• Published 9th Mar 2012
  • 6,458 Views, 113 Comments

Seeing Rainbows - Android

Blindness was never something you let get to you. Seeing was overrated anyway. Only thanks to her, you're 'seeing' straight for the first time in years.

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Chapter 7. Advice

You’ve gotten messages from Twilight all week. Every day you’ve been participating in all sorts of tests and experiments as Twilight records observations. You’ve been looking forward to the party on Saturday all week. Hopefully you can spend time with Rainbow and have a good time with her. The party is tonight and you’re crawling with anticipation. You open your front door; no note today.

You head as usual and meet Rainbow at town hall.

“Hey, rook! You ready for the party tonight? Pinkie got DJ Pon-3 to play! It’s going to be so awesome!”

“I know, I can’t wait! So what do we have to do today?”

“Well normally we’d be cleaning the sky but seeing as it’s a nice sunny but seeing as there are no clouds, I guess we have the day off! So you wanna hang today or are you going to Twilight’s again?”

“Nope, I’m free today.”

“Just wondering, why have you been going to the library all week? Are you and Twilight dating or something?” she laughs, slightly nervously

You can feel the color drain from your face, “NO! Why would you ever think that? I don’t like her like that or anything.”

“Then who do you like?” she says, punching your shoulder.

“Uh, I, um, well, I kinda, I-hey look at the time! Shouldn’t we be doing something by now?” you ask, trying to avoid the subject.

“OH, Horse apples you’re right! Hey! You wanna race through Ghastly Gorge?”

“Didn’t you get caught in landslide there?”

“Yeah, but I won’t be stopped by some landslide. Don’t you know who I am? I’m the best flier in all of Equestria!”

“Ok Ok, you’ve proved your point. I’ll race ya. And when I win-”

“Wait wait wait wait, who said you were gonna win? If anything I’m gonna leave you in the dust.”

“We’ll see, Rainbow Dash.”

You head over the gorge. The layout of it is amazing. It’s huge with Zigs and Zags and its dips and dives. It truly looks like a challenging fly through. In one spot there is a large section where a large portion of the cave wall collapsed in; that landslide had been when Rainbow was having her pet competition. She’d gotten her wing stuck under a rock until her now pet tortoise saved her.

“So, you think you can still beat me here? I race through here as a warm up every time I go training. No one has beaten me here.”

“Oh yeah,” you say, your echolocation will come in handy on this one, “I got this.”

You start off at the beginning of the gorge. You both flex your wings in anticipation.

“Ready,” Rainbow calls, “Set, GO!”

You both rocket off. You zip left and right, avoiding obstructions such as jutting out rock formation, and the walls themselves. Rainbow is ahead but you quickly gain and soon it’s neck and neck. You both reach the first major obstacle, a windy cave. You smile; the cave is will be a piece of cake. Rainbow rushes ahead, avoiding all the stalagmites and stalactites. You quickly use your senses to find a path with zero obstructions.

You ‘see’ Rainbow up ahead, she’s stopped, “Hey, what’s the matter Storm? Am I too fast for ya?”

You fly out of the cave in a flash, “See ya at the finish line, Rainbow Dash,” you laugh.

“Hey, no fair!”

“All’s fair in love and war!”

She struggles to catch up to you. You can tell by the sounds of breathing. She pushes herself once more and is soon right next to you.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she yells.

“Oh, Uh, it’s just an expression.”

You both head for the next major obstacle. The bramble bushes; Rainbow rushes ahead and through the tangle, bouncing left to right avoiding the thorns. You’re right behind her as you both race along. A rush of pain surges through your wing. It’s stuck on a thorn. You pull and eventually you’re free; you rush to catch up. Dash is already approaching the quarray eel nests.

They rush out of their homes in vain attempts to bite her. She’s through in a jiffy.

“Let’s see ya do beat that!” she calls

You surge your wings to push you as fast as you can go. The eels have barely left their nests as you rush past Rainbow.

“See ya at the finish line! Rainbow Dash!”

“Oh no ya don’t,” with that she begins to gain on you.

You’re almost at the end of the gorge. Rainbow is only a tail’s length behind you. She pushes once more and is right next to you.

“AAAAHHHHH!” you both scream as you both push your wings to their limits. You both fly out of the gorge. You hold your wings out and decelerate. You land, breathing heavily. No pony ever pushed you this hard in a race before. Sure some came close but you always beat them by longshot. But Rainbow had pushed you to your very limit. She truly challenged you, pushed you to be better. You like that.

“Wow,” Rainbow huffed, “You are one fast Pegasus.”

“You’re not bad yourself. To be honest, you’re the first real challenge I’ve had in forever.”

“Really? Cruz you’re the first pony to ever keep up with me in a race since flight school. This is so cool! We should defiantly do this more often; race I mean. We could become the fastest duo in all of Equestria!”

“I’m game, so… when should we race?”

“I don’t know, how about after we do the weather each day?”

“Sure,” you say eagerly, “Hey, don’t we have a party to get to?”

“Oh horse apples! You’re right; let’s go!” with that you both rush off to the lake.

When you get there the party has just started. The music has started playing a nice island tune; it’s pleasing to your ears and allows you to see perfectly. There looks to be tiki torches lining the ground, and tents with tables under them, and ribbons all over the place.

“Oh my gosh, You guys made it! Hooray! Let’s get this party STARTED!” Pinkie shouts.

You walk around, mingling with everypony. You even get into a conversation with Octavia about the complexities of the type of wood in her cello. You head over to the drink table.

“Storm,” Twilight says, “I got you a gift for being such a cooperative test subject.”

“Oh, you really shouldn’t have, really I, let me see it,” you joke.

She hands you a box; it feels like a hard solid oak box. You place it on the table and open it. Using a series of clicks you get a look at the contents.

You gasp, “Oh my gosh, thank you!”

“I noticed your current glasses tend to fall off, especially when Rainbow crashes in to you. Since you’ll soon be dating Rainbow I thought you need something that wouldn’t get knocked off so easily. I made sure they’re the same electric blue color as your old ones.”

“I love them,” you say pulling the goggles out of their case. You put your old glasses in the case, covering your eyes as you pull the goggles over your head and onto your face. They are a perfect fit, “Where did you get these I-wait what? Who said me and Rainbow are dating?” you say, feeling the heat rise in your face.

“Oh, come on. I see the way you look at her, even if you can’t, no offense. Don’t worry, I haven’t told her, but you should just up and tell her. She can be a little blunt.”

“I, uh, I don’t, I, what if she doesn’t like me? What if she laughs at me? What if she finds out about, you know?”

“I don’t know. But if you don’t ask, you won’t know.”

“UH, great,” you say, grabbing your drink and sauntering away.

What shout I tell her? Should I be blunt like Twilight says? Should I tell her outright that the Pegasus who’s been helping her with the weather is blind? What should I do? You think to yourself.

You wander through the party aimlessly.

“Hey dude, cool shades,” comes a slangy yet melodious, modulated voice. It’s the DJ; the august and legendary Vinyl Scratch. She calmly strolls out from behind her turntables.

“Thanks, uh Miss Scratch is it?”

“Heh heh, your funny. Just call me Vinyl. You look like a pony with a problem,” she continues.

“Eh, you could say that.”

“You wanna talk about it or no?” her voice carries a strangely trusting quality.

“Hmm, eh what the heck? I kind of have a problem with a mare. I really like her but-”

“But you don’t know what to say or how to say it.”

“Uh, yeah, exactly that. How’d you know?”

“Eh, I’ve been there. I also have certain abilities. Kind of like you,” she says.

“Eh what?”

She giggles, almost musically, “I can see people; read them, see their problems, see what they feel. It helps me set the mood when I DJ. I see the world differently, like you.”

“How do you know that?”

“It’s a secret, but about your problem. Each pony is different; each pony prefers a different method of approach. It’s quite complicated. All I have to say is listen to your heart and don’t do anything or not do something that you will regret later on. Bye.”

She returns to her turntables. She picks a record and sets it on the player.

“ARE YOU READY?” she yells, raising her hoof high. The crowd cheers and she plays the song.

Somepony runs up to you. It’s her.

“Hey, what’s up rook? Come dance with me,” she says bluntly.

Horseapples. What do you say?