• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,973 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Drekzone Part 10

Ethan walked up to Glen, who was once more stargazing and tapped her gently on the shoulder.

“Hey Glen,” the man said, his voice a bit more serious than it usually was.

“Hmm?” she muttered as she glance over at Ethan. “Oh, hey,” she said as she got up on her hooves. “I guess our off world match is about to start?” she asked, stretching her body out.

“Oh right, I’d forgotten about that,” Ethan mused with a small chuckle. “I can’t wait to use my hoverbike again... freaking love that thing.”

“Yeah you sure do,” the mare commented with a small chuckle. However she frowned mid-stretch and glance over at the man. “Wait… if you forgot about that… then what were you going to originally tell me?” she asked.

“I honestly have no idea,” the man said, chuckling. “The second you mentioned our match, it went away and was replaced by images of my hoverbike,” he told her, grinning.

Glen gave the man a small flat look but shook her head and went back to finish her stretches. “So, how did your solo match go?” she asked. “Easy as the rest?”

Ethan let out a slight sigh. “Kind of... yeah,” his voice had an odd... sad tone to it. “I got something else I need to do once I get out of here though.”

The mare glanced back at the man once more with her eye at the man’s tone, but before she could question what he meant, a voice spoke through a set of speakers.

“Contestants, Ethan Smith, and, Glen Stonecutter, please make your way to the lift. Your match is about to begin,” a synthetic woman’s voice informed the two.

Ethan smiled. “Well that’s our cue, come on Glenny,” he said with a chuckle.

Glen nodded her head and stood full straight on her hooves, though her questioning look never really did leave. Ethan glanced down as they walked on their way to the lift and saw her look.

“I killed someone, now I have a sword to reforge and then return,” Ethan explained.

The mare tilted her head sidewise. “Why is that important? Isn’t it just a sword?” she asked.

Ethan shot her an offended look. “It’s never ‘just a sword’ Glen. Especially to a swordsman,” he replied.

“Well, sorry,” she replied. “Not a ‘swordsman’, so I don’t see the meaning.”

“It’s fine, I didn’t really expect you to get it in the first place,” Ethan replied. “It’s just something...I need to do.”

“Whatever...it’s just this is the first time I’ve seen you act like this,” she commented.

“This is the first time I’ve killed someone who I actually respected here,” Ethan said with a small sigh. “Poor old man, just wanted to get back to his family...”

Glen glance upward at the man as they reached the lift. “So do a lot of people in this hell hole,” she told him.

“I know, but he was the first I’ve fought who didn’t enjoy what he was doing,” Ethan replied.

“Well expect more of it here… ‘cause that’s life here in this hole of ours,” she told him as they step into the left and it began to descend. “Thanks to our ‘glorious’ leader,” she muttered with a quick scoff of breath.

“I know,” Ethan answered shortly. “But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“You and me both,” Glen agreed with a short nod.

“Don’t worry, we’ll kill Drek in the end,” Ethan said as they entered the armoury room and the man began to get dressed.

“I still don’t see how that’s possible,” she stated as she began to equip her combat armor.

“Neither do I, but it’ll happen eventually,” he replied. “I trust my friends.”

“Yeah you keep saying that,” Glen commented casually. “But how soon is eventually huh?” she asked with a small glance.

“Eventually is eventually,” the man answered with a shrug. “There’s no rushing eventually Glen, she comes and goes with the wind like a leaf in the hands of lady luck and mother nature.”

“Yeah, well… the wind never blows in this direction,” she stated as she began to put on her battle saddle. “It’s been a nasty drought of just bad luck in general for the lot of us.”

Ethan didn’t bother replying and instead strapped on his sword and his pair of pistols. He also chose to take both his shotgun and his pair of 12.7mm submachine guns, essentially turning him into a walking armoury.

Glen gave a quick look at the man’s armaments. “That’s a lot more than you normally carry,” she observed.

“After the last time and that giant robot, I think I’d rather be safe then sorry,” Ethan replied with a slight chuckle. “Besides, it’s not that much. I don’t have my anti-material rifle do I?”

Glen gave the man a small bemused at his statement look before shaking her head. “Why do I even ask.”

“Cause you love my answers?” he asked with a chuckle. “You done loading up?”

“Yeah, all geared up and ready to fight for my life,” she replied. “Shall we head for the teleporters?”

“Yep,” the man said, already heading for them.

David stood in the void of space, his bare arms crossed as he stared at the floating station in front of him.

That’s a communication array, he mused to Wistala whose body was wrapped around his neck. Her neck stretched out right next to his head as she too stared into the station.

It’s small...but it’s heavily staffed, and I see some of them carrying serious armaments. Not only that, but this station is equipped with heavy duty turrets and shields, she listed off to the man.

Not just for easy broadcast huh? David commented as he raised a hand and rubbed his chin.

No, it’s not, the dragon agreed. This is for something else entirely.

Then let’s go in and see what this little station actually is, David stated as he unfurled his arms and flew towards the station. His body passed through the shield as if it wasn’t there and once he reach the side of the station, he just phased through the metal. David emerged into an empty hallway, which he double checked to make sure.

Satisfied upon seeing no one coming, David passed through the nearest door and entered into what look like a small utility room. It had a few metal shelves holding bits and pieces of spare parts and tools, but most importantly it had a small junction terminal for David to hack into.

The man smiled as he walked over to it and wave his right arm over it, causing a red gemstone on a metal bracer to flash. A holographic inference popped up the man began to let his fingers dance over it as he hack into the stations mainframe.

Suddenly the door opened and the man glanced over his shoulder to spot a large plum, dark blue alien wearing brown overall and dirty white t-shirt. The alien was dragging a small cart with him and he gave David a small sideway glance before double taking with a highly shocked expression plastered on his face.

“You’re-You’re not supposed to be here!” he stated.

“I know,” David causally replied, still working on the holographic interface.

The janitor began to frantically reach down for a small black metal device before a black blur phased through his chest. Wistala glided easily back onto David’s shoulder while the alien janitor stood with wide eyes and his body stiffen. His eyes slowly rolled upward and his body slowly began to tilt downwards before plummeting to the ground; however, an invisible something grabbed his knocked-out form before it hit the ground. He and the cart was dragged to the other side of the room.

David, who was holding a hand out to guide the body, turned it to the open door and flicked his hand to make it close. He glanced back at the alien body, seeing him softly soaring and muttering in his sleep. The man smile slightly before looking back at interface.

“Now, let’s see what secrets this places holds,” he muttered as he worked on getting through security clearance to enter into the main frame.

Glen and Ethan gazed around the barren rocky world they were transported to. The wind whispered by them, swirls of sand flaring here and there in the endless horizon. The man’s hoverbike was waiting patiently a few feet away from the two, looking to be in better condition than when Ethan used her last time.

A fresh coat of light blue paint had been applied, and all the dents and scuffs were buffed out. The handle bars were refurbished as well as the seats with fine pressed leather, and the glow from both of the disk look brighter than ever.

“Oh my God, I think I’m in love,” Ethan said as he rushed up to it and began to examine the machine.

Glen also walked up the bike and examined it as well. “Drek sure didn’t spare the expense on restoring it huh?”

“No, no he didn’t,” Ethan replied as he mounted the blue beauty. “Hop on Glen, let’s go for a ride and see what this little minx can do!”

“And crash and die in a horrible explosion? Nah-uh,” she said with a shake of her head. “Beside, how do you even know we-”


“YAY!” Ethan cheered. “This sounds fun!”

“Or very unfun and very sickly,” the mare commented with disappointed frown. “I’m going to hate this...” she muttered with a downed sigh.

“Well, I don’t think Sexy here has a cannon on her so...” Ethan said as he looked at Glen expectantly.

Glen blinked blankly before sighing once more. “I’m the one that needs to cover our asses, huh?”

“Yep,” the man said, patting the seat behind him. It turned out that there was a conveniently placed set of straps there just for that purpose. “Try to kill as many of the bastards as you can, I won’t be able to do much other than drive...” he trailed off for a moment, tapping his chin as if he’d forgotten something. “Oh yeah, and try not to throw up on the nicely painted bike.”

“No promises for the last part,” the mare commented as she walked up to the bike and host herself onto the seat. She began to fasten the straps across her, making sure they clicked in frimley and were tight as they could be. Glen took in a deep breath, closing her eye and slowly let her breath out. “Alright… I’m ready,” she informed Ethan.

“Awesome,” Ethan replied before turning around to pet her on the rump. “Don’t worry Glen, we’ll kick their asses.”

“It’s not their asses I’m worried about,” she muttered. “Just don’t lose control...the last thing I want is to be some red paste splattered across this desert.”

“Oh ye of little faith,” Ethan said with a smirk as he cranked the handles and the bike roared to life and he drifted them sedately forwards. Ethan guided the bike through the endless fields of sand and rocks, the blazing sun seething into their backs.

“Bad time to wear combat armor,” Glen commented, painting heavily. “I’m being cooked in this heat.”

Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled out a water bottle. “Here, this should help,” he said as he handed it back to her.

“Thanks,” the mare stated as she reach for the bottle with two hooves and grabbed it. She tilted the bottle up and open her mouth, but just then the bottle suddenly burst open causing water to spill everywhere. With that also can a rain of bullets being fired from their left side.

Ethan looked to the left to see another hoverbike rushing towards them, this one a different model than the one he was driving. The bike was sleeker and had mounted machine guns. It also had only one rider, some armored humanoid dude, but it was much smaller than your average human.

“FUCK!” Glen shouted as she was temporarily blinded by the water splashing into her face.

“OI! STOP SHOOTING AT SEXY!” Ethan shouted at the asshole as he accelerated forwards, passing the other bike. “Glen, fuck him up!” he added over the roar of the wind

The mare shook the water out of her head before opening her eye and focused on the bike gaining on them. She shifted her body slightly as she aimed her magic rifle down the range and aimed for the other rider. Reaching her lips over, she grabbed the trigger and bit down, causing her rifle to spit out several bolts of burning pink plasma.

The bolts soared through the air and a couple of them hit the other bike and its rider. Luckily a couple was all it took. Once the rider took two hits in the chest, he fell off his bike and tumbled around in the ground. His hoverbike zoomed sideways out of control as it zigzagged here and there before tilted down and getting caught by a rock. It did a flip and crashed onto it’s back, ceasing to move another inch.

Ethan let out a whoop and guided the bike across the desert, accelerating faster. “Nice shooting Glenny!” he shouted over the wind and the bike’s engine as he zigged and zagged around rock formations.

“Thanks,” she called back. “But think next time you don’t put me in their line of sight huh?” she asked.

“Going to be difficult if you’re wanting to shoot them,” he replied. “You don’t have a lot maneuverability back there you know.”

“I know...but the last thing I want is to end up swiss cheese back here,” she replied.

“You’ve got armour dontcha?” Ethan asked.

“Yeah...armor for slow-moving and low caliber bullets. Not for rifle rounds moving at supersonic speed,” the mare remarked flatly.

“I’m a great driver, you won’t get shot... much,” he countered, narrowly avoiding a large rock. “Besides, getting shot is good for you, it improves the blood flow!”

The mare glanced back at the man, her eye giving him an unamused glare. “Not funny,” she told him.

Ethan let out a laugh as they jumped a ditch and then frowned. “So, do we even know where we’re supposed to be going?”

To answer his question, the man saw a large opening in the ground, growing rapidly. Ethan slowed down and came to the stop on top of the edge of a large and deep canyon. The man squinted his eyes as he study it, and he could see the faint images of bikes racing down there. However, there didn’t seem to be a way down from their position.

“Hmm... twenty caps says that’s where we need to go,” Ethan mused as he reached into his pocket and passed Glen another bottle of water.

“Go where?” Glen asked, accepting the bottle and taking a couple gulps from it.

“I see a bunch of other bikes through this hole in the ground, looks like they’ve got a head start on us,” the man said with a frown as he throttled the bike. “Meaning we’ll have to kill them all if we want to win.”

“Oh goodie,” the mare said with a small frown.

“Yep, get ready to shoot some sons of bitches Glen,” Ethan replied with a chuckle as they started off again, looking for a way down. He found it quickly and he started the bike down a gradual slope which rapidly turned into a nearly vertical descent. Ethan gunned the engines and Glen’s whole body clenched and her eyes closed as she felt rapid speed and the near freefall angle affect her mind.

Ethan pulled them out of it in time to land several feet in front of one of the other racers. The bike bounced and shook side to side now and then, but the man keep it steady and upright while the mare strapped behind him just clenched her body up tighter to not fall off her seat...even though she was already strapped firmly onto it in the first place.

“SHOOT HIM!” Ethan shouted at her, glancing over his shoulder at the other racer.

Glen’s eye shot opened and took a quick look at the racer, whose bike was growing faintly smaller, but the rider was holding up a weapon at them. The mare faintly reached over to her mouth trigger and sent her rifle into a shooting frenzy. The magical bolts flew far and wide at first before Glen regained her focus and narrowed up her spread. The other rider was also firing off his weapon, causing an assault of lasers to besiege them, and for a while the two exchanged fire.

The mare winced and grunted as a couple of the beams hit her, burning small holes in her armor, but the other racer reacted the same as the pink bolts of magic slammed into his leg, chest and arm. Then, with a lucky shot, a bolt scored a mark in his head, causing the rider to jerk violently upward and lose control of his bike. The bike veered left and in the blink of an eye slammed into the wall to blow up in a fiery array of death.

Meanwhile, the hot air rushed past Ethan’s face as he guided them on their hectic course down the canyon, swerving and dodging around incoming rocks. The aptly named ‘Sexy’ handled like a dream and responded to his every whim, working in perfect time with his commands. Half a minute after Glen had dispatched their first foe, Ethan caught sight of several more bikers up ahead, most of them already in a firefight with each other.

“Glen, more up ahead, prepare for action!” he called over his shoulder as he pulled the throttle back and their bike launched itself at the other bikes at an incredible pace. They reached them within a few seconds, the wind slapping Ethan in the face along with the acidic smell of the bikes and the guns along with the pungent odor of the bikers themselves.

It was a canacopany of chaos for a moment, Ethan weaving and dodging this way and that, until they burst through the battling bikes. Glen gave cover fire where she needed it, targeting bikes whose aim focused upon them.

Ethan threw a look over his shoulder at the bikes which were still alive, and frowned. “Can you kill them? They’re probably a lap ahead of us already,” he called to Glen.

“TRYING TO!” she replied back her rifle spouting several shots out. “But the last thing we want is to burn out my rifle, so don’t argue about my fighting method.”

“Fine,” Ethan replied with a frown. “Just try and get it done fast, okay?” he asked as a bullet slammed into his shoulder, not doing much.

“Like I said, working on it!” she replied, landing a hit one one of the bicker’s vehicles to make it lose control. “Now shut up and drive!

“Guess no one likes a backseat shooter,” the man grouched as he maneuvered around a strange fat creature who’d walked into their way. A moment later Glen saw another of the bikers slam head first into the creature, causing the bike to explode. Oddly enough, the creature appeared none the worse for wear.

The two continued like this for another ten minutes until they were the only ones left alive in the canyon and when they finally pulled over the finish line the last time, nothing happened.

Glen was breathing heavily and a thin faint smile formed on her lips. “I think we did it,” she told Ethan.

“Looks that way, yeah,” Ethan mused with a frown. “When does the real challenge start?”

The mare frowned and glanced back at Ethan. “What do you mean?” she asked him.

“No way in hell it was that easy, or fast,” Ethan replied. “Also, the announcer hasn’t said anything yet.”

“Well maybe we forgot someone,” the mare stated with a small shrug.

“You and I are the only ones left in this canyon,” Ethan stated as he turned the bike off.

“Well...maybe the last one hasn’t found the canyon yet?” Glen commented as she started to unclip her straps.

“Or maybe she’s here right now,” the man said with a casual shrug.

The mare paused slightly at the man’s word and glanced back at him. Ethan gave her a semi-sad smile.

“She’s been here for a while, hasn’t she Glen?” he asked her.

The mare blinked before chuckling lightly in a small nervous tone. “Hehe… I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she told him.

“Strange,” Ethan commented. “She’s not a very good actor, at least, not when compared to me anyways,” he continued. “You see, I knew something was up when she rather quickly came up to me after I’d just finished killing those two idiots in the beginning. That doesn’t really happen very often,” he said with a slight chuckle as he glanced at her.

“Not to mention how willing she was to put up with my bullshit along with all of the rather pertinent questions about my equipment she kept throwing my way,” Ethan let out a slight chuckle. “The missing eye was the final little hint, I’m guessing that Drek removed it in order to make her do as he ordered by way of threat,” he said with a small shake of his head. “Meaning, that I’m not very angry at her.”

Glen’s pupil shrank in fear still. “I… I… I...”

“I know,” the man replied softly. “But you know what? Despite all that, Glen, you’re still my friend.”

Glen closed her eye and lowered her head. “Then… I’m sorry for this...” she said. In flash she reached for triggers and clamped both, causing her machine gun and rifle to fire upon the man.

Ethan took the bullets and magical energy blasts to the chest. Then, he got off of the bike and gave her a sad expression.

“Really?” he asked with a raised eyebrow as blood poured ineffectively down his chest.


The man didn’t bother responding with words instead he drew his revolver and calmly shot Glen’s energy rifle. The rifle jerked to the side, but it didn’t fly off of the mare’s saddle or break. Glen bit down on her triggers to dual fire her guns at the man who easily stepped around the incoming fire and fired twice more, both shots ramming into the magical rifle. The weapon jerked some more, but it was fastened firmly onto the saddle and it was still in working order as the mare fired it and her machine gun off and scored a couple of hits on Ethan.

Ethan took the shots, his armor dealing with the bullets along with most of the magic damage, and he charged forwards with his sword. Before Glen could react the flat of his blade slammed into the side of her face, sending her sprawling. The mare used her forehooves to push herself back up, shaking off the daze in her mind. Her ears perked up slightly upon hearing footsteps from behind and without a second thought she reared up and delved a powerful buck.

She was rewarded with a grunt of pain, but a pair of firm fingers grasped onto her leg and she found herself airborne before being slammed face-first into the ground. Glen let out a painful gasp of air as it was knocked out of her, but got back onto her hooves and into a fighting stance towards the man who was standing not far away from her.

The red blade slapped out and smacked into her chin, lurching her head back before he brought it around for another smack to the side of her cheek, sending her tumbling once more to the ground. Glen’s vision swirled as one side of her face ached and swelled, but she shook her head and focused on Ethan to fire another set of rounds at him. Her aim was off and the rounds went wide.

Ethan closed with her brought his sword around to bash into her side with enough force to break a rib or two. An agonized grunt left Glen’s lips, but she pivoted on her front hooves and sent another buck at the man. Ethan swished away from the buck, which was going much slower than Glen thought it was, and delivered another powerful blow, this time hitting the other side of her chest.

The mare let out an inflamed exhale of pain as she stumbled around a bit, but still kept her ground. Glen’s breaths were becoming raspy and labored, as each breath brought a spike of pain in her chest. She slowly turned towards the man, who simply gave her a bored expression. Before Glen could react, Ethan closed with her and grabbed her by the front of her barding, lifting her into the air and then slamming her down to the ground, back first. The mare let out a sharp exhale and her pupil went wide as she felt her whole body become paralysed with pain. She lay there on the ground, twitching and fighting, trying to move, but her body wouldn’t respond to any of her commands.

Ethan stood over her, the bored expression still on his face.

“Really? That’s the best you’ve got?” he asked.

A camera hoovered up next to him, and it began to emit the sound of people chanting.

Finish her, finish her, finish her,” the crowd sanged.


Ethan let out a sigh. “No, I meant is that really as in that’s the best you can do, Drek,” the man said, looking at the camera. “If I was the audience, then I’d be really annoyed at you right now,” he continued casually, ignoring Glen. “Going for the whole ‘friends fight to the death’ thing? That was the best you could come up with? My ten year old son could come up with a better idea for a match, I’m sure everyone out there has seen this a million times and are bored to tears by it.”

The chanting from the camera didn’t cease.

“That’s not what the people think,” Drek’s voice spoke through the speakers.

“But it’s so damn cliche,” Ethan replied with a shake of his head. “I’m surprised that you bothered setting this up, I mean honestly, couldn’t you have done better? I thought you were an intelligent guy, and here you are, falling back on this.” He turned back to Glen and gave her a small smirk before looking camera. “Just to let you know, I’m not going to kill her, she’s my friend and I don’t do that,” he told Drek and to the crowd.

Some of the chanting stopped, but there was still a few hundred strong still calling for the mare’s head.

“Do you know what that means for both of you?” Drek asked him. “Neither of you will make if off this world alive,” he told them.

“Actually, we both will,” Ethan replied casually. “Drekky.”

“Oh? And why would you think that would ever happen?” the alien asked.

“Welllll the way I see it, you depend on ratings right?” Ethan asked with a small raised eyebrow. “And I honestly can’t imagine that you killing my friend here would net you very high ratings. Especially because if you kill her, then you’d better kill me too, because I won’t fight. In other words, you’ll lose one of your most successful gladiators along with all of the money I could make you in merchandising,” he said, letting out a small chuckle. “Not only that, but it will show the galaxy that you have no real control over your fighters, and thus show that you’re incompetent at your job.”

Derk chuckled lightly. “You really think you’re my only source of income?” he asked the man.

“Not in the least,” Ethan replied. “But I do know that if you kill us like this then people aren’t going to be very satisfied with you,” he added, winking at the camera. “After all, this race was boring, this fight was boring, and now they're going to think they have wasted their money and time. That can’t be very good for your reputation, Drekky.”

Ethan looked at the camera, projecting his image to the crowd.

“Honestly folks, if I were you, I’d be criminally disappointed in this showing, here you are, hauling yourselves out to this random little backwater of the galaxy to see the most thrilling fights in all of creation and this was the best that the ‘great’ Chairman Drek could do...” he gave them a small smirk. “You know, if I were you, I’d want my money back.”

The chanting all but ceased and there was the faint sound muttering emitting out of the camera’s speakers.

“How about this, instead of me killing my friend Glen here, how about you get to see me have a real fight eh?” he asked with a small smirk. “I’ll take on Kharon in a battle to the death in exchange for Glen’s life; how does that sound hmm? Think that would be worth your time?”

The sound of the muttering increased in volume and before long there was growing chant. “Fight Kharon! Fight Kharon! Fight Kharon!

Ethan let out a small chuckle. “I guess the people have spoken then,” he said with a grin. “Oh, and guys and gals? Don’t forget that Drek owes you for this one, so if I were you, I’d demand free admission, and drinks.”

There was a roaring agreement and Drek remain silent for awhile.

“Fine then,” Drek spoke through the speaker sounding clearly agitated. “If you want a fight with Kharon… then you’ll get a fight with Kharon,” he told the man. “You can also spare Ms. Stonecutter’s life, but her recovery is on you,” he added.

“Thanks, Drekky,” the man replied as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of super stimpaks, quickly injecting them into Glen’s side. The mare let out a raspy breath as some of pain left her, but the broken ribs still poked and prodded inside leaving short spikes of pain to still pop up with each breath. Ethan bent down and gently, with the same care as when he’d held his children, picked Glen up in his arms.

“Sorry about the broken ribs Glen, but you wouldn’t stay down otherwise, you’re damn tenacious,” the man told her.

The mare smiled weakly as she tried to repress a chuckle and not move around. “Thanks… but you di-”

“Shush,” Ethan told her tenderly as he put his fingers to her lips. “Alright Drek, beam us up.”

Without a response from the man, they disappeared in a flash and swirl of blue light.

Omega stood in the small bar watching the screen and shuffling his pack of cards. A small amused smile forming on his lips. The man was able to convince the crowd a straight was better than a royal flush, he thought to himself. That takes some skill...and I should know, he added with a single chuckle. Anyways, how is it going over there David?

Well, I got some good news and slightly bad news, the man replied in the fox’s mind. The good new is I completely hacked into this communication station’s mainframe. The bad news is I learned what the true purpose this station severed other than to broadcast the fights. It’s used to signal clearance for world-wide saturation bombing on different worlds in different dimensions.

So not only illegal tournaments, but a multiverse-spanning menace as well? Omega mused. Something else to add to his list of charges...think you can bring it offline?

That shouldn’t be much a problem...though if I do that then Drek will definitely know we’re here, David informed him. Not only that but I haven’t been able to hack into the last sever, and that server controls many of the stations main functions.

Well you better hack into it quickly, Omega instructed. Cause Ethan just got onto Drek’s bad side and he is picking up a tough fight… from what I’ve heard that is, the fox explained. This Kharon fellow is supposed to be the top gladiator in this tournament and is supposedly undefeatable. So we need to act fast.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m working on it. I should have hack through within the hour or so, David replied. If all else fails, help keep Ethan alive if you have to.

Right, the fox said with a small frown. Godspeed to you then.

And he to you, the man replied.

Omega took in and let out a deep breath. Ethan had played his ace in the hole, now it was up to him and David to play theirs… and hopefully they’d be able to play it just in time.