• Published 8th Mar 2014
  • 4,579 Views, 31 Comments

Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

Swamp Serpents

One morning at the Ponyville library, Twilight, her friends, and Spike were sitting around, as Dustin and Alistair were showing them a photo album of themselves and their closest people while sipping some hot cocoa courtesy of both Spike and Zyphon, "Thanks for the cocoa, Spike." Dustin thanked the dragon.

"No problem. Always glad to help." Spike nodded.

"As well as I am always glad." Zyphon added.

"Turn the next page I wanna see more!" Pinkie said bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Ok Pinkie, relax." Dustin chuckled, as he turned the next page showing Dustin and Alistair with a group of kids about their ages composed of four boys, and five girls.

"Wow who're they?" Twilight asked.

"This is our Brooklyn All Star cast," Alistair explained as he motioned to the first of the boys who had short red hair and green eyes; his outfit included a pair of red cross-trainers, jeans, and a green tank top, "First we have Elroy Zoil, he's our renowned martial arts expert. Five time winner in his Dojo's annual tournament."

Dustin motioned to the next boy who had short blonde hair, blue eyes covered by blue lensed sunglasses; his attire included green sneakers, blue jean shorts, and a purple shirt with black swirl images, "This is Jethro Scott; our Sci-Fi guy. He has a personal dream to find intelligent life out in the universe. He spends a lot of time in his uncle's comic book shop to take advantage of all the latest issues of what's hot." Dustin added.

"And who's this?" Fluttershy asked motioning to the first of the girls. She had chestnut colored hair, violet eyes, wore sandals, blue jean short shorts, and an aqua blue top.

"That's Jade Wallace; she's cool, though you want to avoid saying or doing anything stupid around her because she'll smack you for stupidity." Dustin warned the girls.

"Her talents include gymnastics," Alistair added, "You should see they way she balances on a balance beam."

"And who's this charming young lady?" Rarity motioned to the second girl who had aquamarine eyes and short black hair. Her attire included a black shirt with a phoenix symbol on it, a long skirt, and boots.

"That's Aria Sanzo, she's very good with the violin, and I think she likes me." Dustin admitted.

"You don't say?" Rarity asked sensing child crush involved.

"Hey these two are twins." Rainbow noticed two of the girls looked similar. Both of them had long blonde hair, and dark red eyes. One of the two who was the stoic looking one was wearing a black gothic style dress with slip on sleeves and belts all along her legs finishing with black boots. The second one who looked a little shy wore her hair in long twin pigtails, and her outfit included sandals, a light purple skirt, and a blue shirt with a heart design done up in black beads.

"They sure are, they're Alicia and Alice Kingsley," Dustin explained, "Alicia's the stoic looking one, while Alice is more of a shy violet type. Though they're near polar opposites they both care about each other as siblings should.

"It's also worth noting both of them also have a thing for Dustin." Domino cawed.

"Domino!" Dustin scolded his familiar.

"What, I'm sure they'd be interested in how popular you are." Domino replied, while Dustin rolled his eyes.

"So who're these two fellas?" Applejack motioned to the last two boys.

The first of them was a chubby boy with short brown hair, brown eyes, a red short, blue cargo shorts, and black and green sneakers. The last boy had short dark hair, green eyes, and wore a black coat, black shirt, blue jeans, and red and white sneakers.

"Well the big guy there is Ralph Booker. He may be slow and eats like an animal, but he's cool and strong. The cool guy there is Dean Colt; he's the one who's got girls after him. You won't believe how popular he is."

Rarity looked at the final girl who had straight long silver hair and blue eyes. She wore a purple dress with thin white vertical stripes going down it, "Who is this adorable little girl?"

"Ah that's Eu." Alistair answered.

"What? That's Rarity?" Pinkie asked eyeing the girl in the picture, "Doesn't look like her at all."

"No-no-no, Pinkie," Alistair corrected her, "Her name is Eucliwood Belthio; though to keep her name short we call her Eu."

"She's an absolute darling." Rarity said awed by her cuteness.

"She's a sweetie all right," Alistair agreed, "And her voice is as cute as her looks."

"The way you talk about her like that makes it sound like you like her." Twilight pointed out making Alistair blush.

Rainbow seeing his reaction smirked, "Hah! You do like her don't you?"

Alistair answered, "Yeah so what if I do? Is that a problem?"

Applejack hushed Rainbow and answered, "No problem at all sugar cube."

"You all look so close, just like we do." Twilight said.

"Yup, because we're all fighters." Dustin explained.

"So then they're all?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well not Eu, she's actually a witch girl who excels in dark magic." Alistair explained.

"Dark magic?!" they gasped.

"Don't worry she doesn't use her dark magic for evil." The dark warrior assured her.

"The rest of the guys in the group are spirit warriors. They have their strengths and weaknesses and some of them have been able to use their spirit energies in ways we can't use it." Dustin explained.

"Such as?" Rainbow asked.

"Well Ralph here can use his spirit energy to increase his muscles size. When he does it in his arms they can grow giant sized, and with those giant arms he'll smash through anything. That's why we call him Wreck-it Ralph." Alistair joked.

"Aria here can use her spirit energy in conjuncture with her violin playing to distort her opponent's senses," Dustin added, "And the twins work as a tag team with their spirit energies."

Fluttershy spoke seeing Domino and Fievel in the picture, but also saw other animals in it as well. Alice was holding a white rabbit in her arms while Alicia was holding a black cat in hers, "What a cute rabbit and kitty."

"Yeah McTwisp is Alice's rabbit and magical familiar." Dustin explained.

"Magical familiar?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah he's actually a fairy spirit in the form of a rabbit who guides Alice through her training with words of wisdom and information pertaining to almost anything." Dustin explained.

"And that cat in Alicia's arms is named Salem Sanderson." Alistair added.

"The cat has a last name?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"Well he wasn't always a cat." Dustin explained.

"He wasn't?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Nope, he was once a human. In fact he was a wizard who defended the medieval times from dangerous threats as dark sorcerers, monsters, etc, etc. One day however he ended up revealing his magic to normal people." Dustin explained.

"What's so bad about that?" Twilight asked not understanding.

"Magic is viewed differently in our worlds, Twilight," Alistair began, "In the ancient times magic was viewed as witchcraft because the people back then were afraid of things that could not be explained and such. As such any person back then who could use magic were declared either a witch or a warlock."

"Well that doesn't seem right, aren't there people in your world who think magic can be used for good?" Twilight asked in outrage.

"There are, but some people are so warped by their own fears they don't look at it through others POV," Dustin continued, "But as time went on the order of wizards developed a rule about exposing magic. When one reveals their magic to normal people it can not only reveal the exposure of other magic but can also be forced to be used against their will. As a punishment to keep the wizards magic from being used against them they are stripped of their powers and are transformed into an animal. Salem was unfortunately a victim of this."

"How sad." Fluttershy whimpered.

"Well he's been like that for thousands of years, and he's gotten used to it. Though he has his complaints but who doesn't?" Alistair asked.

They showed another picture with Dustin and two others, one was a teenage boy and the other was an old man. The teenager was nineteen years old who had short black hair, dark eyes, and wore a green and white training robe. The old man with a long white beard and wore sage like robes, "Who're these two?" Spike asked.

"That boy there is Burai Sanzo; Aria's older brother and our Spirit warrior senior student. He's taught us half of what we all know." Dustin explained.

"And who's the geezer?" Rainbow asked only to get elbowed by Twilight.

"Rainbow." She scolded her rudeness.

"That's Darius Mikael, our master. He's one of the oldest and most powerful spirit warriors there is. I owe all my training to him." Dustin explained.

"He must be pretty special to you then, huh?" Applejack asked.

"He's like a grandfather to me."

"Hey Alistair there's you." Pinkie said noticing a picture of Alistair with three eighteen year old boys, two were dark warriors, and one looked normal. However two of the boys were twins despite one being a dark warrior.

"Yeah that's me with my brother and two of his friends," Alistair explained as he motioned to the first of the boys who had brown eyes, short black hair, and long athletic legs, while his attire included black work boots, blue jeans, a plain white shirt, and a black open leather vest, "My brother there is Xever, and he taught me everything I know."

"What about these two?" Twilight asked motioning to the twins who both had brown hair and green eyes, "They look like twins but one's a dark warrior."

"Well one's a dark warrior and the other's a spirit warrior. They're the Baliton brothers," Alistair explained as he motioned to the dark warrior twin who wore black sneakers, black jeans, and a green shirt, "First there's Valmont, and then there's Belmont." He motioned to the second twin wore blue and white sneakers, blue jeans, a short sleeved aqua blue shirt, and over it was a short sleeved unbuttoned red shirt.

"Now how in tarnation is one of them twins a dark warrior and the other a spirit warrior?" Applejack asked.

"Well you see their father's a dark warrior and their mother's a spirit warrior," Alistair continued, "As you can see which of them get their genes from."

Dustin then flipped the photo album to another picture of him as a young child with two adults being a man and a woman. The man was in his late thirties and had short black hair, green eyes, and wore dress shoes, black slacks, and a blue collared shirt. The woman was beautiful and had long scarlet red hair, blue eyes, and wore a light blue sleeveless blouse, and violet pants.

"Dustin, are those?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, my parents; Roswell and Bianca Bowers," he explained, "Both of them were spirit warriors and a team during their fighting days."

"Wow they both look cool." Rainbow said.

"They sure are, or rather my mother was." Dustin said looking down.

"Dustin?" Fluttershy noticed his sadness.

"Sorry girls it's just my mother's dead." He answered leaving them in shock.

"Dead?" they gasped.

"Yeah, according to dad she died while they were on a mission a few years ago when I was still a child. I swore I would become a great spirit warrior for the sake of my mother's memory. My dad knew even though I was born with spirit energy I would eventually awaken it. He at first didn't want me getting involved in the world of spirit warriors, but Master Darius reminded him that if I was forbidden from becoming a spirit warrior I might end up becoming tempted to learn from others, others who would take advantage of my power. So my dad finally allowed me to train in the art of spirit energy, and as you've seen what I can do the lessons paid off."

"I'm sure your mother would be very proud of ya." Applejack said putting a hoof on his shoulder.

Dustin smiled, "Yeah, she sure would be."

They then looked at the next picture seeing a fifteen year old Xever and an eight year old Alistair with their parents. Their mother was a dark warrior who had long brown hair, and blue eyes. She wore a purple blouse, black pants, and white shoes. Their father looked like a normal human, and had short black hair and brown eyes. His outfit included white sneakers, blue jeans, and a brown shirt, "Is that your family Alistair?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure is. They're John and Mary Savage, but unlike my brother's friend's parents, ours aren't both warriors," Alistair explained, "Our mother's a dark warrior, but our dad's a regular human. He didn't know the woman he dated for years was a dark warrior, until they were attacked by some enemies of my mothers who were gunning for her. She was afraid he would reject her, but as it turned out her dark powers and uniqueness is what made him all the more attracted to her."

"Your father sure has a taste in women." Rarity stated.

"Yeah." Alistair chuckled.

"When Xever and I were each born we started out looking like normal boys. But when we hit a certain age we underwent our dark warrior metamorphosis. Because of that our mother had to camouflage our new looking selves with illusion charms."

"And your dad was ok with how you two looked?" Rainbow asked.

"Believe it or not yes. He felt being different is what makes one all the more special. That's one of the greatest things he's taught me… Before he and mom passed away." He said looking down.

"Both your parents are dead?" Fluttershy gasped.

"Yeah, this was years ago. They were both attacked by other dark warriors who labeled my mother as a traitor to their kind for marrying a normal man. After that Darius found us and took us in, until Xever was old enough to raise me by himself. It wasn't easy but we managed to make a good living with the help of Dustin and his dad. Still not a day goes by I miss them so much and wonder how things would've been if they were still alive." He sighed.

"Alistair." Dustin gasped remembering how he'd feel this way before when they talked about their families.

Alistair got up, "Please excuse me." He headed for the door with Fievel following him.

"Alistair!" Twilight gasped as Rainbow was about to go after him, until Zyphon blocked her.

"I feel Master Alistair needs some time to himself." The robot explained.

"Will he be all right?" Rarity asked in worry.

"Don't worry he'll be fine." Dustin assured them as he looked out the window watching Alistair walk on.

As Alistair walked through Ponyville deep in thought, he thought to himself, 'Imagine what they'd feel if they saw where I ended up here? They'd be worried for sure, or happy that I'm making friends here as well as back home.'

As he continued walking, he suddenly heard a voice singing, "Huh?" he followed the sound into the park and all the way to the pond. He found Muse sitting down on the bench and singing about flowers blooming.

'Muse?' he thought, until he and Fievel noticed as she sang a couple of flowers on the trees started blooming. Their eyes widened in surprise as Muse smiled while smelling the lovely scent of the blooming flowers, "Muse?" Alistair asked her.

Muse hearing the voice opened her eyes and saw Alistair, "Hi, Alistair."

"What was that?" he asked.

She tilted her head in confusion, "What was what?"

"I heard you singing and then the flowers on the trees just bloomed." He explained while motioned up to the flowers on the trees that suddenly bloomed.

"They did?" she asked.

"You didn't notice?" Alistair asked putting his hands on his hips looking at her skeptically.

"I didn't." she admitted with a smile feeling just as surprised.

Alistair raised a brow still skeptical about her, "Well that's what I saw. It couldn't have been coincidence."

"Maybe they heard my song and felt ready to bloom." She suggested.

Fievel spoke, "Makes sense."

"Well that does sound logic, especially in a land like this," Alistair pondered, "But still..." he glanced at Muse.

She got up and spoke, "So what brings you out here?"

"Just went out for a walk." he answered.

"By yourself?" she asked.

"Well I just wanted to be alone." he admitted.

"I see."

"What about you?" Fievel asked.

"Just enjoying the beautiful day," She admitted, "It reminds me of when I have outings with my sibs and grandfather."

"You don't say?" Alistair asked.

She nodded, "We'd always go for walks on beautiful days."

Alistair smiled, "That does sound nice. My brother and our parents used to do the same."

"Yeah it was the best of our times." He explained.

Muse then asked, "What is it like to have parents?"

Alistair turned to her, "Why do you ask?"

"I never knew mine. My sibs and grandfather are my adoptive family Terra found me when I was just a foal." She admitted.

"I see," he began "Well having parents was a wonderful thing. They were two people who loved you, cared for you, raised you, and taught you valuable lessons. At least that's what it was for me."


"Yeah. My parents died years ago. All I had left was my brother Xever."

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It's ok. They may be gone, but their spirits live on inside both me and Xever. So in a way they'll never leave us."

"I'm sure they'd be very proud of you." She smiled.

"Yeah. They would be." he smiled back.

Suddenly they heard Dustin call out, "Alistair!" they looked seeing Dustin, Zyphon, the girls, and Spike running over.

"Guys what's up?" Alistair asked.

"I just got a letter from Princess Celestia. There have been Serpentine sightings in the Hayseed Swamp." Twilight explained.

"You think Pythor's found another tomb?" Alistair asked in worry.

"With the map of dens in his claws there's no doubt he has." Twilight confirmed.

"Is there any hint as to what tribe is located there?" Muse asked.

"None I'm afraid." Twilight sighed.

"Well with me you don't have to worry about how to handle them." Muse assured her.

"We better get a move on the Hayseed Swamp is due East of Ponyville." Rainbow Dash said.

So Zyphon scooped up the Earth ponies and Rarity, while Rainbow held onto Fluttershy, and Dustin took Spike and they flew off. Alistair went to carry Muse but stopped as he looked at her. He thought he saw another pony in her place that was bigger and had wings, a horn, and a shining glow brighter than Celestia's her cutie mark was that of a sun rising up from behind a small landscape. He blinked and saw what he thought he saw was gone, 'I'm seriously losing it.' he thought. He carried her through the sky as they headed east.

When they reached their destination they touched down, "We're here. The Hayseed Swamp." Twilight said.

"We better get moving," Dustin said as they looked around and saw serpentine tracks, "That way." they headed further into the swamp.

As they walked Rarity was groaning, "Oh this swamp climate is going to damage my mane. Ugh and these bugs!" she tried swatting one.

"It's a swamp Rarity, what do you expect?" Rainbow asked dryly.

"I wonder what Serpentine tribe Pythor is after here?" Fluttershy wondered in worry.

"Looks like we're about to find out," Alistair said motioning up ahead to a tree that had a burrow opening beneath it. They raced over and opened it releasing green fumes, "Ugh that reeks!"

"So repulsive!" Rarity gagged.

Zyphon did a scan, "I'm not picking up any life forms inside the tomb."

"So Pythor already got here?" Spike asked.

"Then we're too late?" Pinkie asked in shock.

"There's no way they could've gotten out of here this quickly." Muse said skeptically.

"Keep your eyes peeled." Twilight instructed them.

The group looked around from all sides. Pinkie walked up to a pond and looked down it seeing her face and started making goofy expressions, "Pinkie, shouldn't we be focusing on keeping an eye out?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie still looking at the water spoke, "And I am, and so's my reflection." suddenly she saw something beneath the water looking up at her. She screamed.

The girls turned and popping up out of the water was a green serpentine soldier who spat green venom in Pinkie's eyes. "Owie!" Pinkie cried trying to blink. Suddenly she gasped and saw her friends and suddenly they became balloons, "Ooh look at all the balloons." She grabbed a purple one that was actually Rarity.

"Pinkie Pie, let go!" Rarity struggled to get out of her grip.

"And it talks!" Pinkie cheered, while holding Rarity harder much to the fashion ponies misfortune.

"Now what's gotten into her?" Applejack asked in confusion, until they saw the Serpentine warrior jump out of the water.

"Girls cover your eyes! I think I now what tribe this is!" Muse said in shock.

"How can we fight them if we can't see?" Rainbow asked, until another one popped up and sprayed her eyes.

"This is the Venomari tribe! Their venom makes you see things." Muse warned them.

Rainbow gasped as she saw everything around her was warping and waving, "Guys why're you all moving around so much?"

"Not Rainbow!" Dustin gasped.

"Welcome ponies!" a voice said, as Pythor approached with Skalidor and another Serpentine general. It had white spikes and tusks on his head, as well as four yellow eyes. His body was dark green with black, red, and lime green markings.

"Pythor!" The ponies gasped at the Anacondrai general.

"And Skalidor!" Dustin and Alistair gasped.

"Yes. Now allow me to introduce to you the general of the Venomari tribe; Acidicus!" he introduced his fellow general.

"Charmed and delighted." The general hissed.

"We're not afraid of a new tribe. We'll beat them just as we handled the Constrictai." Twilight warned him.

"Hey, we have feelings too!" a Constrictai warrior whined.

"Go get them boys!" Skalidor ordered his soldiers to attack.

The two Serpentine tribe soldiers started attacking with Applejack bucking some along with Muse. Twilight was using her magic to blast three Venomari soldiers into the water. Rarity finally pried Pinkie off her and used her own magic to levitate a Constrictai soldier and knocked it into four more. Spike tried spitting fire at them but his small flames weren't doing the job so he just hid inside a log. Fluttershy was keeping Rainbow steady helping her move out of the way, "Why's everything jumpy?" Rainbow asked still in a daze.

"We gotta get you to safety." Fluttershy said trying to lead her fellow pegasus to safety.

"Surprise!" A Venomari soldier jumped out and sprayed Fluttershy's eyes.

"Eep!" Fluttershy cried as she looked around and saw the trees looking like they were all alive and trying to grab her. This caused her to drop Rainbow and hide behind a log in fright.

"They got Fluttershy!" Alistair called as he was fighting Skalidor.

"If this keeps up they'll spray all of us!" Dustin said as he jumped away from Pythor and caught Acidicus' tail whip. He suddenly saw the Venomari general was about to spit his venom in his eyes but Dustin's sunglasses shielded his vision, "Nice try greeny!" Dustin said as he fired a spirit gun at the general who took the blow but shook it off.

"You were right Pythor, these new species of creature are a bother!" Acidicus said to the Anacondrai general.

"Which is why they must be terminated!" Pythor ordered, as the two snakes attacked him, until Zyphon wheeled in extending his blasters.

"Hands off my master!" he started blasting them.

"Stop that rust bucket!" Pythor ordered, as several Constrictai and Venomari soldiers were piling on top of the robot.

"Get off me you hooligans!" Zyphon ordered while trying to pry the snakes off him.

"Everypony close your eyes!" Muse ordered as the ones not affected did so.

"How can we fight them without vision?" Applejack asked.

"Dustin and I learned how to fight blindly." Alistair said as he and Dustin were dodging Pythor's, Acidicus', and Skalidor's strikes as if they were nothing.

"That's good for you but what about the rest of us?" Rarity asked as she stumbled around with her eyes closed.

Muse thought, 'There's got to be some way the others can sense where the Serpentine are without seeing them,' suddenly she recalled what Alistair said about what happened earlier with her, 'Of course. If what Alistair said was true, then maybe...'

Muse jumped to a ledge of a broke tree with Pythor seeing her, "What is that one up to?" he pondered.

Suddenly the play pony started vocalizing which echoed throughout the swamp, and she sang the song she sang in Ponyville, that Alistair heard. Alistair hearing that song again thought, 'What's she up to?'

The serpentine heard the music but what they didn't notice was the flowers on several trees surrounding them were blooming and letting out their fresh scents, "The gentle breeze it stirs the leaves it stirs my soul my heart deep inside me Sense my words as one withers a great whole all connected as one." Muse continued singing as the flowers scent started catching the pony's attention as well as the boys.

"What is that heavenly aroma?" Rarity asked in wonder.

"Smells like fresh blooming flowers." Fluttershy gasped as she came out of hiding while keeping her eyes closed.

"But I smell something disgusting mixed in with it." Rainbow noted.

"That must be the Serpentine's scent." Twilight gasped.

"Hey we do not smell!" a Venomari soldier called, before sniffing under his arm and looked repulsed, "Not much."

"Which means you girls can follow their scents right back to them!" Dustin realized.

"Hey you're right!" Pinkie cheered and started bouncing around kicking a few Venomari soldiers.

Rainbow flew around the some Constrictai knocking them into the water, "This is easy!" she cheered.

Pythor looked around seeing the soldiers were getting owned by the ponies, "How are they losing?" he growled before seeing Muse still singing, "That girl's singing must be the cause of it!" he extended his claws and sent snakes from them that ensnared her hoofs. Muse struggled but kept singing, "Sorry girl, but your stage time is up." Pythor said as he tried reeling her in only to get tackled aside.

Pythor looked up and saw it was another pegasus that tackled him, but it wasn't any pegasus. It was Wildcard, "Didn't anypony tell you not to treat a lady that way?" The game master pony asked.

"Wild, is that you?" Rainbow asked as she hovered in the air above the Serpentine.

"Yeah it's me."

"What're you doing here?" Dustin asked as he was using his spirit saber to block Acidicus' staff.

"I saw you guys heading off somewhere? I was curious and followed you. Guess it's a good thing I did," he looked over at Muse, "You ok over there?" Muse nodded while blushing a little.

Pythor looked seeing Zyphon finally throw off the Serpentine soldiers that tried piling on him and the ponies were still outsmarting the Venomari's venom trick and knew they had to fall back, "Retreat!" he called as he turned invisible. The Constrictai burrowed into the ground as the Venomari tribe followed them.

Wild untied Muse of her snake bindings as the ponies unaffected by the venom helped the ones that did along with Spike coming out from hiding, "Everypony ok?" Dustin asked.

"We'll be fine, but what about Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy?" Twilight asked in worry.

"Don't worry the Venomari's venom is temporary. It should wear off by the end of the day." Muse explained.

"Anypony else see that monkey in the bikini dancing other there?" Pinkie asked motioning to the side where they looked seeing a frog on a lily pad. The girls face faulted.

"I say we get out of this swamp post haste." Rarity suggested.

"Agreed!" they all said.

"But let's take the train back to Ponyville." Twilight suggested, since Rainbow Dash couldn't fly in her condition and Pinkie would cause Zyphon trouble while flying.

They all started walking with their plan to get to Dodge City; the town outside the swamps and catch a train back to Ponyville. Muse looked back seeing the flowers that bloomed, "Thank you for your help," She said and went on to join the others. As she walked beside Wildcard she pecked him on the cheek making him blush, "And thank you for saving me I'm Muse by the way." she said smiling.

"I'm Wildcard." He introduced himself as the two blushed.

Alistair continued glancing at Muse knowing there was something about her that was magical. He then chuckled to himself seeing how close she looked with Wildcard. When he looked closer he once again saw the same looking Alicorn from before in Muse's place and another in place of Wildcard. The one in place of Wildcard had a dark black coat and shadowy aura around him, his cutie mark was that of the moon rising up from a small landscape, "Huh?" he blinked again and no longer saw the two alicorns, "I gotta get my eyes checked." He said to himself as he followed the others.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Luna was looking at a stain glass window somberly like looking at a grave. Celestia approached, "You appear troubled, Luna."

"Forgive me Tia, but every time I look at this it makes me think back." The princess of the night explained.

"I know. I feel the same way." Celestia admitted.

The two looked at the window as it depicted their parents and the five unicorns defeating Ebon, "Where do you think they are sister?" Luna asked in worry.

Celestia nuzzled her little sister in response, "I wish I knew."