• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,738 Views, 120 Comments

(SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love - Brian Jacko

After fasting and giving up sports and exercise, Rainbow Dash needs to get back into shape for her training with the Wonderbolts. Her friends tag along for the work out as well, but trouble finds Rainbow Dash along the way.

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The Big Day

Rainbow Dash continued to train hard and regained much of her strength. She was able to walk and fly again and she praised God much of her time. She wasn't so thankful that she could walk or fly again, those were wonderful blessings, but she was more grateful over the fact that Risk Taker had come to know Christ. She also got her old job back doing weather patrol.

Rainbow Dash went with Soarin' to see her awards displayed proudly for all to see. She couldn't believe that she had broken just about every record. She starred in the new and upcoming Wonderbolt's products and collectables and she went to sign autographs with Soarin' and the rest of the Wonderbolts. She was shocked that everypony had swarmed around her and asked for her autograph first. She couldn't believe this because she had never performed an official show as a Wonderbolt, but Spitfire had promoted the name of what in her opinion was the greatest Wonderbolt of all time every where she went. This was true, even if she never got to perform a show with them. Rainbow Dash had out-performed every other Wonderbolt during her training with Soarin'. She realized that perhaps another good reason why she wouldn't be performing with them was because of the ridiculous size of her fan base. She could only imagine just how much larger her following would be if she actually had the chance to perform with the daredevil team and she could easily see herself having a massively inflated ego and becoming proud once more. It was almost as if they were worshipping her for her accomplishments and records that she broke and it made Rainbow Dash very sad inside her heart. Rainbow Dash also made sure to fly Scootaloo up to the Wonderbolt's academy and have a very personal picture taken of the two of them together. Rainbow Dash also wore her Wonderbolt's uniform for the photo shoot. She signed the picture and Scootaloo put it in a frame to keep. Rainbow Dash also suffered from chronic pain, especially in her wings. The only three things that seemed to help her the most were warm baths, gentle massages that Soarin' gave her, and also the anti-inflammation foods and herbs that Fluttershy provided.

The time for their wedding was getting closer and Rainbow Dash's friends worked so very hard to prepare for her wedding. Twilight Sparkle made sure that everything went according to plan no matter how much stress she was under. They all wanted to make sure that Rainbow Dash and Soarin' would have the best time ever. By now, Soarin' had sold his house and moved out. He was living with Rainbow Dash in her home.

Many Pegasus ponies shipped what was needed for Rainbow Dash's wedding. They were getting married in a very fancy building that was specifically designed for weddings in Cloudsdale.

Twilight Sparkle, Risk Taker, Big Macintosh, Spike, and the rest of her friends walked into the room. They were all exhausted because of all of the preperations that they had going on and Twilight had to cast so many cloud walking spells on many different unicorns and earth ponies.

The ponies all took a seat and Spike hopped onto Twilight's back as they waited.

Everypony was dressed in a tuxedo or dress and even Spike was dressed up as well with his little bow tie and top hat.

Spike took out the box that contained the wedding rings and gawked at them. "I can't believe Rainbow Dash decided to let me be the ring bearer. These diamonds are so pretty.....and look so delicious!"

"Just don't eat them Spike," Twilight said. "We all know that you can be gluttonous when it comes to gems, but the last thing we need to happen is that my little baby dragon ends up with two wedding rings in his tummy."

"I'll be careful. I promise," Spike said. He took one last look at the shiny rings and then forced himself to shut the box and looked away.

Fluttershy leaned closer to Big Macintosh and whispered, "I'm so nervous about having my song birds perform with Octavia. I have been training them so hard and I hope that I didn't strain their vocal chords." Fluttershy looked over and saw her song birds sitting on a golden perch. She turned back to Big Macintosh and said, "Um, weddings can be a bit nerve racking. I hope that..." Fluttershy's words trailed off and she began to mumble.

"I didn't hear those last few words," Big Macintosh said.

"Oh, I just said that I..." Fluttershy's words trailed off once more.

"Ya could work on yer volume when ya speak. Maybe ya should take lessons from yer friend, Pinkie Pie, but just not talk THAT loud and fast."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and said, "I hope maybe one day I get married too." She then looked away shyly.

"Maybe someday you will," Big Macintosh said. "I know at least one pony who is interested in ya."

"Oh, I didn't know any stallion was interested in me. Who are you referring to?"

"Me," Big Macintosh said.

Fluttershy's face turned bright red and it matched the color of Big Macintosh's coat. "I-I-I didn't know we were officially dating. I just kind of assumed that we were just friends since Rarity was the one who kind of threated to burn your barn down if you didn't go on that first date with me."

"I reckon that she said that fer motivational factors. Ya should spend some more time with me when I'm not workin' of course. I admit, I can be a bit shy too sometimes." Big Macintosh looked over to where Rainbow Dash and Soarin' would be getting married and continued, "But I would like to see myself standin' up there with a pony as sweet and as pretty like ya."

Fluttershy's face was even brighter with blush. She began to stutter. "I-I-I think I would love that too. M-m-maybe we can spend some more time together......if that's ok with you." Fluttershy was bearly able to make eye contact with him for a second and then she added, "Do you think we could dance together tonight?"

"I was just about to ask ya the same thing," Big Macintosh said.

"O-o-ok. Just please try not to step on my hooves. Thank you," Fluttershy said. "I'm really afraid to go up there and conduct my birds in song. Do you think I should go stand over there now?"

"I reckon that it's almost time. Ya should wait there next to that gray mare with the cello so yer not late with anythin'."

Fluttershy nodded her head ok and slowly walked over hoping that everypony's eyes would be on Rainbow Dash and not her.

Risk sat there in silence for a long time and then finally spoke up. "I still can't believe that Rainbow Dash invited me to come to her wedding. I just don't understand and I don't..." Risk's words trailed off and she was already in tears.

Twilight wrapped her front leg around her and said, "Hey. Didn't you say that you wanted to come here?"

"Risk wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Yes. I wouldn't want to miss this for the world, but a small part of me feels like I shouldn't be here because I don't deserve to be here to see her get married, even though I really want to."

"You shouldn't feel bad anymore. Don't let guilt take a hold of you. Rainbow Dash loves you and you're her friend and our new sister in Christ! Today is a day of joy and celebration!" Twilight took her other front leg and placed her hoof on top of Risk's front hoof. "You're a part of the body of Christ now. You are forgiven and redeemed!"

Risk nodded her head ok and waited for the grand moment of Rainbow Dash and Soarin' entering.

Spike leaned closer and whispered into Twilight's ear, "Just wait until you see what I have planned for the bachelor's party."

"I think that you're a bit too late for that," Twilight said. "Do you even know what a bachelor's party is?"

"Uh, actually I'm not really sure, but I might have an idea," Spike said.

Twilight was about to answer him, but then she got distracted when a mare sat down next to her.

"Hello, the mare said. "I hope you don't mind if I sit next to you. Rainbow Dash talks often about you all."

Twilight and her friends looked at the mare.

"So I assume that you are Rainbow Dash's mother?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, that's correct."

"I remember Rainbow Dash telling me that your husband has a rainbow colored tail and mane just like she does. That's quite a..." Twilight pasued for a moment to think of a good term to use. "Rarity to find a pony with a rainbow colored mane and tail."

"Hey! That's my job to make all of the puns and jokes," Pinkie Pie said.

"Sorry, Pinkie," Twilight said.

"Rainbow Dash talks so much about you all," Rainbow's mom said. "She says that she belongs to a group called, Sisters in Christ."

"That's correct," Twilight said. "We are a group who keeps each other in check with scripture and help one another out if she or we may stumble in the faith. We all have our different strengths and weakness and work as a team in the body of Christ."

"That's so wonderful," Rainbow's mom said. "I can't believe how my little girl has grown up and I can't even believe that she survived that terrible accident. God has really blessed us in so many ways."

Twilight Sparkle was about to say something when something caught her eye. "Hey, everypony, look who decided to come for the wedding!"

Twilight's friends turned around to see, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence walk into the room. When they walked by Twilight and her friends, the ponies bowed low to the Princesses.

The Princesses were all wearing their most magnificent dresses.

Princess Celestia lifted her front hoof up and said, "Oh, girls, It's ok. You don't have to bow down every single time you see me. I understand you're all being respectful, but I'd like to be treated as one of you too, especially since it's someponies very special day today. I wouldn't want to miss out on this. Rainbow Dash has learned so much and has come such a long way in maturing in the faith. She has been sending me so many letters."

"Well, it's an honor to have you here my Princesses," Twilight said. "And I'm sure that Rainbow Dash is going to really appreciate that you decided to come to share in her big day. I know that you must be terribly busy with all of your royal duties."

The Princesses began to walk to the back to find a seat.

"Wait!" Twilight called to them. "Let us sit in the back so that you can sit in the front."

"That's very nice of you to offer, but we told you that we'd like to be treated no differently than how you are all treated," Princess Luna said.

"We don't want royalty to get to our heads," Princess Cadence said. "You're her best friends and you deserve to sit in the front row."

"O-o-ok," Twilight said. "Do you all plan to stay for the dancing and partying?"

"We sure will," Princess Celestia said.

"Would it be ok if I sat with you and spent a little time with you?" Twilight asked.

"Focus on your friend," Princess Celestia said. "This is her big day today, not mine. We can spend some time together later." Princess Celestia winked at Twilight and then took her seat with the other two Princesses.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends watched all of the other ponies enter. The room was very large and ponies traveled near and far. Rainbow Dash and Soarin' were quite popular and had many close friends.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were all there dressed up and had their flower baskets ready for when Rainbow Dash would walk down the aisle.

The ponies continued to talk until the Pastor came out with his Bible.

Soarin' and his best stallion, Lightning Streak, came out of a side door and walked up to the podium.

Lightning Streak was wearing his finest suit and Soarin' was wearing the most well crafted tuxedo that Rarity could possibly design. Soarin' was a stallion who always looked handsome even without trying to make his appearance look better. Now he looked as Rarity described him, beyond fabulous. Both stallions had their tails and manes styled as well.

Twilight whispered to Spike, "You should go stand next to them now."

Spike got off of her back and stood next them.

Everything else began to fall into place and the wedding began. The bridesmaids and ushers came down the aisle and stood at the front.

The maid of honor, one of Rainbow's cousins, walked down the aisle. All eyes were on her as she made her way to the front.

Rainbow Dash wished that she could have had all five of her best and closest friends, but she had to choose only one. She was originally going to go with Applejack, since Applejack was Rainbow Dash's best and closest friend that she could relate to the most out of her group, but all of her friends were just as important as Applejack and she would feel bad if she had to single one out, so she decided to go with her cousin.

Next, the flower girls came down the aisle spreading out pedals from flowers onto the carpet. They were smiling and giggling because they couldn't wait to see this all happen. Scootaloo was especially excited to see her hero get hitched on this day.

The doors to the back opened and right on time, Octavia began to play her cello and Fluttershy conducted her singing birds.

In stepped Rainbow Dash and her father. They both slowly walked down the aisle together. Nopony could take their eyes off of her. She wore the most elegant gown that anypony had ever seen before, and her mane and tail was styled perfectly for this day. Rainbow Dash could hear the many comments about how gorgeous and amazing she looked.

"She looks......fabulous," Rarity whispered to her friends.

"You really did an incredible job on the gown," Twilight said. "And Soarin'. My goodness! Doesn't he look sharp? Blood, sweat and tears must have been poured into your work."

Rarity looked offended and said, "A lady does not sweat."

"That's just a figure of speech. You do sweat at the gym, right?" Twilight asked.

"I'd rather not discuss this issue," Rarity said. "It's not lady like."

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes.

Rainbow Dash was now standing next to Soarin' and stared lovingly into his bright green eyes.

"Are we ready for this?" the Pastor asked.

"Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash said.

The Pastor opened his Bible and cleared his throat. "Groom: I, Soarin', take thee, Rainbow Dash, to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance.

Soarin' repeated the words as he stared into Rainbow's beautiful eyes.

The Pastor turned to Rainbow Dash and said, "Bride: I, Rainbow Dash, take thee, Soarin', to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance.

Rainbow Dash didn't even blink as she stared at Soarin' and repeated the exact words that the Pastor had just spoken.

The Pastor grinned and said, "Soarin', you may now kiss the bride!"

Soarin' lifted the veil and kissed her.

The crowd went wild and stomped their hooves against the floor in approval. Rarity put her front hoof to her forehead and fainted.

Applejack caught her and shook her head several times in disbelief at her behavior. Sure, Applejack and the rest of her friends were teary, but Applejack really couldn't figure out why Rarity behaves in such dramatic ways.

Soarin' pulled away from his wife and Pinkie Pie began leaping up and down. "PARTY TIME! PARTY TIME!"

Before anypony could even respond to her sudden outburst, she had run through the doors and headed to the party room.

"Oh, boy," Twilight said. "She has been waiting for this moment for so long. Let's go see what she has planned.

The ponies began to head out of the room for the party.