• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 539 Views, 10 Comments

The Everchanging Story - Imperium Bedlam

A basic HIE fic that isn't that basic and may be confusing sometimes. Revolves around the main character, Jess, as she tries to make sense of life in Equestria. Also turns out she's now a Gryphon.

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Cutie Mark Acquisition Program!

"Come on Sweetie Belle! You're taking way too long!" Scootaloo and Applebloom were waiting outside the Carousel Boutique for one reason and the only reason they would be caught there, Sweetie Belle. The filly in question was finally making her way out of the boutique towing a large bag behind her before they all pitched in to lug it into the wagon and headed to Apple Blooms house.

"Sorry you two, Rarity decided that a sleepover at the clubhouse needed a years worth of supplies." No matter how much Sweetie had pleaded with her sister, she was forced to bring two hairdryers and a three spare sleeping bags.

"I can't believe you brought anything at all, Applebloom said that she packed everything we needed this morning," Scootaloo decided to go commando, get your head out of the gutter, "and with all your stuff in the wagon now there's no room for you or Applebloom."

"Calm down Scoots, ah don't mind walkin' home. Besides this'll give us a chance to plan out what we'll do once we're there" Applebloom said, in case you couldn't tell.

All three of them put on their thinking faces as they walked before Scoots decided to say the dumbest thing ever, "Well, the clubhouse is right next to the Everfree Forest and Fluttershy told that Cockatrice not to mess with us anymore..."

So they all chose to say the possibly most regrettable thing ever, "CUTIEMARK CRUSADER EVERFREE-FOREST EXPLORERS!"
Well maybe not the most regrettable thing.

Sudden second-person swap (or SSS)

Three days. Three bloomin' days I've been in this mouldy ol' cave. I swear that once I'm done with this practice I'm gonna explore the bloody hell out of this place. I'm going to explore it and I'm going to make lots o friends and I'm going to have much more fun then I'm having in this stupid cave!

Alright Linda, calm down. Just summon up a mirror and, yep there it is. I still look exactly the same. Argh! I've had it with this! Why is it so easy to change other things but not myself? No way am I gonna make any friends lookin' like this!

Ok, I'm just gonna calm down a tad and get to sleep. One of the others might know how to change appearance so I'll ask them if I get lucky, unless it's that damned deer. Geez she was rude, I understand if she's a might bit angry but there's no need to take it out on others.

I guess I'll just snap up the floor to be a mattress again, worked well enough last time. Still a right problem that I can't use a waterbed anymore, damn spines. Ahh that's comfortable, I wish I had a bed this big at my old place, then Jim wouldn't have kept kicking me out of it all the time.

Almost forgot about him didn't I? Well don't worry about me Jim, I'll be fine you know me. I can take care of me self.

Thudden third-perthon thwap (or STS)

The cutie mark crusader forest explorers had their war faces on as they stared down the lush wildlife in front of them. Scootaloo had taken up the leadership mantle for this particular expedition and was in front of the other two, facing towards them.

"Alright girls, unlike last time we aren't going to get snuck up on are we?"
"Ma'am no ma'am!" both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle said in the cutest little cheer ever.

"And we are going to earn our explorer cutie marks aren't we?"
"Ma'am yes ma'am!" Really makes you wonder where they learnt army drills.

"And if anything tries to eat us what will we do?"
"Scream and run for our lives!"

Scootaloo gave a small nod and turned to face the forest, "Cutie mark crusader forest explorers charge!"
A kitten waterfall couldn't compare to the cuteness of three fillies rushing towards their doom while giving an adorable little cheer.

Five minutes into the charge they got too tired to continue much further and decided to rest for a bit.

"Are you sure that we'll (gasp) even find anything Scootaloo?"

"I'm (gasp) absolutely (gasp) positive, we just need to (gasp) look harder."

"Well how 'bout that cave over there." Like a true earth pony, Applebloom's stamina was full enough that he had time to look around where they were.

"Alright then (gasp) we'll check out that cave and if we don't find anything we can search again tomorrow."

So the three of them went into the cave with Sweetie Belle casting a very poor light spell so they could see a bit ahead of them, that was until Sweetie ran into something.


"You alright there Sweetie Belle?" Apple bloom was comforting her friend while Scootaloo investigated what looked like-

"A door?" She ran her hoof along the wood before it found the doorknob and twisted it, kicking the door inward with as little subtlety as possible.

"Is that a mattress?" Her two other friends had joined her now and Sweetie used her light spell to confirm that they were either dreaming or there was a floor made out of a mattress in a cave.

Scootaloo smiled and started jumping on it, soon enough the other two joined in as well, laughing their heads off. It took a while but they eventually calmed down when Applebloom fell over and hit an odd wall.

"Calm down girls, let me get my footin' again." All the jumping was disrupting her balance for a while until they finally stopped and she got up, looking towards her friends to see them staring behind her with wide eyes. She just sighed and rolled her own, "There's a giant monster behind me ain't there?" they shook their heads vigorously, "Not a monster but still giant?" she got a nod from that one, "So it's giant but not a monster, is Big Mac behind me?" shook their heads again, "Then that just leaves..."

She final decided to turn around and see what her friends saw, only to see a large eye looking back. And as if in perfect synchronicity they all shouted "DRAGON!"

Author's Note:

If you couldn't guess what Linda was until the end then shame on you.
Sorry this took a while though, just kept getting stuck for some reason even though the chapter is a bit dull.
Who else has been listening to the 'Find The Music In You Compilation' that The Living Tombstone put together? Sounds great.
Kind of wish I had a mattress for a floor, but it would suck to tuck your covers in.
Also sorry if anypony/other seems OOC at all, might come back and fix some of that sometime.