• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,147 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 7: Reacquisition

Chapter 7: Reacquisition

Three Minutes After Ditzy Ran Out of the Library...

I guess I'm walking home tonight, Ditzy thought, glancing at her uncooperative wings proudly displaying themselves for the evening sky. I was hoping that my quick run would help, but it appears not, she continued, hopefully they will go down soon. I... just... I don't know what to think about what Creature said, she thought, as she clenched her teeth tighter around the incriminating notes she had gotten from Creature. Shivering as the cool breeze blew through her exposed wings she decided to run home for the last couple of minutes, hoping that nopony would happen to see her.

Upon arriving at her house she quickly walked inside and locked the door behind herself. I know what I need to do to help me relax, she thought to herself trotting up the stairs to her bedroom. Ditzy set the notes on her nightstand then walked out of her room and over to her frustration wall. After kicking the wall a dozen times she decided that was acceptable and headed to her shower. Ahhh... much better... between the excitement, the running, and the kicking it's no wonder I need a shower.

Ditzy enjoyed her cold shower, the cool water finally getting her wings to relax and return to their regular, controllable state. She muttered a few choice words about pegasus anatomy as she dried herself off with her towel and brushed her hair.

Still shivering from the cold shower she jumped into her bed and nestled down into the covers, seeking out the warmth they offered. She turned her head to glare at the innocent looking pieces of paper as she thought to herself, I deal with mean teasing every day, I don't like it but at least i know how to handle it. But this! It was more like flirting than anything else... "I don't know what I'm suppose to do about it," she said despondently, burying her head in her hooves. "Do I get mad? Do I hit him? Do I do it back to him? Do I ignore it? Do I ignore him? And worst of all... did I enjoy it?" she whispered to herself. She felt her wings flare underneath her covers as she reread the notes from Creature. She set the letters back on the nightstand and rolled over, facing away from the confusing words in the other direction. I'll figure it out later, she thought, as she closed her eyes and drifted off in to a restless sleep.

Ditzy woke up five minutes before her alarm would go off and turned it off. "Urgh... " Ditzy groaned as she rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor. She yawned as she got to her hooves and proceeded to walk slowly down the stairs and into her kitchen, stumbling sleepily every few steps. Ditzy went through the usual eat a muffin pack a muffin routine before grabbing her mailbags and postal hat and heading out the door.

She was half way to work when she realized that the reason why flying felt wrong was because she was wearing her mailbags on her head and her hat on her back. I need some coffee, she thought, seeing Sugarcube Corner below her she angled her wings downward towards the front door. I don't like the taste but at least it will wake me up in time for work.

After landing she expected to see Pinkie Pie greeting her as usual. That's funny Pinkie never fails to say hi to me whenever I land, I wonder what's different about today, Ditzy thought as she walked into the building. "Pinkie!" she called out.

Pinkie came out from inside the kitchen, but instead of her usual excitable self she seemed somewhat subdued. "Good morning, Ditzy," she said slowly and quietly.

"Morning, Pinkie, are you feeling alright today?" Ditzy replied.

"I'm... fine," said Pinkie, her hair deflating slightly.

"Sure you are," said Ditzy, looking at the clock, " and when I come back you are going to tell me exactly how fine you are."

"Okay... did you need something before you leave?" asked Pinkie.

"Just a small coffee," Ditzy replied, yawning slightly.

"Do you want the regular or the special?" asked Pinkie.

"I haven't tried the special yet, so I'll take a special please," said Ditzy.

"Sure thing, one special coming right up," said Pinkie, walking into the kitchen. She walked out a second later with Ditzy's coffee in her hoof.

Ditzy took her coffee from Pinkie and gave her four bits, "Thanks, Pinkie!" she called out, walking out the door and jumped into the air, continuing her flight to work. Ditzy gave a huge yawn, closing her eyes and started to fly even worse than usual, when she opened her eyes she saw a purple pegasus narrowly avoid her by swerving around her.

"Hey! Watch where you're going! At least try to not be a hazard for the rest of us," she yelled over her shoulder.

At least I have an excuse for almost crashing, I barely got any sleep last night. What's her excuse, temporary blindness? Ditzy thought, taking a sip of her coffee. This isn't half bad for coffee, she thought to herself, immediately feeling three time more awake. Spying the post office ahead she flew down to begin her day.

Ditzy was sitting outside the library's door, unsure if she should go in. Just remember, if I don't like what he is saying just don't read the letters, she thought, as she gave a firm nod and walked in. She didn't see anypony but she did see that the basement door was open and there was light coming from the doorway. She walked over to the doorway and yelled, "Twilight, are you down there?"

"Come on down, Ditzy!" Twilight yelled, seeming distracted.

Ditzy walked slowly down the stairs and took a few deep breaths before opening the door to Creature's room. Creature waved to her when he saw her and Ditzy hesitantly waved back.

"Awwww, isn't that sweet," cooed Rarity, who was standing next to Applejack a few feet away from where Twilight was engaged in furious conversation with Creature.

"Ah don't know, ah still don't trust 'im," replied Applejack, glancing at Creature warily. "Creature went an' put Rainbow ina hospital, not once mine you, but twice. Ah think tha-"

"To be fair," Rarity cut her off, "Ditzy said Creature never touched Rainbow the second time, that was her own fault. Rainbow even confirmed it... after a bit of persuading."

"Everypony come over here!" exclaimed Twilight, sounding very excited. As the other three mares gathered around Twilight she continued, "Last night Creature told me that he wanted me to wake him up with his real body so I thought to myself 'What is he talking about?' I decided to run a couple of magical scans on his body while he was sleeping and guess what?"

"Well I-" started Ditzy.

"He is under the influence of Poison Joke! That's not his real body at all!" Twilight continued, completely cutting her off. She held up a needle and syringe, "Now as soon I give this to him he is going to give himself the antidote and we will finally get to talk to Creature because he told me his real body has a mouth and ears!"

Uh-oh, thought Ditzy, glancing at Creature nervously, if he was able to get that kind of reaction from me yesterday with just paper, what is going to happen when he actually speaks...

Twilight held the syringe out to Creature who picked it up cautiously with his right hand. He brought it up to his eyes and inspected it for a few moments before carefully plunging it into his uninjured left foreleg. The ponies leaned forward slightly their attention focused completely upon Creature who had by now started to feel the potion take affect.

Creature started convulsing rapidly, bending a few of the metal bars of his cage when one of his limbs hit the metal at the right angle. After seeing this impressive show of strength all of the mares took a precautionary step backward, except for Twilight who stepped forward, her intelligence blinded by curiosity. Creatures skin started to take on a baggy look as his convulsions started to slow. His skin caught fire and began turning into smoke, obscuring him from view.

"Is that normal?" Ditzy asked Twilight, who had backed up to join the other mares.

"I don't know, all I know is that is the right antidote... Actually, he might be having an allergic reaction... I didn't think of that earlier... " said Twilight, as she stared off into the distance.

The sounds of Creature hitting the walls slowed down to a stop. Silence reigned as the mares awaited a reaction of some type.

"Ah think you did it Twi, you dun killed him," Applejack exclaimed quietly.

"But- but- but- but-" Twilight stuttered.

"Now lets not jump to any conclusions, darling. I'm sure he is perfectly alright and will introduce himself as soon as this awful smoke clears," said Rarity, while shooting an accusing glare at Applejack.

Ditzy was getting slightly nervous about Creatures lack of response so she called out towards the smoke, "Creature? Are you okay? Answer me please..."

Ditzy didn't have to wait long before her question was answered by a series of deep hacking coughs coming from inside the cage. Ditzy smiled as all of the mares let out a collective sigh of relief as the smoke dissipated, revealing Creature for the first time.

It was a bit hard to tell but it appeared that Creature had lost more than a tail length of height, it fact he hardly seemed to look much like he did before. Creature's hind legs seemed to end in some kind of heavy black boot, and his pants looked like a twenty-one year old foal had gone to town on them with a collection of green colors, although the finished effect was not unpleasing. His short sleeved shirt was a dark forest green shirt with black highlights all over it making the green look like it was slowly being eaten by the black, From what I can see of his foreleg his muscles are almost as big as they were before. The wound on his right foreleg was thankfully still bandaged regardless of the transformation, however, Ditzy noticed that part of his shirt was tied around the upper portion of his left foreleg, Did he get hurt there earlier?

Once again Creature's head was his most interesting feature, but this time it was because of his features, not his lack of them. He had a short black mane and scraggly beard that looked like it hadn't been touched in a while, his ears were small ovals that stuck out the side of his head and looked like they couldn't be used for much. His eyes had shrunk down to an unnaturally small size and were sitting slightly above a slightly crooked, short angular muzzle. His mouth was partially hidden by his beard and he kept it firmly closed so Ditzy was unable to see past his light pink lips.

Creature glanced down at himself and touched various portions of himself, seemingly reassured that his body wasn't going anywhere he finally looked up at the mares.

"So... where's my beer?" he asked in deep, hoarse voice.

Here, have some music that has absolutely no relation to the story! This is just one of he many songs I have in my "Story Writing Playlist." Enjoy.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to everyone who liked/favorited this story, It has come a long way from the pathetic statistics it had originally.