• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 1,762 Views, 19 Comments

Just Play It Cool - tomColt15

Rarity wants to learn how to be cool from Rainbow Dash

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Dates and Picnics

Zombies, sparkling vampires, mannuluswolves, and pretty bad actors with no emotions. This was the list of all the things Rainbow saw in the amazing “horror movie”. In fact, that wasn't even the worst part. Forrest Fire was pretty lame too. He'd use all the lamest moves, like yawning to wrap his hoof around Dash's shoulder and trying to make dumb jokes. Rainbow, being the straight forward one, kept the same bored and annoyed look on her face throughout the whole entire movie. However, Forrest Fire was totally oblivious to Dash's facial expressions. In fact, he thought he'd done a good job cooing her, so he asked her out on another date the next week. Rainbow thought about declining, but her competitive ego made her want to prove Rarity wrong and make her jealous. Even though Forrest Fire was a total stud, Dash soon remembered that not judging a book by its cover has a negative meaning as well.

When Rainbow got back to her house that night, she quickly flopped to her fluffy cloud bed. After letting out a bunch of heavy sighs, she sat up on her bed and stared out her window.

“Jeez, that was a total waste of a night,” Rainbow sighed to herself. “Why did I even agree on going out with that loser again?”Dash kept talking to herself. She looked out at the shining white moon, it reminded her of the shining white coat Rarity possessed. Was she hallucinating or did she just see Rarity's face appear on the moon? Shaking her head, that always snapped her out of day dreams. It sure did the trick this time around. She froze for a moment then began ranting again. “Not like he was all that interesting in the first place. What'd he say he does? Sell peanuts at baseball games? What a lamo. Rarity's way more interesting than that goof!” Wait a minute. Rarity? Couldn't she have thought of somepony else, like AppleJack or Pinkie Pie. They were pretty interesting, but pretty similar to her. Similarity was never all that interesting. Yeah, that's what made Rarity come to mind first, nothing more. “Besides, I'm only doing this to make Rarity jealous.” Dash paused. “Jealous? Wait, no! I mean, prove that I'm awesome cause ponies like ponies who are awesome!” She paused again. “Augh! Whatever I know what I mean!” And with that, Rainbow Dash lay down on her bed and fell asleep.

The next morning Rainbow went to Fluttershy's place since she promised to go on a picnic with her and Angel. While flying through the skies, she caught sight of Carrousel Boutique.

“Oof!” a yellow pony cried. Rainbow mimicked the blue maned pegasus. She was focused on the fashion store she was soaring above and hadn't noticed she'd just bumped into another pony. Probably just had my head in the clouds. She thought to herself briefly.

“Sorry Raindrops, didn't notice you there,” Dash apologized.

“Yeah, okay Dash,” Raindrops huffed.

Once Rainbow reached Fluttershy's house she saw a small white bunny tapping his small back paw on the ground. Angel bunny was always impatient and huffy. Fluttershy just came out of her cottage holding a picnic basket on her wing.

“Hey Fluttershy, sorry I'm late. Had a little accident on the way here,” Rainbow explained.

“Oh that's quite alright, we just got ready. Sorry Angels a bit impatient,” Fluttershy also apologized. “Well, why don't we get going.” Rainbow nodded in agreement. The walk to the hillside wasn't very long, especially considering they flew most of the time.

The picnic time was mostly Fluttershy pestering Angel the eat his vegetables. Until an awkward silence fell upon them.

“So, how was your date last night?” Fluttershy brought up. Rainbow almost gagged in place.

“Ugh, don't even remind me,” Rainbow gagged.

“I take it that it was pretty bad,” Fluttershy guessed. Dash nodded in confirmation.

“He was a totally dork, and pretty boring too. The movie was the only thing interesting. That's saying something since the movie was filled with sparkling vampires and stupid mannuluswolves.”

“I guess movies these days don't appeal to you considering mannuluswolves and vampires have lost their touch,” Fluttershy giggled.

“Next week we're watching the second part in the series. This time I'll have to remember a gag bag,” Rainbow sighed.

“But I thought you said he wasn't that great?”`

“Well he isn't. I just thought if I kept going with him, Rarity would think I'm cool.” Dash said, earning a look from Fluttershy and Angel. A pang of heat entered Dash's face after thinking about what she said. “Not like that! I'm just trying to prove that her whole elegance thing doesn't work all the time.” Fluttershy nodded in response.

“Well then, why don't we pack up for today. You have to give her lessons soon, correct?” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash hummed “Mhmm” and nodded her head to confirm.

“But that doesn't start 'til,” Rainbow paused and looked at the clock that stood near Fluttershy's cottage and themselves. “Five minutes! Sorry Fluttershy, I have to go. Thanks for reminding me though!” And with that a rainbow streak followed by a blue blur was all that was left in Fluttershy's path.

Not too much longer, the pegasus that had been with Fluttershy arrived back at her own abode. Hardly a minute later, another pony was sighted not too far from Rainbow's home.

“Oh Rainbow Dash!” the unicorn called. Rainbow glanced at the well groomed mare. She couldn't help but let a wide goofy grin escape her lips. She'd enjoyed seeing her polar opposite of a friend, and it always brought joy to her when she would teach Rarity. The way she'd always mess up “cool talk” and say something fancy like. Sometimes, Rarity would even get in such a hissy to start speaking French. Rainbow laughed to herself as she remember only the first lesson on how to talk. For some reason, Rarity always had the ability to make Rainbow smile without even trying.