• Published 20th Feb 2014
  • 1,985 Views, 248 Comments

Climbing the Mountain - Talon and Thorn

The story of Baron Mounty Max and his early years as part of the Night Court of Equestria and how his destiny became intertwined with Duchess Fragrant Posey during that momentous time.

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Somehow they found themselves back at Max’s house, Fragrance wasn’t quite sure how; the last half hour or so was rather a blur. They had all been checked over the by guards and some medics, then released to return to their own homes. She wasn’t used to quite so much physical excitement, her wings still ached, although the loss of the outer layer of her dress made movement easier. Plus the punch may not have helped; not only had it been enchanted, but it was rather strong as well.

She and Max were splayed out on a couch in his sitting room. She had spent a few minutes tidying herself up in his bathroom. Her inner dress looked just about presentable, but she had removed the socks, much to Max’s displeasure; after beating around the bush for so long, he apparently didn’t have any problem telling her what he liked about her, and her legs were apparently high on his list. She’d acted shocked, but inside found it very flattering.

Now they had shared a companionable silence for a few minutes, neither of them seeming to want to be the first one to talk. Things had changed, the world had moved, they were not the same ponies they’d been only an hour ago. She and Max were... well, a couple? Their feelings laid bare for each other. In some way she should be thankful for being drugged – she didn’t think she could have revealed herself in that way without help, couldn’t admit her feelings even to herself. However, her life was no doubt going to become so much more complicated now. Her enemies had another reason to target Max now. Should they try to keep their relationship secret? Relationships between voting courtiers were complicated as well – questions of impartiality, of heirs, or organisation. It was so very very complicated.

Noting the lowering of her ears and the increased twitching of her tail, Max reached forwards and encircled her with his forelegs. The air went out of her lungs in one great sigh as her head lolled back onto his shoulder.

It was suddenly all so very simple, thought Fragrant. She would just lie here floating in Max’s arms for the rest of her life, feeling his heart beat next to hers, safe and secure. A tiny part of her mind tried to point out that there might be a few problems with this plan, but it was quickly outvoted.

A timeless moment passed as the two of them remained intertwined. Then the moment was shattered by a heavy knocking from the door, causing them jump apart like to teenagers suddenly caught by their parents.

“Go away!” hollered Max. “I’m not in!”

“Princess Luna Equestris has demanded that the Night Court attend her at the Selenic Cathedra,” came the reply, only slightly muffled by the door.

Fragrant’s ears pricked up. Demanded? That was a worrying choice of words. What could Luna have discovered from interrogating the creature which had disrupted the gala?

“Coming,” grumbled Max, levering himself off of the seat. “Um, do you want to go out the back door while I go with the guard?” he asked.

Fragrant frowned for a moment, then remembered she was only wearing half a dress, and a rather crumpled one at that. It did look rather scandalous. Maybe she should return to her home? But no, the guard had mentioned that the whole court had been summoned; no doubt there were more night guard at her home. She stood up straight and tidied her dress as best she could. “No, we should go together.”

Max grinned and made his way to the door. “Officer,” he said, nodding.

“Come with me,” replied the guard gruffly. He caught sight of Fragrant’s slightly bedraggled form and raised an eyebrow.

Ignoring him, Fragrant marched forwards, head up, with Max trotting just behind her. The guard fell into step as well and the three of them set off towards the castle.

Max and Fragrant trotted into the Selenic Cathedra, Luna’s throne room. The room was packed with nobles; it looked like the entire Night Court was here, from the barons all the way up to the Vicereines. The atmosphere was of quiet worry as courtiers quietly mumbled to each other about why they were here, what revelation the Princess was going to reveal to them. The Princess of Equestria herself was standing in front of her throne, now fully dressed and flanked by armed and armoured guards, her eyes glowing with moonlight. In front of her, similarly afflicted, was the unicorn who had caused such a commotion at the Gala only an hour ago, now returned to her fully equine form.

The grim aura of the room was almost enough to dampen Max’s spirits, but he was still warmed by the tingles emanating from his heart. He turned to Fragrant to ask her what she thought was happening. She looked perturbed and shook her head; she didn’t seem to know either. She turned towards the front of the hall, where the higher ranking nobles were standing. Max moved to follow her but she once again shook her head, but reached out and discreetly gave Max’s hoof a squeeze. He wanted to reach out to hug her again, but controlled himself and nodded, taking his place along with the most junior members of the court.

Just as he took his place, the glow in Luna and the unicorn’s eyes faded, and the latter slumped, her face a picture of dread. Luna nodded and muttered something Max couldn’t make out as the guards lead the unnamed unicorn away, before closing the great doors to the hall with a thud, leaving Luna and the court alone.

The Princess stood silent and motionless as a rock for a moment and the muttering amongst the court quietened. What was going on? Thought Max, was The Princess going to reveal what she had discovered from the unicorn or whatever she had been? Was Equestria in some way under attack? He shuffled from hoof to hoof for a moment.

Gracefully, the alicorn of the night began to move down the line of ponies, starting with Vicereine Wallflower. She locked gaze with the noble for a moment, and the normally boisterous earth pony looked shocked, her head slumping. Luna moved on to the next pony, and the next and the next. Each in turn she gazed at silently. Slowly, her face shifted from impassivity to a look of disbelief. By the time she looked at Max, she looked so old and sad and disappointed, both in her court and in herself. Her gaze cut to his core and he couldn’t meet it.

She knew! He didn’t know how she knew but she knew! She knew what he had done for Buttercup, all the mistakes and missteps he had made in the four months he had spent at court, she knew everything! How could he ever had thought he was good enough for her, good enough to help run Equestria. He was just a country bumpkin, how could he ever think he could manage this, he thought. He wanted to run, to run and hide; anything to avoid that sad, sad gaze.

Slowly, Luna turned and made her way up the other line of ponies back towards her throne. He saw Baron Fields turn grey as his monarch walked past. Then she reached Fragrant. It may have been his imagination, but he thought he saw the alicorn slump slightly as the pegasus was unable to meet her gaze. What was happening? Max could understand how he didn’t meet the Princess's standards, but surely not the rest of the court? Surely not Fragrant, not her?

She finally came to a halt, almost at the end of the line of nervous sweating courtiers, her gaze coming to bare at Archduke Fisher. Slowly her eyes traced up and down his form. “Archduke Bobbing Fisher,” she said, her calm tones sounding shockingly loud after so long a silence. “Did you really burn down one of your own factories?”

Fisher blinked. “Majesty, you can’t trust—”

“Answer the question,” she interrupted quietly.

“Majesty, I…” he began before dropping his gaze, unable to meet Luna’s eyes any more. “Yes, Majesty.”

Max gaped. What had the Archduke done? How could he...

His thoughts were interrupted as the princess turned to the old pony standing closest to her throne. “Vicereine Puissance,” she said, her voice still soft and calm. “Your youngest son, Lance. Did you falsify the evidence at his trial?”

Puissance stood tall, a look of almost annoyance crossing her face. “I did not!” she objected loudly, her voice ringing clearly around the chamber. “And – and begging your pardon, your Majesty, but I resent the implication!” Max blinked. How could the Vicereine speak like that to her ruler?

Luna stared, apparently unaffected by the outburst. Puissance was breathing heavily, sweating despite the chill of the night. “I… I must insist on an apology, Majesty!” she demanded.

The Princess stared a moment more, then trotted on. “Majesty!” continued Puissance. “You cannot honestly believe the lies that—”

Luna turned around and transfixed the old pony with a gaze, and Puissance staggered back, the truth of the situation finally reaching her. Her head lowered and she stepped back into line.

Luna resumed her trek, circling the chamber again. She stopped at one noble, then another, then another, asking each a question about corruption of themselves or of others. Some could not answer, some haltingly denied the accusation; most mumbled apologies. Max’s head was spinning. He couldn’t even make out what Luna asked him as she passed, just that he had apologized. To his shame he might have said it was Buttercup’s fault. But it was lost in a mist of confusion. He had begun to realise that the court was not the place he had once thought it was; that everything was so much harder, that many seemed to put their own good before that of their people, but this... this was...

Max’s head shot up as Luna came to a halt in front of Fragrant. No, no, not Fragrant, not her, she couldn’t be corrupt, she’d be the one good mare, she’d be better than him, surely.

“A bribe?” Luna’s words dropped from her lips like lead tombstones.

Posey immediately fell to her knees in tears. Fragrant was crying! “I… I’m sorry!” she exclaimed. “It was years ago! I… I was young and Cloudsdale needed the bill to pass and it was only once—”


“Only once?” Luna asked sarcastically “Only once? That is a great relief, Duchess Posey, that you are pony of such integrity.”

Fragrant buried her head in her hooves and sobbed.


Max’s hooves tried to rush forwards towards his... whatever she was to him, but for some reason he couldn’t move.

For a moment there was a flicker of regret on Luna’s face, but her visage quickly hardened and she turned away from the weeping mare.


There was no sign of the strong vibrant mare he admir... that he loved, just a feathery pile of misery. He had to help her, to bring her back, he finally moved a hoof forwards...

Luna had finally reached her throne again. She stood back to the crowd of shell shocked nobles before spinning on her hooves.


Around him, nobles from the highest viceroy to the lowest baronet whinnied in fear – Max included, as his body reacted automatically – but he hardly noticed because FRAGRANT WAS CRYING!

Liars! Imposters! Cruel, worthless, vain, selfish, undeserving MAGGOTS, every single one of you!” cried Luna, a wild stamp of her hoof shattering the stone of the floor as the stars of her mane glowed with rage. “You are supposed to be the high-born, the great leaders of Equestria, born and bred and trained for your positions. But you are all corrupt! THE WORMS OF THE EARTH HAVE MORE TO OFFER EQUESTRIA THAN YOU DO!

Some noble – somepony Max didn’t recognise – tried to raise an objection, only for Luna to shut him down, but it didn’t matter because FRAGRANT WAS CRYING! She was slumped on the ground, her normally glittering eyes dull as rivers ran from them onto the cold unfeeling stone below.

I have a mind to purge every last one of you! Throw you all in jail, dissolve the Night Court entirely and try something new for Equestria!

Yes, maybe she should do that, because then he’d be able to move again and could comfort the duchess and she would stop crying and maybe – just maybe – the world would return to something that made some sort of sense.

“But – but the laws of Equestria, Majesty! Laws you yourself are beholden to – they say that only the nobility or gentry of Equestria can—” stuttered some unnamed noble.

Then it is fortunate indeed, viscount,” Luna said as she reached the throne, turned around, and sat at it with her wings still spread wide, “that every mayoral office in Equestria was bequeathed a Lordship hundreds of years ago!

Yes! Maybe Piste would do better than him, he couldn’t do worse, couldn’t make more mistakes, couldn’t be trapped only a few yards from a weeping mare and not able to do anything about it…

“This ends,” Luna said, her voice returned to a more normal volume but still just as audible. “The corruption. The degradation. The ruination of so many ponies’ lives. The bribes and blackmail and gossip campaigns, the thefts and threats, the spies and saboteurs and all other acts of petty gain. They are finished and done and I will brook no argument on the matter. You may consider yourselves to be on probation. You will act in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the laws of Equestria. You will work honestly and openly and fairly. If you have issue with your fellow members of the Court, then you will bring those issues to me, and I shall arbitrate and my decisions will be final. You will do this, because if it begins again, if the slightest whisper of corruption from any of you reaches my ears, then I will dissolve this Night Court, strip all of you of your ranks and titles, and create a new body of ponies who are willing to work for the good of Equestria and are capable of doing so without defiling the very ideals that this nation was founded upon! Do I make myself clear?”

Max tried to make his mouth work. He understood he had to be better, because not only would Luna be angry, would the whole of Equestria change, but FRAGRANT MIGHT CRY AGAIN! But he couldn’t get his mouth to work.

“Do not make me ask again,” hissed his monarch again.

Suddenly it seemed like the mouths of the whole court started to work at once and a babble of agreement rang out.

Luna dropped into her throne and her horn glowed as the door sprung open again. “Leave. Now,” she intoned.

Max found he could move again and rushed forwards towards where Fragrant was still slumped. He might have jumped over another noble in his haste, but he couldn’t remember. Then she was there in front of him, then in his arms, her head buried in his mane for a moment. He hugged her as hard as he dared, wanting to surround her with his body to protect her from the world. Then she shifted and turned, pulling away from his grasp and trying to stagger towards the foot of Luna’s throne, standing only with his aid. “Please... please... haven't I suffered enough? Why her? Why not me? She was innocent, my princess,” she moaned, looking up at the princess, who sat cold and unmoving like a statue. “Please... tell me what I can do to be better, please, not again, please don’t take any more!”

Max didn’t understand what the duchess was saying, but he joined her in pleading to the princess. Other ponies gather around to add their voices to the hubbub. He recognized Wallflower almost in tears herself, Nobility, Jet Stream, Mellow. Behind them, Baron Fields was trying to hobble through a crowd of fleeing ponies towards the throne.

“Go and earn your forgiveness,” intoned Luna, not looking down at her courtiers.

Max gently tried to turn Fragrant away from the throne. He suddenly realised how rubbery his legs were and that his face was wet from his own tears. Fragrant slumped against him, almost knocking him over. He had to be strong! Fragrant had taken care of him, had taught him so much these last few months; now it was his turn to look after her. He had to be strong. Reaching inwards, he felt the core of himself, the magic that flowed through him and all of his tribe; the strength like that of the earth, like that of the mountain, strength of both body and mind. He spread his legs for stability and stepped forwards towards the door, Fragrant’s form on his side, as light as a feather and at the same time an anchor dragging him down. He had to be strong, to give her strength. “Come on, Fragrance,” he whispered into her mane, gently kissing her cheek. “I’m here. Let me be your strength.”

Together, supporting each other, the couple marched through the door and through the castle out into the streets of Canterlot.

The area immediately outside the castle was in chaos; nobles ran here and there, some in panic, others in a daze. Max noted Viscount Blueblood rushing away, flanked by a bouncy pink mare. Intermingled with them were many members of the press, apparently informed of the meeting of the whole Night Court; they were attempting to get some sense from the nobility. Next to him, Max felt Fragrant jump each time a flash bulb went off. She hated being disturbed by the press, and given her current dishevelled state, it would hurt her even more if a picture of her were to appear in Canterlot Night, or some other publication.

“Fragrant,” whispered Max as gently as he could. “I need you to be strong for a few minutes. We need to get past the press. Then we can get back to your estate, where it’s safe.”

She looked up, incomprehension showing in her still streaming eyes. He hated to see her like this, hated there to be a world where she could be reduced to this. “Please!” he begged. “You’re the strongest mare I know, you can do this, it’s not far. You can do this, you’re Duchess Fragrant Posey of Cloudsdale.”

“Cloudsdale,” she breathed and straightened up. Still leaning against Max, she drew herself to her full height and raised her head.

Good, thought Max. That was the Fragrant he knew, that he loved.

“Duchess Posey,” yelled a newspony as Fragrant and Max pushed their way through the expanding crowd of nobles. “Can you give us a statement on what just happened? What did Luna tell the court?”

“No comment,” yelled Max, brusquely pushing the reporter aside. Fragrant’s air chariot was only a short distance away where they had left it, what felt like days ago now.

“Duchess?” repeated the reporter.

“No... No comment,” said Fragrant, head up and looking into the distance, every inch the icy noble. Max could feel her body trembling against his flanks, but she didn’t show it.

“Luna’s speech... Some sort of scandal? Comment on... Duchess...” thundered the crowd as the pair reached the chariot and began to board, the chauffeurs pushing back the press. They had only just got in place when the vehicle lurched into the air. For a moment it was followed by a small crowd of press pegasi, but they quickly turned back in search of easier prey.

Max collapsed back in his seat, feeling exhausted. What a night!

Fragrant curled up next to him and began to gently sob again.

The chariot quickly took them back to Fragrant’s manor and Max dismissed the chauffeurs. The house seemed empty – maybe the servants were all asleep, thought Max. He was glad for that; he was sure Fragrant wouldn’t want them to see her like this… he didn’t want to see her like this. He didn’t understand why the Princess’s words had hit her so badly. They hurt, he knew they hurt, to find that he had failed his ruler, that the whole court had; it cut deep, but he could take it for the moment. Maybe having to think for another pony helped. But why had it reduced Fragrant to this state?

He gently led Fragrant through the house and into her rooms. As they went, she recovered some of her strength, her sobs slowing but still not ceasing. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I’m sorry for being so weak. What Luna said, what she told everypony, it was true, I bribed an official to help put through a bill to aid Cloudsdale. It just seemed to take so long to do things properly. But I thought I’d already been punished, punished so badly, my... my princess... why?” she sobbed again, collapsing onto the bed and curling up.

Max knelt down next to her. “I... I helped another member of the court cover up something illegal they were doing. I know I shouldn’t have, I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway. That’s far worse. It didn’t benefit my people or Equestria.”

“Oh, Max! What are we going to do?” she wailed.

“We have to do better! We have to show the Princess she can trust us, that we can do what is right!”

“But how can we? Everypony, the whole Night Court. None of us were clean, none of us were good enough.”

“Then we all need to work together to be better. All of us.”

“I wish I could believe that.” She shook her head slowly.

“You’ll see,” said Max with more certainty than he felt. “Things will look better in the morning. A little sleep and you’ll feel better.” Please feel better, I can’t bear to see you like this. He stood and started to turn for the door.

“Max!” she cried, almost in a panic. “Please, can you... can you stay?” She continued, her voice levelling a little as he turned back. “I... I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to feel so alone.”

A slight blush grew on Max face. Did she... no, she didn’t mean that. She just needed somepony to comfort her. “Of course,” he said. “I’ll stay as long as you need me.” He moved back to the bed and gently drew the sheets over the still clothed form of Fragrant, tucking her in as if she were a little filly before trotting around to the other side of the bed. He clambered onto it a little awkwardly, and shifted over on top of the sheets until his body was almost in contact with hers. He’d dreamed of a moment like this many times before… He looked up into her still wet and miserable looking eyes. …but he’d never wanted things to be like this.

“Please, can you... can you hug me?” she asked. “It... it makes me feel better.”

He reached out his legs and at first cautiously pulled her body next to his, his head resting on hers. He felt her stiffen for a moment, then relax. “Thank you,” she mumbled.

“Don’t worry.” He kissed her gently on her forehead. “I’ll always be here, as long as you need me.”

He kept holding her for a long time. He felt her heartbeat – even through their clothes – slow as she fell asleep and her face relaxed. He still kept her gripped tightly in his arms even after he joined her in temporary oblivion.

Author's Note:

Well here it is, I hope this and the following few chapters don't become as contested as the original castigation.

A good chunk of this chapter is adapted from Rainbowdoubledash At the Grand Galloping Gala fic.

Thanks to GrassandClouds2 and Rainbowdoubledash for pre-reading and to Mooncalf for editing.

As always comments are appreciated.