• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 433 Views, 9 Comments

Cursed Book - Sillyponyme

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Princess Twilight woke up in her old room in the library with Spike lying asleep in his little bed. It had been a year since she became a princess and everything had been going well or as well as one can expect. She had been receiving letters from ponies in Ponyville asking for help with this and that. Nothing out of the ordinary though has happened since then. Twilight looked over to Spike and smiled seeing him still asleep at seven in the morning, she shook her head. “Oh Spike, will you ever wake up early?” Twilight gave a chuckle and then headed downstairs to be greeted by Rainbow Dash. “Hello Rainbow, uh, what are you doing here?” Ok so one thing has been out of the ordinary.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a cheesy grin plastered on her face. “Yeah, uh, no reason.” Twilight tapped a hoof expecting a different explanation. “Ok fine, I need to talk to you ok. I kind of ran into some trouble with the new pony in town, Romper.” Twilight and Rainbow then heard ponies outside and Rainbow ran and hid behind Twilight. “So there you go.”

“Rainbow, I can’t keep this up for you. It’s time you take your punishment; I can’t keep bailing you out.” An angry knock came to the door. “Coming.” Twilight walked over to the door and opened it up revealing Romper and a few guards. Romper immediately started complaining about Twilight always letting her friends off the hook and so on until Twilight cut him off. “Romper, I will make sure that Rainbow makes up for whatever she did.” Twilight glared back at her friend angrily. “What exactly did she do this time?”

“While doing her little stunts, she crashed through my store and broke more then just a couple trinkets. Not only is three fourths of my antiques destroyed but my roof is completely destroyed. If it were to storm anytime soon, my store would flood.” Romper finished his complaint.

Twilight let out a sigh and stared at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, get over here.” The rainbow maned pony slowly made her way over to Twilight and smiled sheepishly. Twilight turned back to Romper. “I will get Applejack and have her watch over Rainbow Dash while she not only cleans up her mess but works off the damage she did to your store unless she can pay for everything. How much is everything in your store anyway?”

Romper smiled and then answered the question. “She broke at least five thousand bits worth of stuff and that doesn’t count for the roof. That will be another five hundred bits.” Rainbow gave a loud gulp and shrunk back. “Don’t you hide behind her; you get what you deserve this time.”

“Rainbow, how much do you have since I know that working all that off will hurt you with the wonderbolts?” Twilight moved out of the way revealing Rainbow behind her who became frustrated.

“I have six thousand bits saved up but I need it.” Rainbow stood looking Twilight in the eyes. “I have expenses to pay for next month.”

“Well then, you can work off this debt then.” Twilight tapped her foot as Rainbow stared angrily at her.

“I can’t afford to do either Twilight, just pay it off for me or wait until I can afford it.” Rainbow stomped a hoof down.

“No Rainbow Dash, I can’t keep bailing you out of things. You have the choice, which is more important to you, Rainbow, the wonderbolts or these expenses of yours?” Twilight had grown a foot since her coronation and now stood above Rainbow and her other friends.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me Twilight.” Rainbow flew out the door and away but soon returned with a bag full of bits. “Here, take the bits.” Rainbow hoofed over the bits to Romper who happily left and then she turned to Twilight. “I really hate you right now.” Rainbow then flew of angrily.

“Rainbow!” Twilight screamed after her friend when somepony touched her shoulder. Twilight jumped in shock and turned to see Celestia. “You scared me to death.”

“I’m sorry but for the record, you did the right thing. I heard everything and you showed good judgment even if it meant that Rainbow Dash dislikes you for a time.” Celestia smiled. “May I?” Twilight nodded and then the two sat down on her couch. “It’s never easy punishing your friends.” Celestia could see the sad look on her old students face.

“What’s going on with Rainbow Dash, she seems so destructive lately. This is the third time this week alone. I’m worried about her, she isn’t normally like this. She has always been one to take responsibility for herself. I understood the first time and the second but this is what, the thirteenth time that she has done something. It’s like she doesn’t care anymore about anypony.” Twilight frowned and realized that she hadn’t helped the situation by bailing out her friend. “I only made it worse by getting her out of trouble.”

Thirteen days earlier

Trixie had been walking toward her job at the rock farm when she tripped on something. She got up from the mud and stared at what she had tripped on. Her mane fell sloppily in front of her face. She shook her head and removed as much of the mud as possible from her mane. She turned to look behind her and just laying there in the mud was a dusty old book. “You accursed book, how dare you trip Trixie.” Trixie picked up the book and got ready to throw it away from the road when she noticed wording on the cover. “What’s this, a spell book?” Trixie wiped off the dust and mud on the book revealing more words on it. “Spell book for the lucky unlucky? What is this gibberish?” With Trixie’s curiosity growing, she opened up the book to the first page. “Unlucky 13.” That was the title of the first spell.

“Trixie, get your flank over here and get to work.” Trixie jumped and then put the book in her saddlebag and ran off.

“Trixie will look later.” Trixie said as she made her way to her work. She picked up her pick axe and began hammering the rocks. She was tired of rocks and wanted to hurry through her work but unfortunately, she was going to realize that getting any work done wasn’t so possible. The entire time, all on Trixie’s mind was the book. For some reason, the book had consumed her thoughts. By the time noon rolled around, Trixie hadn’t gotten anything done but break a few rocks here and there and her boss had come out to check on her progress.

“Trixie, you’re FIRED, no more chances, get out.” Her boss screamed.

Trixie didn’t care anymore but she wanted to. She ran off and ended up in a mud puddle. She pulled out the book angrily. “You stupid book, this is all your fault.” Trixie wanted to throw the book away but she couldn’t seem to. She felt that she just had to read it and so she opened up to the first page. “Trixie will see why you’re so enticing.” Trixie skipped past the title having already read it and continued on to the words below. “What is this?” Trixie asked as she stared at the page and then began to read. “Think of one luckier then you and then give away for the next thirteen days your bad luck.” Trixie read confused. “That doesn’t sound like a spell.” Trixie continued on down the page and for some reason could only think of Rainbow Dash. She had become a wonderbolt achieving her dream and to add to it has many friends and one being a princess. The one she truly didn’t like was Twilight but for some reason, she wasn’t the one on her mind. As she thought this she read the spell. “Of the one with luck that you ire, switched with yours is what you desire.” Trixie read and then a bright flash appeared and disappeared. “What just happened?” Trixie shook her head to clear it. She put the book back in her saddle bag and then continued on her way.

When she arrived home, she found a big bag on the first step. “What is this on Trixies front step?” Trixie had asked as she picked up the bag with her magic and took it inside. When she opened it up, she found more bits then she could count. “Today is Trixie's lucky day and Trixie has a feeling that Rainbow Dash will soon be not so lucky.” Trixie smiled spilling the bits on the ground and began to roll around in them. Never had she been so happy, at least not in such a long time. She hadn’t been this happy since the day she started her shows.