• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,138 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 2: Surviving

Chapter 2: Surviving

That Evening...

I have been lost in this forest for a week, A whole frigging week and I haven't seen anything that tells where the heck I am. This forest looks more like a personal garden, albeit a huge one. All of the flora that I do recognize shouldn't be anywhere near other plants that I can see and the half I don't recognize doesn't look like anything I have ever seen before, thought Alex, as he walked back to his temporary campsite.

And what's even worse is that no one knows where I am so I have to keep moving and looking for a way out, or I'll just starve out here because I don't know if most the plants are safe to eat. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, someone knows exactly where I am and instead of rescuing me all they do is leave a muffin at my campsite before leaving me alone until the next day. The way my week has been going the next one will be drugged, why you ask? I have no idea, it's just a hunch, Alex continued, as he arrived at his campsite and placed the edible plants that he had found in his stick tent until he returned.

After Alex checked to make sure he still had his lighter, multi-tool, and pointed walking stick he had made with him, he put a few more branches on his fire before he left. He headed for the stream he had found earlier in the week and had been keeping track of as he tried to find his way out of the forest. There they are again, those patches of small, blue flowers that make me nervous just by sitting there. There are never any animal bites on them, so either they grow back every day, or all the animals know they are poisonous. Either way I don't want to find out what would happen if I were to eat them, though Alex, sidestepping the potential health hazard.

Upon reaching the stream Alex looked up through the tree and determined he still had three hours of daytime left, plenty of time to go fishing for dinner. He then picked up a rock next to him and started digging by the stream looking for a worm to use as bait for his walking stick which could also be used as a spear thanks to the sharpened tip. It took longer than he would have liked due to the gunshot wound in his left arm still causing him pain. At least it hasn't gotten infected, that would have been a death sentence out here, he thought, finally finding a worm and putting it on the tip of the spear. He put the worm and a small part of the spear into the water while he stood motionless on the stream bank but ready to launch the spear at any moment. And now comes the fun part, the waiting and hoping, especially the waiting.

About a half an hour later Alex was getting an arm cramp and a severe case of shoulder stiffness when finally. Yes, a fish! Alright now, don't screw this up. The fish came up to the bait and started circling it and nibbling on it. Almost, almost, just a little farther... and... All of the pent up energy in Alex's arm was suddenly released as he skewered the fish, the tip going inside the mouth of the fish and coming out the tail end, killing it instantly. Success! Now lets see what kind of fish I'm having for dinner, Alex thought as pulled the spear out of the water. Looks like a fish, he continued, sliding the fish off of the spear. Yup definitely a fish. And that looks like a problem.

On the opposite bank of the stream there was a wolf-like creature that looked like if is was standing next to him, Something I would very much like to avoid, its head would come up to his shoulders. Option one: back away slowly and quietly and hope it doesn't see me. The wolf seemed to not have heard him as it bent down to get a drink of water from the stream. Suddenly without any warning or discernible noise from Alex the wolf snapped its head up and looked directly at Alex. Option two: back away slowly and quietly and hope it doesn't come any closer. The wolf jumped across the stream easily, making a six foot jump from a standstill look easy, and advanced toward Alex. Option three: disregard first two options, figure out why it looks like it's made of wood, and kill it. I always did like option three.

As the wolf continued to close the distance Alex dropped the fish on the ground and backed away from it, hoping the wolf would take it and leave. Aaand of course it doesn't. The wolf had just stepped over the fish and began circling Alex warily. Alex pointed his spear directly at the beast as he counter circled it, both man and beast had their eyes locked on each others eyes, not breaking contact and scarcely even blinking. They were both moving around the same middle point, neither willing to be the first to give ground to his enemy and neither willing to be the first to attack the other.

They stayed like this for an indeterminate amount of time, the only sounds were the quiet gurgling of the stream, the soft squelch of boots and paws in the moist dirt, and the sound of Alex's own breathing in his ears. Alright, if it doesn't attack soon I will, because I need to get back to my campsite before dark. Quick review of known information, moves its joints like a wolf, acts like a wolf, it's bigger than a wolf, I'm sure as hell not going to check and see if tastes like a wolf, and from here seems to be made of wood... so its a... flying pig? Yeah, seems about right. As Alex was trying to figure out what exactly he was facing, the wolf leaped forward closing the distance almost instantly and diving in for the kill strike to Alex's neck.

Unfortunately for the wolf Alex was ready, sidestepping the lunge he used the blunt end of the spear in his right hand to smack the wolf in the back of the head as it dove past, stunning it slightly and causing it to land on its face not far from him. Alex used the extra time to run over to where it lay and stomped on both of its hind knees, grinding his boots into the wood causing them to break and critically wounding the creature. In response, the wolf reached back over its shoulder and bit into Alex's right forearm latching on with the death grip only animals that know they are dead have. Alex grimaced in pain as he reached into his pocket with his left hand and pulled out his lighter. I've broken boards with my fists before and it seems to be made out of wood so I hope this works... Letting out a yell of exertion and pain Alex punched his fist through the side of the wolf's skull and lit the lighter, a very difficult thing to do while your other arm is being mutilated by the teeth of said creature. The wolf howled in agony, letting go of Alex's arm, small flames shooting out of its eyes and mouth as it tried to crawl towards the stream. Alex quickly backed away from the dying creature, watching as it turned to ash barely a minute after being lit on fire.

Well, its a wolf, its made of wood, and it is flammable, which is probably why they haven't killed me in my sleep. I am glad I never put out my fire to save on lighter fluid, looks like that also saved my life. Alex, picked up his dropped spear and fish and started stumbling wearily toward his camp. However, he didn't make it very far before he tripped on an unseen root and landed face first in the small patch of blue flowers he had avoided earlier. So much for avoiding them but at least I didn't get any in my mouth, Alex thought, as he pushed himself to his feet and continued towards his camp.

Upon reaching his camp he collapsed into the ground by his fire and began to inspect his forearm, most of his forearm was covered in blood and more was leaking out slowly through the four holes on top of his arm and the two holes on the bottom. Alex tore a few stripes of cloth from his already tattered shirt and used them to bandage his arm. He used his left arm to clean the fish because even though the bullet wound still hurt, it was less painful than the wolf's bite. Alex began cooking the fish and placed some more firewood into the flames so that when he woke up the next morning the fire would still be burning. Well it looks like sunset is only a hour or so away so as soon as I eat my fish I will get to sleep, and hopefully I will get up in the morning.

Alex woke up, something was wrong. He looked around himself trying to see what had woken him. The moon is still fairly low, so it is probably around ten maybe ten thirty. As he looked down at his arms to check on his wounds he stared at them in shock before blinking and shaking his head a little. That's funny for a second there I could have sworn my hands were black and covered in fur... Must be my eyes playing tricks on me, everything will look better in the morning. After deciding there was no immediate danger Alex lay back down and fell asleep Everything will look different in the morning... he thought, Because tomorrow is a new day.

Author's Note:

I will give you a hint his hands did not look like hooves...

Chapters are probably going to be written slower because of school but I will do my best, so don't be surprised (or mad) if they don't come out consistently.