• Published 20th Feb 2014
  • 1,983 Views, 248 Comments

Climbing the Mountain - Talon and Thorn

The story of Baron Mounty Max and his early years as part of the Night Court of Equestria and how his destiny became intertwined with Duchess Fragrant Posey during that momentous time.

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Hard Decisions (Part 2)

Despite not being the best educated of courtiers I find myself surprised by Baron Max’s problem solving skills. He is often able to approach a problem from a totally unexpected direction. His example has inspired me on several occasions.

An extract from ‘A report on Baron Mounty Max’s education’, Duchess Fragrant Posey’s report to Princess Luna Equestris


Trying to get a meeting with Puissance was apparently next to impossible at the moment. She wasn’t the most approachable of mares most of the time; she preferred to summon her guests rather than have visitors turn up. But with Luna indisposed, she was in effect acting ruler of Equestria, boosting her work load even higher; one of her assistant’s assistant’s assistants noted that he could make an appointment, but the earliest free time was several weeks into the next session of the court, in almost four months’ time. For a moment Max wondered if Fragrant might be able to get an earlier meeting, but she was a busy mare and he should learn to deal with these things himself rather than always running to her.

He decided to make his way back to his own office. Maybe Mrs G would have an idea on how he could get a meeting; he certainly didn’t want to disappoint Buttercup. Rounding a corner, he passed a window and noticed that outside the sun was rising; he hadn’t thought it was that late. He paused a moment and glanced out of the towers that made up the castle and below the city itself; it always looked so peaceful at this time of day. He wished he had time to make his way to his normal thinking perch on top of Luna’s office. Then a thought hit him: maybe there was another way to get a few words with the Vicereine? It was crazy and probably dangerous, but when had that last stopped him?

A few minutes later he found himself crawling across the outside of the castle, his hooves questing for purchase on the ancient stonework while a stiff breeze tried its best to throw him to the ground far below. The route to Puissance’s tower was more challenging than that to Luna’s, although in a crazy way he welcomed the challenge. It seemed to be too long since he’d really stretched himself; there was something to be said about imminent danger to make the world seem so much simpler. He doubted Fragrant would approve… she never seemed far from his thoughts nowadays, another distraction but one he wouldn’t lose for all the world. There was no way she would agree, but he couldn’t help but want their daily meetings to continue once his training ended. Maybe even more… parting was already such sweet sorrow, he noted. He really would have to tell her how he felt at the Gala. Then he gasped as one of his hooves slipped on a patch on moss, almost plunging him to the ground below. Now was not the time for wool-gathering.

He looked up. There was a small window in the Vicereine’s tower maybe half a dozen yards above his head; he wasn’t sure if he’d fit but it was the only point of entry he could see. Keeping his eyes peeled for hoof holds, Max slowly made his way up the wall to the window. Up close it seemed even smaller, but on the bright side it was open. He stuck his head in and looked around. He assumed the room was Puissance ’s private quarters but it looked more like a museum. Various glass cases stood around the room inside which sat various artefacts, a suit of armour, a golden shoe, one of the most fantastically intricate dresses Max had ever seen and was that a telegraph machine? However, it was clearly the Vicereine’s bed chamber as well – below him sat a princess sized cloud bed somehow inlaid with silver silk threads. Apparently not all the rumours about the Vicereine were true; she didn’t sleep on a hoard of treasure like a dragon, and he assumed she didn’t eat meat sprinkled with foal’s tears or ride around her estate on the back of a pegasus / unicorn hybrid who looked like Corona, either.

With a struggle, Max managed to shove his head and front legs in through the window and slipped forwards until it drew tight around his barrel. He wiggled in place for a moment but he couldn’t force himself any further forwards. Maybe he should cut down on the donuts, he considered, but Mrs G didn’t like to eat alone. He tried to make his way back out the window but realised to his horror that he was wedged stuck! Feelings of worry and embarrassment warred within him. It might be a bit difficult to explain this to the Vicereine when she came to bed… of course, the same could be said of him climbing into her room anyway. Maybe he hadn’t thought this through properly.

He relaxed for a moment and tried breathing out. He reached back with his forelegs and pushed. There was some movement. He tried again and he began to slip forwards, overbalancing into the room as his body slipped over the window frame. He felt a pain in his flank as something jabbed into him and then he was falling forwards towards the bed below. He gave a cry as he fell through the air to land on the cloud; to his surprise, it bore his weight for a moment before he gently sunk through it to land on the floor below. Just as the door to the room opened and the Vicereine entered looking annoyed. Max staggered to his feet, his head poking through the bottom of the cloud mattress.

“It has been quite some time since I unexpectedly found a stallion in my bed, Baron Max,” noted Puissance. “I take it seduction is not your goal?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, no... I, I wouldn’t, you're so old and… of course not. No! No!” stuttered Max flummoxed.

“With such diplomatic skills, it’s no wonder you aren't married, baron. Besides, quite frankly you aren't my type. I prefer my stallions of rather more... heroic proportions. You do not measure up.”

Max blushed for a moment. He hoped Buttercup hadn’t been spreading rumours.

“Now would you mind explaining why you have broken into my quarters before I have the guards arrest you?” continued Puissance. “It could be all too easy to think you were here to assassinate me, and given my current status it might even be considered treason, an executable offence,” she said coldly.

Maybe this had been a really stupid idea after all. “Well you see... wait, you don’t seem very surprised to see me.”

“It may surprise you, but I am actually smart enough to place alarms in and around my rooms. I was aware of your presence and identity before you entered the window.”

“Oh, that’s clever!”

“Yes, very,” she said witheringly. “Now, why are you here?”

“Right, well, you see, Baron Fields is retiring when the court ends.”

“Yes, the Princess mentioned it to me.”

“His daughter wants to organise a retirement party for him, and as one of his peers she thought you might want to say a few words about him.”

“That is it? Duchess Posey didn’t ask you to give me a message or anything like that?”

“Fragrant? No, I don’t think she even knows about it, although I think she might attend the party.”

“You broke into my quarters to invite me to a retirement party?!” exclaimed the old mare. “Whenever I get close to respecting you, baron, you seem to prove your stupidity even more. I am a very important pony, Baron Max! I do not have the time to ‘say a few words’ at the function celebrating the life of a minor noble.”

“Oh,” said Max feeling down. “He always spoke very highly of you. I thought you might want to share a few anecdotes?”

“We certainly had our moments,” she agreed her eyes looking distant. “The air smelled of lavender,” she mumbled to herself.


“Never mind,” said Puissance sharply. “It was a long time ago and is unimportant!” She seemed to calm herself. “The Baron and I spent most of our lives in very different social circles.”

“Still you’ve both been in court for... well, a long time. You must remember some things about him.”

“Nothing of importance. I would suggest you leave now, and I may not press charges, baron.” She gestured towards the door.

Max made one last attempt. “If it was you retiring wouldn’t you want somepony to tell everypony all the good you did? Wouldn’t you like to be remembered?”

Puissance froze in place for a moment before turning back to Max. “I have biographers for that, Baron Max... still.” She looked thoughtful. “I may reconsider... first, answer me some questions. That rock you gave me at my jubilation, was it really from your province?”

The question took Max on the back hoof and he frowned. “Yes, of course, but why...?”

“And were there others like it where you found it?”

“Some, I think. It was a while back. But what does this have to do with the retirement party?”

Puissance examined him closely for a moment. “Never mind, baron. Very well, give the details to my secretary and I will see if I can spare a few minutes to speak about Baron Fields. But you will owe me for this, and I will certainly collect. Do you understand?” she asked.

“Well, yes I suppose, I’ll do what I can.”

“Good,” said Puissance brusquely. “Now get out of my bedroom.”

“Of course, thank you,” said Max, cantering towards the door where he passed a quartet of very surprised guards.

Meal times are surprisingly useful for talking to other members of the court. You never know what you’ll hear. Also don’t talk with your mouth full.

An extract from ‘What I learned at court’, Baron Mounty Max’s report to Princess Luna Equestris
Draft version


“So anyway I climbed up the wall and into Puissance’s chamber, well I sort of fell into the chamber actually onto her bed and...” said Max explaining his recent exploits. It was later in the day and the two of them were in the banquet hall, sharing a quick meal.

“You just climbed into the chamber of one of the Vicereines, the acting ruler of Equestria?” gasped Fragrant.

“Well it seemed the easiest way to get to talk to her,” he replied with a shrug.

“It was the easiest way to get hurt! The guards could have killed you by accident if they caught you!” He could be so infuriatingly dense sometimes. Still, she found his behaviour thrilling; there was something about how he was so relaxed in the face of danger which made her feel a little... distracted.

“Nothing happened to me,” he said, raising his hooves, “and she even agreed to speak at Baron Fields’ party.”

Fragrant sighed at his reaction. Now if only she could solve her current problem as easily. Her meeting with Greengrass had been a sham, probably to keep her away from Trixie. Blueblood too had been a diversion; could they both be working with Night Light?

Anyway, the meeting with the Princess's student had made up her mind. She could not stand aside and let the Viceroy hurt Ponyville regardless of what he could do to her, do to her people; she had to stand strong. She was a member of the Night Court – she had a duty to all of Equestria. But how to do it? Wallflower had sent word that she would be returning in time for the Gala in a few days, but time was precious. Puissance was stalling; she may have been bought off by Night Light in some way. Speaking to Luna in person was her only hope, but the Princess was still out of communication, her guards instructed to keep away all but the most important visitors, and sadly Fragrant did not meet the criteria. Maybe she should take a leaf out of Max’s book and go swooping into her quarters, if she didn’t think the guard would catch her before she could get close. It wasn’t like she was a very strong flyer anyway. Still, there had to be some way to get to the Princess. There had to be.

“Anyway,” said Max standing up. “I better get going. I’ve still got to finish off my report for the princess.”

“I thought you almost had that done?”

“I’ve had a few more ideas, but don’t worry. I’ll get it finished before court closes. She did ask for it in person, after all.”

Fragrant stood and gave Max a quick hug before he trotted off towards his office. Something about his last words bothered her, what was it... Of course! A report requested in person by the princess – there was a rule that the delivery of such a report could not be blocked if it was agreed by two nobles of marquis rank or higher, unless the princess specifically countermanded it. But it was risky – even ignoring Night Light’s possible revenge, the princess had recently made it clear she was not impressed when ponies used such methods to waste her time. Only last year Duke, now Count, Charger had been demoted for such actions. But it did give her a chance to talk to the Princess. Now all she needed to do was to try and find a second signatory.

It may seem that the court if full of squabbling foals ponies, but we’re all here for the same reason: to help Equestria. If an important issue came up everypony would put their differences aside and work together.

An extract from ‘What I learned at court’, Baron Mounty Max’s report to Princess Luna Equestris
Draft version


“I’m sorry, duchess,” said Duchess Dandy. “But I am afraid I will not be able to help you in this matter.” She looked around nervously. “As important as you think this may be, I do not wish to get involved. I would suggest you let the matter drop, before something unfortunate happens to you!”

Fragrant sighed. She had spent several hours now trying to find a noble of sufficient rank to agree to help her. However, once she explained what she needed, most were too scared of Night Lights possible retribution. She suspected a few might have already been threatened by the Viceroy to prevent them trying something similar. In a way his sudden change was truly terrifying; he had previously remained remote from the courts power plays, and now that he was acting nopony knew what, if any, his new limits were. She would have preferred to deal with a known threat.

“Thank you for listening to my proposal anyway,” said Fragrant, getting up from her chair. “I hope you can keep this matter between ourselves for the moment?” It would surprise her if somepony hadn’t already alerted Night Light to what she was trying to do. If he didn’t already know, he would soon.

“But of course,” simpered Dandy as Fragrant trotted from her room.

She’d already tried her closest allies, thought Fragrant. Duke Sands had recently left Canterlot, Duchess Ledger and Marquis Parchment were busy, Archduchess Nobility and several others had refused. She didn’t have that many left to try. Greengrass maybe? He might have the gall to stand up to Night Light, but she already suspected he might be working with the Viscount. Deep in thought she wandered back to her office. There had to be somepony who would help her. Maybe she could trick somepony into helping her? Not tell them exactly what she was going to do? No, if she was going to ask somepony to risk their career, then they would have to know what they were doing.

“Notebook!” she called as she entered her office. “I will require a list of any nobles of marquis rank or higher currently at court, particularly any which may owe me a favour, a big favour.”

“Of course, madam,” said her servant, a pad already in his hoof and a pencil in his mouth. “Whilst I prepare that, you have a guest waiting for you.”

“A guest?” She wasn’t expecting anyone. Maybe Max was visiting? She didn’t want to get him mixed up in this, and he wasn’t of a high enough rank to help her anyway.

“It is Marquis Jet Stream milady.”

Jet Stream? What was she doing here? Thought Fragrant.

“She is waiting in your office.”

“Very well, please get that list ready once I’ve spoken to her.”

“Of course.”

Fragrant trotted into her office to see the grey pegasus sitting on one of the guest chairs, her hoof tapping nervously on the floor. She looked scared, her mane matted with sweat and her eyes darting from side to side. She leapt to her hooves upon hearing Fragrant enter. “D… Duchess,” she stuttered.

“Marquis. Are you alright?” she asked concernedly.

“I’ve hear you’ve been looking for somepony to support your delivery of a report to Luna and that you... that you plan to speak to her about Night Light’s recent actions?”

“Yes...” said Fragrant cautiously. Was her fellow pegasus here to deliver a warning from Night Light?

“I would... I would like to help!”

Fragrant blinked a few times. “Why?” she asked. Jet Stream was the last pony she would have expected to help her. Although their relationship has begun to thaw recently, their families had a long history of disagreement. Could this be some sort of trap?

“I... I... What Night Light is doing is wrong!” She tried to stand up tall. “Drawing a whole community into his own feud, it’s going too far.”

“He told you what he was doing?”

“I went to see him after the committee meeting and he threatened me, threatened my son. He knows... he knows, Jet Set ran a little wild you see, fell in with the wrong crowd, he’s never been a very strong stallion. That Upper Crust filly was always bad for him.” Words started to gush from her like a waterfall as she get her worries off of her chest. “He took to gambling and he lost... lost a lot, I found out eventually and I paid off his debts but if it became public, the shame, his reputation, he just made a few mistakes, you see! He’s my little colt, I should have seen, should have been there!”

Fragrant nodded. “If you help me, I’ll do what I can to shield you, and your son, from any fallout. But I’m surprised you trust me given our families history.”

“Thank you. What Night Light is doing is wrong – our families may have feuded but we always tried to keep it between ourselves, not hurt others, and you’ve been trying to settle things. The planned weather factory in Los Pegasus, you never would have done that a year ago. I have to trust you.”

Fragrant stood stock still for a moment, emotions warring in her. She never would have suspected that her old rival would actually be this... noble. Or that a few gestures of friendship could lead to so much. “Thank you!” she said. “Thank you very much!”

“Has he... has he threatened you to?”

“Yes,” she said with a nod. “He said he’d counter my Cloud export bill, but Ponyville matters more than a few more jobs.”

Jet Stream nodded.

Fragrant walked over to a cabinet and withdrew a large folder. It was her report on Max’s progress at the court; she’d hoped to get another draft done before she brought it to the Princess, but she had to see her now before Night Light found a way to stop her. “We should go now.”

Jet Stream nodded again.

“Once we get to the princess, just hang back. If she’s angry she might take it out on me alone, she might not even notice you.”

“No, if we do this we do this together,” she held out a hoof.

For a moment Fragrant stared at it then took it and shook it. Five generations of disagreement solved with just a few kind deeds. She marvelled. “Let’s go!”

One reason for Max’s charisma is how helpful he tries to be to everybody; his first words in any conversation are often ‘how can I help’. I don’t think he fully realizes how many favours he is accruing from this term.

An extract from ‘A report on Baron Mounty Max’s education’, Duchess Fragrant Posey’s report to Princess Luna Equestris


The last pony on Max’s list was Baron Mellow Dramatic. Unlike some of the other ponies he had visited, Max had actually interacted with Mellow a little before. He was another member of the transport committee Max was on, and the two of them had previously gotten talking a few times. He seemed a nice enough pony, rather highly strung; he tended to make a disaster out of even the smallest problem. However, Max was certain he should be able to calm whatever ruffled feathers the pegasus had and get his support for Fragrant’s bill.

Baron Dramatic’s office was significantly larger than Max’s, but then almost everypony’s was. In addition to his personal assistant there were two other ponies working on something in the outer office. The assistant, a rather dowdy middle aged unicorn, informed him that her master was currently indisposed on personal matters and that he should wait. Max was left twiddling his hooves for almost an hour before Mellow burst from the inner office door. The young pegasus was almost stick thin and had a brown coat and a green mane and eyes, which were currently bloodshot apparently from tears.

“Oh, Max,” cried Dramatic. “It’s so very very terrible, there is no hope, my life it is over!” he announced, waving his hooves in the air. The assistant merely rolled her eyes, clearly used to her master’s histrionics.

“Um, what is it?” asked Max carefully.

“Oh it is too terrible to discuss... in public.” He glanced around at the assistants, who didn’t look up. “Come, come with me!” He grabbed Max and with surprising force pulled him into the office. It was a mess, papers and files spread all over the floor as if thrown by a tornado. The only things unaffected were various pictures of a young mare plastered around the room.

“Now where was I,” said Mellow, dropping into a seat. “Oh, yes. My life is over! All hope is gone!” he announced.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Max, “But you see, I’m here to...”

“She was all that was good in my life and now I shall never see her again! Never!” continued Mellow.

“Who?” asked Max.

“Why, Lady Confidant of course,” said Mellow, grabbing a picture from his desk and shoving it into Max’s face. It showed a rather chubby unicorn mare wearing – in Max’s opinion – rather too much make up. Fragrant managed to look ten times better with far less, he thought. Still there was no accounting for taste.

“She’s lovely.”

“Lovely! Lovely! She is a princess, the love of my life, my soul mate! But now she is gone and I will never see her again! Curse this loveless world,” cried the stallion collapsing in tears onto his desk.

Max looked around awkwardly, not sure what to do. “Um, chin up, I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

“It was perfect!” sniffed Mellow. “So romantic, our families had been feuding for so long but our eyes met over a banqueting table and I knew! I knew she was the one for me! We have been carrying on our liaisons in secret for months now. But the Gala! The Gala! was when we were going to reveal our love to the cruel cruel world, but alas her father found out and he has forbidden her from ever seeing me again. She’s so old fashioned, it’s so tragic!” he moaned.

“That... that’s too bad. You see, I’m here to talk to you about Duchess Posey’s cloud export bill.”

“I have no heart for work, it is shattered into a million pieces!”

Max gingerly patted the other stallion on the shoulder. “I know this might be hard on you, but your people need you. Equestria needs you.”

“No I cannot, I cannot work, I cannot vote in this state, I shall abstain until my heart heals, if ever!”

Max sighed, it wasn’t as bad as if he was voting against, but an abstention would reduce Fragrant’s support. He could understand that Mellow might be heartbroken over this, but not that he could abandon his responsibilities this way. “Look, maybe I can talk to Lady Confidant’s father about this maybe get him to change his mind?”

“You would?” said the weeping pegasus, looking up. “You would do that for me?”

“Well, I’ll try,” said Max unsurely.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” said Mellow, grabbing Max’s hoof and pumping it mercilessly. “I will be forever in your debt!”

“So if I can get Lady Confidant to go to the Gala with you, you’ll support Fragrant?”

“Of course, her proposal is clearly advantageous.”

Then why not just vote for it? wondered Max. “I’ll see what I can do, then,” said Max, standing from his chair.

“Yes, hopefully Count Kibitz will listen to you,” said Mellow.


“I have no wish to listen to you!” announced Count Kibitz. “There is no possible situation where I will let my foolish daughter have anything further to do with that... that... hammy fool Mellow Dramatic. His grandmother tried to have my father exiled, you know! Tried to make it look like he was collaborating with the Griffins!”

“I’m sorry about that, but...”

“I am sorry, but I have no further time for you. I have a meeting with Archduke Fisher in,” the unicorn brought out an intricate pocket watch, “thirteen minutes, and the route there will take at least nine and a half, probably longer given how crowded the corridors can be.”

For a moment Max felt like giving up; it seemed like he was one of the few sane ponies at court. Then he straightened his back. He was doing this for Fragrant. Sure, it might not matter if she got one more vote or note, but he had to prove to her that he had learnt her lessons, that he could function at court; it was very important he impress her... for some reason. “How about I walk with you?” he asked.

Kibitz sighed. “Very well! But hurry, I now only have twelve and a half minutes.”

“Thanks. Now, maybe his grandmother did something bad to your father, but what has Baron Dramatic done to you personally?”

“Apart from dating my daughter behind my back?” sniffed the Count.

“Well yes, I suppose so, but how does your daughter feel about this?”

“She... she seems to like the baron, for some reason. He’s probably tricking her in some way, she’s always been a fanciful girl, she gets that from her mother, very spontaneous.” He looked a little distant and a small smile spread across his moustached face, while several ponies had to swerve to avoid running into him. Then he shook himself. “But regardless she’s a good girl, now that I’ve forbidden it she’ll do what I told her, even if she’s not happy.”

“But if she and Mellow like each other, what's the harm in letting them spend the Gala together?”

“The harm! The harm! The Gala is hardly a small town dance, Baron Max. The whole court will be there, the Princess, the press. If even the smallest thing goes wrong, it will be all across Equestria within a day. If Mellow turns out to be the cad I know him to be, poor Confidant would be humiliated! I will not have that!”

“Look, I know Mellow.” Sort of. “He’s rather high strung but he’s a nice pony, he’s actually quite professional in his committee meetings, he knows all about road building and the like. I’ve never heard anything about him leading mares on, have you?”

“Well no, I suppose not... but this is my daughter, not just any mare. It’s my job to protect her, to look after her.” The older stallion looked unsure. “And this is not just her, this is our family honour! Nothing is more important!”

“Not even your daughter’s happiness?” asked Max.

“Well... maybe...” The unicorn sighed and checked his watch again before looking around. He opened a nearby door leading to an empty meeting room and gestured for Max to follow him.

“Look, maybe I will allow Confidant to go to the Gala with Baron Dramatic. She does seem rather taken with him. But there is something else that could impinge on my family’s honour.” He looked around nervously. “You know Countess Sharp Quill?” he whispered.

Max frowned. He had heard of her, she owned several widely circulating newspapers including Canterlot Nights. Fragrant had had quite a few not very flattering things to say about her in the past, but then his mentor seemed to hold something of a grudge against the press. However, he hadn’t really met her in person – maybe shook hooves at a party or event but not talked. “I’ve heard of her,” he said.

“Well she has intimated that she had uncovered a certain artefact that suggested a link between my own house and,” he glanced around again, “Corona!”

“Your family used to work for Corona?”

“Of course not! It’s preposterous!” he cried out. “Still, maybe, it was a long time ago, a lot has changed.”

“Would it be that important? Didn’t the Bluebloods use to work for Corona? Nopony blames them for it now.”

“That’s different, everypony knows their history and has for centuries, but if this were to come out now, then… well, it would look like I had been hiding it, it would be a scandal, I could be ruined! Ruined!”

Max tried to hide a smile. Maybe there was just a little similarity between Mellow and Kibitz. “So you want me to go to the Countess and get you this evidence? Then you’ll let Confidant go to the Gala with Mellow?” This seemed needlessly complicated.

“Yes, I suppose so, as long as he doesn’t hurt my filly.”

“Ok, you’ve got a deal!”


Countess Quill’s office was certainly ‘different’; the walls were covered by various cuttings from her papers, many of them editorials penned by the Countess herself. As he had been told it would be a few minutes before the Countess could see him, he browsed the various clippings; they mostly seemed to be a collection of the various scandals affecting the court for the last several decades. It made him feel a little sad, really. Things couldn’t be that bad could they? Certainly these things had happened and he’d seen other flaws in the system, but where were details of the grant to help build another orphanage in Fillydelphia? Or the aid given to the communities affected by the Longest Day? All the good the court did? This all seemed very negative.

Glancing down, he noticed an article on his actions during the avalanche in Innsbuck. Did Happy Snapper work for the countess? He traced his gaze along the wall and noticed a picture of a teary eyed pegasus mare trying to hide her face from the camera; a thin unicorn stallion was trying to shield her as well. He looked closer. Was that Fragrant? She looked younger...

“Ah, Baron Max, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting,” came a voice drawing Max’s attention from the picture. He looked around to see a middle aged earth pony mare in an immaculate purple suit. Her coat was orange and her blue and white mane was carefully done up in a bun. “What is it I can do for you?”

“Oh, I’m here on an errand from Count Kibitz.” His eyes tried to slide back to the picture of Fragrant, but he forced himself to stay on target.

“Count Kibitz? Interesting, would this happen to be anything to do with a certain historical artifact I have recently purchased?” She smiled broadly.

“Um, he thinks that it might show his family in the, well, wrong light.”

“Really? And don’t you think the population have a right to know the family history of their rulers?”

Max frowned. He hadn’t really thought about it that way, but it was a long time ago. “Maybe, but we’re talking about a thousand years ago. What difference would it make now?”

“Hum, well, maybe we should let the people decide? Unless maybe you can give me something else? You’re close to Duchess Posey, aren't you?”

Max wasn’t sure what she meant by that. “I’m her squire at the moment,” he said cautiously.

“She is somewhat difficult to get an interview with. Occasionally on matters of the weather ministry, but not on more personal matters, not for a long time now. Do you think you could arrange something for me, Baron Max?”

Max blinked. Fragrant valued her privacy very highly and really didn’t like the press; she would never agree to that. “I don’t think that would be possible, I could give you an interview though.”

“About the duchess?”

“About myself,” said Max sharply.

“A shame. Unfortunately most of my readership won't even have heard of you, baron. You’re not exactly an A-lister, are you?”

“There isn’t anything else I can do for you?” he asked.

“No, it would be an interview with the duchess or nothing. Well, unless you can magic up a ticket to the Gala.” She laughed.

Max didn’t echo her humour. Even he knew that Gala tickets were precious; only one was given to each noble, and the extra tickets were sold for charity at exorbitant prices. They were then traded for even higher prices. With the Gala so close, even if somepony was willing to sell, well… he could probably sell all of Nulpar for less. “Nothing else? Nothing I could do for you?”

“No, I’m afraid not. Interview or nothing. I’m sorry, Baron Max, but that is my final offer.”

I’ve found it quite astonishing the number of rules the court has. I’m sure if you knew them all you could find some way to crown yourself princess.

An extract from ‘What I learned at court’, Baron Mounty Max’s report to Princess Luna Equestris
Draft version


“Halt!” cried a member of the Night Guard blocking the two mares’ way. “No unauthorised personnel may pass, by order of the princess herself!”

Fragrant looked aside as her ally. Jet Stream had set herself but Fragrant could tell she was still nervous by the twitching of her ears and tail. She would have to do with this quickly in case the marquis lost her nerve. “I have to deliver a report to her highness, one she commissioned herself. By the right of report I request access to the Princess!”

The guard’s eyes narrowed for a moment. Then she turned to Jet Stream. “Do you agree to this Marquis?” she asked.

For a moment Jet Stream paused and Fragrant was worried she was going to betray her. “Yes,” she said finally. “Yes, I agree with Duchess Posey in this matter and also invoke the right of report.”

“Very well,” said the guard, stepping back and letting one of her colleagues take her place. “Wait here.” She trotted over to another guard and the two talked quietly for a moment.

Fragrant swallowed painfully. There was a chance that Luna had left specific instructions to prevent what she was trying to do, in which case all of this was for nothing, but she had to at least try. “You could go now,” she said to Jet Stream. “You’ve done all you need to.”

“No… no, I want to see this through,” said her companion.

“We accept your right of report,” said the guard, trotting over to the two nobles. “Follow me, but keep quiet, our majesty is very busy at the moment.”

Nodding her understanding, Fragrant followed the guard with Jet Stream in tow. She led them into a large chamber. The air within seemed charged and Fragrant’s ears popped as if she had ascended to a great height. Within stood Princess Luna herself, surrounded by a dozen or more robed unicorn mages. Their horns glowing brightly, all seemed to be deeply concentrating on a large map of Equestria inscribed on the floor. A glowing orb, like a small sun, hovered above the image vibrating in place.

As the pegasus looked on in awe, the orb started to hesitantly move across the map, first towards the northwest and then starting to curve around towards the south. Suddenly one of the mages gave a groan as her horn began to flicker and she, almost in slow motion, started to tumble forwards. One of her colleagues stepped up to help her and suddenly the ball of fire popped out of existence.

Luna looked up at the dazed unicorn with a snarl of frustration before calming herself. “I think we could all do with a break, Lustrous. You need sleep. See if Grey Beard has recovered enough to try again.” The unicorns all nodded and turned to leave. As they did so the guard escorting Fragrant walked over to her mistress and whispered something to her. The alicorn of the night looked up sharply, narrowing her eyes at her guests. Fragrant had to steel herself to stop herself from running. Next to her, Jet Stream whimpered quietly.

Nodding to her guard, Luna trotted over to Fragrant. “You have something to deliver to me?” she asked with undisguised annoyance. Trying not to shake, Fragrant passed over the report and Luna snatched it from her with her aura before flicking through it. “This... This is what you disturbed me with?” she snarled. “A report on what Baron Mounty Max has learnt? This was so important!”

“I needed to speak to you your Highness,” said Fragrant, sounding much more composed that she felt.

“Of course you did, everypony wants to talk to me. What do you want? My support on some petty matter? I thought better of you, duchess,” she spat. “Get out of my sight! We will have words when I am less busy.”

“Please!” cried Fragrant. “This is important!”

Something in her tone must have gotten through to the Princess as she locked gaze with Fragrant for a moment. Then she sighed. “Very well... what is it?”

Fragrant opened her mouth and began to tell the Princess of Night Light’s actions.

By the time she had finished, Luna had seemed to have collapsed in on herself, no longer towering over the nobles; instead she seemed little larger than a normal pony. “I see.” She sighed. “I thought I might have more time, that he was one of the better ones,” she mumbled. For a moment Fragrant caught her monarch’s gaze and Luna’s eyes seemed so very old and tired, seemingly at odds with her youthful appearance. “Guard!” she called. “Bring me a dri...” she began.

“Your highness!” exclaimed the guard.

“I mean, bring me Viceroy Night Light, now! And let nothing stop you!”

“Your highness!” said the guard again and saluted before rushing from the chamber.

“Thank you, both of you,” noted Luna, “For bringing this matter to my attention. I am glad to see that there are still some honest members of the court. We will speak again when I have time.” She gave a brief nod to each of her guests before turning away.

Most importantly, Max needs somepony to tell him when he’s gone too far – somepony to aim him in the right direction.

An extract from ‘A report on Baron Mounty Max’s education’, Duchess Fragrant Posey’s report to Princess Luna Equestris


Feeling dejected, Max made his way back towards his office. He had a committee meeting shortly and he wanted to get prepared; it was the last before the court shut for the summer and he wanted to make sure everything was dealt with on time. It didn’t feel right to not be able to tick off all the names of Fragrant’s list, but Countess Quill seemed adamant. Maybe he could go back to Kibitz or Mellow and see if they would change their mind? Mellow usually made sense if you could catch him on a calmer moment.

He turned the corner and found the doorway to his office blocked by a large furry shape. He blinked at the brown shaggy form for a moment before it twisted and a large horned head revealed itself. “I beg your pardon,” said the buffalo in perfect equestrian. “You are Baron Max?”

“Er, yes?” said Max, looking up at the hulking shape.

“I’m Small Hoof, I’ve just been talking to your assistant and she’s been very helpful.”

“You’re welcome, dearie,” came Mrs G’s muffled voice from the office.

“Oh that’s good. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No, she’s been very helpful. This,” he held out a hoof with a piece of parchment attached, “Should be all I need.” Max recognised the ‘guide to Canterlot’ he and Mrs G had put together. It was amazing how many goats, donkeys, griffins and the like found it difficult to settle into the city; the guide gave them some information on possible housing, jobs and the like. It was strange how they kept coming to him about it, though. Most nobles occasionally got visitors from their home provinces, but given Nulpar’s size and distance he didn’t; instead he seemed to get members of various minority species. Still, it was nice to be able to help.

He stepped back, and the buffalo squeezed its way out of the office before carefully making his way down the corridor. Max gazed after him for a moment before entering his office.

“What did he want?” he asked.

“Oh, him and his parents have been part of a travelling show. Now that he’s all grown up he fancies settling down. He’s looking into living in Canterlot so I talked him through a few things,” said Mrs G.

“Interesting,” said Max, looking at his list again. What could he do?

“Things not going well, dearie?”

With a sigh, Max pulled up a spare chair and told Mrs G about his quests.

“And now Quill wants me to get her an interview with Fragrant, or to get her a Gala ticket! Both of which are as likely as me being made part of the ministry of war!” He concluded.

Mrs G leaned back for a moment in thought. “You know, you do have a ticket to the Gala.”

Max blinked. She was right. “But that would mean I couldn’t go, that neither of us could go.” And he wouldn’t see Fragrant there.

“Well, to be honest, I wasn’t too keen on it. You see, there’s a servant’s only event at the same time; we all party and tell each other how much we hate our bosses. It seems much more my thing, really. Some of the pages have even organised a hoofball tournament tomorrow while all the bigwigs are still recovering. So I’ll be fine.”

Max considered. He supposed he didn’t really need to go – it was mostly just important ponies chatting about things he didn’t understand. It would be a shame to not see Fragrant there, but it would stop him doing anything stupid that would probably ruin their friendship. Besides, this was for her bill, for the betterment of Equestria; how could a party measure up to that?

Max is always willing to give of himself to help others; it is a good trait for a public servant. However, I sometimes feel he might give a little too much. He needs to learn restraint.

An extract from ‘A report on Baron Mounty Max’s education’, Duchess Fragrant Posey’s report to Princess Luna Equestris


“I have what you asked for,” announced Max as he once again entered Countess Quill’s office.

“Duchess Posey agreed to an interview? I am impressed, Baron Max. Maybe an interview with you would be worth it.”

“No, I have a ticket for the Gala!” He placed his own ticket, for one plus a guest, on the table.

“But I didn’t...” she looked down at it. “Well, actually, this just might do. One of my province’s weather ponies was involved in last month's storm near Manehattan. Quite the heroine apparently, saved an entire squad of her fellows. I think she could do with a reward.” She smiled. “And I think it would make a good story as well.”

“So you’ll give me whatever you have on Count Kibitz?”

“Of course, a deal is a deal, although it may not look like much.”


“This... this is it?” asked Kibitz, looking down at the small box Max had placed in front of him.

“Yes, this is the evidence the Countess found linking your house to Corona.”

“It must be hidden, destroyed immediately!” he announced. “But what is it?”

“Well, you might be a bit surprised.” Max opened the box to reveal a thin brittle piece of ancient wood with a few bristles sticking out from one end. On the back Corona’s seal could clearly be seen.

Kibitz stared at it in incomprehension for a moment. “I sent you to find evidence of a link between my house and the Tyrant Sun,” he exclaimed, “and you brought me... brought me a hair brush?”

“Actually it does fit in. Look here.” He pointed at the very bottom of the handle. Kibitz put on a pair of glasses and peered at where Max’s hoof was.

“It’s... it’s the symbol of my house, the metaphorical shears of truth we use to advise the princess against falsehood.”

“Well… apparently back then they were just scissors. Your house used to be the royal barbers. Well, according to Sharp.”

“Barbers!” gasped Kibitz. Then he gently lifted the ancient brush from its case. “You know, you’d think this would be a little more fireproof if it was used on Corona.”

“Anyway, I did what you asked. Can your daughter go to the gala with Mellow now?”

“I suppose so,” muttered Kibitz. “He doesn’t seem all that bad. Still, he better not get fresh, unless he wants to find out what it’s like to be a gelding!”


“He agreed!” squealed Mellow Dramatic, grasping Max in a hug. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! You don’t know what this means to me! Oh, I must prepare right away, this is going to be the best night ever!”

Max was glad to see the look of joy on his colleagues face; at least he’d managed to help somepony’s romantic ambitions. “Now, you’re going to vote for Fragrant’s Bill?”

“Oh, I don’t have the time for that now, my lady awaits!”

“Mellow!” growled Max in exasperation.

“Sorry!” He tried to collect himself. “Of course I will. We had a deal. I... I probably would have anyway.” He shrugged. “It wouldn’t have been the end of the world if Confidant couldn't have made the Gala, but thanks for your help anyway.”

Max gawped at Mellow for a moment. All that work and he probably would have voted for Fragrant anyway! He rubbed his face with a hoof. Still he’d made sure everypony on his list would support this teacher; that was something. Now he just had to tell Fragrant that it was done.

I need to follow Duchess Posey’s example and learn to hide my emotions better. I often find myself overwhelmed by her the excitement of being part of the ruling council of Equestria.

An extract from ‘What I learned at court’, Baron Mounty Max’s report to Princess Luna Equestris
Draft version


“Aren't you nervous?” asked Max. “I’m nervous!”

Fragrant smiled at her companion. She had insisted he join her in her private box for the vote as a reward for securing Baron Dramatic’s vote. In reality, a single vote would do little if Night Light carried out his threat, but he had worked hard to get it. “It is only a single bill, Max, I have overseen dozens in my time at court.” She tried to sound relaxed while her guts were churning. This was an important matter, even beyond the importance of the bill itself to Cloudsdale. It would show her what Night Light planned to do. Rumours were circulating of the dressing down he had received from Luna, and although she doubted the Princess would have directly mentioned her, it probably wouldn’t be hard for him to find out who had told her about his plan.

They sat in silence for a few moments before the session formally started. To her mild surprise, the Princess's box was open and occupied; Luna looked down on her court scowling imperiously. The rest of the court was packed; it looked like almost all of the two hundred and forty three nobles that made up the court would be present. By her earlier calculations, her bill should pass by a reasonable margin, but Night Light could well complicate the matter. If all of his supporters voted against her, she would be crushed. It wouldn’t require that big a swing for her to lose.

The opening ceremony of the court crawled past, but it was soon time for her to give the final explanation of her bill. The room’s magical light was centred on her as she stood to give her speech. For a moment she felt like a filly again, alone and naked in a room full of strangers, and all of her carefully prepared arguments fled from her mind. Then she felt something brush her hoof. She turned to see Max gripping her arm and giving her a reassuring grin. Energy and confidence seemed to rush into her, and she stood straight and looked down at the court below her before starting her speech.

Once that was concluded, it was traditional for the court to ask the princess her opinion on the matter, if she was present. She rarely deemed to speak, but on this occasion – to Fragrant’s surprise – Luna actually said a few words in support of her bill, praising the technological achievements that made it possible and the employment opportunities it offered. Below, there was much hushed whispering among the lower ranks of the court. From above, Night Light glared down on her.

The voting sergeant had to call for order twice before the chamber finally quietened and voting could start. As the most junior court member, it was Max’s responsibility to vote first. He stood in the box and turned to the court. “I vote in support of Duchess Posey’s bill,” he announced before turning back towards Fragrant.

Voting continued as she expected among the first dozen or so barons before the first upset. “I vote against the bill,” said Baron Starborn, glancing between the Princess and the Viceroy. Fragrant swore under her breath. She was sure she had obtained his support; his sub province had many lakes and its position near the border would make additional cloud export very profitable to him. Night Light must have gotten to him.

The next surprise was more pleasant. “As the Princess suggests, I vote for the bill,” said Baronet Slimeball. She had been sure he would vote against.

As more and more votes were cast, the totals swung this way and that. This was going to be close. 12 For, 16 Against; 32 For, 20 Against; 56 vs 67, 92 vs 105, 125 vs 115. She had won, she realised! Only the viceroys were left to vote and she was already ten votes ahead; only a formality remained. For a moment she felt like jumping for joy, then her sense of propriety stopped her.

“I jolly well vote for the bill!” announced Wallflower with a smile.

“I vote for the bill,” noted Puissance, sounding almost bored.

All that remained was Night Light. Would he accept defeat gracefully? thought Fragrant. The blue stallion stood and looked down on the court for a moment before glaring at Fragrant. “I vote against the bill!” he intoned.

Fragrant’s heart fell. Regardless of what Luna had said to him, it was clear that Night Light did not forgive her for what she had done. That could be bad, very bad, she thought.

“We won! You won!” cried Max leaping to his hooves and embracing Fragrant in a crushing hug. Suddenly everything seemed so much better, she thought as she rested her head on his neck for a moment.

Dear Princess Luna

Would it be really that bad if I told Fragrance how much I cared for her?


An extract from ‘What I learned at court’, Baron Mounty Max’s report to Princess Luna Equestris
Draft version


She still felt buoyant an hour or so later. The court’s other business had concluded quickly, and the court had been closed for the summer. Business would still continue as normal, of course, but most of the courtiers would return to their provinces over the next few weeks. She had returned to her quarters and Max was due to arrive soon to discuss the events of the day. To be honest, she already knew most of what had occurred. Maybe they could go over his proposed road building bill again? Or just talk for a few hours, she thought.

Humming gently to herself, Fragrant approached a clothing bag hanging in her wardrobe. She unzipped it and revealed the black and white dress within. It was the finalised dress she had ordered from Suri and Coco and they had not disappointed. Luckily they had thrown out many of her suggestions, and had produced a more traditional dress with a black underskirt and a white outer layer with small copies of her cutie mark carefully stitched into it. The bodice was flattering but not tight enough to be uncomfortable. Overall she was very pleased with it. The only downside was that it was clearly designed by an earth pony; she doubted she would find it easy to fly in. Still, she should probably keep her feet on the ground for the Gala anyway. She laid it out over a chair when there was a knock at the door.

“Come in!” she called. As expected, Max entered.

“Congratulations on the vote!” he said.

“You have already congratulated me enough, you know,” she said. “But thank you anyway.”

“I brought some wine. I thought you might feel like celebrating.” He held out a bottle a little bashfully and she took it. It wasn’t exactly the best vintage, but it would certainly be palatable.

“Thank you.” She wandered over to her room’s small kitchen to get some glasses.

“Um, nice dress.”

“It was made by the Manehattan young fashion designer of the year winner,” she said. “I will be wearing it to the Gala tomorrow.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll look great in it,” said Max, his ears drooping a little.

“I’m sure you can...” Oh, she thought, he’d given away his ticket to help her. Could she, should she offer...? Did Thunderous really need to hobnob again this year? she wondered. He could take Edelweiss somewhere nice instead. Normally she wouldn’t take such a risk, couldn’t take such a risk, but today she’d won a vote, risked her career to do something right and made a powerful enemy, today was a day for bold action and if she delayed things might change again, or she might chicken out. After all, young pegasus were told sometimes that to fly you first had to jump! “Max...” She tried to keep a little waver from her voice. “Would you like to go to the Gala, with me? As my... as my escort?”

“Your escort?” he asked, sounding unsure, and for a moment her heart leapt up into her throat. He was going to say no!

“As a reward for your hard work.” Liar, she thought. “You’ve really come on in the last few months – you could never have arranged those votes when you first arrived at court!” It seemed to be roasting in her quarters all of a sudden; she could feel sweat starting to leak down her face.

“I would love to!” cried Max. It took all of Fragrant’s self-control not to leap across to him at that moment, a wide smile split across her face.

“Excellent!” she said, passing Max a glass of wine. “To u... to the Gala,” she toasted.

“To the Gala,” he replied.

Author's Note:

Second half of the previous chapter and now we're all off to the Gala and the finishing post is in sight

Thanks to Rainbowdoubledash and Grass&Clouds2 for pre-reading and to Mooncalf for editing.

As always comments are appreciated.