• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 9,929 Views, 277 Comments

Nightmares Are Tragic - Jordan179

Nightmare Moon spends a thousand years banished to the Moon, then returns to seek her revenge. From HER point of view.

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Chapter 5: Soothing the Savage Beast

Blue iridescence streaked down the canyon.

I need to hit them fast, thought Nightmare Moon. Show them the hostility of this place, inflict losses, don't give them a chance to recover.

She had already laid the trap. A very simple psychic lure had drawn the creature to this spot; a mental suggestion convinced it that this would be a good location from which to defend its territory against interlopers.

She gave it no time to reconsider. The Moon Princess had never had much concern for predators which might threaten her little ponies, and as Nightmare Moon she had even less sympathy for such animals. Quickly she coalesced into a thorn-like spike, jabbed herself deeply into the pad of one paw. The monster roared in rage at the unexpected agony, a roar that swiftly became a confused howl as tendrils of Shadow coiled up his nerve net, almost immediately reaching the spinal column and penetrating his limited psychic defenses, invading his brain.

Nightmare Moon attempted nothing difficult. Her Shadow had no desire to permanently possess the beast: a mere brute monster would have been a pathetic host compared to an Alicorn Princess, and it had no time to grow to a scope capable of controlling both of them. She stabbed with her mind, cruelly stimulating key portions of the limbic system. Ample pain came from her very violation of the creature; a thrust to the amygdala produced anger, a needle-jab to the mammillary body told it that the pain and anger were associated with ponies, finally a few tweaks to the limbic node told it exactly where its enemies were located.

She let manticore nature do the rest, then simply rode her unwilling, unwitting steed, linking her own sensorium into that of the creature, willing to watch as the creature took care of her enemies. The Moon Princess was exhilarated at the sensations of savage, raw rage as the gigantic winged, scorpion-tailed leonine beast, far larger than even an Alicorn, bounded down the canyon toward Celestia's champions.

The six ponies were walking in a rough wedge formation, the lavender unicorn in the lead and Rainbow by her side, the other four trailing. They were caught by complete surprise as the great beast stamped the ground before them, snarling, its simple mind considering them rivals, intruders on its territory, somehow responsible for the anguish coursing through its nerves.

Kill, though Nightmare Moon to her thrall. Kill them, and win free of this pain!

The lavender one gasped in dismay.

"A manticore!" she screamed, instantly recognizing the creature.

The manticore, furious but also instinctively wary at the sight of six members of the dominant species on its planet, reared onto its hind legs, wings beating the air to maintain its balance, making itself look as large as possible and emitting a full-throated roar. Scare foe!, it thought with its limited sapience. They go, pain stop!

The lavender unicorn's eyes narrowed in determination. "We've got to get past him!" she commanded.

Fluttershy took to the air behind her, face contorted in dismay. She seemed afraid of the coming fight.

Coward, thought the Moon Princess. You should follow the example of your leader!

The manticore realized that the ponies were not running. He picked his target, the elegant-maned white unicorn. He leaped, wings stablizing his flight to let him make a most un-feline landing on his hind feet, while swiping with one paw almost as big as his opponent's whole body. A single strike from that great bludgeon would be fatal.

The white unicorn moved with surprising speed -- but not to run! She ducked under the paw's arc, spun around and leaped backwards at the leonine face, both hooves connecting with enough force to break the neck of another pony. Against the huge head of the manticore, even her force could not do serious damage, but the beast rocked backward on its legs, sat down with a surprised expression.

"Take that, you ruffian!" the white unicorn cried, shouting right into a face taller than her entire form..

Challenge, thought the manticore. Must challenge back! Instead of killing her on the spot, the beast emitted a roar of such volume that the unicorn's body shook in its vibrations, foul-smelling carnivore spittle spraying her head and drenching that carefully-coiffured mane.

"My hair!" the white unicorn absurdly wailed, then seemed to for the first time fully grasp the perils of her situation. "Woop!" she cried in an astonishingly high-pitched voice, and ran; the manticore bounding in cautious pursuit.

Skilled, the Moon Princess thought, and brave, for all she's a dandy. She did not fault the unicorn for running at the last: it was what any sane warrior would have done in her situation, retreat from a hopeless battle to continue the fight. Then, I've known dandies to be deadly fighters before!

As she ran past the timid yellow pegasus, that pegasus seemed to say something, but too softly for the Princess to hear even though the cat's ears. The manticore was in any case too concerned with the ponies who were actually fighting him to spare much attention for one who was hanging back.

"Yee-haw!" A solid weight descended upon the back of the manticore's head. It looked up. Applejack was gripping on to the beast's mane with all four hooves, grinning with excitement as if this was naught more than some strange festival game. "Yee-hah!" she shouted again.

The manticore leapt, trying to buck her off. "Git along, lil' doggie!" the Apple mare exhorted, maintaining her hold.

This time the Moon Princess heard what the yellow pegasus was saying. But it made no sense.

"Wait!" the pegasus said with slightly greater volume as Applejack, atop the manticore, bounded past.

The manticore leaped this way and that, finally succeeding in throwing its opponent.

"Whoa!" cried Applejack as she went sailing away from her former steed. Somehow, the Princess was not surprised when, instead of breaking every bone against a tree, the blonde Apple flipped over onto her back and sailed past Rainbow. "All yours, partner," Applejack said calmly, then flipped again to execute a perfect landing.

The Moon Princess could not suppress another surge of admiration at the Apple mare's courage and agility.

"I'm on it!" shouted Rainbow, saluting her comrade's courage, then dived to the attack, flying right past the yellow pegasus.

"Wait!" Fluttershy cried louder, but the brave blue pegasus paid no attention to the counsels of her cowardly friend.

Rainbow flew right up to the beast. Instead of stopping she began to whirl around it in a tight rising spiral, the paramagnetism from her wings drawing the air up into a localized twister. Dust sprang up, stinging the monster's eyes and impeding all its senses.

I see their plan. the Princess thought. They mean to make the manticore exhaust itself by repeated feint and retreat. Not a bad plan, but it depends on continuing to outwit the creature

Unfortunately for them, I am no mindless monster.

She reached in, directly stimulated a reflex cluster at the base of the beast's spine. The tail slapped out. Nightmare Moon was making no attempt to stab Rainbow with the scorpion sting, a blow which -- though surely fatal -- would have been almost impossible to execute against the rapidly-circling pegaus. Instead she simply interposed a barrier roughly at the altitude of her speedy foe. Rainbow smacked into it, lost control, and tumbled away, shrieking in alarm as she turned end over end in her almost-ballistic trajectory.

"Rainbow!" cried the lavender unicorn, obviously afraid that the sting had struck home, or that her friend would shatter herself against the stone of the canyon walls.

At the last moment, the blue pegasus regained enough control to level off, striking hard and scraping painfully along the ground. She raised her head and twitched, then lay at the lavender unicorn's feet, clearly stunned by the force of her impact.

The unicorn glared at the manticore, fury blazing in her eyes. The manticore responded to her challenge, readying his tail to deliver a more deadly attack, clawed the ground menacingly.

The lavender unicorn snorted, stamped the ground. Calculation was being replaced by primal fury, the urge to fight in defense of the herd. She drew her hoof across the dust. Applejack was by her left side, supporting her leader. Rainbow got up, shook off her confusion, and took the right side of the wedge; the white unicorn and the pink earth pony trailing. Five ponies charged, committing themselves to a hoof-to-paw battle.

Perfect, thought the Moon Princess. You've been shaken; now you're abandoning your prior strategy, to instead close with my creature. You may win, but there is no way that you can avoid taking losses in this fight. Now, the battle is truly joined!

The manticore tensed all its muscles, foot-long razor-sharp claws extending ...

Fluttershy leapt up right between the combatants, screaming "WAIT!" at the top of her lungs.

Ponies and manticore alike stopped in confusion.

Her back is to my beast! Nightmare Moon realized. Time to die! She jammed ruthlessly into the manticore's hypothalamus, an action that should have turned the monster into a rampaging berserker, striking without fear or pain, motivated only by the desire to destroy.

Nothing happened. Something was blocking her. Not her own weaknesses this time -- it was something outside herself!

The pink reality warper? But she looked as confused as the others.

Some new power had manifested in the battle.

For the first time in this fight, Nightmare Moon began to doubt her own chances of victory.

Fluttershy turned back to the manticore, smiled at it.

The Moon Princess, who knew something of animal handling, realized that the yellow pegasus was neither showing her teeth nor making any sudden moves. The beast began to calm, with preternatural quickness given the previously combative situation.

She's doing this, the Princess realized. But how?

Nightmare Moon had one more trick left. She let the beast calm a bit, to lull her foe's suspicions, then jammed hard on every center of pain and rage her powers could affect.

The manticore reared, roared, and raised his paw, preparing to kill the yellow pegasus as a housecat might dispatch a mouse.

Fluttershy did not flinch.

How could I have named her coward? the Moon Princess thought with astonishment. This is one of the bravest deeds I've ever seen!

Nightmare Moon chuckled to herself And it will be her last, she promised inwardly. Time for her to die!

The other five pones winced and looked away, afraid that to act would simply trigger the final attack, and unwilling to actually witness the death of their friend.

Once again Nightmare Moon jabbed into the creature's emotional centers, with enough force that the manticore must either attack or collapse from the psychological strain.

This time, nothing happened.

"Shhhh ..." Fluttershy said softly, "It's okay."

Every single emotional index within the manticore's brain instantly returned to normal, then peaked with the opposite affect.

Friend, the beast thought. Friend.

What?!! Nightmare Moon furiously exerted her power, stabbing here, thrusting there within the creature's nervous system. She tried to take direct control of the manticore's muscles.

No use. She sensed the power now, immense and overwhelming, like a thick warm blanket laid between her own psychic abilities and the mind of the manticore. She tasted the power. She remembered the power.

Kindness, she realized, and remembered who wielded it. The Harmony hasn't been completely broken. Somehow, this is the work of Celestia! But how? the Moon Princess asked herself in confusion. The Elements are safely back at my castle, and I don't sense my sister directly. How can she be working it at this distance?

Fluttershy sniffed at one huge, half-upraised paw -- the paw that had been pierced by Nightmare Moon.

The manticore drew back a little. The power continued to radiate out from the yellow pegasus.

Can the power be hers? the Princess wondered. But ... how many of these champions have such abilities?

Friend, thought the manticore, considering the little yellow equine. Sister. Wants to stop pain. Wants to ... groom.

The beast presented its paw, letting Fluttershy get a good look at the thorn.

The Moon Princess kept the thorn's form still, not wishing to let her foes realize what that "thorn" was in truth.

"Oh, you poor, poor little baby," said the yellow pegasus.

"Little?" protested Rainbow in amazement, looking up at the huge hulking mass of fur and muscle.

Yes, thought the manticore. Baby. You -- mama!

Love welled within its soul, forcing Nightmare Moon to sever her contact with the creature's limbic centers lest the toxic emotion actually damage her.

"Now, this might hurt for just a second." Fluttershy leaned forward, took the thorn in her mouth, yanked it free.

The touch seared through Nightmare Moon's soul. It was all her self-control could do to avoid reverting to cold plasma right in front of them all, shrieking in pain. What is this power?

Then, Fluttershy dropped her on the ground.

The manticore howled, scooped up the yellow pegasus in both paws, roared directly at her.

"Fluttershy!" cried her friends, again thinking that she was about to perish.

The Moon Princess knew better. Even with only indirect access to the manticore's brain, its blunt beast thoughts were completely obvious to her.

Thorn bad! Scare thorn -- I'm tough! the creature thought. Then, Mama made pain go! Love mama! Gently cuddling the yellow pegasus, the great leonine horror proceeded to return the favor he had been given, grooming Fluttershy with a tongue almost as long as her whole body.

It began purring like some colossal housecat.

Fluttershy giggled.

"Aw, you're just a little old baby kitty, aren't you?" she cooed. "Yes you are. Yes, you are.

Ponies good, the manticore thought, Ponies friends. No fight.

Her friends quietly walked past the now-totally-friendly monster. Most were trotting, the pink one bouncing with her usual insane glee. The manticore put Fluttershy down and began unconcernedly licking itself, removing dust and smoothing its fur.

The lavender unicorn hung behind for a moment, turned, asked Fluttershy the obvious question.

"How did you know about the thorn?"

"I didn't," Fluttershy replied. "Sometimes, we all just need to be shown a little kindness."

The unicorn thought for a moment, smiled, then followed her friends.

The thorn, unregarded, lifted, whirled, and uncoiled into the glowing mist of Nightmare Moon. She streaked off in pursuit.

Not one dead, the Princess thought, angry at her own failure. Not one wounded. They just defeated an adult manticore and the worst they have to show for it is bruises.

That makes two supernal powers so far. The pink one's a reality warper. The yellow one can tame beasts. And the others -- Applejack is an incredibly skilled athlete, Rainbow is one of the fastest fliers I've ever seen. The white unicorn is a skilled close-in fighter. Who knows what the lavender one can do -- she's obviously been reserving her powers, saving them for me, and her friends are making sure I can't touch her.

I can smell my sister's lifescent on that purple mare. She's Celestia's messenger, her lieutenant -- her -- apprentice? the Moon Princess speculated. Something else about her -- especially when she shows courage -- she reminds me of someone ... someone in particular. But whom?

That one is fey, the Princess decided. That one has some special power over me, which I cannot grasp. I fear that in the end I must duel her. I fear that in the end I must kill her.

But why do I fear?

She could come to no answer here.

Nightmare Moon streaked off to prime her next snare.

Author's Note:

Seeing the choreography of this fight again in detail, I can only say that Applejack is once again made of awesome. As for Fluttershy -- that was the first time, in the series, that she gave a hint of the sheer steel under that demure demeanor.

It would be far from the last.