• Published 8th Mar 2012
  • 931 Views, 17 Comments

Adventures in Equestria* - The Jello Master

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Gary Catches All The Ponies and Forces Them to Fight to the Death

Gary Catches All The Ponies and Forces Them to Fight to the Death
Written by: The Jello Master, Zalg (Magikarp), and Zick

Gary Oak was sit in Pallet Town. “To Hell with Pallet Town” said Gary, nuke Pallet Town. “Shit, I forgot my Pokémon to make fight to death” said Gary Oak, disgustedly. Gary used arcane magic to summon a portal to Ponyville. Gary stepped through portal, wield dual desert eagles. Gary shoot down 3rd Street Saints in badass drive by. “Oh shit” said Gat as face get blown off. Gary then approached pony town meeting with huge sack of balls. Gary catch all the ponies using balls. Gary return the pony filled balls to his sack. Gary then construct an arena using nothing but lobster shells. Gary sat in high chair upon large podium. Gary release Twist and Rainbow Dash into the arena, drop weapons. Rainbow Dash grab chainsaw, Twist grab toothbrush. Epic battle ensues, Twist saws the head off of Rainbow Dash with toothbrush. “Anypony else want some?” yell Twist. Gary then shoot her in face with desert eagle. Twist survived. Suddenly, Spike smash through walls on the back of Bullet Bill. Spike shoot Gary with Gold-Plated Ak-47. Gary died an agonizing death. Spike loaded all of the ponies into a large schoolbus. Ponies grabbed weapons and prepared to fight their way out. “Fus Ro Da” said the Dragonborn, slaying Spike, destroying schoolbus. Survivors run, but they are no match for turbo-Gary. Turbo Gary threw all of the Chaos Emeralds and Sonichu Balls into the air. Gary then used his machine gun built into his arm to kill every survivor except Twist. Twist then turned into Ultra-Twist using all of the Dragon Balls. Ultra-Twist has the power to make thing explode. She accidently looked in a mirror and exploded.

Good thing she wished to be immortal. She killed Gary with silver-plated .45s. She then sat on the curb, drank a 40 and rockets emerged from her hooves and she flew off into space.