• Published 8th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

Trapped Underground

One morning at Sugarcube Corner, Dustin, Alistair, Zyphon, their pony friends, and Spike were there as the human boys were making something for their friends to try, "Ah still say this is a crazy idea." Applejack said, as she and the others sat at a table.

"Don't knock until you've tried it." Dustin replied as he and Alistair were keeping an eye on something they had cooking in the oven.

"Trust us. You girls are going to flip for this tasty delight from our world." Alistair added, as he and Dustin took some pot holders and opened the oven reaching inside.

When they pulled it out, they placed it on the table where the ponies were as they looked down at what was placed before them. It looked like a mix of melted cheese covering tomato sauce on top of a circular disk of crust, "Ponies and Spike, we present to you the greatest food in our world, pizza!" Dustin announced.

"Pizza?" Wild asked, as he eyeballed the food that was cut into eight slices by Zyphon using a cutter.

"Give it a try, you may be surprised." Dustin beckoned them.

"Yummy!" Pinkie picked a slice into her hoof.

"But you best be careful, it's no doubt…" Zyphon warned her, as she took a bite out of her slice. Suddenly her face turned red and smoke poured out of her ears, before she spat fire out of her mouth, "Hot." The robot finished.

"It can be hot at first, so take smaller bites before working your way up." Dustin explained.

Taking their words, each of the other ponies took a slice each and took a small bite to avoid their mouths getting burned off. The boys watched as they chewed before swallowing. Rainbow spoke up, "I think this food is… AWESOME!" she cheered.

Dustin and Alistair smiled, "What'd we tell ya?" Dustin asked.

"Boy howdy this sure is tasty." Applejack agreed, as she ate more of her slice.

"While it's not caviar, I have to admit it does have its delicious taste." Rarity admitted.

"Mixing melted cheese, tomato sauce, and bread dough is quite the combination." Wild added as he ate.

"You got that right." Spike agreed as he had a slice from a second one he was eating with Dustin and Alistair.

"And this is a common food from your world?" Muse asked the boys.

"Oh yeah. In fact it can also include toppings as well." Alistair answered.

"What kind of toppings?" Twilight asked.

"Well some of which include meat," Dustin began, but listed others to keep the ponies from losing their taste for it, "There's also mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, olives, pineapple, and all sorts of combinations."

"Dustin and I personally stick to plain cheese." Alistair added.

"Maybe we should share this with all of Ponyville? Think of the kinds of customers we could attract" Pinkie suggested.

"It would be the next best thing since the Zap Apple jam." Applejack agreed.

"Or even Apple Cider." Rainbow put in.

"And it looks so easy to make." Wild added.

"I'd like mine with gems." Spike added as the girls chuckled, until Spike burped up a letter.

"It's a message from Princess Celestia," Twilight gasped, as she levitated the letter over and unraveled it, before reading it, "Oh no."

"What's wrong Twilight?" Fluttershy asked concerned.

"She just informed me Pythor and the other generals have been spotted in the White Tail Woods!" Twilight explained frantically catching their attention.

"WHAT?!" Pinkie shrieked.

"If they get the third Crystal Fang, then they'll only need one left." Alistair noted.

"And they'll recreate the Orochi Sword." Muse finished.

"We gotta hurry, come on," Dustin called as they ran outside Sugarcube Corner, "Zyphon, girls, we're going airborne." He announced as he and Alistair took it to the air, with Zyphon carrying Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, while Wild held onto Muse, and Spike rode on Twilight. They took off flying East, heading for the White Tail Woods.

When they flew above the woods, they landed slowly, "Ok let's begin looking." Twilight instructed.

"How? We don't even know where to begin looking in this whole place." Wild said as he motioned to the whole woods.

"Leave that to me," Zyphon said as he activated his scanner and looked around, "I have my scanner locked on anything that has crystal properties to it."

"There can be no room for error this time, everypony," Twilight began, "We have to get that Crystal Fang."

"No sign of Pythor, the generals, or any of their armies anywhere." Dustin peered around the woods, as Domino kept his eyes peeled as well.

"I've got a lock!" Zyphon called.

"Good job, Zyphon." Dustin smiled.

"Lead the way, partner." Applejack ordered as Zyphon led the group through the woods.

Fluttershy stood close to Twilight and Rainbow in fear of the woods, as they continued following Zyphon who stopped, "Zyphon?" Twilight asked.

"It's in there." He pointed at a pond.

"I'll get it!" Pinkie cheered, as she jumped into the pond and swam under it.

"How long do you think she can stay down there?" Alistair asked the girls.

"You'd be surprised." Rainbow replied, until they heard a splash.

They looked over seeing Pinkie with her head out of the pond with the Crystal Fang in her mouth, "I got it!" she mumbled with a full mouth.

"Pinkie, you found the Crystal Fang!" Twilight gasped as she levitated it over, "We actually have one." She tucked it in her sack.

"We got the fang, so we better get going before…" Alistair began, until they turned only to come face to face with Pythor, Skales, Acidicus, Fangtom, and Skalidor, "They show up." He groaned.

The generals chuckled as Pythor spoke, "Our humblest of thanks for finding the Crystal Fang for us, ponies."

"No way, Pythor!" Rainbow called, "We found the Crystal Fang fair and square."

"Does it look like we care?" Skales asked, only for Pinkie Pie to get up into his face and inspect it from all around.

"Nope doesn't look like they care at all." She concluded before going back to the others.

"We're not letting you get your scaly claws on the Crystal Fang!" Alistair warned them.

"We'll fight you to protect it." Applejack added.

Pythor chuckled, "I was hoping you'd say that. Boys." He motioned to his fellow generals, who lunged forward at the group. As they started fighting, Dustin and Alistair were fighting Pythor, Twilight and Applejack went up against Skales, Muse and Wild fought Skalidor, Rainbow and Fluttershy fought Acidicus, and Zyphon, Rarity, and Pinkie went up against Fangtom, while Spike was off to the side spitting fire at each of the generals tails to distract them.

Dustin and Alistair leaned back and jumped aside, as Pythor launched the snakes from his claws at the two, "Surprised we found it before you guys even when you have a map," Dustin began, "You guys losing your touch?" he mocked.

"Don't start taunting with us, boy!" Pythor hissed, as he swatted his staff at them and they were knocked to the ground, only to get back up to continue their fighting.

In the midst of all their fighting, Domino was trying to listen in on the sounds in the woods feeling he was hearing something, but couldn't hear it clear enough through the guys fighting, "Guys? Guys! HEY!" he squawked loud enough making them freeze in place.

"Domino, we're in the middle of a fight here!" Twilight reminded him in irritation.

"I know that, Twi. But listen." Domino cawed as the group listened in and started hearing frightened bird caws. They looked up at the sky seeing multiple sparrows and crows flying away from the woods cawing in a warning fashion.

"That's never a good sign." Alistair noted.

"They're all so scared." Fluttershy gasped.

"What in tarnation is going on?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"They're saying something's coming. Something big." Domino explained.

"Like that matters to us." Skales replied, wanting to get back to their fighting, only for the ground to start shaking.

"What's happening?" Muse asked.

"Earthquake!" Pinkie cried.

"No! Worse!" Dustin shouted, as he pointed ahead and they looked over and saw emerging from the woods, was a twenty foot rock creature who was growling.

"What is that thing?!" Rarity shrieked.

"It's a golem!" Twilight called, "A living creature made entirely out of rock!"

"What do we do?" Fluttershy gasped in fright.

"Let's get out of here!" Wild called as they were about to run, only for the Serpentine generals to push them out of the way.

"Out of our way!" Pythor called as the generals were slinking away in fright.

"Come on!" Zyphon called, as they ran after the snakes, as the golem was still following them.

"Quick into the air!" Alistair called, as they tried to fly away, but didn't get far as the golem slammed its over sized rock hand on them knocking them to the ground, crashing onto the generals.

"Get off us!" Acidicus ordered, as the good guys got off the snakes and prepared to rush off again, only for the golem to punch the ground close to them and they felt the ground crack.

"Uh-oh." Dustin gasped, as the ground they were all above broke, and they fell into a pit screaming.

Soon, far under the ground in a giant cavern, were the ponies, the boys, Spike, Zyphon, and the Serpentine generals lying on the floor of the cavern. Alistair groaned as he and Dustin started regaining consciousness followed by the ponies, and the snakes, "Wipeout." Alistair groaned.

"Everypony ok?" Twilight asked.

"I'm still in one piece." Applejack answered.

"Me too." Pinkie added.

"Oh the horror!" Rarity cried, as they all looked at her, seeing she was holding out her dirty hoofs, "I just had a hooficure." She sighed and they face faulted.

"Where are we?" Wild asked, as they looked around.

"Some kind of cavern." Twilight explained.

"But we fell didn't we?" Spike asked.

"So we must be underground." Muse deduced.

"Good. We feel right at home." Pythor chuckled with his fellow generals.

"What say we pick up where we left off?" Rainbow asked, as she got ready to fight.

"Works for me." Skalidor agreed, as they were about to fight only for the ground to shake again.

They looked seeing large shadows approaching, "Hide!" Twilight gasped, as they all went behind a huge boulder. They watched seeing multiple golems were wandering the cavern as if they were on patrol. Fluttershy was sweating in worry while covering her mouth to contain any screams trying to slip out.

When the golems were out of sight, they sighed in relief and looked back at each other, "We're getting out of here!" Skalidor cried, as he tried to burrow into the walls but bumped his head into it, "Hey!" he tried to bury into it again but failed, "What gives?"

Zyphon knocked on the walls, "This is solid rock. I doubt you'll be able to burrow through this. Even my drills wouldn't be able to penetrate it."

"We'll worry about getting out later. Right now we need to get the Crystal Fang!" Pythor ordered, as the two sides were ready to go at it again, until Dustin called.

"Stop it!" they all turned to the boy, "Don't you all see the bigger problem here? We're all trapped underground with who knows how many more of those golems. We have no way of getting out except for finding an exit ourselves."

"What're you getting at, boy?" Skales asked impatiently.

"I propose we work together." He answered as the groups gasped.

"Ludicrous!" Fangtom answered in outrage.

"Outrageous." Rarity gasped.

"Are you nuts or something?" Rainbow added.

"Actually I agree with Dustin." Twilight injected.

"What?!" the ponies and snakes gasped.

"Sugarcube, ah think maybe you're not feeling right in the head today." Applejack felt the Alicorn's head.

"No Applejack, Dustin's right. We're all in the same boat no matter how we look at it. If we continue to squabble like this none of us will get out of here. So we'll have to form a truce until we're out of harms way." The princess explained, as Dustin smiled at her support.

"Preposterous," Skales hissed, "Pythor, can you believe what they're trying to get us to do?"

"Yes, and I agree." Pythor answered.

"Huh?!" they gasped again in confusion.

"Pythor, are you out of your mind?" Acidicus asked in outrage.

"Whether I like to admit it or not, but the princess is right," Pythor began, "What's the point of trying to recreate the Orochi Sword if we're all trapped down here?" the generals listened, "We don't know any way out and neither do they. With those golems down here we don't stand a chance taking them all on," The generals processing all this was nodding in understanding, while Skales still felt skeptical. Pythor turned to them, "Very well Princess Twilight Sparkle, my fellow generals and I accept your truce."

"Then let's shake on it." Dustin approached and held out his right hand.

Pythor looked at it before offering his claw and shook Dustin's hand, "The rest of you do the same." Twilight motioned to the ponies and the other Serpentine generals who hoofshaked on it, while Fluttershy was shaking the generals' nervously, Rainbow shook theirs while glaring suspiciously, Applejack shook theirs while scowling at the idea of working with them, Rarity shook theirs with repulse on how scaly their claws were, Pinkie shook each of their claws wildly causing their bodies to shake. Only Muse and Wildcard shook their claws with a neutral expression. Once Spike, Zyphon, and Alistair shook the Serpentine generals claws Twilight finished it off by shaking all of their claws with her hoof.

"All right the truce is made. We should start looking for a way out." Alistair suggested.

"Were do we begin looking?" Skalidor asked.

They looked around and saw a tunnel, "Let's start there." Dustin suggested, as they started down the tunnel.

As they walked Rainbow was next to Twilight and whispered, "Twilight, you don't really think we can trust these guys, do you?" she motioned to the Serpentine generals in back.

"Right now we have no choice, Rainbow Dash." Twilight reminded her.

"But they'll turn on us the first chance they get." Rainbow countered.

"We'll just have to play it out for now. As long as we got the Crystal Fang, we're safe." Twilight said, as they continued through the tunnel using their unicorn magic to provide them with light.