Cursed Book

by Sillyponyme

First published

Trixie finds an evil ancient book.

Trixie has been down on her luck with her work on the rock farm but when she finds an old book, her luck has a sudden change but she will soon find that her luck is about to run out and so will Equestria's. Thanks to Trixie and the book, she has summoned heroes from another world and undead demons from that same world. The walkers destroy more than just the inhabitants but friendships as well. With the help of Rick Grimes and his group, will Twilight be able to fix Trixie's mess?


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Princess Twilight woke up in her old room in the library with Spike lying asleep in his little bed. It had been a year since she became a princess and everything had been going well or as well as one can expect. She had been receiving letters from ponies in Ponyville asking for help with this and that. Nothing out of the ordinary though has happened since then. Twilight looked over to Spike and smiled seeing him still asleep at seven in the morning, she shook her head. “Oh Spike, will you ever wake up early?” Twilight gave a chuckle and then headed downstairs to be greeted by Rainbow Dash. “Hello Rainbow, uh, what are you doing here?” Ok so one thing has been out of the ordinary.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a cheesy grin plastered on her face. “Yeah, uh, no reason.” Twilight tapped a hoof expecting a different explanation. “Ok fine, I need to talk to you ok. I kind of ran into some trouble with the new pony in town, Romper.” Twilight and Rainbow then heard ponies outside and Rainbow ran and hid behind Twilight. “So there you go.”

“Rainbow, I can’t keep this up for you. It’s time you take your punishment; I can’t keep bailing you out.” An angry knock came to the door. “Coming.” Twilight walked over to the door and opened it up revealing Romper and a few guards. Romper immediately started complaining about Twilight always letting her friends off the hook and so on until Twilight cut him off. “Romper, I will make sure that Rainbow makes up for whatever she did.” Twilight glared back at her friend angrily. “What exactly did she do this time?”

“While doing her little stunts, she crashed through my store and broke more then just a couple trinkets. Not only is three fourths of my antiques destroyed but my roof is completely destroyed. If it were to storm anytime soon, my store would flood.” Romper finished his complaint.

Twilight let out a sigh and stared at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, get over here.” The rainbow maned pony slowly made her way over to Twilight and smiled sheepishly. Twilight turned back to Romper. “I will get Applejack and have her watch over Rainbow Dash while she not only cleans up her mess but works off the damage she did to your store unless she can pay for everything. How much is everything in your store anyway?”

Romper smiled and then answered the question. “She broke at least five thousand bits worth of stuff and that doesn’t count for the roof. That will be another five hundred bits.” Rainbow gave a loud gulp and shrunk back. “Don’t you hide behind her; you get what you deserve this time.”

“Rainbow, how much do you have since I know that working all that off will hurt you with the wonderbolts?” Twilight moved out of the way revealing Rainbow behind her who became frustrated.

“I have six thousand bits saved up but I need it.” Rainbow stood looking Twilight in the eyes. “I have expenses to pay for next month.”

“Well then, you can work off this debt then.” Twilight tapped her foot as Rainbow stared angrily at her.

“I can’t afford to do either Twilight, just pay it off for me or wait until I can afford it.” Rainbow stomped a hoof down.

“No Rainbow Dash, I can’t keep bailing you out of things. You have the choice, which is more important to you, Rainbow, the wonderbolts or these expenses of yours?” Twilight had grown a foot since her coronation and now stood above Rainbow and her other friends.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me Twilight.” Rainbow flew out the door and away but soon returned with a bag full of bits. “Here, take the bits.” Rainbow hoofed over the bits to Romper who happily left and then she turned to Twilight. “I really hate you right now.” Rainbow then flew of angrily.

“Rainbow!” Twilight screamed after her friend when somepony touched her shoulder. Twilight jumped in shock and turned to see Celestia. “You scared me to death.”

“I’m sorry but for the record, you did the right thing. I heard everything and you showed good judgment even if it meant that Rainbow Dash dislikes you for a time.” Celestia smiled. “May I?” Twilight nodded and then the two sat down on her couch. “It’s never easy punishing your friends.” Celestia could see the sad look on her old students face.

“What’s going on with Rainbow Dash, she seems so destructive lately. This is the third time this week alone. I’m worried about her, she isn’t normally like this. She has always been one to take responsibility for herself. I understood the first time and the second but this is what, the thirteenth time that she has done something. It’s like she doesn’t care anymore about anypony.” Twilight frowned and realized that she hadn’t helped the situation by bailing out her friend. “I only made it worse by getting her out of trouble.”

Thirteen days earlier

Trixie had been walking toward her job at the rock farm when she tripped on something. She got up from the mud and stared at what she had tripped on. Her mane fell sloppily in front of her face. She shook her head and removed as much of the mud as possible from her mane. She turned to look behind her and just laying there in the mud was a dusty old book. “You accursed book, how dare you trip Trixie.” Trixie picked up the book and got ready to throw it away from the road when she noticed wording on the cover. “What’s this, a spell book?” Trixie wiped off the dust and mud on the book revealing more words on it. “Spell book for the lucky unlucky? What is this gibberish?” With Trixie’s curiosity growing, she opened up the book to the first page. “Unlucky 13.” That was the title of the first spell.

“Trixie, get your flank over here and get to work.” Trixie jumped and then put the book in her saddlebag and ran off.

“Trixie will look later.” Trixie said as she made her way to her work. She picked up her pick axe and began hammering the rocks. She was tired of rocks and wanted to hurry through her work but unfortunately, she was going to realize that getting any work done wasn’t so possible. The entire time, all on Trixie’s mind was the book. For some reason, the book had consumed her thoughts. By the time noon rolled around, Trixie hadn’t gotten anything done but break a few rocks here and there and her boss had come out to check on her progress.

“Trixie, you’re FIRED, no more chances, get out.” Her boss screamed.

Trixie didn’t care anymore but she wanted to. She ran off and ended up in a mud puddle. She pulled out the book angrily. “You stupid book, this is all your fault.” Trixie wanted to throw the book away but she couldn’t seem to. She felt that she just had to read it and so she opened up to the first page. “Trixie will see why you’re so enticing.” Trixie skipped past the title having already read it and continued on to the words below. “What is this?” Trixie asked as she stared at the page and then began to read. “Think of one luckier then you and then give away for the next thirteen days your bad luck.” Trixie read confused. “That doesn’t sound like a spell.” Trixie continued on down the page and for some reason could only think of Rainbow Dash. She had become a wonderbolt achieving her dream and to add to it has many friends and one being a princess. The one she truly didn’t like was Twilight but for some reason, she wasn’t the one on her mind. As she thought this she read the spell. “Of the one with luck that you ire, switched with yours is what you desire.” Trixie read and then a bright flash appeared and disappeared. “What just happened?” Trixie shook her head to clear it. She put the book back in her saddle bag and then continued on her way.

When she arrived home, she found a big bag on the first step. “What is this on Trixies front step?” Trixie had asked as she picked up the bag with her magic and took it inside. When she opened it up, she found more bits then she could count. “Today is Trixie's lucky day and Trixie has a feeling that Rainbow Dash will soon be not so lucky.” Trixie smiled spilling the bits on the ground and began to roll around in them. Never had she been so happy, at least not in such a long time. She hadn’t been this happy since the day she started her shows.

Prison Break

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Rick Grimes, the leader of the group had finally regained his senses after seeing his dead wife. The Governor was dead and Andrea was back in the group. The prison was now infested with walkers no thanks to the Governor and his men. The Governor led a large group of people with guns and a tank. They tore down the fence and destroyed parts of the prison. Rick and everyone inside fought back but only a few made it out alive.

It had been a few months now and Ricks small group couldn’t hold out any longer. They needed to leave and they knew it. Despite all the arguments between them with some of the group that said to stay and fight and others that said that’s insanity; they all knew they can’t hold out any longer. The walkers kept getting further into the prison with each passing day. “We don’t have a choice, we leave now or we die.” Rick got up in Merle’s face but Daryl and Glenn stepped between them.

“What makes you think that we can really get out of here alive?” Merle tried to get around his brother and get up in Ricks face but failed.

“Now is not the time you two, we have come to a decision and that’s to leave. If you want to stay Merle, then be our guest.” Maggie fed the baby as Merle backed off. Maggie couldn’t help but be scared at seeing the walkers bang at the cell doors and reach through the bars, who wouldn’t be at seeing that? “We need to go if for anything the sake of” Maggie didn’t finish her sentence as the bars began to bend from the pressure being put on them by the walkers. “Let’s get out of here.”

The only way out was up the stairs and out the windows. The windows however were blocked by bars to keep prisoners in. Rick and Merle looked at each other for a second and then nodded. The two ran up the stairs followed by the others and found a window closest to the outside ground. “Carl, crowbar.” Rick held out his hand as Carl threw him the crowbar. Rick and Merle then put it between two of the bars and began pulling. The two of them together couldn’t get the bars to bend. Daryl then grabbed onto the crowbar as well and began to pull along with them. With the extra strength, the bars began to slowly bend.

“Hurry up you three.” Andrea got her gun ready as the others pulled out theirs. Beads of sweat began to roll down her forehead as the walkers continued to bend the bars to the door. They had to wait for the walkers to break through before they could fire their guns. The last thing they needed right now is to waste ammo and worse, attract even more walkers to them before they could escape. The closer the walkers got, the less time other walkers would have to get to them before they could leave and the less ammo the group would waste killing more coming in. “Come on, we don’t have time.” The bars continued to bend until finally a hole was made, the door collapsed onto the ground and the walkers flooded into the cell. The group began firing off shots doing the best they could to hit each walker in the head as they got closer.

Daryl and the other two finally made a big enough hole in the bars for everyone to get through two at a time. Rick ran and with Daryl’s help pulled the staircase they had torn down over to the window and turned it into a ladder. It wasn’t easy but they did it to make sure that there was a somewhat safe lookout point. The last thing someone would need is a way to be snuck up on. They did keep it with them just in case they needed it and this was one of those times. “I’m glad that we actually decided to take down the other side of the staircase.” Daryl and Rick lowered the stairs out the window. “Ok let’s move it.” The women were the first out the window and to the ground. The next down was Hershel and Carl, and so on until only Daryl, Merle, and Rick were left. Rick and Daryl went down first with Merle’s insistence. “Come on Merle, let’s move.” Daryl said at the bottom of the homemade ladder.

Merle pushed the staircase away from the window. “Go Daryl, get out of here. I’ll hold them off but do me a favor and kill walkers for me will ya?” Merle turned and stabbed a walker in the face and then picked up the crowbar. “Bring it on you undead freaks.”

“Merle, you don’t have to do that; Merle!” Daryl yelled up to his brother who backed up against the unbent bars. “I love you.”

“I love you too you over emotional...haa.” Merle screamed as he busted the head of a walker. “Go now!” Merle said with force.

Daryl was grabbed by Rick and Rick nodded. “We need to move.” Daryl took one last glimpse at his brother and then nodded. The group made their way to their vehicles killing walkers close to them as they went. The group drove off in two separate vehicles.

“Daryl, are you ok?” Carol put a hand on his shoulder. Carol, Daryl, Judith, and Rick got into one car while Hershel, Andrea, Glenn, Maggie, and Carl all got into the bigger of the two vehicles.

“I’m fine, Merle was a jerk anyway.” Daryl stared out the window as Rick drove.

“He is still your brother Daryl, no matter what he was like. Besides, don’t we owe him some gratitude after what he did even if it wasn’t the most helpful thing to do?” Carol stopped talking, she didn’t want to upset Daryl anymore then he already was.

“That’s all he expects from people you know. He does something that he doesn’t have to do and he expects something in return. All he ever did was look out for himself.” Daryl continued to stare out the window and watch as walkers went by. For just a second he looked at the prison to see it full of walkers. “He accused me of getting soft but I think he became hardened. He doesn’t get a thing from me after what he’s done.”

“You gave him your love right, you told him that you love him and he returned it.” Carol sat back holding Judith in her arms.

“I knew that if I didn’t, I would regret it. I’m not sure why but I knew I would. I couldn’t bring myself to let him go on a bad note ok.” Daryl sighed as they continued. “So Rick, where are we going?”

Rick had no idea what was ahead of them or where they would find a place as well defended as the prison was but he had to try. “I haven’t a clue Daryl but we’ll go someplace safe or at least as safe as you can get anymore.”

No Memory

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Rainbow had woken up the next day and headed straight for wonderbolt training. When she arrived, she noticed Spitfire staring at her with a peeved off look on her face. “What’s up with you Spitfire, get up on the wrong side of the bed? Come on, let’s get going.” Rainbow got ready to take off.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re not going anywhere.” Rainbow turned and looked at Spitfire in confusion. “You’re being let go Rainbow Dash. You’ve become reckless just like Lightning Dust.” Spitfire glared at her.

“Hey, I’m nothing like her, I’ve just had some bad luck for some reason.” Rainbow shot back and snorted.

“Just like her Rainbow Dash, it doesn’t take bad luck to crash as much as you have. Through a pony’s store and destroying property, get out of here Rainbow.” Spitfire and the others turned around and flew off but Rainbow followed. “Get out of here Rainbow Dash; you’re not a wonderbolt anymore.”

Rainbow flew in front of Spitfire and got up in her face and the two argued back and forth for about half an hour before security came and pulled Rainbow away. Rainbow managed to free herself of security and flew back to Spitfire. Rainbow started to say something when her head felt heavy as she began to fall from the sky. Spitfire, though ticked off with Rainbow flew as fast as she could and caught rainbow haired pony followed by Soarin. “Spitfire, what just happened?”

Spitfire set Rainbow on the ground and tried to wake her up. “Come on Rainbow, wake up.” Spitfire continued to try and wake her up but it was no use. “Help me get her to the Princess.” Soarin nodded and the two carried Rainbow Dash to the library. Spitfire knocked on the door and Twilight answered. “Princess Twilight, Rainbow Dash fainted for no reason, at least no noticeable reason. By the way, she is out of the Wonderbolts, could you keep her away.” Twilight simply nodded.

Twilight looked at Rainbow and then nodded. “Go get Nurse Redheart.” The two Wonderbolts nodded and took off. Twilight carried Rainbow over to the couch and set her down. “What happened Rainbow?” Twilight sat next to her friend and just looked until Redheart came in. “Nurse Redheart, for some reason Rainbow fainted, could you take a look at her?” Nurse Redheart nodded and took out some medical equipment and began checking on Rainbow. She checked her out for about twenty minutes. “So, do you know what happened?”

“It’s odd, she seems perfectly fine. I suppose she could have been exhausted such as not drinking enough water or possibly stress. Her heart did seem a bit overworked but nothing too serious. I think all she needs is some rest and hold on.” Nurse Redheart pulled out one more thing and placed it on Rainbow’s forehead. “Uh huh, that’s the problem. Yeah, whatever magic you used on her, you really shouldn’t do that again.”

“Whoa, hold on, magic?” Twilight asked in shock of what she had just heard.

“You didn’t know?” Twilight shook her head. “Well then keep her with you until she wakes up. If anything else seems wrong, let me know.” With that said, Nurse Redheart left.

Twilight sighed and then waited for Rainbow to wake up. She would have sent Spike to get the others but Spike was with Rarity at the moment. Two hours went by before Rainbow woke up. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screamed and then grabbed her in a hug.

“Hey, what’s up, did the others leave already?” Rainbow asked as she tried to sit up.

“What are you talking about Rainbow, what others? It’s only been Nurse Redheart and I.” Twilight looked at Rainbow worried.

“What are you talking about Twilight, we just had the sleepover. I” Rainbow Dash was then cut off by Twilight.

“You mean the sleepover fourteen days ago?” Twilight noticed a worried look on Rainbows face as she jumped off the couch and backed up mumbling that it’s just a dream. “You don’t remember anything the last thirteen days?” Rainbow just continued to look panicked. “Rainbow, you need to tell me everything that you remember. I think someone put a spell on you of some kind although I don’t know of any spell like this.”

“Why, why would anyone want to do something to me? What did I do?” Rainbow took in a deep breath and calmed down. “Who ever is after me will pay for what they did to me, whatever it was that they did.” Just then the door behind her opened startling her. Rainbow grabbed the pony behind her and flipped the pony over her shoulder. Her eyes widened when she saw who she had just flipped. “AJ, I’m so sorry.”

Applejack’s eyes spun around in a circle for a second before she shook her head to clear it. “What the hay did ya do that for Rainbow?” Applejack stood up and stretched.

“I’m so sorry AJ, I’m just a little on edge right now.” Rainbow sat back down on the couch confused.

“Applejack, you’ll have to excuse her for being a bit paranoid. Long story short, Rainbow had a spell cast on her thirteen days ago. We still don’t know how or what the spell was though.” Twilight and AJ sat down on the couch next to Rainbow Dash. “We’ll figure this out Rainbow.”

“Yeah, we’ll be right here fer ya the whole time. Nopony will touch ya if we have anythin to say about it.” Applejack and Twilight put a hoof around Rainbow.

“Thanks girls, you’re the best.” After a bit of thought, Rainbow had a question. “So what happened the last two weeks?”

“Yeah, you kind of caused major destruction around town, specifically the new pony in town. You destroyed his store with your reckless tricks.” Rainbow cut off Twilight and stood up.

“I may be wild but I’m not reckless, I would never put anypony in danger or damage property at least not on purpose and besides, I haven’t crashed since, I don’t remember actually but it’s been a really long time.” Rainbow stomped her hoof on the ground angrily.

“We know that sugarcube but that’s what happened and after Twilight here helped ya out on multiple occasions, well, she forced ya to give up at least four thousand bits or risk your position in the Wonderbolts. Ya chose to give up the bits. This mornin the wonderbolts kicked ya out antwat for bein to reckless. Twilight explained everything to me about getting kicked out of the Wonderbolts earlier today.” AJ could see Rainbow with a distraught look on her face. “Sugarcube?”

“That isn’t fair; I don’t even know what I did. Now I’ve lost all my money and my title in the wonderbolts.” Rainbow tried her hardest to fight back the tears. “Why has my luck left me? I haven’t been cocky or anything like that. True, it’s not luck that got me here but I would consider myself lucky.” Rainbow tried not to cry and could only wonder what she did.

“The last thirteen days haven’t exactly been that way Rainbow. You made Fluttershy cry, you insulted Rarity, you called Pinkie Pie and her parties stupid. I’ll talk to them Rainbow, they’ll understand. The odd thing about this though is that it didn’t take your luck away, it just made you act differently. The unlucky part is that it happened to you.” Rainbow dropped onto the ground sadly and frowned. “I’ll figure out who did this to you and they’ll be punished for it, I promise you.”

“Thanks Twilight but I doubt even you can fix my reputation that’s been shattered.” Rainbow stood up and slowly made her way up the stairs.

Trixie had been so happy the last two weeks; everything had been going her way up until today. Still, she had a good couple weeks. She gained three thousand bits, ponies let her do her shows, she got a new place to live and do her shows, and more. “This has been so great for Trixie.” She opened up the book that she found weeks before and went to use the same spell as before but found it gone. “That’s odd, maybe there is another good spell somewhere in here.” Trixie flipped through the pages and nothing came up that sounded interesting. One spell halfway through the book, despite not being worthy to look at by Trixies' standards, was different and so she looked at the title anyway. The title had been worn and smudged making it hard to read. The only letters able to be seen in the title were the letters Re v s al v. Trixie ignored it once she realized that she couldn’t read it and continued to look through the book. Trixie soon came to the end of the book. The Spell read Universal 666. “Odd but it’s the most interesting sounding spell here.”

Without really thinking about it, Trixie read the spell out loud. “From the depths of Hell they’ve risen, bring them here and trap us in an eternal prison. They walk the earth and kill with no remorse, only the Alicorn can change their course.” Trixie cocked her head in confusion and then shrugged as she threw the book away. “What a bunch of garbage, Trixie” She had been cut short when a bright beam of energy shot into the air and then separated into two. One beam shot back down where she stood and the other shot toward Ponyville. “What the hay?” Trixie looked at the beam closest to her that when it hit ground formed a circle and opened up. Trixie just stood there for a second wondering what was going on but nothing happened. Trixie turned and walked into her home.

Not long after, groans could be heard and then her home started to shake. “What is going on here?” Trixie went over to her door to scream at the ponies that were interrupting her peaceful night. She opened it up and then jumped back. A fleshy and bloody pony that smelled like death fell into the home. “Get out of Trixies’ home.” Trixie screamed and kicked the ugly pony in the face with her hooves but it didn’t budge and then more came into the home. Trixie let out a loud scream and ran to the back of her home and opened up the window just to see another one of those ponies there. Trixie tried to turn and run but the pony grabbed onto her mane and kept her there giving the other ponies time to reach her. Trixie tried to teleport away but one of the ugly ponies bit into her hoof. Trixie screamed again and louder as the ponies climbed onto her and began eating her.

We're Ponies

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Rick and the group had been driving for hours when they came upon an old mansion. The mansion was five houses long with a brick wall surrounding the property. The gate door was metal, unfortunately it’s hinges were not. The gate was in good shape but the left door was hanging off its hinges and the right door was completely off. The group drove in through the gate and up to the front. The mansions windows were broken with dead bodies hanging out some of them. Some bodies lie on the ground in front of the mansion. The gutters were rusty and parts of them were broken and dripping water. Rick got out of the car and stared up at the building. The balconies were busted and ready to fall off or at least half of them were. Some were only half a balcony. “Rick, is this really the best place to stay?” Glenn walked over to Rick.

“For the moment, what choice do we have?” The two looked out into the distance and found trees in every direction. Glenn nodded and walked over to the other vehicle.

Daryl got out of the car and put a hand on Ricks shoulder. “You think its stable enough, and how will we defend ourselves? It’s not like we have any protection here other then what we’ve got on us.”

“We’ll go in and take out any walkers in the building and then we’ll see what they had for defenses or at least what we can use for defenses.” Rick continued to stare at the mansion. “I don’t intend for us to stay here for too long anyway.” Rick looked into the car and saw his baby girl. “I won’t let anyone else die, I” Daryl cut him off.

“Whatever happens, protect your girl and Carl first. Don’t worry about us ok, you have to do what’s best for them now. We can’t afford to let you go crazy like you did when, well.” Daryl didn’t finish his sentence.

“I know Daryl, when Lori died. I’m the leader here and” Daryl cut him off once again.

“You can’t afford to lose it Rick. We need you; your kids need you more than anything.” Daryl gave Rick a pat on the back resulting in Rick giving off a smile for only a moment.

“I never told anyone this but Carl told me to step down as leader. Sometimes I wonder if he is right about that. Hershel though one legged, has a clearer head then me most the time anymore. I even think Glenn has a better head on his shoulders than I do.” Rick leaned on the car and took another look at his daughter. “I’m not sure what to do honestly. I want to say we make a vote on it but how do we do that when that died a long time ago. Hershel even brought up that I said that it’s not a democracy anymore. I guess to vote now would only prove that I’m not fit to be a leader.”

Daryl then punched Rick right in the face. “Listen Rick, you lost it after your wife died, we get that. Andrea did the same thing after her sister died. She said screw it remember but she came back to reality. You lost your wife and at the same time you’re the leader. All that pressure would make anyone crack. You’re coming back though, we’re still here, your kids are still here, and you’re still here. We need you, no one else is more qualified for this job then you are. We’ve only made it this far because of you. I bet with Shane, we would have died a long time ago and let me be honest with you. I’m glad you killed him, if you hadn’t I may have. He was a creep which is why Merle and I were planning on robbing from the camp, we hate Shane. You’re the best for this group Rick, that’s all there is to it.” Daryl said as a light beam shot down behind the Mansion. “What was that?”

“I have no idea but maybe it’s a good sign.” Behind them they heard groans, the two turned around to see walkers heading their way. Before Rick had the chance to say anything, everyone was out of the cars and heading into the mansion. Rick and Daryl ran in after them. They shut the door behind them, found an old broken and bloody coat rack and put it in the rings of the door handles. “Here is the plan, we head to the backyard but keep your wits about you. We do not and I repeat DO NOT separate from each other. If there is a problem even if we are already dealing with something, we tell each other, got it?” The group nodded. “Carol, I want you and Judith in the center, we will make a circle around you. If anyone sees a body on the ground as we go, stab it in the head. We don’t need a walker getting at us from below and someone losing a leg but let us know; we don’t want to walk off without anyone.”

The group made their way behind the staircase and turned on their flashlights. There was no light in the mansion. As they made their way toward the back of the mansion, they stopped halfway down a hallway to stab a few potential walkers. As they continued Carl let everyone know that he heard something. The group stopped and listened. Sure enough Carl heard a walker. Soon a walker came around the corner limping more then a normal walker would limp. Its leg had been turned around completely. It was moving at a super slow pace, it could hardly walk. Rick took out his knife and quickly stabbed it once it was within range of them. “Good call Carl.” Rick complimented as they continued.

The group reached the back and found the door blocked from the outside. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn all pushed to try and get the door open but it wouldn’t budge. Next to the door was a single window. “I say we bust the window and climb out.” Glenn suggested.

“Is that such a bright idea Glenn, I’m sure walkers will hear that.” Andrea said gun and knife at the ready.

“Glenn is right, that’s the only way out now.” Rick went over and busted the window with the butt of his rifle. He cleared the glass away in order for everyone to hop through when groaning could be heard behind them. “Move now.” Rick pushed everyone to go. One by one they jumped out the broken window. Rick tried too jump out the window but got grabbed from behind. Daryl noticed and aimed his crossbow at the walker. Rick ducked before Daryl shot and the arrow hit the walker right in the head. Rick pushed the walker off of him and grabbed the arrow stuck in its forehead in the process. He jumped out the window and thanked Daryl for the help as they ran toward the light.

“What is that?” Rick asked staring at the swirling white circle in front of them which began to fizzle and shrink. Rick questioned whether or not to go through until he saw an uncountable amount of walkers coming toward them. He turned and saw that a huge chunk of building blocked the door; zombies were coming through the broken window. “Let’s go into it.” Rick ran forward and jumped through. Everyone else just stared for a second and then followed Rick through.

Once on the other side, Rick tumbled to the ground. “Where am I?” Rick questioned and then noticed some very colorful houses all around. Just then the others came through and landed on Rick as the portal disappeared. “I really should have moved.” Rick said from beneath everyone. Everyone stood up and their eyes widened and mouths agape. “What?” Rick saw the others and then looked at himself. “Why are we ponies?”


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Michonne found the mansion not long before Rick and the others did. She cleared the entire upstairs of walkers and had been there a day before Rick and the others arrived. She heard a car coming and looked out the window. Turns out that there were two cars there and she knew immediately that it was Rick and the group. Rick had gotten out of the car and immediately stared up at her window. Michonne had to back up to keep from being seen. She heard Glenn talking but she couldn’t be sure what it was he said. She peeked around the corner and backed up when she saw that Rick was still staring at the window. The next thing she heard was talking by Daryl and Rick and again she couldn’t hear the conversation clearly. Michonne peeked around the corner again and watched. Rick was just looking at the car. The two men just talked for a few minutes and then Daryl punched Rick. “What are you doing here?” Michonne asked and then saw walkers coming from the forest.

Michonne had looked around the building for anything that may have been helpful to her other than food. She had only been able to look upstairs before Rick and his group came to the mansion as the upstairs was safer then below. At least upstairs she could block any walkers that wanted to come up. She was going to clear the entire house but now she couldn’t check out the downstairs without being seen. All she managed to find upstairs was a silenced pistol. It only had four shots in the clip but that would be enough for what she wanted to do. Standing away from the window and aiming out, she fired the first shot. The bullet flew and hit a tree as did the next two. “I suck with guns.” She tried one more time, aimed carefully and fired off the final shot in the gun. She hit her mark and killed a walker. The other walkers ignored it and kept on walking. “That did not do what I was hoping it would do.” All of a sudden a bright beam of light shot down behind the mansion. “That’s going to attract some attention.”

Michonne ran to the back of the room and hopped out the hole in the wall. She slid down the building and landed on the rubble. Five walkers surrounded her when she reached the ground and so she led them away from the door. She ran into the forest and then turned to attack the five. The first got its head cut off, the second and third got cut in half before getting stabbed in the head and the last two lost their arms and then their heads. Michonne ran back to the door and tried to move the rubble out of the way but then she heard the group inside talking. She continued to try and move the rubble but it was too heavy for a single person to move. Inside, the group gave up on pushing the door open and discussed breaking the window.

“Screw it.” Michonne ran over to the white portal and jumped through. When she appeared on the other side, she stumbled onto the ground. “Ouch.” Michonne shook her head to clear it, then ran off away from the buildings and hid. She poked her head around the corner and noticed the others come through. It was odd though, Rick had been turned into a pony. Michonne reluctantly looked at herself and freaked out a little. A Zebra tapped on her shoulder startling Michonne who jumped and turned around. “Who are you?”

The Zebra looked at Michonne curiously and then nodded. “My name is Zecora.” For once she only had one line to say but of course Michonne didn’t know that. “You are from a far off place; we should go and clean up your face.” Michonne looked at the Zebra oddly and hesitantly followed her.

The two walked for a while and Michonne found herself at an African home in the middle of some forest. “Tell me something, where am I and how did I get here. I know I got here through that portal object but where did it come from?” Michonne asked wondering if this wasn’t all a dream.

Zecora grabbed a wet towel and then cleaned up Michonne’s face. When she finished, she looked at the now bloody towel. “Tell me of how much you are shrill and you were in Ponyville.”

“Um, ok. I take it you are asking me how harsh I am and can you not speak in rhymes?” Zecora shook her head. “Ok fine, so as for your question, I can be very shrill as you put it when my life is threatened.” She wasn’t about to go into anymore detail than that.

“I didn’t think that this was mud, what did you kill to get so much blood?” Zecora asked as she cleaned off Michonne’s legs.

“It is more like killed again, it’s a long story and that story is still going on.” Michonne looked around the building.

“I assume that your world is not well, the portal you came through was brought on by a spell.” Zecora answered Michonne’s other question. “I would not carry that Katana so freely, or you may end up in trouble with the princess you see.” Zecora noticed the look that Michonne gave her.

“I will not hand over my Katana, it doesn’t leave my side. Thank you for the help but may I ask you for a favor?” Zecora nodded. “Could I stay here with you and away from the others that came through?”

“You can move in on the double, do those others cause you trouble?” Zecora questioned.

Michonne looked away and then answered. “Let’s just say that I’m not on the greatest of terms with them. I’m not there favorite person to be around.”

Zecora finished cleaning up Michonne and nodded in understanding. “You have such a pretty coat, mane, and tail of black, is there anything that you will need to unpack.”

“No, just me and my katana.” Michonne turned around and then Zecora saw her cutie mark.

“I now see why you will not let it go, that katana is your special talent yes or no?” Zecora knew but she didn’t want to scare Michonne too much.

Michonne raised an eyebrow and then looked at her flank. There on her rear was a picture of her katana. “Uh, yeah, I’m very skilled with it.” Her stomach then growled. “I guess I’m hungry.” Zecora went to grab her new friend something to eat but when she got back, Michonne had fallen asleep. “You sleep well, I fear that you have brought with you demons from hell.” Zecora set down the plate of food next to Michonne on the floor.


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Rick and the others just stood in silence as they looked around to take in their surroundings the best they could. There were Pegasus in the sky moving clouds around or just destroying them. There were unicorns and ponies on the ground either running around playing, eating what must have been considered food, or possibly working. What was considered work around here anyway? After a few minutes, Rick finally spoke to the group. “Ok, everyone, let’s see if we can find someone or I suppose I should say somepony as a person probably wouldn’t understand us.” With the shock wearing off, Maggie pointed out a small detail.

“Rick, you do realize that you, Carl, and Judith all have horns on your head.” Rick looked up and indeed found a horn there. Maggie then pointed at the wings on her back. “Andrea, Carol, Beth, and I all have wings. Then the rest are just normal ponies.” Despite the change in appearance, they could still tell each other apart. Before Rick or anyone could respond, a very pink pony came bouncing over to them and stopped. She gasped and then took off in a flash. “Well that was either odd or really bad.” Maggie wondered if they should start running or not when a purple pony with a horn and wings flew toward them. The purple pony landed near them and stared for a second before a smile appeared on her face.

“Hello, I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle and you’re new in town. My friend Pinkie Pie saw your group and just had to tell me about the new ponies. Let’s go to the library and talk shall we?” Twilight asked as she led the group to the library. She really wasn’t asking, she was going to take the group to the library whether they wanted to or not but she didn’t want to be rude about it and just demand that they follow. Once they arrived, Twilight turned around and then noticed Judith on Ricks back. “Oh, that’s such an adorable little foal. I take it you’re the father but who here is the mother?” When Rick turned his head away, Twilight got the hint. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. So what are your names?”

“My name is Rick.” Rick had a tan coat with a black mane and tail. His holster and gun rest on his rump. “This here is Judith.” Judith was red with a brown mane and tail. “Right here is Carl my son and older brother.” Carl had a brown coat with a long brown mane and tail.

“I’m Hershel.” Hershel walked up with one missing leg and noticed Twilight flinch a little. “It’s the missing half of my leg?” Twilight nodded. “It happened a long time ago.” Hershel was white with a light grey tail and mane. “These are my daughters Maggie and Beth.” Maggie was brown with a brown mane and tail and Beth was white with a blonde mane and tail.

“I’m Carol.” Carol was red with a brown coat and mane.

“I’m Glenn.” Glenn was a dark gray with a black tail and mane.

“I’m Daryl.” Daryl was tan with a black mane and tail. He carries his crossbow on his back.

“I’m Andrea.” Andrea was a light yellow with a blonde mane and tail. All but Judith, Beth, and Hershel have weapons on them.

“Hello everypony, and if you would so kindly hoof over those things that you’re carrying.” Twilight said unsure of what the foreign objects were. The group looked between each other except for Rick who nodded and tried to grip his gun but couldn’t seem to. Twilight noticed Ricks' difficulty and took it from him with her magic. “I had my suspicions when I saw you earlier and now when you were introducing yourselves but since you can’t seem to grab these, whatever they are has confirmed it. You and your group are not of our world which if somepony were to tell me that there were other worlds; I would have said they’re crazy. In this case however, the evidence is overwhelming.” Twilight then took the others weapons. “You may have these back as soon as we figure out how to send you back to your world.” All at once the group screamed out the word “NO!” “You don’t wish to go to your world?” Twilight asked confused.

“Please, you can’t send us back. We feel safe here despite being here for only a few moments.” Rick tried not to reveal too much.

Twilight saw that they didn’t want to speak of their world but she also didn’t trust them. She knew what she had to do. “Here is the deal I’ll make with you. You can tell me everything and be completely honest with me and I’ll let you stay either wise I’m sending you back. Normally I have no problem trusting new ponies but seeing as you’re not from this world, I can’t help but feel anxious around you especially since you came here with those things over there.” Twilight pointed behind her at the pile of weapons.

“Ok, we have a deal, just please don’t send us back.” Twilight nodded and waited for Rick to continue. She would ask about the Cutie Marks later. “Look, where we come from, walkers roam the world.” Twilight gave a confused expression. “Zombies, we call them walkers.”

Spike then shot up and spoke. “Ha, see I told you Twilight. Zombies exist.” Twilight shot an angry glare at Spike who shrunk back.

“Please continue with this story of which I already don’t believe.” Twilight said tapping her hoof on the ground.

“I know how ridiculous this sounds; it sounded that way to me as well. I was in a coma and when I woke up, the hospital was a mess. I came to a door that said Dead Inside, Don’t Open. I thought it was for the safety of those alive. I didn’t realize until I made it outside that there wasn’t a person at the hospital alive. Everyone there was dead; bodies lie in body bags, hundreds of bodies. When I made it back home, the streets were deserted and I was mistaken for a walker. It was because of my wound that I had. The two people thought I had been bitten or scratched. I didn’t get it then, I do now. Long story short my group has lost so much, so many people died to the walkers. Our world isn’t our world anymore, it’s another hell. We struggle to survive everyday, we can’t go back.” Rick explained some of his story.

“I’m sorry but I can’t believe in these walkers as you call them but at the same time, I believe that you are telling me the truth about your struggles. You’re all a mess including the young foal. Tell me this though, if these walkers as you call them, why didn’t they follow you?” Twilight asked.

“It’s because the portal we came through closed and to be honest, we are having a hard time believing this isn’t all a dream. We have never been able to stay in one place for any amount of time without the fear of getting killed. We were scared every second that we lived. If this is a dream, we don’t want to wake up.” Hershel explained for the entire group.

“I can see that you truly fear for your lives and so I will let you stay for the time being. If you can prove yourselves to be helpful and you don’t harm anyone, I suppose you can stay permanently.” The group let out a sigh of relief. “Pinkie, would you be so kind as to lead them to the nearest hotel.” Pinkie nodded and ran to the door. “I will keep these things here in my library as you will have no need for them here.”

Glenn and Andrea were about to argue but Rick shook his head. “Like Hershels’ farm, this isn’t our decision. We want to stay here and we won’t do a thing to jeopardize that. We need this chance and I won’t let anyone ruin this for us, like Shane did. We will be civilized and do as she says.” The group nodded but only because they felt safe here. The group then followed the hyper pink pony.

Trouble at a Pinkie Party

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Pinkie led the group to the hotel, thanks to being an element of harmony and being friends with Twilight; Pinkie was able to convince the hotel owner to let the group stay free for one night. Pinkie led the group up to the second floor. “Ok everypony, room eighteen is for the stallions.” Pinkie used the key card and opened up the door to let the guys in. “Ok girls, let’s get you all set up in your room, the guys can handle themselves.” Pinkie bounced along down the hallway until she reached room twenty four. “This is your room girls.” Pinkie opened up the room and let the girls’ in. “By the way, come to Sugarcube Corner at seven.” Pinkie hoofed over some directions to Maggie and then made her way back to the boys’ room. She knocked on the door and Rick answered. “Here you go, be at Sugarcube corner at seven.” Pinkie said and then took off down the hall.

Rick stood there for a moment and then turned around with the invite in his mouth. He went over to the bedside table and set the invite down. Rick stood there thinking when Daryl asked what was wrong. Rick turned around and scratched his head with his hoof. “She just used her hoof to give me the invite and I don’t mean that she put it on the ground and scooted it toward me. Oh no, she was actually holding it in her hoof when she handed or should I say hoofed it over to me. Is she supposed to be able to do that?”

“Rick, we’re in a world of talking ponies not to mention we ourselves are ponies, I can’t say that I’m surprised by this.” Glenn said as he walked over to Rick. “We should probably go just to be nice. The girls will probably go to this” Glenn paused and looked over at the invite. “Party she is throwing as a thank you for helping.”

“You’re right; there is no need to worry about anything anymore. The girls will probably go before we do; it’s been a long time since we have had any reason to celebrate. So how long do we have anyway?” Rick looked around the room for a clock, something they haven’t used in quite some time.

“Maggie, what have you got there?” Beth asked as Maggie set the invite down.

“It’s an invite, I think?” Maggie stared at it for a second and then nodded. “It’s definitely an invite and to a party no less. I say we go and enjoy ourselves, we deserve it.”

“I was beginning to think that parties didn’t exist.” Carol said as Pinkie popped into the room and startled the group.

“Of course parties exist silly.” With that said, Pinkie disappeared.

“How in the world?” The girls asked in unison.

Pinkie had just finished setting up the party when the girls came into the building. “Welcome to the party ponies.” Streamers cover the ceiling and banisters and all kinds of sweets littered the tables. There was also a piñata hanging from a support beam. The men came in shortly after the girls. “Welcome to your first Pinkie Party, whoohoo.” Pinkie jumped into the air as Twilight and the others walked in. “Hey girls, you made it.”

“There is no way we would miss a Pinkie Party.” Applejack ran over and gave her friend a noogie.

“So they are the new ponies that Twilight told us about?” Rarity pointed to the group in front of them.

“That’s them girls and for a little while at least, they will need a place to stay other than in a hotel. So Applejack, would you mind?” Twilight asked.

“All of em Twi? Don’t get me wrong, the apple family is more then happy to help others but that’s a lot of ponies.” AJ said staring at the ten ponies in front of her.

“Oh no, I’ll take in some of the girls while Rainbow Dash takes in our Pegasus friends. I just need you to take in the men, maybe make the barn comfortable. I’ll be happy to give you some beds for them even.” Twilight smiled and AJ nodded. “Thank you, now Pinkie, why don’t you introduce them to some of your games and” Pinkie left before Twilight finished her sentence. Twilight chuckled and then turned to the others. “Girls, keep an eye on them. I trust Rick enough but I don’t want them to hurt anypony. If there is anything suspicious about them at all, you let me know.” Her friends nodded as Pinkie came over.

“Not everypony is here yet, I wonder what happened to Zecora and her new roommate.” Pinkie started toward the window but Twilight stopped her. “What’s up Twilight?”

“Since when did Zecora get a roommate and why didn’t you tell me?” Twilight asked a little frustrated.

“I don’t know and I thought I just did.” Pinkie gave the typical Pinkie Pie answer when the doors to Sugarcube Corner opened up to reveal Zecora and Michonne. “There they are.”

Rick and the group heard this and turned around to see a black pony with a katana hanging off her side. “Michonne, how did you get here?” Rick and the group marched toward her.

“Good to see you too Rick. I don’t know about you but I’m not exactly thrilled to be here.” Rick didn’t get to respond before Twilight stepped in.

“I will ask you nicely, please hand over the Katana.” Rarity and the others just raised their eyebrows in confusion. They had no idea what a Katana was or how Twilight knew what it was.

“This Katana doesn’t leave my side, not anymore.” Michonne stared at Rick and then noticed her weapon being lifted off of her and so she grabbed it in her mouth. However it didn’t last long in there once Twilight pulled harder. “Give it back!” Michonne snorted.

Twilight disappeared and reappeared shortly after. “Your weapons are not needed and will not be accessible to anypony unless I say otherwise or I can find a way to send you back to your own world in which I will gladly give you your weapons back.” Michonne wasn’t too happy about this and charged Twilight who lifted her into the air and took her outside. “You will do as I say while you are here.” Twilight brought Michonne closer to her face. “Have I made myself clear?”

Michonne spit in Twilights face. “I don’t take orders; now give me my Katana back.”

“You leave me no choice then.” Twilight teleported away with Michonne and ended up in the libraries basement. The basement now went further down into a prison. Twilight threw Michonne into a cell and closed it. “You are now officially a threat and once I find a way to send you back home, I will.” Twilight locked the cell door and teleported away.

Cutie Marks

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Twilight hadn’t gone back to the party but instead went up to the ground floor of the library. Spike had come in shortly after she appeared. Twilight went to work immediately. “Spike, write a letter for me.” Spike nodded and grabbed a quill and some paper.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you for help. It’s hard to admit but I’m scared right now and I need your help. I have some ponies here from another world and I’m having problems. They don’t wish to return to their home because of zombies or as they call them, walkers. I told them that I don’t believe that but it was said to give me time to think. I fear that with the new ponies’ arrival here will bring the zombies here. I also worry that some of the new ponies will be dangerous. Please come help me, I need you right now.

Your good friend
Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Ok Spike, send the letter.” Twilight walked over to the window and just stared out it wondering what would happen next. “Is it really possible that zombies are real, could I just be paranoid? Was I wrong to take their things away? No, Princess Celestia says to never second guess yourself. If you’re wrong you admit it and move on.” Twilight stretched her wings and then shook her body. “I just don’t know what to do.” Twilight turned back around and walked up to her room. “I’ll worry about it tomorrow and hope that I get a response by then.”

The next morning Twilight woke up hoping to see a letter by her bed but alas, there wasn’t one. Twilight worried until she realized that it’s possible that Celestia could be readying herself to come to Ponyville. “I suppose that it would be the best option.” Twilight got out of bed and went over to Spike. “Spike, get up my number one assistant.” Twilight said nudging the dragon trying to wake him. Spike mumbled frustrated groans as he tried to sleep. “Come on, I know it’s early but I need you to do something for me.”

Spike groaned and lifted his head up to see what Twilight needed. “What is it Twi, it’s really early still.”

“First off Spike, it’s eight and two; I need you to go get our new friends, AJ and the others.” Spike got up, stretched and then took off. “Thanks Spike.” Twilight chuckled seeing the young dragon stumble down the stairs not quite awake yet. Twilight went downstairs and started making breakfast for herself and Spike when a knock came to the door. “Come in, the doors open.” Twilight said loud enough for the pony outside to hear.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, you needed me?” Celestia said walking into the room.

“Princess Celestia, thank you for coming, you don’t know how relieved I am to have you here. I’m eating right now, could you use something to eat?” Twilight asked but Celestia shook her head. “I would like to talk about it right now but Spike should be back soon with the others and our new friends.”

“I would very much like to meet them.” Just then Spike came into the library with worried ponies behind him. “I take it that these are the ponies you spoke of?” Twilight nodded and they quickly went through introductions. “It’s nice to meet each of you but would you mind explaining your cutie marks?” the group looked at each other and shrugged. “I suppose I can help with that.” Celestia went over to Rick first. “What does that star mean in your world?” Celestia pointed to his cutie mark.

Rick looked at his rump and smiled. “I’m in or at least was in law enforcement. The star looks like the badge I wear or wore at one time; it let others know who I am. They see the badge and they either run or smile at the sight. That however disappeared a long time ago. It’s worthless now.”

“So your special talent is being in keeping the law, that’s nice to know though I wouldn’t say that it’s worthless at least not here.” Celestia looked at Judith and Carl, neither of them has a cutie mark yet, Judith for obvious reasons. The next she looked to is Daryl who had a crossbow on his flank. “What about you Daryl?”

“I’m good with a crossbow, that’s really all there is to say.” Daryl said a little disturbed by this.

“I see and you Maggie, you have a horse?” Maggie scratched the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly.

“This is going to sound really odd but I would like to point out now that where we come from, we had two legs not four. I used to ride horses, I am or was an expert equestrian.” Maggie smiled and then blurted out. “Next.”

Celestia chuckled and then turned to Andrea. “I see you have a scroll, were you a writer?”

“Not exactly, I was a Civil rights attorney before the apocalypse happened.” Celestia gave her an odd look when she said apocalypse but quickly went to the next pony.

“What about you Glenn, you have food, rope and other things with a map behind them?” Celestia at first glance would have expected him to be an explorer.

“Since the uh, walkers came to be, I’ve been the scavenger. Look for supplies and I know my way around places pretty well.” Celestia nodded unsure of what to say and then turned to Hershel.

“I see you have a medical sign, you work at a hospital?” Celestia asked.

“I am a veterinarian, so yes.” Celestia smiled at that and so did Rarity as she walked into the room with her friends.

“What about you Carol, you have a cross with a heart on it?” Celestia asked almost a little worried about it but didn’t show it.

“I like to think that there is hope, I suppose I would like to give others hope for something better. I guess you can say that god gave me hope and I want to share it at least I used to. I” Carol sat down and turned away.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you?” Celestia apologized and just got a smile and a shrug from Carol. “What about you Beth? I see you have a musical note?”

“I do a little singing; it helps the group calm down when we’re rowdy.” Beth left it at that.

“I see, well I’ll let Princess Twilight talk to you about what it is she wanted to talk to you about.” Celestia walked away leaving the groups alone.

“Maggie, Andrea, Carol, and Beth, I have a place for you four. Rainbow Dash, I want you to teach them how to clear clouds. They will take your place there until further notice.” Rainbow saluted Twilight and led the four away. “Daryl and Glenn, until further notice, you two will work with my friend Applejack at her farm.”

“Come on ya’ll, we’ve got a lot of work to do.” AJ led the two away.

“Hershel, I want you to go to the hospital and help out around there. I’ve already let the doctors know about you but for the sake of argument, Fluttershy, would you take him there.” Fluttershy nodded and led Hershel away. ‘I got lucky with him.’ Twilight whispered. “Now for you three, Carl, I want you to take care of your sister.” Carl was about to protest when Rick glared at him and he shut his mouth reluctantly. “Rick, I want you to go down into the basement and watch Michonne. All you have to do is bring her food, water and make sure she doesn’t get out.”

Rick in no way thought that would be a good idea but arguing would just make things worse for him and the others if things weren’t bad already. Twilight led Rick downstairs into the prison and left. “So, you’re here to keep an eye on me?” Rick didn’t say anything. “Fine, ignore me but one way or another; I’m going to get out of here.” Michonne sat down and folded her hooves.

Cute Curiousity

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Applebloom and the other crusaders had just finished up their crusading for the day and headed toward the barn. “So what’s the plan for tomorrow Applebloom?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Aw shoot, ah don’t know. Do you have any ideas Scootaloo?” Applebloom kicked up some dirt.

“We could always go visit Zecora and, nevermind. There is always Trixie; she could always give us an idea.” The three stopped walking and then broke out laughing. “Oh man, what am I thinking?”

“Yeah, no kiddin Scoots, that is” Applebloom stopped laughing and smiled. “Not a bad idea actually.” The other two stopped laughing and looked at Applebloom puzzled. “Think about it, she is a showmare and who knows, one of us may have a special talent for that type of thing. Ah know that the whole talent show didn’t go as planned but that’s different from what Trixie does.”

“So let’s say we do this, why would miss great and powerful even bother to talk to us?” Sweetie wondered.

“I say we give it a try anyway. What’s the worst she could say; get away from me?” Scootaloo asked. The three thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Tomorrow we go to see Trixie.” In unison the three shouted. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SHOWMARES!” Soon the group arrived at the barn.

The three filly’s stomachs growled. “So who else is hungry?” Sweetie grabbed onto her stomach and smiled sheepishly. “Let’s go get something to eat.” The three ran off toward the apple home when they noticed two stallions helping out on the farm. The three fillies ran over to say hi.

“You two are surprisinly good at apple buckin.” Applejack said as she saw three filly’s running toward her and the new ponies. “Hey you three, ya already done crusadin?”

“Yeah sis, who are the new stallions?” Applebloom asked and then saw the two stallion tip their hats and continued with their work.

“Don’t ya mind them any Applebloom or any of ya fer that matter. Now run on inside, Granny Smith’s got lunch ready fer ya.” Applejack turned around and grabbed an empty bucket for more apples.

The crusaders ran into the home and saw six sandwiches sitting on the table. “Ah am starvin.” Applebloom and the others sat down and started stuffing their mouths. “Ey Ganny Smit.”

“What have I told ya about talkin with yer mouth full?” Granny Smith asked.

Applebloom quickly swallowed and then spoke. “Sorry Granny but what’s with the new ponies?” Granny then gave them the same answer Applejack did.

“Forget it Applebloom, let’s go see Rainbow Dash after this.” Scootaloo then stuffed more sandwich in her mouth.

“Do you even know where Rainbow Dash is Scootaloo; oh there she is with more new ponies?” Sweetie pointed up in the sky toward the new ponies. Rainbow Dash then soared down to the three fillies. “Hey Rainbow, who are the new ponies?” Sweetie asked.

“They’re not important to you, that’s all you need to know. Why don’t you three go to Surgarcube Corner, I’m busy right now but we can talk later.” With that said and Rainbow flew back up into the sky.

“Oh come on!” Sweetie said kicking some dirt into the air when Rarity walked by.

“Sweetie Belle, how many times have I told you, it’s one thing to do your crusading and getting dirty doing so but you don’t just get dirty for no reason. Not to mention kicking the dust and dirt into the air. You also lose your composure, which you still need to work on little sis.” Sweetie just grumbled in annoyance. “Ok what’s wrong?”

“You telling me that for one but the biggest disappointment is everypony is keeping us in the dark about the new ponies. What’s the deal with them?” Sweetie said irritably.

“That is none of your concern little sister.” Rarity flipped her mane back and out of her face.

“Not you too Rarity, why won’t anyone tell us? Are they dangerous?” Sweetie asked.

“That is unknown but we don’t think so.” Rarity replied.

“Well then why won’t anypony tell us what’s going on?” Scootaloo asked just as frustrated now.

“I will not be the reason for you three getting hurt if they are dangerous. To say anything would just” Rarity was then cut off by Twilight. The crusaders bowed making Twilight chuckle.

“Now now, no need for that. Now as far as telling you three about these new ponies, I can only suppose that not telling you will make you want to visit them even more. Rarity, would you be so kind as to come with me please.” Rarity nodded and followed along with the crusaders. “I suspected that you three would be interested in the new ponies. I will tell you on one condition, you must not and I repeat must not go and talk with them until I give you the go ahead. Is that clear?” Twilight asked sweetly and the three filly’s simply nodded. “The new ponies are not of our world. They brought weapons of some that are recognizable and others which are foreign to us. I am still trying to decide if they are dangerous or not. If they” Twilight was cut off by Rainbow Dash who was screaming at Andrea from the sounds of it. “Hold on.”

“Get back here Andrea, you don’t get to leave like that and how the hay are you so fast?” Rainbow Dash asked starting to catch up with Andrea when she turned sharply forcing Rainbow to slow down and turn.

“Hey, I’ve lived in a world where that’s all I do is run, how do you think?” Andrea said heading for the library door. Andrea wasn’t sure how to open it and so she rammed it with her body and knocked it down. A cry was then heard from the side and an irritated Carl stood there. “Sorry Carl.”

“I just got her to sleep, why would you ram the door anyway?” Carl said trying to calm down Judith as Rainbow came in. Andrea quickly headed up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs stood Twilight. “Who do you think you are barging into my home and then coming into my room?”

“Look, I just want my gun back ok.” Andrea said breathing heavily as Rainbow came up and grabbed Andrea from behind. “Let me go.”

“No way, your coming back to work.” Just then Twilight waved Rainbow away. “But, fine but for the record I tried.”

“I know Rainbow, I’ll deal with her. You go keep an eye on the others.” Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and left. Twilight watched as she left and then turned her attention to Andrea. “First off, I will not have you causing problems or I will put you in with Michonne. Secondly, there is no reason for you to have it and so you don’t get it back.” Twilight calmly said not willing to let herself lose her cool.

“I understand that and if it were just another gun, I wouldn’t worry about it but that gun was a gift. It’s a gift from someone that I no longer have with me; it’s all I have left of him. Please, my father gave me that gun. You can understand that right. That gun is all I have left of my father, please.” Andrea begged which wasn’t something that she would normally do.

Twilight stared at Andrea and thought. After a few minutes, Twilight nodded and then let Andrea get her gun. “Word of warning, don’t you make me regret giving this to you.” Twilight let out a sigh and then continued. “Now you can have it back but you must leave it where you sleep. It isn’t to be brought with you anywhere, do you understand?” Andrea went over and picked up her gun.

“Yes, and thank you for your understanding, this gun means the world to me.” With that said, Andrea left with a huge smile on her face.

“You had better not make me regret my decision.” Twilight said to herself as she watched Andrea walk off.

“That was the right thing to do but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep an eye on her.” Celestia said from behind. Twilight nodded and left to fill in her friends of what was going on.


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Scootaloo woke up early that morning, she tossed and turned. After an hour, she gave up and looked at the time. It was now three forty-five. Scootaloo let out a frustrated sigh and fell back onto her bed. “What to do this early when you can’t sleep?” Scootaloo finally stopped trying to fall asleep and looked out the window. Rainbow Dash quickly flew by the window startling the little filly. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo screamed out to get her honorary big sisters attention but Rainbow didn’t hear her. “All well, may as well go to Trixies’ now, I can’t really sleep.” Scootaloo grabbed a jacket knowing that it would be raining all day which is probably why Rainbow Dash was up so early. Chances were that Rainbow Dash just wanted to get things done or she was sleep flying again. It was most likely the second one.

Scootaloo made her over to Appleblooms’ first and threw a tiny rock at her window. Applebloom opened the window to her bedroom and poked her head out. “Scootaloo, what the hay are ya doin here so early?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so you want to head out to Trixies now?” Scootaloo gave off a cheesy smile. Applebloom stared at her like she’s crazy. “Fine, I’ll just go by myself then.”

“Are you insane Scootaloo, just go home and rest.” With that said, Applebloom closed the window and went back to bed.

“But I can’t sleep.” Scootaloo turned around and headed towards Trixies’. “I can go by myself and I’m not insane.” She got on her scooter and took off as fast as she could so that she could get to Trixies and back as soon as possible. Truth was she didn’t want to be gone too long all by herself. It had started raining; luckily Scootaloo had remembered her jacket. She had traveled for twenty minutes before finding Trixies home. Scootaloo came to a stop and hopped off her scooter.

“Trixie?” She yelled quietly but loud enough for somepony to hear. When she came around to the front, she found the windows broken. “Trixie, are you ok?” Scootaloo made her way up to the door that had been broken and hanging on by only a hinge. Slowly she made her way to the first step and could see inside. The place was trashed; it looked like a twister hit the trailer. “Maybe I have the wrong place and besides, Trixie never had this nice of stuff before. At least it was nice at one time.”

Scootaloo looked down and noticed a blue hat with stars on it covered in blood. She began to freak out and took a step back but missed the step and fell onto her back. “Ouch.” Scootaloo rubbed her back and then noticed the hat move toward her. “What the hay?” She backed up a bit as the hat moved closer. The rain began pouring down and thunder clasped and lightning flashed. “Trixie, you ok?” Scootaloo asked moving slightly closer to the hat. She hadn’t noticed but she had started shaking. Once Scootaloo got within a foot of the hat a zombie version of Trixie jumped up and grabbed onto her.

Scootaloo freaked out and felt a sharp pain in her leg. “Let me go.” Scootaloo kicked zombie Trixie in the head making her let go. Scootaloo stood up, her leg in pain and tried to run. Tears formed in her eyes as she limped away. She made it to her scooter and hopped on. Blood slowly flowed from her wound. It took twenty more minutes on her scooter to return to Ponyville

Above Ponyville on a cloud slept Andrea who woke to the sounds of groans. Andrea peeked over the side of the cloud and saw an orange and purple pony riding a scooter while being chased by walkers. For a moment, she panicked before she grabbed her gun with her teeth. Andrea set the gun down and then worked on picking it up and to her surprise; she picked it up with her hoof. “So now how do I fire?” Andrea tried pulling the trigger as if she had fingers and then to her surprise, the gun fired. She fumbled the gun around in her hooves shocked by the fact that she was able to fire it. “Wow, this is really odd.” Andrea got a grip on her gun and quickly focused on the pony walkers below. She fired at each pony walker hitting each one in the head. She had just shot the last one when Rainbow Dash tackled her.

Down below Twilight, Rick and everypony else came out to see what the ruckus was. Twilight was then bumped into by Scootaloo. “What in the world of Equestria is going on here?” Twilight asked and then saw blood coming from Scootaloo’s hoof. “Scootaloo, what happened?”

Scootaloo looked up with teary eyes. “Trixie bit me.” Rick immediately backed up as well as Carl and the others. Rainbow came down with Andrea in her grasp.

“Rainbow, what’s going on and why is the weather making such odd noises?” Twilight asked.

“It wasn’t the weather; she killed innocent ponies with that thing you gave back to her.” Andrea pushed Rainbow Dash off of her and scowled.

“You really think those things were ponies, then go to the next one you see and try talking to it.” Andrea then noticed Scootaloo and the bite on her hoof. “How long has that bite been there?”

“I don’t know, fifteen, twenty minutes.” Scootaloo said in pain.

“Then I’m sorry.” Scootaloo looked up at Andrea who pointed the gun at her. Andrea pulled the trigger just as Rick tackled her. The bullet missed its target and landed at the young filly’s’ hoof.

“What are you doing, don’t be Shane.” Rick knocked the gun away from her while Twilight and the others went to comfort Scootaloo.

“You know this has to happen Rick. Shane was right to do what he did at Hershel’s farm. If we don’t do something this world will die.” Andrea argued pushing Rick off of her.

“That’s not your call Andrea, don’t make me have to kill you like I did Shane.” Rick blocked Andrea from reaching her gun.

“You know what Rick, Shane was right, you can’t protect people. Too many people die under your leadership.” Andrea kicked Rick away, grabbed her gun and then flew into the air. Rick tried to stop her but he had no experience with using magic. “I’m doing this for the good of everyone Rick.” Andrea flew above and then shot Scootaloo right in the head. Scootaloo’s blood splattered all over Twilight and Rainbow Dash who were the closest to her.

“Andrea!” Rick yelled trying to get his magic to work but honestly had no idea how to.

Twilight let go of the filly while Rainbow held her close. The two mares stood there in shock at what had just happened. Twilight came back from her shocked state sooner then Rainbow Dash and glared at Andrea, then Rick, and then Andrea again. Twilight used her magic and drug Andrea down to the ground and ripped the gun from Andrea’s hooves. She smashed the gun on the ground as hard as she could and broke it. “How dare you, go away.” Twilight whispered the last two words and then spoke again when Andrea began cursing her out. “GO AWAY, ALL OF YOU! YOU ARE ALL GOING BACK TO YOUR WORLD, I’LL MAKE SURE OF IT!” Twilight walked over to Rainbow and hugged her tightly along with Scootaloo’s limp body.

The Funeral

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Later that morning, Twilight had gotten everything ready for Scootaloo’s funeral. A few tents covered the funeral area so that nopony would get drenched during the service. All that was left to do was to tell Scootaloos friends which would be the most difficult thing she would have to do. Neither of them was allowed outside when everything went down and as a result had no idea what even happened. Twilight called Applejack and Rarity and told them to send Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to meet her at Sugarcube Corner. She waited for twenty minutes before the two fillies walked in. “Hello girls, come sit.”

“Did we do something wrong Twilight?” Sweetie asked a little nervous about the two being asked for specifically.

“No girls, you didn’t do anything wrong but there is a problem. It’s about Scootaloo and it’s not good.” Sweetie and Apple Bloom became even more nervous then they already were. Twilight looked away for a moment toward the direction of the funeral and then let out a sigh. “Scootaloo…she” Twilight gave up and just came out with it. “Scootaloo died last night, I’m sorry.”

Tears formed in the two fillies eyes but before they could cry, Twilight grabbed them into a big hug. “How, why, Scoot.” Apple Bloom tried to spit out a sentence but couldn’t find the words.

Rick then came into the building but turned to leave when Twilight spoke up. “Don’t move Rick.” Rick stopped and just waited. After a few moments of hugging the two crying fillies, Twilight stood up and looked in Rick’s direction. “Follow me; this isn’t the place to talk.” Rick nodded in agreement and left as Carol walked past. “Meet me at the library Rick; I’ll be there in a moment.” Rick complied and walked off. Twilight stood there next to the doorway and listened.

“Hello girls, my name is Carol. I see you found out about your friend. I’m so sorry that this happened but if it makes you feel any better, I lost my daughter. I would say she was around your age but then again I really can’t say for sure.” Carol said with as much of a smile as she could muster.

Sweetie wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up at Carol. “How long does it take for the hurt to go away?”

The one question that the filly would ask and it had to be that one; Carol didn’t have much choice here though. “The pain doesn’t go away girls, it just softens. It helps to know that you will see them again after; when it’s your time to go. I wish the pain would go but it doesn’t. Do yourselves a favor though and don’t ever forget your friend. Keep pictures around to help you remember the good times that you had. Just remember that you will see them again, it’s a gift that god has given us. I bet she’ll be doing whatever you decide to do. I hear that the three of you never do things apart and her death won’t be an exception. I can bet that if you two go searching out some giant, she’ll be there right by your side going along for the ride. True that you may not see her but you’ll feel her there. I can say that because there are those special times that I can still feel my daughter.” Carol smiled as she wrapped her hooves around the two.

“Thank you Carol, that helps but we still miss her so much.” Apple Bloom hugged Carol tighter.

“You will, I still miss my daughter. It will become easier though, really it will.” Carol hugged the two fillies tighter.

Twilight smiled at the sight before she left to go talk with Rick. She arrived at the library and found Rick holding onto his daughter. Twilight let out a sigh and then walked over to him. “Rick, I’m not even sure what to say to you.”

“I know what she did was wrong and it wasn’t her call to make. I also know that you’ll be angry with me when I say that she wasn’t completely wrong. She said that if we don’t do something, this world will die. Andrea is right about that and we don’t want to see that happen. I know that you want us gone and you have every right to send us back but let us help you take care of this before it becomes an epidemic that you can’t control. You have no reasons to trust us even more now then before but I ask you to help us help you. Give us our weapons and we will stop this or at least keep the walkers at bay.” Rick asked calmly and could tell that Twilight was thinking hard.

Without warning, Twilight teleported away and came back with the groups arsenal of weapons. “Truth is Rick; I can’t in good conscience send you and your whole group back to your world. Something you and Andrea said last night kept my promise to send Andrea back and almost makes me want to send you back with her. ‘What are you doing, don’t be Shane’ I have no idea who Shane was but if she acted anything like him, then I want her gone. Then there is something that she said. ‘You know this has to happen Rick.’ I could see that you agreed with her. That alone made me want to send you back with her and then what you said next changed my mind. ‘That’s not your call Andrea; don’t make me have to kill you like I did Shane.’ Despite what you believed you should do you fought to make sure you didn’t overstep your boundaries. You are what your Cutie Mark says Rick, you obey the law even if it is for the sake of your own safety. That got me thinking but even so regardless the reason, you tried to keep her safe. Tell me something though, before I make a final decision on what to do. Tell me about this Shane you two spoke of.”

“Shane was my best friend but when the apocalypse started, he became less of one. I got separated from my wife, she thought I was dead because Shane thought I was and he was the last one with me. I had been shot and ended up in the hospital. I woke up to all of it and had no clue what was going on. Anyway, Shane became dangerous. He didn’t have any feeling left. He didn’t think that I could protect anyone especially my family. He tried to kill me a time or two. The last time that I was with him, he pointed a gun at me. I was able to get close to him and stab him in the heart. We would have lost more then we have if Shane had won that little fight. If anyone got separated, got stuck somewhere and needed help; they were as good as dead, they weren’t worth saving. It would have been worth everything if it had been my wife or my son though. He would have gone in a heartbeat. Truth is; he didn’t care about anyone’s feelings except his own. My group tells me that we only made it this far because of me.” Rick stopped talking and let Twilight make her decision.

Twilight thought about it and then nodded. “He sounds like, to put it nicely, a real donkey.” The two chuckled.

“That is definitely putting it nicely which he doesn’t deserve.” Rick chuckled as guard came into the room.

“Princess, the funeral is ready.” Twilight thanked the guard and told Rick to follow. The two made their way to the cemetery with the guard right behind. Twilight walked up to the podium and took in a deep breath. In the front sat Celestia and Luna as well as friends and so on.

“This isn’t something that I thought I would be doing so soon. I didn’t know Scootaloo as well as her friends know her but I know that she could ride her scooter like no pony I know. She could even get her two best friends on and zoom. She had a lot going for her but before I say too much, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, why don’t you two come up first, then Rainbow Dash and then who ever wants to come say something afterwards.” With that said Twilight stepped away from the podium and let Sweetie and Apple Bloom step up.

“Thank you Princess Twilight.” Tears rolled down Sweetie’s cheeks. “Apple Bloom and I have been with Scootaloo for a long time now. She was and still is a fellow Cutie Mark Crusader. She always had the craziest ideas but we loved them even if we did get in trouble for some of them.”

Apple Bloom then spoke. “We have a nickname for her, Scoots. When there was any kind of team event goin on, she would either have Rainbow Dash on her team or she wouldn’t do the event at all with some exceptions.”

Sweetie then took over again. “Thanks to Carol, this is slightly easier to get through; you may want to talk with her Rainbow Dash.” Sweetie noticed Rainbow with tears running down her cheeks. The two crusaders went on for another twenty minutes before they stepped down and let Rainbow go up.

“I’m not one to cry but this is one of those times that, I can feel comfortable with it. I took Scootaloo under my wing; it was just like having a sister.” Rainbow grabbed some Kleenex, wiped her puffy red eyes and blew her nose. “As far as I’m concerned, she is my sister and losing her after just getting her as a sister, it hurts. To think that I finally got a sister and I lost her. She wanted so much to be just like me and I was more then happy to show her all my tricks. She would say that I made her the luckiest pony alive but truth is; it’s just the opposite. We had so many things planned out once I became a wonderbolt. I would show her where I would train and when I had free time, I would train her myself. Training her was going to be a surprise. I may as well tell her now. I swear Scootaloo; I will never find anypony as good as you for a sister if I even bother to look. Scoots, your picture is all over my room now, I…I…I love you so much. The one regret I have is not helping you get your Cutie Mark sooner. Though I’m sure that it would have been in dancing even if you weren’t one for that type of thing. You are really good at it and I’ll miss you forever sis. If I ever get a statue of myself, you’ll be right there by me and I’ll make sure that you stand out above me; I love you Scoots and I’ll miss you forever.

After Rainbow, ten more ponies went up to say their goodbyes. The funeral took two and a half hours to get through. Then Twilight, Celestia, and Luna all helped to bury Scootaloo.

The Book

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Sweetie ran in when she heard what Silver Spoon had said. Silver Spoon would finally let her in and talk; she was having a hard time holding in her excitement. Sweetie walked shakily as she tried her best to not jump around like Pinkie Pie. “So sit down and let’s talk Silver Spoon.” Her voice squeaked from excitement.

Silver Spoon was just about to speak but the feeling of being watched shut her up. She couldn’t just tell Sweetie Belle everything even if she knew already why and Silver Spoon was sure that Sweetie knew. Other than the Princesses, everypony knew that somepony was being blackmailed except for Silver Spoon of course. She was Diamond Tiara’s pet according to most everypony. She couldn’t say anything, she just couldn’t. “I’m sorry, I can’t say anything.”

Sweetie Belles heart dropped and so did her jaw. One second Silver Spoon was ready to spill the beans and the next she wouldn’t say anything. If only somepony would say something first to her then maybe Silver Spoon would open up just a bit. That was it, she had to speak first. “Ok Silver Spoon, let’s make a deal.” Silver Spoon cocked her head. “I will tell you what I’m being blackmailed for and then you tell me what is going on with you, deal?”

Silver Spoon didn’t want to say anything but Sweetie Belle was willing to and so why shouldn’t she? ‘That’s right, I’ll die and whoever I tell will die if I do.’ Silver Spoon thought knowing what would happen but then again she would probably die soon anyway. Diamond Tiara was bound to kill her if she asked but then again, maybe she wouldn’t. Diamond Tiara would probably just let Silver Spoon live in misery. She didn’t want to put anyone in danger either. Her best option was to keep quiet, she couldn’t speak. “I’m sorry but no.” Sweetie then told her that she was going to tell her anyway. “Wait what, you can’t, she’ll kill you if you do.”

“Why should I care anymore, nopony talks anymore and I feel like talking, so I’m going to.” Sweetie smiled as she said this. “I care about you and so does Twilight, we want to help and if I have to risk my life then fine.”

“Ok, ok, I’ll talk but please don’t say anything. There is a chance that she won’t go after you if you don’t say anything.” Silver Spoon inhaled deeply and stayed quiet for only a moment. Even now it was hard to say anything but she had to. “The first thing I should tell you, is what my Cutie Mark is for, it’s what she blackmailed with. I know that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my Cutie Mark but I am. Diamond Tiara always let me be with her to make me look rich; on top of that my name with my Cutie Mark made me look rich as well. Truth is; it just means that I am good at making silverware and the decorations on them.” Silver Spoon turned her head away but kept talking.

“It doesn’t sound like you are ashamed of your cutie mark but ashamed that you lied to everypony about it. I know what that’s like remember?” Sweetie Belle smiled and received a small chuckle from Silver Spoon. “You laughed; I never thought I would be happy to hear a laugh coming from you. It was always just a way to tease my friends and me.”

“I know and I’m so sorry, so so sorry.” Silver Spoon felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked at the owner. “I guess I should tell you everything else now.” Sweetie Belle stepped back and let Silver Spoon talk. “Diamond Tiara also threatened to kill me if I told anypony. Of course you know that if those being blackmailed ever tell anypony, both ponies or more will die. I never wanted any of this but I didn’t have any friends and when Diamond Tiara came to me with friendship, I guess I just accepted it desperate for a friend. Now look where I am because of my stupid decision. Diamond Tiara also set up this big operation; she has spies everywhere to make sure that nopony tells anypony. They will always know if anypony does talk.”

Sweetie was about to say something when the door flew open. “If you would have just said something to begin with, we would have had your back.” Scootaloo walked in with pride.

“Wait a minute, you hated me, how does this change anything?” Silver Spoon asked even if a better question would have been how long she had been out there for.

“I’m not supposed to tell you, but I got to be honest with you now. I hated you yes but only because I knew that you would screw everything up. I at least thought you would but now, I have never been so happy.” Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle just looked confused while Zecora could only smile. “Silver Spoon, do you know why Zecora said that this place was safe?” Silver Spoon shrugged. “It’s safe because it’s away from Ponyville and the only place in Equestria to have only one spy located.” The two mares were still confused. “I suppose I can tell you the truth now, I was blackmailed to and forced into something that wasn’t something I liked. I am one of Diamond Tiara’s spies and the Everfree Forest is my section. It was true that Diamond didn’t want me here at first but nopony else had the guts to patrol here. Basically, she doesn’t trust me but she also needed somepony here and I was the only one left. Now here is the deal Silver Spoon, I have a special place for you in the Everfree forest and I need you to stay there. It’s scary but safe. You won’t be found by anypony but myself and everpony in this room. You’re going to the Royal Sisters Castle.” Silver Spoon gulped and wasn’t so sure if she could trust Scootaloo. “Zecora will bring you a meal everyday.”

“Why can’t I just stay here with Zecora?” Silver Spoon really didn’t want to go to that old spooky castle.

“Sorry but if there were a search party, this would be the furthest that anypony would dare go so the further in the forest the better.” Silver Spoon nodded and followed with Scootaloo into the forest.

Another Dead

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Twilight met up with Rick after her talk with Princess Luna and in a hurry. Rick and his group, except for Andrea who was beyond furious for the reason that her special gun had been destroyed, were ready to go. Everypony knows that the only one to blame for that was Andrea but she wasn’t going to accept that. In her mind she did the right thing and she knows Rick and the others agree with her. It’s hardly fair for them to be angry with her for protecting her group and the residents at least in her mind.

Twilight was still ticked off with Andrea and refused to recognize her if only for the fact that she was in a hurry and had more important things to worry about. “Rick, get your group together except for Andrea.” Two guards stepped out from behind Twilight. “Put her in with Michonne, actually, put her where the two can’t communicate with each other.” The guards nodded and left to arrest Andrea. Twilight then turned to Luna. “Princess Luna, I noticed you staring in the direction of Trixies’ home, why is that?”

“Princess Twilight, that energy surge that I spoke of, it came from that direction. I had no idea that that is where Trixie lived. I’m sure that she is dead now or undead as it were. Sadly, that is all the better for Equesrtia. Twilight, we must hurry and find the book before this goes further than it already has. My sister has already sent Cadance off to find the book. Let’s hope that it stays put.” Luna noticed confused looks on Rick and his groups’ faces.

“What do you mean by a book? How does a book cause this?” Glenn asked stepping closer to Luna and Twilight.

“There is no time to explain, let us hurry to find Cadance and hope that she can acquire the book.” Luna turned to Twilight, the two of them nodded in unison. “You’re in charge Twilight seeing as not all of them can fly, I” Luna stopped mid sentence seeing a bright pink dust cloud in the distance beyond the Everfree. “I must hurry.” Luna took off in a hurry.

Ricks group watched as Luna flew off and then turned back to Twilight. “Let’s get going then.” Daryl turned around ready to go.

Twilight flew over to him and blocked his path confusing Daryl. “No, not yet Daryl though I appreciate that your so willing.” Twilight turned her head around and noticed her friends running over to them. “Girls, Ricks group, whoever finds this book returns the book to either me or Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. Do not and I repeat do not even open the book. The other princesses and I are the only ones that can reverse the spell. Everyone stick together, we don’t need anyone getting separated.” Twilight heard whispering which sounded sarcastic coming from Maggie. “You have something to say Maggie?”

“It’s just that you sound just like Rick is all, it’s a good thing.” Twilight nodded allowing Maggie to exhale as she had been holding her breath. She really didn’t want to make that Princess angry.

Twilight looked at the group and nodded as she concocted more of the plan in her head. “Everyone go with your respective leaders. Pegasus's go with Rainbow Dash and so on. We will stay in small groups but each group stay close to each other. We don’t want to get caught in large groups of them. If we are and there is no room to move, somepony will end up dead. We don’t want to be separated either, so stay within sight.” Twilight finished and then Rick decided to add a few things hoping that Twilight would be ok with it.

“That means don’t go chasing after noises or shadows. We have less ammo here then we did in our world.” Rick turned to Hershel and smiled. “Take care of Judith for me?” Hershel happily accepted the responsibility. “Thank you Hershel.” Rick turned back to the others and was about to speak when a blue and black speck could be seen coming toward them.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight and her friends all said in unison.

Luna flew off as fast as she could toward the light. “Hold on my dear niece, I’m coming.” Luna picked up speed flying toward the Everfree forest. The rain continued to pour down making her wings heavy. Without thinking, Luna put up a shield to block the rain. As she reached the Everfree Forest, another pink dust cloud shot up into the air. The rain pushed the cloud down. Soon it was no longer dust but mud that shot into the air. The rain had made the dirt very muddy. Luna picked up speed making her way to Cadance. Soon enough, Luna reached the area above her niece as mud flew up and hit her in the face. Down below just outside the forest, Cadance used all her magic to fight off the walker ponies. Luna then noticed a walker pony behind Cadance.

Luna had just gotten ready to use her magic against the zombie when mud splashed into her face blinding her. “Why doesn’t she fly away?” Luna wondered as she wiped the mud away. Luna cleared the mud from her eyes just enough to see Cadance try to take flight but fell. “Her wing, it’s been sprained.” Luna took aim again but it was too late, a walker pony bit into Cadance’s leg. Luna shot it off but another and another tackled Cadance. Luna noticed Cadance look up at her and she screamed. “Auntie, help me!” Luna froze, unable to move and hovered above the forest. She couldn’t find the strength to move as Cadance screamed for help. Her blood flowed from her body with the help of the pouring rain. Luna finally shook her head clear and flew away. Her body began shaking, she was scared. She could only wonder where her sister could be. Did Celestia already die? Had she left thinking it was safe?

Luna, as quickly as she could, made her way back to the others. When she returned, she collapsed onto the ground. “Cadance, she, it’s my fault.”

“Princess Luna, what happened? Twilight asked worriedly.

“I wasn’t fast enough, I couldn’t move. She yelled for help but I couldn’t, she had already gotten bit, Princess Cadance is gone.” Luna shook from shock and exhaustion. Twilight began shaking and then fell to her knees saying ‘no’ over and over again. Everypony just sat in silence.

Dropping Like Flies

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Twilight and the others went back to the library after Twilight broke down at hearing about her sisters’ death. Her head placed in her hooves as she thought. She had to stop crying, for the moment at least. Her friends and everypony else in Ponyville needed her and the rest of Ponyville was still oblivious to what’s going on. Twilight lifted her head up, put on a brave face and immediately started giving orders. “Applejack, I need you and Rarity to go get Big Mac and Granny Smith at Sweet Apple Acres. Rick, go with them just in case.” Rick nodded and the group rushed off. “Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, go around town and bring all the ponies here. Daryl, I want you, Glenn and Fluttershy to go to Zecora’s and bring her here. I know that will be hard for you Fluttershy but I need you to be brave right now. They don’t know where Zecora lives, they need you.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy; you’ll be fine with us around.” Glenn put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder seeing her shaking wildly. Sure the Everfree Forest is scary but it’s the new possible residents that scare her more then anything.

“Get going you three but if it’s too overwhelming in there…I think you get it.” Daryl and Glenn nodded and then ran off pulling Fluttershy behind them with her screaming very quietly.

“I don’t want to brave there, I want to be brave here with my friends or at least less terrified.” Fluttershy said trying to escape the two stallions’ grips. “Couldn’t we draw them a map?”

Twilight only shook as Fluttershy disappeared behind the door. “Ok, well to continue. Luna, send a note to my brother, I need him here.” Twilight continued giving out orders.

“Why must it be raining, my hooves are getting absolutely filthy. I just had my hooves done too.” Rarity complained. “My mane and tail is a mess.”

“How is it even in a crisis like this and yer still bein all finicky. We got a job to do so stop complainin Rarity.” Applejack continued running while Rarity tried to keep up while avoiding mud puddles. As soon as the house came into view, Rarity booked it. “Are ya serious, now ya run?” Applejack caught up with Rarity inside the home. “Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, where are ya?” Rarity and AJ split up to look for the two. Rarity went into the kitchen and then screamed. “What the hay?” AJ started upstairs and then turned around. “What’s wro-ng?” AJ looked up stairs and saw two Walkers coming down. “Rarity, to the barn now!” Rarity didn’t argue and ran off as fast as her hooves would carry her with AJ right behind her. Once they reached the barn, the quickly entered hoping to see Granny Smith and Big Mac there.

They found them alright, bandaged up and covered in blankets. They then noticed Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Rick came into the barn not too long after. “Not fair you two, I’m not used to running on hooves yet.” Rick said wiping mud off his face from having tripped so often. He went unnoticed by the two mares.

“Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, what are you two doing here? You’re supposed to be close to us, not way out here.” Rarity asked.

“We wanted to be helpful and come get Applejack’s family sis. When we got here, both of them had gotten bitten.” Sweetie said.

“We’ve been takin good care of em sis.” Apple Bloom said with a smile. “We don’t know what to do about the fevers though. They’re hotter then the oven when cookin up pies.”

“Get away from them you two, now!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle backed away at hearing Rick yell. The two injured ponies then fell limp. “Come on, let’s leave them and get out of here.” Rick said heading toward the barn doors when the doors started opening from the other side. A fleshy hoof could be seen and Rick clumsily ran over and shut the doors before they could fully open. “Is there another way out of here?” Rick asked as the doors pushed him forward. Quickly Rick turned and blocked the doors again. “Applejack, I need help.” AJ ran over and helped to keep the door shut.

“Uh, the windows.” AJ pointed and then looked at the windows to find walkers pounding on the glass. “Yes well, we can always make an exit for ourselves out the back of the barn. Rarity, could ya take care of that?”

Rarity headed toward the back when Big Mac and Granny Smith stood up. Rarity jumped back in surprise. The two bodies of Big Mac and Granny Smith stood up slowly groaning. Apple Bloom smiled and ran over to Granny Smith and her brother. Apple Bloom then jumped back when she saw the looks on her family members’ faces. “Get away from them Apple Bloom, they aren’t your family anymore.” Rick said and then noticed AJ try to go help. Rick grabbed her and pulled AJ back. “I need you here until a hole can be made. I can’t hold the doors by myself.” AJ nodded and backed up against the door. “Rarity, help her.”

Rarity used her magic to lift Walker Big Mac into the air and away when Sweetie Belle went to help her friend. “Sweetie Belle, stay away.” It was too late; Walker Big Mac grabbed onto Sweeties leg and pulled her down. Rarity went to help when a crack was heard. The sides of the building near the back began to bend and crack. Rarity did her best to throw the walkers away from the two fillies but she isn’t as good with magic as Twilight, so keeping it up had been made difficult. ‘Rarity, help I’m scared!’ The two fillies’s yelled out when the walls broke and in came more walkers. Rarity looked back and forth and then made her decision. “I’m sorry Apple Bloom.” Rick reached for his gun to try and help Apple Bloom but the door got pushed making Rick lose his grip on the gun which went flying out of reach.

Rarity used what is left of her magic and threw the walkers off her sister. Rarity ran over and then bucked a few walkers away from her sister freeing Sweetie from the group of walkers. The two then ran back to the doors. Apple Bloom screamed for Rarity to help but she hadn’t noticed to busy holding onto her terrified sister. The little filly then got bit and dragged away.

“Apple Bloom, Nooooo!” Applejack screamed wanting to leave but knew that they would all be screwed if she did but from the looks of it, they still are. AJ gave Rarity a dirty look but Rarity hadn’t noticed.

The walkers kept pushing on the door and had started making holes in it. One walker managed to poke its head through. Rick went to punch it to push it back but it wasn’t necessary. A blade went right through its face but the blade isn’t that of a katana like Michonne had. Rick noticed it and knew who had killed the walker. Once the door stopped being pushed, they opened up the door and in front of them stood a black pony with brown mane and tail. He stands on two legs with a blade for a fore hoof. “How did you survive?” Rick asked as Rarity and Sweetie Belle ran past, the others followed.

“I didn’t.” The pony said showing off his left front hoof. A giant bite mark resides there. “I had to find my brother and at least say goodbye, for real this time.”

“Merle, thanks, I think I speak for each of us when I say that we owe you.” Rick said leading the way back to Ponyville having lost sight of Rarity and her sister.

Fluttershy, Glenn, and Daryl all made their way into the Everfree forest. It’s foggy and wet, the moister in the air making their coats sticky and uncomfortable. Fluttershy wanted out as soon as possible and so she ran as fast as she could but made sure that the others are still behind her. “Her hut is right over…here.” Fluttershy backed away from the hut seeing it in disarray.

“We need to make sure that she is still ok before we leave.” Daryl and Glenn surrounded the shy Pegasus. The three carefully made their way to the hut and peeked in. Four walkers are on their hands and knees eating something or somepony. Daryl and Glenn had been practicing holding their weapons as they walked figuring that if they can do that, they should be able to fire them. Daryl and Glenn made their way into the hut and took out one walker with an arrow while Glenn took out his knife and stabbed one in the head. They then did the same with the other two. The three then looked at what they had been eating. Blood and intestines cover the ground. When Fluttershy saw this, she threw up. “Is that her?”

“Y…yes.” Fluttershy quietly said and then turned around to find a walker right in her face. Fluttershy couldn’t move from fear as the walker tackled her to the ground. Glenn pushed it off the shy Pegasus and out the door. Daryl then shot it in the head. “T…th…thank y…you.” Glenn took a peak outside the hut and didn’t see anything.

“We’re good to go, let’s move it.” Glenn turned around as a crawling walker bit his leg. Glenn kicked it off and stabbed it in the head. “Go, tell Maggie I love her.” Glenn said as more and more walkers came from behind trees. “I’ll hold them off, now go.”

Fluttershy and Daryl nodded and then ran off.

Twilight set up a force field around the library and made sure that only living things could make it through. True that those with bites or scratches can make it in without trouble but Twilight would be able to take care of that. She would be alerted to anypony with an injury. More and more ponies came into the library and so far, all are ok. She had been alerted to some ponies but they had all been stubbed hooves or paper cuts, nothing serious. Soon Fluttershy and Daryl came back. “Where is Glenn?”

As soon as Maggie heard this, she ran from upstairs in a panic. “Glenn, tell me he is right behind you.” The looks on the two ponies’ faces confirmed her fears. “Gleeeeenn!” Maggie fell to her knees and began crying her eyes out.

Twilight let a tear slip feeling bad for the mare. Nopony spoke for about half an hour, except for Daryl who gave Maggie the message from Glenn, before the alarm went off. In came Rick and his group with an extra pony in tow. “Where is Granny Smith and your brother?” Twilight asked AJ and then asked one more question. “Also, who is this?”

“First off this is Merle.” At the sound of that, Daryl ran over and gave his brother a big hug.

“You didn’t think you could get rid of me that easily did you because if you thought so, you were right.” Merle let Daryl take a look at his bite. “I saw some kind of portal thing and ran through. I had hoped to find you before I die. Goodbye bro.” Merle then collapsed onto the ground, he finally died from the fever.

“Goodbye.” Daryl took out his crossbow and then shot Merle in the head.

“I’m sorry Daryl.” Twilight put a hoof on Daryl’s shoulder but he shrugged it off and walked away. Twilight let out a sigh and then turned to the others. “So as for the other two?”

“They’re all walkers.” AJ said and then turned to Rarity. “No thanks to you so is Apple Bloom. Ya stopped tryin to save her when too many came in. You didn’t even bother to try after yer sister was safe.”

“I tried to but I could only take so much. I’m not like Twilight AJ.” Rarity tried to defend herself.

“Boo hoo, neither is Rick but he tried to. You didn’t even try to use his gun after he lost it tryin to save mah sister. Ya could have bucked them or somthin, but ya didn’t even try. Ya’ll are just too scared to get dirty aint ya? Now I have no sis, brother, or Granny Smith. I thought that I would at least have mah sister. Just stay out of mah life Rarity.” Applejack then ran upstairs crying.

“Rarity, does Applejack hate me now?” Sweetie asked and Rarity’s heart broke at that moment.

“No Sweetie, just me.” Rarity said sadly as she took a seat on the couch.

Rick then noticed something weird. “Is this place bigger then before?” Twilight nodded.

“Yeah, but I’ll explain that later.” Twilight then turned to Rarity. “Hey, I’m sure that you did your best, Applejack is just upset is all. She’ll calm down eventually.” The alarm then went off again and Twilight ran outside. All around the barrier are walkers pounding against it. She even noticed some above, flying as they hit the barrier. “Rainbow, Pinkie, get back safely.” Ricks group, Fluttershy, and Rarity couldn’t do anything but stare at the horde of walkers pounding on the barrier.

Chaos at the Library

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Rainbow and Pinkie had finished getting all the ponies around town and started heading back toward the library. At this point, Rainbow couldn’t fly from the heavy water on her wings and no matter what she tried, she couldn't seem to destroy the clouds or even so much as move them. That just served irritated her and she would have continued to be in that mood until she saw Pinkie stop moving. "Pinkie, what's up, why did you stop moving?" Rainbow walked over to Pinkie and stared at her eyes and then followed them to see what Pinkie is looking at. In front of them walking toward the library were at least fifty walker ponies. "Pinkie, what are you thinking?"

"We can't go back to the library Rainbow Dash, it's time to retreat and come up with a plan." Pinkie said in an all too serious tone that worried Rainbow almost as much as the walker ponies. Pinkie had never been one to be so serious, sure she had moments but they hadn't been anything like this. Pinkie turned and walked away but turned her head toward Rainbow. "We can't do anything for them now."

"You can't be serious Pinkie; those are our friends in the library." Rainbow pointed toward the library but Pinkie shook her head. "What do you mean no, we have to do something." Rainbow saw nothing in Pinkies eyes and it scared her. Her eyes were cold and hard. Her mane deflated and became straight. "Pinkie, how can you not care about them at all, if anything that would be me not you? Look we have to go-" Before Rainbow Dash could finish her sentence, Pinkie pushed her up against a wall and held her by the throat.

"We don't do anything Rainbow; we can't help them if we don't help ourselves first. I have an idea but it will cause some pain among our friends but it's necessary. Do you trust me?" Rainbow nodded though she couldn't be sure but she wasn't going to tell Pinkie that. "Let's go."
Twilight and the others had gone back into the main room of the library. All Twilight could think of was how fast everything had gone so wrong. Many of her subjects died, one of Rick's group died and now they have walker ponies at their front door. Applejack was angry with Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were still gone. Zecora was dead and Twilight had two prisoners not from Equestria. That's not to mention her sister Cadance is gone. She couldn't think anymore, she had to do something to take her mind off things. Twilight walked over Daryl and put a hoof on his shoulder. "You want to talk about your brother?"

Daryl turned around and shook his head but then let out a sigh. "He was a jerk but he was still my brother. He always had my back, even those times when he was a jerk. He always pushed me whether I was in pain or, whatever. I'm not going to cry over him, especially in public. What's done is done; we can't change that no matter what." Daryl turned away and let a tear slip down his cheek.

Twilight let out a sigh and then smiled a little. "Don't hold the tears back Daryl, go upstairs and let it out in private." Twilight turned around leaving Daryl to think before he stood up and headed upstairs. Twilight looked around and everypony was in a panic which continued to grow. Some ponies saying that they should leave and others saying to stay, some even said to fight. Despite being a princess, Twilight couldn't do this on her own and with the six of them either separated or ticked off, it didn't make things any easier. "Everypony, calm down and relax. While I'm here those things will not get through!" Twilight tried but she wasn’t sure herself.

"Says you, remember what happened at Canterlot. The Changeling Queen managed to get in, who's to say that won't happen here? We stay here and we'll die for sure." A Stallion yelled out angrily.

"That was a different situation, these things don't have minds, they attack and feed. That is all they know how to do." Twilight tried to continue but got cut off by a mare.

"What happens when we run out of food, what then, we can't stay here forever princess." Everypony was so noisy that they didn't here the alarm go off and then Celestia and Luna walked into the room.

"Enough, this arguing will not help anypony. Princess Twilight, please continue." Celestia stood back and let Twilight go on.

"Thank you princess. My friends and I will formulate a plan to get everypony out of here and someplace with a few months of rations. Please do not panic, we won't be here forever but while we are, I'll stay and make sure that none get through." Everypony calmed down but didn't relax, their nerves jumbled around too much.

"Twilight, I must talk to you." Twilight looked up at her former mentor and nodded. Celestia led Twilight away but Twilight saw a saddened look on Luna's face as they walked by. Celestia led Twilight outside, stepped up to the barrier, stopped right before it and turned around. "Twilight, I must go, nopony is safe with me here." Celestia raised her wing into the air revealing a large bit mark. "I have a high fever, I hid it well inside but now it isn't necessary." Celestia fell to the ground exhausted. "you must kill me Princess. I know what Andrea did to Scootaloo wasn't right but she wasn’t wrong. Either you or, somepony must kill me. I don't have the strength to" Celestia's eyes closed and her breathing stopped.

Twilight stepped away from Celestia afraid and shocked. "No, no no no. Princess Celestia, please wake up." Celestia's hoof moved a bit but then relaxed. "You'll be fine, fevers, they go away. I can, I can do something." Celestia's wings moved slightly. "That's right, you can fight it. Stand up and let's get you better." Twilight slowly moved closer hoping that her former mentor would stand up alive but feared that it would be just the opposite. Celestia's wings fluttered again as she began rising into the air and then started to groan. Twilight jumped back at hearing the noise. It wasn't a normal groan but more of a gurgle, like the ones the walker ponies made. Celestia then opened her eyes wide revealing blood red orbs, her coat a bit darker as well. Celestia flew slowly and clumsily toward Twilight. Twilight couldn't do anything but stand there frozen.

Luna knew what had happened to her sister and she wasn't sure that she could end her sisters' life but what ever was happening would force her to. She could hear the two talking and decided that she would go get some water if for any reason than to help her nerves. Everything happened so fast. First her niece and then her sister, who would be next? The spread of the virus, it was so fast, Celestia’s temperature shot up like a daisy reaching for the sun after a cold rainy day. They had only left for a second to send off a letter to Twilight's brother when Celestia got bitten. It had only been thirty minutes and now she would soon die.

Luna pulled out a cup with her magic and filled it with water which came out slightly bloody. Luna dropped the cup which shattered in the sink. "The water is contaminated, but how?" Just then she heard Rarity scream and then seconds later the front door slammed shut. Luna ran out of the kitchen to find out what had happened but she already knew. Her sister changed into a walker pony. "It happened didn't it?" Luna came out and asked as the banging on the door could be heard.

Twilight just stood there shaking terrified but tried to speak. "She just and then her eyes, blood red. I couldn't move, she died and then came after me; I couldn't move." Twilight being so scared forgot about her shield around the library. It weakened and shattered from the pressure. Everypony in the building saw this and became bitter toward Twilight.

"What are you doing, why would you let them in?" An angry Stallion asked.

"You said that they wouldn't make it in with you here, you said that we would all be safe!" A mare yelled but Twilight just stood frozen. "You've betrayed us all." Now Twilight struggled to breathe seeing her world crash down around her. Soon cracking of wood could be heard and hooves could be seen coming through the walls.

Luna saw Twilights condition and knew it wasn't good and so she took over. "Unicorns, gather around and use your magic to the best of your ability. Knock off the heads, that will kill them. Earth ponies and Pegasus, do the same with your hooves but don't get bit." Soon the door broke down and the walker ponies flooded the room. Every pony in the building with the exception of Luna struggled to fight them off and one by one more got bit despite the reinforcements from Rick's group. Soon the back wall gave in and in rushed more of the undead.
Just then the sound of Pinkie's party cannon could be heard going off. Soon a way out was made as Pinkie continued to fire her cannon off knocking the heads off of many of the undead.

Spike wanted to help but wasn't sure how. "Twilight, they need your help." Screams from all around him could be heard as more and more ponies died. "Twilight!"

Shining Armor had been on a train heading into Ponyville. The trip had been normal with the exception of his wife. Cadance wasn't there with him, no, she died at the hooves of the undead. Once Shining arrived in Ponyville, fires had started and continued to burn many of the buildings down. "Twily!" Shining Armor ran as fast as he could toward the library. Dead bodies lie all over the ground. He ran as fast as possible to the library and passed up half a town worth of dead bodies. Once he reached the library, he found it in ruins. Windows shattered, the door broken off, and holes in the walls. Horror was written all over his face as he looked around. Shining then remembered the basement and ran over and opened up the door. He lit his horn with magic for light and as he did, four walker ponies turned their heads and walked toward him. Shining shut the door in a hurry and backed up against it. He ran over to the couch and something caught his eye. He picked up the paper and then used the couch to block the basement door.

"Twilight, what happened?" Shining asked pulling out the paper as banging could be heard on the basement door.
Dear Shining Armor,

The library was overrun, we have to move. I've failed my subjects, my friends, the princesses. We have decided to head to Canterlot to find refuge in the castle there. If you don't see me there, we couldn't stay or I didn't make it, I love you BBBFF. I would go on but there isn't time left, until I see you, hopefully. Oh and if you see Pinkie, kill her, she doesn't need to suffer.

Love your sister,

Ex-Princess Twilight

The door to the basement broke and the couch holding the door tipped just enough for the dead ponies to escape. Shining dropped the paper and made his way out of the library and back to the train station.

Once he arrived, the train had been filled with walker ponies. Shining looked all around him and found himself surrounded. He raised his horn into the air and it began glowing. The undead ponies made it within reach of him and just as they attacked, Shining disappeared.

Pinkie and Rainbow came into Ponyville and saw Shining disappear. Pinkie then saw herself walking over to her with a big bite on her side. "Sorry other me but at least you aren't really real." Pinkie then smashed the other Pinkie's head in.

Rainbow then turned to herself. "Go to Canterlot and find Twilight, we have work to do here." The other Rainbow nodded and flew off. "Let's get started."

Pinkies Journey

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Rainbow and Pinkie stared at the Rainbow Dash copy as she flew until she couldn't be seen any longer. Rainbow looked at Pinkie who still had the same cold look in her eyes. This wasn't the same Pinkie that she and the others loved so much. Pinkie was happy go lucky but now she was all serious and cold. Surely Pinkie wasn't this way and maybe it wasn't Pinkie. Without really thinking about it, Rainbow turned and jumped on Pinkie. "Ok who are you and what did you do with Pinkie? Are you the Changeling Queen?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Pinkie just stared at her friend with an 'are you serious' look on her face. After a few minutes, Rainbow jumped off Pinkie and frowned. "I can't blame you Dashie, after everything that has happened." Pinkie inhaled deeply and then let it out. "I guess I'm just having a hard time finding a reason to smile. Most things are easy to smile at but death, it's just depressing." Pinkie turned her head away from Rainbows worried stare. "I can't just smile or be happy when everypony is dying. It's not like the trees in the Everfree Forest; I can't just act like it's not happening. Laughing isn't going to make these things go away."

"Pinkie, I'm so sorry. I guess I didn't fully realize how hard this would be for you. I always thought that you could laugh at anything. I should have realized that this would affect you so hard. You're right Pinkie, these things, this time there isn't reason to laugh." Rainbow sat down on the hard ground. "When Scoots died, I had expected you to throw some kind of cheerful party in memory for her. On the one hoof it would have been offensive at first but on the other, it would have just been you. When all you did was cry and go up and say good things about her, everypony was shocked. We hadn't expected that at all." Rainbow was then grabbed up in an unusually soft hug.

"Truth is Rainbow Dash, I was angry with myself and I still am. My Pinkie sense told me something would be falling and then I saw Andrea with her gun pointed at the Walker Ponies. My senses were odd though but it doesn't matter now. Andrea shot each of them in the head and at first I was angry but something told me that she had done the right thing. Then when she went to kill Scootaloo, that same something told me it was the right thing and at the same time, I wanted to protect her but…I couldn't, I didn't. My happiness was instantly drained from me, I tried to be happy but." Pinkie let go of Rainbow Dash and frowned seeing the hurt and angry look on her friends face. She had expected that reaction from Rainbow Dash but the truth had to come out sooner or later. Pinkie had let Andrea kill Scootaloo.

"You, you let her die." Rainbow Dash backed away from Pinkie angrily. "What's wrong with you, you saw how scared she was and you let that witch kill her. You're no better then she is, you may as well of killed her yourself." Pinkie tried to touch Rainbow on her shoulder but she was pushed away. "Screw you Pinkie, I want nothing to do with you. Just stay away from me, from the others." With that said Rainbow flew off leaving Pinkie alone.

Pinkie just sat and watched as her friend flew off while letting some tears slip down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry Rainbow, truly I am." Pinkie then stood up and made her way to the Everfree Forest. It was official, she was alone and no one would go looking for her. That didn't mean that she couldn't help her friends even if they didn't want it. No doubt that Rainbow Dash would tell the others what she did or more accurately didn't do. Pinkie walked past Flutttershy's cottage or at least what was left of it. She couldn't look at it any longer then a second, she had to keep moving.

Once Pinkie reached the entrance to the forest, she took in a deep breath and went in. A dead animal lied on the ground on the path in front of her. "One of them must've been hungry." Pinkie carefully made her way around the shredded fur and broken bones. Pinkie reached into her saddle and pulled out her necklace representing her element. For the first time in a while, she genuinely chuckled. "I hope they can forgive me." Pinkie ran forward further into the forest until the entrance disappeared out of sight. She had seen where bright light had come from and ran in that direction.

Pinkie had to get to where the light had come from, that would be where the book was, at least that was the hope. Rain poured down over the forest rustling the leaves. The rain cut through the leaves like paper and hit Pinkie with as much force as rain could hit with. The sounds of groans could be heard as she ran. Every walker pony that came close she bucked out of the way and kept running. She would find the book and would get it to Twilight or at the very least get it closer to her. She didn't know much about the book but she knew that Twilight needed it and she would get it, even if she had to die to get it to her.

Once Pinkie made it to the designated exit out of the forest, she found herself in front of a broken trailer. "Trixie, she brought these creatures from hell?" There was no doubt in her mind that this was Trixies' trailer. Pinkie slowed her pace and carefully walked over to the front door and found Trixies showmare costume and a trail of blood leading away from it. Pinkie followed the trail for about one mile before she found her. She found Trixie in half, her entrails following behind her. Pinkie ran in front of her and stared at Walker Trixie. "Not even you're this stupid Trixie, sorry." Pinkie raised her front hooves into the air and smashed in Trixie's head. Pinkie ran back toward the trailer and looked around inside.

"Nothing but dried blood and guts." Pinkie shivered as a whiff of polluted air reached her nose. The smell of dead bodies infiltrated her senses and even made her vomit. After a few seconds and Pinkie ran out of the trailer, holding her breath until she made it outside. "Where is it?" Pinkie asked herself looking around for the book. Pinkie hadn't seen the book along the trail of blood or near Trixie. "Maybe she threw it away?" Pinkie looked at the doorway and then followed a possible trail from the door into the forest. Soon she came to a muddy imprint that had been smeared a bit but it was definitely book shaped.

Pinkie looked left and then right but couldn't decide on which way the book went. "It couldn't have been kicked to far right?" Pinkie went left and then tripped on something. She stood up and then heard growing moans. She stood up quickly and felt around to find what she had tripped on. She found the book and pulled up on it but it was stuck. "I don't have time for this." Pinkie pulled harder and harder until she couldn't pull any more and finally the thing began moving rather slowly. It squished in the mud as it moved. Pinkie almost had it out when a walker pony bit into her leg. Pinkie screamed in pain and bucked the thing away from her. Finally Pinkie managed to pull the book out of the mud. She fell backward and onto her rump. "You were really stuck you stupid book." Pinkie stood up and took off away from the forest as a horde of walker ponies came out of the forest.

Pinkie ran and ran until she reached Ponyville. "I can fight it until I reach Twilight, I know I can." Pinkie coughed up some blood but continued on weakly. Her head became hot, her legs weakened and her body was ready to collapse. Pinkie walked as fast as she could. She made it all the way to river on the other side of Ponyville before she collapsed from exhaustion. "Rainbow Dash…I'm sorry…forgive me." Pinkie said exhausted as Walker ponies came up to her and began eating away at her, her vision went black.

The Rainbow Dash copy entered the castle greeted by her friends except for Twilight. "Where is Twilight?" Fluttershy led Rainbow away toward the throne room. "Thanks Flittershy."

"Um, it's Fluttershy Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy corrected.

"Right, Fluttershy, sorry." Rainbow then walked into the throne room and ran up to Twilight. "Twilight, I'm here."

"Good for you Rainbow Dash, at least you made it but please leave me alone. I'm not worth talking to." Twilight stood up and walked to the other side of the throne room.

Rainbow Dash was ready to comment but Luna took her away. "Look, I know that you're a copy. Now that that is out of the way, I suggest you leave and help stand guard until the real Rainbow Dash gets here." Rainbow wanted to argue but decided not to and just left. Soon afterward, the real Rainbow Dash came into the room. "Rainbow Dash, let's talk."

"I'm in no mood princess; I need to talk to Twilight." Rainbow pushed past Luna and walked into the throne room with her friends in tow.

"Twilight, we need to talk about Pinkie."

"I know Rainbow, she is dead." Twilight said expecting Rainbow to bring that up.

"Wrong, that was a copy that Pinkie put down and the other Rainbow is a copy of me from the mirror pool but that isn't important. Pinkie let Scootaloo die, she admitted it to me. Pinkie said that it was the right thing to do." Rainbow spit out vehemently.

"No way, Pinkie wouldn't really do that." Rarity said shocked at hearing Rainbow say that about their friend.

"She did say that and that's when I left her. I probably shouldn't have but she made me so angry." Rainbow said still steamed.

"At least she didn't kill yer sister." Applejack glared at Rarity. "Oh wait, she basically did."

Soon the three started arguing and Twilight let them. She had no energy to try and stop it, she wasn't even sure that she cared anymore. She became too depressed when she realized that she couldn’t protect anypony. Soon enough though, the arguing stopped.

"Fine then, we go our separate ways. We only watch out for ourselves like Twilight." Rarity said glaring at her purple friend.

"I would hate for anypony to be stuck with you Rarity, ya would never help anypony but yerself and ya little sister." Applejack walked away head held up and mumbled something. "Generosity, yeah right."

"I have to look out for my sister; she is all I have left." Rarity then walked away.

"Fine then, our friendship is over then." Rainbow frowned and slowly flew away. "Elements of harmony, what a joke." Rainbow Dash grabbed onto the necklace and then threw it onto the ground. Each necklace and Twilight's tiara turned grey and cracked.

Harmony is dead

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Luna watched as Rainbow Dash and the others walked or flew away. She turned toward the throne room and let out a sigh. Luna was just about to open the door when somepony tapped her shoulder. Luna turned around and found Fluttershy behind her. "Fluttershy, hello."

"Princess Luna, may I talk to my friend alone. I think she could use a little cheering up." Luna smiled, nodded, and opened the door up for Fluttershy. "Thank you Princess." Fluttershy walked into the throne room and found Twilight sitting on the ground, head aimed downward to avoid eye contact. Fluttershy crept toward her friend cautiously not wishing to startle her. "Um, Twilight."

"Go away Fluttershy, the elements are broken, so just leave." Twilight continued to stare at the ground not wishing to look at her former friend.

"I, I know that, that you are sad r-right now but." Fluttershy said somewhat nervously. The last thing she wanted to do is upset her friend anymore then she already was.

Twilight growled angrily and flipped around staring Fluttershy in her eyes. "I said go away Fluttershy, our friendship is over. Everything is gone, I let everypony die. Don't you get it, our lives are over!" Twilight screamed angrily causing Fluttershy to shy away. "Just get out of here; I don't want to see anypony, especially you Fluttershy. I don't need the kindness crap and I don't need friends. I did just fine before them and I'll do just fine now. From here on in I'm a loner." Fluttershy backed away, tears formed in her eyes. "I want nothing to do with the elements anymore and I don't want anything to do with any of you, now get out." Fluttershy ran off crying her eyes out. Twilight just watched as she ran and frowned.

"Goodbye my friend, never again will anypony die because of me." Twilight turned back around and let some tears slip down her cheeks. "They'll be better off without me. I did the right thing, no matter what anypony says." Just then the doors to the room opened up which just made Twilight sigh. "I said go away Fluttershy." Twilight didn't bother to turn around and see who it was.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing?" Luna said from the doorway. After seeing Fluttershy run off crying, she had to see what was going on. Luna waited but received no response. "I will assume that you did not hear me and so I will ask again, what are you doing?"

Twilight turned around angrily, her horn glowing brightly. "I'm making sure that nopony has to be hurt because of me. I won't be responsible for killing hundreds of ponies or more. They all hate me now anyway so why bother with anything."

Luna let out a sigh and made her way over to Twilight. "You are a Princess, so you made a mistake, big deal. You admit that you messed up and continue to do your best." Luna went to put a hoof on Twilights shoulder but she pushed it away. "I know that what happened in ponyville was devastating to you and your reputation but look at me as an example. I was Nightmare Moon but I came back from it, you can make things right again."

"Are you crazy, this can't be fixed, it's over for us all? There is no saving anypony and I can't make anything right. I'm the one that made the mistake; you on the other hoof were possessed. I won't let anypony get hurt because of me." Twilight snorted at Luna.

"You're needed Twilight, there is still hope."

"What part of no hope do you not understand? Soon we'll all die and I won't be apart of getting everypony killed." Twilight stood up and pushed her face up to Luna's.

"You're a princess and as such, it's your duty to help whether you think there is hope or not. Your subjects need hope in something." Luna shot back calm and collected.

"Screw being a Princess and screw you your highness, I won't lie to everypony and tell them that we'll find a way out when there is no way out. It's your own fault that we are in this, if you had just taken care of the book when it was first discovered, we wouldn't be in this mess." Twilight pushed Luna away from herself.

"If you don't help, you're practically killing them yourself. You're no better then Sombra." Luna knew she had hit a nerve.

"I'm nothing like him, how dare you compare me to him." Twilight leaped up into the air and tackled Luna. The two wrestled for some time before Luna separated herself from Twilight. The two Alicorns beaten and cut up, bruises would definitely form by morning if not sooner. "You stay away from me."

"If you won't help, then I'll have to take care of everything myself." Luna limped away but turned to say one last thing. "You're no Princess Twilight; I promise you that my sister would be ashamed of you."

"Don't you dare speak of her-" Twilight didn't get to finish as Luna shut the doors behind her. "Screw you Luna, screw everypony!" Twilight began sobbing.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked seeing the yellow Pegasus flying toward her about a foot off the ground.

"Twilight doesn't care about anypony any more. She yelled at me and said that she doesn't want anything to do with us. Did I do something?" Fluttershy asked.

"You're probably the only one not to do something and I hate to say it but we've split up. The elements are dead Fluttershy, so just move on with your life the best you can." Rainbow turned from her friend and began flying away.

"B-but I, I thought that" Fluttershy then broke down crying. "Stupid undead things; if I have to be on my own then fine." Fluttershy cried a little more and then wiped away her tears. She had closed her eyes for a second and then opened them quickly and heard a voice behind her. She turned toward the voice. "What do you want?" Fluttershy asked in a harsh tone of voice.

"Fluttershy?" Luna asked but didn't receive a response. "I suppose that the elements of harmony truly are dead."

"You got that right, you should mind your own business anyways." Fluttershy, who had still been wearing her necklace, ripped it off and threw it onto the ground. "Who needs anypony, it's survival of the fittest." Fluttershy flew off.

"Very well." Luna knew what she had to do now, take out the book. She only has one problem, she can still feel the books power over her. It would take all her strength just to find the book. Twilight did have one point; she should have taken care of the book instead of assuming. "I have to find the book." Luna took off into the sky to go find the book.