• Published 10th Jan 2014
  • 2,624 Views, 134 Comments

Masters of Magic: The Gathering - Mod On Death

Magic: The Gathering has become popular at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Everypony now has a deck and are now playing this new game. However, one pony destroys all in her path, with skills beyond compare. Can anypony defeat this player?

  • ...

Token of Appreciation

Spike got up early the next day and got all his chores finished before Twilight could wake. He didn't want a replay of yesterday's events where the CMC volunteered to help him out and end up destroying their appliances. While working, he thought of his future duel with Rarity and wondered how it would go. She wasn't only his crush, but she was also the first pony he taught Magic to. It'd be Master against Student. He wondered how things would be after the duel; whether they would be awkward or okay. Twilight had waken up at that point and saw Spike diligently working around the library.

"Well, you're certainly busy," she commented while grabbing herself the pot for tea. "You want any?"

"Sure," Spike said, not looking up from the floor he was sweeping. Twilight grabbed two mugs and put the stove on for the pot. She looked over her own list of activities for the day, half asleep while doing so.

"So, you're challenging Rarity today, correct?" she asked.

"Yeah. From what you've told me she's built a pretty powerful deck. Not only that, I just wonder if it'll be awkward," he confessed.

"Oh, Spike, don't worry about that. I'm sure that whatever happens, the two of you will be fine. Besides, if she did lose to you it wouldn't be anything to be ashamed about. After all, you did beat one of the world's best players."

"True. I guess what I'm nervous about more than anything is if I lose. After all, I've spent all this time training and building decks all in preparation to fight Diamond Tiara. If I lose against Rarity, then I'm afraid that the girls will want her to play for them instead." Spike finally let the truth out, feeling silly in the process. "I know it sounds dumb, but this is one of the things I'm really good at, and I don't want it to just go away, you know?"

"I know, Spike. And don't worry about those three. If they're your real friends, then they'll stick by your side no matter what happens," explained Twilight. "Besides, I know you'll win. I believe in you."

"Thanks, Twi," he said, putting down the broom and giving her a hug. "Means a lot to hear that from you."

"Aww shucks," she said, blushing. "So, you think that your strategy will work against Rarity?"

"Yeah. I know it sounds risky, but knowing artifact decks, it's almost a given," Spike explained. "Besides, the riskier the play, the more exciting the outcome, you know?"

"Yeah." Twilight then stopped talking and suddenly asked, "Say, why exactly are those three making you play again?"

"They want me to play against Diamond Tiara. Apparently she's a really good player and they don't want her to tease them about it later on, so they're having me duel her to put her in her place or something like that. Right now I really don't care except for the fact that I play card games. Anyway, I'm gonna meet up with them after they're classes are done and head on over to Carousel Boutique."

"Alright," Twilight said, understanding his plan. For the next several hours they did their normal routine until Shining Armor woke up. After that the three hung out until it was Spike's time to leave. With Shining Armor's blessing, he went off to defeat Rarity.

"Alright. That should take care of that," Rarity said as she finished the last touched on her new piece. "Now, what else do I have to finish up?" she asked as she looked at her list. Checking off her recent creation, she noticed that there was nothing else that she needed to do today. "Well, I guess I don't have anything else to do for the day, Wonder what I could do."

As if to answer her, Spike burst through Rarity's front door, screaming, "Rarity! I challenge you to a Magic: The Gathering Duel!"

"Oh, really? That sounds delightful. I've actually been training and getting new cards since the last time we played," she explained. "Why, I've even played against Twilight and won."

"Yeah, I know," Spike said, flashing back to that really weird duel. "Anyway, I'm ready to face you. Get your cards and let's see how well you've done."

"Alright. I'll just be a moment." She hummed as she went upstairs, Spike choosing to sit in one of the frilly chairs in front of the coffee table. He took this time to look through his cards and to hope that his gambit would pay off when it came time. Shuffling it one last time, he saw Rarity come down with a fancy looking box.

"I decided to get some protection for my cards. After all, don't want to damage them from something foolish," she said as she took them out. The cards were in sleeves of what looked almost like miniature picture frames, each one guaranteed to keep the card from being ruined in any way."

"Uh, Rarity? How much have you spent on all of this?"

"I'm not quite certain. I think after buying several Guilded Lotuses, I just stopped counting." Spike never knew that Rarity was that rich. Hopefully the amount of money she poured into the deck wasn't a direct output with damage. "Anyway, would you like to go first?"

"Sure. Let's cut and begin." The two swapped decks, Spike feeling the odd sleeves that Rarity used. He'd definitely ask her where she got these from after their game.

"Okay. Your move," Rarity told him.

"Alright. I play Watery Grave and end my turn. Your move, Rarity."

"Alright. I draw and play Seat of the Synod and tap to play Sol Ring, ending my turn." Rarity now had 3 mana potential on the field, all on the first turn.

"Okay. I draw a card and play Blood Crypt tapped, ending my turn." Spike was sure that his strategy would work. He just hoped that Rarity-

"I draw and play Tolarian Academy. Then, I tap my lands to produce 5 mana. I then play Sensei's Divining Top and Tinker. I use my Tinker to search my library," she looked through her deck, "and play Darksteel Colossus. I end my turn." And now she did it.

"Okay. I draw and play Temple of Deceit tapped, ending my turn." Spike had no idea that Rarity could bring out a card like that so quickly. He'd rarely seen something to quick and aggressive.

"Alright. I draw and tap to play Jester's Cap. I then attack with Darksteel Colossus, ending my turn." Spike seemed like he was already going to lose. He needed to draw something that could counter an Indestructible creature.

"Come on deck," Spike said as he drew his card. "Awesome. I play an Island and summon Master Thief. When this card enters the battlefield, I get to take control of one of your artifacts. Namely, I'll be taking your Darksteel Colossus."

"Gasp!" Rarity said out loud.

"Yeah. Anyway, I take that and end my turn. Go ahead."

"Very well. I draw and tap to sacrifice Jester's Cap. I get to search your library for three cards and exile them." Spike handed over his deck and let Rarity have a look at it. She hummed while she considered her options, finally deciding on exiling three Elite Arcanists in Spike's deck. "Don't want you to lock me out now, do I? I'll figure out a way to deal with my Colossus soon."

"Okay," Spike said, knowing the bait had been taken.

"Anyway, I tap my Sensei's Divining Top to reorder the top three cards of my library." She then looked through her library and checked out what she would draw. The expression on her face spoke volume. A very annoyed volume.

"I draw and play a Swamp. I then attack with Darksteel Colossus and end my turn." Rarity was now down to 9 life. She was hoping that her next attempt to save her hide would work.

"I draw and play Shimmering Grotto. I then tap to play March of Souls, thus destroying your-"

"I play Counter," Spike replied calmly.

"Oh great. I tap my Top and end my turn," Rarity said, annoyed at her current situation. She wasn't certain at how she could win now.

"Okay. I draw and attack with Darksteel Colossus," Spike said, waiting for Rarity to reply. "It does 11 damage to you. You have 9 life. You realize that means you'll lose, right?"

"Yes, I know," she said, pouting as she told him this.

"Oh. Huh. I guess that means I win," Spike said matter-of-factly. "I'm not gonna lie. I was thinking this would be an epic duel to the end. Shining Armor even gave me this card combo in order to get rid of your Indestructible creatures. I'd play a couple cards to Exile all our creatures and then use some Goblins with Haste to take you out quickly. Guess that wasn't necessary."

"Yes. I know. I was expecting more as well. Thought I might win against you this time."

"Well, at least you lost to the same guy who taught you the game in the first place." Spike hoped this would cheer her up. Rarity just sighed and cleaned up her cards in response.

"Well, maybe," she finally replied. "Anyway, I don't have much to do now. You mind just staying around to hang out?"

"Sure!" Spike replied enthusiastically.

For the next several hours, the two hung out, doing small things here and there. Eventually they went out to get something at Sugar Cube Corner, coming across a crowd.

"Huh. What's this?" Rarity asked upon seeing the ponies gathering at one table.

"Oh. That's probably Pinkie Pie playing against somepony. She really took a liking to the cards you gave her," Spike explained. "Let's see how she's doing." The two went over to see Pinkie playing and were surprised to see somepony else sitting in her place.

"Shining Armor?" the two asked, seeing somepony walk away with their head down.

"Hey guys!" he replied. "I'm just having some fun playing against these players. Let them know I was the 5th best player in the world and they just lined up to play."

"Really? It doesn't seem that fair for somepony of your skill to fight them all," Rarity let him know.

"They all know what they're getting into. Besides, it's fun to at least try, isn't it?"

"I guess." As the three discussed this, Silver Spoon passed by and went straight to Shining Armor.

"So you're the 5th best player in world, correct?" she asked.

"That's correct, little girl. You interested in playing?" Shining Armor's affectionate attitude to the filly was not returned. Instead, she motioned her head over to his direction, somehow summoning Diamond Tiara from the crowd. She suddenly sat down at the table and was handed her deck by her accomplice.

"I'll be playing, DD," Diamond Tiara said, referring to Shining Armor's Alias Initials. Initially shocked by the outright bluntness of this child, he regained face and started to talk normally.

"Alright then. Let's cut." The two handed each other their decks, cutting them and handing them back. After drawing their hands, he then asked, "Play, or draw?"

"Play," she responded."

"Alright. Make your move."

"Very well." Clearing her voice, she declared, "I first cast Chrome Mox with the card Burning Wish, granting me the ability to tap it for red mana. I tap it and cast Rite of Flame, granting me 2 red in my mana pool. With that, I cast Desperate Ritual granting me 3 red in my pool. I then use that to cast Seething Song, making my mana pool 5 red. I then use 3 red to cast another Seething Song, making my pool 7 red. I use 4 to play Gobling Charbelcher, then tap that and use the other 3 in my pool to activate it's ability. This card deals damage equal to nonland cards I reveal to you." Diamond Tiara then proceeded to flip the cards off of her library, revealing Instants and Creatures all designed to giver her mana. She eventually reached 20 cards and stopped flipping them off of her library asking," do you have anything to counter this? Otherwise, I've dealt exactly 20 damage to you, ending the game."

Shining Armor, in absolute disbelief, replied, "No."

"Very well. I finish up," she said, showing the rest of her cards, revealing that she had no Lands, "and deal sufficient amount of damage to you to end the game." She gathered her cards in one fell swoop, placed them back into her library, and quietly trotted away. Everypony silenced at what they saw.

"Did she just win on her very first turn?" Rarity asked.

"Yes," Shining Armor silently responded, still shocked at his sudden defeat.

"Spike!" Apple Bloom called out from the crowd. "Did you see that?"

"Yeah. I've heard of that card combo, but have never seen it. You three were right about Diamond Tiara. Something's off about how well she plays."

"Well duh! That's what we've been saying all along," Scootaloo reminded him. "Say, have you challenged Rarity yet?"

"Yes. We dueled. It wasn't anything to be excited about," she told them. "I don't think we should let Twilight know that, however. She might go a bit crazy at the prospect of losing against me several times and you defeating me so easily. No offense, Shining dear." He didn't reply, not even with a physical sign that he understood that somepony was talking to him.

"Anyway, that combo was insane. We need to create something that can resist something that destroys that quickly," Spike explained. "Shining Armor, Rarity, I'll need the two of you to join cards with me and find a way to defeat Diamond Tiara once and for all."

"Right!" the two declared, Shining Armor coming out of his shock. The six rushed out back to the Library, hoping to create a deck that would be able to stand up to the wrath of Diamond Tiara.