• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 1,307 Views, 26 Comments

Safety Off - Daemon McRae

The antics, rambling, and downright nasty-not-niceness of two career criminals as they live out their lives in Manhehatten.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“I seriously don’t understand how people can just leave stuff lying around like this,” Jobs commented rather off-handedly. He swiped a security pass over a card reader, and paused as the door slid open.

“Right? It’s like they don’t even want to protect it,” Powder agreed. There was a soft thud as he tacked a piece of explosive to a wall, next to the door, and followed Jobs through. “You’d think they’d put up more than a security door.”

“And a couple of armed guards,” Jobs reminded him. He waved a now-empty automatic weapon in the air with his magic before dropping it on a table. “I mean, rent-a-cops if there ever were any.”

“I mean, who even uses bolted locks anyway?” the pegasus chided as he strategically placed a few charges on the floor in calculated positions. He then handed a few to Jobs, who levitated them to the ceiling, and placed them in parked spots.

The two strolled back out the door again, down the hall, and Jobs pulled out a small radio. “Yeah, we’re good. Clip it,” he ordered the unknown owner of the other receiver. “And only two floors between the safe and the roof? It’s insulting.”

“It’s like they don’t have any respect for professionals. Can you believe it only took one sleep gas grenade to knock out the guard at the back door? Guard. Not a plural, even,” Powder whined. Retrieving a small detonator from about his person, he waited patiently for a cue of some kind.

“Do it,” crackled a voice on the radio.

Powder smiled a little bit, and flipped a switch. The explosives in the floor and ceiling went off, and the air was filled with the sounds of a helicopter, and the busy noises of ponies attaching clamps to the roof of a vault.

“I mean, why even bother paying for security? Just get the insurance and have done with it,” said the unicorn, as the pair walked back to the large white room currently half-filled with a vault being airlifted out of the building. They hopped on top of the vault, and Jobs secured lines to both of them, then to the heavy metal cables hauling the vault.

“I think they need to pay for at least some security to qualify for the insurance,” Powder pointed out, even as he pulled out yet another trigger. He waited a few moments, after the vault had cleared the building, and hit the switch. Again.

The explosives on the door went off, barricading the room against the rather insultingly small group of armed guards rushing the room.

“Ah,” said Jobs. “That makes sense.”

“But I agree with the sentiment. I mean, it’s getting almost too easy. Maybe we should be thinking bigger.”



“How big?” Jobs asked, raising an eyebrow.

Powder took out a cigarette and lit it. “When was the last time you were in Las Pegasus?”

Author's Note:

I'm planning some kind of actual story arc here. Just a small multi-part adventure for these two to muck around in.