• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,135 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 18: Helping

Chapter 18: Helping

The Next Morning, Monday...

Dash woke up. Where am I? she thought, opening her eyes. Well I'm not in my cloud house, that's for sure. She looked around and recognized the inside of Fluttershy's cottage. She also realized she was in Fluttershy's bed. Lastly, she noticed that said yellow pegasus was using her as a blanket and was chewing softly on her uninjured wing. That last one was pretty gross.

Dash tried to get up without disturbing her, but Fluttershy just bit down harder and wrapped her hooves around her neck, trapping her even more. Dash sighed quietly as she got even comfier. I wouldn't have thought that was possible if somepony had asked me earlier. She thought back to the previous night and the events that led up to being used as a blanket...

"I'll get her," sighed Rainbow, running out the door after Fluttershy. She came out of the doorway and looked around, slightly confused. Where is Fluttershy? I was right behind her, and I don't move that slowly with my broken wing. "Fluttershy!" she yelled. Dash listened closely for a few seconds and heard what sounded like crying from above and behind her. Above me?

Dash turned around and looked up. "Fluttershy, what are you doing on Ditzy's roof?" she called out. Her inquiry was met with continued crying. And of course my wing has to be broken, Dash thought, eying the two story building.

"Go 'way," Fluttershy mumbled, still sobbing.

"Why should I?" asked Dash, still looking at the building.

"Peeez go 'way," Fluttershy mumbled.

"Not gonna happen," said Dash. She walked over to the wall of the house and placed both of her right hooves against the wall. She began furiously flapping her left wing while using her hooves to counter balance herself. She slowly walked up the wall using this method and eventually reached the top. She clambered up onto the roof and was unable to contain a victorious hoof pump at the conquering of her foe.

Dash carefully walked along the apex of the roof, keeping both her right hooves on one side and her left hooves on the other side. She walked over to where Fluttershy was sitting and sat down next to her.

"So, you wanna talk about that thing you did inside?" asked Dash, after a few minutes. "You know the whole 'losing your cool' thing. That thing you never do, that I didn't even think you could do."

Fluttershy pulled 'Angel' out of her mouth and responded, "I don't know... it's just... I... miss the real Angel, this rock just isn't the same." She threw the rock as hard as she could, a measly two tail lengths. The rock barely cleared the edge of the roof before plummeting to the ground. Fluttershy wrapped her fore hooves around herself and started rocking back and forth repeatedly. "I don't know what could have happened to him. All of the animals knew not to lay a paw on him and he was smart and he was young and, and, and..." she dissolved into tears once again.

"Hey... it's all right," said Dash awkwardly. "You shouldn't cry because... uhhhh... I'm awesome?" she said hesitantly. "And I'm sure Angel is too, so he'll be fine," she quickly added.

"Do you really think so?" Fluttershy asked, wiping her muzzle.

"...Yes...?" Dash asked. "But either way, would Angel want you to be sad like this?"

"No," she mumbled.

"What do you think he would want you to do?"

"He would want me to avenge him."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down for a sec, there is no need for that," said Dash hurriedly, not liking where this was going.

"I have to find out who did this to my Angel," she said, with a determined glint in her eye.

"But I'm sure he... is... fine..." Dash drifted of into silence under the unwavering glare of Fluttershy. "No, he's probably not coming back after this long..." she said, her eyes downcast.

"I'm going to find the thing who did that to him and I'm gonna, gonna... 'onna... 'na... 'na..." she started crying again.

"It's okay," Dash attempted to coo.

"No, no it's not," she sniffled. "Angel is never coming back, he's gone, Rainbow Dash. I had him for as long as I have been living here. He was the best pet anypony could ask for. And, and, and, now that he's gone I don't even know what to do..."

"Why don't you go back to your house and get some rest?" said Dash, patting Fluttershy's back.

"I don't really want to... Because, ummmm, well..." Fluttershy.

"Why is that? Do you want my help with something?" asked Dash

She turned her adorable, tear filled eyes on Dash. "Please Dash, will you snuggle with me tonight?" she asked, her bottom lip quivering. "I don't want to be alone..."

Dash sighed a long resigned sigh, worthy of many sighing awards...

"MmmmMMmmmmmmm," moaned Fluttershy. "Angelnnghh... no... no... no... no... NO!" she screamed, opening her eyes and staring into Dash's face.

"You're... choking... meeeeee," squeaked out Dash, her windpipe in the process of being crushed by one scared, yellow pegasus hugging her neck with a death grip.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dash, I was having a really bad dream about Angel," said Fluttershy sadly, releasing her.

"It's cool," said Dash rubbing her neck. There was a bit of awkwardness while they both avoided each others gaze. "Let's not speak about this, for both our reputation's sake," said Dash, hopping down off of Fluttershy's bed. "Ever."

Fluttershy just nodded.

"...Well I'm going to go and..." Hmmm, I knew there was something I had to do today... "Check on Pinkie Pie, how about you?" asked Dash, after a minute of awkward standing and shuffling her hooves.

"You go on with out me, I'll stop by later," she said, hugging her pillow.

"I'll be seeing you, then. Bye Fluttershy," said Dash, escaping the awkwardness of Fluttershy's room.

"Hey, Fluttershy?" she asked, sticking her head back into the room. And you're already asleep again, wow. Now what am I going to have for breakfast? Dash thought, leaving Fluttershy alone and walking into her kitchen. I was going to ask her what she wanted me to eat for breakfa... There was an apple sitting on the counter, its deliciousness just waiting to be eaten by a hungry mare. Which I am. A heroic mare. Which I am. An awesome mare. Which I also am. And not Fluttershy. Which I am... Dash carefully looked around to make sure that nothing was watching her. She then grabbed the apple in her teeth and hurried out the door, not looking back. If she had, she would have seen a note under the apple that said, "Only for Angel, DO NOT EAT. p.s. I miss you."

Rainbow Dash arrived at the hospital, already having eaten the fresh apple. She walked into the building and to the front desk.

"Can I help you, Ms.?" asked the mare at the desk.

"I'm looking for my friend Pinkie Pie, can you tell me where she is?" said Dash.

"Just go down that hall, turn left and you can't miss it. Ms. Pie is in room 194," said the mare, pointing her in the right direction.

"Thanks," Dash called over her shoulder, already halfway down the hallway. She found the door marked 194 and walked in without knocking. What she saw nearly shattered her mind. Pinkie Pie was lying on the hospital bed passionately kissing a doctor. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...? she thought, her mouth falling open.

The doctor must have heard her because he opened his eyes and began blushing madly. He quickly pulled out of the kiss and stood up. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'lllllll be going now. The patient's mouth is in excellent condition." he said, sprinting out the door.

"Oh, hey Dash," said Pinkie nonchalantly, as the door swung closed with a click. "How are you doing on this super special splendorific day?"

"But... you... he... kiss... not... couple..." sputtered Dash, her mind not fully comprehending what she just saw.

"Oh, oh, is this a game? Are we talking like caveponies?" said Pinkie, "Yes, me, him, kiss. What, you, need? You, visit, me? I, happy!" she said, smiling.

Dash finally managed to close her mouth before she started drooling on the floor. "What were you doing?!" she shouted.

"I was kissing him to help him feel better. He said he wasn't having a very good day," said Pinkie, dropping her ridiculous game idea. "And it worked too! He started feeling better right away!"

Dash facehooved, almost giving herself a black eye. "Pinkie, that's not what you do to make somepony feel better. Just do what you always do and throw a party or something."

"You're silly Dash, that's silly. I can't throw a party here, there isn't enough room. And my bed is in here, that would be just weird. Besides," said Pinkie, adopting a sad expression. "The doctor said it will hurt to laugh for at least a week or two..."

"Why is that?" asked Dash, her mind still not working at full speed.

Pinkie gestured to an almost invisible pink cast wrapped around her body. "Alexander broke one of my ribs, and now it hurts to breath, not to mention laugh, or cry, or cough, or pretty much anything else," she said sadly, her hair deflating slightly. "It's kind of my fault though, if I hadn't been so enthusiastic about meeting him this wouldn't have happened."

Dash was so mad at Alexander she could barely think straight. "He broke your rib?" she hissed out through clenched teeth. "And you are blaming yourself?!"

"Now Dash," Pinkie said, "Remember to brush your teeth after every meal."

Say wha?

"I can see some leftover apple in your teeth," said Pinkie, as she leaned closer to get a better look. "That apple was meant for somepony else, I hope whoever you took it from forgives you. I also know that Alexander is not a fish, and you are not a goat. But if you like we can elope after I reach the age of ninety. I also believe in popcorn, but not in corn fluff, or carrots. Carrots are nasty, I hate carrots. You know what I mean?"

"Sense make not!" shouted Dash. "...I mean, start making sense!"

"All I'm saying is cool off a little before you talk to Alexander," said Pinkie, nodding sagely.

"Good bye, Pinkie, I'll see you later," said Dash, leaving the room. Her mind in the process of exploding from so called 'Pinkie Logic.'

"Bye, Dashie!" said Pinkie, waving excitedly and wincing slightly.

Dash walked out of the hospital room to see a line of eight doctors lined up outside of Pinkie's room. They seemed to be rehearsing their sob stories and unhappy faces. Dash just shook her head and moved on. Regardless of what Pinkie said I'm still going to have a talk with Alexander today. Although, her mindless babbling may have had it's intended purpose, I no longer have a strong urge to kick his shin. Not as strong at least. He had no right to hurt me or Pinkie when all we were doing was talking to him... Or whatever you call Pinkie greetings.

Dash looked behind herself to see the first doctor walking into Pinkie's room, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Awwwww, are you having a bad day too..." Pinkie was saying, as Dash moved out of earshot.

She muttered, "Pinkie Pie, I will never understand you..."