• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 1,030 Views, 30 Comments

Poor Little Rich Pony - Ugly-Duckling123

After a storm, Diamond Tiara's house is out of power, so she has to stay with the Apple's

  • ...

Chapter 12

Applejack was just coming in from from picking apples when she saw Mac and Fluttershy heading to the barn. Being a curious sister that she was she decided to check up on them.

"Hey guys," Applejack said cheerily smiling. "What are you up to today?"

"Fluttershy asked if I can teach her about riding," Mac said getting Appleseed's saddle out then going to the doors to get Appleseed.

"Really?" Applejack smirked at Fluttershy.

"Uh huh," Fluttershy answered stroking her hair.

"You know it will either be a ride-with-you or walk beside you lesson, seeing Nutmeg's looking after Honey-Crisp for the moment?" Applejack asked rising an eyebrow.

"Yep" Mac said bringing Appleseed out and placing the saddle on his back.

"Just don't get yourself lost this time ok," Applejack said tipping her hat to the two of them and heading for the house.

"That was a lot softer than I thought it would be," Mac said after getting Fluttershy a riders helmet.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked putting the helmet on.

"Well when I came home last night, while you were saying goodbye to the horses," Mac explained "She punched me in the arm for scaring her because we were gone all day."

"Oh, my." Fluttershy said getting on to Appleseed.

"Ok Appleseed," Mac addressed his horse after he closed for safety locked the barn doors. "We're taking Fluttershy out for her first riding lesson, so don't be too rough today. Understand?" he asked leading the two of them to the carousel where the Apple family did horseback rides at their family reunions.

Appleseed nodded.

After Mac walked them in and shut the gate, he first led Appleseed around a few times to get Fluttershy used to being on top of him.

"Ok," he said letting go after the fifth lap. "Now it's your turn Fluttershy. To make him go you gently tap his sides with your heels. Use the reins to to left or right, by lightly pulling on the one that is needed, pulling on both to stop or slow down flipping them will make him go faster. And stay confident. If a horse scenes it's rider is scared or worried, it won't listen to them." Mac explained.

"Um... Ok" Fluttershy said tapping her heels to Appleseed to make him do some more laps. "Hey I'm doing it," She said smiling following Mac's instructions.

"Ok Seed, a little faster," Mac said now sitting on the fence.

Appleseed nodded and went into a quick trot.

This got Fluttershy to frown a bit, but she tried to stay confident in fear of Appleseed bucking her off because he wouldn't listen to her.

"Doing great Fluttershy," Mac called, helping Fluttershy's confidence to grow. "Now slow him down, and lead him over here." Mac ordered after a while.

Fluttershy did as she was told, and lead Appleseed over to Mac, both smiling happily.

"That was great for your first time Fluttershy," Mac said helping her down and taking Appleseed back to the barn.

"Thank you Mac," Fluttershy said blushing. "Oh and thank you too Appleseed." she said reaching her hand out to pat Appleseed in gratitude.


As they got to the barn, they saw Applejack, the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle) and Diamond Tiara by the doors, looking as if they were about to go in.

"How the lesson go then?" Applejack asked smirking at the two of them.

"Fine," Mac said taking Appleseed's saddle and reins off.

"No going into the forest today then?" she asked causing Scoots and Sweetie to give quizzical looks.

"No...." Mac said back. "they just did a few laps around the carousel. What are Bloom's friends here for?" he asked nodding to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Well this morning Apple Bloom and Tiara said something about Honey-Crisp," Sweetie Belle said.

"And told us to just come over this afternoon..." Scootaloo said not knowing what emotions to show.

Hearing this Appleseed started sniffing the two new girls carefully.

"Er... What's Appleseed doing?" Scootaloo said slightly worried, she wasn't used to big animals sniffing her.

"He's checking if you're safe and he can trust you," Fluttershy said giggling a little.

"Why?" Sweetie Belle asked stoking Appleseed's nose.

"To see if he can trust you to go near his mare and foal," Fluttershy said backing away a bit for the answer to sink in.

"What... do you... mean?" the two asked together, then it clicked. "OH MY GOD! CAN WE SEE IT!" they screamed causing Appleseed to rear up and fling his legs in defense.

"Whoa boy," Mac said running over and standing between the girls and Appleseed. "Their just excited. They wont harm Nutmeg or Honey-Crisp." he said trying to calm his horse down a bit.

But Appleseed wasn't listening and bucked Mac in the stomach telling him to get out of the way. But Mac stood strong.

Suddenly Fluttershy got an idea and began singing...

Hush now quiet now,
It's time to lay your sleepy head,
Hush now quiet now,
It's time to go to bed.

Appleseed got back onto all fours but was still pacing around glaring at his owner who was blocking his view of the two new humans who would harm his mare and foal.

Drifting off to sleep,
Leave this day behind you,
Drifting off to sleep,
May good dreams come to find you.

Appleseed had stopped pacing and was now looking at Fluttershy curiosity in his eyes, as she slowly moved forwards her hand out.

Hush now quiet now,
It's time to lay your sleepy head,
Hush now quiet now,
It's time to go to bed.

"I'm sorry, I made them excited Appleseed," Fluttershy said hugging him calming the stallion down even more. "But they are actually very nice. Their friends with Apple Bloom and you trust her right?" she asked pulling away.

There was a tense silence as everyone waited for an answer.

Eventually, Appleseed nodded but thought to himself to keep an eye on the two new girls, just in case.

"Good boy," Fluttershy said stroking his muzzle gently.

"Wow!" the girls said together, as Applejack and Big Mac were speechless. Fluttershy turned around and hid behind her hair scared at all the eyes on her.

"Er... I have to go now," she said taking off and giving back the helmet. "Thanks again for the lesson Mac," she said then ran away.


"How... How did she do that?" Apple Bloom asked after a while looking into the direction Fluttershy ran away in.

"Don't know Sugarcube," Applejack said opening the door after telling Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to stay quiet and move slowly. "Could have something to do with her talent with animals."

"Wasn't that the song Ma use to sing to us AJ?" Mac said taking Appleseed in first rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah, thinking about it," Applejack said following her brother in. "Why?"

"Mr Rich said Pa and Appleseed used to take her into the forest where he took us yesterday," Mac explained getting his horse a hay ball for thanks. "I'm thinking that's why the song worked to calm Seed down. Isn't it Appleseed?" he asked patting Appleseed on the back getting confused looks from the girls.

"Either way, we're here to see Honey-Crisp," Applejack said walking up to Nutmeg who was eating her own hay ball a small foal at her side. "Here girls," Applejack said addressing the horses who hung back for a few seconds seeing the new humans.

"It's ok," Apple Bloom said. "There my friends, they wont hurt you. I promise." she said reaching out her hand for it to be licked by Honey-Crisp.

"Is she yours then Apple Bloom?" Sweetie Belle asked sticking her hand out too, giggling as it was being licked.

"We haven't gotten that far yet," Apple Bloom said. "She was only born on Saturday night. And we only named her yesterday."

"Don't you want to say hi Scoots," Mac asked pausing Appleseed's grooming, noticing the tomboy wasn't up at the fence with the others.

"N... No thank you," she said "I can see her from here."

"Scootaloo," Mac said putting down the brush and kneeling down to look her in the eye. "Are you afraid of horses?"

All he got was a nod, then a shake, then a second nod. All the while tears were forming, which she tried to keep back.

"I'm just going to take Scoots to the house to get her a drink, ok AJ?" Mac asked nodding to Scootaloo.

"That's fine." Applejack said.


When they were outside, Mac lifted Scootaloo up and carried her to the house. He did as he promised and got her a glass of water, and together the two sat on the patio swing.

"So, are you afraid of horses Scootaloo," Mac asked again after a while.

"A... A little," she said looking ashamed. "A little more after the... er... accident with Appleseed."

"You never said anything like this before," Mac said.

"It didn't matter before," Scootaloo said tears escaping from her eyes.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you what I'm afraid of?" Mac asked welcoming Winona, AJ's collie.

"You're afraid of something?" Scootaloo asked starstruck wiping away a tear.

"Everyone's afraid of something Scoot," Mac grinned. "I know for a fact that Rainbow Dash is scared of in-closed spaces. Why do you think she's always running around in the fresh air?"

"Wow..." Scootaloo said. "So what's yours?"

"Well one of them is letting my friends and family down," Mac said thinking. "The other is being alone in the forest at night." he said cutting it there not wanting to go any further.

"Is... Is it because of what happened to your dad? Apple Bloom told us over lunch." Scootaloo said looking into her glass of un-drunken water.

"Yes," Mac said scratching Winona behind the ears.

"I'm sorry for that Mac," Scootaloo said looking away.

A few minutes passed then Scootaloo asked. "What did AJ mean by 'No going into the forest today?'"

Mac stiffened a bit.

"Well, Appleseed insisted we went for a ride yesterday and took me and Fluttershy into the forest," Mac said leaving it at that, if and when Scootaloo wanted to find the hide away, she can find it on her own. Then getting up said "Better get back to grooming Appleseed then. You coming?" he asked Scootaloo.

"N... No thank you," Scootaloo said, putting the glass on the table and getting up herself. "I think I'll just be heading home. You wont tell anyone will you, about me and horses?"

"Not if you don't want me to," Mac said placing his hand on her shoulder. "But you should, might make you feel better." he said before heading back to the barn.