• Published 8th Mar 2014
  • 4,580 Views, 31 Comments

Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

Snake Bite

One day in Ponyville's park, Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, Domino, and Fievel were following Twilight, Spike, and Twilight's pet owl; Owlowiscious, "So you girls normally bring your pets to the park here?" Dustin asked.

"Mhmm, it's to help our animals get along. So hopefully Domino and Fievel will learn to bond with the other animals as well." Twilight explained.

"When it comes to bonding I'm a master of it." Domino cawed.

"Hoot." Owlowiscious hooted.

"Me." Domino answered him.


"Me, you idiot!" Domino cawed in frustration while Fievel chuckled, until Domino glared at him.

Soon they arrived at the park seeing the other girls with their pets, Angel Bunny, Opalescence, Winona, Gummy, and Tank flying around on his propeller, "Hey guys." Twilight gretted.

"Hi, Twilight." They greeted as Alistair eyed Tank flying around them and to Rainbow Dash.

"Why does your tortoise have a propeller stuck on its shell?"

"So Tank can keep up with me." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"Well at least he doesn't have wings. That would be too weird." Dustin said.

"No kidding." Domino cawed.

Suddenly Dustin felt something on his arm and saw Gummy chewing on it, "Hey let go! I'm not your snack!" he shook his arm around to shake it off.

"Gummy, stop that!" Pinkie ordered, as she pulled him off.

Dustin groaned before he noticed no bit marks, "Hey there's no bite marks?"

"Gummy's got no teeth silly." Pinkie smiled.

"Thank goodness. I wouldn't want to lose my arm to a gator." Dustin sighed in relief.

Alistair was petting Winona and spoke to Applejack, "This is some dog you got, Applejack."

"Why thank you, Sugarcube." Winona reached up and licked Alistair's face making him chuckle.

Dustin looked to Domino, "Well go on, Domino. Mingle with your fellow animals."

"All right," he flew over to the group of critters, "What's happening yo? I haven't been properly introduced to some of you. I'm Domino the crow."

Fievel peeked out of Alistair's pocket, "I don't think I should go. I mean I'm the smallest out of all of them."

"Don't be so nervous, Fievel. You'll fit in fine as long as you're with Domino." Alistair assured him.

Fievel nodded as he came out he was about introduce himself when he heard a meow from behind him. He froze before looking up above and saw Opal, "Oh my…" but he screamed and ran around with Opal chasing him as he scurried, "Get away! Help! Get away!"

"Opalescence, stop that right now!" Rarity ordered her pet, but her cat wasn't listening.

Fievel hid under the tree scared, "I should've stayed in the pocket!" he cried in fright, as Opal tried to reach for him.

"Opalescence, stop that!" Fluttershy ordered as the cat stopped and looked at the shy pegasi who was using the stare, "Who do you think you are picking on poor little Fievel? I know you're a cat and you have instincts but Fievel is our friend and you have to treat him nicely. After all how would you like it if you were his size and had other animals mess with you because of that?" Opal meowed sadly.

Alistair went to the tree and spoke to his mouse, "Come on Fievel, I think it's all safe."

"No!" he squeaked.

"Come on Fievel, don't make me sing the song in front of the girls" Alistair warned him.

Fievel turned to him with horror in his eyes, "You wouldn't!"

"You know you can resist that song. You want me to sing it?" he asked with a smirk while the girls were confused.

"Please don't." Fievel pleaded. Alistair smiled and started singing a tune that Fievel loved.

Zyphon started playing music to compliment the song as the girls were confused but saw Fievel was relaxing. Before Alistair could continue Dustin joined in standing next to the dark warrior. As Dustin sang along, Fievel started moving his head to it as Pinkie was moving her head as well. Dustin continued a verse followed by Alistair continued until they came to the final part and sang it together. As they finished the mouse went to Alistair crawling up his pants and all the way onto his shoulder, "That song gets me every time!" he moaned, but smiled.

"That was fun!" Pinkie bounced up.

"What was that about?" Rainbow asked.

"A little song used to calm Fievel down." Alistair explained.

"Which is ironic cause that song was Alistair's parent's wedding song." Dustin explained.

"It was?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah." Alistair nodded.

"I liked it. It was cute." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, it has its advantages." Dustin admitted.

Fluttershy spoke to Fievel as Opal approached with her, "Fievel, Opal has something to say to you. Go on." She motioned the cat forward while Alistair took Fievel in his hand and held him down to the cats level. Fievel awaited to hear the cat.

"Meow." She said as Fievel looked shocked.

"Really? Hey how could I be mad at a cute looking kitty like you?" he asked.

"Meow?" Opal said in confusion.

"Oh yes, you do quite a job in keeping yourself clean. I've never seen a cat with such a fantastic coat before," he continued complimenting her until he received a lick from the cat. He looked up at Alistair, "I think she likes me."

The girls chuckled at this, until they heard a voice, "Well you all look like you're enjoying yourselves."

They looked up seeing Discord hanging by his tail from a tree branch only he was upward, "Discord, what're you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"I was just minding my own business and saw you all gathered here. Looks like you're all having a good time. So what's up? Besides me." He chuckled.

"Just enjoying the day with our pets is all." Dustin explained.

"I can see that, literally." Discord said as he held out his eyes that weren't in his sockets before putting them back in.

"That really creeps me out." Alistair whispered to Dustin.

Suddenly Discord appeared besides the boys, "So boys, out of curiosity how're you holding up here in Equestria? Not having too many troubles I hope?"

"It's not bad really." Dustin admitted.

"Yeah we've gotten used to the place already." Alistair admitted.

"Good. That's good." Discord said as he floated around.

Alistair looking curious spoke, "So tell me Discord, how is it a creature like you was known as the spirit of chaos?"

Discord hearing that question looked a little guilty, while the ponies wondered how he'd explain it to them. Discord sighing answered them, "Well I wasn't always like this. Thousands of years ago I was the bringer of disharmony and chaos causing harm to ponies alike. Then the princesses using the elements of harmony turned me to stone. Until by luck I broke free of my imprisonment to continue what I began."

Rainbow butted in, "Yeah, by turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the world." Discord cringed.

"And tricked us all into becoming the opposite of our true selves." Rarity added, making Discord cringe even more.

"And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! Not a single dollop!" Pinkie cried.

"What a crime." Alistair said in sarcasm.

"So true," Discord continued, "I thought I had won but they managed to break free of my tricks and turned me back to stone. Then some time ago Princess Celestia had them break me free so they could reform me," He did air quotes, "I may have done a little more chaotic stunts even when the others were watching me like a hawk, Fluttershy however did nothing because she thought of me as a friend. However I pushed things too far and she broke off our friendship. I never had a friend before and when I finally made one, losing it felt painful. So now I understand what it means to have friends." He smiled.

"Yeah having a friend is a wonderful thing." Dustin said as he and Alistair smiled at each other.

"Well enough of the sappy stories. I must be going." Discord said as he vanished.

"So what now?" Spike asked.

"Let's go down to Sugarcube Corner for some milkshakes!" Pinkie cheered.

"I'm sold." Dustin said liking the sound of that.

"Um excuse me," A voice spoke as they group looked seeing Cherilee approached, "Sorry to disturb you all on this day but I just had to speak with Mr. Bowers."

"No problem, Cherilee." Twilight said, as Dustin looked to her knowing Cherilee was the teacher at the Ponyville schoolhouse.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked.

"Well Mr. Bowers…"

"Dustin. Please call me Dustin."

"Right, Dustin," she said sheepishly, "I heard from Twilight that you are a teacher."

"Sub actually, but yeah I have a degree in education." Dustin admitted.

"Well I know Twilight said that language was your field, but would you mind if you came down to the schoolhouse tomorrow to teach the kids about your world? I would really appreciate it and the kids would love to hear about another universe."

Dustin looked curious as he thought about it before smiling and answered, "I'd be delighted, Cherilee."

The pony teacher smiled, "Oh thank you so much, Dustin."

"However I do have a small request." He continued.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I wish that Alistair join me as my assistant teacher." He requested.

"Me?" he asked.

"Permission granted." She answered.

"Excellent. We'll be there tomorrow." Dustin said as she left.

"Dustin, why're you dragging me into this? You're the one with the degree." Alistair reminded him.

"Alistair, this is just to educate kids about our world. You don't need a degree for that." Dustin explained.

"Maybe, but I'll probably feel awkward and all." He admitted.

"Trust me, this is what you need. Besides would you rather be a student or the one giving orders?" Dustin tempted him.

Alistair's eyes lit up, "Giving orders sounds good. Giving orders I can do." He smirked as the ponies rolled their eyes.

Later that night somewhere far from Ponyville, Pythor, Skalidor, Acidicus, and their soldiers were trekking through a forest, "Pythor, we've been moving for hours can't we stop and take a breather?" Skalidor asked.

"If we do that then we'll be behind schedule of releasing our brothers the Fangpyres." Pythor said.

"But Pythor, it's too dark out," Acidicus reminded him, "We'll never even find the path to the tomb in pitch black."

Pythor thought about that and looked around seeing they did have a point, "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Ok take five." He ordered as their guards dropped to the ground to relax.

"Those ponies we've been dealing with are definitely troublesome." Skalidor said.

"Indeed, that's why I will have them and those boys eliminated so that Equestria will be ours. And the Fangpyres are just the tribe we need to make it happen." Pythor snickered.

The very next day in Ponyville, Dustin, Alistair, and Zyphon stood outside the Ponyville schoolhouse. Dustin was dressed in his suit he wore at the play that one night, while Alistair once again wore the one Rarity made for him while keeping his hair in a ponytail, "All right Alistair, this is it." Dustin said.

"Hope you know what you're doing." Alistair replied, as Dustin nodded as the three went inside.

When they entered they saw the classroom with Cherilee before the blackboard while several fillies were in their seats. Three they automatically recognized as Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, "Settle down class," Cherilee got their attention, "Now then today we have an extra special surprise for class. Come in boys," So the boys and Zyphon walked in making almost every filly surprised saved for the CMC. The three approached the front of the class as Cherilee continued, "I'm sure you all know of Ponyville's resident humans from another universe, but just in case please introduce yourselves boys."

Dustin nodded and turned to the class, "Good morning class, we're very happy to be here today. I am Dustin Bowers, but for now you shall refer to me as Professor Bowers," he said removing his sunglasses and places them in his coat's pocket, "With me here is my assistant; Alistair Savage."

"Please call me Professor Savage." He replied.

"And I am Zyphon, very delighted to be here." Zyphon bowed his head.

"How is it he's a professor when he doesn't look any older than us?" one of the kids asked motioning to Dustin.

"I happen to have a degree in education for starters and I happen to be very smart for my age." He replied.

"It's true." Alistair confirmed.

"Now as you're all aware we're not from this world." Dustin began.

"Well, duh." A snooty voice said coming from Ponyville's schoolhouses resident stuck up snob, Diamond Tiara.

Dustin hearing that scowled but kept it together, "Anyway today Cherilee requested we teach a class here about the differences between our world and your own. You may also be granted permission to ask questions."

"And don't be afraid to speak up." Alistair answered.

Applebloom quickly raised her hoof, "Yes, Applebloom." Dustin said.

"Well I was wondering how did you humans start out?"

Dustin smiled, "Well Applebloom, the story of humanity goes back trillions of years ago. The world started off so primitive with multiple different species. In fact we humans started off like monkeys hence why we're able to stand on our hind legs like them."

"Wonder if they have the same brain size as them." Diamond Tiara muttered to her partner in crime Silver Spoon who snickered with her, as Alistair frowned.

Dustin continued, "But as the years passed we've evolved and adapted for survival of our species. Eventually humans learned to be civilized and help each other creating civilizations and communities. Mankind will continue to evolve and adapt with the years to come as long as we all do our part for the sake of our world."

Sweetie Belle raised her hoof, "Yes, Sweetie Belle." Alistair said.

"So what're some of the differences in your world from ours?"

"Well we know how you ponies here are vegetarians aside from eating foods we humans enjoy like fruits, vegetable, sweets, etc. However we humans also are fond of meat." Alistair said making the fillies gasp while Dustin spoke.

"Did you really have to say that?"

"Well they wanted to know." Alistair reminded his friend.

"So you're cannibals?" Silver Spoon asked wanting to make them look dangerous.

"No, at least not all humans are. Some humans are cannibalistic like animals because they cannot get food like most folks are capable of. They have to fight for survival especially when they live out in the wild away from civilization." Alistair explained making some of the fillies calmer seeing how that they know there are some ponies out there who don't live in such civilized palces like Ponyville and Canterlot and have to make ends meat by other ways.

Dustin deciding to change the subject, continued on, "Another difference is the weather. You know how Pegasi are responsible with controlling the weather here? Well in our world the weather is unpredictable. Nothing can control it. The different weather occurs depending on the climate of course some of us humans are capable of changing the climate by doing stuff that affects nature, but there is something else you're going to want to hear. While we know that it's the job of Equestria's benevolent Princesses Celestia and Luna to raise the sun and moon for day and night, in or world it's all natural."

"How's that possible?" Scootaloo asked as all the fillies listened with interest.

Dustin smirked, "Zyphon," He ordered as Zyphon turned out the lights with his eyes glowing and projected a view of space with the planet earth orbiting the sun, "The world we humans live on is called earth and it actually orbits around the sun every day and moves in a motion. One side of the planet facing the sun indicates its day time, but as the earth moves around one part turns away from the sun and faces the moons direction hence how daytime turns to nighttime and vice versa."

"How can that happen?" a unicorn named Snips asked.

"It's all a science my young friend." Dustin answered.

"Well do all you humans look the way you two do?" Another unicorn named Snails asked.

"Actually most human's looks similar to me, but all have different types of appearances like you ponies look different in your own ways." Dustin explained.

"Me on the other hand I am a different case of being," Alistair continued, "But just because I look different from Dustin doesn't make me any less different from anyone or anypony else."

"How're you humans born anyway?" Twist asked curiously while the boys looked nervous.

"Actually we've never been told that." Dustin answered truthfully.

"And you call yourself a professor." Diamond Tiara remarked rudely.

"Hey there are some facts of life even I'm not ready to know about." He replied at her rudeness.

"Now class settle down," Cherilee said, "Please continue boys. I'd love to hear more about what you have to say." The boys smiling and were happy to continue.

Soon school was out and the fillies were leaving with Zyphon, Dustin, and Alistair saying goodbye to Cherilee, "Well boys you really did a good job in class today. Thanks again."

"No trouble at all, Cherilee. W're always glad to help educate the young." Dustin said proudly.

So the two walked out of the schoolhouse, "Now we ditch these suits." Alistair said, as he threw off his suit and was back in his original leather garb, while Dustin threw his off and was in his regular attire.

"Hey guys!" Scootaloo called as the CMC approached them.

"Hey girls." Dustin greeted them.

"We just wanna say we thought your lessons were great." Sweetie Bell said.

"Well thanks. We're just glad we didn't bore anypony." Alistair said.

"You're from a whole other world, how could anypony find anything you have to say boring?" Applebloom asked.

"Well I thought it was absolutely dull and pointless." A familiar voice said as they saw D.T and S.S smirking arrogantly at them.

"And how pray tell was it dull and pointless?" Dustin asked, while crossing his arms.

"Well who would ever want to know about your world since there's no way we'll even see it at all," Diamond Tiara remarked, "Especially when it's filled with freaks like him." She motioned to Alistair.

Dustin's eyes widened as he looked to Alistair who was fuming as he stomped over to the two snobby fillies, "Let me ask you something, princess!" he spat, "What's a freak, some pony that is different or some pony that's different from you?" he got in their faces, "You think you're any different from anypony here just because your flanks got a picture on it or because you're from some upper class? Well let me tell you something, you're not!" The CMC watched with awe as Alistair was lecturing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, "You can go on talking so high and mighty when deep down you're not all that special as you act like."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who were shaken up from his lecture just rebuffed it, "Whatever, see you around freaks." She said as they left.

Alistair frowned with Dustin as the dark warrior asked, "Can I blast them?"

Dustin paused while glancing at Alistair looking prepared to chide him for even asking such a question, before answering, "Not in public."

"Wow Alistair, that was cool." Scootaloo said as the three went by him.

"I can't believe you just gave those two a lecture." Sweetie Bell added.

"You can never take a step back from bullies like that," Alistair started, "Take it from somepony who knows." The three fillies smiled at him in admiration.

Suddenly Applebloom gasped, "Oh my gosh I nearly forgot, we're suppose to meet up with Babs at the train station."

"Babs?" the boys asked.

"My cousin from Manehattan. She's supposed to be visiting us for a few days." Applebloom said.

"She's a fellow Cutie Mark Crusader like us who started our secondary branch in Manehattan." Sweetie Bell added.

"Hey why don't you come and meet her with us?" Scootaloo offered.

"That's a great idea. She'd love to meet you fellas." Applebloom agreed.

"Sure thing, how about it, Alistair?" Dustin asked.

"Actually I was planning on heading for Sugarcube Corner." Alistair admitted.

"That's great we'll meet up with you there." Sweetie Bell cheered.

"Well let's get to the station, but how about we get there in style?" Dustin asked.

"Style?" they asked as Zyphon approached with Dustin flying up and sat on his left shoulder.

"Come on up for the Zyphon express." He offered as Zyphon lowered himself down far enough for the three fillies to get on his right shoulder.

"Hold on tight girls." Zyphon said, as wheels came out of his feet and he started wheeling off with the CMC cheering. Alistair chuckled as he left the school on his way to Sugarcube Corner.

As he walked there, Fievel popped out of his pocket, "Wonder what sweets they got serving up today?"

"Something sweet as usual," Alistair replied as they went inside seeing Pinkie and the Cakes behind the counter, "Hi Pinkie, Mr. and Mrs. Cake."

"Well good afternoon Alistair, and how're you?" Carrot Cake asked.

"Doing great." He admitted.

"I'm so glad you came, Alistair! You're just in time!" Pinkie cheered.

"Time for what?" the dark warrior asked.

"I need some help in the kitchen. We're baking cupcakes." She answered.

"Cupcakes huh?" he crossed his arms looking interested.

"Yeah. Come on back and I'll show you how it's done."

Alistair rolled his eyes and spoke to Fievel, "She makes it sound like it's a delicate procedure."

"It probably is." The mouse replied.

Soon Alistair was in the back with Pinkie Pie while wearing a white apron, "Ok let's get baking, Pinkie."

"And to make it better we'll do it through song!" she cheered.

Alistair thought, 'Saw that coming,' Suddenly Pinkie started singing her famous song about making cupcakes as she and Alistair were baking, "Well this ain't so hard." Alistair said as he was filling up the trays with the batter.

"And now comes the fun part, we wait for them to bake. Hopefully they don't become bake bads." Pinkie shuddered.

"Bake bads?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah there was a time when Applejack was too stubborn to accept our help with bucking apples and the apples we made to make our treats turned out yucky." Pinkie stuck her tongue out with a gag.

"Well let's hope what I made doesn't turn out that way." Alistair said hopefully.

"Haven't you ever cooked before?" Pinkie asked.

"More like small time stuff. My brother's the one who does all the real heavy cooking being the older and more responsible one." Alistair admitted.

"Well when this is over you'll have made something you'll be begging your brother to try." Pinkie smiled.

"Let's hope." Alistair said as the oven beeped.

"Done!" Pinkie cheered as they took them out and started decorating them with frosting and sprinkles. When they finished they put them all on a tray and gazed at them, "They sure do look scrumptious."

"I'll say." Alistair added, until they heard a voice from outside the kitchen.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, you back there?"

"It's Applebloom." she said as they came out from the kitchen seeing Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dustin, Zyphon, and Applebloom's cousin Babs Seed.

"Hey girls glad you could make it." Alistair said as he noticed the fourth fillie with them.

"This is my cousin Babs," Applebloom introduced him, "Babs this is Alistair Savage, Dustin's best friend."

"Nice to meet you, Babs." Alistair greeted her.

"Right back at ya," she replied in a accent that reminded Alistair of a regular Brooklyn accent, "You girls weren't kidding he looks just as different as Dustin."

"That he does," Dustin began, "But just because he looks different from me doesn't mean he's 'different' different."

"I hear ya." Babs nodded.

"How'd she react upon seeing you, Dustin?" Alistair asked.

"She looked like her eyes were going to pop out." Dustin chuckled.

"You just caught me by surprise," Babs replied trying to preserve her pride, "So you and Dustin here are from another world?"

"Yeah, and it's thanks to us that they're here at all." Scootaloo said proudly.

"Yeah, thanks a lot." Alistair said in sarcasm, while the three fillies looked sheepish.

"You're just in time. We made cupcakes!" Pinkie cheered.

"Really you baked cupcakes, Alistair?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, so?"

Dustin was holding in laughs, "Sorry, but I never thought you'd be able to cook before. Wait till Xever hears about this."

"Yeah well before you plan to blab it to my brother, come and try one." Alistair said.

The group each took one and ate it, "Hey this is very good." Dustin admitted.

"Delicious!" Applebloom said.

"Sweet." Babs added.

"I love them." Scootaloo put in.

"I could have another." Sweetie Bell finished.

"A success!" Pinkie cheered as she and Alistair high fived/hoofed.

Suddenly they heard screaming coming from outside, "What's going on out there?" Alistair asked as they looked out the window.

They saw multiple ponies running around in a panic. What was shocking is that they were turning green, scaly, had snake fangs, and their tails were turning reptile like, "Are those ponies looking a little snake like to you?" Dustin asked.

"Good heavens." Zyphon gasped.

"My guts telling me, Pythor's behind this." Alistair said.

Pinkie turned to the four fillies, "You girls better stay inside here where it's safe."

Pinkie and the boys snuck outside and looked around seeing no trace of Serpentine, "No snakes in sight." Dustin said.

"Dustin, Alistair, Pinkie!" Twilight called as the rest arrived.

"Twilight, what's going on here?" Alistair asked.

"We were just about to get you and find Zecora to see what this outbreak is." Twilight explained.

"Zecora?" the boys asked.

"Who is that?" Zyphon asked.

"I am Zecora of whom you speak. I can feel you all look so meek." a voice said as they spun around and the boys jumped seeing a zebra.

"They have talking zebras here too?" Alistair asked Dustin who was just as surprised.

"Zecora, what's going on? Why's everypony looking like this?" Twilight asked.

Zecora studied the infected ponies and gasped, "This is a terrible situation. I will not be a liar. For this is the bite of the Fangpyre."

"Fangpyre?" the four CMC asked surprising the group.

"Didn't Pinkie tell you girls to stay indoors?" Dustin asked.

"We couldn't resist." Applebloom admitted.

"Nopony listens to me when it's important." Pinkie sighed.

"What're Fangpyres?" Rainbow asked.

"A treacherous tribe of snake with a fiendish ability, one bite from their fangs and you become one of them. Mercy me." Zecora answered.

"She's right. Fangpyre's are some of the most dangerous of the serpentine tribes." Muse explained.

"Is there a cure?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"That there is, but it is no laugh. The cure lies in the general's staff." Zecora answered.

"So then we gotta find us the Fangpyre general." Dustin said.

"But it could be anywhere." Fluttershy said in worry.

Wildcard looked around seeing they were two ponies short, "Where are Rarity and Applejack?"

"Weren't they just with us?" Twilight asked as the others shrugged.

Meanwhile Rarity and Applejack were searching around Ponyville, "I can't believe all the confusion got us separated from Twi." Applejack said.

"Well we better find the others soon." Rarity said, until they stopped hearing voices with one sounding like Pythor.

"Well done, Fangtom. Your tribe is turning just about all of Ponyville into one of us." Pythor's voice was heard.

The two peeked around a corner seeing Pythor talking with another Serpentine general. This one had red and white body markings and sharp fangs, but what was most shocking was that it had two heads, "Does that snake have two heads?" Rarity whispered in fright to Applejack.

"Afraid so." A.J agreed.

"It will be a matter of time before Ponyville becomes... Snakeville!" one head of Fangtom started as the other head finished with both sounding like they spoke in a Transylvanian accent.

"You and your tribe continue your work and don't mess it up." Pythor ordered.

"Of course, Pythor."

"This is bad. We gotta warn Twi." Applejack whispered to Rarity.

As they tried to run, four Constrictai soldiers jumped them and held them down. Pythor and Fangtom approached, "Well what have we here?" Pythor asked.

"It looks like we got…" Fangtom's first head began, "Some intruders." The second head finished.

"Let us go ya varmints!" Applejack ordered.

"And don't mess up my coat!" Rarity warned them.

"I think we should make an example to the elements of harmony what happens when they cross a snake's path." Pythor said to his fellow general.

"Allow me, Pythor." Fangtom said as his two heads hovered above the two ponies showing them their teeth

"Rarity, I got a feeling I know what comes next." Applejack said in worry.

"So do I!" Rarity feared.

The two snake heads lunged at them, "Spirit/Shadow gun!" the two blasts hit the general before he could sink his fangs into the two ponies. Rainbow and Wildcard tackled the Constrictai soldiers keeping the two captives pinned to the ground.

Pythor looked seeing Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, and the rest of the Mane Six, "Leave our friends alone!" Twilight ordered.

"Oh I'm so sorry Princess, but I still have plans." Pythor chuckled, as Fangtom's tribe appeared. The Fangpyre warriors looked like the the other two tribes warriors, only their bodies were red and white.

"Remember girls, avoid the Fangpyre's fangs." Muse warned them.

"Then let's go!" Rainbow called.

"Dustin, you and Alistair get the staff from the Fangpyre general!" Twilight ordered.

"On it!" Dustin called as he and Alistair flew at Pythor and Fangtom and started going at it. Dustin threw a punch at Pythor, who blocked it with his arms. When the Anacondrai general tried to trip Dustin up with his tail the spirit warrior jumped to avoid it, "You Serpentine get more and more disgusting and dangerous with each tribe." Dustin said.

"That's us in a nutshell for you." Pythor chuckled.

"Then allow me to crack you like a nut!" Dustin called as he tackled Pythor into a wall only for the general to grab him by the collar and throw him aside.

Alistair was fighting Fangtom while avoiding both sets of fangs as the general spoke, "I think the snake look… would be just your style." The two heads said.

"I kinda like the way I look now," Alistair began, "But I'm gonna turn you black and blue!" he punched the general with his fist powered up with his dark energy. The force was so strong Fangtom ended up dropping his staff.

"My staff!" Fangtom called trying to get to it, only for Alistair to run over both his heads distorting him.

Alistair picked it up and saw a red orb in the mouth piece of the snake shaped staff, "Ah-ha!" he pulled out a jar and held the staff above it as a red liquid was pouring into it. Soon the jar was filled up, "Girls I got the anti-venom!"

The girls meanwhile were avoiding the Fangpyre soldiers teeth while noticing Alistair got it, "Good work, Alistair! Rainbow, get that antidote to Zecora!" Twilight ordered.

"All over it!" Rainbow said, as she dashed to Alistair and took the jar before zipping off.

"Stop her!" Fantgom ordered, as he got his staff back from Alistair.

The Fangpyre soldiers left the group and went off after Rainbow Dash, "Come on!" Twilight called, as the group went after the soldiers.

Pythor seeing their enemies trying to stop their army looked to Fangtom, "After them!" he ordered as they slinked after the girls and boys.

Rainbow finally reached Zecora and handed her the jar, "Here's the anti-venom." She said.

"I will get started right away Just make sure nopony goes astray." Zecora said, as she hurried back to the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow nodded and saw the Fangpyre soldiers arrive, "Ok boys, who wants some?" she challenged them, as the soldiers pulled out spears and started aiming at her but were missing due to her being so fast.

Watching from the side were the CMC hiding behind some boxes, "Look at Rainbow Dash go! Isn't she awesome?" Scootaloo asked.

"Shouldn't we be indoors? Because I don't think this is safe." Sweetie Belle said.

"Don't worry you can't get much safer than this." Applebloom said.

"For real." Babs agreed while blowing her bang up.

Suddenly one of the boxes was lifted up and they saw Fangtom and Pythor, "How delicious." The Anacondrai general snickered, as the four screamed in fright.

As Fangtom was going to bite them a voice called out, "Shadow shot!" a blast of dark energy nailed the general who fell to the ground.

They looked seeing Alistair and the others behind him, "Leave those fillies alone!" Alistair warned him.

"Time to call in the big guns." Pythor said as he whistled and suddenly the Constrictai and Venomari soldiers popped up.

"Our competition just got bigger." Zyphon gasped.

"You girls handle the soldiers, the Fangpyre general's mine!" Alistair called.

"Then that leaves me with Pythor." Dustin smirked as they split up to take them.

Zyphon wheeled around tackling some Venomari soldiers who spat their venom in his face, "Nice try but my lenses aren't affected by your venom." He said grabbing one Venomari soldier and threw it into the others.

Twilight and Rarity used their magic to blast some Fangpyre soldiers, while Applejack and Pinkie Pie were bucking some Constrictai soldiers. As Dustin fought Pythor the snake went invisible, "Oh great." Dustin gasped as he stood his ground knowing Pythor could be anywhere. He then felt himself get tail whipped in the back and fell to the ground.

Dustin looked up and aimed his finger, "Spirit gun!" he blasted Pythor breaking him out of his camouflage.

Alistair and Fangtom were going hand to claw, until the general spun his tail tripping Alistair, "And now to make you just like me," He was ready to bite him, until Applebloom and Babs frowned and both bucked a box hard enough that hit Fangtom diverting his attention to them, "You my dears will be sorry you ever crossed me."

"Applebloom, Babs!" Applejack cried, as she was being blocked by the Constrictai soldiers.

"Leave them alone!" Alistair called running to attack Fangtom.

"Stay out of this boy!" Fangtom called as he swiped his claw at Alistair's shoulder making him cry from the pain before being tail whipped aside as he landed on his face looking unconscious.

"Alistair!" the CMC cried in worry.

"I wouldn't worry about him. I'd worry more about yourselves." Fangtom said as he wrapped his tail around the four.

"Girls!" The Mane six gasped.

Fangtom was ready to bite them, until he heard a mutter from Alistair, "Let them go."

"Alistair?" Sweetie Belle asked wondering if he was ok.

Alistair was slowly rising to his feet with his eyes glowing darkly and he spoke with his voice growing deeper and deeper, "Let them go! LET THEM GO!" He roared as his wild hair was waving around. Suddenly a dark aura engulfed him and it shot from his body into the sky. The ponies gasped seeing it and found Alistair standing with a black aura surrounding him with his eyes still glowing, "When you go picking on me I can live with that, but when you go around and picking on helpless children. I will no tolerate that!"

Pythor who had knocked Dustin to the ground smirked triumphantly, until Dustin spoke, "Pythor, you can knock me down all you want," he began as he was slowly ascending to his feet, and when he was on both legs he erupted like Alistair, "BUT I'LL ALWAYS GET BACK UP!" he roared as a bright light engulfed him and a pillar shot into the sky

From Canterlot, Princess Celestia saw the two beams shoot into the sky and gasped, "The powers of light and dark working together."

Back in Ponyville, Dustin stood with his arms pumped and the bright blue glow surrounding him along with his eyes glowing blue, "Now it's personal." He said.

"What's happening to them?" Fluttershy gasped.

"I don't know, but I can feel their energies are off the charts." Twilight added as her horn glowed.

"Oh this is big, Dustin and Alistair are about to use their most powerful attacks." Zyphon gasped with Domino and Fievel.

"Their most powerful attacks?" Rainbow asked.

"Dustin's most powerful attack is the Spirit Force; it concentrates all of a spirit warriors energy making their power grow to infinite." Domino explained.

"Same for Alistair's Shadow Force which concentrates all his dark energy making his power grow to infinite as well." Fievel added.

Alistair taking off at the same speed as Rainbow Dash, slugged Fangtom's heads forcing him to release the CMC who took cover once again. The dark warrior not finished with the Serpentine, delivered a spin kick to the general that was strong enough to send him skidding across the ground. The CMC while watching Alistair fight so hard and saving their lives grew more and more enamored by his performance. Dustin taking off like a bullet started beating Pythor with all his might as the general thought in fright, 'This is crazy no being besides Princess Celestia or Princess Luna should have this much power! What are these monsters?!'

"Look at them go!" Pinkie gasped.

"Oh my stars!" Rarity gasped.

After enough beatings both Dustin and Alistair threw the two generals so they crashed into each other. The boys stood before both of them side by side, "And now we're gonna show you what happens when you try to meddle in harmony!" Dustin called.

"So prepare to meet your matches!" Alistair called as the boys threw their arms back.

"They're going to unleash it now!" Zyphon gasped.

"Unleash what?" Twilight asked, as they watched knowing they're about to find out.

"It's time!" Dustin called, as both he and Alistair threw their arms forward launching a colossal blast of spirit and dark energy from both their fists aimed right at the generals while announcing, "SPIRIT/SHADOW FORCE!"

The two generals eyes widened in surprise as the two blasts collided with them, launching them up into the sky flying across Ponyville screaming. The serpentine soldiers seeing them flying off looked terrified at what could happen to them, "Let's get out of here!" A Fangpyre soldier cried, as they fled in the direction the two generals were launched.

The ponies cheered, but gasped as they saw the aura around Dustin and Alistair vanish. The two dropped to their knees and almost fell forward but used their hands to keep themselves up, "Oh no!" The CMC gasped, as they raced over to the boys who were panting in exhaustion.

"Dustin! Alistair!" Twilight gasped.

"Are yall ok?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, but using the Spirit Force really takes it out of ya." Dustin panted.

"Same for the Shadow Force." Alistair added, while panting.

"Come on we gotcha." Rainbow said, as she and Wildcard helped the two stand.

"Will you two be all right?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry we'll be fine once we've rested up." Dustin admitted.

"Let's get them to my place." Fluttershy recommended.

"You four better head on back to the farm." Applejack said to the CMC who nodded and turned to Alistair.

"Thank you for saving us." Sweetie Belle thanked him on behalf of her and her friends.

Alistair smiled, "No problem." Soon the ponies escorted the tired boys off.

Meanwhile Pythor and Fangtom were lying on tree branches after falling from their long fly. Fangtom groaned as the first head started, "Perhaps we should… Unleash the last sealed tribe?" the second head asked, as Pythor only growled at him.

Later that day, after Dustin and Alistair were rested up they found out Zecora had finished brewing the cure for the Fangpyre venom and all of the Ponyville residents who were bitten were cured, and a party was being held for the girls and the boys at Sugarcube Corner, "Come and get a muffin everypony! Made them myself!" Alistair called, as they started accepting a muffin and ate them with satisfied looks. Especially a certain crooked eye pegasus.

Scootaloo meanwhile was speaking with other fillies and colts from school, "And so then when those Serpentine generals thought they won, Alistair and Dustin take the fight to them! Bam! Kapow! And just when you thought it couldn't get any better it did! They unleashed these giant blasts of energy called Spirit Force and Shadow Force!"

The kids gasped in awe, while Diamond Tiara remarked, "Oh please. You honestly expect those two could take on all those snakes?"

Scootaloo and the others looked worried that they were going to lose the attention of the others, until Babs jumped in, "Are you calling Scootaloo a liar?" she asked getting into hers and Silver Spoon's faces, "Because I was there and saw it all. So believe what you want but don't ruin it for others, ya got that?" she asked giving them a good intimidating scare. The two nodded in fear deciding to shut their muzzles. Babs smiled in satisfaction before blowing her hair and went back to her fellow crusaders as they high hoofed.

Dustin meanwhile was sitting at the counter enjoying a strawberry milkshake with Alistair, "I can't believe we did it." Dustin said.

"I know, with Spirit Force and Shadow Force we'll show those Serpentine who's the boss." Alistair added.

The boys looked behind them seeing the Mane six and the CMC, "We just want to thank you Alistair, for saving our sisters." Applejack said with Applebloom close by.

"That was very brave of you." Rarity added while holding Sweetie Bell close.

"No problem, helping others is what I do." Alistair admitted, as Dustin smiled patting his friends shoulder.

"And as special thanks from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the girls and I talked it out and we've decided to make you Alistair Savage an honorary member!" Applebloom announced, as Sweetie Belle used her magic to levitate a full size red cape with the CMC emblem on it as it tied around Alistair who wore it making him look like a superhero.

The dark warrior gasped seeing what they made for him, "You mean this is for me?"

The four nodded, "You're our hero, Alistair." Sweetie Belle said.

"And we'll never forget what you did for us." Scootaloo added.

"Oh come here girls!" Alistair held his arms out and the four fillies went into his embrace as they laughed,

"It's a Kodak moment." Dustin chuckled along with the girls.