• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,135 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 10: Missing

Chapter 10: Missing

Several Hours Later, Morning...

Rainbow Dash slowly regained consciousness and was greeted with a massive headache, leg ache, back ache, wing ache, and a rather particular soreness. What happened last night? she thought, opening her eyes not even bothering to try and move yet. Blinking sleepily she thought to herself, Last night I... Hmmmm... Yesterday afternoon... I was at the hospital... He... said... Yes! he told me I could leave but... Right, he said I had to go to Twilight's house so if there was an emergency she could teleport me to the hospital... I walked to the library... Twilight invited me in... She got me some bed stuff... Then I went to sleep... then... Creature! No, wait, what did Twilight say...? Alexander! "Aluhesendr," she said with malice, or at least tried to. Why is there a rag in my mouth? she thought, trying to spit out the rag. Failing to do so she realized something, ...I remember a dream about Alexander... On second thought I don't think that was a dream... She suddenly began remembering some details of the "dream." "Twuhhit!" she yelled through the gag, as she got to her hooves. Dash promptly fell over thanks to braided pieces of her blanket tied around her legs. The ropes were tied around her fore hooves and hind hooves, hindering her movement and making it impossible to walk normally.

"Twuhhit!" she tried again hobbling toward the stairs to Twilight's room.

"I love it when you talk technical, " Twilight gigged quietly.

Say what? thought Dash, falling down again.

"You can put your test tube in my incubator any time," said Twilight, somehow managing to sound seductive while sleeping.

"Twuhhit!" she yelled, louder this time. What the hay is she talking about?

"Oh yes," she moaned, "tell me again how big it can expand when it gets hot..."

"Tuh-hgt!" she tried, That just sounds creepy.

"It's so big, I bet I could get plenty of samples out of it..." she moaned breathlessly.

Dash sighed in defeat and smacked her head on the floor. I guess I'll just have to wait until she finishes her perverted nerdy sex dream, and have to listen to every second of it. Celestia, why me?

"Ohhhh," moaned Twilight, "I should really taste your samples to make- Wha?- Who said that?" said Twilight, apparently hearing Dash's head hit the floor.

"Twuhhit! Drn heer!" she called with renewed vigor.

Dash saw a disheveled looking Twilight appear at the top of the stairs. "What happened!" she screeched, teleporting next to Dash, deciding the stairs were too slow.

Dash gave Twilight a cross looking stare, waiting for her to realize she couldn't respond with the gag in her mouth.

"Oh, right." she said sheepishly, as she undid the knots holding Dash's gag in place. "So, what happened?" she demanded.

Dash spit out the rag and glared at Twilight, "A little help with my hooves," she said, Honestly, do I have to spell it out for you?

Dash was suddenly thrown in the air as Twilight ripped of the ropes around her hooves and dumped her unceremoniously on the ground. Dash's legs were unprepared for the sudden usage and she face planted in front of Twilight. "Twilight! Not cool," she groaned as she got to her hooves.

"What. Happened. To. You." said Twilight, grabbing Dash's shoulders with her hooves and staring into her eyes.

"It was Alexander, he... he..." as Dash started saying the sentence, the full implications of what had happened finally took effect. "He- he- rap- used me," she sobbed out, tears leaking down her face.

Twilight's face softened and she pulled Rainbow into a hug, "Shhhhh... It's okay Rainbow."

"No it's not," sobbed Dash, as she felt a tingle run through her body.

"No really, it's okay," said Twilight, in an entirely different tone of voice, "You're completely fine, aside from the broken wing."

"What are you talking about?" Dash choked out, "It's not okay, I just got rap-"

"No you didn't, Rainbow, Alexander never laid a hoof on you," Twilight interjected, "I just magically scanned you and the results show you haven't had sex in the past twenty-four hours."

"So why am I sore?" asked Dash.

"According to the books I've read, that comes from not being able to move while tied up," Twilight replied with confidence.

"Oh..." said Rainbow, finally calmed down enough to stop crying. "Twilight?" Dash asked.


"What does the spell do exactly?" Dash asked, wiping the tears from her face.

"It's a really cool spell I invented," said Twilight excitedly, "but for your sake I'll simplify the explanation. In essence, the spell tells me when somepony had sex and with who, within twenty-four hours.

"Why did you invent a spell to do that?" asked Dash, her innocent voice betrayed by the hard look in her eyes.

"Uhhhhhhhhh... A mare has to have her hobbies, right?" said Twilight, awkwardly rubbing her hoof behind her head.

"That's just sick."

"Its not like I tell anyone what I know," said Twilight, chuckling nervously, "That could be bad..."

"How many ponies have you used it on?" Dash asked with anger in her voice.

"Everypony, everyday, for almost a year now..." said Twilight, not looking Rainbow in the eye.











"...Well I'm going to take a shower now, and if I ever feel you use that spell on me again I'm gonna tell the entire town what you've been doing," said Dash, walking up the stairs.

Twilight's eyes widened. "You have my word, never again," she said, shivering slightly.

"And send a letter to our friends so we can round up a search party," said Dash, reaching the top of the stairs

"Consider it done, I'll give the letters to Ditzy for special delivery and tell her to join us in the forest after work. Oh, and I'll take a shower when you're done so I can freshen up before we go looking for Alexander, so make sure you don't trash the bathroom too much," said Twilight, as she started writing the letters.

"Yeah, I'll bet you need to clean yourself after that dream," muttered Dash, once she was out of earshot.

Dash and Twilight finished their showers and were sitting down in Twilight's kitchen waiting for everypony to arrive.

"Ummmmmmm, Dash?" asked Twilight hesitantly.

"Mumph?" said Dash, through a mouthful of hay sandwich.

"You won't tell any of our friends about my... hobby... will you?"

Rainbow swallowed her food before replying, "Only if you promise not to tell them about my 'reaction' this morning."

"Deal," they said simultaneously.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Spike!" shouted Twilight. "Can you... be here so you can open the door..." she finished, substantially quieter.

Rainbow sighed, "I'll get it." Dash walked over to the door and opened it, and was met with an unusual sight. What in the hay is going on here? I see Applejack in a pink, fur-tight, silk dress, Rarity with noticeable bags under her eyes chanting "Pretty Applejack," a depressed Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy looks like she hasn't eaten anything in days. "Welcome everypony, come on in," is what she actually said, deciding nopony would appreciate her calling them imposters.

Twilight walked out the door and said, "Don't even bother coming inside, we are leaving now anyways so-"

Pinkie Pie went from depressed to crazed in a second and pounced on Twilight yelling, " Where is he?! Were is the new pony?!"

Twilight levitated Pinkie of off her saying, "We are going to find him today in the Everfree Forest, so the sooner we get moving the sooner you meet him."

*Poof* Went Pinkie's hair, returning itself, along with Pinkie, back to normal. "Yay!" she yelled, bouncing around on the outside wall of the library.

Wait, what? All of the mares stared open mouthed at the gravity defying abnormality. Twilight was the first to recover and shut the door to the library.

"Alright, everypony, lets find Alexander!" said Twilight, leading the way into the Everfree Forest.

"Help me," whispered Applejack, stumbling after Twilight, still not used to the constricting dress.

"Fashion is beautiful!" crackled Rarity, apparently not quite right in the head after being awake for Celestia knows how many hours.

"New pony!" screeched Pinkie Pie, as she tied Fluttershy's tail to her one wheeled bicycle and started pedaling away.

"..." said Fluttershy as she was being dragged backwards behind Pinkie.

Rainbow facehooved before following after her friends. I wish Ditzy was here, because then I would actually have somepony sane to talk to.

Author's Note:

It appears I have come down with the terminal illness that is Writer's Block. Why is it terminal you ask? Because next chapter will probably be featuring Ditzy and Alex, I just can't write it right now. And because I just said that instead of keeping it to myself will make some of my readers very... "eager" for the next chapter.