• Published 8th Mar 2014
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Equestria's Warriors of Light and Dark - Wildcard25

After a failed mishap by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two boys from another universe are teleported to Equestria with no way back to their world. Can they adapt to living in Ponyville while at the same time deal with a new threat in the land?

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Fashion Fiasco Invite

One afternoon at Carousel Boutique, Rarity was hard at work making outfits, with Spike, Domino, Fievel, and Zyphon assisting her by bring over materials and all. Dustin and Alistair however were busy being fashion dummies for the fashionista, "How did we get roped into this?" Alistair asked Dustin.

"We have a lot of free time on our hands, Alistair." Dustin reminded him.

Alistair sighed in exasperation, as Rarity spoke, "Oh come now, Alistair. You'll simply enjoy the new long line of outfits I have in store for you boys."

"You really think so?" Alistair asked.

"I know so, darling. Spike." Rarity called over, and Spike zipped at her side.

"Yes my lady?"

"Do be a sweetheart and bring me over that box of gems, without snacking on them?" Rarity asked, while raising a brow.

"You got it!" Spike zipped over and brought a box of gems over.

"Thank you, dear." Rarity smiled as Spike blushed.

Suddenly the door to the shop opened and the bell rang, "Oh wait right here boys," she said going to the door, "Hello how may I help…" she trailed off seeing none other than Sapphire Shores; the pony of pop, "Sapphire?"

"Well good afternoon, Rarity." Sapphire greeted her in her sassy voice.

"Oh so sorry, Sapphire. I didn't know you were coming over today." Rarity said, trying to contain her excitement and nervousness.

"Oh that's quite all right." The famous pony answered, as Dustin and Alistair looked over.

"Who is that?" Alistair asked.

"I don't know, but she sure knows how to style." Dustin admitted.

"That's Sapphire Shores; the pony of pop," Spike explained, "She's a famous pop star pony all the way from Canterlot."

"She certainly looks very refined." Zyphon noticed.

Sapphire noticed Rarity's supplies out and spoke, "Oh my goodness, darling. I really hope I'm not intruding."

"Oh no trouble at all, Sapphire," Rarity dismissed it, "I always have time for a colleague."

Sapphire noticed the boys, "Ooh and who have we here?" she trotted around the two boys still standing on the modeling table.

Rarity went over to the table, "Sapphire Shores, allow me to introduce to you my newest friends. This is Dustin Bowers, Alistair Savage, Zyphon, Domino, and Fievel. You of course met Spike at Canterlot's last fashion show."

"A pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Dustin bowed his head.

"Charmed and delighted." Zyphon said, while taking her hoof and pretended to kiss it.

"Delighted as well, darlings." Sapphire answered.

"So Sapphire, to what do I owe this little visit?" Rarity asked.

"Well I've come to extend this opportunity for you." Sapphire began, as she extended a letter to Rarity who used her magic to open it and read it.

"Dear Ms. Rarity of Ponyville. I am pleased to extend this invitation to you in hopes that you will partake in this years Fashion Fiasco held in this years location; Prance, to display your newest ideas and looks of fashion for all the ponies looking for style. Kindest regards, Hoity Toity." The fashion pony gasped.

"I take it you are pleased?" Sapphire asked.

"I'm more then pleased," Rarity began, as her excitement was bubbling to the surface, "I'm overjoyed!" she cheered, but saw she was being too excited for her own good and calmed down before clearing her throat, "I would be honored to partake in the Fashion Fiasco this year, Sapphire."

"I figured as much," the pony of pop replied, "I'll be sure to give Hoity Toity your message ASAP."

"Thank you so much." Rarity thanked her.

"My pleasure darling, and if you're looking for models to show off any ideas you have, might I suggest using these young colts?" she offered, while motioning to the boys.

"Us?" they asked.

"Them?" Rarity asked.

"Why of course. The way I look at it, these two would be the talk of Equestria when the day is over."

"We will?" Alistair asked Dustin, who shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll keep that in mind, Sapphire," Rarity began, "Once again thank you so much for extending this to me."

"You're very welcome." Sapphire said as she took her leave.

"Us in a fashion show?" Dustin asked.

"Sounds like an honor." Zyphon admitted for the boys.

Rarity pondered as she looked over Dustin and Alistair before smiling, "You know what boys? She's right."

"She is?" Alistair raised a brow.

"Of course. You two would make fabulous models to show case my newest ideas for colts wear. And it will even be the perfect opportunity to show off the newest trend. Imagine the entire fashion world introduced to attire for humans."

"But would they even sell?" Dustin asked.

"Well naturally I would convert your attires into pony version of course." Rarity replied.

"I say you guys should go for it," Spike voiced his two cents, "I mean as much as you're already famous in Equestria for being the first humans in our world, you could be even more famous for being fashion models."

"But I've seen what models look like in interviews," Alistair began, "They're anorexic and wear makeup."

"Well it's not like this would be a permanent thing for us." Dustin reminded him.

"So what do you say boys?" Rarity asked batting her eyelashes at them.

The boys unable to resist that charming face of hers when making a request gave their answers, "Well I suppose I could give it a shot." Alistair answered.

"Being a male model would be something I can add to my list of accomplishments in my life. So I'm in too." Dustin answered.

"Oh thank you so much boys. You have no idea how important this is to me." Rarity embraced the boys, who were blushing from her show of appreciation.

"If you need help Rarity, I'm here for you as well." Spike offered his service.

"Oh Spikey-Wikey, you're so generous," Rarity answered giving him a peck on the cheek putting a smile on his face, "Oh, but if we're going to do this then we're going to need a lot more supplies to put these outfits together as well as gems. It looks like we're taking a trip to Canterlot, gentlecolts."

"Sweet!" Dustin cheered.

"Might I suggest we tell the others as well?" Zyphon suggested.

"Yes Zyphon, an excellent suggestion. Let's go." Rarity said, as the boys removed the outfits they were sampling and headed out.

Soon the group met up with the others at Golden Oaks Library, and explained the situation, "Wow Rarity, to be invited to partake in Fashion Fiasco is really big for you." Twilight said feeling glad for her friend.

"Oh I know, and with Dustin and Alistair showing off my new line of gentlecolt attire for humans we'll really be a hit." Rarity explained.

"I can't believe she talked you two into performing in it." Rainbow said to the boys.

"Hey in our world male models get a lot of publicity." Dustin replied.

"They also get less freedom." Alistair added, countering Dustin's example.

"Tell me about it." Fluttershy added, while recalling her time as a model much to her own dismay.

"But this is only going to be for this one fashion show." Dustin assured them.

"Sounds like you're really going to be busy, Rarity." Muse said.

"Indeed. That's why I need to go to Canterlot and pick up some supplies personally." The fashionista explained.

"So we were wondering if you would care to join us?" Zyphon offered.

"Of course. We got the time." Twilight replied.

"Well what're we waiting for? Let's go!" Wild called, as they headed out to catch the next train ride to Canterlot.

After the train ride, the group arrived in Canterlot and were helping Rarity carry multiple bags filled with fashion supplies and fabrics, "Oh thank you so much girls and boys. With these supplies and a little extra gems I can get started right away on the outfits. Although I hope I don't cut into too much of your time, boys." Rarity motioned to Dustin and Alistair.

"Well about our job at Wild's shop." Dustin motioned to the game pony who answered.

"Don't worry about it. You guys have earned some time off with all the extra shifts you've been pulling this last week."

"Thanks a lot, Wild." Alistair thanked him.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise," A refined male voice said, as the group stopped and turned seeing two of Canterlot's most sophisticated of ponies Fancypants and Fleur De Lis, "Rarity, how wonderful to see you and your friends."

"Fancypants and Fleur. It's so good to see you two." Rarity went over to greet them.

"An honor as always my dear," Fleur began, "What brings you here to Canterlot?"

"Well my friends are just helping me pick up some supplies. You see I was invited to partake in this year's Fashion Fiasco in Prance."

"Well no surprise about that," Fancypants began, "So it looks like I'll be seeing you there."

"You will?" Rarity asked.

"Of course. I happen to be one of the judges." He explained.

"Why that's wonderful!" Rarity gasped.

"Yes. I do enjoy checking out the latest in the world of fashion, and I look forward to seeing you there." The unicorn stallion said.

"As do I to you, and just for a heads up please allow me to introduce to you my new models." Rarity said motioning the boys forward as they stood before the two sophisticated ponies.

"Well, and who might you charming young colts be?" Fancypants asked.

"I am Dustin Bowers, sir."

"And my name is Alistair Savage."

Fancypants and Fleur pondered until it dawned on them, "Of course I remember hearing about you now," Fancypants began, "You're the two humans from another world."

"Even you've heard of us?" Alistair asked in surprise.

"Very much so," Fleur answered, "You boys have been quite the talk of Equestria for some time now. And seeing you stand before us we have confirmation it was not exaggerations."

"So you two will be modeling some of Rarity's newest designs?" Fancypants asked.

"Indeed we will, and I can't wait to show those ponies Dustin Bowers is all about looking suave." He smirked, while lowering his sunglasses a bit to show his eyes. Alistair, Domino, Fievel, and Zyphon could only roll their eyes.

"Well I'll be looking forward to seeing you there." Fancypants chuckled at Dustin's smoothness.

"I'm sure you will." Dustin answered.

"Well it lovely to see you to again, but we really must be getting back to Ponyville. Lot's to do you know." Rarity reminded them all.

"Of course. I'll see you in Prance." Fancypants said as the two unicorns walked off.

"They seem like a nice bunch." Zyphon noted.

"Oh indeed they are." Rarity replied, recalling how worried she was that some of the upper class ponies would look down on her just because she associated with Twilight and the others, but found out that Fancypants wasn't stuck up like most of the upper class ponies in Canterlot.

"Well we got the supplies so now we can get back." Twilight said.

"Agreed, let's get going." Rarity said, as they headed off catching the next train back to Ponyville.

Soon everypony returned home, with Dustin and Alistair once again being used as fashion dummies for Rarity, "Oh this is simply going to look marvelous boys!" she beamed

"We pull this off we'll go down in fashion history." Dustin added.

"That's assuming all goes well." Alistair warned him.

"The only worse thing that could happen is if someone sabotaged our work." Dustin answered, while the group was unaware of prying eyes looking through the window.

Outside the shop, it turned out Diamond Dog Spot was spying on them. He started running off, until he was out of Ponyville and headed for the rock quarry. He dug a giant hole into the ground, until he found himself in the Diamond Dogs cavern. He raced through the tunnels before stopping in front of his two fellow dogs Rover and Fido, "Well what did you find?" Rover asked awaiting Spot's report.

"Well I found out the pony is going to a fashion show in Prance." Spot answered.

"Excellent. She will no doubt be bringing with her an assortment of gems, which we will take for ourselves." Rover said, while rubbing his paws together.

"However, I don't think she will be alone." Spot warned him.

"Is that dragon with her like before?" Fido asked.

"No, it's these two hairless ape creatures."

"Hairless apes?" Rover asked.

"Yes, but they do not look so tough. Not like those ponies of course."

"Excellent. Round up the guards, we're going to Prance." Rover snickered.