• Published 31st Mar 2014
  • 433 Views, 9 Comments

Cursed Book - Sillyponyme

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Michonne found the mansion not long before Rick and the others did. She cleared the entire upstairs of walkers and had been there a day before Rick and the others arrived. She heard a car coming and looked out the window. Turns out that there were two cars there and she knew immediately that it was Rick and the group. Rick had gotten out of the car and immediately stared up at her window. Michonne had to back up to keep from being seen. She heard Glenn talking but she couldn’t be sure what it was he said. She peeked around the corner and backed up when she saw that Rick was still staring at the window. The next thing she heard was talking by Daryl and Rick and again she couldn’t hear the conversation clearly. Michonne peeked around the corner again and watched. Rick was just looking at the car. The two men just talked for a few minutes and then Daryl punched Rick. “What are you doing here?” Michonne asked and then saw walkers coming from the forest.

Michonne had looked around the building for anything that may have been helpful to her other than food. She had only been able to look upstairs before Rick and his group came to the mansion as the upstairs was safer then below. At least upstairs she could block any walkers that wanted to come up. She was going to clear the entire house but now she couldn’t check out the downstairs without being seen. All she managed to find upstairs was a silenced pistol. It only had four shots in the clip but that would be enough for what she wanted to do. Standing away from the window and aiming out, she fired the first shot. The bullet flew and hit a tree as did the next two. “I suck with guns.” She tried one more time, aimed carefully and fired off the final shot in the gun. She hit her mark and killed a walker. The other walkers ignored it and kept on walking. “That did not do what I was hoping it would do.” All of a sudden a bright beam of light shot down behind the mansion. “That’s going to attract some attention.”

Michonne ran to the back of the room and hopped out the hole in the wall. She slid down the building and landed on the rubble. Five walkers surrounded her when she reached the ground and so she led them away from the door. She ran into the forest and then turned to attack the five. The first got its head cut off, the second and third got cut in half before getting stabbed in the head and the last two lost their arms and then their heads. Michonne ran back to the door and tried to move the rubble out of the way but then she heard the group inside talking. She continued to try and move the rubble but it was too heavy for a single person to move. Inside, the group gave up on pushing the door open and discussed breaking the window.

“Screw it.” Michonne ran over to the white portal and jumped through. When she appeared on the other side, she stumbled onto the ground. “Ouch.” Michonne shook her head to clear it, then ran off away from the buildings and hid. She poked her head around the corner and noticed the others come through. It was odd though, Rick had been turned into a pony. Michonne reluctantly looked at herself and freaked out a little. A Zebra tapped on her shoulder startling Michonne who jumped and turned around. “Who are you?”

The Zebra looked at Michonne curiously and then nodded. “My name is Zecora.” For once she only had one line to say but of course Michonne didn’t know that. “You are from a far off place; we should go and clean up your face.” Michonne looked at the Zebra oddly and hesitantly followed her.

The two walked for a while and Michonne found herself at an African home in the middle of some forest. “Tell me something, where am I and how did I get here. I know I got here through that portal object but where did it come from?” Michonne asked wondering if this wasn’t all a dream.

Zecora grabbed a wet towel and then cleaned up Michonne’s face. When she finished, she looked at the now bloody towel. “Tell me of how much you are shrill and you were in Ponyville.”

“Um, ok. I take it you are asking me how harsh I am and can you not speak in rhymes?” Zecora shook her head. “Ok fine, so as for your question, I can be very shrill as you put it when my life is threatened.” She wasn’t about to go into anymore detail than that.

“I didn’t think that this was mud, what did you kill to get so much blood?” Zecora asked as she cleaned off Michonne’s legs.

“It is more like killed again, it’s a long story and that story is still going on.” Michonne looked around the building.

“I assume that your world is not well, the portal you came through was brought on by a spell.” Zecora answered Michonne’s other question. “I would not carry that Katana so freely, or you may end up in trouble with the princess you see.” Zecora noticed the look that Michonne gave her.

“I will not hand over my Katana, it doesn’t leave my side. Thank you for the help but may I ask you for a favor?” Zecora nodded. “Could I stay here with you and away from the others that came through?”

“You can move in on the double, do those others cause you trouble?” Zecora questioned.

Michonne looked away and then answered. “Let’s just say that I’m not on the greatest of terms with them. I’m not there favorite person to be around.”

Zecora finished cleaning up Michonne and nodded in understanding. “You have such a pretty coat, mane, and tail of black, is there anything that you will need to unpack.”

“No, just me and my katana.” Michonne turned around and then Zecora saw her cutie mark.

“I now see why you will not let it go, that katana is your special talent yes or no?” Zecora knew but she didn’t want to scare Michonne too much.

Michonne raised an eyebrow and then looked at her flank. There on her rear was a picture of her katana. “Uh, yeah, I’m very skilled with it.” Her stomach then growled. “I guess I’m hungry.” Zecora went to grab her new friend something to eat but when she got back, Michonne had fallen asleep. “You sleep well, I fear that you have brought with you demons from hell.” Zecora set down the plate of food next to Michonne on the floor.