• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 1,030 Views, 30 Comments

Poor Little Rich Pony - Ugly-Duckling123

After a storm, Diamond Tiara's house is out of power, so she has to stay with the Apple's

  • ...

Chapter 7

As Apple Bloom walked into the kitchen the next morning she was surprised to see Fluttershy at the table with the others. "Er... hi Fluttershy..." she said smiling a little.

"Hello Apple Bloom," she said clearing away the plate she had been using.

"Why are you here exactly? Not that we don't mind you here, it's just..."

"She came over last night Apple Bloom," Applejack said finishing her toast. "Someone new came to the barn last night and Fluttershy helped us welcome her."

"What are you .... talking... about...? OH MY GOD!" Apple Bloom cried realizing what her sister was saying. "Can I go see Applejack? Please...."

"Maybe later, Mac's checking up on them first, seeing if everyone's doing ok." Applejack laughed at how excited her sister was.

"Can I see it too Applejack," Diamond Tiara asked from her place at the table smiling as big as Apple Bloom.

"Why don't you help Apple Bloom pick out a name first then you both can come to the barn after lunch," Applejack suggested cleaning up her place. "We need to check up Nutmeg," she said as the two adults left the kitchen.

After Applejack and Fluttershy left, the two girls turned to face each other. At first nothing was said and no eye contact was made. Then...

"How about Luna?" Diamond Tiara said out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Apple Bloom asked looking up.

"The filly," Tiara explained. "I was thinking Luna. You know because she was born last night?"

"Ok, that's one name," Apple Bloom said getting out a pen and some paper writing down the name. "Lets think of some more, then she can choose her name herself later."

"Ok," Tiara said happily moving around to the other side of the table to sit next to Apple Bloom, not seeing or caring her dad had come back, from checking their house, to discover there still was no power.

In the barn Mac was talking to Appleseed about last night.

"I hope you're happy boy," he said patting Appleseed on the back. "That buck you gave me really hurt you know..."

Appleseed lowered his head as if saying he was sorry.

"It's alright," Mac said "You were just scared for Nutmeg weren't you?"

A nod.

"Well I'm sure when my Nutmeg's in her position I'll be just like you," Mac said.

"What was that brother?" Applejack's voice said from the door, making Mac jump and spin around.

"Sis..." he said shifting his eyes "How... How much did you hear?" he asked noticing Fluttershy giggling blushing a bit .

"Something about 'Your Nutmeg...'" Applejack said. "Hope there's not another Apple coming anytime soon..." she said raising her eyebrows grinning meanly.

"Er...." was all Mac could say before turning back to the horses.

"I don't mind being you're Nutmeg Mac," Fluttershy said coming up to kiss him on the cheek making his ears go the brightest pink Applejack had ever seen. "But lets check on Applejack's one first..." she said going up to Nutmeg and stroking her a little to calm her down a bit.

"Ok," Fluttershy said turning to the siblings. "Untie the rope and let it down a bit, but keep a hold of it until we can be sure she can stand up on her own."

Applejack went to untie the rope that was holding her horse up and let it down a bit, Mac standing next to Appleseed.

"Ok hold it there AJ," Fluttershy said stroking Nutmeg to keep her calm. "Ok Nutmeg, lets see if you can stand up this morning..." Fluttershy said.

Nutmeg nodded in understanding and looked down at her hooves as if worried.

"It will be ok girl," Applejack said to Nutmeg. "We'll catch you if you fall."

Slowly Nutmeg placed one hoof in front of the other, and began to walk around the barn a bit.

Happy with how great Nutmeg was doing, Fluttershy took the rope off her and asked Applejack if they can go outside to see her gallop.

"We'll be right back Appleseed," Fluttershy said coming over to the stallion. "And we wont let anything happen to her. We promise." she said kissing him on the nose and walking Nutmeg out the barn.

Mac hadn't noticed that he had been staring at Fluttershy until Appleseed bumped against his arm.

"Wha... What are you looking at?" Mac asked turning to the foal sleeping in the straw. When he was alone sometimes with Appleseed Mac would talk his feelings to him as if Seed was his father, because he was named after him.

"Dad, do you think I'd have a chance with her?" Mac asked looking at the foal when he asked the question. "It's just she's so smart and beautiful and was so popular at school. She's one of this family's best friends, one of AJ's best friends." he continued not noticing Fluttershy had come back to get something and was at the door listening. "What chance does a guy like me have with a girl like her anyway? Why can't I just say what I'm thinking when she's around, like I can to you?" Mac sighed closing his eyes. "Why can't I just say I love you..." He was stopped mid-sentence as he felt someone hug him and kiss him on the cheek. Opening his eyes he saw it was Fluttershy. Mac's ears turned the brightest shade of pink they had ever gone.

"Thanks for the complements Mac," she said after awhile. "And for the record I think you'd have a very good chance with me." she said getting what she came back in for and leaving again. Leaving behind a stunned Big Macintosh rubbing his cheek where Fluttershy had kissed him.

Outside Applejack was standing next to Nutmeg waiting for Fluttershy to come back.

"What took so long 'Shy?" Applejack asked when Fluttershy was next to her.

"Erm... Mac was saying somethings..." Fluttershy said beginning to blush. "And I wanted to listen to what he said." Was all Fluttershy said, but Applejack had a feeling a bit more went on in that barn. According to Granny the barn was a popular place for Apples to confess their love to one another.

"I see," Applejack said not wanting to poke into this at the moment. "Shall I let her go then?" Applejack asked.

"Yes just let her do some laps around the field, and then call her back." Fluttershy ordered.

"You heard her Nutmeg," Applejack said. "A few laps 'round the field."

Nutmeg nodded and started to do what was asked of her.

Watching carefully Fluttershy was taking notes in her head on how she went. "Ok AJ, call her back please," Fluttershy said.

Applejack put her fingers in the mouth and whistled. "Nutmeg. Back here girl." bringing her back.

Fluttershy got out her stethoscope and listened to Nutmegs chest. "Everything's fine." Fluttershy said after a while turning to Nutmegs hooves to check them.

"So..." Applejack said grinning a bit. "What was Mac saying that got you to take so long Shy?"

"Things..." Fluttershy said after pausing for a bit.

"What things..."

"Things about... Me..." Fluttershy blushed again not really wanting to go into this.

At that moment, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara came running out of the house a piece of paper each in their hands.

"We got all the names we could think of AJ" Apple Bloom said. "Can we see her now? We said we'll let her pick it." Apple Bloom explained.

"Fine by me," Applejack said leading Nutmeg, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara to the barn for the naming of the new foal.


In the barn Mac had finally gotten over the kiss and was sat down next to the filly leaning against one of the beams.

"I have really got to be more careful about what I say in here, don't I Appleseed." he finally said looking up at Appleseed who nodded in agreement.

"Yo Mac," Applejack called from the door, bringing in Nutmeg and the others.

"Hey sis," Mac said getting up and out of the pen.

"We got the names for the filly," Tiara said holding up her half of the paper.

"So we're going to say them one by one to her and see which one she picks," Apple Bloom continued.

"Ok," Mac said. "But you might not get any reactions. She's asleep at the moment."

"We'll tell you then," Apple Bloom said turning to the grown ups and clearing her throat.

"Wait right there Sugarcube," Applejack said after putting Nutmeg back in with her foal. "Just how many names are there on that list?"

"Ten, why"

"Just asking," Applejack said making herself comfy on the straw bench.

"Let it go then you two," Mac said leaning up against one of the support beams. "We'll vote on them after you've read them all."

"1. Luna: you know because she was born last night," Tiara explained.

"2. Ginger Gold," Apple Bloom said.

"3. Mai-ling."

"4. Daisy."

"5. Josie."

"6. Paprika"

"7. Jessie"

"8 Odette."

"9 Marry."

"And 10... If you'd allow it..." Apple Bloom said looking at her siblings. "Er... Honey-Crisp."

After a while Mac knelt down and hugged his sister as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Of course we'd allow that Apple Bloom," Mac said wiping a tear from Apple Bloom's eye with his thumb.

Applejack joined in with the hug placing her hat on Bloom's head, which she rarely did, but every time Apple Bloom got to wear her sister's hat, she felt happier.

"So, what shall we call her?" Fluttershy said after a while looking down at the filly.

"I'm thinking between, Ginger-Gold, Paprika, and Honey-Crisp." Applejack said.

"I like Odette, Jessie, and Luna." Fluttershy said.

"I also think Paprika and Honey-Crisp would work for her. But I like how you came up with Luna." Mac said.

"Ok, so it's between Ginger-Gold, Paprika, Odette, Jessie, Luna, and Honey-Crisp." Diamond Tiara said crossing off the unwanted names.

They all turned to Nutmeg and Appleseed.

"What do you want to name her then you two?" Applejack asked rubbing Nutmeg's nose.

Appleseed started stamping his hoof, counting to the name he liked.

'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.'

"Six, that's Honey-Crisp," Apple Bloom said marking it down. "How about you Nutmeg?"

Nutmeg started counting now.

'Stamp.' 'Stamp.'

"Two," Diamond Tiara said. "That's Paprika."

"What should we do sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I guess we just have to wait and see what she wants herself," Applejack said, getting Nutmeg's brush and started grooming her.

Appleseed bumped Mac and nodded over to Fluttershy. Seeing his owner didn't get it he did it again.

"What's wrong with Appleseed?" Apple Bloom said.

"He's saying Mac should take me out for a ride on him," Fluttershy giggled blushing a bit.

"Would you like to?" Mac asked trying to hold back Appleseed.

"Yes except..." Fluttershy said grabbing her hair. "I've never ridden on a horse before..."

"I expect Mac will help ya," Applejack said smiling. "Besides, Seed looks very determent to get you on him." she said turning back to Nutmeg.

With one last bump Appleseed knocked Mac into Fluttershy and whinnied as Mac's ears turned pink.

"Alright, alright," Mac said after getting up and apologizing to Fluttershy. "Come on then Appleseed, lets get your saddle." he said leading Appleseed outside where there would be more room. "I hope you know what you're doing..." he whispered to his horse as they were leaving.

Back inside Applejack looked at Fluttershy.

"I'm sure I've seen you on a horse before..." she said.

"I have," Fluttershy said looking at the ground. "But I've never ridden one."

"Don't you worry Fluttershy," Apple Bloom said. "Mac's the best rider ever. And although Appleseed seems all big and tough he's actually very sweet."

"Yeah," Fluttershy said looking though the doors at the two outside "Like his owner..."