• Published 1st Feb 2014
  • 4,499 Views, 97 Comments

The Reign of Princess Dinky the Cute - Rodinga

Dinky melts ponies' hearts and pouts to get anything she wants: sweets, special treatment, good grades at school, but it's only a matter of time before she achieves her true destiny: enslaving Equestria to fulfill her every desire.

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Chapter 1: Coronation

I still remember that day.

It was the day Celestia’s benevolent autocracy became an enthralling dictatorship. When the population gave up its freedom with an all day celebration and bowed down to their new overlord. It was the day my music died. When cuteness was weaponized and our new princess started her quest for world domination.

It should have been a special day for me. My quartet was auditioning for the right to perform at the Grand Galloping Gala for the second year in a row. We’d practiced, performed, polished, and bribed Vinyl so she wouldn’t audition. Nopony else there was ready for this, and anypony who might have challenged us hadn’t even signed up, fearing a repeat of last year’s disaster. It was in the bag.

“Are you nervous, Octavia?” Brass asked as she sidled up to me, already wearing her sousaphone horn.

“Hardly,” I replied. “This isn’t something we haven’t done a hundred times before.”

Brass smiled. “You’re hugging your cello.”

I looked down the body of the instrument in my forelegs. “I don’t see what you mean. Sure, I don’t want to drop it and it helps me stand. That’s merely being supportive, not comforting.”

Brass’s head took on a more understanding tilt and her smile grew. “It may also be the way you’re rocking back and forth in one and a half time.”

Any attempt at defending my dignity was denied when the doors opened and a guard stepped out, calling for us. The guard led us in and announced us to the throne room where Princess Celestia waited amongst a small audience. We were the last group, but despite what must have been a lengthy afternoon listening to auditions, the princess looked as regal as ever. If she was indeed tired, she didn’t let it show from behind her impassive smile.

The rest of the audience included members of the committee in charge of organizing the gala, and my chief patron, Twilight Velvet, with her family.

My quartet and I took our places on the small stage in front of the audience and bowed toward them. The princess inclined her head in return and said, “Whenever you are ready.”

“As you wish, Princess,” I said with another bow. “This piece was specially selected for your enjoyment.”

The princess smiled, “I look forward to it.”

Frederick on the piano started the tune, and the rest of us followed him; Brass on her sousaphone, Parish with his harp, and myself on cello. A few moments after the lead in, the princess’s smile grew when she recognised The Pony Pokey.

The audience was momentarily divided, the committee itself and Prince Blueblood were initially shocked, then angry, but that very quickly turned into praise when they noticed that Princess Celestia’s head was bobbing along with the rhythm. Twilight Velvet had assured us that the princess would love this, though I had been nervous about the reaction that the committee and by extension members of the Canterlot Elite might have. Thankfully, they knew which way the wind blew.

The irresistible music soon had us starting to dance along as we played. The audience and the guards were starting to nod along as well. This was the moment every performer lived for, an audience enjoying itself and the reflection of that warm glow back at the performer.

I was basking in the feeling as the current verse reached its climax, when the audience normally spin around. Then, in a moment of weakness, I spun myself around my cello mid-tune, throwing a leg out to ‘shake it all about’.

That was when disaster struck.

As I swung around my back hoof hit something and my balance, precarious at the best of times, collapsed beneath me. I stumbled before falling over and tumbling off the stage, my cello leaving a discordant note in the air as it hit the ground.

The audience stood in shock, crying out at the disruption. The first out of her seat was Velvet’s daughter, Twilight Sparkle, who ran in my direction. But instead of stopping to help me, she went up onto the stage instead. Reaching around to stand back up, I hissed as I felt a large bruise already forming on my back.

Once I’d rolled back onto my hooves, I looked up to find Miss Sparkle by my cello. A purple field formed around my instrument and lifted it into the air, revealing a small unicorn filly. The filly groaned and reached up to rub her horn, and squeaked, “Owwie.”

Miss Sparkle dropped my cello back onto the stage with another rough crashing note. “Dinky, did you hurt your horn? Oh, Derpy will never trust me with you again after this!” She took the filly up with her magic and carried her back over to the rest of the audience.

My bandmates chattered among themselves. “I hope that little filly is alright”, Parish said.

“She’s just so adorable, and how cute was she when she hugged me?” Brass asked aloud.

Nopony paid me any attention as I retrieved my cello. The successive falls had scratched the finish, but thankfully nothing seemed to have cracked.

Over in the audience, the unicorn presented the filly to the princess asking, “Princess Celestia, I think Dinky hurt herself. Is there anything you can do?”

The princess laughed airily. “Don’t be so worried, Twilight, I’m sure little Dinky is fine.” The Princess lent down to talk to the filly. “Are you okay, little one?”

Dinky sniffed. “Normally mommy kisses my owies better.” Tears started to well up in her eyes. “But mummy isn’t here…”

“Don’t worry,” the princess replied kindly, “I can kiss it better for you.” The princess leaned forward and kissed the little filly’s horn. For a fraction of a second, I thought I saw the horn spark.

I looked between my bandmates. “Did anypony else see that?” Nopony answered.

The little filly reached around the princess’s neck and hugged her. “Thank you, it’s all better now.”

Everypony in the room except me went, “Daww.” Somehow I didn’t find the filly that’d tripped me up to be overly cute.

“Is there anything else you’d like, little one?” the princess asked.

“Umm,” Dinky put a hoof to her mouth. “I always wanted to fly like mummy. Since you’re tha princess, could you gimme wings?” The princess opened a mouth to protest but was caught in a show of puppy dog eyes from Dinky. “Pweeze?”

The princess stood up. “Twilight, get the Elements.”

After that, my quartet was politely dismissed and we were told we would hear back from the committee once a decision had been made. None of us really had hope we’d be selected after that fiasco.

Drifting off home, I spent the rest of my day in the comfort of my music. While practice does make perfect, it doesn’t guarantee something, as demonstrated by our audition. One must also enjoy what they do, otherwise nopony else will enjoy it either. Since I’d dedicated a lot of my time to my cello recently, I took the chance play on my piano instead. As day turned to night I retired to bed with some light music from my record player.

The following morning I woke to a commotion outside, clueless to whatever it might mean, I simply went about my morning routine. Things didn’t become clear until I opened my newspaper.

“Coronation Today!” it read. “Today marks a new change to Equestria’s royal family as the Elements of Harmony crown a new princess. Making her royal introduction in a parade today, our new princess is looking forward to greeting her people and contributing to the greater harmony.”

The second article continued the tone of the first. “Prince Endorses Coronation,” it was titled. Reading further in, “This morning Prince Blueblood greeted the news of the new addition to Equestria’s royal family saying, ‘I, for one, welcome our adorable new princess and I’d like to remind her that as an experienced member of upper society, I can be helpful in rallying other members of the elite to her cause.’ The prince concluded his statement saying that, ‘Today is a proud day to be an Equestrian.’

Though the news was a surprise, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Princess Celestia had been teaching a protégé for the last decade, though rumours about said student had rarely entered the news media until she defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord with the Elements of Harmony.

After preparing myself for the day, I made my way down to join the crowd gathered on the street for the coronation parade. Everypony was rather excited, confetti was ready and waiting to go, and several ponies had signs out.

It wasn’t long till I heard the sound of cheering. It came down the street toward us like a wave as the parade came closer. Some ponies started the cheer preemptively, but the rest followed as the carriage carrying the new princess turned the corner down our street.

The moment finally got to me and I started cheering as well. Confetti was shot up into the air with streamers and as the royal float approached the cheering got louder. Then I managed to get a good view of the pony in the throne, it wasn’t Twilight Sparkle like I’d assumed, but the little filly that’d tripped me up yesterday, Dinky.

While I was shocked, everypony else had a different reaction. A simultaneous head tilt with accompanying “Aww”. Looking further down the road I saw this reaction propagating in a wave as the new princess passed. The crowd started saying things like: ‘She’s so cute’; ‘Look at her little wings’; ‘The way she’s waving, I wanna hug her!’; ‘Do you think she likes candy? I’m going to send her some candy’; ‘I love her!’; ‘Anything you want princess, I’ll do it. Anything.’

As Princess Dinky finally passed my section of the crowd, the offers of everypony’s firstborns turned into a silent gaze. Dinky herself waved to everypony as she passed, with a huge – admittedly adorable – grin on her face.

The silence held as the parade went further down the street. Standing next to me was a neighbour I remembered from a few apartments down the hallway from me. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked, “Are you alright?”

She sighed and said, “I’m better than alright, I just saw her royal majesty, Princess Dinky!” A dopey grin twisted her face. “My life is complete.”

I blinked. “She’s just a filly.”

“Wrong,” somepony else from the crowd said in a daze. “Dinky is love.”

Then another added, “Dinky is life.”

“Okaaay.” Looking around everypony was still wearing dopy grins. It’s hard to explain, but now I was seriously starting to get worried. I started walking backwards slowly out of the crowd and back into my apartment building. Once I was out of sight I ran back up the stairs to my apartment.

Slamming the door behind me, I slid down to the ground trying to figure out what was happening. Was everypony going insane? Was I going insane? By anypony’s standards Dinky was a cute little filly, but to hypnotize an entire city?

This was all on the express train to Tall Tale Asylum. I needed to find somepony to talk to about all this, somepony who could tell me I wasn’t going crazy.

But the entire city was out there, everypony. Who could have missed it? Somepony would have to have slept through… it… all… A brainwave stuck me. Who do I know who’d have slept through Discord’s return if it had been in the morning?

I grabbed the emergency keyset from my kitchen drawer, and left my apartment. If I was going to have any hope at all, I had to get to her before she was exposed.

My destination lay in one of Canterlot’s better neighbourhoods. Apartment prices here were higher, but also came with better local amenities. Food here wasn’t cheap filling, or the miniature servings of exotic ingredients some places served, but was good and came in equally good servings. The neighbourhood also bordered the downtown area where much of Canterlot’s nightlife was.

So it was perfect for Vinyl Scratch.

The ponies around here had already been exposed to our new princess; they walked around with dopey grins and a slightly vacant look in their eyes.

Coming to the right building, I climbed up the stairs to a floor about halfway up to an apartment deliberately selected because its windows faced the mountain. I knocked on the door, but there wasn’t an answer.

I took out the emergency key Vinyl had left me once as insurance, and by way of a permanent invitation to come say hello. Thankfully, the only use I’d gotten out of the key so far was when Vinyl had sent me a letter from Manehatten asking for a few records from her collection to be sent over via express post.

Opening the door I stepped into her apartment’s living area. Breaking with expectations, Vinyl’s living area is clean, if a little dusty. Despite appearances, this isn’t because Vinyl keeps her living room clean, but rather because she never lived in it so she wouldn’t have to clean it. A position I once told her was, ‘practically the Zen of slobbiness.’

Peeking into the bedroom, I saw a mound of blue hair on a pillow. I sighed in relief, she’s still here. It was good to find some things hadn’t changed. Considering that waking her up would probably end with me getting a hoof to the face, I thought it best to wait. In the meantime I would go make sure a pot of coffee was ready; with what I had to say, she was going to need it.

Leaving her door open a bit so the smell of coffee might rouse Vinyl, I went across the hallway and into her small kitchen. Setting the coffee pot to boil, I sat down at her kitchen table to read from a magazine Vinyl had left open. Titled Spinners, it listed the latest in record players and associated equipment. Some of the terminology was beyond my grasp, but there was a wonderful article on reproducing the sound of a full orchestra on budget hardware. It was wonderfully relaxing.

After a while, Vinyl finally stumbled out of her bedroom, into the kitchen and made straight for the fridge. She opened the door and downed half a bottle of vile looking green liquid before putting the rest back. Next she went over to the sink and splashed water on her face, and followed that up by flipping on the still hot coffee pot. I just kept sipping my own cup of coffee.

While the pot re-boiled, Vinyl stood watching. After what must have seemed an eon for her, the pot pinged and she filled a cup. She didn’t bother with milk and turned toward the table where I sat.

Vinyl stood bleary-eyed looking at me. I waved and said, “Good afternoon, Vinyl.”

Vinyl opened her mouth to say something, paused to lick her lips, and then said, “How did ya get in here, Tavi?”

I slid my key ring across the table. “You gave this to me for emergencies, remember?”

Vinyl’s eyes wandered for a moment. “I think I do.”

“Good, because this might be an emergency,” I said.

Vinyl sat down with her coffee. “What is it?”

I sipped from my cup again and put it down. “What do you think about Dinky?”

“Dinky. What, something small or something? You’re not making sense.”

I sighed as a metaphorical weight fell from my back. “Thank Celestia, they haven’t gotten you yet.”

“Who got what, Tavi?” I carefully filled Vinyl in on what was happening, taking breaks so Vinyl could refill her coffee cup. “That’s completely bogus.”

“I’m still not sure I believe it myself,” I replied.

Vinyl kneaded her forehead. “So you’re not all dopey, is that because of some first impression thing?”

I shrugged. “Perhaps, I keep thinking about her as the filly that tripped me.”

“Right,” Vinyl said just before standing up. “Let’s go see if I’m immune.”

“Wait!” I stood up as well. “You can’t, what if you’re not?”

Vinyl shrugged and said, “Can’t stay here forever.”


“But what? You’re immune ‘cause you think Twinky’s a little monster, you told me that, so now I think that too.” She clapped. “Boom, I’m immune.”

I slumped down against the table. “Alright then, if you think you’ll be protected.”

“Oh yeah,” Vinyl said as she lit her horn. Her sunglasses flew out of her bedroom and landed on her face. She grinned. “They’re polarized.”

It’s rather difficult to get lost in Canterlot, because no matter where you are the palace is always in sight. As long as you know where home is relative to the palace, you can find your way there eventually. By the same token, all roads in Canterlot lead to the palace.

Everything seemed normal enough until Vinyl and I reached the palace gates. A line of ponies had formed, and everypony in it seemed to be waiting patiently without complaint.

“Must be good,” Vinyl said as we walked along the line. The ponies had coiled around a statue in the courtyard and continued into the palace itself. Many were content to simply gaze at the statue.

When I realized what the statue was, I couldn’t help but stare as well. “Celestia’s mane… Vinyl, look at that statue.”

“Whoa.” It wasn’t even a complete statue. From where we were we could see that it was a rendition of Dinky, but it was still being carved as we watched. A pair of masons were shaping the statue with chisels. One worked above on his wings, while the other used his horn from below. Dinky was smiling, wings unevenly placed, and she hugged an unshaped stone object in her hooves. Vinyl lifted her sunglasses up to look at it properly. “It’s like looking at a baby seal dance.”

“Are you alright, Vinyl?” I asked with worry. If she gave in to worshipping this statue I’d be alone.

“Yeah,” Vinyl said as she put her sunglasses back on properly. “Thinking ‘bout it, this is creepy.”

“Hopefully that makes you immune,” I said with relief. “So, now what do we do?”

“Might as well go see the princess,” Vinyl said with a shrug. “If you’re in Los Pegasus, you gotta try a casino before ya go.”

I gave Vinyl a derisive look. “Just one of many reasons I have not gone there.”

“Come on,” Vinyl said as she put her head to my flank and started pushing me. “Let’s go.”

I resisted. “Vinyl, how would we go in? There’s a line.”

The pushing stopped and Vinyl looked up. “Ah.” The grand doors that lead to the throne room had a line of ponies going through it and guards that would probably have a dim view of anypony trying to cut ahead. “Dunno, is there a backdoor maybe?”

Thinking seriously about it, I said, “We could cut through the gardens and go in by the castle’s ballroom.”

“Great,” Vinyl said as she looked at the line before muttering, “Because I’m not waiting six hours to see this filly.”

The royal gardens are Canterlot’s premier picnic spot. Amongst the hedge maze, open fields, flower beds, and statues, you can find well placed water fountains and bins. Their placement presumably some game that the gardeners, or even Celestia, may have played over the centuries to make the gardens as accommodating as possible.

Still, there are persistent rumours about the gardens. The statues placed around are very lifelike; more than once have stories gone around suggesting that rather than actually being carved, the statues are actually petrified criminals serving out their sentence to society as decoration. Recent history didn’t help to quell those rumours.

Walking through the gardens was a pleasant experience, despite the situation we were in. A few passing birds circled us with a short chirruping welcome before flying on. “That was delightful,” I remarked to Vinyl as we continued walking.

“Yeah, cute,” Vinyl said flatly. Obviously birds weren't considered cool enough for DJ-Pon3.

“Don’t be so stiff,” I chided. “You don’t have to keep your image up all the time.” I smirked. “I remember you wishing you were a bird once. So you could fly around like a pegasus.” Vinyl cringed, and I added more smirk. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell all the cool ponies.”

Vinyl glared at me through her glasses. “You tell anypony ‘bout that and I’ll tell all the snobs about the real you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Pray tell, Vinyl, what could you possibly tell them that they’ll actually believe?”

“That you practice that eyebrow thing in the mirror for one.” Vinyl’s face twisted into a grin when she saw me flinch. Then she put on an upper class accent, “Oh, I must look dignified. This is the look that tells the world, ‘Were you just trying to impress me, darling? You haven’t.’”

My eyes narrowed. “You do that, Vinyl, and I’ll wrap you up and mail you to the frozen north.”

Vinyl just giggled as we turned around another hedge corner, but her giggles stopped abruptly when she saw what we’d found. “Wow…”

On a stone pedestal sat Discord. The draconequus still awkwardly petrified with a look on his face that mixed panic and horror. The plaque on the pedestal engraved with the story of his escape and recapture. A sign in the dirt of a surrounding garden warned ponies not to touch or damage the statue.

“Think it’s the real thing?” Vinyl asked.

I considered the monster. “Looks like him, though I’d have thought the princess would have been keeping it in a dungeon somewhere,” I finished bitterly.

“You got a beef with him, Tavi?” Vinyl asked, with rare concern in her voice.

“He trapped me and the rest of my quartet in a room and removed all forms of sound.” I scowled at the statue. “Then he forgot about us. Waiting for somepony to let us out was the longest wait I’ve ever had to endure”

“He’s not dangerous anymore,” Vinyl said as she walked over to the statue. “He looks completely stupid like this.” Vinyl reached up to tap the draconequus’s tail. “He’s a stalagmite, see?” Vinyl smirked back at me as she tapped the statue. Her smirk suddenly died in an instant as Vinyl screeched in shock, bolting back from the statue and toward me.


She slid to a halt beside me. “He whispered in my ears. He’s still alive.”

“Discord?” I asked, and Vinyl nodded back. I watched the statue, it didn’t crack, nor did it move, but now it felt like it was mocking us. I advanced slowly toward it.

“Tavi, whatcha doing?” Vinyl asked.

“Just checking, something,” I replied. Standing in front of the statue, I took a moment to breathe before reaching up to touch the statue.

—Hahahaha, oh that never gets old.” Somehow it sounded like it was coming from inside my head. “That’s twelve for this week. That gardener’s sign is practically an invitation.”

“Don’t think he’s going to escape,” I reassured Vinyl.

“Oh, now it’s the other one,” it moaned. “Pardon me if I don’t bend over backward for you, I’m feeling a bit stiff.” It continued with a grumble. “Though not really a surprise considering how I’ve been sleeping for the last few months.”

“Tavi, let’s just get out of here.”

“Oh yes, do leave, and good luck with Princess Jinky.”

I scowled up at the statue. “What do you know about the new princess?”

It groaned. “I’m not some gossip stone here to give you answers.”

“Tavi, you really trying to get help from that thing?” Vinyl asked. “That’s gotta be illegal or something.”

I looked back over my shoulder. “If it can tell us what’s happening, maybe we can fix it.”

Vinyl walked over. “You can’t trust it.”

“It has a name, and a male pronoun.” I glared back up at it.

“What’s it saying?” Vinyl asked. Then without waiting for an answer, Vinyl stuck a hoof up to the statue as well.


“You know her name,” I accused. “So you have to know something.”

“What I know or don’t know doesn’t matter, I’m stone, and I will still be stone when your new princess grows up and stops being cute.”

“So,” Vinyl added, “You know how she’s doing it then?”

“Now the idiot thinks she’s being smart, oh joy.”

“Smarter than you pal,” Vinyl returned. “I can still move.”

The statue was silent for a moment, but in a way it felt like it was glaring at somepony. “Fine, want to prove yourself? If your horn you wish to toot, find something that is cute. Everything now tall, was once small, while completing your task will require nostalgia of the past.” I heard a yawn pass over me. “If you want more than that, find a zebra.”

I let my hoof fall to the ground. “I think we’re finished, Vinyl.”

“Yeah, I was getting bored anyway.” Vinyl stepped back from the pedestal. “Let’s go.”

Walking out of the small section of the garden I felt a ruffle move through my coat as hair fell back against my skin. Perhaps we take Discord’s imprisonment for granted if a mere shadow of his presence can still affect ponies.

“So, ‘find what is cute’. Think he means Twinky?”

I snapped out of a thought. “Huh?”

Vinyl looked over her glasses at me. “You know. That hint?”

“Perhaps,” I mused. “Though he said the solution was from the past, and something tall that used to be small. Assuming of course he wasn’t just making that all up.”

A few more turns brought us round to the ballroom's garden, neither the garden nor the room itself were prepared for guests. The tables inside had dust covers over them, but the statue that had been ruined during the last Grand Galloping Gala had been replaced. We went in through the door, out another, and down the grand staircase. From here all hallways led to the throne room.

The palace is a very open and airy structure. Large windows let natural light flood through, and somehow a continuous gentle breeze of fresh air passes through each hallway. Rather an achievement when you notice that none of the windows are actually open.

The secondary hallway walls also feature examples of art from the Royal Collection. Many of which are regularly rotated so that every piece of the expansive collection gets its share of time in the light, or shelter from it.

Through one of these secondary hallways, we entered the throne room. There at the start of a line of ponies that lead out the door, and out of the palace, was the throne. Princess Celestia was lying in front of it on a cushion with Dinky. You’d almost have thought Dinky was Celestia’s foal the way they were cuddled up with one another.

A guard crept up behind us and I nearly jumped out of my coat when he spoke, “Ladies, if you wish to speak to Her Adorableness, then you must join the queue and await your turn.”

I turned and smiled, hoping to cover up my shock. “We just want to watch.” The guard didn’t say anything and so after a moment I added, “We really like how adorable she looks.”

The guard nodded and said, “As you wish. Adore Dinky.”

“Uh... Adore Dinky,” I echoed as he left.

Vinyl looked at me and whispered, “Adore Dinky?”

I shrugged and whispered back, “I don’t know.” We moved closer to the throne, Dinky and Celestia were hearing from a petitioning unicorn mare and a pegasus filly.

“…If it would please your majesties,” the unicorn mare before the throne bowed. “My daughter’s concerns about flight camp are probably just caused by homesickness.” The mare’s protest sounded half-hearted.

The filly by the mother’s side leant against her saying, “But mommy, the beds are really cold and the food tastes like grass. Do I really have to go again?”

“Yes dear, every little pony with wings has to go so they can learn to fly.”

The mare’s words caused a squeak from the throne. Dinky looked at her own new set of wings before asking, “Don’t they have muffins at flight camp?” The little pegasus filly shook her head. Dinky looked over her shoulder at Princess Celestia. “They don’t?” Dinky’s eyes watered.

Celestia shook her head. “No, little one, they don’t.”

“Can you make flight camp better before I have to go?” She tilted her head slightly and added, “Pweeze?”

An attending assistant held up a sheet. “There was a study done a decade ago in bringing both Cloudsdale and Los Pegasus flight camps to a higher standard at the cost of eight point four mill—”

Dinky seized on the opportunity. “So you can?”

“Yes, but—”

“Do it!”

Celestia nodded regally. “The Treasury will find the money. My favourite niece deserves the best for her flying lessons.”

“Yay!” Dinky said before reaching up to hug Celestia around the neck. “Thanks, Auntie Celestia.”

The little filly in front of the throne squeaked as she jumped for joy – with little wing flaps. “Flight camp’s gonna get better.” The she gasped. “And the princess is gonna be my classmate!”

“Yeah!” Dinky echoed as she leapt off the throne. “And it’s gonna be great!” Dinky held her hooves out and the little pegasus filly leapt forward to hug Dinky. “But first I’m gonna hug everypony in Equestria.” Then Dinky moved to hug the filly’s mother.

Everypony in the room went, “Aww.”

Vinyl went, “Ugh, yuck,” followed by sticking her tongue out. A golden glow surrounded it. Vinyl yelped and hurried to keep up as her tongue was pulled toward the throne. I ran to keep up, and saw the Royal Canterlot Glare that Vinyl got from Princess Celestia as she was pulled before the throne. The rumours about the palace statue garden crossed my mind again.

Just before Vinyl’s doom, there was a gasp from the throne’s other occupant. “DJ-Pon3!” Dinky flew over and hugged Vinyl. Celestia’s glare disappeared. Dinky looked up from Vinyl’s chest. “You’re almost as awesome as Rainbow Dash, and me and Sparky think your music is amazing.”

“Thnks,” Vinyl said with her injured tongue.

I stood by Vinyl. “Um,” I felt a little uneasy as Dinky looked up at me. “Vinyl loves hearing that ponies like her music.” My eyes flicked to Vinyl. “Don’t you, Vinyl?”

Vinyl nodded and went, “Mhmph.”

“It’s why she’s always performing,” I added. “Speaking of which, she should be preparing for tonight. If your majesties wouldn’t mind, we should get going.”

Before we could try making our escape Dinky stopped us. “DJ-Pon3, you’re playing tonight?” Vinyl nodded. “Can I come?”

“I donbt thik yod be awwowed in,” Vinyl tried to say.

“Um,” Dinky said as she looked over at me. “What did she say?”

I shot another look at Vinyl. “I think she means that the place she’s performing at tonight wouldn’t let a young lady your age in.”

“Aww,” Dinky groaned before perking up with an idea. Looking over her shoulder she called, “Aunty Celestia, can Vinyl perform here at the palace instead?”

The princess brought a hoof to her chin. “We’re scheduled to leave tonight to start our tour of Equestria.” Celestia smiled. “But that can wait until after the concert.” The littlest princess looked up at Vinyl and gave her a ‘pretty please’ smile. Vinyl’s head turned toward me, and I nodded slightly. Then Vinyl nodded back with an affirmative sound.

“Yay!” Dinky jumped up to hug both me and Vinyl at the same time, forcing our heads together with her grip. I can’t say either of us was happy with the situation.

Author's Note:

You can't really be hap—ALL GLORY TO DINKY THE CUTE