> Poor Little Rich Pony > by Ugly-Duckling123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It should be noted, that even though some opposites work together, there are some that never work out. This story is about two girls who although the live in the same town and go to the same school, have two very different lives. Diamond Tiara, was the daughter of the richest man in town, Filthy Rich. He always got his daughter whatever she wanted and treated her like a princess. For Tiara everything was there for her, she never had to do anything for herself. Apple Bloom was the youngest of the Apple family who ran the apple farm at Sweet Apple Acres. Her family consists of her sister Applejack, her brother Big Macintosh, and their grandmother Granny Smith. Now although a lot of people liked apples, the Apple family was not the richest of families in town, and each sibling had to do everything for themselves, with a little help from the others at times. Our story begins on the morning after a night of storms; trees were blown down, some bringing power lines with them. Diamond Tiara was just waking up, and went over to her make-up desk to straighten her hair except the strengtheners weren't working. She put them down slightly annoyed, and walked over to the television to watch her morning show. But the TV wasn't working either. Saying to herself that she'll catch it later, Tiara went down stairs. Seeing how dark it was she tried turning the lights on, but nothing happened. "The bulbs must have gone again," she said to herself, and carried on walking in darkness. When she got to the kitchen, she got herself a bowl of porridge mixed in the milk, and put it the microwave and turned it on, but it didn't come on. Just then her father came in straightening his tie. "Daddy everything's broken, my hair-strengtheners, my TV, the lights, and now this stupid microwave," she said running up and hugging him. "Nothing's broken sweetheart," Filthy Rich said testing the lights. "That storm last night must have knocked down a power cable to our house. We just don't have any power that's all." "Fix it Daddy," Tiara said pouting. "This is something for the workers at the power station need to fix honey," her dad said checking his watch. "Now hurry up or you'll be late for school." he said getting himself a buttered bit of bread before heading out of the room leaving a slightly confused Diamond Tiara standing in the kitchen. On the other side of town Apple Bloom woke up and was just putting her famous hair bow into her hair when a knock came to the door of her room. "Breakfast's ready Apple Bloom." her brother's voice said. "Ok," she replied checking her bag was packed of school before going downstairs. When Apple Bloom entered the kitchen Applejack was layering up the pancakes she and Granny Smith had just made onto the plates and set them on the table. "Good morning Apple Bloom," she said removing her hat and sitting down. "Morning sis," Apple Bloom said after pouring syrup on her pancakes. "That was some storm last night wasn't it?" "Yep," Big Mac answered. "I'll be out on the farm all day cleaning up. Why don't you and your friends help me, after you come home from school?" "Sure thing bro," Apple Bloom said smiling happily. "Why I haven't seen a storm that bad for a while," Granny Smith said cutting up her pancakes. "We were the only house that still had power because we get it from a different grid than those in town do." she explained. Suddenly a clock chimed and Apple Bloom saw she was going to be late. Stuffing the rest of her pancakes in her mouth, and downing her drink, she hugged everyone went to get her bag, yelled "See you later," and left for school. As Apple Bloom ran to school she met up with her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and invited them over after school to the farm to help clean up. "Sure we'll definitely do that," Scootaloo said pushing along her scooter. "Yeah, Rarity says I've been spending a little too long at the Boutique," Sweetie Belle said talking about her older sister. They continued talking until... 'THUD!' Apple Bloom had crashed into Diamond Tiara making both of them fall down. "Watch where you're going shrimp," a very stressed looking Tiara cried picking herself up and brushing herself down. "Well sorry," Apple Bloom said getting helped back up by Sweetie Belle. "Well you should be," Tiara said glaring at the girls. "This morning's been the worst one ever!" "Well hope it gets better," Scootaloo said not really caring what made it so bad or if it did get better. "HEY APPLE BLOOM" someone called. All four turned to see Applejack getting out of the truck holding a bag. Walking up to her, Applejack said "You forgot your lunch when you left." "Oh thanks sis," Apple Bloom said taking it. "Oh Scoots and Sweetie agreed to come over later." But Applejack was looking at Diamond Tiara. "You alright there Sugercube?" she asked. "That stupid storm last night left my house without power," Tiara said not looking up at Applejack. "Well you can come and stay with us until it gets it back," Applejack volunteered. "WHAT?" Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara cried. "Well you remember Apple Bloom, Granny Smith said we get our power from a different source," Applejack explained "so the storm didn't do anything to us, except leave our farm in a mess." "But... But..." the two said. "Why I think that's very kind of you Miss Apple," a voice said behind her. Filthy Rich bought his daughter her lunch, and heard the suggestion "But Daddy!" "But sis!" Ignoring the two the grown-ups continued talking. "I just heard that the power station won’t get itself up and running again until later in the week." Filthy Rich said. "Well like I said you're welcome to come and stay with us until it does," Applejack said nodding in understanding their problem. "I'm sure Granny and Big Mac won’t mind, what with you buying apple jam from us every year and all that." "Well looks like you two will be seeing each other a lot over the week then," Scootaloo joked trying not to laugh at the two's faces. Just then the bell rang bringing the girls out of their trances. "Tiara," Filthy Rich said "You walk home with Apple Boom and her friends after school. I'll meet you there later when I come home from work." "But Daddy..." Diamond Tiara whined, but he was already gone. "Well I better get back and tell Big Mac to prepare the guest room. See you girls later then." Applejack said getting back in to the truck. "But sis..." Apple Bloom said but Applejack had already pulled away. "Come on you guys we're going to be late," Sweetie Belle said grabbing the two and pulling them into the school. Scootaloo following close behind her still laughing about what just happened. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After school that day, a lot of the pupils were shocked to see Diamond Tiara walk out of the gates with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. "Are we there yet?" Diamond Tiara whined for the tenth time, starting to get on Apple Bloom's nerves. "Does it look like were there princess?" Apple Bloom asked sarcastically, and continued walking with her friends leaving Tiara behind a bit. "You're strong enough to put up with her Bloom," Scootaloo said rolling along on her scooter next to her friend. "I know," Apple Bloom said looking over her shoulder. "I just don't know how long I can last." "Look on the positive side Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle said "May be you two can become friends." .... "HAHAHAHA!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo bursted out laughing together. "Good one Sweetie," Scootaloo said wiping a tear from her eye. "Yeah," Apple Bloom said. "Like I'd ever be friends with her." 5 mins later... "And at long last we're home..." Apple Bloom said spinning around to see the look on Diamond Tiara's face. (A mix between shock and 'are-you-kidding-me'). "Well go in and make yourself comfortable," Apple Bloom said placing her bag on the patio swing. "We're going out to help my brother." and with that she Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ran off, leaving Tiara still starring at the house. "A house isn't something to stare at you know honey," a voice said making Diamond Tiara jump. Looking around she saw Apple Bloom's grandmother coming out to greet her. "Er... I was just admiring how... er.., lovely it is Mrs. Apple," Diamond Tiara said giving the best fake smile she could. "Well thank you dear," Granny Smith said happily. "But you should know, we Apples are a family of truth, which means we can scene lies as well." Not knowing what to do or say Tiara stayed quiet. "Oh honey I'm just teasing," Granny Smith said laughing a little. "An old lady like me has to have some fun every now and again. Now why don't you come in and help me make some pies for dinner." and with that Granny Smith went back into the house and started getting the cooking stuff out. Make pies for dinner? Diamond Tiara asked herself after following Granny Smith inside. Should be easy enough. 15 mins later The smoke alarm was going off, there was flour all over the place, cracked eggs and their shells laid on the floor, and Diamond Tiara was a mess. "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be Mrs. Apple," Diamond Tiara said mixing the ingredients together trying not to spill any. "Oh it gets easier the more you do it dear," Granny Smith said pulling out a perfect looking golden apple pie from the oven. "And there's no need to keep calling Mrs. Just call me Granny Smith." she said smiling. There came a knock on the door, and Granny Smith left to answer it leaving Diamond Tiara to keep stirring the mix. Granny Smith came to the kitchen followed by.... "Daddy," Tiara cried running up to her father and hugging him, getting flour on his suit. "I see you've had a go at baking Tiara," Filthy Rich said seeing his daughter in an apron, pastry somehow in her hair. "How it go?" "Er..." "Why she helped me make this lovely pie here," Granny Smith said pointing to the pie she pulled out of the oven. "But you did that," Diamond Tiara said confused. "All I did was mix the ingredients together." "I may have put it together and in the oven dear," Granny Smith said "But any pie is useless if it doesn't have it's ingredients to make it with." "And it looks lovely," Filthy Rich said being careful not to step on any broken eggs as he went over to take a closer look. "Now all we have to do is clean up, so we can have dinner in a few hours." Granny Smith said going over to the sink and turning on the taps. "There are some brooms and a dust pan in the cupboard, and a bin over there." Granny Smith said gathering up the bowls, spoons and pie plates and started washing them smiling. Out in the fields Big Mac was driving the tractor pulling along the trailer full with broken wood, and material he and the girls found around the farm from last nights storm. "Hey Mac," Apple Bloom began "How long do you think Mr Rich and Diamond Tiara will be here for?" "Don't know sis," Mac said seeing the fence around the old well was broken and pulled up to it. Getting out he went to see how much damage had happened to it. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle all got out the other side and went up to join him. "It's just, I don't really get on well with Diamond Tiara, you know. Didn't you have a Diamond Tiara when you were at school big brother?" After getting his tool box from the back of the tractor and returning Bic Mac said "Yep. His name was Fancy Pants," he said getting out a box of nails and asking Scootaloo to hold the bit of wood in place. "He lived up to his name too, he was the fanciest kid in the class, and although he didn't tease me for being a little slow with things, we just never liked each other that much." "But that changed?" Sweetie Belle asked holding the box of nails. "Yep." "How," Apple Bloom asked "If Fancy Pants was your Diamond Tiara, how did you become friends? What happened? Did something happen? Did..." But she was cut off by Scootaloo's hand being placed over her mouth so they could let Big Mac speak. "Well you remember what Granny said this morning, about that other storm?" Big Mac asked finishing the work. "Yeah..." "That storm happened when I was around your age," he continued "And just like now, somebody's house was out of power in town and was invited here to wait till they got it back." Gasping Sweetie Belle could see where Mac was going with this. "And that 'somebody' was Fancy Pants?" "Yep. At first neither of us liked it that much, but as the days went on, and we got to know each other a bit better, we found out that although we're different, we aren't that much different. It seemed he didn't tease me for being slow at things because he had dyslexia so he knew what it was like. A few days after the power was back, at school one day I was being laughed at for falling in the dirt because someone tripped me up, and Fancy Pants told everyone to stop. He stood up for me and made the other kids back off. When he checked up on me to see if I was alright, we found my ankle was twisted so he helped me to the nurse, and we've been friends ever since." "Wow, that was a great story Mac," Sweetie Belle said climbing back into the tractor followed by the others. "So where's Fancy Pants now?" Scootaloo asked eager to hear where it was going. "He's living in Canterlot," Big Mac said driving away back towards the house. "Every now and then we see each other. He's one of the people we set aside jam and cider for every year, as a token of thanks for what he did all those years ago." "Does every Apple have an opposite they become friends with Mac?" Apple Bloom said thinking. "Well I don't know about every Apple," Mac said grinning "But us three have. I had Fancy Pants, Applejack had Rarity, and now you have Diamond Tiara." "Like I'd become friends with her..." Apple Bloom said crossing her arms and pouting. "Ah memory's," Big Mac said chuckling to himself. "What?" "Well that's what I said to Pa when we were cleaning up after my storm, in the same tractor in fact, when he told me Fancy Pants and I can be friends." Big Mac explained. After a moment of silence. "So do you think we can stay for dinner?" Scootaloo asked breaking the moment of brother sister bonding. "Yep, I'm sure Granny would like someway to thank you for your hard work." Big Mac said pulling up next to the barn. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was inside the barn checking up on the animals, seeing if they were alright after last night. Everyone looked fine. No one hurt in any obvious way, no one acting strange. Then she saw her horse hadn't eaten her oats yet. And her tummy a bit bigger than normal. "What's wrong girl?" Applejack asked reaching out to pat Nutmeg to comfort her. But Nutmeg only shook her head and walked away and sat down. Then she turned to Mac's horse Appleseed, re-named after the siblings father. "Hey boy," Applejack said patting him on the nose smiling. "Any idea whats wrong with Nutmeg? Humm...?" Blinking the horse said nothing, just playfully butted Applejack's side. "Oh well," Applejack said turning around. "Hope you get better girl. Take good care of her Appleseed." And with that Applejack left the barn in time to see the tractor pull up. Walking up to greet everyone coming out of the tractor, she got an idea. "Hey Mac," she called. "Yep?" he asked unhooking the trailer and pushing it into the second barn used for material storage. "Do you still have Fluttershy's number?" A pause came over Big Mac but he shook it off. "Why?" he asked closing the doors. "I'd like to ask her something," Applejack answered "Nutmeg's not been eating as much lately, but her tummy's getting bigger, and just now when I tried to pat her she walked away. Appleseed says he doesn't know whats wrong with her, so I'd like to ask someone who might." "Well, ok," Big Mac said locking the barn door. "But with those symptoms, it sound to me like...." "DINNER!" someone called from the porch attracting everyone's attention. "I'll give it to you later sis, the number and my idea." Mac said walking with his sister back to the farm house. "So did you tell Bloom about Fancy Pants?" "Yep," "How did she take it?" "Same way I did when pa told me to give Fancy a try." Mac smiled nicking his sisters hat and making her chase him to the house. "Thanks for the dinner Granny Smith," Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said cheerfully after the plates were cleared away. "No problem dears," Granny Smith said putting the left over pie in the fridge. "See you guys on Monday then," Apple Bloom said walking her friends to the gate to see them off. "Good luck with Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom" Scootaloo said pushing her scooter a long. "Thanks." "Hey there may be a chance you two can become friends." "Sweetie," Apple Bloom said "I think it will take more than a few days for any of us to become friends with Diamond Tiara." * In side the house Granny Smith was showing Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara where they'd be sleeping. "Here we are," Granny Smith said opening the door to revel a medium sized room with two single beds and one window. "This used to be Appleseed's and Honey-Crisp's room." Granny Smith explained switching on the light and showing them a family picture of the Ponyville Apple Family (minus Apple Bloom). Diamond Tiara wanted to ask what happened, but had a feeling that that wasn't a very polite question to ask. "Well hope you both will be comfy, good night." she said walking out the room her eyes slightly wet. "Thank you Granny Smith," Filthy Rich said going over to one of the beds and unpacking. "Daddy," Tiara asked still looking at the picture "How long do you think we'll be here?" "Hard to say sweetie," Filthy Rich said undoing his tie. "Did... Did you have an Apple Bloom, Daddy?" Diamond Tiara asked finally looking away in time to see her father pause for a second trying to understand the question. Then smiling he said. "Yes, yes I did." "Can you tell me about them?" she said yawning a little. "Maybe later, now's a time for bed," Filthy Rich said pulling back the covers on the other bed and helping a tired Tiara into her PJ's and tucking her in. After that he turned to the picture. "I sure do appreciate you taking me in again Appleseed." sighing he turned off the light and went to bed himself. Downstairs Mac and Applejack were talking about Nutmeg. "So big brother," Applejack began "What were you going to say was wrong with my horse?" "Well you probably wont believe me until Fluttershy says so too, but I think Nutmeg's pregnant." Mac said pulling out his wallet and handing his sister Fluttershy's number. "Yeah right big brother," she said snatching the number up and walking over to the phone and started punching the number in. "Ok I wager one week of doing the others chores that she is pregnant." Big Mac said grinning. "Fine by me brother," Applejack said shaking Mac's hand as the pone began to ring. "Hello," the voice on the other end said. "Hey Fluttershy, it's Applejack. I'd like to ask you something about Nutmeg if that's alright." Applejack said. "Oh that's fine," "Well...." 5 mins later "You sure," Applejack asked "You're absolutely sure?" "Yes," Fluttershy said happily. "I'll come over tomorrow to see if she's ok. Ok?" "Yeah that's fine. Bye." Applejack hung up the phone, sat down and placed her face in her hands. Just then Apple Bloom came in. "Something wrong sis?" she asked. "Maybe Apple Bloom," Big Mac said leaning back in his chair hands behind his head. "So what did she say Applejack." Glaring at her brother a little Applejack turned to Bloom. "Nutmeg's pregnant," "Oh my gosh that's great news!" Apple Bloom said smiling. "Sort of," Applejack said returning placing her head into her hands. "What do you mean?" "Before dinner AJ told me about Nutmeg and asked for Fluttershy's number to ask her." Big Mac explained. "After hearing what was wrong I had a feeling that this would be the answer, but ole AJ the Stubborn didn't believe me." "So?" "So we made a bet that the loser would do the others chores for a week," Applejack said groaning a little. "Well that was silly sis," Apple Bloom said smiling. "Everyone know Mac's the one to follow in ideas like these." she said hugging her sister. "Thank you Apple Bloom." Mac said putting his wallet away again and getting up. "Well good night you two." he said then went to bed. After a while Apple Bloom asked the same one she asked Mac earlier. "Sis, does every Apple have an opposite they become friends with?" "Why are you asking that Sugarcube?" Applejack asked getting a glass of water. "Well, it's just Big Mac told me about how he had someone called Fancy Pants who was in the same position as Diamond Tiara is now, and how you had Rarity, and you all became friends." Apple Bloom explained sitting at the table. "So... Did Ma and Pa have Diamond Tiaras too?" she asked. "I don't know Sugarcube." Applejack said carrying her sister upstairs to put her to bed. "Sis," Apple Bloom asked as they passed the guest room. "What happened to them? Why... Why aren't they here now?" she asked tears slightly in her eyes. "I think that's story for another time Apple Bloom," Applejack said helping Apple Bloom get to bed. "Sis," Apple Bloom said yawning as she was being tucked in. "Yeah?" "Did you really make that bet with Mac?" Sighing Applejack kissed her sister on the forehead and said "Yes. Yes I did." Smiling Apple Bloom turned over "Night sis." "Night Apple Bloom." Applejack said walking out the room. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Diamond Tiara woke up and said to herself, This isn't my room. then she remembered everything. The storm knocked her house's power out so she and her father were staying with the Apples. She looked over to the other bed and saw it was empty, and the door to the room was slightly ajar, letting in the smell of bacon and eggs. Getting up rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Tiara started brushing her hair and got dressed. A knock came to the door. "Hey Diamond Tiara," Apple Bloom's voice said "We're getting breakfast up, if you want any." "Ok," Tiara said checking herself over before leaving the room. * Down in the kitchen Applejack was dishing up the bacon and eggs onto the plates while Big Mac was setting the table. Diamond Tiara walked into the kitchen looking around. "Where's my dad?" was the first question she asked. "He went back to your house to check the power," Big Mac said pulling out a chair for her. The front door opened and into the kitchen walked Filthy Rich looking a bit disappointed. "I take it that your house isn't fix yet then sir." Apple Bloom asked sitting at the table herself across from Tiara. "Not yet," he said. "Well just like last time, you're welcome to stay as long as you need." Granny Smith said coming in to the kitchen herself hearing the bad news. Everyone looked at her, then to Filthy Rich and back to Granny Smith. "What do you mean 'like last time' Granny?" Applejack asked. "Well, this isn't the first time I was invited to stay here because of a storm," Filthy Rich said. Apple Bloom was thinking about what Mac had said yesterday about how they place jam and cider apart for Fancy Pants because he stayed here with Mac.... Which meant, because Filthy Rich has the same deal, and he just said he stayed here before too.... "Pa did have an opposite," Apple Bloom said eyes wide. "And that was you Mr Rich?" Applejack asked catching on to where her sister was going with this. "It was Miss Apple," Filthy Rich said smiling "It was." The rest of the breakfast was done in silence, only the sound of forks and knives scratching on the plates could be heard. Until... "Mr Rich..." Apple Bloom spoke up getting everyone's attention. "What was our dad like?" Filthy Rich looked at her and smiled a little. "He was my first and best friend," he began "He was always one that would stand up for the weaker kids at school, and help them back up after the bullies tripped or knocked them over." "What were you like Daddy?" Diamond Tiara asked poking at the bacon on her plate a little. There came a pause here. "Well, unfortunately I was one of those bullies Appleseed stood up against." "Like father like daughter" Apple Bloom whispered to herself looking at Tiara's slightly shocked face. "What was that Apple Bloom?" Big Mac asked turning everyone's attention back to Apple Bloom. "Nothing," Apple Bloom said clearing her place. Then turning to Applejack asked "Can I go see Nutmeg AJ?" "Want to see she's pregnant for yourself do ya?" Applejack asked lightly punching her brother on the arm when he started chuckling. "Yeah, in fact..." Apple Bloom said thinking. "Can I call Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to come over and see her too?" "I think one at a time will do for now Apple Bloom." Big Mac said pretending to rub his arm. "Who's Nutmeg?" Diamond Tiara asked looking up at the three siblings. "Nutmeg's my mare," Applejack said clearing away her place too. "And it seems that Mac's stallion has gotten her pregnant." she said going behind her brother and flicking him on the back of the head. "Thanks for that bro." "Hey I have no control what Appleseed does behind those doors at night," Mac said rubbing his head, then turning back to Tiara continued the conversation. "Fluttershy, our horses vet, said she'll come around sometime this morning to see if she's alright." "And because of the bet he made with me last night, he get to see his Nutmeg from the second she gets here." Applejack said placing her hat on her head, putting on her coat and heading out the door mumbling. Silence went around the room again Granny Smith looking at her grandson. "What have I said about betting chores with your sister youngin?" "She was up for the challenge Granny," Mac said "She didn't believe me, so we settled this like the age group we are. Besides it's only one week." Sighing Granny Shook her head. "Just take your sister to see Nutmeg and wait for Fluttershy." she said heading for her knitting room. "Can I come too?" Tiara asked getting down from the table and running up to Big Mac who was putting his own coat on. "Fine by me," Mac said looking to Filthy Rich to ask his opinion, getting a nod in return, and headed out to the animal barn. * After a few minutes the three made it to the barn, Big Mac opened the doors and showed the girls the horses in question. "That one is Nutmeg," he pointed to a sleeping brown mare to Diamond Tiara . "And this is Appleseed." he patted his own horse. "They're lovely," Tiara said reaching out a hand to Appleseed. But he reared up and backed away shaking his head. "Whoa boy, whoa," Mac said stroking his horse slowly and smoothly. "She's a new friend." "May I take a closer look at Nutmeg, Appleseed?" Apple Bloom asked staring her brothers horse in the eye. Waiting a few minuets as if he was thinking of something, Appleseed nodded and moved away from Nutmeg, letting Apple Bloom in. "Wha... Why did he back away from me but let Apple Bloom pass?" Diamond Tiara asked getting up from falling over when Appleseed reared. "It might be that you're new, and he's known Apple Bloom longer," a new voice said from the doors. Turning around everyone saw it was Fluttershy come to see Nutmeg. "Or it may have been you moved a little too fast and shocked him a bit." she said slowly reaching out a hand to be met by Appleseed's nose. "Nice to see you Fluttershy," Big Mac said smiling. "Hey Mac," Fluttershy said blushing slightly. "Er... Wasn't Applejack suppose to be here as well? I mean it is her horse." she said looking around. "Oh she doesn't have time today," Apple Bloom said smiling a little. "Before she called you last night she made a bet with Mac and the loser has to do the others chores for a week." "And that bet was to see if Nutmeg was pregnant or not?" Fluttershy asked shaking her head a smile on her face. "Yep," Mac said. "Well lets see how far she is then," Fluttershy said getting down to the floor to be next to Nutmeg. 10 mins later "Well the good news is she's perfectly fine," Fluttershy said happily, getting up and brushing the straw off herself. "And the bad news?" Mac asked egging her on. "She'll be having it in the next few days." "How is that bad news?" Apple Bloom asked excited. "Its bad news because when a stallion's mare is nearly ready to give birth to it's foal, it almost never lets anyone near her." Fluttershy said stroking Appleseed who everyone just realized had been watching her the whole time. "So what do we have to to for my Nutmeg then 'Shy?" Applejack had just entered the barn, to see how it was going. "Keep her comfortable, keep her warm, make sure she's eating enough, and call me when the time comes." Fluttershy said getting her bag. "Thanks 'Shy," Applejack said happily hugging her friend in thanks. "Er... Can we invite you to lunch Fluttershy?" Big Mac asked rubbing the back of his head a little. "Er... Ok," she replied blushing a bit, hiding behind her hair. "So I guess that's what your sister meant by 'his Nutmeg' earlier?" Diamond Tiara asked Apple Bloom nodding to Mac and 'Shy. "Yep," Apple Bloom said. "They've been like this for nearly a whole year and they still haven't had their first date, or their first kiss." "Now Bloom," Applejack said "You know Mac's slow at things. Give them time and space. They'll get there eventually." As they left Applejack stayed behind to check on her horse and have a little talk with Appleseed. "There better be only one foal in there Seed," Applejack said stroking him while looking at Nutmeg. Appleseed nodded as is to say 'There is'. "I'm sorry for being so tough," Applejack said tears starting to form in her eyes. "It's just, and I know you wont want to hear this, but we lost Ma when she was having Bloom. I... I just don't want to lose anyone else." "Hey AJ you coming?" Apple Bloom called. "Yeah," she called back, then turning to Appleseed again said "Look after her ok." and left the barn. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Want to think of some names to call the foal then Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked when they were all inside eating lunch. "Does that mean it will be mine?" Bloom asked eyes twinkling. "We'll see what the parents want first," Mac said chuckling at his sisters excitement. "Someone will need to watch Nutmeg for the next few days," Fluttershy said. "Someone that Appleseed trusts so he will let them see her." "I can do that," Apple Bloom stuck up her hand. "Er... ok," Fluttershy said silently asking Mac and Applejack if it was fine. "But remember Apple Bloom, when you go see her, you need to move slowly, and quietly, so is not to disturb, or scare her. A stallion will do anything if he thinks something is attacking it's mare." "Just like Pa." Applejack said pouring herself some juice. "What?" Apple Bloom asked "Wha...?" Applejack asked looking up, everyone staring at her. "You said something after Fluttershy explained a stallion will do anything if he thinks something is attacking it's mare." Apple Bloom said. Applejack looked up to Mac to see if he agreed if now was the right time to tell their sister an old story. "Apple Bloom, you remember how you asked last night 'What happened to Ma and Pa?" Applejack asked sitting down and taking her hat off. "Yeah..." Apple Bloom answered not knowing if she wanted to know where this was going. "Well when we were younger," Big Mac began the story... "We were on the way home from an Apple Family Reunion, Granny Smith had gone home already. It was late and the moon had already risen. We were nearly home when the car got a flat tire. Ma and Pa went out to see the damage and fix it. After a while we heard wolves howling. Out of the forest came four wolves all staring at us as if knowing we couldn't escape." "Ma let us out took our hands and we ran as fast as we could away from them while Pa fought them so we could get away." Applejack continued. "We all stayed up all night waiting for Pa to return home... But he never did. The next morning Ma and some other friends and family, went along the road we went down the night before." Applejack paused because the tears were affecting her speech. So Mac finished. "But all they found was the car and his hat." he pointed to the hat on the table. "A few months later," Applejack said free from tears now, "Ma died while having you." "So... So Ma's dead because of me?" Apple Bloom asked eyes wet with tears of her own. "No..." Applejack got off the chair and hugged her sister as tight as she could. "The doctors said that she was so tried from grieving over Pa, that she didn't have enough energy to make it after you were born." Sniffing Apple Bloom pulled away from Applejack, both faces equally as wet with tears. "Sis," she said "Can... Can I go back out to see Nutmeg?" "Of course Sugarcube." Applejack said getting up seeing her sister leave the kitchen. Diamond Tiara and Fluttershy had tears in their eyes too. "Did... Did that really happen AJ?" Fluttershy asked holding Mac's hand for comfort. All Applejack did was sigh and nod replacing her hat back onto her head, and walking out the door to continue with the chores. Apple Bloom was in the barn sitting on her favorite straw bench. Whenever she was upset, angry or afraid, she would come in here. She didn't know how or why, but the animals always made her feel better. 'It might have something to do with you can talk freely to them,' she said to her self one day. But today... she didn't really feel like talking. * Diamond Tiara was in the guest room, she didn't know the Apples had things like this. She had taken down the family picture taking a better look. She noticed that Apple Bloom had the same eyes as her dad, and hair like her mother. Suddenly her dad walked in. He had been in town helping with the shopping as a token of thanks to the family. "Why so glum Princess?" he asked seeing his daughter looked upset. "Dad, what happened to mum?" was the answer she got. "Why do you ask that?" he asked sitting next to his daughter. "Applejack and Big Mac just told Apple Bloom about how their dad fought off wolves to save his family, and that their mum died having Bloom," Tiara explained "So I... I want to know what happened to mum... Please." she said looking at her dad. Seeing his daughter was upset already Filthy Rich went with the sort story. "It was rainy, she went out for a drive." he said hugging Diamond Tiara. "Was... Was she nice?" Tiara couldn't help asking that. "Yes she was," Filthy Rich said smiling. * Big Mac was walking Fluttershy home. He said it was because it was getting dark, but she didn't mind either way. Because they were both shy, and being around the other one made them even more shy, not a lot was said between them. As they got to Fluttershy's veterinary clinic, that was next door to her house, Mac started a conversation. "Er... Thank you again, Fluttershy for you know, checking up on Nutmeg." He said adverting his eyes away from Fluttershy, as she looked at him. "You're welcome," she said blushing a bit hiding behind her hair. Mac loved it when she did that. It made her look even more beautiful. "Erm... I'm sorry for what happened to your parents. Were... Were they nice?" she said not knowing what to say. Knocking Mac back to his senses he said "Yep. Sometimes I wish Bloom could have met them though." he said. "Would... Would you like to come in for some tea, Big Mac?" Fluttershy asked opening the doors to let herself and Mac in. "If you wouldn't mind brewing me some," Mac said ears turning a little pink as he followed Fluttershy inside. Back in the barn Apple Bloom had fallen asleep, she had pulled a blanket over herself and Nutmeg, after asking Seed if it was ok to do so, and was sleeping next to her. The sun had gone down before Applejack came in to see what was taking her sister so long to come to dinner. Seeing Apple Bloom asleep she smiled. Not wanting to disturb any dreams she was having Applejack just fed the animal's as quietly as she could, told Appleseed to watch over both her and Nutmeg and went back to the house. "Did you find out what was keeping Bloom then child?" Granny Smith asked as Applejack came back in. "She's sleeping with Nutmeg," was the answer Applejack gave taking off her hat and sitting down. "Any idea why Mac's late?" "He was walking Fluttershy home," Diamond Tiara said sitting next to her dad. "But that was hours ago," Applejack said. "As long as Bloom was out in that barn." The front door opened and heavy foot steps came into the kitchen. "Well look who it is..." Applejack said. "Hey," Mac said smiling. "So why so late home brother?" Applejack asked looking Mac up and down. "I stayed around Fluttershy's a bit to have that cup of tea she wanted to give me for walking her home." Mac explained. "Uh huh..." Applejack said not believing her brother. "I did..." Mac said glaring at his sister. "Ok enough of that you two," Granny Smith said stopping the fight. "Lets just have dinner." > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dinner, Mac went to get Apple Bloom from the barn and put her to bed. He was greeted by the worrying sounds of Appleseed as he entered. "Whoa, boy whats wrong?" Mac asked running up to his horse and calming him down. Appleseed was moving his head to Nutmeg, Mac looked down and saw something wasn't right. "I'll sort this out," he reassured Appleseed. "Just let me get Bloom and I'll be back with help. I promise." he said looking his horse in the eye. Earning his trust Appleseed stepped away letting his owner to get his sister. "I'll be back as soon as I can, boy." Mac said walking out the door. Mac had just gotten in placed Apple Bloom on the sofa, picked up his keys and was about to leave, when Applejack came to him. "What's the rush brother, where are you going in such a hurry?" "To get Fluttershy," Mac answered. "There's something wrong with Nutmeg and it's freaking out Seed." without another word, he opened the door and left, leaving Applejack running to check her horse. 5 mins later Mac pulled up to the clinic just as Fluttershy was locking up for the night. Getting out Mac rushed up to her. "Fluttershy, you've got to help, somethings wrong with Nutmeg." "Oh dear," she said reopening the door grabbing her emergency animal help kit and running to the other side of the truck. "I hope she's alright," Fluttershy said as they pulled away and on the way back to the farm. * In the barn, Applejack was sitting next to Nutmeg stroking her neck trying to stay calm. The doors opened and in came Mac and Fluttershy. The first question Fluttershy asked was "How long has she been down?" "As far as we know this morning," Mac answered going over to stand next to Appleseed. "How long was she like this?" "She was fine when I came to feed the animals before dinner," Applejack said. "But when I just came to get Apple Bloom for bed, Appleseed was saying something was wrong." Mac explained. "Ok, so she's been down most of the day, and problems only just started?" Fluttershy asked taking out a stethoscope and placing it on to Nutmegs chest. "Her heart's faster than normal, and the breathing is stronger." she said smiling. Looking up she said "There's nothing wrong, she's just having her baby..." "But will she be ok?" Applejack said getting over the shock. "I mean she's been down all day." "I'm not sure," Fluttershy said turning her attention back to Nutmeg, "But I'll do all I can to help both of them." * In the house Apple Bloom had just woken up and noticed she was in the living room. "That's weird Mac and AJ normally put me to bed when they get me from the barn if I fall asleep out there." she said to herself, looking at the time 10:45 the clock read. "I hope everything's ok..." she said making it up the stairs to bed. * In the barn Nutmeg was having problems giving birth to the new foal, and Appleseed was blaming the humans for hurting his mare. "Whoa boy," Mac kept saying standing in between his horse and the girls. "It's ok, we're here to help her. Not put her in danger. I promise." he said stroking Appleseed on the neck to calm him down. On the floor, Applejack was talking continuously to Nutmeg stroking her saying she was there for her, while Fluttershy was helping the foal come out. "I can see its head and front legs," she said. "Quick we need some rope to help it out." Applejack went to get some as Mac was still holding back Appleseed, and came back with one of her lasso's. "Ok we need to get this over the foals head and behind the legs. Then we can help Nutmeg by pulling it out as she pushes." Fluttershy explained telling Applejack what to do. "Right," Applejack said doing what she was told to do. But Appleseed wasn't happy at this and started rearing up again trying to get to his mare and stop Applejack from hurting her. "Appleseed stop!" Mac said hugging him to calm him down. "Their trying to help Nutmeg, not harm her." But he didn't like that answer and continued jumping around bucking Mac in the stomach once or twice, and even though Mac was strong and he was still standing, it hurt. "Can you girls hurry up back there?" Mac asked over his shoulder. "I don't think Seed's happy with us being this close to his mare." "We're going as fast as we can brother," Applejack called back, pulling the rope to help the foal out, while Fluttershy was helping Nutmeg. "Nearly there AJ," Fluttershy said seeing the body come out. "Just a bit more." Nutmeg was really struggling now, her breathing was stronger and she was neighing a lot. "You can do it girl," Fluttershy told her rubbing Nutmeg's neck. "Just a bit more." Applejack pulled on the rope again and the foal was fully out. She bent down, pulled the stuff off from the foals nose so it can breath, and took the rope off and backed away slowly always having eye contact with Appleseed who calmed down a bit now everything was fine. Mac sighed with relief and moved out of the way for the new family to be together. But something still looked wrong. Nutmeg wasn't up yet. Fluttershy had gotten out her stethoscope again and was listening to Nutmeg's chest. "This is bad," she said getting up. "Quick Mac pull Seed away again. Applejack you and I need to quickly but carefully help Nutmeg get back on her hooves." The siblings did as they were told, Mac restraining Appleseed, while Applejack got to the other side of Nutmeg. "Ok on the count of three we need to help her up." Fluttershy said to Applejack, who nodded in understanding. "One... Two... Three!" together the girls helped Nutmeg back up and got her standing for a minute, before she was down again, making Appleseed, and Applejack, worry. "We need to try again," Fluttershy said getting down again "One... Two... Three!" the girls got Nutmeg up again. "We need something to help her stand up," Fluttershy said looking around and see the hay bail hook, then looked at the rope on the fence post. "Can either of you get the rope to go over that hook?" Fluttershy asked. Mac was still holding back Appleseed, so Applejack did what was asked and turned to Fluttershy. "What now?" "Now we need to get the rope around Nutmeg, making it so it keeps her standing," Fluttershy explained. Applejack opened the lasso big enough for Nutmeg to poke her head and forelegs though, and pulled it so it was around her tummy. Then Fluttershy went over to Appleseed, so Applejack and Big Mac could pull on the rope slowly raising Nutmeg up and tying it off when she was standing up. Then all three backed away from the horses and all sighed in relief. "I hope she'll be ok," Applejack said looking at her horse who looked as tired as she felt. "So do I AJ," Mac said putting a hand on his sisters shoulder. "Thank you Fluttershy. We couldn't have done it without you." "You're welcome. All of you," she said talking to the horses. "Well I'd best be getting back home. I'll come by tomorrow to see how everyone's doing." "You can stay over for the night," Applejack said smiling. "Seeing it's nearly Midnight." "Oh but... I... I don't want to intruded," Fluttershy started mumbling collecting her things. "Oh Fluttershy, you're our friend, you can never intrude into this family," Applejack said "Isn't that right Mac?" she said grinning at the pink ears her brother had. "Er... Yep," he coughed shifting his eyes at the new born foal. "So, what are we going to call it?" "We said we'd let Bloom do that Mac," Applejack said as they walked out the barn, and back up to the house. "Hope she woke up and went to bed," Mac said holding the door open for the two girls. "I'm sure she did Mac," Applejack said but checking the living room to make sure. "Well good night, come on Fluttershy." she said leading her friend to her room. "Good night," Mac said getting himself a glass of water before going upstairs himself. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Apple Bloom walked into the kitchen the next morning she was surprised to see Fluttershy at the table with the others. "Er... hi Fluttershy..." she said smiling a little. "Hello Apple Bloom," she said clearing away the plate she had been using. "Why are you here exactly? Not that we don't mind you here, it's just..." "She came over last night Apple Bloom," Applejack said finishing her toast. "Someone new came to the barn last night and Fluttershy helped us welcome her." "What are you .... talking... about...? OH MY GOD!" Apple Bloom cried realizing what her sister was saying. "Can I go see Applejack? Please...." "Maybe later, Mac's checking up on them first, seeing if everyone's doing ok." Applejack laughed at how excited her sister was. "Can I see it too Applejack," Diamond Tiara asked from her place at the table smiling as big as Apple Bloom. "Why don't you help Apple Bloom pick out a name first then you both can come to the barn after lunch," Applejack suggested cleaning up her place. "We need to check up Nutmeg," she said as the two adults left the kitchen. After Applejack and Fluttershy left, the two girls turned to face each other. At first nothing was said and no eye contact was made. Then... "How about Luna?" Diamond Tiara said out of nowhere. "Huh?" Apple Bloom asked looking up. "The filly," Tiara explained. "I was thinking Luna. You know because she was born last night?" "Ok, that's one name," Apple Bloom said getting out a pen and some paper writing down the name. "Lets think of some more, then she can choose her name herself later." "Ok," Tiara said happily moving around to the other side of the table to sit next to Apple Bloom, not seeing or caring her dad had come back, from checking their house, to discover there still was no power. In the barn Mac was talking to Appleseed about last night. "I hope you're happy boy," he said patting Appleseed on the back. "That buck you gave me really hurt you know..." Appleseed lowered his head as if saying he was sorry. "It's alright," Mac said "You were just scared for Nutmeg weren't you?" A nod. "Well I'm sure when my Nutmeg's in her position I'll be just like you," Mac said. "What was that brother?" Applejack's voice said from the door, making Mac jump and spin around. "Sis..." he said shifting his eyes "How... How much did you hear?" he asked noticing Fluttershy giggling blushing a bit . "Something about 'Your Nutmeg...'" Applejack said. "Hope there's not another Apple coming anytime soon..." she said raising her eyebrows grinning meanly. "Er...." was all Mac could say before turning back to the horses. "I don't mind being you're Nutmeg Mac," Fluttershy said coming up to kiss him on the cheek making his ears go the brightest pink Applejack had ever seen. "But lets check on Applejack's one first..." she said going up to Nutmeg and stroking her a little to calm her down a bit. "Ok," Fluttershy said turning to the siblings. "Untie the rope and let it down a bit, but keep a hold of it until we can be sure she can stand up on her own." Applejack went to untie the rope that was holding her horse up and let it down a bit, Mac standing next to Appleseed. "Ok hold it there AJ," Fluttershy said stroking Nutmeg to keep her calm. "Ok Nutmeg, lets see if you can stand up this morning..." Fluttershy said. Nutmeg nodded in understanding and looked down at her hooves as if worried. "It will be ok girl," Applejack said to Nutmeg. "We'll catch you if you fall." Slowly Nutmeg placed one hoof in front of the other, and began to walk around the barn a bit. Happy with how great Nutmeg was doing, Fluttershy took the rope off her and asked Applejack if they can go outside to see her gallop. "We'll be right back Appleseed," Fluttershy said coming over to the stallion. "And we wont let anything happen to her. We promise." she said kissing him on the nose and walking Nutmeg out the barn. Mac hadn't noticed that he had been staring at Fluttershy until Appleseed bumped against his arm. "Wha... What are you looking at?" Mac asked turning to the foal sleeping in the straw. When he was alone sometimes with Appleseed Mac would talk his feelings to him as if Seed was his father, because he was named after him. "Dad, do you think I'd have a chance with her?" Mac asked looking at the foal when he asked the question. "It's just she's so smart and beautiful and was so popular at school. She's one of this family's best friends, one of AJ's best friends." he continued not noticing Fluttershy had come back to get something and was at the door listening. "What chance does a guy like me have with a girl like her anyway? Why can't I just say what I'm thinking when she's around, like I can to you?" Mac sighed closing his eyes. "Why can't I just say I love you..." He was stopped mid-sentence as he felt someone hug him and kiss him on the cheek. Opening his eyes he saw it was Fluttershy. Mac's ears turned the brightest shade of pink they had ever gone. "Thanks for the complements Mac," she said after awhile. "And for the record I think you'd have a very good chance with me." she said getting what she came back in for and leaving again. Leaving behind a stunned Big Macintosh rubbing his cheek where Fluttershy had kissed him. * Outside Applejack was standing next to Nutmeg waiting for Fluttershy to come back. "What took so long 'Shy?" Applejack asked when Fluttershy was next to her. "Erm... Mac was saying somethings..." Fluttershy said beginning to blush. "And I wanted to listen to what he said." Was all Fluttershy said, but Applejack had a feeling a bit more went on in that barn. According to Granny the barn was a popular place for Apples to confess their love to one another. "I see," Applejack said not wanting to poke into this at the moment. "Shall I let her go then?" Applejack asked. "Yes just let her do some laps around the field, and then call her back." Fluttershy ordered. "You heard her Nutmeg," Applejack said. "A few laps 'round the field." Nutmeg nodded and started to do what was asked of her. Watching carefully Fluttershy was taking notes in her head on how she went. "Ok AJ, call her back please," Fluttershy said. Applejack put her fingers in the mouth and whistled. "Nutmeg. Back here girl." bringing her back. Fluttershy got out her stethoscope and listened to Nutmegs chest. "Everything's fine." Fluttershy said after a while turning to Nutmegs hooves to check them. "So..." Applejack said grinning a bit. "What was Mac saying that got you to take so long Shy?" "Things..." Fluttershy said after pausing for a bit. "What things..." "Things about... Me..." Fluttershy blushed again not really wanting to go into this. At that moment, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara came running out of the house a piece of paper each in their hands. "We got all the names we could think of AJ" Apple Bloom said. "Can we see her now? We said we'll let her pick it." Apple Bloom explained. "Fine by me," Applejack said leading Nutmeg, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara to the barn for the naming of the new foal. * In the barn Mac had finally gotten over the kiss and was sat down next to the filly leaning against one of the beams. "I have really got to be more careful about what I say in here, don't I Appleseed." he finally said looking up at Appleseed who nodded in agreement. "Yo Mac," Applejack called from the door, bringing in Nutmeg and the others. "Hey sis," Mac said getting up and out of the pen. "We got the names for the filly," Tiara said holding up her half of the paper. "So we're going to say them one by one to her and see which one she picks," Apple Bloom continued. "Ok," Mac said. "But you might not get any reactions. She's asleep at the moment." "We'll tell you then," Apple Bloom said turning to the grown ups and clearing her throat. "Wait right there Sugarcube," Applejack said after putting Nutmeg back in with her foal. "Just how many names are there on that list?" "Ten, why" "Just asking," Applejack said making herself comfy on the straw bench. "Let it go then you two," Mac said leaning up against one of the support beams. "We'll vote on them after you've read them all." "1. Luna: you know because she was born last night," Tiara explained. "2. Ginger Gold," Apple Bloom said. "3. Mai-ling." "4. Daisy." "5. Josie." "6. Paprika" "7. Jessie" "8 Odette." "9 Marry." "And 10... If you'd allow it..." Apple Bloom said looking at her siblings. "Er... Honey-Crisp." After a while Mac knelt down and hugged his sister as tears started to form in her eyes. "Of course we'd allow that Apple Bloom," Mac said wiping a tear from Apple Bloom's eye with his thumb. Applejack joined in with the hug placing her hat on Bloom's head, which she rarely did, but every time Apple Bloom got to wear her sister's hat, she felt happier. "So, what shall we call her?" Fluttershy said after a while looking down at the filly. "I'm thinking between, Ginger-Gold, Paprika, and Honey-Crisp." Applejack said. "I like Odette, Jessie, and Luna." Fluttershy said. "I also think Paprika and Honey-Crisp would work for her. But I like how you came up with Luna." Mac said. "Ok, so it's between Ginger-Gold, Paprika, Odette, Jessie, Luna, and Honey-Crisp." Diamond Tiara said crossing off the unwanted names. They all turned to Nutmeg and Appleseed. "What do you want to name her then you two?" Applejack asked rubbing Nutmeg's nose. Appleseed started stamping his hoof, counting to the name he liked. 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' "Six, that's Honey-Crisp," Apple Bloom said marking it down. "How about you Nutmeg?" Nutmeg started counting now. 'Stamp.' 'Stamp.' "Two," Diamond Tiara said. "That's Paprika." "What should we do sis?" Apple Bloom asked. "I guess we just have to wait and see what she wants herself," Applejack said, getting Nutmeg's brush and started grooming her. Appleseed bumped Mac and nodded over to Fluttershy. Seeing his owner didn't get it he did it again. "What's wrong with Appleseed?" Apple Bloom said. "He's saying Mac should take me out for a ride on him," Fluttershy giggled blushing a bit. "Would you like to?" Mac asked trying to hold back Appleseed. "Yes except..." Fluttershy said grabbing her hair. "I've never ridden on a horse before..." "I expect Mac will help ya," Applejack said smiling. "Besides, Seed looks very determent to get you on him." she said turning back to Nutmeg. With one last bump Appleseed knocked Mac into Fluttershy and whinnied as Mac's ears turned pink. "Alright, alright," Mac said after getting up and apologizing to Fluttershy. "Come on then Appleseed, lets get your saddle." he said leading Appleseed outside where there would be more room. "I hope you know what you're doing..." he whispered to his horse as they were leaving. Back inside Applejack looked at Fluttershy. "I'm sure I've seen you on a horse before..." she said. "I have," Fluttershy said looking at the ground. "But I've never ridden one." "Don't you worry Fluttershy," Apple Bloom said. "Mac's the best rider ever. And although Appleseed seems all big and tough he's actually very sweet." "Yeah," Fluttershy said looking though the doors at the two outside "Like his owner..." > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten minutes later, Mac was leading Appleseed, with a slightly worried Fluttershy on top, out to the fields for the ride that Appleseed suggested. "You ok up there Fluttershy?" Mac asked as they got there. "Yes," Fluttershy said trying not to look down. "If you're nervous we can turn back," Mac said noticing how scared Fluttershy looked. But Appleseed just shook his head and bumped Mac on the shoulder again. "What now Seed?" Mac asked trying to calm him down. "Oh no Appleseed he doesn't have to do that," Fluttershy said rubbing Appleseed's neck. "Do what?" Mac asked looking between the two, before Appleseed bumped into him again. "Er... He's suggesting you come up here to to protect me from from falling off..." Fluttershy said blushing again. Mac looked from Appleseed to Fluttershy and back. "Would you... er... be alright with that?" Mac asked rubbing the back of his neck not looking Fluttershy in the eye. "Just do it already," Applejack's voice rang out across the fields making everyone turn their heads back to the barn where the others were watching the two of them. "Alright! Sheesh!" Mac called back and got on behind Fluttershy and took hold of the reins. After a few seconds when he thought his owner was ready, Appleseed started galloping off as fast as he could. "Appleseed, what are you doing?" Mac called out over Fluttershy's screams of terror, trying to pull at the reins to now affect. "Where are we going?" Fluttershy asked as Appleseed started running into the forest that was next to Sweet Apple Acres. "Appleseed stop," Mac said "We got to get back," But neither of theses worked as Appleseed was still galloping. After a few minutes, Appleseed started to slow down, looking around as if searching for something. Fluttershy was leaning into Mac her hands over her face. "Is... Is it over?" she asked looking up. "Sort of..." Mac said still holding the reins so he couldn't comfort her at the moment. Suddenly, Appleseed stopped as he come to a clearing, and looked at the people on his back. "It's beautiful..." Fluttershy said eye's widening. There were trees all around making it seem as if this was a secret hide away, a small stream was flowing though. The grass was green with all kinds of flowers growing all around, bees and butterflies flying amongst them. Mac got down and helped Fluttershy off Appleseed. "Where are we?" she asked when she was down. "I don't know," was Mac's answer. Appleseed went off to one of the trees calling the two over. In the bark there was two sets of initials within a arrow struck heart. "ASA, and HC?" Fluttershy asked looking up at Mac. "No idea," Mac said trying to pull Appleseed away. "Come on... Appleseed, we have to go home," "Appleseed, that's it," Fluttershy said eyes widening, then started to blush. "Huh?" Mac asked giving up on his horse. "ASA, um, I think might be your dad... Appleseed Apple." Fluttershy said grabbing her hair. "Which means... HC is..." Mac said slowly putting the pieces together. "Honey-Crisp," a voice said behind them, making Mac and Fluttershy spin around, to see Filthy Rich coming into the clearing. "This was their er... secret hide away." Filthy Rich explained. "Appleseed and I stumbled across it one day when we were playing hide and seek, a few summers after we became friends." "So how did my Appleseed know about it?" Mac asked looking at his horse who was eating the grass to stay out of the conversation. "Your Appleseed was actually your fathers horse first, and they would always take Honey-Crisp out on short dates when you and Applejack were at school, or at night. I guess he just thought you two would like to see it." Filthy Rich said as he turned and walked away, leaving the two standing there. Back at the house Applejack was at a cross road wondering wither she should go after Mac and Fluttershy or not. On the one hand, going out to look for them to see if they were alright, would be what a sister and friend did. On the other Nutmeg didn't want to leave her foal. "You think their alright," Apple Bloom said still a little shocked that Appleseed would do something like this. "I'm sure they're fine child," Granny Smith said smiling a little after hearing the story of what happened to her grandson and Fluttershy. Diamond Tiara was still out in the barn helping Nutmeg look after her unnamed foal. "You know something about this don't ya Granny?" Applejack said noticing Granny's smile. "I'm sure their just out on a romantic ride though the forest dear," Granny Smith said. "Not to say you're wrong Granny," Applejack said slowly trying not to upset her grandmother, "But the way he took of like that, didn't seem all that romantic..." Just then Filthy Rich came into the kitchen the same smile on his face as Granny's. "They found it then?" Granny Smith asked looking at Filthy Rich. "Yep," he said getting himself a glass of water and joining the family. "Found what Mr Rich?" Apple Bloom asked confused. "Don't worry," Granny said getting up to return to her knitting room. "You'll find it when the time comes." "Mr Rich, do you know where Appleseed took Mac and Fluttershy and if they're ok?" Applejack asked in the safety for her brother and one of her friends. After a while Filthy Rich said. "I do, and their just fine." "But..." Apple Bloom was just about to say something when the door opened and Diamond Tiara came in. "The foals awake," she said then ran back out again, not even saying 'hi' to her father. "You better check if it's alright then," Filthy Rich said walking away. "And don't you still need to name it?" "Oh yeah!" Apple Bloom said jumping out of her seat and running outside. Applejack didn't say anything. She just got up, put her hat on and walked outside. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the barn, the filly was walking around showing herself off to the girls that were looking at her enjoying the attention. Applejack came into the barn and walked up to Nutmeg. "Am I too late?" she asked Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. "No, we were just about to ask her," Apple Bloom said reaching out her hand to be met by the filly's nose. "So girl," she said "Would you rather be called Paprika, or Honey-Crisp?" The filly looked confused and started licking Apple Blooms hand. "I got an idea," Diamond Tiara said. "Does your spice cupboard have any paprika?" "Possibly," Applejack said wondering where she was going with this. "And do you have any honey-crisp apples?" "Somewhere... in orchard three I think." "Go get them and bring them here." Tiara ordered Applejack, then she turned to Apple Bloom. "Do you have some flower pots?" "Yep," Apple Bloom was giggling at the feeling of the filly's tongue on her hands. "The next barn over." She left to get some. After a few minutes, both sisters were back and handed the things to Tiara. Diamond Tiara showed the spice, and the apple to the filly, then placed them on the straw bench on top of the flower pots. Then she pointed to the paprika. The filly still looked confused then shook her head, then Tiara pointed to the apple. This time the filly nodded. "Looks like she wants to be called Honey-Crisp then," Applejack said. "But what if she's just hungry?" Apple Bloom said. "Foals don't have solid food right away remember Apple Bloom?" Applejack said. "Besides didn't you want her to be called Honey-Crisp in the first place?" "Well.... Yeah..." "It's settled then," Applejack said lifting Apple Bloom. "Her name will be Honey-Crisp." Back in the forest, Mac and Fluttershy were sitting under the shade of one of the trees. Fluttershy in the arms of Macintosh. "It sure is nice here," Fluttershy spoke up. "Yep," was all Mac said looking around at the scenery. "Do you think we should be getting .... back?" she asked yawning and making herself comfortable on Mac's chest. Mac looked at his watch, reading 12:45. "We can stay here a bit..." But Fluttershy wasn't listening, she had fallen asleep, turning Mac's ears pink again. Appleseed looked towards the two and reared up in joy, that things were going fine. Mac just smiled and held Fluttershy a bit closer. "Thanks dad." was all he said before nodding off himself. * The sun was beginning to set when Appleseed decided to wake up his owner and Fluttershy. He started by gently nudging Fluttershy on the arm and tickling her with his tail. "Wha..." Fluttershy asked rubbing her eyes, then seeing who had awoken her, smiled and reached up to pat Appleseed. But then she noticed she was lying next to Mac. "Ohmygoodness, Ohmygoodness, Ohmygoodness," she said getting up and backing away. "Have I been sleeping next to him this whole time?" she asked getting a nod from Appleseed who turned to Mac and started nibbling at his hair. "Hello Appleseed," Mac said stretching a bit then he saw Fluttershy. "You ok there Fluttershy?" "I'm .... fine," she said hiding behind her hair. "You sure?" "Yes," Mac could scene something wrong but didn't want to put it on Fluttershy, so he just got up and walked to the opening in the trees they had come through that morning. "Do you want to ride back, or should we walk?" he asked. "I'm happy with walking, if it's alright with you," she said blushing. And they all set off back to the farm. The clock on the wall was reading 7:15, and Applejack was beginning to get very worried. "Where are they?" she asked again head in her hands. "If they're not back in ten minutes I'm going out after them." "Sis, why are you so worried?" Apple Bloom asked helping Granny Smith with the washing up. "I don't know Bloom," Applejack said returning to placing her face to the table. "Mac's a gentleman, child," Granny Smith said happily. "He wont be doing anything like that. I'm sure." "It's not that Granny," Applejack said looking up. "It's just we already lost someone to that forest, and I just don't want to lose anyone else." "Good thing you didn't then," Mac's voice said from the door. "Mac!" Applejack said getting down from the table hugging her brother, then... 'PUNCH' "Ow jees what was that for?" Mac asked rubbing his arm. "For scarring the hay out of me!" Applejack said fighting back tears. "And where's Fluttershy?" "Fluttershy's saying goodbye to the horses before I drive her home." Mac said going to get his keys. "So where were you all day then Mac?" Apple Bloom asked. "And why did you stay there that long?" "Appleseed took us somewhere in the woods," Mac explained. "And we were there for the whole day, because we fell asleep." Then turning to Granny said. "Did he really take her out at night Granny?" "Yes he did. Right after you two were asleep." Granny Smith smiled. "What?" Applejack and Apple Bloom said together. "Mac," a small voice said from the door, everyone spun to see Fluttershy with her bag and waiting to go. "Coming," Mac said grabbing a coat and leaving. "What was that about Granny?" Applejack asked now coming to help with the dishes. "I'll tell you when you're older," was all Granny Smith said, still smiling. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstairs Diamond Tiara was getting ready for bed. "Daddy? When are we going home?" she asked yawning a bit. "Soon," Filthy Rich said tucking Tiara in. "How soon?"she asked eyelids getting heavy. "Probably not much longer. Now go to sleep. School tomorrow remember." he said turning off the light. The next morning was slightly wilder than normal. "Come on Tiara, we have to go!" Apple Bloom called up the stairs trying to get Diamond Tiara to get moving. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" a voice called back. "Got your lunch this time Sugarcube?" Applejack asked while Apple Bloom was tapping her foot in impatience. "Yes Applejack," she said. "Can't you just drive us to school?" she asked almost begging. "I thought you liked walking to school Apple Bloom," Applejack said. "I do," Apple Bloom replied. "But I also like being on time for it." Suddenly footsteps were coming down the stairs. "Better?" Applejack asked. "Still bet we're going to be late," Apple Bloom mumbled. "Well you better get going then," Big Mac said coming from the kitchen rubbing his arm. "I think you may have broken it AJ," he said. "Quit being a baby," Applejack said. "Besides if I did I think you'd be in a tiny bit more pain." "Ready to go," Diamond Tiara said causing the siblings to stop talking and push Apple Bloom out the door. "Have a good day then," Applejack said waving them down the road. * As Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara were getting to the corner of the road before school, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came up. "How's it going then?" Scootaloo said jokingly. "How's what going?" Apple Bloom asked. "Tiara living with you, duh..." Scoots answered. "Well..." Apple Bloom said looking towards Diamond Tiara who didn't say anything. "Wait, you're not really getting to like her are you?" Scootaloo asked. "Er... You remember how Mac told us of Fancy Pants..." Apple Bloom said, as they went though the school gates. "Yeah..." Sweetie Belle said. "And then I asked if every Apple have an opposite they become friends with..." "Er... we were there," Scootaloo said. "I think we'd remember." "Scoots," Sweetie Belle said glaring at the tomboy of the group. "Well, my dad's opposite..." Apple Bloom said looking to Diamond Tiara. "Was my dad." she finished. "Wait what?" the two said stopping in their tracks. "Our dads were opposites to each other," Apple Bloom said going into the class room and to her seat. "What's that got to do with you two?" Scootaloo said. "Nothing, I just thought you'd like to know," Apple Bloom said. "What about Honey-Crisp?" Tiara asked smiling. "Who?" Scootaloo asked. "Alright class settle down," Miss Cheerilee said coming in. "Just come over after school," Apple Bloom said, turning her attention to the board and taking the necessary notes on history. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because the bet was still standing, and Applejack had to do all his jobs. Big Macintosh was enjoying the day off walking though town. Around lunch time, he went into the sweet shop and restaurant Sugercube Corner. The bell rang above the door as he went though. "Quick shut the door!" a voice said. Worried Mac did as he was told. Suddenly two three year-old's came running from the kitchen covered in flour, and jumped up at Mac forcing him to fall over. "Whoa," he said getting attacked by the Cake's twin son and daughter Pound and Pumpkin. "Pound, Pumpkin, come back here right now!" a girl with pink hair and a chefs hat on holding a spoon said . "No," the twins said laughing and ran upstairs. "Sorry Mac, I'll be with you as soon as I can," Pinkie Pie said going after the kids. "I can help you know," Mac suggested. "No, I'm ok" Pinkie said taking off. Sighing and smiling to himself, Mac took a seat at the counter and waited to be tended to. 10 mins later Mac could smell smoke coming from the kitchen and hear alarms going off. "Er... Pinkie, were you baking something when the kids distracted you?" Mac called up the stairs. "Yeah," came the reply after a few bangs. "Why?" "Because it's burning, and there's smoke coming out the kitchen," Mac answered. "Oh no," Pinkie was down the stairs in a flash and went into her kitchen pulling out the cake and wafting the smoke away. Pound and Pumpkin stuck there heads though the door hiding behind Mac so they wouldn't get into any more trouble. They may have only been three, but they already knew not to go into the kitchen if the alarms were going off, or to disturb their Auntie Pinkie if it was one of her cakes had turned black in the box mummy and daddy get all those delicious things from and wouldn't let them touch. "You alright... Pinkie?" Mac asked carefully staying at the door to protect the kids. "This was supposed to of been their birthday cake," was all Pinkie said. "Well... I do have the day off from the farm," Mac said. "I can help you make another one..." "I don't think they should get one now," Pinkie said her hair going flat, fists clenched. "We're sorry Auntie Pinkie," the twins said staring at the floor. Mac was about to say something when he saw a smirk on Pinkie's face and knew she was joking. "Well you should be," Pinkie said. "Go to your room until Mummy and Daddy come back." With that the twins went upstairs. After a few moments to make sure it was alright, Pinkie threw away the burnt cake, and began getting the things for the new one. "Where should I start then Captain Pinkie?" Mac said in mock salute. "Can you clean up the all the flour that's on the floor please?" Pinkie said blending the sugar and butter together. "The broom's by the door." Nodding Mac did as he was asked and started sweeping. "I heard a few things about you and Fluttershy," Pinkie said grinning now adding the eggs. "Gotten anywhere yet?" "I'm not sure how you know Pinkie," Mac said gathering the flour up "But no not yet. Although Appleseed did take us to a spot in the forest where my Ma and Pa use to have dates." he explained the accounts of yesterday. "Oh that one in the forest with the stream, and the trees and the grass and the flowers? That one?" Pinkie asked now folding in the flour. "Er... yes?" Mac answered stunned a bit. "How did you know?" "Just a hunch..." Pinkie said shrugging and went back to the cake. Mac just shook his head and went back to the sweeping. "Where are the Cakes then Pinkie?" Mac asked pouring the rest of the flour into the bin and putting the broom back. "Shouldn't they be here for their kids birthday?" "Oh they had a big order they had to to deliver to Canterlot that couldn't be placed at a later date." Pinkie said setting the timer on the oven. "Do you want help setting up the party then?" Mac said thinking that Carrot and Cup Cake would be back in time for it. "Yes please," Pinkie said pushing Mac into the restaurant part of the shop. "Normally I'd use my party cannon, but the kids know what it sounds like, and I want this to be a surprise." "So what do you want me to do?" Mac asked. "Can you hang up some paper lanterns the Cakes put the hooks up the other day," Pinkie asked coming out of the cupboard under the stairs with a box of paper lanterns and a step ladder. "I'll try," Macintosh said taking both. "Any particular order?" he asked seeing that there were nine lanterns each three a different color. "Just so no lantern is next to another the same color as itself," Pinkie said blowing up her tenth balloon. * After fifteen minutes, Mac got down from the ladder, and looked up at the lanterns checking they were right. Pinkie was hanging the streamers up when the shops door opened, ringing the bell and getting the two's attention, and in walked Fluttershy. "Hiya Fluttershy," Pinkie said finishing with the streamers. "Hi Pinkie Pie. Hello Big Mac," Fluttershy said turning a bit pink. "Hi Fluttershy," Mac said trying to think of something to say. "I'm going to check on the cake," Pinkie said heading off to the kitchen. "But theres still ten minutes left..." Mac said checking his watch. "Well duh..." Pinkie said. "I'm leaving so you two can talk. Just remember Pound and Pumpkin are upstairs." she said spinning around and going thought the doors. "La la la la la." Smiling at how great a friend Pinkie was, Mac turned back to Fluttershy. "Look, I'm sorry of how Appleseed acted yesterday," he said taking down the step ladder. "That's ok," Fluttershy said avoiding his eyes. "Um... Can you teach me riding lessons?" Fluttershy asked blushing. "I thought you knew how to ride," Mac said. "Before Appleseed took off you were doing a very good job." "I wasn't doing anything," Fluttershy said. "I was just sitting on top of a horse while his owner led him across the field." she said stroking her hair. Mac thought back to yesterday. 'I guess that was what she was doing wasn't it?' he thought. "Sure, I'll teach you to ride," he said."When do you want to start?" "Oh, any time's fine," Fluttershy said getting up on tip toe to kiss him on the cheek. "Yeah go for it Fluttershy," Pinkie said. "Eepp" Fluttershy said realizing she was caught and crouched into a tight ball. Mac folded his arms and glared at Pinkie. "Oops sorry." she said going back into the kitchen. "How about we start when we get back to the farm," Mac said helping Fluttershy up again. "Of course because of Honey-Crisp, Nutmeg would want to stay with her, so it will be Seed I'll be teaching you on." he said. "Ok, but doesn't Pinkie need you here?" Fluttershy asked. "Please," Mac said heading for the door. "All I did was clean up the flour and hang up the lanterns." Mac said showing off his work. "I think she can do the rest herself." "Um ok," Fluttershy said turning to the kitchen. "Bye then Pinkie," she said. "Bye." Pinkie called from the kitchen door. "And thanks for the help Mac, here have some on the house cupcakes." Pinkie said giving the two of them each a frosted cupcake. "Thanks Pinkie," they said then turned to leave. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was just coming in from from picking apples when she saw Mac and Fluttershy heading to the barn. Being a curious sister that she was she decided to check up on them. "Hey guys," Applejack said cheerily smiling. "What are you up to today?" "Fluttershy asked if I can teach her about riding," Mac said getting Appleseed's saddle out then going to the doors to get Appleseed. "Really?" Applejack smirked at Fluttershy. "Uh huh," Fluttershy answered stroking her hair. "You know it will either be a ride-with-you or walk beside you lesson, seeing Nutmeg's looking after Honey-Crisp for the moment?" Applejack asked rising an eyebrow. "Yep" Mac said bringing Appleseed out and placing the saddle on his back. "Just don't get yourself lost this time ok," Applejack said tipping her hat to the two of them and heading for the house. "That was a lot softer than I thought it would be," Mac said after getting Fluttershy a riders helmet. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked putting the helmet on. "Well when I came home last night, while you were saying goodbye to the horses," Mac explained "She punched me in the arm for scaring her because we were gone all day." "Oh, my." Fluttershy said getting on to Appleseed. "Ok Appleseed," Mac addressed his horse after he closed for safety locked the barn doors. "We're taking Fluttershy out for her first riding lesson, so don't be too rough today. Understand?" he asked leading the two of them to the carousel where the Apple family did horseback rides at their family reunions. Appleseed nodded. After Mac walked them in and shut the gate, he first led Appleseed around a few times to get Fluttershy used to being on top of him. "Ok," he said letting go after the fifth lap. "Now it's your turn Fluttershy. To make him go you gently tap his sides with your heels. Use the reins to to left or right, by lightly pulling on the one that is needed, pulling on both to stop or slow down flipping them will make him go faster. And stay confident. If a horse scenes it's rider is scared or worried, it won't listen to them." Mac explained. "Um... Ok" Fluttershy said tapping her heels to Appleseed to make him do some more laps. "Hey I'm doing it," She said smiling following Mac's instructions. "Ok Seed, a little faster," Mac said now sitting on the fence. Appleseed nodded and went into a quick trot. This got Fluttershy to frown a bit, but she tried to stay confident in fear of Appleseed bucking her off because he wouldn't listen to her. "Doing great Fluttershy," Mac called, helping Fluttershy's confidence to grow. "Now slow him down, and lead him over here." Mac ordered after a while. Fluttershy did as she was told, and lead Appleseed over to Mac, both smiling happily. "That was great for your first time Fluttershy," Mac said helping her down and taking Appleseed back to the barn. "Thank you Mac," Fluttershy said blushing. "Oh and thank you too Appleseed." she said reaching her hand out to pat Appleseed in gratitude. * As they got to the barn, they saw Applejack, the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle) and Diamond Tiara by the doors, looking as if they were about to go in. "How the lesson go then?" Applejack asked smirking at the two of them. "Fine," Mac said taking Appleseed's saddle and reins off. "No going into the forest today then?" she asked causing Scoots and Sweetie to give quizzical looks. "No...." Mac said back. "they just did a few laps around the carousel. What are Bloom's friends here for?" he asked nodding to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Well this morning Apple Bloom and Tiara said something about Honey-Crisp," Sweetie Belle said. "And told us to just come over this afternoon..." Scootaloo said not knowing what emotions to show. Hearing this Appleseed started sniffing the two new girls carefully. "Er... What's Appleseed doing?" Scootaloo said slightly worried, she wasn't used to big animals sniffing her. "He's checking if you're safe and he can trust you," Fluttershy said giggling a little. "Why?" Sweetie Belle asked stoking Appleseed's nose. "To see if he can trust you to go near his mare and foal," Fluttershy said backing away a bit for the answer to sink in. "What... do you... mean?" the two asked together, then it clicked. "OH MY GOD! CAN WE SEE IT!" they screamed causing Appleseed to rear up and fling his legs in defense. "Whoa boy," Mac said running over and standing between the girls and Appleseed. "Their just excited. They wont harm Nutmeg or Honey-Crisp." he said trying to calm his horse down a bit. But Appleseed wasn't listening and bucked Mac in the stomach telling him to get out of the way. But Mac stood strong. Suddenly Fluttershy got an idea and began singing... Hush now quiet now, It's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now, It's time to go to bed. Appleseed got back onto all fours but was still pacing around glaring at his owner who was blocking his view of the two new humans who would harm his mare and foal. Drifting off to sleep, Leave this day behind you, Drifting off to sleep, May good dreams come to find you. Appleseed had stopped pacing and was now looking at Fluttershy curiosity in his eyes, as she slowly moved forwards her hand out. Hush now quiet now, It's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now, It's time to go to bed. "I'm sorry, I made them excited Appleseed," Fluttershy said hugging him calming the stallion down even more. "But they are actually very nice. Their friends with Apple Bloom and you trust her right?" she asked pulling away. There was a tense silence as everyone waited for an answer. Eventually, Appleseed nodded but thought to himself to keep an eye on the two new girls, just in case. "Good boy," Fluttershy said stroking his muzzle gently. "Wow!" the girls said together, as Applejack and Big Mac were speechless. Fluttershy turned around and hid behind her hair scared at all the eyes on her. "Er... I have to go now," she said taking off and giving back the helmet. "Thanks again for the lesson Mac," she said then ran away. * "How... How did she do that?" Apple Bloom asked after a while looking into the direction Fluttershy ran away in. "Don't know Sugarcube," Applejack said opening the door after telling Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to stay quiet and move slowly. "Could have something to do with her talent with animals." "Wasn't that the song Ma use to sing to us AJ?" Mac said taking Appleseed in first rubbing his stomach. "Yeah, thinking about it," Applejack said following her brother in. "Why?" "Mr Rich said Pa and Appleseed used to take her into the forest where he took us yesterday," Mac explained getting his horse a hay ball for thanks. "I'm thinking that's why the song worked to calm Seed down. Isn't it Appleseed?" he asked patting Appleseed on the back getting confused looks from the girls. "Either way, we're here to see Honey-Crisp," Applejack said walking up to Nutmeg who was eating her own hay ball a small foal at her side. "Here girls," Applejack said addressing the horses who hung back for a few seconds seeing the new humans. "It's ok," Apple Bloom said. "There my friends, they wont hurt you. I promise." she said reaching out her hand for it to be licked by Honey-Crisp. "Is she yours then Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle asked sticking her hand out too, giggling as it was being licked. "We haven't gotten that far yet," Apple Bloom said. "She was only born on Saturday night. And we only named her yesterday." "Don't you want to say hi Scoots," Mac asked pausing Appleseed's grooming, noticing the tomboy wasn't up at the fence with the others. "N... No thank you," she said "I can see her from here." "Scootaloo," Mac said putting down the brush and kneeling down to look her in the eye. "Are you afraid of horses?" All he got was a nod, then a shake, then a second nod. All the while tears were forming, which she tried to keep back. "I'm just going to take Scoots to the house to get her a drink, ok AJ?" Mac asked nodding to Scootaloo. "That's fine." Applejack said. * When they were outside, Mac lifted Scootaloo up and carried her to the house. He did as he promised and got her a glass of water, and together the two sat on the patio swing. "So, are you afraid of horses Scootaloo," Mac asked again after a while. "A... A little," she said looking ashamed. "A little more after the... er... accident with Appleseed." "You never said anything like this before," Mac said. "It didn't matter before," Scootaloo said tears escaping from her eyes. "Would it make you feel better if I told you what I'm afraid of?" Mac asked welcoming Winona, AJ's collie. "You're afraid of something?" Scootaloo asked starstruck wiping away a tear. "Everyone's afraid of something Scoot," Mac grinned. "I know for a fact that Rainbow Dash is scared of in-closed spaces. Why do you think she's always running around in the fresh air?" "Wow..." Scootaloo said. "So what's yours?" "Well one of them is letting my friends and family down," Mac said thinking. "The other is being alone in the forest at night." he said cutting it there not wanting to go any further. "Is... Is it because of what happened to your dad? Apple Bloom told us over lunch." Scootaloo said looking into her glass of un-drunken water. "Yes," Mac said scratching Winona behind the ears. "I'm sorry for that Mac," Scootaloo said looking away. A few minutes passed then Scootaloo asked. "What did AJ mean by 'No going into the forest today?'" Mac stiffened a bit. "Well, Appleseed insisted we went for a ride yesterday and took me and Fluttershy into the forest," Mac said leaving it at that, if and when Scootaloo wanted to find the hide away, she can find it on her own. Then getting up said "Better get back to grooming Appleseed then. You coming?" he asked Scootaloo. "N... No thank you," Scootaloo said, putting the glass on the table and getting up herself. "I think I'll just be heading home. You wont tell anyone will you, about me and horses?" "Not if you don't want me to," Mac said placing his hand on her shoulder. "But you should, might make you feel better." he said before heading back to the barn. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Where's Scoots then bro?" Applejack asked when Mac came back into the barn. "She had to go home." Mac said. "And miss meeting Honey-Crisp?" Apple Bloom asked eyes wide in shock. "She didn't miss out Bloom," Mac said ruffling her hair. "She saw her remember?" "She didn't say hi to her..." Sweetie Belle said climbing down from the fence and running to the door to see if her friend was playing a prank. "I'm sure she will next time she comes over," Applejack said putting down Nutmeg's brush. "Come on girls time we left the family alone..." "But AJ..." Apple Bloom said trying to biggerfy her eyes. "Listen to her Bloom," Mac said retuning to grooming Appleseed smiling. "I may be the oldest but she knows best." "Why thank you Mac," Applejack said tipping her hat to the complement and stood at the door waiting for the girls. "Ok..." Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Tiara said together and marched single file, after saying goodbye to Honey-Crisp, out the door. When all the girls were gone and Applejack shut the door, Mac turned to Appleseed. "Just a few things to be said boy," Mac said getting Appleseed's attention. "First, good work with Fluttershy. Next, you bucked me in the same place as Saturday night," he said rubbing his stomach, a bit annoyed. "And third you know Scootaloo, the one with purple hair, she was already afraid of horses and you made it worse out there, right?" All Appleseed did was look down ashamed, then at Nutmeg and Honey-Crisp as if to say, 'But they were going to harm them.' "They weren't going to harm them Seed, they were just excited about meeting Honey," Mac said putting the brush down again and looking his horse in the eye. "We wouldn't let anything happen to to any of you." he said leaning his head up to Appleseed's. "Aww...." Mac was shook out of his talk time with his horse to see Applejack had come back and was smirking at her brother's feelings to his horse. "What do you want AJ," Mac said heading to the door after saying goodbye to Appleseed. "Just want to know who's going after Fluttershy to see if she's alright," Applejack said grinning. "Your her friend aren't you?" Mac said closing the door, forgetting to lock it because he was talking to Applejack. "But she might need you and your strong arms to lift her out of the dumps she's in," Applejack said still grinning. "Ok, there's only one way to settle this," Mac said turning to his sister. "Agreed..." she said holding out her fist to Mac's own. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT..." they both cried both reveling scissors. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT..." they cried again, this time showing two rocks. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT..." they said for the third time, Applejack showing paper, Mac showing scissors. "Looks like you win Mac," Applejack said walking away doing her proud walk. "See you later then." Sighing at how his sister was getting to be more and more like her friend Rainbow Dash, Mac set off to Fluttershy's cottage to see if she was fine. All the way to the cottage, Mac was thinking on what to say, to Fluttershy. Before he new it he was there. Usually Fluttershy was out feeding and caring for her animals, but Mac couldn't see her today. As he walked to the door, Fluttershy's loyal, yet stubborn, pet rabbit Angel came out his own special door and looked up at Mac. "Hey Angel," Mac said crouching down so the rabbit didn't need to look up so high. "Is Fluttershy home? I'd like to talk to her." Mac said. Angel looked up at Mac for a while then went back inside, letting Mac get back up and wait for the results. After five minutes, Mac was thinking of going home, when the door handle twitched and the door opened reveling Fluttershy, hugging her teddy bear. "Hi Mac," she said in barely a whisper, not looking up at him. "Hi Fluttershy," Mac said ears turning pink. "Er... AJ suggested I came over to see if you're, you know, ok." Mac explained why he was there. "Oh and to thank you for calming down Appleseed earlier as well." he remembered. "You're welcome," Fluttershy said getting a bit more comfortable with Mac standing there. "If I can ask," Mac said rubbing the back of his neck "How did you know that would work?" "I... I didn't," Fluttershy said squeezing her bear a bit more. "It's just the song I sing to my animals when they are scared, or a bit over excited. So I just tried it on Appleseed. Why? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry..." Fluttershy said backing away scared she offended the Apples with her singing. Mac quickly grabbed Fluttershy's hand and bought her closer. "You stopped Appleseed from running over the girls," he said looking into her eyes. "I don't think that was wrong, and differently nothing to be sorry about. We were just surprised that it worked, that was why we were all staring at you when you turned around." Mac explained. "But it was because I told Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle about Honey-Crisp, that got them excited... that got Appleseed so scared... that he bucked you again... that..." Fluttershy was cut off by feeling lips on her cheek. Looking up she saw Mac moving away smiling at her, the way her best friend Rainbow, and her boyfriend - Soarin Skies stares at each other . "That wasn't your fault," Mac said "You were just answering their question. They were going to find out about her one way or the other, that's what they were there for remember?" "But you got hurt..." Fluttershy said squeezing her bear again nearly making it's head pop off. "I'm a farmer Fluttershy," Mac said smiling at how much she cared for him. "Unless me and AJ have these bets, I get hurt almost everyday if I'm not careful." "But I..." Fluttershy said loosening her grip on her bear. "Will always be there to help any of us get better again," Mac finished, kissing her on the cheek again, making her blush and smile with happiness. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moon was just rising when Mac came back into the house to see everyone waiting for him in the living room. "What..?" he asked shutting the door and looking around the group. "How did it go then Mac?" Applejack said playing cards with Bloom and Tiara on the coffee table, not looking up at him, but he could sense she was smiling. "It went ok," Mac said going into the kitchen to get his dinner, where he was attacked by Winona who had just come in though the door. "Whoa girl, what's wrong?" Mac asked getting up. Winona was tugging at Mac's trouser legs telling him she wanted to show him something. "Ok, ok I'm coming," Mac said going out the door after getting a torch and following her outside. Winona led him to the barn, and to Mac's surprise... "The... The doors are open?" Mac said quickening his pace hearing Appleseed and Nutmeg's worried cries. When he got there Mac calmed the horses down then looked around to see if everyone was still there. "Four pigs... check, five sheep... check, the chickens... check, Appleseed... check, and Nutmeg and Honey.... Oh no," Mac said looking at Nutmeg pacing around rearing up every now and then glaring daggers at Mac. "Mac?" Applejack's voice said coming in with Winona and a torch of her own. "What's wrong?" Mac was getting Appleseed's saddle on him as she came to calm down Nutmeg. "The doors weren't shut properly and now Honey's escaped." Mac said getting bucked in the stomach again, this time out of anger from Appleseed for breaking his promise to him. "Well I can see that brother," Applejack said coming over to calm Appleseed turning him away from Mac. "What are you going to do?" "Ugh... If Seed will let me, I'm going to take him out to find her," Mac said reaching out his hand to Appleseed who tried to bite at it. "Doesn't look like that's an option," Applejack said struggling to keep hold of Appleseed. Suddenly Scootaloo showed up on her scooter. "Scootaloo," Applejack said. "What are you doing here?" "I... I came over to have another try at seeing Honey, when I saw her walk into the forest," Scootaloo said looking at the two siblings. Mac took in a deep breath, and got up. "Applejack, go back and call Fluttershy, we might need her when we come back." he said grabbing one of his sisters lassos and one of Granny's old beating sticks. "Scoots can you take me to where you saw Honey go into the forest. "But I thought you said you were afraid of the forest at night," Scootaloo said looking up at him. "I am," Mac said. "But I also said I was afraid of letting my friends and family down." Hearing this, Appleseed calmed down a bit, and looked at his owner with his big brown eyes. As Mac was about to leave, Appleseed called him back and walked in a circle. "You mean it Bud?" Mac asked smiling that he got his horse's trust back. "Thank you," he said before getting on and hoisting Scootaloo up to sit in front of him. "Don't worry Nutmeg, we'll be back as soon as we can." he said heading out making sure Scootaloo was safe. As Applejack came back into the kitchen, she was mugged by Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara with questions. "What's going on?" "Where's Mac going?" "Why is Scoots with him?" "Is everything ok?" "Girls let her speak," Granny Smith said from her rocking chair looking at the girls smiling at how close they've become. "Ok,"Applejack said turning to face everyone. "In order: We didn't close the barn doors properly and so now Honey's escaped, Mac's going off to find her, Scoots is with him because she saw where Honey went, and I don't know if everything's ok, but Mac said to call Fluttershy just in case for when they get back." she said picking up the phone and pressing the last call button - Fluttershy. Fluttershy was just making sure that all her animals had everything they needed for going to bed when her phone started ringing. "Who can that be?" she asked going over to answer it. "Hello?" "Fluttershy, it's Applejack. Look Honey's run away and we've been told she's somewhere in the forest," Applejack said. "Oh... My," Fluttershy said. "Can you come over to help just in case it's needed for when Mac comes back with her?" Applejack asked. "M...Mac?" Fluttershy asked blushing. "Yeah, he and Scootaloo are going into the forest to find Honey." Applejack explained. ... "Hello?" "Yes I'm here AJ," Fluttershy said coming back. "But I thought Mac was afraid of the forest at night?" "He is," Applejack said. "But one of a farmers jobs is to look after his animals, no matter where they are or go." Applejack explained. "So you coming over." "I'll be right there," Fluttershy said putting down the phone and collecting her animal first aid kit and her coat. "Angel you're in charge," she said putting her hand on the door handle. "Be a good little bunny." and she was gone. Mac and Scootaloo had been riding at a fast trot, for ten minutes along the forest's side. "There," Scootaloo pointed to an opening in the trees where she saw Honey-Crisp go into earlier. "Ok," Mac said getting down and helping Scootaloo off Appleseed. "So what now?" Scootaloo asked inching away from Appleseed a bit. "Come on Seed, lets show her that hide away, you'll both be safer there." Mac said leading Appleseed into the forest holding Scoots hand. After a while they made it to the hide away Appleseed took Mac and Fluttershy to yesterday. "Ok," Mac said letting go. "You two stay here, and wait for me to come back with Honey, then we can all go home." he said the last part more for himself. "But will you be ok on your own?" Scootaloo asked. "Hopefully," Mac said looking at her with his calm face. "Just stay here be safe and wait for us to come back." he said going back into the trees to find Honey-Crisp, not seeing a couple of pairs of yellow eyes on him. * Mac was taking each step he took as carefully as possible, always looking around, ears detecting for any sound that might help him. 'HHHOOOWL......' Mac froze in place, eyes shifting left to right the torch light lighting up the path, Granny's beating stick gripped in his hand. 'HHHOOOWL......' Mac turned around to see three wolves coming out of the thicket teeth bared eyes gleaming. Mac thought back to how it was like this before. "Come and get me then you over grown dogs," he quoted his father twirling the stick and standing firm. > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the hide away, Scootaloo was by the stream looking up at the moon and stars hoping Honey-Crisp was alright. Appleseed was pacing around presumably hoping the same thing. Every so often he would look up at Scootaloo taking a step closer but then returning it, remembering what his owner had said about how he had scared her, and continued pacing. After a while the bushes began to move, making Scootaloo jump and turn her attention to what was coming to meet them. "Honey-Crisp?" Scootaloo asked surprised and slowly walking up to the little filly, holding her hand like she saw the others do earlier. "So wait... Where's Mac?" she asked leading Honey into the middle of the hide away too keep an eye on her, backing up a bit when Appleseed came to greet his daughter. 'HHHOOOWL......' Scootaloo and Appleseed's eyes widened at this as they looked into the part of the forest that came from. "That's the path Mac took," Scootaloo said worried holding on to Honey-Crisp for comfort and to keep her safe. 'HHHOOOWL......' Suddenly, Appleseed ran off towards the call of the wolves. "Wait," Scootaloo called. "Great, now what?" she said returning to the stream, letting Honey sit next to her, tears in her eyes. * Even though Big Macintosh was the strongest person in Ponyville, he never had to fight off a pack of wolves before. Every time he got one wolf off him, one of the other two would replace it their claws and teeth scratching and biting him, making him wince each time. "Now listen here you demons, you leave me alone," Mac said. "I'm just in here looking for someone, and then I'll leave." he said but he said it on deaf ears as all three came at him this time. The first two Mac knocked away but the third one working out that the thing holding that sick was what was beating it's pack mates, opened it's mouth and bit it's teeth into Mac's wrist making him release the stick. "AAGGHH..." Mac screamed holding his wrist, when the wolf let go, blood was dripping from it, crouching due to the pain. Just as the wolves were about to make another attack, Appleseed came out of the trees reared up, legs swinging attacking the wolves, making them retreat. Mac's vision was starting to go, due to the pain and the blood loss, but he saw that Appleseed had won the fight and was coming to see if he was alright. "I'm ok dad..." Mac said panting, reaching out his good hand. "Please, go... go get help, take Scoots back and get AJ," he said loosing consciousness. * In the hide away Scootaloo thought everything was going alright until. "AAGGHH..." "Macintosh!" Scootaloo cried getting up and running to the opening in the trees. "Mac!" Silence. Scootaloo was worried, the only person who new these forests was lost in them and by the sound of it, had just got attacked. Scootaloo was wondering what to do. Should she go and try and find him or help, or should she stay here and see how it turns out. She was about to go and help when a cry came from behind her. Honey-Crisp was pacing now, her head bent low as if saying sorry for causing this. Scoots looked between the forest and Honey wondering what to do. As she took another step to the forest, Honey-Crisp called again, almost begging her not to go. Then a thought her dad had said once came to her... "Unless you face your fears you'll be grounded your whole life. When the time comes, face them, and concur them." Scootaloo took a few deep breaths, and then slowly walked back to Honey-Crisp holding out her hand again. "It's ok girl," she said looking Honey-Crisp in the eye. "Everything's fine..." she said smiling as Honey licked her hand. "Hey you guys aren't that bad, are you?" Scootaloo asked rubbing Honey-Crisp affectionately. Suddenly Appleseed came back into the clearing went up to Scootaloo and started circling around in front of her. Seeing how upset he was Scootaloo didn't question him and got on his back. After a few seconds to make sure she was on right, she tapped the sides of Appleseed and he and Honey-Crisp ran out of the forest, and back to Sweet Apple Acres. Everyone was still wide awake waiting for any news or sound that Mac had returned. Applejack, normally one of patience and happy, kept looking up at the clock, tears slowly and quietly running down her cheeks. Suddenly fast hoof steps could be heard coming up the drive, getting everyone to head to the door. "Scootaloo?" Applejack asked coming up to Appleseed and helping her down. "Quick, please," Scootaloo said in a bit of panic. "Mac's in trouble, we heard wolves, then Appleseed ran off to find Mac. A bit later Honey and me heard him screaming, then Seed came back all panicked up and brought us back here." she said retelling the story as fast as she could. "Right," Applejack said fixing her hat on her head. "Come on Fluttershy." "But, I... I only had one lesson AJ." Fluttershy said joining her friend by Appleseed's side. "The best way to learn is by doing," Applejack said setting Nutmeg up. Then turning to the girls said "One of you take Honey-Crisp back to the barn, and keep her there, and safe." she said getting onto Nutmeg, waiting for Fluttershy to get onto Appleseed the first aid kit, her on her back. Once they were ready Appleseed led them back into the middle of the dark forest. > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the girls found Mac some of the wolves were nearly upon his unconscious body. "Hey get away from my brother, you demons!" Applejack cried jumping off Nutmeg and waving Granny's beating stick around scaring them away. "Ok 'Shy lets do this quick before they come back." she said crouching down next to her brother turning him over. "Ok" Fluttershy said getting down with a bit of difficulty and joining Applejack by Mac's side. Fluttershy started wrapping bandages around his bitten wrist while Applejack was just staring at her brother, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh Ma, Pa," she sniffed holding Mac's hand. "I know Mac can be hard to live with but don't call him yet, please..." Fluttershy was now tending to the bite and scratch marks gently applying disinfectant to them. "The family's already lost one member in these wood due to those mutts," Applejack said tightening her grip with Mac's. "Ok," Fluttershy said putting her stuff away. "I've done all I can do." she said. "Now we need to get him back to the farm." "Right," Applejack said wiping her eyes a bit, and placing Mac's arm over herself to hoist him up and placed him over Appleseed's back, and getting up herself. "You'll be ok on Nutmeg?" she asked. "I... I think so," Fluttershy said getting on top of Nutmeg. And together they quickly, but carefully made it back to the house. When Mac woke up, he saw he was in his bed back home. "Look's like Seed did what I told him to do then," he said grinning and looking at himself. As far as he knew, apart from his right wrist, the one the wolf had bitten, and a few scratches, he was alright. Then he looked around his room, and saw Fluttershy in a sleeping-bag on the floor at the foot of his bed. Seeing Fluttershy sleeping there made his ears turn pink, but he was proud and thankful that she was there. Halfway though thinking up an idea to thank her, the door opened and reveled Applejack coming in with a bed tray and some breakfast for him. "Whats the stats then sis?" Mac said wincing a bit as he sat up in bed. "Well one, if you weren't so hurt already, I'll be punching you so your arm would be broken," she said placing the tray over him. "That's not a nice way to say 'Good morning I hope you feel better today,' sis," Mac said helping himself to the pancakes she had bought him. "Two, Scootaloo came back last night on Appleseed saying that you were possibly attacked by wolves," "Wait she was on Seed?" Mac asked pausing bringing the fork to his mouth. "Unless my eyes were lying to me," Applejack said. "Why?" "No reason," Mac said keeping his promise. "Well then third, Honey was with her so you don't have to go out looking for her today," Mac nodded in understanding to this. "Fourth, Fluttershy fixed you up the best she could in the forest, we brought you back, she asked to stay with you for the night, and here we are." Applejack finished leaning against the wall. "When did you tell them you were afraid of the forest at night anyway Mac?" Applejack asked motioning to Fluttershy. Mac swallowed and then answered. "Fluttershy was when she invited me in the tea for walking her home. And Scoots was yesterday when I brought her back to the house to talk to her." he explained. "Wait..." he said thinking. "Where's Scoots now?" he asked. "She called her mum and asked if she could stay the night," Applejack said. "But they're all at school at the moment." she said pointing to a clock, 10:15. Fluttershy started moving, waking up. She looked around and saw AJ and Mac who was thankfully awake. Blushing she said "Good morning Mac, I hope you feel better today." "You see that's how you say it sis, you should take some lessons from Fluttershy," Mac said wincing as Applejack pulled on his hair looking annoyed. "Did... Did I do something wrong?" Fluttershy asked looking between the two. "I'm sorry." "It's nothing 'Shy," Applejack said looking towards her. "So what's the verdict on Mac then." she asked. Fluttershy got out of the sleeping-bag and yawned. "I did all I could last night," she said "If you want a second opinion on the things I did, that's fine by me," now she was coming closer to them Mac more than AJ. ""But the best thing for anything when their in this state, is just some bed-rest and some tender, love and care." she said kissing Mac on the cheek then leaving the room. "You sure nothing else happened sis?" Mac asked after a few seconds rubbing his cheek. "Not that I know of Mac," Applejack said as surprised as he was. "Well not between you two. Mr Rich came back after breakfast saying they've got power back. So they'll go home later today." "Ok," Mac said not really listening putting the tray to one side and pulling the covers off. "Wait a mo, bro." Applejack stuck her hand out. "Just where exactly do you think you're going?" "Er... to see Appleseed..." Mac answered. "You heard what 'Shy said. Bed-rest." she said taking the tray away and heading for the door. "All the horses are fine." she said shutting the door. And with that Mac followed Fluttershy's orders and went back to sleep. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the school yard Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were surrounded by the bullies. Golden-Edge, Jewel and Twinkle were shouting out their usual insults and gang gags. "Hey Apple Bloom, want to come over and help me get a cooking badge for my Junior Colts, I need some apples for my pie," Golden-Edge said to the laughter from the others. "What's the deal with that scooter anyway Scoot-to-a-loo?" Jewel asked. "Can I have a go on it?" Then with out warning she swiped it away and purposely let it drop to the ground. "Whoops, sorry." "You know you should dump these losers right Sweetie Belle?" Twinkle asked facing Sweetie with a wicked look. "HEY YOU GUYS LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" Diamond Tiara screamed coming up to stand between the two parties. "Excuse me Tiara..." Edge said wiggling his finger in his ear. "But I thought I just heard you call theses losers your friends." "That's because I did, dummy." Diamond Tiara said. "And they're way better friends then any of ever were, are, or will be." she said collecting Scootaloo's scooter and walking away with the Crusaders to the stunness of the bullies. * Inside Miss Cheerilee was looking out at her students smiling at the standing up Tiara had just done. "I see another Apple found their opposite," she said smiling, thinking back to how it was just like this for Appleseed, Mac and Applejack. "It helps if they have to share a house for a few days," someone said behind her. Applejack was dropping off a few apples to the school for snack time. "A few days?" Cheerilee asked raising her eyebrow. "Yeah," Applejack said. "The storm knocked the power out to the Rich's home so we, well I suggested they'd stay with us until it came back." "But it came back that afternoon," Cheerilee said confused. "Huh?" Applejack asked. "But I guess it wouldn't have worked then, then would it?" Cheerilee said smiling and looking back to the play ground. "Humph no, I guess it wouldn't" Applejack said leaving telling herself to have some words with Filthy Rich later. Back at the farm Fluttershy had just gotten back from her cottage, having made sure the animals were all alright,to help Granny Smith make some of Mac's favorite pies and fritters for when he woke up. "Thank ye again for bandaging up my grandson dearie," Granny Smith said putting the pastry into the plates. "Oh...Um your welcome Granny Smith." Fluttershy said looking up from the apple fritters. "I haven't seen a bond as tight as yours since Appleseed and Honey-Crisp." "A bond?" Fluttershy asked. "Honey, I'm nearly seventy six years old," Granny Smith said smiling. "I have a pretty good idea how to tell when two children like each other." "You think he likes me?" Fluttershy asked placing her hair behind her ear, blushing. "Is that a problem child?" Granny Smith said putting the pies into the oven. "Umm..." Fluttershy said not knowing what to say. "How are those apple fritters coming along then?" Granny Smith asked changing the subject and coming over to see Fluttershy's handy work. After a while Fluttershy as a personal question. "Granny. How did Appleseed and Honey-Crisp meet, that is if you don't mind telling me." she said. Granny Smith smiled. She enjoyed telling family stories that included her son. "One day when Appleseed came back from selling the treats in the market, there was a new vibe around him. Almost the same as Macintosh is around you my dear. Anyway the next day he left extra early his cart full of Apple apple treats and went off to market. That evening he came back looking the same as he did the night before. Now the horse we had back then was Horse-Seed's mother, and around the time my son was finding his love she was pregnant with him." Granny Smith paused to check on the pies and then went back to telling her story. "One day, Appleseed bought the girl he had been seeing in the market to the farm to show her Anna, but something was wrong. Honey-Crisp said her father was a vet and called him over. And just like you did the other night, helped bring Horse-Seed to us." "So all this has happened before?" Fluttershy asked making the fritters subconsciously. "More or less my dear," Granny Smith said continuing with the story. "We invited Honey and her father around for dinner that night as a token of thanks, and her dad said that they had just moved here from living life on the road, and were grateful that they had made such good friends already. As it turns out Appleseed stuck up for Honey the first day she was introduced to his school, and had been seeing him in the market everyday buying apple treats as a sign of thanks. "One summers day a few years after that evening, both Appleseed's took Honey to that er... secret hide away as one of their dates. Finally one thing led to another, Appleseed confessed his love to her in that there barn, they got married, had Mac and Jack...." she paused thinking back to hearing of the loss of her son that day. "The thing with the wolves, Honey had Bloom and here we are?" Fluttershy finished for her smiling her smile. "Yes," Granny Smith said wiping tears away from her old worn eyes and smiled back. "Time to get those fritters going then I'd say, other wise there wont be any room left on the table." Fluttershy looked down to see what Granny Smith meant blushing. The table was almost completely over run by pre-cooked apple fritters. "Sorry." she said blushing again. "That's alright dear," Granny Smith said turning the pies around. "Lots of people get caught up while hearing stories they forget what they were doing." She got up and faced Fluttershy. "But as I said before it started, I haven't seen a bond as tight as yours since Appleseed and Honey-Crisp. And I'd be proud to call you a new member of the family Fluttershy," Granny said hugging her. "That is of course if Macintosh will every get around to confessing." she said causing Fluttershy to giggle a bit. "He started to do that the other day Granny," Fluttershy said switching on the fryer. "On the day Appleseed took us to the forest, I heard Mac talking to him in the barn about me," she said blushing at the memory. "He asked Appleseed if he thought he had a chance with me, said I was smart, beautiful and was so popular at school. Then... then he asked what chance does someone like him have with me..." "I hope you did something to snap him out of it," Granny Smith said. "That's just the talk I had with my son one day about Honey." This caused Fluttershy to blush, yet again. "Kind of, Granny. He was getting to asking why can't he tell me he loved me, when I... When I... When I kissed him on the cheek." she blurted out, grabbing and stroking her hair and hiding behind it. "Did he change his mind and stop thinking that nonsense?" Granny asked doing the dishes. All Fluttershy could do was nod. "And I guess he fixed you up after you went home yesterday from calming down Seed." "Huh," Fluttershy asked looking confused. "As I said my dear, I'm old." Granny said. "I've know Mac and Jack all their lives and know for a fact a rock, paper, scissors competition can go on for way more than three tries." Fluttershy continued to blush as she placed another set of ten fritters into the pan. Then she nodded again. The front door opened and in walked Applejack. "Been listening to one of Granny's stories Fluttershy?" Applejack asked seeing all the fritters on the table, going to wash her hands so she could help. "Um... yes," Fluttershy said smiling. "Granny," Applejack said. "Did you know the town got it's power back the same day it lost it?"she asked. "Why are you asking that child?" Granny Smith asked. "I'm just wondering. When I was delivering the apples to the school, I saw Tiara stand up for Bloom and her friends. Cheerilee knew of the Apple Opposites and said another had just been found. I told her it was because of this arrangement, and she told me about the power." Applejack placed her story. "Well opposites don't come together over night Miss Apple," Filthy Rich said smirking coming into the kitchen. "So how did you know it was time to go back?" Applejack asked. "Last night, when they both asked you what was going on." Filthy Rich said smiling. "My father had an old saying, 'When two become one, you know your job is done.'" "Well better go give Mac his surprise then," Granny said retrieving the pie from the oven and cut it up, placing a slice on a plate on the bed tray, putting three fritters next to it. then taking the tray, she turned around and held it out to Fluttershy. "Me?" she asked blushing again. "Didn't you suggest we do it child?" Granny Smith asked smiling. "O... Ok," Fluttershy said taking the tray and heading upstairs. > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstairs, Mac was bored. Because he was confined to his bed, and the floor boards squeaked when you walked on them, he couldn't leave his bed. He had a bookshelf by the bed with stuff to read, but they all looked boring at the moment. He finished the glass of water that was on the bedside table for him when he woke up again. And now he was just bored. 'Tap' 'Tap' 'Tap' "Come in," Mac said sitting up in bed. In walked Fluttershy carrying the bed tray holding the pie and fritters. "Um, hi Mac." Fluttershy said blushing coming over to the bed. "I bought you something to make you better, pie and fritters." she said holding out the tray. "Why thank you Fluttershy," Mac said ears turning pink, taking the tray and moving along his bed to let Fluttershy sit with him. "Your wrist feeling better?" Fluttershy asked first after she was next to him. "Better than it was when that beast tried to chew it off," Mac said shivering at the memory of the experience and the pain. With out warning Fluttershy grabbed it in her delicate hand and kissed it. "Better?" she asked smiling. Mac nodded. He wanted to say 'I think they got my lips too,' but knew Granny wouldn't allow that so he just kept eating. "These fritters are amazing," Mac said after taking his first bite of them. "Thank you," Fluttershy said hiding behind her hair. "If you want more there's lots more in the kitchen." "Listened to one of Granny's stories did ya?" Mac asked. All Fluttershy could do was smile and nod. "Mac," she asked looking away. "Yeah," he asked after swallowing. "You remember the other day when I found you in the barn?" Fluttershy asked grabbing and stroking her hair. "Did you mean what you said?" It took a minute for Mac to remember what he said and then he smiled lightly gripped Fluttershy's hand and said. "Yes. Yes I did. Especially the 'I love you Fluttershy.'" Then they kissed each other each thinking of the future, not noticing the rest of those in the house were on the other side of the door. Applejack pulled it too and smiled. "Seems like Mac's a bit faster than we thought Granny." she said "What do we do now?" "We let them go at their own pace my dear," Granny Smith said heading for her knitting room. "Was she like this with Ma, and Pa?" Applejack asked Filthy Rich as they went back down stairs looking for storage boxes for the fritters. "All parents get like this when the time comes Miss Apple," Filthy Rich said placing fritter on top of fritter into a box. "Remember, 'When two become one, you know your job is done.'" After school, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara walked back together to the farm all smiling arm in arm with each other. They had just reached the farm gates when Sweetie Belle asked "Hey Apple Bloom?" "Yeah?" Apple Bloom replied detaching herself to open the gate. "Can we go for some rides on Appleseed, or Nutmeg?" "I think that's something you need to ask Mac or Applejack," Apple Bloom replied running up to the house. "Ask us what Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked coming out of the house to greet her sister and her friends. "If we can go horseback riding." Sweetie Belle answered for her friend. "How about you just see them instead Sugarcube." Applejack said walking with them to the barn. "After last night I think they can do with some rest." "What happened last night?" Sweetie Belle asked looking around and seeing the same look on everyone's faces. "You didn't tell her yet?" Applejack asked surprised. "Tell me what?" Sweetie asked again annoyed. "Honey-Crisp ran away last night, and while Scoots took Mac into the forest, for him to find her, he was attacked by wolves." Applejack explained. "Is Mac better?" Sweetie asked shock on her face. "Fluttershy and I got to him and bought him back. So yes he's better. 'Shy's 'taking care of him' at the moment." Applejack said opening the doors letting the girls in first. "But Appleseed, and Nutmeg are being a bit more protective over Honey now so they wont leave her for as long as the riding takes." Applejack explained going to sit on the straw bench. In the stall holding Nutmeg and Honey-Crisp the foal was showing herself off to the girls. But every time she got close to them Nutmeg would step in the way and take her back to the back of the stall. Next to theirs Appleseed was eyeballing the girls and judging them. Seeing Scootaloo he paced around a bit and bumped into her arm. "Hey boy," Scootaloo said giving her attention to Appleseed instead of Honey-Crisp. "You remember me then?" "Horses have very good memory's Scootaloo," They all turned around to see Fluttershy at the door. "It helps them remember friends like you, and enemy's that might try and hurt them or their foals." "So he remembers how I stayed with Honey last night when he went off to find Mac?" Scootaloo asked rubbing Appleseed's nose. "As far as I can tell," Fluttershy said coming over to see them. "How's Mac then Shy?" Applejack asked raising an eyebrow when her friend started to blush. "He's gone back to sleep," Fluttershy said straight away. "But he said he likes my apple fritters." "You should come over more often then," Applejack said getting up and trying to let Nutmeg show the girls Honey. "Er... Fluttershy?" Sweetie Belle spoke up turning her attention away from Nutmeg. "If horses have good memory's to help them remember their enemy's... What did we do to Nutmeg to make her not want to show us Honey?" Fluttershy thought for a bit trying to remember yesterday. "It might be that you were the last ones here who were strangers to her, and she thought you took Honey," Fluttershy suggested. "But we didn't," they all cried. "Well you have to show her your friends and not foes then," Applejack said standing next to Nutmeg. "How?" "First thing, introduce yourself," Applejack said. "Gently and slowly hold out your hand while looking away but stay confident." All at the same time Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Tiara, and Scootaloo reached out their hands and looked away. One by one Nutmeg sniffed the girls hands and started to lick them when she knew they weren't threats to her. "Next, one way of showing a horse your their friend is grooming them. Fluttershy can you go up there and get some extra brushes please" Applejack said showing Fluttershy where to go. A moment later Fluttershy came back with four horse brushes and handed them out. "Ok, two on each side I think," Applejack said placing the girls on each side of Nutmeg. "The trick here is to go slowly and gently. Use one hand to swipe the brush along her body, while with the other one pat her making her know you are and will always be there." Applejack said doing what she just explained on Appleseed to show them what she meant. While the girls were doing this and Applejack was doing Seed, Fluttershy was trusted to look after Honey-Crisp. After about fifteen minutes of grooming, everyone turned back to Applejack to see what was next. "And finally, giving them a treat of some kind to say thank you for cooperating and to make double sure they know you are their friend." Here Applejack pulled out a bag of sugar-cubes and handed one each to the girls who in turn gave them to Nutmeg, who eat them and touched her fore head to the girls saying thanks when she was done. "Another way to earn an animals trust is to sing to them," Fluttershy said lightly patting Honey-Crisp. "Yeah, hey 'Shy how did you know that your lullaby would work on Appleseed yesterday?" Applejack said stepping back letting the girls pat Nutmeg. "I didn't," Fluttershy said smiling. "Mac says it might be because Ma sang it when both Seed's took her out to the forest." Applejack said smiling. "I've still never been to it myself." she said crossing her arms. "You'll love it AJ," Scootaloo said turning around smiling the most. "Ho.... How do you know about it?" Applejack asked. "That's where Mac had me wait with Appleseed for him to come back with Honey-Crisp." Scootaloo said. "But Honey came out first, and well you know the rest..." she said now turning her attention to Appleseed. "Yeah you came back on top of Appleseed, saying wolves got my brother," Apple Bloom said. "And they did... Didn't you see his wrist when he got back, and all those scratch and bite marks?" Scootaloo said. "What ever happened," Applejack said breaking up the girls. "We are all grateful that you were there to come back to get us Scoots." > Chapter 19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That evening, Mac came down to join them for dinner, vegetables, and mash potato. "Feeling better tonight son?" Granny Smith asked smiling at Mac who wasn't paying that much attention. "What... Oh what was that Granny?" Mac asked turning away from Fluttershy, ears tuning pink. "I asked were you feeling better?" Granny Smith smiled returning to her meal, as all the girls giggled at Mac's ears turning pink. "A bit better Granny," Mac answered getting back to his meal not looking up from it. The attention turned to the other end of the table where Filthy Rich was addressing Diamond Tiara. "You have your things packed so we can go home tomorrow Tiara?" "Yes, daddy," Diamond Tiara said then looked at the Apples. "Thank you for letting us stay here." "Your welcome dear." Granny Smith said smiling down the table. "I have an idea Granny," Applejack said after taking a sip from her juice. "Why don't we have a hay cart ride after dinner around the farm?" "Yeah!" the girls said excitement in their eyes. "What a lovely idea Applejack," Granny Smith said. "Wouldn't you agree Mac? Fluttershy?" "What?" they both asked getting out of the same dreaming state, and looked around the table. "I suggested a hay cart ride around the farm after dinner," Applejack said smirking at how out of it the two were. "Oh, I'd like to but I'll need to get back to my animals." Fluttershy said hiding behind her hair as she said it. "Well what do you think Mac?" Applejack asked. "I think I'll go back to bed," Mac said looking a bit down all the sudden. "Need my rest if I'm to get better right?" The rest of dinner was eaten in awkward silence, the adults giving Mac and Shy looks every now and then. After dinner, Applejack went out to set up the cart and brought out Appleseed. "Pop, I know you know Mac more than I do," Applejack said fixing Appleseed into the harness. "So what gives with him and Fluttershy. I mean one point, their kissing over apple fritters, when the next they're all nervous and shy again." "It might be because we were there," someone said behind her. Turning Applejack saw Filthy Rich who was coming to help with the prepping for the ride. "Maybe," Applejack turned back to the cart making sure everything was safe."But I don't understand, I thought they were finally together, you saw them too Mr Rich, wouldn't you say so?" she asked leading Appleseed and the cart up to the house. "Well Miss Apple, as Granny said, we just have to leave them to it. They'll get more comfy around others eventually." Filthy Rich said putting the hay bales into the cart once they were at the house. Suddenly Appleseed started rearing up and stomping his hooves while Winona came running out barking out towards the forest. "Whoa what's wrong you two?" Applejack asked trying to get Appleseed to calm down, nearly getting stomped on if Filthy Rich hadn't pulled her away. Together, they looked towards the trees and saw the wolves that were in the forest last night were coming out to get their revenge. Fluttershy was halfway home. She was only half way because after every few steps she would stop and look back at the farm. Suddenly.... 'HHHOOOWL......' Fluttershy stopped right there and looked back. Out of the forest she could see three beings moving towards Sweet Apple Acres. "Ohmygoodness!" she said and ran as fast as she could back to the farm to see if she could help. * Mac was up in his room thinking about how that day had gone. For the record, he thought This morning was fine, it was as we were having dinner things got bad. Suddenly he heard Winona start barking so he went to his window to see what got her upset and saw the wolves from last night. "You ain't hurting this family ever again you over grown dogs." Mac said collecting his father's hunting gun and ran down stairs. Outside Applejack was trying to calm Appleseed down, but all he wanted to do was attack the wolves. Winona was doing her best to fight them off and keep them away from her mistress, but she wasn't having much luck. Filthy Rich had gotten hold of one of Granny's beating sticks and threw a new strike each time the wolves got near him. Suddenly Macintosh stepped out brandishing the gun and aimed for and shot at the wolves, making them jump and turn their attention onto him. "Yeah remember me?" Mac asked moving forwards making the wolves step back. "Now, I'm asking nicely here... Leave this farm, and the family alone..." Mac said still holding up the gun aiming it at the wolves. At first, it seemed the wolves didn't understand, then the one in front slowly turned away and ran back into the forest, followed by the others. Mac sighed with relief and let the gun down. "Don't think it over yet brother," Applejack cried still failing to calm down Appleseed. Suddenly... Hush now quiet now, It's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now, It's time to go to bed. Everyone turned to see Fluttershy standing there panting a bit singing her lullaby eyes on Appleseed. Drifting off to sleep, Leave this day behind you, Drifting off to sleep, May good dreams come to find you. Appleseed got down on all fours again but still looked stressed. Hush now quiet now, It's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now, It's time to go to bed. Appleseed had stopped stamping his hooves and was now looking at Fluttershy curiosity in his eyes. "Fluttershy!" Applejack and Macintosh cried together. "Um... hi," Fluttershy said blushing rubbing her arm, shocked when Mac came forward and held her hand making her blush. "Decided to join us on that cart ride then?" Applejack asked raising an eyebrow smiling. "Um no..." Fluttershy said. "I was half way home when I heard the wolves and saw them going to the farm. So I.... I came back to see if everything was ok." she said tightening her grip with Mac which only he noticed. "Well thank you for being so caring to do that dearie," Granny Smith had just come out the door the girls looking a little scared behind her. "But since your here, would you like to join us anyway?" "Um... Ok," Fluttershy said smiling moving towards Appleseed and seeing if he was ok before she got into the cart. "You... You coming Mac?" she asked blushing over the side of the cart. Mac smiled and went over to the others whispered to them a bit making them all smile and nod. Then got into the drivers seat of the cart, while Applejack shut the cart's door. "Aren't you guys coming?" Fluttershy asked looking scared. "Mac asked if it could be just the two of you, as a way of saying thanks for what you did for him." Applejack explained winking at her friend handing her the gun just in case. "Oh... um.... Ok," Fluttershy said blushing even more and got herself seated. "Ready?" Mac asked over his shoulder. "Yes," Fluttershy answered. And with a flick of the reins Appleseed started walking down the path of the hay cart route. Mac and Fluttershy enjoying each-others company, while everyone waved them on. "See what did I say Miss Apple?" Filthy Rich said lifting his daughter up. "I told you they'd get use to us being there." "But were not there Mr Rich," Applejack pointed out Apple Bloom in her arms now too. "No child," Granny said smiling. "But we will eventually." she said smiling after the hay cart that due to the darkness had just left their sights.