• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 539 Views, 10 Comments

The Everchanging Story - Imperium Bedlam

A basic HIE fic that isn't that basic and may be confusing sometimes. Revolves around the main character, Jess, as she tries to make sense of life in Equestria. Also turns out she's now a Gryphon.

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Are You Serious?

Howdy, thought I'd quickly say a very small amount of this is in Twilight's perspective as if she were writing a report to Celestia. A very lax report but one all the same. It should go back to Jess by the end so just enjoy the lull before the confusion. Also note, DCS stands for During Celestia's Sun while DLM stands for During Luna's Moon.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I would like to inform you of a few curious events happening in Ponyville that you may or may not be aware of. At approximately six DCS, my friend Fluttershy's cottage had mysteriously caught fire.

The cause is unknown and hence 'mysterious' because Fluttershy hasn't many appliances nor was there any indication of where the fire had started according to the investigators. They had said, and I quote; 'Sorry your highness, we tried to follow the scorch marks but there were none, in fact there are no burn marks at all. It's like there was never a fire in the first place'.

Thankfully though Fluttershy was rescued from the strange fire by a Gryphon who must've been passing by at the time when she saw the smoke. For some odd reason she fainted directly after rescuing Fluttershy so my friends and I took her to the hospital in Ponyville until she woke up. Then she fainted again for some reason.

It seems like she's waking up again now though so I might be able to ask her why she fainted, maybe even learn something new about Gryphons!

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle

Jess had woken up much more slowly than before, carefully opening her eyes to the wonderful new world that was contained outside the immensely dull hospital room she currently resided. As she glanced over the room she noted the five ponies from before, including the yellow one she had saved from the fire who had a worried expression on her face.

As she opened her beak to say something a thought struck her, 'Weren't there six of them?', and along with this thought she was also struck by a sudden pink wall blocking her view. This wall then sprouted a face with the creepiest smile she ever saw before going taking a deep breath and blaring out what Jess hoped was a sentence.


At this point the writer got sick of writing the usual hyped-up-Pinkie thing that she does when she meets somepony new and had the purple unicorn shove a hoof in her face "Calm down Pinkie, she's just waking up after collapsing twice so you should probably give her some space."

"And besides darling" the white unicorn added pointlessly "However is the poor thing to understand you as soon as she wakes up, we can barely understand you regularly" she had said with a flourish of her hoof while the ponies around her nodded in agreement.

Jess, who at this point had finally realised why Discord wore he mask in the previous chapter 'Chapter? What do you mean chapter? You said something about a writer earlier as well' decided to think weird thoughts before taking up the challenge-but-not-really-a-challenge that the white unicorn had issued her unknowingly. "Hello Pinkie Pie, my name is Jess and your welcome for saving Fluttershy." Pinkie's smile immediately lessened, "I guess you could say I'm new in that I'm going to be stuck here for a while. I'm assuming I'm like this because not all gryphons have the same colouration." Now Pinkie's eyes were growing wider, "No I don't know Gilda but I'll be sure to look out for her in the future." Her hair grew a bit straighter, "Um, assuming that Dashie is your friend isn't that a lit-"

This time Jess was cut off with a hoof to the beak as Pinkie was now right in her face. Literally, her face couldn't have been closer if they were the same face, "I don't know how you understood that but for Celestia's sake don't tell anypony else what I said ok?" The goofy pony from before was gone now and in her place was a mad-mare with a deranged look in her eyes. Jess only gave a simple nod as a sudden fear took hold of her, "Pinkie promise, right now! Cross your heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in your eye!"

Pinkie had shouted all this in the loudest whisper Jess had ever heard while the other ponies in the room just stood there trying to figure out the situation, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" she said slowly, the words barely registering while she looked into the menacing blue eyes of the pony before her.

Just as quickly as before Pinkie moved, this time in the opposite direction. She was bouncing up and down with a smile on her face while Jess just lay there slack-jawed. Her attention soon changed to the purple unicorn who had cleared her throat rather loudly, "Well, now that whatever that was is finished. Onto introductions. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and that's Fluttershy who you helped to get out of the fire" she said, gesturing to each of the ponies in the room, "oh and the dragon earlier was Spike, he had to go home though to make sure the library was being watched."

Jess looked down at the yellow pegasus who was huddled behind her blue counterpart slightly "Um, hello to each of you I guess. As I said before my name is Jess so nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind me asking this but, do you know someplace I could sleep the night?"

Twilight seemed to think for a moment at this, "Well I don't know of anyplace in Ponyville that takes in Gryphons, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay in the library though because it has plenty of room",

This seemed a sound decision in Jess' opinion, up until the obvious problem presented itself "Twilight, gryphons are carnivores aren't they? Even if you let me stay I wouldn't have anything to eat."

"Well then I have no idea sorry" "Um, Twilight" "As far as I know there aren't any places in Ponyville that serve meat" "Twilight I wouldn't mind" "That's mainly because there aren't any carnivorous or omnivorous creatures here sorry" Fluttershy finally decided at this point to breath in deep and speak a little louder "Twilight!" which quickly snapped Twilight out of her rant.

"I have a few carnivorous animals that I take care of, so um, it wouldn't be a problem if she were to stay with me. It could be my thankyou present for helping me" she'd said with a slight blush on her cheeks which only caused Jess to D'aww inwardly at the sight.

"Wasn't your home damaged though? I mean it was on fire when I got there." This seemed like a pretty big point to Jess but it only made the other ponies look confused, and Rainbow Dash just leered at her slightly for some reason until Twilight finally caught on.

"That's right, you fell asleep right after the fire so you wouldn't know. For some reason the fire didn't actually damage anything even though we could al smell the smoke and feel the heat even from we were. The heat it gave off was more of a feeling being projected outwards from what was likely only an image of a flame thanks to a high amount of friction in the atmosphere rom what must've been magic radiating from the flame. In other words you should be able to sleep over at Fluttershy's for the night" was Twilights long-winded explanation.

"Of course" Jess said with a snap of her talon even though she had no idea what Twilight had said before turning back to the yellow pegasus "Well Fluttershy I guess I'll be in your care for the night."

And with that each of the ponies left one by one to get to their homes and get ready for bed. Jess had started experimenting with her eyes on the walk to Fluttershy's. She found out that she could see slightly in the dark as well which she had to admit was pretty cool. She couldn't seem to figure out why they didn't fly to Fluttershy's, she couldn't fly yet but the mare didn't know that so why wasn't she?

When the cottage was visible to pony eye however the action of the day had caught up to her and she almost fell asleep on the pathway even though she has already slept three times on her first day. As soon as Fluttershy opened the door Jess headed to the couch and collapsed on it, later to be covered up by Fluttershy who only smiled at the sight before going to bed.

Nurse Redheart had sometimes had a hard time working the night shifts in the Ponyville hospital. It almost seemed like everypony wanted to hurt themselves during the night time. So far it was calm though, barely one or two ponies had come in and they were only for minor injuries like a sprained hoof or burnt out horn.

Just as she thought she might have an easy night however she was told to go fix up the room the Gryphon had been staying in. Grumbling to herself she reluctantly made her way there and needless to say she was shocked. For some reason her mind couldn't fathom the bed was on the ceiling and acting like a cat. She had no idea how it got on the ceiling or how it was acting like a cat but the one thing she did have an idea about was that she should either scream or remain calm and go inform somepony of what was happening. So she screamed and sure enough ponies were informed of what was happening right until the room just flashed and went back to normal.

The ponies that saw that event decided to never speak of it again unless something else happened that could explain what the buck they just saw.

Author's Note:

Meh, not too proud of this chapter. Not as much fun was had with it. Still though, I guess it wasn't all too bad. Wasn't as random as the last chapter but still. Guess I'll have to put more effort into the next one. :rainbowdetermined2: