• Published 25th Sep 2013
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(SiC) Part 7- Can You Take Me Back? - Brian Jacko

After much heart ache from their break up, Rainbow Dash refuses to give up hope for Soarin' and feels that she is being called to wait and be patient for him.

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Burn it All Behind

Rainbow Dash sat on the couch in his living room while he went upstairs. He had told her to wait there for a moment. Rainbow Dash looked at the boxes of video games and smiled. She really missed playing them and couldn't wait to play them again.

Moments later, Soarin' came down the stairs with boxes piled on top of each other.

"What do you have in those boxes? Old school video games?" Rainbow asked.

Soarin' put the boxes on the table and said, "No. What I have here is not pretty, Dash."

Rainbow Dash came over and peeked inside of one of the boxes. It was porn, and the first thing she saw was one of her best friends, Rarity doing a little act of foreplay with another mare. The picture was of them both licking whip cream off of each others bodies. "Soarin' we need to get rid of this filth. Porn corrupts character and the minds of those who read or view it. Porn will destroy your sex life and desensitize you to the point where you won't even be able to enjoy or perform as well sexually. One thing keeps leading to another and the cycle never stops unless you trash it all."

Soarin' sighed and said, "I know. That's why I have brought this down. I'm going to get rid of my collection."

"I don't mean to be rude, but I understand from what Twilight Sparkle told me about stallions and their desire to hoard porn that there's always that one copy that they like to keep hidden away when they trash their collection. Is this all that you have here, or is there anything more?"

Soarin' felt major conviction. "Your friend, Twilight Sparkle is a very wise mare. I did leave one last magazine."

"I know this is going to be hard for you, but you have to give it up or else it will just lead to rebuying this junk again. I don't even know how you got so much since Princess Celestia forbids it. I guess ponies will find ways when they are so desperate."

Soarin' ran upstairs and came back with his last magazine and put it on top of one of the boxes.

"That's everything, Soarin'?" Rainbow asked. "Please be truthful."

"That's everything," Soarin' replied. Soarin' went into the kitchen quickly and came back with a single match stick and placed it on top of one of the boxes. "I have had these collections for the longest time. Even when we were dating, Dash. I'm so sorry about that."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over your sins. Remember that guilt is from the enemy and says that you are a screw up and that you aren't any good. Conviction is from the Holy Spirit and He tells you that you need to change, but also not to hold yourself back and move forward. I want to tell you how proud I am of you for moving forward in life and I'm going to be cheering you on in your journey with Christ every step of the way. I love you so much Soarin' and no sin is ever too great for God to take away. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west."

Soarin' nodded his head in understanding.

Together, both ponies took the stacks of boxes and flew down to the ground. They both piled up the boxes of magazines.

"Which box did I put that match in?" Soarin' asked.

Rainbow Dash saw the box with the match stick sticking out of the box. She grabbed it and said, "I found it. Are you ready to do this?"

"Do you want to burn it or should I?" Soarin' asked.

Rainbow Dash gave the match stick to him and said, "You should burn it. It will have more significance if you do it."

Soarin' took the match and then struck it against his hoof several times. The match lit up and he stared at his massive collection for a moment. Back then, there would be no way that he would ever consider doing this. He really believed that God was helping him through this difficult task and he was also doing this because it was the right thing to do and he wanted to please Rainbow Dash. Soarin' dropped the match and stepped back, standing next to Rainbow Dash. He did not feel one bit of remorse or feelings of loss for what was once his most obsessive collection of pornography. Soarin' turned to Rainbow and said, "This is going to seem awkward, but is it really wrong to..." Soarin' paused for a moment. "Never mind, I better not ask."

"No, tell me," Rainbow Dash said. "I promise I won't get upset or judge you."

Soarin' sighed. This was getting way too close to his comfort zone. He turned his head away from her and asked, "Is it a sin to masturbate? I never heard of any verse in the Bible that addresses this topic and I don't have anymore porn, so is it really that bad?"

"The Bible doesn't speak about this act and there's really not much to be said about this topic, but don't do it. It's a selfish sexual act and it is immoral. It's best to practice self control. Would you think Jesus would ever do something like that? What goes through your mind when you do that deed?"

"But the world says that it's normal and healthy to do it. Isn't that true?" he asked.

"Don't listen to the world. Listen to the Holy Spirit inside of you. He will convict you if you may fall into sexual sins. I know this all to well to be true myself. If you really want some more scientific answers about anatomy, my friend Twilight Sparkle knows just about everything out there. Do be assured, you're not going to die from a lack of masturbating. I understand that it can be painfully difficult for males when it comes to giving this up. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to us. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. "

"What do I do when the urge comes about?"

"I don't understand much about males and this issue, but Twilight has a prayer support group when it comes to issues like this and she said the best thing one can do is get outside and exercise. It's a distraction and you burn up all of that sexual energy with your exercise."

Soarin' already knew that was true being a top tier athlete himself. He put his head down and said, "This is going to be extremely arduous for me, but I want to give that up too, for you."

"Don't do it just for me. Do it for God. You're not going to get through this on your own if you think that you can do this all by yourself. You need God to help you through this or you will fail and fall again. Soarin' look at me."

Soarin' picked his head up and looked at Rainbow.

"I know this is going to sound crazy, but I would like you to humble yourself and join Twilight's prayer support group," Rainbow said.

"But that's going to be so awkward for me to admit my sins and struggles in front of an entire group of ponies," Soarin' said.

"I know that sounds weird, but you have to trust me on this. Prayer support groups are really great and the information shared is strictly confidential. The last thing I want to see is for you to fall back into sexual perversions. Will you do it for God? Will you do it for me?"

Soarin' sighed and said, "Yeah, I promise that I will go to the group. I love you, Dash."

Rainbow gave him a hug and said, "I love you too, Soarin'! I know this is very difficult, but I promise that you're doing the right thing. We can talk to Twilight about everything later. Let's go visit her and tell her the good news about me and you."

Soarin' agreed and they both took off together.