry up you three.” Andrea got her gun ready as the others pulled out theirs. Beads of sweat began to roll down her forehead as the walkers continued to bend the bars to the door. They had to wait for the walkers to break through before they could fire their guns. The last thing they needed right now is to waste ammo and worse, attract even more walkers to them before they could escape. The closer the walkers got, the less time other walkers would have to get to them before they could leave and the less ammo the group would waste killing more coming in. “Come on, we don’t have time.” The bars continued to bend until finally a hole was made, the door collapsed onto the ground and the walkers flooded into the cell. The group began firing off shots doing the best they could to hit each walker in the head as they got closer.

Daryl and the other two finally made a big enough hole in the bars for everyone to get through two at a time. Rick ran and with Daryl’s help pulled the staircase they had torn down over to the window and turned it into a ladder. It wasn’t easy but they did it to make sure that there was a somewhat safe lookout point. The last thing someone would need is a way to be snuck up on. They did keep it with them just in case they needed it and this was one of those times. “I’m glad that we actually decided to take down the other side of the staircase.” Daryl and Rick lowered the stairs out the window. “Ok let’s move it.” The women were the first out the window and to the ground. The next down was Hershel and Carl, and so on until only Daryl, Merle, and Rick were left. Rick and Daryl went down first with Merle’s insistence. “Come on Merle, let’s move.” Daryl said at the bottom of the homemade ladder.

Merle pushed the staircase away from the window. “Go Daryl, get out of here. I’ll hold them off but do me a favor and kill walkers for me will ya?” Merle turned and stabbed a walker in the face and then picked up the crowbar. “Bring it on you undead freaks.”

“Merle, you don’t have to do that; Merle!” Daryl yelled up to his brother who backed up against the unbent bars. “I love you.”

“I love you too you over emotional...haa.” Merle screamed as he busted the head of a walker. “Go now!” Merle said with force.

Daryl was grabbed by Rick and Rick nodded. “We need to move.” Daryl took one last glimpse at his brother and then nodded. The group made their way to their vehicles killing walkers close to them as they went. The group drove off in two separate vehicles.

“Daryl, are you ok?” Carol put a hand on his shoulder. Carol, Daryl, Judith, and Rick got into one car while Hershel, Andrea, Glenn, Maggie, and Carl all got into the bigger of the two vehicles.

“I’m fine, Merle was a jerk anyway.” Daryl stared out the window as Rick drove.

“He is still your brother Daryl, no matter what he was like. Besides, don’t we owe him some gratitude after what he did even if it wasn’t the most helpful thing to do?” Carol stopped talking, she didn’t want to upset Daryl anymore then he already was.

“That’s all he expects from people you know. He does something that he doesn’t have to do and he expects something in return. All he ever did was look out for himself.” Daryl continued to stare out the window and watch as walkers went by. For just a second he looked at the prison to see it full of walkers. “He accused me of getting soft but I think he became hardened. He doesn’t get a thing from me after what he’s done.”

“You gave him your love right, you told him that you love him and he returned it.” Carol sat back holding Judith in her arms.

“I knew that if I didn’t, I would regret it. I’m not sure why but I knew I would. I couldn’t bring myself to let him go on a bad note ok.” Daryl sighed as they continued. “So Rick, where are we going?”

Rick had no idea what was ahead of them or where they would find a place as well defended as the prison was but he had to try. “I haven’t a clue Daryl but we’ll go someplace safe or at least as safe as you can get anymore.”

Author's Note:

I know that Merle is OOC at the end there but I wanted to go for a somewhat emotional goodbye between the two brothers. Also this is starting more or less after season three with a few tweaks.