• Published 24th Mar 2014
  • 4,352 Views, 221 Comments

It's Time To Duel! - DagaYemar

Yugi Moto and friends face off against a group of duelists from a far off land, but are the stakes as innocent as they first appear?

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Turn 12: Luck of the Underdog vs. Winner! Winner!! WINNER!!!

Joey Pinkie
4000 4000

“Alright! Let’s get this thing started!” Joey exclaimed, reaching for his deck.

“Err… you do know that I get to go first, right?” Pinkie asked, holding up a finger. “Applejack lost.”

Joey froze with his hand barely touching his top card. “Oh… right…”

“Get it together, Joey!” Mai called encouragingly.

Joey ran a hand across the back of his head and grinned in embarrassment. “Sorry, sorry…”

Pinkie sniffed and drew with a flourish, spinning the card a few times through her fingers before slapping it into her disk. “Time to get this party started! I activate the Vengeful Bog Spirit. Now monsters can’t attack on the turn we summon them!”

“What?!” Joey shouted in dismay. That mean’s it’ll be two whole turns before I can attack!

“Aww, don’t be scared,” Pinkie cooed, rifling through the cards in her hand, “I find that it’s best to giggle at the ghosties, to keep your spirits up! Get it? Spirits! Ha! Anyway, I’ll play this monster face down and set all four of these others face down as well. Your turn!”

Yugi blinked. “Did she just…?”

“…empty out her hand?” Mai finished.

Joey grinned in excitement. “Looks like you got a bum draw, only getting one monster! I’ll draw and-”

“Not so fast!” Pinkie exclaimed, snapping her finger as one of her traps flipped face up. “It’s a brand new duel, a brand new contestant, and that means Pinkie’s Crazy Carnival of Fun is open for business once again! I think we’ll start off the fun and games with a little Gamble!”

“I’ve never seen that card before,” Mai said, leaning forward to get a better look.

Pegasus nodded. “That’s because it’s generally considered too difficult and dangerous to use. Miss Pie is now going to flip a coin and if it lands on heads, she draws cards until her hand is full, but if she gets tails, she loses her next turn!”

Pinkie pulled a golden coin out of her back pocket and flicked it into the air. Every eye watched the glittering coin as it spun up, slowed at the height of its apex, and fell back down into Pinkie’s waiting hand. She slapped it onto the back of her hand and paused, clearly enjoying the rapt attention she was receiving. Then she removed her hand with a flourish and let out a theatrical shout of joy at seeing heads.

“Ah don’t know how that girl’s heart can stand the way she duels…” Applejack said, putting a hand to her own chest in sympathetic pain, “But it worked somehow. Now she’s got nearly twice as many cards as that fella!”

The party girl finished drawing her five new cards and smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I seem to have stolen your spotlight. I believe it was your turn?”

“Thanks…” Joey said lamely, “As I was going to say, I summon Axe Raider in attack mode!”

A warrior appeared on his side of the field, brandishing a large axe in one hand. It looked ready to do some violence, but the spell card across from it held it back.

“And then I’ll lay two cards face down and end my turn,” Joey finished. The cards appeared behind his warrior and sat there, looking very unimpressive.

Pinkie shrugged and drew, using the card to point at one of her many face downs. “Then it’s time for the carnival of fun to open its doors once again! And what’s a game without a little wager? I’m going to Bet it all on the Turn, to make this a little more interesting! The next time I’d take damage from a card, I’ve got a one in three chance to deal it to you instead!”

“Aw, play fair!” Joey complained.

“What’s unfair about it?” Pinkie asked, “If I lose the game my life points are halved. Now how about we put our luck to the test with my favorite monster, the Dice Jar!”

Her hidden monster flipped up and a jar with a grinning face on either end popped out. It spun up into the air and suddenly froze, each face spitting out a different colored die which landed at each duelist’s feet. For the first time, however, the dice both showed a four. The face on both ends of the jar opened their mouths wide and fire started to glow within them.

“Well, that a… oh, I almost forgot my spell!” Pinkie pulled out the top card of her deck and looked at it. After a beat her face fell.

“Oh no, did it not work?” Applejack asked, worried.

“No,” Pinkie said with a disappointed sigh, revealing the card to be a Gambler of Legend, “But this means Joey is going to take my damage and lose the duel! I was hoping the fun would last a little longer than that!”

“WHAT?!” Joey exclaimed, throwing his arms up defensively, but there was nothing he could do to stop the oncoming assault. Fiery magic spewed forth from both ends of the jar, the stream facing Pinkie bending in on itself and homing in on Joey. The two blasts hit him at the same time and he vanished into the explosion.

“A shame, I wanted to… play… longer…” Pinkie’s words died away as she realized something was off. Lifting up her disk, she tapped at the screen that displayed both player’s life points. “That can’t be right, why didn’t he lose?”

“Because right before I was hit, I activated Nutrient Z!” Joey declared, still standing strong as the smoke cleared. “I had ta gamble that I’d take a ton of damage first, but thanks to your own spell card it worked like a charm! Your attempt ta cheat backfired!”

“Hey!” Pinkie huffed, struck off-beat by that last comment, “I wasn’t cheating! That spell put me at as much risk as it did you!”

“Oh yeah?” Joey said provokingly, leaning forward and grinning pointedly, “That’s tha third time I’ve seen you use that jar monsta, and each time you’ve used a card ta block its damage. You must not have much faith in your games if you have ta rig them all tha time!”

Pinkie’s eyes lit up in rage. “I’m plenty lucky! I don’t need tricks to win!”

Joey thrust out his hand and clenched it into a fist. “Then prove it! Play straight with me from this point on in a fair duel! We’ll see who’s luck is better, yours or mine!”

“You’re on!” Pinkie declared, getting back to the task at hand. “I’ll set another monster in defense mode. You’re turn!”

“Was it really a good idea for Joey to rile up his opponent like that?” Mai wondered critically.

The Pharaoh shook his head and smiled. “If it’s Joey, he’ll be fine. And he’s just as fired up after that speech as Pinkie now.”

“Alright, time ta shine!” Joey shouted. “I’ll start by activating tha continuous spell Dangerous Machine Type-6!”

Steam oozed around Joey’s feet as a mechanical globe rose out of the ground beside him. The device sparked with static and hummed, warming up whatever parts it had inside.

“Ooohh, what does that do?” Pinkie asked, clearly interested.

Joey waggled a finger at her. “Ah, ah, ah! You’re going ta have ta wait for my next turn ta find that out. First I’m sending my Axe Raider to attack Dice Jar!”

His fighter let out a battle cry and charged forward. It pulled back its arm to attack, hesitated for a fraction of a second to see if Pinkie would stop it, and than gave a mighty swing when she didn’t. Its axe split the pot cleanly in two, and the two halves blew up.


“I’ll play one more card face down and summon tha Swordsman of Landstar! And that’s it for me!” Joey finished, flicking the end of his nose. A tiny pillar of light deposited his smallest monster to his field, and it waved its small sword and shield in a vaguely threatening manner.

“Then it’s time for the carnival to open its games once more!” Pinkie declaimed, drawing with an unnecessarily complex flourish. “We start with one of my personal favorites, the trap card Psy-Die!”

A glowing die flashing through a variety of neon colors shone into existence on Pinkie’s upraised palm and she bounced it a couple of times playfully. “You wanted a straightforward game? Well it doesn’t get more straightforward than this! I’m going to toss this die and you’ll take two hundred points of damage times whatever I roll. Ready?”

“Wait, what?!” Joey exclaimed, but Pinkie had already thrown. The die grew to a much larger size and skipped a few times across the ground before settling at his feet with three pips showing. It glowed a violent indigo color before erupting in light and bands of force, blowing the duelist back a step.


“Well, that wasn’t as much damage as it coulda been…” Joey began, but paused as Pinkie took this moment to turn her hidden monster face up. The card back shimmered away and left an evil-looking mask floating in its place. It was supported in a cloud of black, malevolent energy and seemed to be projecting an aura of pure menace.

“Geh! What is that thing?!” Joey exclaimed, leaning back in surprise and concern.

“My Mask of Darkness, of course!” Pinkie said happily, “And when it’s turned face up, it brings any trap card from my graveyard back to my hand. Looks like my Psy-Die will be making a repeat performance! Hmm… my field is getting a little light. I think I need to play these three cards face down, and set another monster in defense. There we go; that’s much better!”

She’s filled her spell and trap zone again, Joey thought in dismay as he drew his card and frowned at it. Shoot! I could really use Jinzo or Giant Trunade here. Well, one of them has ta be that Psy-Die again, but which one? And tha others could be anything!

“What’s wrong, Joseph? Has your meager grasp of the game fled you already?” Bakura laughed, earning a fierce glare from Joey, “Hurry up and make a move. It’s no fun watching you suffer if all you do is stand there.”

Joey scowled at him and pointed at his spell card. “Fine, you want ta see some action? Then let’s give my Dangerous Machine a whirl!”

The device whirled to life at his command and the metal arm at its side ratcheted down sharply. The machine's six orbes spun for several seconds before coming to a halt all at the same time. Each globe sported a large number one and a bright slot machine ding rang out from somewhere inside it.

“Gah! That’s not what I wanted ta see!” Joey exclaimed, picking one of the card out of his hands, “Now I have ta discard one of tha cards in my hand. But I’m not gonna let that set me back! I’ll get back on my feet by using my Graceful Dice ta multiply my Swordsman of Landstar’s attack points!”

One of his face down’s flipped up with a surge of light, out of which a chibi figure floated clutching a large blue die. The creature threw the die with all its might and it bounced and rolled across the battlefield. It came to a rest at the Swordsman’s feet with the number four showing and the pips burst into brilliant light. The small warrior was surrounded in an aura of power and grew in size until it was the same height as the Axe Raider.

“Not bad, but I can’t let you have all the fun! Psy-Die, activate!” Pinkie cried, revealing her trap card once more. Her multi-colored cube bounced past Joey’s blue one and came to rest showing a five, erupting into waves of force that drove her opponent back a step.


“Good shot! Now it’s my turn!” Joey laughed, brushing off the damage with a grin, “Your Mask is still in attack mode, so this is gonna hurt! Cut it in half, Swordsman of Landstar!”

Pinkie pointed quickly to another of her cards. “Not if I use the Book of Moon on it first!”

“…Geh?” Joey said, his smile freezing in place as he processed that last play.

The swordsman flew forward and raised its stubby sword up to strike, but a white glow encased its target and dragged the mask down to the ground. The light flattened into the shape of a card and popped away, leaving the monster face down once more. This didn’t stop the swordsman from continuing its swing and bisecting the card in one strike. The mask appeared between the two halves for a moment before the entire mess shattered into duel shards.

The bubbly girl tittered and waved her monster card mockingly before putting it in the graveyard slot. “Aww, you almost had me there! But not only did I avoid any damage, but my Mask’s ability was activated again! Psy-Die lives once more!”

“Do you intend to beat me with just that one trap?” Joey asked irritably.

“Yep!” Pinkie said immediately, grinning from ear to ear. She reached for her disk and groped around, not finding the expected card immediately. After a few moments she looked down with wide eyes at her graveyard slot, which inexplicably hadn’t ejected her card. “Hey, where’s the Psy-Die?”

“Over here!” Joey shouted, slashing his hand dramatically. Directly in front of him floated his Graverobber, giggling as it clutched her trap card in its gloved hands. The psychedelic die shot out of the card face and bounced across the field to her feet. It landed with the six showing and it exploded into bands of light, knocking Pinkie back several steps.


Joey clenched his fist in victory. “How do you like a taste of your own medicine?!”

“I like it very much, thank you!” Pinkie said happily, pointing down at her field. Joey glanced down just in time to see a trap card materialize in front of her. “You see, silly, if a six is thrown, then your opponent gets a turn to use Psy-Die.”

“Nyeeh?!” Joey cried, leaning back sharply.

Pinkie grinned. “Yep! I get it back anyway! And you’ve even set it on the field for me. Thanks!”

Joey shook his head to return the determination to his eyes. “Well let’s see how you like it when I crush your other monster! Strike it down, Axe Raider!”

His other warrior ran ahead and lopped her other face down card in half with a single swing. As the halves separated, a tiny goblin wearing dirty green clothes and clutching a spear appeared for a moment. It shattered along with the rest of its card.

Pinkie thrust out her index finger and waggled it in a playful way. “And another bad choice by our hapless contestant! The monster you just split in half was the Spear Cretin, and that means that we each now can summon any monster in our grave either face up or down.” She pulled out her discarded cards, selected one, and slapped it onto her disk with the back showing. “What could it be that I’ve picked? It could be the Mask of Darkness, or the Dice Jar, or maybe something else! It’s just a shame that you haven’t lost a monster this duel, so you don’t win a prize from this game-”

“Hold your horses!” Joey interrupted, picking a card from his graveyard, “Did you forget my Dangerous Machine made me discard earlier? It’s a good thing I decided ta toss out this guy. I revive tha Legendary Fisherman! And for good measure, I’ll sacrifice tha Swordsman of Landstar and summon Maximum Six! And when he comes out I get ta roll a die and raise his attack points by two hundred times whatever I roll!”

To his left, a surge of water shot up from the empty field and a shark swam up through it to hover on the field. On the shark’s back was a wild looking man grasping a sharp looking harpoon. Meanwhile, Joey’s cartoon fighter disappeared in a column of light to be replaced by a purple skinned, six armed giant. A red die appeared before the giant and skipped across the field, coming up a five. The monster reared back and flexed its muscles as its effect raised its attack points to twenty-nine hundred.

“And I’ll end my turn by playing a face-down,” Joey said, emptying out his hand.

“Good lord, their decks are identical!” Mai cried out as the two duelists took a moment to get their breath back from that intense exchange.

Twilight squinted and bit her lip nervously. “It’s just too random. The duel changes so much with each card that it feels like my head’s spinning! It’s completely impossible to tell who has the upper hand.”

“It’s got to be Pinkie,” Applejack pointed out. “She’s been dancin’ circles around his monsters this whole duel. He hasn’t had a chance to fight back at all!”

Twilight furrowed her brow in concern. “That’s the problem, though. Remember his last match? He turned the tables on Rarity’s combos nearly every single turn. And despite everything Pinkie’s already thrown at him, he’s still standing. If she gives him even a single inch…”

“Step right up!” Pinkie declared, drawing with a flourish. “It’s time for more carnival games! And the first game on the docket is Summon Dice!”

Her spell card materialized and spat out a white die that landed on a three. Light poured from the top of the die and a small orange creature popped out of it. The diminutive fiend adjusted its little tux and grinned with a mouth full of pointed teeth.

The party girl clapped her hands as she explained. “A three means I can summon my Lottery Imp for free! And just like all my other monsters, Lottery Imp has a fun ability to play! First I guess what the top card of my deck is. Hmm…” Pinkie held up her duel disk and frowned intently at it, her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth. “I think… it’s going to be a trap card!”

Her imp hopped up onto her shoulder and plucked the top card out of her disk. It frowned at the card, grinned sideways at its master, and held the card aloft and waved it about wildly.


“Looks like I win!” Pinkie laughed, taking the card from her monster. “That means I win both the card and a thousand life points! Next I’ll give the Psy-Die another whirl!”

Her trap flipped up and she threw out its die yet again. Joey sighed as it landed on four and smashed its energies into his chest.


“Let me guess,” Joey said archly, “Your face down monster is that Mask of Darkness, isn’t it?”

“Yes-indeedie!” Pinkie bubbled, revealing the Mask with a flick of her hand. “Which gives me Psy-Die back for fifth time! Isn’t it fun? It keeps coming and going, around and around, like a Ferris wheel! But enough about that, let’s bring out an old friend. I sacrifice the Mask and the Imp for Monty 3-Cards!”

Her two creatures floated together and merged in a point of light, which flared and faded to reveal a familiar, red suit-clad figure. It began to shuffle a stack of cards on a folding table in front of it.

Pinkie lifted her left arm. “You remember how this works, don’t you? Guess what kind of card I have here on my little deck and you don’t take damage! Fun, right?! Take a wild guess!”

“Uh… err…” Joey sputtered. “It’s… a spell card! No wait, a trap!”

“Oooh, sorry,” Pinkie said apologetically, as Monty floated a card out from the stack and revealed it to be her Trump Dragon. “You know what that means!”


“Oh no!” Pegasus exclaimed.

“Hang in there, Joey!” Yugi shouted.

“Pfeh, this is nothing,” Joey huffed, starting to get slightly out of breath. “That all you’ve got? Cause I’m still standing!”

“And it’s downright amazing that you are!” Pinkie said happily, placing here last two cards facedown. “This is the most fun I’ve ever had! But something tells me that the fun is about to end.”

Joey grinned. “I was just thinking tha same thing! First I’ll give my Dangerous Machine a whirl.”

The numbers on his machine rolled for a few seconds before coming to a halt on the number three. “All right! A three means I can draw another card… and it’s tha Mystical Space Typhoon! With this I can get rid of that annoying Vengeful Bog Spirits!”

A cyclone brewed up out of the ground under Pinkie’s spell card. The card wavered in place before getting torn up into the sky and flung away, where it shattered into pieces.

“And now my new monsters are free to attack! Like my Battle Warrior!” Joey declared, slamming the card into place. A blue-skinned fighter appeared on his field and lifted its fists up in a ready position.

“Let’s see if you even get a chance to use it!” Pinkie shouted, flipping up the Psy-Die again. The die bounced and rolled dramatically across the field.

“If it lands on a three or higher, Joey’s going to lose!” Mai shouted.

Bakura grinning in anticipation. “It’s over.”

Joey suddenly grinned, and he leaned forward eagerly. “I don’t think so. As long as I have a chance, I’m not going to give up!”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie cheered, momentarily forgetting which side she was on. The die slowed and rolled to a stop… on a one.


“Ha, I barely felt that one!” Joey taunted, brushing an imaginary smudge off his chin with his fist.

Pinkie grinned and pointed to her feet, where once again a trap card was materializing. “True, but I get a parting gift for rolling so low; Psy-Die comes back to me! Next turn there’s no chance at all it isn’t going to finish you off!”

“Too bad there won’t be a next turn,” Joey shouted, thrusting out his hand dramatically. “Maximum Six, smash Monty 3-Cards to pieces!”

“Too bad I have this!” Pinkie interrupted cheerfully, “Barker, the Auto-Luck Machine sends the top cards of our decks to the graveyard. If they’re the same your monster gets a thousand points, but if they’re not, you lose. Ready to play?”

“Anytime!” Joey shouted, flipping his top card and holding it out. “I’ve got the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.”

Pinkie grinned and revealed hers. “Book of Taiyou. That lowers you attack points enough for me to win! Monty, time to counterattack!”

Joey's monster rushed forward, its many arms pumping the air in anticipation of violence, but Monty flipped up its card table into the giant’s path. Monty leapt back and landed in a crouch as the giant was stopped short. It crossed its arms and cards shot out of its sleeves and into its hands. The dealer snapped its arms and launched the fistful of cards like shuriken.

At the last moment a chain appeared in two of Maximum Six’s hands and it spun one end of it, creating a whirling shield. The swarm of cards were deflected harmlessly aside and with a flick of its wrist, the giant sent to other end of the chain flying at its opponent. This end had a wicked looking blade on the end and it wrapped around Monty, pinning its arms to its sides.

“Finally,” Joey said, “I’ve been waiting all game for you to launch an attack. My Kunai with Chain gives Maximum Six five hundred attack points, which is just enough to finish tha job!”

The giant gave a mighty tug on the chain and Monty was pulled bodily through the air to it. The giant’s other arms blurred as it punched the dealer over and over until it exploded into duel shards.


I knew he had something in reserve, Twilight thought, a bead of sweat dripping down past her eye. “You just have to hang in there, Pinkie! He’s barely got any points left!”

“I’ve got more than enough ta deal some damage,” Joey shouted. “Legendary Fisherman, spear her!”

“Uh…” Pinkie said, unsure for the first time. She looked between one of her face down cards and the oncoming monster several times before coming to a sudden decision. “I activate Burst Rebirth and revive a monster face down!”


She paid nearly all her life points ta bring whatever that is back, Joey though furiously. What can it be? Should I stop my attack? Wait, her last trap sent that Trump Dragon of hers ta tha graveyard! That has ta be played face down ta be summoned. Which means this is my only chance ta get rid of it!

“I’m not scared!” Joey declared, “I continue my attack!”

His fisherman roared and threw its harpoon with all its might, spearing the card right through its center. The card shimmered and broke, releasing not the golden dragon Joey was expecting, but the Dice Jar! The jar floated high into the air, spinning and preparing to launch its dice from its mouths.

“Why did you do that?!” Twilight shouted, striding forward and only stopping when Applejack put a restraining hand on her shoulder. “Next turn you could have used the Psy-Die again and finished him off with anything but a one! Why are you risking it all on this?!”

Pinkie shrugged and shot a grin at her opponent. “I just had a feeling that this was the way to end it. All or nothing, right?”

“Absolutely!” Joey said with a grin.

The Dice Jar froze in place and both its mouths opened wide. A blue die shot out towards Pinkie’s feet while a red one was sent in Joey’s direction. Everyone on the castle top held their breaths as the dice bounced and rolled, seeming to take far longer than normal as if to heighten the tension. But finally, the dice slowed and came to rest.

Pinkie immediately leapt into the air and did a little dance. “Yes! A six! I win! Victory is mine!”

“Heh,” Joey chuckled, stopping her mid-caper, “Not quite. I also got a six. That means it’s a tie.”

Both faces on the Dice Jar unhinged their jaws and a massive amount of energy started to collect in the blackness within. Pinkie spun back around and, after glancing in horror at her own monster, thrust her hand out to her last trap. “No way am I going to get knocked out of the tournament like this; I’m just having too much fun! I’ll use Dice Re-Roll to force you to do a do-over!”

The red dice skipped into the air and started bouncing around the field again. Joey tsked and flicked his head to the side. “I thought you said you weren’t going to use any of those cards anymore!”

“What can I say? I wanna duel the King of Games!” Pinkie shrugged and offered an apologetic smile, but Joey just started to laugh. “Well, I’m glad you’re taking it so well!”

Joey straightened up and stared right at her, the determination burning in his eyes. “I may not be able ta win, but that does not mean I’m going ta give up! I believe in myself and my luck, and I will hold my head high until the last move is made!”

As if to punctuate his resolve, the red die chose that moment to come to a halt at his feet. The top number, once again, was a six.

“No way…” Pinkie gasped, her own eyes as wide as saucers as she stared at the result. Above them, the jar unleashed a twin stream of power that smashed home onto the two duelists, creating a pair of explosions that filled the arena with smoke and wind.

Joey Pinkie
0 0

“This place just goes on forever!” Rainbow Dash complained, stalking down a hallway that looked like the last twenty hallways they’d already been down. She stamped her feet as if the floors had done something to her personally.

“I have to admit that it is rather odd,” Rarity said thoughtfully, “We’ve been down so many of these already, but we haven’t seen any doors or exits. It’s as if we are trapping in some kind of labyrinth.”

Rainbow spun and punched the nearest wall. “The others are counting on us, and we’re lost! We can’t even find our way back anymore!”

Rarity put a calming hand on her back before she could punch the wall a second time. “Come on, this hall simply must lead somewhere.” She led her around the next corner, fully expecting more of the same despite her reassurances, but in front of them was something new.

Rainbow pushed out of Rarity’s grasp and rushed forward. “I recognize this! This was the stage for the Duelist Kingdom finals!”

The duel platform hung suspended from a ceiling neither of them could see over a pit so deep neither of them could make out the bottom. Both of the metal admittance paths had been extended, connecting the platform to the halls on either side of the abyss. Rainbow Dash ran onto the platform and peered over the edge like a tourist, but Rarity walked over the bridge cautiously.

“Well, at least it’s something different that those dreary halls,” she said, but no sooner had she set foot on the platform that the walkways detached and began retreating into the far walls.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Rainbow shouted, running to the edge. But it was too late; they were trapped on the floating platform. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of mocking laughter.

“It seems two mice have been caught in our maze,” a voice said, the echo making it impossible to tell where it was coming from.

“Perhaps we should deal with these wayward strays,” said another voice, joining the first.

Rarity turned slowly so her back was to Rainbow’s and the two of them faced either opening from across the drop. “Whoever you ruffians are, come out here and face us! We’re not afraid of you!”

“HA!” the two voices said as one as two people suddenly leapt out from either hallway. They spun as they soared through the air, both easily going over the two girls’ heads. The men landed on either side of them.

The two newcomers each struck a kung-fu pose with their left arms hidden behind their backs. Both were wearing vaguely Chinese outfits, one green and the other orange, and both were so bald their scalps shone. They were also sporting a dark ruby earring, in the opposite ear of the other, that glowed with an evil aura.

“Our Master’s plans we’ve been tasked to hide,” the one in orange spoke, his voice taking on a sing-song quality.

“But you wandering fools are a thorn in our side!” Said the green clad one, smoothly taking up the dialogue. “We offer you a challenge most cruel.”

“If you want to leave, you must beat us in a duel!” the other finished. At the same moment they spun around, revealing they both had a duel disk all primed to go.

“Ha, you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourselves into!” Rainbow said viciously, grabbed her own disk off her back strap. “You up for this, Rarity?”

Rarity sniffed and unzipped her bag. “Of course I am. The question is whether you’ve mastered those Wonderbolt cards or not.”

“Of course I…” Rainbow’s voice trailed off as her hand closed several times on open air behind her back. “Uh…”

The explosion as Joey and Pinkie’s duel ended rattled the windows in their frames. Fluttershy shifted slightly from the force of it on the couch and she slipped a little off Rainbow’s jacket, which had been placed under her head as a pillow. Rainbow Dash’s deck box, containing her precious new cards, poked a little out from the back pocket and into her neck.

Slowly, as if struggling against weights, Fluttershy’s eyes trembled open.

“You left your cards behind?!” Rarity exclaimed in disbelief.

“Not to worry,” Rainbow said, diving into Rarity’s bag and rummaging around. Rarity made a sound of protest and yanked her bag back, but Rainbow already had a small box in her hand. “I stashed my main deck in here, just in case. I didn’t feel like carrying it around with me, and since you were already bringing luggage…”

Rarity sniffed, but she couldn’t hide the smile peeking out the corner of her lips. “You could have at least asked first… but I have to admit, I like our chances a lot more with you using those cards instead.”

“Just you wait,” Rainbow said at her back, pulling out the new cards and sliding them home into her disk, “I’m going to make the Wonderbolt deck so good, it will leave this one far behind!”

“Enough talk!” Para and Dox said simultaneously, activating their disks with a snap of their wrists, “The time has come to duel!”

Next time on Yugioh: It's Time to Duel!
Masters of the Labyrinth vs. Aces High & Dressed to Kill

Author's Note:

Why, oh why, did I add Para and Dox to this story? I still don't know what I'm thinking. It's going to be so hard writing the next duel... still, I promised you way back when that Sombra had more servants. And apologies if anyone was looking forward to Rainbow playing the Wonderbolt deck again. I honestly couldn't decide between that deck and this upcoming one for her to use, so I planned on her using both instead. Count these upcoming cards as the deck she's been using in all these flashbacks I vaguely hint at!

I don't know what it is about Pinkie's duels, but it just takes me so long to write them compared to the others! I simply love rolling dice in Yugioh, a factor that has directly led me to building decks that have lost me many a tournament, but I still love them anyway. I believe I've mentioned before that the Dice Jar is my favorite monster ever, and that still holds up to this day. I've always thought that dice mechanics were wasted potential in Yugioh. Adding a die roll to a card meant that the resulting effect could be more overpowered than one could normally create, which leads to some ridiculous abilities. And if you don't believe me, just look at what the Archfiends were capable of!

Can Rainbow Dash and Rarity work together against Para and Dox in a tag team duel? Has any Yugioh tag team ever gotten along through a whole tag duel? Will I be playing against type or will I bow to Yugioh tradition? The answers to these and many more, soon...