• Published 8th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

The New Quest

One afternoon in Ponyville, Muse and Wildcard were in the park enjoying the day out with a few laughs. Unaware to them, Rainbow Dash had been watching from behind a bush at a good distance so that she wouldn't be spotted and where she could hear them. She smirked watching as the chemistry between her cousin and newest friend looked like it was improving, "Oh yeah that's it cuz, work your magic," She said to herself, until she gasped seeing Dustin and Alistair walking too close to them, "Oh no!" before the two could call to the two ponies, they were whisked away and brought back behind the bush Rainbow was hiding.

"Rainbow?" Dustin asked.

"What're you doing?" Alistair asked, only to get shushed by the Pegasus and motioned them to look ahead.

"Why're you watching them?" Dustin asked curiously.

"Did you set them up so they could meet here?" Alistair questioned her.

"I may have done a little talking." She admitted sheepishly.

"Why did you?" Alistair asked in confusion.

"Come on you saw the way those two were looking at each other during the Venomari incident and afterwards." Rainbow reminded them.

"So you're trying to play matchmaker for them?" Dustin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sort of."

"And why?" Alistair asked.

"My cousin needs to get out of his shop more often," Rainbow began, "If he continues living out his days inside his game shop he'll forget how to socialize and just be alone for the rest of his life."

"Hey he socializes with us doesn't he?" Dustin reminded her.

"Maybe in a group with all of us, but I've never seen him look at another pony the way he's been looking at Muse." She said, as she eyed her cousin continuing to chat it up with Muse, who also appeared to be having a good time. So the boys decided to continue watching the two unaware of what they were whispering to each other,

"You know we're being watched right?" Muse whispered.

"Yeah. Very typical of Dashie, but why Dustin and Alistair are with her I have no idea." Wildcard whispered back.

Suddenly Twilight, Spike, Zyphon, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy hurried over, "Muse! Wildcard!" Twilight called.

"What's up everypony?" Wild asked, pretending to ignore the groans from Rainbow feeling her friends spoiled the moment.

"I just got a word from Princess Celestia to meet with her in Canterlot right away." Twilight explained.

"Once we find Rainbow Dash, Dustin, and Alistair we can go." Applejack said.

"I think they're closer than you think." Wild smirked, while motioning to a bush and the three popped up from it.

"What're you three doing?" Twilight asked with a raised brow.

"It was her idea!" the two humans pointed accusingly at Rainbow.

"Traitors." Rainbow grumbled.

"Will yall stop messing around?" Applejack ordered.

"Applejack's right, we gotta get to Canterlot ASAP." Twilight reminded them.

"Well then let's get going." Dustin said as they hurried to the train station.

After the train ride, the group arrived in Canterlot and headed for the castle. After being permitted entrance they went inside and through the halls. When they entered the throne room they saw Celestia, Luna, Discord, Shining Armor, and Cadence waiting for them, "Your majesty." Dustin called as they presented themselves.

"I'm glad you all made it." Celestia began.

"Although you were all cutting it a little close I'm afraid." Discord said while checking a pocket watch before closing it.

"So sue us for not being roadrunner fast." Alistair answered sarcastically.

"Why did you summon us your highness?" Rarity asked.

"Princess Cadence and Shining Armor informed us of the last serpentine tomb being unlocked by Pythor." Celestia explained making them all look down.

"Unfortunately it's true." Twilight admitted.

"The Hypnobrai were dangerous." Fluttershy said putting in her two cents.

"Yeah they brainwashed me and Alistair into fighting each other for their own amusement." Dustin added.

"If Twilight hadn't fixed it Dustin and I would've been in worse conditions than we were." Alistair put in.

"We're sorry, Princess. We weren't able to keep Pythor from unleashing the rest of the tribes." Applejack said in regret.

"And now that they're united there's no telling what they'll do." Fluttershy added.

"I could take a few hints." Pinkie put in, but the girls gave her a look signaling her to keep a zip lip.

"Do not fret my little ponies. It's not over until it's the end." Celestia assured them.

"But unfortunately the end could be closer than we think." Luna warned them hating to break up the assurance.

"But if all the tribes are released and united under Pythor, why aren't they already attacking Equestria?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah shouldn't the land already be overrun with snakes?" Pinkie asked.

"Pythor is too smart to just order the serpentine to attack the land," Celestia began, "I feel he must have other plans as well."

"But without other evidence we can't determine what they may be." Cadence added.

Twilight pondered, until an idea popped in, "Wait I think I got something."

"What is it, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Maybe if we checked out the Serpentine tombs we might find some sort of clue as to how to defeat them." The Alicorn suggested.

"Sounds like a good plan, Twilight." Shining Armor admitted.

"Indeed, but even though we found out where the tombs are, there's no telling if the Serpentine at are any of them with traps laid out for intruders." Discord warned them.

"For once I agree with Discord." Rainbow admitted.

"And it could take awhile to search all the tombs inside and out." Luna added.

"Wait a minute," Alistair spoke up, "I might have a way."

"You do?" Celestia asked curiously.

"Yeah, but I'll have to call upon some help." Alistair explained, resulting in Dustin giving him a cautious look.

"Hold up, Alistair! You're not thinking about doing what I think you're planning are you?"

"I believe what you're thinking is right about what I intend to do." The dark warrior admitted.

"But Master Alistair, it's dangerous for you to even try that." Zyphon warned him.

"I am the only dark warrior in this entire world, guys. There's a better chance they'll listen to me here." He explained.

"They?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"Still sounds risky." Dustin said in worry.

"Right now it's our fastest option." Alistair reminded his friend, who sighed having no other place to argue.

"Very well, just watch yourself." he warned him

"Thank you. I'm gonna have to ask you all to back away from me. This requires a lot of concentration." Alistair ordered, as they did so giving Alistair plenty of space. Seeing he had plenty of room, Alistair closed his eyes and held his arms out with his fists clenched and started concentrating. His dark warrior aura started forming around him, but the four princesses, Shining Armor, and Rarity were able to sense a darker aura with their magic emanating off Alistair.

"What's Alistair doing?" Fluttershy asked Dustin and Zyphon.

"He's calling upon the darkness from deep within." Dustin answered in worry.

"His aura feels darker than before." Luna noted.

"What's he trying to do?" Pinkie asked.

"You're about to find out." Zyphon answered.

Alistair opened his eyes revealing them to be glowing red, as he spoke with a bit of distortion to his voice, "Rise up my shadow soldiers!"

Suddenly seven shadows appeared on the floor surrounding Alistair. Rising up from the shadows were seven humanoid figures who had red eyes that appeared to glow, short black hair, pale blue skin, were about as tall as human teenagers, and each one wore black boots, black leather pants, black fingerless gloves, and tight fitting black tops.

"Eep!" Fluttershy gasped, as she cowered behind Rainbow.

"Whoa nelly." Applejack gasped.

"What are they?" Wild gasped.

"Shadow Soldiers," Dustin began, "Dark minions who serve under the order of Dark Warriors."

The dark minions looked ahead seeing the ponies before them, and upon instinct charged for them planning to attack. The ponies looked ready to defend themselves, until Alistair called out, "STOP!" and the shadow soldiers froze in place, "Stand down!" they lowered their guard putting the ponies at ease.

"That was close." Shining Armor gasped.

The henchmen turned to face Alistair as he spoke, "I did not summon you here to fight, but I have a job for you all. There are five tombs in this land that each housed a tribe of snake warriors. Locate the tombs and report back if any of you have discovered any hints or clues we can use to defeat them. Do you understand?" he asked, but got no response, "I said do you understand?!" he asked more firmly.

The shadow soldiers stood almost defiantly, before getting down on one knee and answered, "Yes… master."

"Good. Now go!" Alistair ordered, as the shadow soldiers vanished before him.

Once they were gone, the dark aura surrounding Alistair vanished and he almost collapsed if Dustin hadn't run over to keep him from falling, "Easy, Alistair. Are you ok?"

"Yes. I'll be fine." Alistair answered, as he regained balance and took a few deep breaths before calming down.

"What was that all about?" Muse asked.

"Yeah you just commanded them and they followed their orders." Wildcard said.

"Even though you looked like you weren't in full control." Twilight added.

"Why didn't you use them before against the Serpentine?" Rainbow asked feeling they would've come in handy.

"I cannot completely control them, Rainbow." Alistair explained.

"You can't?" Discord asked.

"No. While its true shadow soldiers are servants to the dark warriors the only way to properly control them is to use more powerful dark energy from deep within. The kind that stems from anger and rage which is what makes up a pure dark warrior. Because I've strayed from the pure dark path most dark warriors take I cannot always control them. I was able to control them this much because I'm the only dark warrior in this world. They'll actually only serve the closest dark warrior to them who they deem is the strongest one around them. Believe me there are much stronger ones than me lurking about in New York."

"What about you, Dustin," Twilight began, "Do you spirit warriors have the ability to call upon soldiers opposite of shadow ones?"

"We don't, because we spirit warriors don't require minions like that." Dustin answered.

Suddenly a shadow soldier rose up from the floor at Alistair's side surprising the group, while Alistair turned his face towards it, "Hm?" the shadow soldier leaned in and whispered something into Alistair's ear, while the ponies watched wondering what it was telling him. When it was done, Alistair spoke, "Good you're dismissed." And with that the shadow soldier vanished.

"Well?" Celestia asked hoping there was good news.

"He said they found something in the Constrictai tomb located in the Badlands," Alistair began, "We should go there right away and check it out."

Celestia turned to Shining Armor and Cadence, "You two go with them and take our chariots."

"Yes your highness." Shining Armor saluted.

"Do be careful out there now." Discord warned them.

"And report back whatever you find." Luna added.

"We will. Come on!" Twilight instructed her group as they left the throne room.

Later everypony except for Rainbow Dash and Zyphon were in their own chariot each pulled by two Pegasi guards, while Cadence and S.A shared one, along with Twilight and Spike, and Dustin and Alistair, "I got to say traveling by air through chariot is quite a way to travel in this world," Dustin began, and called up to the two Pegasi pulling it, "Keep up the good work boys." The two guards nodded while supporting firm looks.

"Geez they're stiffer than the stiffs back home." Alistair whispered to Dustin who chuckled with him.

"We're approaching the Badlands sir." One of the guards pulling Shining Armor's chariot spoke.

"Anypony see anything that might be the location of the tomb?" the captain of the Royal Guards asked.

"How about that?" Pinkie asked pointing to a mountain that looked almost like a snakes head pointing up.

"That's it." Muse agreed.

"Take us down, please." Cadence requested.

"Yes your highness." One of the guards said, as they went downward and landed on top of the mountain.

"Are you sure this is right, Alistair?" Twilight asked.

"Positive. Let's go." Alistair said, as they approached the opening.

"It's down there?" Wild asked.

"It looks dark." Fluttershy said wearily.

"And who knows how far it goes down." Spike added.

"Somepony should go first just in case." Rainbow suggested.

Alistair eyeing Dustin looking down it closer, slid closer to him, "Um… You first!" he bumped Dustin who fell down the hole screaming.

"Did ya really need to do that?" Applejack asked Alistair dryly.

"He would've jumped down first anyway." Alistair replied, until they heard Dustin call from below.

"Come on down its all clear!"

Taking the hint, the three Pegasi, the two Alicorns, and Zyphon flew Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Spike, and Shining Armor down with Alistair following. When they reached the bottom, they found Dustin dusting his pants off, "Are you ok, Master?" Zyphon asked inspecting his creator's condition.

"I'm fine Zyphon, and Alistair if do that to me again I just might shave your head in the night!" Dustin warned him.

"Oh lighten up D, it's just for a bit of fun." Alistair chuckled.

"We need some light down here." Applejack said, as Shining Armor activated his horn providing them with light.

"Look at that." Rarity gasped, as she motioned to a wall.

They all looked seeing inscriptions on the wall depicting five snakes together and four fangs with an ancient writing on the bottom of them, "Didn't mama snake tell them not to draw on the wall? Somepony's gonna get in trouble." Pinkie said in sing song.

"They're inscriptions, very old inscriptions." Twilight explained.

"Can any of you translate it?" Domino asked the group.

"Not without a translating guide." Cadence answered regretfully.

"Perhaps I can give it a try," Zyphon said, as his eyes glowed and shined across the inscriptions while he tried decoding and translating them, "Translation complete."

"You actually translated all this?" Rainbow asked skeptically.

"Never underestimate a robot of my skill," Zyphon said and cleared his robotic throat, "Now then the inscriptions depict a prophecy of the Serpentine. One day the five tribes will be released and unite once again. When that happens they will be able to find the four Crystal Fangs that will lead them to a greater power."

"Four Crystal Fangs?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"A greater power?" Muse asked curiously.

"That's about all it gives us." Zyphon answered.

"Well it sounds like a start." Cadence admitted.

"Crystal Fangs, any of you hear about that?" Alistair asked the ponies.

"Nothing I've ever read about." Twilight admitted.

"Hmm. I wonder perhaps we can find something on these Crystal Fangs in the library in the Crystal Empire." Cadence suggested.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course!" Twilight realized, "If King Sombra was the one who created the Serpentine then he must've known something about the Crystal Fangs. And if he's chronicled them down as a reference we can use it to find out what they do."

"Good work you two." Shining Armor said with a smile to his wife and sister.

Dustin turned to his bot, "Zyphon, think you can fly back to Canterlot and let the princesses know about this, while we head for the Crystal Empire?"

"I'm on it, Master." Zyphon said as he flew out of the hole and off into the sky.

"We better get going too." Cadence said, as they got out of the hole and into their chariots.

"To the Crystal Empire!" Shining Armor ordered the guards, who nodded and flew off carrying their chariots.

After a flight that once again felt like forever to the boys, they touched down onto the Crystal Empire. Once they arrived, they headed for the library and Twilight began looking through book after book while the others did the same in a slower pace, "I'm not finding anything here." Rarity sighed.

"I knew trying to find info on the Crystal Fangs wouldn't be easy, but this is ridiculous." Twilight said getting agitated.

"We have to keep looking." Cadence said as she looked through a book.

"Hey look at this! Crystal Fangs a reference guide!" Pinkie held up a book.

"Pinkie, where did you find it?" Twilight asked in shock.

"I was under 'C' of course, Twilight." Pinkie giggled.

"Of course," Twilight replied feeling silly. She opened the book and looked through it, before it to the others, "The Four Crystal Fangs are four artifacts made from pure crystal in the shape of snake fangs. Legend has it when they're brought together they can combine to create a great power. For further information see Orochi Sword," The group looked at each other, before nodding to Twilight who looked through the book coming upon a page titled Orochi Sword which displayed an image of a long sword with a snake like hilt, "Here it is the Orochi Sword. It was created by King Sombra himself. He intended on giving it to the Serpentine generals as a present to make them stronger, but when they rebelled against him he divided the swords power up into four Crystal Fangs and scattered them throughout Equestria in hopes the Serpentine would never find them."

"So that's their game?" Applejack asked.

"They want to find the four Crystal Fangs to combine them to recreate the Orochi Sword that will grant them untold power." Muse pieced it all together.

"So we just have to find them first before Pythor does." Spike concluded.

"One problem, we don't know where they are." Rainbow said bursting their bubbles.

"She's right." Wild sighed.

"And this book says nothing about their locations either." Twilight sighed.

"Hey come on let's not put on sad faces now." Dustin tried to lift their spirits.

"Dustin's right, turn those frownies upsidedownies." Pinkie said putting a smile on.

"Yeah after all we came this far didn't we?" Alistair asked helping to lighten their moods.

"Yeah, you're right." Applejack agreed as everyone's spirits started lifting.

"And according to the guide all four Crystal Fangs are required to remake the Orochi Sword." Cadence began.

"So all we need to do is get a hold of one." Pinkie added.

"We should still try and get all of them just to be safe." Twilight replied.

"I agree with Twi." Rainbow agreed.

"Yeah, so let's make a new vow, girls." Alistair began.

"We swear that we will find the four Crystal Fangs and stop Pythor no matter what." Dustin pledged with a raised hand.

"We promise!" the ponies agreed.

Suddenly Dustin's cellphone rang and he looked seeing the ID was Zyphon. He answered it, "Zyphon?"

"Master Dustin, I've relayed the message to Princess Celestia. What about you?"

"We're ok, and we found out more about the Crystal Fangs. Twilight will send Princess Celestia a letter about what we discovered." He replied.

"Very good I'll see you back in Ponyville later."

"Until then." Dustin said as he ended the call.

Later on that night back in Ponyville, Dustin and Alistair were sitting on a tree branch marveling at Luna's moon and the stars above. Dustin turned to Alistair and spoke, "Hey, Alistair?"


"I was wondering about something."


"If none of the Serpentine were at any of the tombs when the shadow soldiers scoped them out then were do you think they are?"

Alistair realizing that was also confused, "I don't know. They could be anywhere now."

Elsewhere somewhere far underground were the Serpentine and their generals. The generals were discussing the next phase of the plan with Pythor, "Pythor, we've gone over the inscriptions in the tomb countless times," Skales began, "And it said nothing about where the four Crystal Fangs have been hidden."

"We have no other leads aside from that." Acidicus added.

"I remember something once told that when the five fangs unite as one the path toward great power has begun." Pythor explained.

"But we're already united." Fangtom reminded him.

"And nothing has happened." Skalidor added.

"If you don't find out soon, our tribes will start asking questions and feel you have no idea about what you're doing." Skales warned the Anacondrai general.

"I know what I'm doing, you simpleton!" Pythor hissed, "I'm trying to recreate the Orochi Sword. Sombra may have separated it into four pieces, but we will find those pieces and restore it. And then we will be granted power unlike anything Equestria has seen."

"And how're we supposed to do that when we don't even know where to begin looking?" Skales asked bringing him back to their main problem.

"The legend had spoken of a map that shows the exact locations of the four Crystal Fangs, and if we can find that map then we'll be one step closer to fulfilling our destiny." Pythor snickered as the scene faded to black with only his glowing eyes showing before fading as well.