• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 1,761 Views, 19 Comments

Just Play It Cool - tomColt15

Rarity wants to learn how to be cool from Rainbow Dash

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Mall Bets

The elements of harmony were all gathered at Twilight's library getting ready for their night out.

“Okay girls, we got everything we need?” Twilight asked as she finished checking 'money' off her check list. All the girls nodded in confirmation. “Good now lets-”

“Oh, please do hold on a second dear,” Rarity halted. “Let me just put on a few accessories. Who knows, maybe a few colts will be roaming around the mall,” she finished with a little giggle. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack rolled their eyes at the perfectionist as they made their way out the library and everypony else followed.

“So um, do you really think some colts will be at the mall. I mean what if they might have something else to do, or something.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Darling, colts or not, a lady must always look her best,” Rarity replied. “However, if I do happen to catch a stallion's eye it will be worth it. Besides, with absolute beauty and grace, who could turn me down?” Now Twilight joined in with the two athletes in the rolling of their eyes.

“Silly Rarity, don't you know all the colts at the mall are weirdos that are trying to get Skyrim and Pokemon guides,” Pinkie said enthusiastically. All the others just stared at her confused by her remark.

“Who cares about colts anyway, I just want to get some new goggles and maybe something to help me fly faster,” Rainbow half changed the subject.

“Rainbow darling, have you ever even thought about settling down with a nice stallion? If you weren't always trying to look 'cool', as you say, we could brush your mane and colts will be all over you,” Rarity tried helping.

“Pfft, I don't need some colt to become a Wonderbolt. I've got other priorities that aren't related to stallions, and those need to be dealt with first.”

“Dash, I'm only trying to help. If you would just let me brush your mane I could-”

“I don't need you to brush my mane, it looks awesome already!”

“That is precisely what I am talking about, if you would just-”

“You know what, I bet I could get a colt before you could,” Rainbow said with a smug look on her face. Rarity was taken back by this statement.

“You? Fine, we shall see about that,” Rarity said accepting the challenge.

“Alright then, any rules to hold me back?” Rainbow double checked. Rarity tapped her hoof on her chin and stuck her bottom lip out a bit to think. She thought it wouldn't matter considering her confidence for herself to win. But then again this was Rainbow Dash they were talking about, the one who cheated at the Running of the Leaves.

“No forcing the colt and no making each other look bad.” Rarity finally said.

“Fine by me, you just can't stand next to me.”

“Why ever not?”

“I'll just make you look bad by comparison.” Rainbow teased. Rarity heated up and scrunched her face into an angry expression.

“Oh, why I ought to-”

“Well would you look at that, we're here,” Twilight interrupted the raging battle before it got out of hand.

“Well it seems like we certainly are,” Rarity said trying to stay calm. She then turned towards her rainbow maned friend. “We shall discuss the winnings later.”

“I guess so,” Rainbow agreed trying to stay collected.
~ ~ ~

“Ah sure hope Applebloom will like her new hat,” AppleJack said as the mane six exited a popular hat store.

“I'm sure she'll love it. The clerk hand picked it from one she said her foal loved,” Twilight reassured.

“And she got me this super duper fantastic party hat for Gummy!” Pinkie said bubbly as ever.

“Its obvious, the workers there know a thing or two about fashion considering she complimented my hat which will get a colt before some ponies here,” Rarity said while glancing at Rainbow Dash.

“I don't need some huge hat to get a colt's attention. I mean really Rarity, this is the twenty first century, colts like awesome things not big hats,” Rainbow teased.

“If 'awesome' means grace and beauty, then yes I agree.” Rainbow just rolled her eyes. They had finished buying everything they wanted and it was about time for them to head out.

“What do you say we get some lunch and put the fighting aside for a while,” Twilight suggested tired of her friends arguing over something so pointless and stupid.

“Fine, only for a while,” Dash agreed. The girls all walked around the mall for a little while looking for a place to eat. Soon enough, AppleJack spotted a sandwich place. As they walked up to the counter three stallions made their way to a table.

“Aha! Cute colts alert!” Rarity gasped as she spotted the three walking passed. “Now is our chance to see who really can get a colt.”

“Whatever, can we eat first though?” Rainbow said not caring for the stallions who just passed them.

“Is the brave Rainbow Dash afraid?” Rarity cooed.

“No, the brave Rainbow Dash is hungry.” Rainbow replied

“Fine, first we eat, then I upstage you.” Rarity huffed.

There wasn't a line or anything, so things went by at a fare speed. Fluttershy and Twilight got their sandwiches already and Pinkie was in the midst of getting hers. Unfortunately, since this was Pinkie, something went wrong. One of the workers was bringing the sandwich over right after it got out of the oven and the poor guy got burnt. The sandwich was suddenly sent flying through the air. There was no time for any pony to react, except for Rainbow Dash. She sped to the sandwich and dived for it right before it hit the floor. Everypony was staring at her and Dash just chuckled, remembering the time she had “saved” Soarin's pie.

“Dashie!” Pinkie called as she ran towards the sandwich-saving pegasus. “You got my sandwich! Thanks soooo much!”

Rainbow handed the warm sandwich to the bubbly pony. “Hey, it was no biggie really.” She said modestly while rubbing the back of her mane.

“No biggie? That was amazing!” a male voice came from behind. The girls all started to gather around Dash and the pale orange colt who had just complimented Rainbow. The other two colts also began walking towards the big scene. “I've never seen anyone fly that fast!”

“Heh, you thought that was fast? You should see me when I do a Rainboom!” Dash bragged.

“A Rainboom, eh? Where have I heard that before?” the orange stallion tapped his hoof on his chin for a moment until his eyes went wide through realization. “Wait a minute, you're that chick who one the best young fliers competition back in Cloudsdale! That is so cool.”

“I know right! It's not everyday you get to meet a pony like me. The name's Rainbow Dash by the way.”

“I'm Forest Fire. Hey, I got tickets to a movie and my friends didn't want to come, you wanna come instead?” The name suited him well. He was a pale orange colt who was pretty tall and had emerald green eyes. His hair was a mixture of green and red tips and his cutie mark was a blazing camp fire.

“Well, that depends on what movie it is.” Rainbow replied with a soft smile.

“How do you feel about horror movies?” Forest Fire asked with a smug look of his own.

“I feel like you've got yourself a date,” Rainbow responded just as cocky.

“Alright see you Friday.” Forest smiled and him and his buddies turned around and left. Rainbow waited until they left her sight before turning around and looking at Rarity. Rarity only stood staring at where the attractive colt once stood mouth agape. She couldn't believe it, Rainbow had just gotten a date from being cool. How could she lose to such a ruffian? She was so filthy and tumble. The colt didn't even glance at Rarity when she walked up. Jealousy filled the bleach white unicorn as Rainbow grinned at her.

“I think we have a clear winner,” Dash bragged while closing Rarity's open mouth gently with her hoof.