• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,738 Views, 120 Comments

(SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love - Brian Jacko

After fasting and giving up sports and exercise, Rainbow Dash needs to get back into shape for her training with the Wonderbolts. Her friends tag along for the work out as well, but trouble finds Rainbow Dash along the way.

  • ...

Applejack Shows Affection

A servant came over and placed the fancy square shaped dish of dessert in front of Applejack.

Applejack bent over and sniffed it. Apple pie and ice cream!? I love apples! I reckon that whoever ordered apple pie fer dessert is a very good pony in my eyes."

Rainbow Dash popped out from behind Applejack and said, "Only the perfect stallion for me, A.J. He loves apple pie and can eat it all day long."

"Shoot!" Applejack said. "I reckon it's too late fer me to marry him. Why can't I ever find a stallion who loves apples that's NOT related to me family wise."

"You'll find him one day, A.J. and he'll be the apple of your eye!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I just hope that he doesn't eat her," Pinkie Pie said. "I bet Applejack is more part apple than pony, but she's also like an industrial lifting machine. She would probably taste like a metallic tasting apple with pony fur."

"Uh...." Applejack tried to think of a response, but she got distracted by her favorite bluegrass tune of all time. "Why are they playin' bluegrass at yer weddin'?"

"You're a bit slow, aren't you, Applejack?" Rainbow said. "I picked this song out just for you so that we can dance together."

"Aw, shucks! Yer makin' me feel all kinds of special deep down inside. I reckon that ya can't be actin' funny with me now that yer hitched, so ok. Let's dance, sugar cube!" Applejack got out of her seat and then looked down at her dessert. "But wait! I didn't get to eat my dessert yet! If I don't finish it, the ice cream will melt!"

Twilight Sparkle used her magic to prevent the ice cream from melting. "Go on Applejack, I put a special spell on your dessert so that the ice cream won't melt."

"But what if somepony eats it?" Applejack asked. "I don't like to miss out on food."

Twilight face hoofed. "Applejack, you can go out and dance for a few minutes and not worry. I'll watch your food."

"Shucks," Applejack said. "Ya'll know that it's hard fer me. Ya should take this as a compliment, R.D. I don't just leave food sitting there fer nopony!"

"Just go and dance," Twilight said. "The song doesn't last forever."

Applejack hurried over with Rainbow Dash and danced. She danced with Rainbow Dash and totally forgot about her food because she was having so much fun.

Rainbow Dash had no idea how to dance to bluegrass music, but she just tried to copy Applejack to the best of her ability. Applejack even stopped dancing to show her the ropes.

Vinyl Scratch had the spotlight shining on the two of them the entire time and many pictures were taken of the two.

They danced together until the song ended and a new song started to play. They walked to the side of the dance floor closest to the table where Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends were sitting.

"So did you have fun, A.J.?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That meant so much to me, sugar cube, and I just want to tell ya somthin'."

"Rainbow Dash smiled and said, "Go on."

Applejack looked all around her to make sure that no pony was looking. She leaned over and kissed Rainbow Dash on the forehead with her eyes closed.

A flash from a from a camera went off during that time.

"Wow, A.J.," Rainbow said. "I never thought that you would ever do something like that."

"Now don't go thinkin' I'm bein a funny filly with ya. I hope that ya don't interpret that fer anythin' more than an act of affection fer my..." Applejack's words trailed off.

"For your what?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack sighed and said it again, "Don't tell any of the other girls this, but yer my most favorite friend out of our lil' group. There's somethin' 'bout ya that I can relate to so well."

Rainbow's eyes widened and she let out a little squee in delight. "I guess that it doesn't hurt to admit that you're my most favorite friend too. I'm not trying to downplay our friendships with our other friends. They are all just as magical and important to me, but I can relate to you the most, and I have the most fun hanging out with somepony who is competitive and athletic in different ways than me. Why did you think I picked a bluegrass song to play first out of all the other fun songs I picked for my friends?"

Applejack's cheeks were bright red. "Aw, shucks, Dash. I didn't know ya liked me that much."

Pinkie Pie popped up between the two and showed them a picture that she had taken herself. "Hey look! I got a picture of Applejack being super, super gay with Rainbow Dash just like Jonathan and David were. I knew that Applejack was gay for Rainbow Dash deep down inside. She just needed to give it a little more time to let it all out. I'm going to get like a million copies of this picture! We got ourselves a gay A.J., or more like, Gay J." Pinkie Pie shoved the picture in front of Applejack's face.

"Hey! Give me that!" Applejack tried to snatch the picture away, but Pinkie Pie was too quick and pulled it back just in time and then happily bounced away. "I think one of these days, Pinkie Pie is really going to push me over the edge. She needs to drink Lithium by the bottle."

"That's funny," Rainbow Dash said. "Twilight Sparkle tells me that she is planning on giving her some of that stuff when she gets too wild. I guess instead of cramming apples into her mouth, we'll be cramming Lithium capsules in her mouth."

"Ya gotta do what ya gotta do," Applejack said. "As long as Twilight doesn't lose it and tries to whack her over the head with a giant magical mallet, then I think that we can find a more ethical way."

"Bless her heart. She only means well," Rainbow said.

"She's just as an important part of the team as everypony else. I reckon that God likes to have a lot of fun with us through her, but sometimes she can take things a tad bit too far," Applejack said.

Rainbow shrugged and said, "No pony is perfect. I couldn't imagine the lack of randomness and laughter without her in our group. She can be tons of fun when it comes to pulling off pranks. God does have a great sense of humor after all!"

Applejack caught a glimpse of her dessert out of the corner of her eye. "Well, I got an apple pie that's callin' my name. I thank ya kindly fer the dance and fer thinkin' 'bout me by pickin my favorite song fer yer weddin'."

"And make sure to tell Pinkie Pie to come up here next. I have the playlist set to have each one of your favorite songs get played, but with an extra song placed in between each song that I chose for you girls so that I can spend time talking to each of you after I dance with everyone of you."

Applejack nodded her head ok, and went back to her seat. She, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight were the only ones currently sitting at the table. The rest of the other ponies went off dancing or socializing with other ponies including Risk Taker, who was having a discussion with Big Macintosh and Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash watched as Applejack whispered into Pinkie Pie's ear and then bent over and devoured her dessert.

Pinkie Pie sprung up out of her seat and galloped over to Rainbow Dash's side. As if right on time, a happy hardcore song named July by an artist named Smiley came on and Pinkie Pie almost exploded with excitement. "Everpony clear the dance floor! This is my jam!"

Applejack saw that Pinkie Pie had left that one picture on the table. She reached out and was about to put her hoof on it so that she could tear it up, but Twilight Sparkle teleported it over to herself.

"Yer not gonna use that picture to try to expose me in anyway like Pinkie Pie said, are ya?"

"Absolutely not, but I'd like to save it." Twilight Sparkle levitated the picture with her magic and showed Applejack. "This picture is just all kinds sweetness and adorableness. I don't want to upset you if you're embarrassed by it, but come on! This is seriously the most adorable picture I have ever seen and it is Christ like to show love and affection like this. You shouldn't be ashamed about this picture. Don't you want Jesus to hug or kiss you when you get to Heaven? I mean, I can get rid of this picture if you REALLY can't stand it, but I'd just like you to dwell on what I said."

Applejack took a sip of her Champaign and put the glass down as she thought about what Twilight said. "Golly. Sure I wanna be kissed and hugged by Jesus. I guess I need to work on bein' affectionate. I'm just used to how it is on the farm and I was brought up belevin' that kissin' whether sexual or not was fer mares and stallions only. I guess that I just didn't understand it all. I didn't even understand how to explain to Granny Smith that I didn't want to attend Mass anymore since Fluttershy introduced me to the church that ya'll go to. I like the church we go to now much better and she would probably think it was weird that you girls convinced me to get Baptized as an adult mare even though I was already Baptized as a foal. It would be like double dippin' in her eyes. I'm sure that she'd have a fit if she found out that I play Dungeons and Dragons with ya'll too. Ya'll know that my whole family is Catlick and they probably wouldn't see things like we do. I do attend Mass once in a while to keep my family happy though."

"Did you mean to say, Catholic?" Twilight asked.

"That's what I said!" Applejack said. "My whole family is Catlick."

"I think that we have to work on your accent," Twilight said. "I'm envisioning a cat licking something every time you say Catholic."

"I ain't go no accent!" Applejack said. She was rather annoyed at that comment.

"I'm sorry," Twilight said. "So can we at least keep the picture?"

Applejack sighed. "Yes. Ya'll can keep the picture."

"Didn't your mother ever used to kiss you?" Twilight curiously asked.

Applejack put her head down low and said, "My parents aren't alive and I don't have any personal memories of them. All my family has is just a few pictures and stories that Granny Smith tells me."

Twilight put her front hoof to her mouth. "I'm so sorry I brought that up, Applejack. I never knew that about you. I hope you're not upset with me."

"Not a chance, Twi. Ya didn't know any better and I have been very silent about that topic. I guess there will always be a deep down hurt inside of me since I never got to know my parents." Applejack looked at Twilight with a look of pain on her face. "Do ya think that maybe I could open up about this in yer support group sometime, Twi?"

Twilight Sparkle perked up a bit and said, "Absolutely. Would you like to talk more about this now?"

Applejack nodded her head yes innocently and began discussing her hurt with her friend.