• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,135 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 6: Communication Part 2

Chapter 6: Communication Part 2

A Minute of Silent Mocking Later...

(Authors Note: Bold letters are for notes being passed between Alex and the ponies.)

Ditzy removed the hoof from her forehead and saw Creature do the same with his paw. I hope Twilight has some more paper around here, she thought, as she looked at the note that Creature had written. The note read, "I have two questions for you. One, can you read this? And two, where are the flying pigs?" Ditzy looked around the room and found a small stack of paper and a pencil sitting on a shelf in the corner.

She picked up the items in her mouth before returning to in front of Creature. Ditzy sat down and got to work on her note.

"Sorry no flying pigs here, but I am. Hi, my name is Ditzy. What is your name?" she wrote. She sighed at her sloppy mouth writing before passing the note and some of the paper to Creature.

"Hello, Ditzy, though I doubt that is your real name, if you're going to lie about your name at least make it believable and not something stupid," wrote Creature.

"That really is my name, my full name is Ditzy Doo," she wrote, before looking down in embarrassment. Creature looked at her intently for a few moments before responding.

"Whatever, so 'Ditzy' where is my real body and when can I have it back?" wrote Creature.

"Real body? What are you talking about?" Ditzy wrote, recovering from the embarrassment of being made fun of, Again. "I never saw you when I was giving you my muffins, the first time I saw you, you looked like this."

"So those were your delicious muffin I got all week?" wrote Creature.

Ditzy nodded happily before writing, "Yes, I baked them myself, I'm glad you enjoyed them."

"They were the best muffins I have ever eaten. But anyways, back on track, if you don't know what happened to my body do you know someone who does?" wrote Creature.

"Yes, see Twilight over there? She should know what happened, she is the smartest pony in town." Ditzy wrote, smiling at the compliment to her baking.

"Which one is she and can you try and wake her for me?"

"Twilight is the purple one, just give me a second to figure out how to wake her." replied Ditzy.

Ditzy set down the pencil she had been holding and walked over to where Twilight was still lying. "Twilight..." Ditzy called softly. "Twilight... wake up," she called a little louder. Ditzy took a deep breath and leaned down, putting her mouth right next to Twilight's ear before yelling, "Twilight!" Twilight just let out a groan and rolled over on her other side. Well at least I got a response, so she should wake up soon, Ditzy thought, looking over her shoulder to see what Creature was doing. When she looked over she found him staring at her rump, Ditzy turned the rest of the way around effectively hiding herself from him.

Ditzy marched over to Creature's cage glaring at him the entire time. Just who does he think he is? Doing that to a mare, Ditzy thought, as she marched over. Ditzy sat down and wrote a note, hardly taking her eyes off Creature.

"Just what do you think you were doing!?" she wrote.

Creature took a moment, seeming to think before writing a response. He had better have a good excuse or I'll... I'll... something. Actually I don't think any excuse is a valid one, there had better be an apology on that paper, she thought, still glaring. Creature finished his note and gave it to Ditzy with an odd look in his eyes, she gave one last glare before snatching it away and reading it.

"If you must know I was looking at the tattoo on your ass. Although, if you like I could stare at your ass and have no problems doing so, it's a very nice one. And the way you wiggled it without even trying, when trying to wake up your friend, flawless. It was the perfect combination of cute and sexy."

As Ditzy read the note she blushed harder and harder, when she finished the note she was sputtering uncontrollably and could swear that her cheeks were so red that the back of her head was pink.

"I... but... you... we... my... that... but... I don't... why... Argggggh!" Ditzy collapsed on the ground, hiding her face from Creature by covering her head with her hooves. Somewhere in the back of my mind I know I secretly didn't hate that, nopony has really ever even bothered to look past my eyes and compliment me before. Even though it was a perverted compliment, it was still a compliment, from Creature no less! He chose to do that to me even though all of the other mares in the room are much prettier than me and- Ditzy was interrupted by Creature touching her shoulder with his paw and holding a note out with the other one. Ditzy was still blushing furiously but she sat up and read it after a nod of encouragement from Creature.

Creature wrote, "I apologize for making you so upset, that was not my intent. In all seriousness, you should have seen the look on your face! That was hilarious, I will never forget that face for as long as I live. Although... would you mind turning around wiggling one more time for me, please? I won't ask again."

"Buck off, pervert," Ditzy replied, walking out of the room while keeping her hips as straight as possible and tail firmly tucked between her legs.

Ditzy closed the door firmly behind her and leaned back against it trying to take long slow breaths in order to get her blush under control. After she no longer felt like she could use her cheeks as a stove she decided to go back inside the room. I should probably wake up Twilight because I know she will want to talk to Creature, thought Ditzy, mentally preparing herself to go back inside. Annnd, now, she thought, looking at the door handle. Annnd, now, she tried again, putting her hoof on the handle but not opening it. She sighed, then turned the handle and walked in.

Ditzy walked over to where Twilight was still lying and leaned down to Twilight's ear, this time keeping herself facing Creature so as to not provoke any more comments. "Twiiiiilight," she called softly, "Creature wants to talk to you about some-." Twilight jumped to her feet knocking Ditzy up and over and landing her on her back. Twilight practically teleported to in front Creature she was moving so fast and started talking faster then Ditzy could follow. Ditzy rolled to her hooves then stood up and turned around noticing that Creature was completely ignoring Twilight and was staring at her. She blushed realizing the comprising position she had been in and hoped that Creature wouldn't comment.

Creature, still ignoring Twilight, who for some reason hadn't noticed yet, motioned Ditzy over. I really hope he doesn't comment, I really hope he doesn't comment, I really, really hope he doesn't comment, she thought as she walked over, still blushing. When she reached the cage Creature's paw was waiting for her with a note, Ditzy took the note and after a minute of hesitation decided to read it, I hope I don't regret this.

"Thanks for the show, but do you do private ones? Don't get me wrong I think its kinky that you want to do that in public but if you came back later I'm sure it would be much more... enjoyable... for both of us."

No no no, not now, please please not now- *Pomf* "I cant take it anymore!" screamed Ditzy, as she ran from the room blushing and with her wings uncontrollably extended. Creature pounded his paw on the floor and pointed at her with his other paw as she left.

Twilight realized that she was being ignored when Ditzy screamed, she looked at Creature and asked, "What did you do to her?" Creature responded by tossing a note out of his cage and promptly laid down and fell asleep. Twilight picked up the note with her magic and read it to herself.

I broke the reality center of my mind when I insinuated to a small gray pegasus with a blond mane, crazy eyes and bubbles on her ass that I wanted to have sex with her, even if it was just to tease her. Wake me up with my real body and some strong beer in my hand and if she comes back later tonight, DON'T LET HER IN.

"What happened while I was unconscious!" yelled Twilight, at nopony in particular, as she started sifting the mess of notes on the floor trying to piece the conversion back together.

Twilight's shout woke up Rarity who slowly got to her hooves and looked around herself and noticed the awkward position of Rainbow's wing, "Darling, don't you think we should take Rainbow to the hospi-"

-tal."Rarity didn't have time to finish her sentence at the library because Twilight had teleported both her and Rainbow to the hospital without so much as looking at them. "I see, well we had better get your wing looked at," said Rarity as she carefully picked up Rainbow with her magic and set about looking for a doctor.

Author's Note:

I'm not going to lie, this chapter was really fun to write.