• Published 8th Mar 2014
  • 4,570 Views, 31 Comments

Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

  • ...

Crashing the Fiasco

Last time, Rarity got an invite in the mail to partake in a fashion show in Prance, and decided to nominate Dustin and Alistair to show off some of the new outfits she made for them in order to acquire good business. However the mongrels known as the Diamond Dogs caught word of this and decided to invite themselves.

Two days after getting the invite, Rarity, the boys, along with the rest of their friends were on a boat ride heading across the sea to Prance. They were on deck with Wildcard and Muse playing shuffle board, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight were busy relaxing on chairs while staying in the shade as Spike was on standby to assist Twilight or Rarity, Rainbow Dash was in the pool with Alistair, Applejack was at the food table with Pinkie, and Dustin was laying on a chair tanning with Zyphon at his side.

"Ah this is the life." Dustin relaxed.

"Be careful Dustin, or you'll burn!" Alistair called.

"I will not." Dustin replied.

"Hey remember last time?" Alistair reminded him, as Dustin glared.

"All right, Alistair."

"What happened last time?" Twilight asked.

"Here we go." Dustin rolled his eyes.

"Ok one day we were at this pool party and Dustin was sitting in this inner tube just lounging around in it," Alistair began explaining, "When the day was done and we all went inside. We saw Dustin's knees, stomach, arms, and half his face, save for his eyes were red as an apple." He finished with a laugh.

"Ya serious?" Applejack asked.

"Oh yeah. Dustin got cooked that day! Alistair laughed.

"That couldn't have been pleasant." Twilight cringed.

"It wasn't," Dustin answered, "I spent a whole week rubbing stuff on me."

"So why are you doing it again after something like that?" Wild asked.

"Because this time I put on sunscreen. Besides if I'm gonna be walking that catwalk I'm gonna need to be prepared." Dustin said as he continued relaxing.

"Well don't stay out basking too long like last time." Alistair warned him.

"I know." Dustin replied.

"Hey guys!" Fievel called, as he was on the high dive above the pool, "Cannonball!" he shouted as he cannon balled into the pool, but didn't make such a big splash due to his size. He surfaced and shook his head seeing Alistair and Rainbow look at him questionably, "Well it would've been bigger if I wasn't so small!" The ponies chuckled at his attempt.

Meanwhile down below in cargo hold, Rover, Fido, Spot, and their guards were hiding out, "Are we there yet?" Spot complained.

"No!" Rover barked.

"Are we there yet?" Spot continued complaining.


"Are we there yet?"

"Enough! You're sounding worse than that pony!" Rover growled.

"But it's so boring down here." The smallest Diamond Dog groaned.

"Spot's got a point. There ain't no food down here at all." Fido agreed.

"Settle down," Rover ordered, "There will be plenty to feast on once we get to Prance. Because once we finished collecting as many gems we find there, we'll feast like kings!"

"Kings!" the Diamond Dogs cheered, but quickly hushed themselves fearing they would be heard.

Later that day, the boat reached the harbor and the group was let off with their luggage that would be taken to the hotel, "Well the show isn't until tonight, so we have plenty of time to see the sights." Rarity instructed them.

"That's great," Twilight began, "Well come on ponies and humans…" Zyphon, Spike, Domino, and Fievel eyed her, "Robots, dragons, and animals. Let's tour." The group cheered and left the harbor. Unaware to them the Diamond Dogs snuck off the boat.

"We're here." Rover said, as the looked at the city.

"I can't wait to get my paws on the glorious gems." Spot rubbed his paws together.

"Come on let's follow them, but be hidden." Rover ordered his two partners and the guards, who nodded and followed his lead.

Soon in the city of Prance, the ponies and boys were touring around the city. As Dustin and Alistair took in the sites they felt like they were in Paris France, their worlds counterpart of Prance. As Rarity would pay a visit to multiple shops picking up gowns and jewelry, Twilight and Muse were busy buying regular souvenirs. Applejack was trying out some of the food there, while Dustin and Alistair were posing with Zyphon, their animals, Pinkie, and Rainbow in front of various tourist sites and landmarks like a ponified version of the Eiffel Tower. As they were sightseeing, the Diamond Dogs kept an eye on them making sure not to let them out of their sights.

After the sightseeing, the group was on their way to where the fashion show was said to take place seeing it was at an outdoor stage in the park with dressing rooms in the back. Around the area were numerous worker ponies setting things up for tonight, "So this is the place?" Dustin asked looking around.

"Yes. Isn't it marvelous?" Rarity asked.

"It's something all right." Rainbow answered not sure what to say.

"And we're going to be walking on that?" Alistair asked seeing the catwalk on the stage.

"Yes. So you can display yourselves and my spectacular designs," Rarity said, "Oh but the joy alone to be here at Fashion Fiasco is like a dream come true!" she sighed in awe as she was about to faint, only for Spike to keep her from fainting.

"Pull it together, girl." Applejack spoke up.

"Oh right, do forgive me," Rarity said sheepishly, until she saw Hoity Toity walking around appearing to be supervising the preparations, "Oh there he is. Mr. Hoity Toity, sir!" she trotted over bringing her friends with her.

Upon hearing his name, Hoity Toity turned seeing the group, "Ah, Ms. Rarity. I'm overjoyed you could come and participate in Fashion Fiasco."

"The pleasure is all mine, sir." Rarity answered.

"Well I look forward to see what you have in store," the fashion pony began, "And if they're anything like your dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala, I doubt I'll be disappointed."

"Indeed you won't," Rarity assured him, "And now allow me to introduce to you the models who will be displaying my newest idea." She stepped aside revealing Dustin and Alistair who presented themselves.

"Hmm, and who might these charming young colts be?" he asked curiously.

"This is Dustin Bowers and Alistair Savage. They're humans from another world parallel to our own." Rarity explained.

Hoity Toity raised a brow, "Ah yes, I recall hearing about these two. I must say your casual outfits are quite interesting." He eyed their normal outfits as if mentally evaluating them.

"You think these are something? Just wait till you see us in the outfits Rarity designed for us." Dustin explained.

"They're to die for." Alistair added.

"Well I look forward to that tonight. I'll see you all then." He said, as he trotted off to check in on the rest of the preparations.

"Oh we better get ready for tonight, boys. Come on. Come on. Let's go." Rarity started nudging the boys off, while the others followed.

Watching from a tree were the three Diamond Dogs, "So this is the place?" Fido asked.

"Yes. Once the show begins we'll take every gem we can find." Rover mapped out the plan.

"Oh I'm so excited. I can't wait!" Spot cheered almost ready to jump in, only for Rover to pull him back up.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Rover smacked the back of Spot's head.

Soon it was nighttime, and ponies from all over Prance were gathering in the park and around the stage eager to see the new fashion designs. Over by the judge's stands were three ponies with one being Fancypants who looked as eager as the crowd. Hoity Toity was sitting on a pillow in the front of the catwalk to get the best view. Twilight and the others minus Rarity who was in the dressing room with the boys were excited, "Oh I can't wait to see them come out!" Pinkie cheered.

"And I thought the Wonderbolts shows were packed." Rainbow said, while eyeing all the ponies that showed up.

"Think the boys will be ok?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Twilight assured her.

Inside the dressing room, Dustin and Alistair were getting dressed with Zyphon helping them, "I can't believe this is actually happening." Dustin said.

"Well believe it, Dustin. We're gonna be remembered after this for sure." Alistair answered.

"I just hope they won't be so critical of us being humans and all." Dustin said feeling prepared for the worse.

"Hey if they got a problem with us, then it's their problem." Alistair answered as he had his hair tied in a long ponytail.

Rarity entered and saw they were almost ready, "Ah yes, boys. You look marvelous."

"Thanks, Rarity. After all these suits you made really brings out our good sides." Dustin stated.

"It's my pleasure, Dustin," Rarity said, until she heard a drum roll, "Oh the show's starting up. You better get to your places." Dustin and Alistair nodded as they headed for the stage.

Meanwhile on the stage was Sapphire Shores speaking into the mike, "Good evening, Prance! Yeow!" she cried with excitement, "I am Sapphire Shores, and welcome to this years annual Fashion Fiasco!" she called as the ponies cheered with energy and excitement.

"Tonight we have a long line of special guests and fashionistas eager to share with us their latest designs for all you fashion lovers. So let's get started! Bring em out!" she announced with energy as a spotlight shinned on the first pony that walked out wearing a dress.

The ponies ooed and awed at the ponies wearing dresses or suits made by various other fashionistas while Fanypants and the others judges evaluated them. Twilight and the others waited patiently for when Dustin and Alistair would be called. Meanwhile in the tree like before, the Diamond Dogs watched as the ponies were taking the stage. What they were mostly focused on were the little gems and jewels that some of the dresses had embedded into them. Some had one, some had a few, and some had a lot, "Oh glorious gems." Spot gasped as his eyes sparkled.

"Should we take them now?" Fido asked Rover.

"No! We'll wait until they're all together at the end." Rover explained as they continued to wait patiently.

Behind the curtain on the stage were Dustin and Alistair waiting for their names, "Scared, Alistair?"

"You'd wish." Alistair replied as he had to stay strong for Rarity's sake.

"And coming up now is a colt from out of this world and land itself. Dustin Bowers sampling suit made by Ponyville's very own Fashionista, Rarity!" Sapphire announced.

"That's my cue, wish me luck," Dustin said to his pal as he walked out from behind the curtain and started walking the catwalk. The ponies were astonished by not only Dustin's appearance, but also by his outfit as well. He was dressed in a red zoot suit with matching pants, black dress shoes, and a fedora hat. The suit itself was decorated in rubies of sapphire and topaz. Dustin walked the catwalk strutting, while saying under his breath, "Strutting my stuff. I'm strutting my stuff."

Rarity watched from behind the curtain seeing the crowd was really enjoying not only her designer outfit, but Dustin as well, "Oh yes this is good. This is very good."

"Hey, Dustin!" Spike cheered.

"Looking good, bro!" Rainbow called.

"That's showing them!" Applejack called, as Domino whistled at his boy showing his stuff off.

As he walked he smiled and gave looks to the ponies complete with finger point gestures making some of the ponies cheer. As he reached the front Hoity Toity got a good look at him and gave a side smile as Dustin started walking back giving the judges a better view of him, "Oh yes, isn't he adorable?" Sapphire asked the audience, "Work that out, baby! Work that out!"

As Dustin was walking back for the curtain, he gave a wave to the crowd before going back stage. Upon going back he sighed in relief and looked to Alistair, "That was cool!"

"I'm just glad you didn't throw up." Alistair joked.

"Now you just have to make sure you don't." Dustin joked back.

"Good show, master." Zyphon applauded.

"Yes you were simply marvelous out there." Rarity added.

"And coming up next is yet another colt from out of this world sampling another of Rarity's works. Please give a round of applause for Alistair Savage! Yeah baby!" Sapphire cheered.

Alistair walked out from behind the curtain and started walking the catwalk himself. The ponies were once again astonished by the appearance of Alistair being similar yet different from how Dustin looked. His designer outfit was a blue tuxedo, with matching pants, black dress shoes, and a black tie encrusted with some emeralds. His tuxedo jacket and pants were encrusted with red rubies and sapphire diamonds that sparkled. Alistair smiled as he walked the catwalk showing off for the crowd of ponies, Hoity Toity, and the judges, "Looking good, Alistair!" Twilight cheered.

"That's the ticket!" Fievel clapped his little paws.

Alistair smiled at the positive attention he was receiving and started waving to everypony while strutting just like Dustin was. When he reached the curtain, he went backstage and took deep breaths, "You did it, Alistair!" Dustin cheered.

"You were wonderful." Rarity added with a smile.

"Nothing to it." Alistair brushed it off like it wasn't that hard.

Soon multiple other models were showing off other designers outfits, until it was time for all of them to walk out together. As the ponies and the two human boys started walking the catwalk together the Diamond Dogs were getting ready, "Do we do it now?" Fido asked Rover.

"On my go." Rover answered.

"Let's give them all a big round of applause mares and gentlecolts!" Sapphire cheered, as the models took a bow while the crowd cheered and applauded.

"Now!" Rover barked, as they jumped out of the tree followed by the Diamond Dogs guards.

One pony screamed as the sight of them alerting all the others ponies who noticed the dogs as well. When Twilight and her friends saw what the commotion was coming from they gasped, "Oh no." Twilight gasped.

"Not these varmints again." Applejack sighed.

"Who're they?" Muse asked.

"Diamond Dogs." Fluttershy explained.

Rarity looked out from behind the corner looking horrified, "Oh no. Not the Diamond Dogs again."

"The who?" Zyphon asked.

"The Diamond Dogs. Those mongrels once captured me and tried to make me find gems for them, but I outsmarted them."

"What could they be here for?" Zyphon was confused.

"They love hunting for gems. No doubt they came here to try and take the gems used in several of the outfits here." Rarity theorized.

"Oh dear." Zyphon gasped.

On the catwalk, the models started running for their lives, while Dustin and Alistair remained and eyed the dogs creatures, "Ever see dogs like that?" Dustin asked Alistair who shook his head, "Me neither."

"Dustin! Alistair!" Rarity called as she galloped on the stage with Zyphon behind her, "We've got to get you two out of here. Those Diamond Dogs will try and take the gems in your outfits."

"Say what?" Alistair asked in confusion.

"It's a long story, but we don't have time to explain!" Rarity called wanting them to take cover.

"We ain't going anywhere. If those dogs want these gems, then they'll have to try and take them," Dustin said, as he and Alistair jumped off the catwalk and whistled to the Diamond Dogs grabbing their attention, "Hey dogs, you want gems? Why don't you dig them up like the animals you are?" Dustin joked.

"Ooh you have an assortment of gems on yourselves." Rover eyed the gems on his and Alistair's suits.

"Let's start with them." Fido suggested as the other dogs agreed.

"Come on Dustin, let's take these dogs to the pound!" Alistair called, only for Dustin to turn at his friend.

"Seriously? That's what you're going for?" he asked dryly.

"What?" Alistair asked in confusion.

"Take them to the pound? That's too obvious." Dustin critiqued his friends pun.

"Then what would you say?" the dark warrior asked in sarcasm.

"Something unexpected like 'Let's put these dogs through obedient school'." The spirit warrior answered.

"Is that really so important?" Alistair argued.

"Well if we're going to threaten an opposing group we need to have a snappier line." Dustin argued back, while Rover was getting annoyed by their sarcastic argument.

"Enough!" Rover barked, "Sick them!" the guards started charging.

The boys snapped out of it as Dustin spoke, "Never mind the line. Let's go!" the boys took off and started fighting the dogs while dodging attacks.

"Come on we gotta help them!" Twilight called as she and her friends galloped onto the scene and started assisting the boys using their own pony abilities with Muse, Applejack, and Pinkie bucking some of the guards. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to blast Fido and four guards off their back legs. Rainbow Dash and Wild flew together tackling Spot and five guards away.

Dustin aimed his index finger at a guard trying to attack Fluttershy from behind, "Spirit gun!" he blasted it away.

"Thank you, Dustin." The shy pegasus thanked him.

"No problem." Dustin said, as he dodged another guard.

Alistair was blocking punches and scratches from Rover, "Why don't you dogs try digging for bones? Surely they're easier to find then gems. I mean what would you do with the gems anyway?" the dark warrior asked as the two grappled.

"That is none of your business." Rover barked in his face.

"Ugh! When did you brush last?!" Alistair gagged from his repulsive breath, before breaking the grapple and spun kicked the dog in the face knocking him to the ground.

As the boys fought Hoity Toity, Sapphire Shores, and the judges watched the boys and the girl's fight which left them in nostalgia with how their fighting complimented the style of their outfits, "Dance boys!" Zyphon started blasting at the Diamond Dog guards feet forcing them to dance.

"I say we finish these guys. Applejack, can ya round them up?" Dustin called.

"Can do!" Applejack called as he started herding the dogs all around, until they were all together, "Get along doggies!"

"Zyphon, rope!" Dustin ordered as Zyphon opened up his torso and threw him a rope, "Alistair, let's hogtie them!"

Alistair took the other end of the rope and the two flew at the rounded up Diamond dogs and flew around them in a circle tying them all together. Soon the group stood before the bounded Diamond Dogs who looked humiliated, "Now that was a fiasco," Dustin said as he and Alistair announced, "Whoa-oh!"

"Magnificent!" Hoity Toity cheered as the crowd who came out of hiding applauded.

The group looked around seeing everyone was excited, "They really loved us." Alistair gasped.

Hoity Toity, Sapphire, and Fancypants approached, "You were all simply marvelous!" Hoity Toity began.

"You were all sensational. Oh!" Sapphire called.

"A jolly good performance indeed." Fanypants finished.

"Thanks. It's what we do." Dustin stated.

"Your fighting performance brought out the flare and marvel in your outfits than they already have. Ms. Rarity I cannot wait to see these outfits converted into pony design." Hoity Toity turned to the fahsinista.

"Really?" she gasped as he nodded in assurance.

"Oh yes. I dare say every colt I know will be looking forward to purchasing them." Fancypants added.

"Well I don't know about everypony else here, but this has been the best Fashion Fiasco ever!" Sapphire cheered as the ponies followed in her cheering with equal excitement.

Soon all the models were gathering together with Hoity Toity, Sapphire Shores, and Fanypants for a commemorative photo. Dustin and Alistair were up front posing with Rarity in the center of them. With all of them gathered up, Photo Finish readied her camera and took the picture.

The picture zoomed out revealing it to be the front page of the paper two days later, with a side image of Rover with title 'Diamond Dogs taken to pound'. The one who was reading it was Rarity who was in the middle of getting a hooficure by Lotus Blossom and Aloe at the Ponyville spa. In fact all her friends were there getting something done. Even the boys were enjoying some spa treatment themselves. Wild was getting his mane done, Alistair was in a robe, while his hair was tied up in a towel, as he sat in a lounge chair getting a massage, and Dustin was in the Jacuzzi with Rainbow Dash who was too ticklish to let any pony near her hooves. Zyphon was getting polished up, Domino was getting his feathers cleaned, and Fievel was getting washed, "I never knew going to a spa could be this relaxing." Alistair said as he relaxed and enjoyed the massage.

"Yeah. We've really been missing out." Dustin said as he was lounging in the tub.

"Just imagine what the guys back home will say when they hear this." Domino said.

"They'll think we've lost our minds." Alistair answered as the group chuckled.