• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 12,349 Views, 433 Comments

Celestial Gift - Wolfsalvo

An ODST that was on the Forward Unto Dawn during its destruction is sucked through a wormhole with plenty of other debris. Follow his tale as he crash lands in Equestria.

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Chapter 5: Agreement

(Steel's P.O.V.)

Staring towards the ceiling as the only form of entertainment I was granted, I had since stopped trying to have a conversation with Celestia's guards. Even MP's will have a conversation, if not short, while on duty… these guys must have an extremely strict commander if they wont even say hello.

Turning my attention back towards Celestia, I saw that she was still jotting down notes while she levitated a piece of parchment in front of her. It was interesting and frightening that she and what I now knew as alicorns and unicorns were able to use magic, or some form of energy for whatever they wanted. While I had yet to answer any of the questions she had originally asked, I could tell that the workload she must be trying to handle was immense; meaning no distractions.

Letting my gaze fall to the ground, I began to try and think of something to do, when a sudden thought occurred; I could walk around. Looking towards the doors on the other side of the room, I suddenly reminded myself how bad of an idea that was. Sighing, I decided I could manage a few aspects of my suit while I waited for something to happen, and seeing as Celestia's guards were all alert, I would be safe without my armor; or most of it.

Walking towards one side of the room while I began to take the safety seals off of my gloves, I jerked my gauntlet and hand to the side in a rotating motion. A small popping noise came from the armors locking mechanisms, before I slowly pulled the glove off. Once it was off, I stopped moving forward, spun around, and took a seat with my back towards wall.

Once both my gauntlet glove pair were lying in front of my crossed legs, I stretched my fingers, before looking over the bluish and purple bruises that had formed over my fingers. I grimaced at the sight, but I started to work on the rest of my armor, but I first took my shoulder pauldrons off, so that I could get my armors arms off. It wasn't so difficult to perform these actions once you were in the company for so long, but it was when plasma was sizzling over your armor that it gave you reason to fear; another situation I had been in when I wasn't as experienced. God, the one time that situation happened; it just had to by my thigh armor… I'm lucky it barely grazed the edge of my outer thigh.

Pushing those thoughts aside as I worked on getting my armor off, I made sure that the latches were disengaged from my shoulders before taking them off, and placing them near the pauldrons and gauntlets. I wonder how long it takes for Master Chief to take off all his armor, or if others have to do it for him…

Taking my chest armor off last, I let out a comforting sigh as my torso was now relieved of the stress of heavy armor, and I looked over the pieces of my armor in front of me. Pitch black, dents and scars running over the outer edges, and even a few scraps from recent events, my armor looked pretty good compared to the rest of my squads more beaten armor. Twisting my body as I tensed up, I was trying to stretch out when a few pops came from my lower back.

Out of nowhere, I suddenly felt ready for a nap, and when I glanced over at the throne, Celestia seemed to quickly look back at the paper in front of her. I may have been imagining it, but her guards seemed to snap to attention as well, and this caused me to shrug my shoulders. Leaning my head back, I let it rest on the wall, before I closed my eyes, and began to relax, but I pushed my legs out, and heard a Celestia speaking, and I cracked my eyes open and saw her guards walking away with the parchment she had been using.

When they exited through the door, I looked over and saw Celestia approaching me, and to show courtesy, I myself stood up as well. As she stopped in front of me, she seemed to look me over, before looking down at my armor, before she said, "If I had to guess, I would say you are a soldier. Are you?" Nodding my head, I began to speak, before Celestia asked, "Would you like to take a walk through the gardens?"

That question to me back a little bit, but I nodded as she turned and began to walk towards the back of the throne room, and I noticed it was the same one that I had walked through the previous night. Quickly following so that I wouldn't be left doing nothing, I made sure to at least grab my chest armor…

(Celestia's P.O.V.)

Walking beside the strange man as my curiosity finally got the better of me, I asked, "What is it like where you come from?"

I made sure to watch his expression carefully, and I felt surprise as he winced, before he said quieter than I had ever heard him speak before, "It was perfect, I had the perfect home, nice weather, a caring family, and not a single worry in the world. My family had managed to become financially secure on one of Earth's colonies in the stars… the planet we had lived on was perfect." His expression dropped a bit, and I was left stunned from what I had just heard. His race seemed to not only inhabit their own planet, but many more.

"How many planets does your kind live on?" I asked, wanting to know as much as I could of something new.

"We only occupy a small handful now…" His downcast expression showed anything I needed to know about his thoughts on the matter, before he said, "At least we have the Elites now on our side, so we won't be killed as fast."

"Elites? What, or who, are they?" I asked, as the only way that term had been used was description for those that were the best at what they did; particularly my royal guards.

While we kept walking, Steel looked back forward and said, "Elites are these alien military race, they are nearly impossible to take on in hand to hand combat, and I think they are the main military backbone of the Covenant… or were." Steel let a smile out on his face, before he said in a proud voice, "I have even managed to kill a few of them."

I felt my muscles stiffen, and my hoof hit the ground a little harder than intended, and I knew my eyes probably narrowed. Looking forward and away from Steel, I needed to make sure Steel knew some of the laws of Equestria, especially with the way he had proudly stated that he has killed before. "Steel, you mustn't bring any form of violence to Equestria, and I mean none at all. Murder is the worst crime you can possibly commit… and I don't want to have to send you to the dungeon for such an easy to abide by law; am I understood?"

Steel stopped moving alongside me, and this caused a small amount of emotions to whirl through me. If he was stopping instead of answering, then I could only expect that as him not agreeing to the laws that were in place to protect everypony. Turning and preparing for whatever Steel was about to say, I saw he was looking up and at a statue of one of Equestria's hero's.

Moving back towards him, I made sure to block his view as I said, "If I am to eventually allow you to explore Equestria, you must agree to never harm anypony…"

His eyes locked onto my own now, and he nodded his head before he asked, "And what if I am only trying to protect myself or others?"

"You mustn't, harm, anypony…" I said, being sure to speak in a firmer voice as I hardened my gaze into his eyes.

He raised his hands as he backed away from me, and he said, "Alright, I won't hurt anyone… I'm a medic anyways; my skill is helping those that are hurt."

Nodding my head as I saw a guard approaching from the castle, I walked past him, and stopped before the guard reached me, before I asked, "What news do you have on the supplies?"

"Everything you have requested is inside the storeroom and ready to be gathered at your word, Princess." Replied the guard in front of me, and I saw him stand back and look towards my side, where I knew Steel must've stepped.

"Good, have the decorative materials brought into the throne room and the dining hall, as well as a few decorators so that work can be started right away. I will make preparations with the cooks to bake later tonight, but I want those rooms decorated before then so I can add finishing touches." I said, and I mentally thought about everything else I was to do for preparations for Luna's birthday for the next night. I was going to use an easy concealment spell for after the decorations were in place so that she didn't see them during her night duties, but I also didn't want to have her to walk in while making preparations before night was approaching.

Looking beside me, I saw steel tossing a small spherical object around in his hands, but I ignored that as I had more pressing matters at hand, and I needed to figure out what to do with Steel before I did anything else. He wasn't in the way, but I was able to easily recognize the neglect he was receiving, yet I couldn't let him roam Canterlot, or he would possibly create a panic from his strange appearance. I was willing to send him to Ponyville so that my student, Twilight, could possibly study him and learn more about his race; yet I hadn't made proper preparations for something such as that to take place yet.

"Anything I can help you with Celestia?"

"Hmm?" I asked, as I slowly began to come out of my thoughts, and that was when I saw he was now looking at me with a concerned but humorous expression.

"I asked, if there anything I can help you with? You have been staring at me for a few minutes now at least." He said, before he added a chuckle near the end, and said in a slightly more humored tone, "I know I'm good looking and all, but I didn't think her royal Princess Celestia would be checking me out."

Turning my head away as I now realized my error, I did feel my face warm, but only slightly as I quelled the brief moment of embarrassment, and replied in the most dignified tone I could, "Excuse me for staring Steel, my mind was preoccupied…"

"It's alright Celestia, but seriously, is there anything I can do? I heard something about decorations, cooks, preparations… I can help if you let me; anything is better than sitting around and doing nothing."

"Perhaps…" I lifted my hoof and absently tapped my chin as I thought about what he could help with, and that was when a thought came to mind, but I wasn't sure how well it would work. "You can help me by… no…" What I had in mind was instantly put down as I placed more thought into it, before I realized something that would make this entire preparation a failure, "You can help, but I don't think you will like the assignment."

Steel crossed his arms in front of his chest, and that was when he smirked, before he said, "Like I said before, anything is better than sitting in the throne room, and doing nothing at all…"

(Steel's P.O.V.)

There was in fact something worse than sitting in the throne room and doing nothing, and that was sitting outside Luna's door and nothing to do. My assignment was to distract Luna, and to keep her away from the throne room should she awaken and decide to walk around. Truth be told, I wasn't certain how well this plan was thought out, because while I seemed to be able to get along with Princess Celestia, I had scared Princess Luna when she thought she had killed me. The only way I could think of distracting Luna, was if I somehow got her to come out into the garden with me and explain who or what those statues were about. It was a longshot, but perhaps I would be able to not only keep her from the throne room, but also learn more about where I was at. Princess Celestia and I might have talked extensively, but it was clear, there was still so much more that I could learn about Equestria, and perhaps the history of the kingdom as well.

If she really is the princess of the night, then why worry about her being awake right now? I won't do more maintenance on my armor until later, when I'm not rushed into putting it all back on.

It wasn't until I let my body relax some more than I felt the dull wanting of food, yet I didn't even know where the kitchen was, so I was going to need to resort to my limited MRE supply.

Taking my medical pack off my back and opening up one of the outer pockets, I took out one of the medium sized rectangular packs I had, and I tore open the top so that I could get to the wanted contents. Sweet and tasteless military food. It wasn't as bad as the food that was served in the mess halls on the ships during the time of inactivity or combat situations, but barely. At least the taste won't force me to keep my stomach in place, and it isn't as… exotic… as a few worlds' cuisines.

Placing the contents in front of me, I saw it was an artificial flavored ribs mixture, but I would need water to properly make it, and I didn't want to use any of the water from my medical canteen. Instead, I reached over, and grabbed the packet of crackers, and I grabbed the top of the ceiled packet, and I pulled the top across… or attempted to. Giving a sigh, I took my helmet off, and set it down beside me, before bringing the packet up to my mouth. Placing the plastic in-between my teeth and with both of my hands, I jerked it away from my head, and twisted my head, and tore the resilient packet in two.

Smiling at my brief victory, I placed the trash beside my thigh, and I was about to grab one of the two crackers inside, until a feminine voice asked from beside me in a sleepy voice, "What is… thou doing?"

I closed my eyes as I felt all my hairs stand on end while a violent shiver ran through my back. Opening my eyes slowly, I let out a breath of fear as I let the general shock pass over me, before I said, "I was just about to eat, but I can wait until later. I actually need to… um… talk with you."

Quickly placing everything back into the original box, I slid it into my medical pack again, all before Luna said, "Of course, but first we… I need to attend some private matters."

Standing up as I placed my pack onto my back and grabbing my helmet, I nodded as I said, "That is understood, but I was instructed to act as your escort until the next day ends by Celestia herself."

Luna looked over me, and while I hadn't exactly told her the full truth, she seemed to accept what I said for now, and I began to walk with her as soon as she was on her way. While I did my best to remain slightly behind her shoulder as we walked, I couldn't help but ask, "Luna, what are the citizens of Equestria like?"

Looking over as she did, she said in a somewhat quiet voice, "They are very… polite and forgiving. They also would make thou feel welcome, even though thou is a stranger. Does that answer your question?"

Nodding my head in confirmation, I looked back forward, but it wasn't for long as Luna asked her question this time. "Why does th… you think of my sister and I?"

That question wasn't one I was expecting, and such, I felt a chuckle start to come up my throat as I looked over at Luna. The seriousness in her eyes caused that chuckle to quickly die before it even had a chance to surface, and I asked, "What do you mean?"

Luna stopped and faced me, and I did the same nervously, and she seemed to shuffle her feet a bit, before she said, "I hurt thou the other night, but my sister hasn't shown thou any harm… do you like my sister more than me because of my mistake?"

Oh… I thought she meant in a more personal matter…

"I like you both, but I talk more with Celestia, so I know her more than I know you. It has nothing to do with you knocking me out, because that was my fault… I did come up to you unannounced." I let out a brief chuckle, before I asked, "By the way, what was the meaning of that song you were singing?"

The immediate turning of her head was enough for me to realize that was suddenly a bad subject, and it was immediately reinforced when she said, "I would rather not discuss that song… and I would like it if you don't discuss it with anypony."

I was taken aback slightly, but I complied with nodding my head again, and then we were both walking down the hallway once more…

Author's Note:

Since I'm getting so many negative hits to this story now, how about all you 'haters' tell me what I can do to improve this story instead of telling me how it is now going down the drain. If any of you even bothered to google my name yet and go to my other site, you will notice this isn't what I usually write.