• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 539 Views, 10 Comments

The Everchanging Story - Imperium Bedlam

A basic HIE fic that isn't that basic and may be confusing sometimes. Revolves around the main character, Jess, as she tries to make sense of life in Equestria. Also turns out she's now a Gryphon.

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Ponies, ponies everywhere

As soon as Jess woke up again she noticed the message was gone and that she was also now covered in white fur. Whatever had been happening to her seemed to have finished, this fact made painfully more obvious when she accidentally flicked her new tail at her face on accident. Then she realised something, 'How did I fall asleep in a dream?' and another thing 'I'm some sort of bird thing' and finally 'Where the hell am I?!.

Her head swivelled back and forth as she searched the plain for something, anything. It seemed to her as though her vision had gotten better as she could now see a town off in the distance, about 40 miles away. The houses looked primitive and the horses seemed to roam free, firstly though she would check out the cottage only a couple of miles out.

Jess spread her new wings and gave a good few flaps before her talons/paws lifted off the ground and she... thoroughly face-planted. After that she decided to try her luck at walk... flying again before falling again, and again, and again. At this point I decided to eat some popcorn while I waited for the lazy gryphon to just walk. "Haha! I knew it! You aren't my thoughts at all now show yourself!".

She pointless spun around in circles, looking everywhere for the source of the voice her mind was conjuring up to alleviate her own boredom. "You won't trick me that easily, you said I was a grilled phone or something and I've never heard of that so that means you aren't me!" she said triumphantly, a cocky grin on her face that was almost as wide as her hearing was terrible. "Stop teasing and show yourself!" Her odd little game of make-believe would have to wait though, because on her 13th spin she noticed a plume of smoke rising from the cottage.

Immediately she sprung into action, previous thoughts forgotten while she sat on her rump and crossed her arms "You aren't getting my to forget that easy, someone could just be cooking something". Her indifference to someone losing their life would seem cruel to others, but Jess was secretly a sadist, and she sad there indefinitely. A seductive grin warped her face as she saw a few tongues of fire dance along the cottages rooftop and she began to feel warm and tingly inside when she heard someone screaming out for he- "Holy shit! I'm going, I'm going"

With a start she was broken out of her odd trance and sprinted quickly towards the cottage, desperation leading her to not notice she was running much faster than usual and on four limbs no less. But still she sprint... gallop.... trot.... but still she ran... she moved onward quickly, the screams getting louder as she got closer and noticed the door was still closed. With barely a though she barged it with a shoulder and moved into the cosy but burning cottage.

She searched left, right, up, down, backwards and north-east until she came to the kitchen that was right next to the room the door led to and found a small yellow horse with a pink mane and wings trying desperately to lift up a toppled fridge that had the door open. Upon seeing the gryphon the winged-horse thing gave a determined stare and pointed to the fridge with a hoof. "Help me get this up, angel bunny is trapped inside! If you wouldn't mind that is..."

Disregarding the fact a flying equine was now talking and seemed a bit bi-polar Jess quickly went over to the fridge and hooked her talons under the frame to give the cold cupboard a mighty heave and roll I onto it's side. She grabbed the bunny that was cowering underneath without a second thought as well as the flying dandelion before moving back out the door she came from.

After putting down the two animals in her arms she coughed violently a few times and saw her once white fur was now almost covered in ash. Jess gave a disappointed at the colouring before swapping her attention to the wing equipped Equestrian 'There's that word again' to see that it was trying to comfort the bunny before smiling in her direction.

It walked right up to her and wrapped her hooves around Jess, sobbing quietly. "Thank you, thank you so much" were the only words she could decipher, Jess could feel tears on fall onto her back and she smiled while she hugged the air gifted mare back with a smile of her own "You're welcome I guess" which was a pretty pitiful thing to say but the mare didn't seem to mind as she only hugged tighter.

At this point the pair heard cheers and Jess looked up to see ponies, many many ponies, all standing around cheering. The only ones not cheering were the ones who rushed past the pair to put the fire out presumably and the ones who came up to try to start a conversation.

It was at this point her mind decided to kick back and her normal thoughts were no longer clouded by adrenaline. 'Wouldn't the bunny have been safe from the fire in the fridge? Also how did that fire even start, the only electrical appliance was the fridge and that didn't even have a cord? and finally her last thought was 'How come there are multi-coloured horses cheering my name while I hug one that has wings? And why do some of them have wings as well? Are those horns I see?'

After her train of thought decided it no longer needed rails her brain decided to give up and take a nap, so she fainted while still holding onto the winged banana as a very upset looking bunny stomped it's foot repeatedly and then its ears turned into carrots. This made the bunny no longer angry but suddenly very scared and suddenly its train of thought decided it could fly and he fell into a coma.