• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 1,762 Views, 19 Comments

Just Play It Cool - tomColt15

Rarity wants to learn how to be cool from Rainbow Dash

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Fluffs of clouds drifted by in the sky. The sun's rays were slowly leaving as it set and two mares accompanied the fields that soaked in the dimmed lights.

“Lesson number two!” Rainbow shouted out in the fields. She enjoyed being the boss, it meant screaming and power. Dash loved screaming and power. “If you're going to be cool, you can't only talk the part, you have to be able to look the part as well. I mean, no pony will talk to you if you don't even look the part,” Rainbow explained. Unlike Twilight Sparkle who would take out parchment and a quill, Rarity simply took mental notes. “Lucky for you, I've got all sorts of radical stuff that you can wear.” Rarity cinched. She knew that Rainbow Dash was the spitting image of “cool”, however, Rarity herself could hardly stand the fashion style.

Rainbow flew up into her cloud house and began digging through her closet for stuff. There was her scarf, but the season wasn't exactly great for that. Ah ha, her coach hat and some sun glasses! That could make any pony look radical. What else could she dig up for Rarity? Her black vest might do. Nevertheless, Rainbow took it all and flew back down to the unicorn mare waiting for her.

“Alright, I got a hat, sun glasses, and a vest,” Rainbow lay them all out in front of Rarity. “Try 'em on!” she ordered. Rarity did as she was told and put all the “cool” clothes on. Rainbow rubbed her hoof against her chin while examining Rarity, something was off. Rainbow usually wore her sunglasses over her eyes for style, but Rarity was a unicorn and that wouldn't work very well. She looked at the hat that sat upon Rarity's mane. Taking her hoof away from her chin, Dash brought it towards the hat and turn it a good ninety something degrees so that the bill rest behind her white ear. “Uh, try putting the sunglasses above your horn.” Rarity did so. Something was still off, but what was it.

“Is this good enough?” Rarity asked, getting impatient with Rainbow's examinations.

“Something is off, but I can't figure it out. Maybe its your eyes?” Rainbow said.

“Whatever is the matter with my eyes? Er, uh, What's up with my eyes?” Rainbow smiled at Rarity's attempt to speak modern. She had to admit, Rarity was getting better at the whole new speech thing.

“I can see too much of your eyes,” Rainbow said bluntly. Rarity rose a brow at Dash. “You know how my bangs kind of cover a little of my eye?” Rarity nodded, still a bit confused. “Try wearing your mane kind of like you did on the train, or just push them over a bit.”


“Oh forget it. I guess its good enough for now. In the future though try different mane styles that emphasize your bangs.”

“Wait, so you want me to change my whole fashion sense?” Rarity asked alarmed. Rainbow pondered for a while, she wasn't quite sure how to answer to Rarity's question. It was true that Rarity was already extraordinarily beautiful, but she looked really cute when she tried being cool.

“Uh, sure if you wanna get a colt that isn't over the age of forty,” Rainbow replied nonchalantly. Rarity rolled her eyes at the rainbow manes pegasus. Even though she'd gotten used to her joking around, there were sometimes when Rarity knew that Dash just didn't ever think about what she was saying. “So uh, yeah. If you want we can test it out on some pony around town that doesn't know you all too much,” Rainbow suggested. Rarity pondered at this thought. It would be pretty hard for her to find a colt around town that she hadn't flirted with already. Though she never truly loved any of them, she was what you'd call a “persuasive” pony that wouldn't take no for an answer. Whether it was to mooch of of less attractive ponies or just looking for some pony to take to the party, Rarity was a flirt.

“Um, I'm not so sure about that. A lot of colts know me around town so this new approach might not work,” Rarity finally replied.

“Alright then, I guess we'll have to test it on a mare.” Rarity's mouth had fallen agape at this. She'd never flirted with any mare nor knew one that she could test on. “So know any pony you'd like to test out?”

“Well, I can't say that I do. I didn't know any mares in town were even.... like that,” Rarity lied. She was well aware of the ratio of mare to stallion in Equestria. That unbalanced ratio contributed to the immense amount of bisexual and homosexual mares and even some stallions. In fact, just a while ago, Rarity had finally marked herself as a bisexual.

“Well, I'm pretty sure that mare Lyra and Bon Bon are pretty keen of each other. A bit too friendly though, don't want to mess up any relationships. Raindrops acts kinda queerish, so why don't we go visit her?” Rainbow interrupted Rairty's epiphany.

“Oh, uh, okay than. Sounds like a plan,” Rarity agreed. Rainbow nodded and looked towards the sun. Celestia had already began letting it fall, it'd been mid-afternoon by the time Rarity had arrived. Dash decided it'd be best to test the next morning instead.

“Alright, let's do that tomorrow 'kay. It's getting kind of late,” Rainbow said. As the two began trotting their separate paths, Dash halted them again. “Oh and remember,” she said catching Rarity off guard. “Just play it cool.”


Once Rarity got back to her abode, she replayed her lesson in her head. Act the part, look that part, just play it cool. Rainbow Dash was fun teacher, and she seemed like she was pretty good in the subject she was teaching as well. Rarity didn't usually let herself admit when another mare was cute, but Rainbow Dash seemed to be an exception. She used to have a small crush on her dear friend Fluttershy, but she soon learned that they were too much like sisters for anything to truly spark. They're similarity was something that pushed them apart and sometimes made their conversations dull. Controversy and argument over things were interesting, however, just agreeing on one thing and dropping it is bland. Rarity and Rainbow would argue about everything, and it was always quite entertaining. Maybe, she'd test out her knowledge on a certain prismatic pegasus.

A/N; Sorry for the long wait. Not much for me to say... so thanks for reading.